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The world and life is depressing if you let things get to you. I like conspiracies because half of them are straight up comedy and others are closer to the truth than mainstream media shows. The drive in life has always to come from within you, regardless from what happens out there. You can make the difference to your world (family, friends, job, etc) ;)


been studying conspiracies for 12 years while smoking a fat doob. will probably never stop.


Same bro... but more like 17 or 18 years. It's amazing how much shit has actually happened that was predicted a decade + ago. It feels great to just be informed about stuff even if you can't control any of it.


Amen brotha The way I see it. Conspiracies are turning into current events. The most interesting of times is now.


man that must be one faaaaaat doobie.


Sometimes I wonder if a lot of what's pushed is just a psyop to literally cause this type of reaction


Now that's a conspiracy.


Yuri Bezmenov said that’s what it is. It’s demoralization.


In my opinion a good "conspiracy theorist" is just a skeptic who entertains out-of-the-box thinking and questioning widely believed narratives. Conspiratorial thought *should* act as something akin to a thought experiment, recontextualizing previously held beliefs and ideas about a subject and applying new or alternative information. It's *suppose* to be a way of expanding your perception of the world and allow you to view it through different lenses. This sub has, like many others on Reddit, become somewhat of an echo chamber. It's not necessarily a "conspiracy" sub, nor has it been for sometime. It's closer to an alternative news sub, and that can be disheartening. I remain here because I think it's important to see alternative viewpoints, even if I find them to be distasteful and often faulty. But I also can understand the impulse to step back, and take a break. Being continuously exposed to negative content *will* affect your thinking, and that altered thinking translates to altered behaviors and beliefs. Just try to remember the absurdity of life, maintain a sense of humor about the world, it's events and history, and most importantly yourself. No one here and now has the full picture, and no one in the history of life has been correct about the full picture. Anyone claiming that they "know the truth" is lying, either to you or themselves(myself included, I'm just a random dude on the internet). The best anyone can truly offer is their perspective and information, it's up to you to decide what you do with those. Wish you the best in whatever path you go forward in. Again, this is all *my* *opinion*, so don't take it as the best anwser available.


I like to travel.


And then I turn the page and begin anew. I look at these ooogie boogie goona get everyone stories and am often amused at the outrageousnesses that human minds are capable of threading together. The thought gymnastics that are displayed are entertaining and often I am inspired to also unsubscribe because of the sheer volumes of nonsensical shenaniganeries that are unwrapped and laid out for slaughter on this sub. Is like most things that are unhealthy or over spiced, modicums of moderations are to be applied.


Thats the cost of not being ignorant


If you can't handle it you can stop. Once you've gone too deep though, it will always come back to you in some way, shape, or form. Your curiosity got you this far. It's too late now you can't unsee it.


Take breaks. The new world order will be there tomorrow. This has been highly beneficial for me. I've honestly been forever changed and have disconnected from pop culture because of this forum and many other resources. The remedy for my conspiracy driven depression has been....as corny as it sounds....WHOLESOMENESS Wholesome things are the best way to reconnect with the world. Focus on learning how to cook, eat better, and grocery shop better. Focus on exercise and your health. Focus on your home, apartment, etc. Learning DIY stuff is very rewarding. The best part is that all of those things are great conversation topics to use with anyone, anywhere. Go try a restaurant, read reviews on it, then talk about it with someone. The funny thing is that focusing on wholesome things is actually what everyone needs to do to defeat most of the evil conspiracies. Think about it, do the elites really want a healthy, self-sufficient, family oriented person who is knowledgeable about local businesses, local politics that gets 8 hours of sleep? Focus on the wholesome bro


This is what I needed to see today. This is a great message. Ive been slowly finding wholesome stuff to do and see and it does make a difference. Thank you for this.


You're more than welcome. It's nice to know my shouts into the ether helped someone.


Just take a break for a week or two and see how you feel.


I get this sometimes too, i just take a break from it all because eventually i know i want to get back in. But sometimes its good to take a break, from news, the subs, social media. It gives you also a whole new look into it everytime you dive back in. Right now there is so much misinformation, propoganda, fear mongering. If they are going to war, you will hear it. With or without the news and etc.


Just don’t get online. Use your phone less. Get an hobby that requires you to put your phone down




mf Abyss, after while it does start staring back at you but once you make it through you feel untouchable, almost God tier confidence, drippin with Armor no arrow or weapon can pierce until God says so


need more paranormal, metaphysical stuff in this sub, the repetition of the (same) geo-political topics have gotten exhaustive. I remember when this sub was mostly about ufos, inter-dimensional travel, cryptids and spiritual entities… more, please


Exactly! I met a guy a few years back that told me he saw big foot pick up a boulder and smash it in upstate New York. Hopefully that helps the craving a bit!


Yeah it's definitely the fuller topic. If you think humans have spirits and souls and that non human entities exist you really couldn't have a rational conversation about geopolitics without getting into space yeti gods that secretly control France through a network of Vatican approved Jesuit molemen


I involuntarily witnessed an exorcism once… changed me for life!




You're not alone


This is why I spread joy. When I encouraged the masked to go maskless, I sang the YMCA. It boosted spirits & ditched many masks. We have a NWO to defeat, but we can do so joyfully & with humor. Rush, Catturd, Donald J. Trump & Dave Chapelle all show us this.


Lol you sound like Alex Stine. I just trust that God has a plan and I don't fear death. That all depends on if you believe in God though.


I stopped watching MSM in 2010, and that def helped me feel less angry/depressed. I moderate how much of this forum I consume, and take random breaks for weeks at a time. Not so much because being here makes me depressed, but I buy into the Law of Attraction (to a certain extent) and don’t want to “ask” the universe for this shit, ya know? 😵‍💫


Way I see it, ignoring things helped get us into this mess. So it’s our penance in a way to be awake.


Too much propaganda here. Dont choose any sides. Just take care of yourself.


Take breaks, because Conspiracies will do this to our mental health.


It's a choice. Open-mindedness isn't a curse, it's an option. Many hard truths exist, I would argue it's better to be aware of the possibility and atleast somewhat prepared, as opposed to unaware entirely.


And this is why I'll probably stay. I am pretty good at doing my own research to spot the bogus conspiracies, but with the Internet how it is today it's becoming increasingly harder to search up relevant information.


Trump broke the internet with Pizzagate Q and Epstein, they had to basically "nuke" the whole thing because too much information was coming out no pun intended


Not depressed, but annoyed at home many people frequent this sub and still have NO FUCKING CLUE who their actual enemies are.


Meh. That's how any current events news history thing turns out eventually Sometimes it's nice to just bask in the reflection of peoples foil


Was depressed before I came here a long time ago


Bro, this is the biggest pile of shit in the Universe. Do not take it seriously. Throw some shade and enjoy it for what it is, the biggest pile of shit in the Universe.


No... Not really. There's a difference between fact, theorising and hypothesis. If it interferes with your daily life, by all means leave. Some may be accurate, others slightly off and way off. But nevertheless, the ability to think, discover and learn what others will not (mainly due to fear and perception)... Makes our minds open to new and difficult dangers. We are the informed minority (from a unique POV). We are willing to ask questions the majority do not. And in turn, are the border between a fall of mindless ignorance, even if we are a little quacky in a sense. Would some totalitarian measures really have been ridden if people like us refused to bring what we know and think to light? Does our ability to debate and encourage others with more influence to question things we ourselves may want answers to, open the ability for others to discover the truth? People cannot change if they cannot be informed. People look at themselves as just a spectacle in a sea of an unimaginable majority to drown us out. But yet have no thought as to the magnitude of their own impact of thoughts that can be communicated in so many ways. Idk if you read 1984 by George Orwell. But he said "To tell the truth in a world of lies, is a revolutionary act". What he missed out, is the inability to decipher what that truth really is. But that is why people like us must seek it. But it must always come with a burden. Newton's third law states; that there is an equal and opposite reaction in nature. What you know and say you know, has a consequence. Lest we forget what and how we communicate that truth, if it is the truth at all!


I am here for the laughs, honestly.


yea, same here.. i need a break from doom and gloom. but i don't want to miss anything.. lol


I do. But I'm not leaving. It's an outlet that allows me to actually have other people that have an inkling of an idea about these topics. But I do have puppies and kitten articles that pop up and other such interests to help break the monotony of the depressing information. Because I already know, delving into dark topics, brings darkness into your life. But, it's not bad. Just gotta remember it's important, and it's important to take care of your selves mentally and spiritually.


If you think that you should leave do so. I like to come here and read what people think. I find these theories funny, interesting, bizarre, but always entertaining. I don't take them seriously. If you take them seriously and it makes you depressed, by all means, stop reading them.


There’s still conspiracy theories here? Usually all the posts I see are just right wing nut jobs slamming the left.


No but sometimes I have nightmares after reading this sub at night lol


You are not alone. You are however tired of no one doing anything about it. It's ok to go out and touch grass.


This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. Remember, all I'm offering is the truth and nothing more.


We do live in an extremely messed up world. I prefer to know what is really going on but I totally feel you. With everything I know I can’t envision a positive future but what can we do. All we can do is try to enlighten others and keep fighting the good fight. Hang in there my friend.


just go. watch cnn or something


Now that's a laugh!


The end will come so fast it will be over. Trump isnt shit.


I love conspiracies but I don’t believe any of it. It’s mind boggling for me how serious people are about this .


If you can't handle it, then you have other stuff you should probably be focusing on. And if you can't handle it, you're gonna have trouble discerning actual truth from fiction anyways.


Bye Felicia


Sometimes, but i also know that's part of the psyop, so try and resist. Doomerism is an ancient phenomenon they have been wrong for millenia, and that will continue As messed up as it is the evil elite, despite the ranting and raving 9have no interest in an apocalypse. Trustfumd fund babies are not mad max, and they know it. Most of us, that are not in Gaza or other hotspots. are safe, though we will all get robbed. Life goes on, and it's better here than elsewhere The world is not ending cause climate the bible or anything else. Sorry doomers


Yes, and conspiracy theories tend not to be popular with people who are well-adjusted and enjoying their lives to the fullest, but very popular to others


you gotta move like you dont know whats goin on even when you know whats goin on...dont go left or right we gotta wiggle out they mazes and thats different for every situation


You know old joke that we need to come up with new conspiracy theories because all the old ones are coming true..........


Why would “conspiracies” depress you? Seems like it’s more the realization that most of them are real. Not if.


Some people can’t handle conspiracies. Me personally there’s an entertainment aspect, there is an aspect of listening to different perspectives and then putting it all together for myself what seems most logical. For me it’s a positive experience. Some people panic and say “what can I do about all of this?” others respond with “prepping”. Does it hurt to learn how to can food or grow a garden? Does it hurt to have cash on hand or precious metals? Does it hurt to have a little extra food around? As long as you don’t go overboard, best case you never really needed any of these things and you walk away with a couple of hobbies. That’s just one example of how to channel doom and gloom conspiracies into something positive.


I blame some users who are blatantly posting fear mongering and agenda posts.


I'm schizo, so conspiracy theories I didn't come up with make me feel mentally stable 🤘🏻 Just wish there were better conspiracies on the sub


Depressed? Maybe. Mainly because the last years this sub is just straight propaganda and misinformation from russian/chinese/whatever bots.


This sub has gone downhill in the recent years with the efficient bots and shills ever present in this sub. But do not give up, do not feel disheartened. Talk to real people in your life, this sub and legacy media will make you feel alone but you're not alone. Talk to real people, seek alternative media and forums, when they make us feel alone we are weak. If we start to band together or organize, then they are in trouble. Do you hear the people sing?




Truth hurts, but turning a blind eye to it does not help, makes more complice.


A rapid theory replacement is necessary due to the pace that the old ones are being proven accurate.


I am here for the laughs. I have lost count of the number of times members of this sub have admitted to being high /on drugs when posting on here.