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I only got it once that was the year I got the most sick never again.


I never had the flu shot and have never had the flu. My husband used to get the flu shot every year before we met, and every year without fail he’d get the flu. The first year we were together, he mentioned that he needed to get his flu shot and I asked him why? He said "Idk, I just always get it every year." And I said "Huh, interesting. I’ve actually never had the shot and I’ve never had the flu." He looked at me with a surprised look and said "Seriously? I get the flu every year, even with the shot". I suggested that he just skip the shot that year to see what would happen. 8.5 years later, he hasn’t had a shot or the flu since. Anecdotal evidence, yes, just sharing our experience. Oh, we’re both 35 btw.


Same. Never had the flu vaccine or the flu. Everyone else I know gets the flu with their vaccine.


I've had the flu shot 3 times. I got the flu each time, AND I had a mild reaction to the shot that made me sick. Gave up on it after I realized the pattern and haven't had the flu since.


i watched a bunch of people I worked with all get the flu right after getting flu shots. Sort of mind boggling the cognitive dissonance


Yep, same here. Never once had the flu vaccine or the flu.


I’ve never had the flu. I did receive flu shots when I was elementary age but never had an adverse reaction or contracted the flu. As an adult I’ve never received a flu shot and still have yet to experience the flu. I don’t think the flu likes me or perhaps I’m asymptomatic. From what I understand Flu shots are notoriously unreliable as they are made from a prediction of what the most common strains will be for each year. The strains that go around cannot always be predicted accurately, so the shots generally have a relatively low efficacy.


Same. No flu shot, never had the flu. No covid shot, never had covid. At some point these anecdotes become a pattern.


People at work that were really giving me a hard time, including my boss about not getting the covid vaccine are still "shocked" I still haven't gotten covid. It's like they are disappointed because they keep getting it. I don't get the flu either (don't take that shot) They are always surprised the whole office is out sick while I am here. They think it's because I have good "genes" I think another thing but how dare I speak of it to them.


I tend to get 'good genes' too. Last time i was sick i was maybe 13 years old. Not even a cold since. I have never gotten a flu shot in my life, even as a kid, because my parents didn't see the point. "You're young, you'll get over the flu." If people want to consider me genetically superior then that's up to them, but i think it's just letting my several hundred million years evolved immune system work as intended. Stop messing with the system.


Same here, never got, was heavily guilted into it by doctors when my wife was pregnant, gave in, and spent 2 weeks sicker than I'd ever been.


Me too! Never had any reason to get a flu shot before, but one year, for some reason my mom kept pressuring me very intensely and I finally caved in and got it. That year I ended up with influenza TWICE, and was hospitalized both times, once in November and once in January. The second time almost killed me, I had gone septic from the fever/dehydration. I was perfectly healthy, in my late 20s. Had never had issues with the flu before. 😒


Then they say, well thank god you got the vaccine it would have been so much worse! Wtf


yOU wEre aLREaDy SiCK


That’s fucking terrifying.


Yup I had like 4 weeks off work in a row when Id hardly ever taken sick days off at all earlier on in my life.


Same.. wrecked me and never got it again. I rarely get sick


I'm still not allowed at family functions of any kind because I wouldn't get the vaccine since I recovered from covid early on in the pandemic and my family is still singing the same sad song. They put my father through the whole series of vaccines and boosters when he was stage 4 with pancreatic cancer .. talk about about trying to squeeze out every nickel


Got it twice, both times got extremely sick Once was a fluke twice was not a coincidence


Yep and that was a very long time ago. First time getting it as a teenager and i will never forget how sick i got that year. I normally got sick once every 4-5 years and it was monthly (some times back to back) after the shot. Been over 20 yrs since and never again.


I’ll second this. Never again.


Me too. The one and only time I got the flu shot, that winter was the sickest I’ve ever been. Got the flu and a couple of colds. About 10 years ago. I randomly got it when I walked pass a flu clinic during lunch. Never bothered with the flu shot again and I haven’t had the flu since.


Every year I’ve gotten the flu shot I’ve…gotten the flu. Sickest I’ve ever been. I stopped getting the flu shot years before COVID. Every year without the flu shot I quite literally don’t get sick. Or if I do it’s very minor and only lasts 1-2 days. Maybe I’ve just been miraculously lucky 🤷‍♂️


This is a fact, I know better now. I will not be a lab rat.


I got it once because the year before I got the flu and developed bronchitis…it wasn’t terrible. Just a lingering cough for two months that didn’t hurt. Now…never getting it again.


Same. Last time I got one was about 15 years ago, never had the flu as an adult before or since then. I was so sick I felt like my body was shutting down almost.


Same. In 2016 I said heck no why am I doing this to myself? Flu and flu shot free ever since


Shit yeah I can't believe it because I've been relatively healthy I never really took any sick days off work at all ever because I love my job and just didn't really get that sick. Until I got the flu jab and then I was feeling run down all the time. No point taking something that's going to make you worse eh


Exactly. Same thing happened to me. Knocked me out of work for days. My family has various auto-immune issues, so I chalked it up to that and considered myself excluded from intended functionality.


Same. Never again. And neither will my kids.


Same happened to me many years ago. Only time I got it. Extremely unwell. Never again.


Me too. Got it for the first time and then, bam! Super ill for about 4 days. Never again.


Used to always make me sick. Last one was 2003. Still have never had the flu. Never getting another one.


Hold up wtf, I'm doing the math here and I'm pretty sure the one year I was bedridden with the flu for a week was the only year in my life I got the flu shot cause my sister had a kid.


Happened to me when I was a kid. Worst fever ever. Felt like I was going to die. Still have a fucked up ear from that shit. Last and only time my mom decided to get me to take a flu shot. If you guys want context on this, this was some year my mom decided to watch too much news, it was spinning fear porn about the "worst flu season" etc etc, get your kids the flu shot etc etc.






Yep ME TO!


Exactly this! It has been over 20 years now.


Dude...same here. I missed over a week of school and was so ill. I got the nasal mist flu vaccine that year. Only time I've had a flu vaccine.


Same here, when I was in the army and forced to get it, always got the damn flu sense I stopped getting the shot no flu so weird 🤷‍♂️


Same got it once in 2007 and have never been so sick. A whole year of sick. Never again.


Yup me too. Also got it once, super sick. That was twenty years ago. I never get a flu shot, and funny enough have also not had the flu in 15 years.


Same here. The last time I got it was like 2006-7. I was violently ill for like two weeks right after. Coincidence? Maybe, but I haven't had the flu since.


never had it, never will


Got it twice & those were the only times I got the flu haha so no thanks to flu shot.


Never had a flu vaccine. My grandfather died from a flu vaccine in 1986. I have been anti-vaxx ever since then.


I never started


I never got a flu vaccine. I mean why?


I never started, so no.


Never started


Was forced in the military to take it. Stopped when I got out in 2007 and haven’t had a bad cold since. When I was taking it I got sick every fucking time. No coincidence


Same here, never took it until the military. Got sick as hell. Got out never had it again, I feel much healthier than when I was in.


Does anybody try to refuse it in the military? What would happen?


Not following orders in the military is a jailable offense. They don’t fuck around.


Woah.... I know the term "literally me" is used as a meme, but it really applies here. I got out in 2007, and that was the last time I received it. Since then, the worst I've had is the sniffles once every 5 years or so.


Only people I know to get a bad flu are the family and friends that get the flu shot, makes no sense


Makes sense to me - it’s the shot that makes people sick.


Makes sense to me. Vaccines weaken immune system


My husband refused. I don't know how the hell he got away with it. He was forced to take a 2nd series of anthrax because they lost the record that he had already gotten it. He has never been more relieved to be out of the military than during covid.


I never got severely sick in the military except in boot camp. Got the flu shot every year without illness for 8 years then when I got out I skipped the shot and got extremely ill in 2013 but never had the flu or vaccines since then until covid got me 2 yrs ago. It wasn't that bad for me so fuck that vaccine and them flu shots.


Never understood why anyone got it since the beginning and that was before I even learned about how terrible big pharma is.


Never understood the need for flu shot. And F the C shot!


I only got it once like a decade ago and I got the flu after.


Same. Fool me once…


Can’t get fooled again.


I haven't had flu vaccine since 2008, and haven't had the flu since then either.


I never did but was recently due for my tetanus shot and got it but was super skeptical. Feel like I can’t trust any of them now


I used to get a flu shot every year going back 30 years or more with no complications ever. I would have been first in line for the Covid shot but for one small thing. I got Covid before the shot was available for me. My wife got Covid the same time as me and though her symptoms were a little different from mine, we both didn’t require any medical intervention and just stayed in quarantine for 14 days. We were both tested and it was definitely Covid. After seeing how the vax was pushed even for those who had natural immunity, I had to question if the flu vaccine is necessary and concluded the pharma companies have lost all credibility. I won’t be getting anymore flu shots.


Exactly the same here. We got COVID in Feb of 2019, right before the lockdowns. We all had various severity of symptoms, but my husband was the only one who needed Dr. intervention, which resulted in mucinex, antibiotics, z pack & zinc. He improved within 48hrs of treatment after being very sick for a week. Seeing the strange propaganda like transformation of media & basically everything a month later, when the lockdowns began, was unsettling. It prompted me to begin questioning the powers behind it all. Why push something so relentlessly that is nowhere near tested or proven? I'd never before seen anything like it & naturally was suspicious. Now I find it difficult to trust anything that's freely promoted. The way the VID was handled broke my trust.


Haven't got it over 15 years. I honestly get the flu a hell of a lot less now...


Every time I got the flu vaccine I got the flu… I haven’t had either in probably 10 years. Knock on wood.


I've not had a vaccine since 1964.


I stopped getting it a few yrs ago. Used to get it yearly. Ph.D in Vax development and I don't trust pharma anymore


Are you still working in the industry? What/when was the breaking point for trusting pharma if you don't mind sharing.


I'm in animal health now. I stopped after all the bs with the push for covid vaccines, mandates, free donuts for shots, lol. Furthermore, some of the conspiracy discussion here about covid turned out to be right and that only solidified my distrust of the industry.


Damn, that's awesome. Glad you were able to stick with an adjacent profession and put your previous experience to work. Thanks for the reply. I've spoken with a few different nurses that had a very similar outlook on how C19 was handled. A little skeptical of my last GP that tried to push a booster on me a couple months ago.


"...free donuts for shots, lol." Those were wild times. I'm glad that you saw the light.


Mind sharing any of your research?


Never had it, never will, no more vaccines ever again.


I echo this sentiment. No more for me. Ever.


Yes. I’ll never take another “vaccine”.


I'll never take one or make my kids get any either. These people are monsters for what they're doing and should all be hanged.


I pretty much avoid Dr's at all costs these days.


Got a flu shot in 1986 and got so sick that I almost got kicked out of jump school. NEVER been that sick again.


Last flu shot was in 2020. Since then, there’s stories of flu shots getting swapped with Covid shots, pharma combining the Covid and flu shots, converting flu shots to mRNA, etc… And of course, the same people who brazenly lied about the Covid shots are suddenly telling people to get flu shots… It was enough to make me NOPE out of it entirely.


I got the flu vaccine in 2020… ended up with pericarditis from it. No flu vaccine ever again lol


Never got a flu shot. Don't know if I ever will. Didn't get the Covid shot either. I will NOT be getting that. EVER!


Have never taken it. It was BS from the beginning


Purely anecdotal but when I was 21 Or so I got the flu vaccine as it was offered free from work and I was in the office anyways. What followee was a severe sickness that lasted 2 days (I'm a healthy fit man with no underlying health issues at 33 and this incident continues to be the most sick I have ever been) For basically two days I slept on my floor because standing up was painful and I felt so weak.. I'd sleep and wake up shivering...then fall back asleep and wake up an hour later boiling up, occasionally crawl to the toilet to do my business and spew up. It might seem a little unfair because it could be a total coincidence but I just don't see much of a point of getting the flu shot anymore


We used to get it as kids right before the 3 day weekend "the vaccine doesn't make you sick" everyone sick all weekend. Stopped getting the shot, I haven't had the flu in 20 years.


Never trusted those 15+ years ago. Sure not now.


Lmao yea I got it when I was younger and always got the flu anyways so I'm not bothering anymore and weirdly I don't get sick often


The only time I took the flu vaccine was when I was in the army, and I had to. That was also, to no surprise, the absolute worst flu of my life.


Got it one time about 12 years ago, never been sicker. Never again.


It was mandated where I worked and I stopped taking it far before Covid was a thing. The short of it is that it did not prevent me from contracting the flu and I’ve yet to see any evidence it lessened the severity or the length of of the illness.


Maybe it’s real purpose was to condition us into believing it’s normal for “vaccines” to fail often, and to be needed annually.


I got the flu vaccine one time, I was pregnant with my 2nd to term baby, had a really bad miscarriage the year before and my ob was insistent that it would protect him etc etc. within 24hrs I couldn’t get out of bed, my husband had to carry me down the stairs to get me to the hospital. By the time we got there I was damn near in shock. They said I likely had the flu but my flu tests weren’t detecting any of the strains. Turns out the “new “ h1n1 became a thing a few weeks, maybe a month later. You’ll never be able to convince me they didn’t inject me with it. I’ve never been that sick ever in my life before or after. My son was also born with several rare health issues.


I never got the flu vaccine either. There was a Canadian study years ago that showed repeated flu vaccines made you more likely to get it. The most effective preventive treatment for respiratory viruses is adequate levels of Vitamin D.


I got it once years ago and got the flu bad. Never got it again.


I've never gotten a flu shot. The numbers don't even make sense to justify getting one. It's a guesstimate as to what strain will even show up that season, with a 40-60 percent chance of effectiveness. I'm good with pumping my body with that shit on a yearly basis. I've had the flu one time in my life.


I don’t get it anymore and won’t be getting the other one either. I can’t trust what they might be sneaking into it at this point. My faith in the vaccine medical community has been eroded to almost nothing in the last few years


Whaddaya mean stop? I researched vaccines a long time ago.


never have, never will


Noone i know gets the flu shot and that was before the plandemic


I’ve never gotten it. Nor did I get the jab. I’ve gone years without getting the flu. Drink lots of water, workout, take zinc and vitamin d. That’s all u need.


YES!!!!! I got my one and ONLY flu vaccine while pregnant with my 3rd child in 2010. It made me violently ill... had to be hospitalized. Since then I have refused all flu vaccines and especially "FLU VACCINES ESPECIALLY FOR PREGNANT WOMEN"... UNNECESSARY BULLSHIT


I have. I don't trust them to keep their COVID bullshit out of it


Yeah i believe it’s just putting poison in your body


Yes I stopped. The last time I got the flu shot was maybe in 2012 and I remember being so sick afterwards. To the point where I promised myself I would never do it again. Well, I haven’t. And I haven’t had the flu since then. I barely even get colds anymore. It’s all anecdotal evidence of course but I will never get another one. That poison makes you sick just like everything else the pharma companies shove down your throat.


I got the booster and a month after they started their bs how I needed to take a third in 6 months I said fk it i am done with these fking clowns.


Done with all vaccines.


I have my immune system for that


Never had he shot, never had the flu. Even though experts say its impossible, there are literally thousands of "anecdotal" stories about flu shot related flu. How many anecdotes does it take to make something a statistic?


I stopped getting em after I got out of the Navy . Every time I got it when I was in , I got sick without fail . I’d rather just not get it and roll the dice 50-50 on whether I get the flu during flu season 🤷‍♀️


Yup. Won't touch it again. Now questioning every vaccine.


If it wasn't for my vaccine sycophant ex husband, I would have never had a flu vaccine nor would my children. If I can help it, we will never have another vaccine ever again.


Never got a flu shot. Never got the flu. Truth. In my 50s.


I taught for 14 years and never needed it so I’m definitely not about to start.


Never picked up any shots, even as a kid. I never ever get sick. Never ever will I submit either


Yes. I got one about 30 years ago. Haven’t had one since.


Haven’t gotten the flu shot for 10 years (35M)… for me it just got me sick with the flu, so I stopped taking it. I have had the flu maybe twice in those 10 years


Haven't had one in over 20 years.


I never got it to begin with


Never had tbe flu shot in 35 years, never had the flu.


last time i got a flu shot was around 2009. i refuse to call it a vaccine because it does not perform as per the proper definition of 'vaccine'. just like the covid shots don't. back when my kid was in private childcare, it was heavily recommended by childcare that we get the flu shot due to some immunocompromised/elderly close contacts the childcare provider had. and so we got the flu shot, so we'd not rock the boat. plus i didn't know then what i know now about some of the shots out there, and how messed up the medical industry is. and so for the five years my kid was in that childcare, we both got the flu shot every fall. and we both got sick with flu symptoms pretty much every damn year. not at the time we got the flu shots, but later on. since changing childcare in 2009 and no longer being heavily recommended to get it, we stopped doing flu shots the moment i didn't feel we had to any more. so it's been a 'few' years. and since 2009 i personally have only had mild/moderate flu symptoms once. about a decade ago. and it was for less than half a day. i think my kid had one day, once. and our instances of getting cold symptoms also went way down too, since 2009. and that's despite taking the public bus everywhere and being exposed to a tin can of germs on wheels nearly daily. i think we'll keep on NOT getting the flu shot.


Haven't gotten the flu vaccine in 10 yrs and I haven't had the flu since. But that's just me.


Got it once years ago. Got real sick. Don’t see the point anymore


The flu vaxx nearly killed me during H1N1… only vaccine I’ve touched since then is renewing my Tetanus and I’m done with that too. I don’t screw with ‘em anymore and I rarely if ever get sick, never had Covid.


Stopped? Why would you even start. Flu is a first world problem and you're just waving the flag for big pharma by taking it.


Not since 1976 in middle school when they jabbed us all (actually they used an air gun type thing) for that swine flu bullshit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1976_swine_flu_outbreak


I used to get it but I don’t think I will this time. RFK Jr. has really made me think twice about vaccines. And no he is not as anti vaxx as everyone thinks, he just wants us to be informed about what’s in our vaccines. I had the covid vaccine 1 time and it was the J and J right before they pulled it off the market for being dangerous. I also got pregnant the same week I got it and I had a severe preeclampsia pregnancy and I’m convinced the vaccine is why since I had no risk factors. So no more vaccines for me.


Ever did and never had the flu


I got real bad sick once after getting the flu vaccine. I never got one since. I was pregnant during the covid pandemic. I remember sitting in the doctor's office waiting on my obgyn and I could hear her talking to her nurse through the door. She said, 'I've already talked to her about it but she keeps declining. If she declines this time, try to convince her to get the flu shot.' That really sealed the deal for me. They were trying to be sneaky and underhanded about it. Most people do not try to sway others unless they have something to gain. Whether she was looking to be a savior or trying to meet some sort of quota, I do not know. Either way, i was not okay with it. After I had my child, she had to get vaccines. I read through all of them because I did not want her getting a flu or covid. (Covid wasn't approved for kids at this point but I didn't know that.) So I insisted no flu shot when I saw it on the list. They said, no that's not flu. I told the lady it clearly says influenza. They told me it wasn't for the flu. I told them whatever, just don't give it to my child. Everything else, good. Just not that. Kid got their shots and I got the paperwork and left. Got home and reviewed her paperwork. Guess who got a flu shot? My kid. Now here is the gross part. Guess who came down with covid? Yep, me. My child was 6 months at the time. She got it too. I knew we had it before symptoms because one of the people I live tested positive. A couple hours later, symptoms set in and called my doctor and told them. I was told I did not have a general practitioner with that location. I insisted I did because I had an obgyn and on my paperwork it shows some dude I'd never met in the facility is my gp. I had the paperwork in my hand when I called them. They said they can't see me. A few hours later I called my 6 month olds pediatrician and told her I have covid and my kid has covid. They said they could not see her and to just give her some infant pain reliever. If her fever gets to a certain point go to the er. I immediately found a new doctor for my child.


Man, that sounds so insidious. Those people are straight up evil.


Completely 100% done with all vaccines. None for the rest of the family. They want this mRNA crap in everyone. Cannot trust anything anymore. We will trust organic non-gmo from this point on. You know, what your grand parents called food…


It's sad that it's come to this, but I'm right there with you. We can't even trust our food anymore.


Yep. 100%. My family & I look at it the same way.


Haven’t in at least 8-9 years, haven’t gotten the flu once


Did so about 15 years ago. Prior to that got the jab 5 times and 4 of those 5 I was deathly ill for a couple weeks about a week after getting the jab. Also couldn’t move my arm for a solid week every time I got the flu vaccine Since not getting the vaccine I have contracted the flu a grand total of 1 time. So long as I am otherwise healthy, I see no reason to get the flu or Covid vaccine


Never started.


Never got it


Never taken it.


Reduced 90% of the vaccines we're ready to even consider for ourselves and our children


Haven’t gotten one done 2012. The last year I had the flu too…


I've never taken it. My dad got it once when I was a kid and he said he was never sicker in his life. From my teens to now(39) I've gotten the flu once. I get 1 or 2 mild colds per year.


I’m over 50 and I’ve never had it. My husband and kids haven’t either. I’ve never been a sickly person and my kids have surprisingly rarely been sick over the years but I noticed I stopped getting colds when I made sure to wash my hands as soon as I came in the door


Never had strept throat growing up. Started flu shot 2008 - 2014 due to prego wife and kids. Got strept throat 2008 - 2014, despite never having it as a kid or adult. Stopped getting flu shot and have not had a strept throat in the past 9 years.


I never started


Never started


Never got it. I'm 41.


Not for 20 plus years. It’s literally the first and last time I’ve had the flu since about 1990. Get a flu shot and sick with flu three week later. Haven’t had one since and no more flu. Hard pass for me


Wait you suckers actually get the flu shot? Hahahahahahahahaba


Never gotten it n only had the flu once in my life around 20 years ago 🤷‍♂️


NEVER got the flu shot. Never felt comfortable being a walking petri dish for government experiments and to unknowingly spread it to weaker immune systems. My mom gets it every year and she is sick every year. I've gotten the flu twice since age16 and I'm over 50 now. I do however take a healthy regimen of powered vitamins.


It's got mercury in it. And when it's injected it goes right to the lymphatic system, where it's redistributed by macrophages to various organs and the brain. No thanks.


No vaccines since high school. In my 30s now. At worst I experience a small cold every year during the winter season which is typical for the type of work I do being out in the elements. Maybe some seasonal allergies. No major illness for as long as I can remember


I stopped getting the flu vaccine before covid lmao


Never had one been alive for a few decades and only twice ever had the flu to my knowledge both times was when I was in school.


Never had one. Seems silly to me.


I have never gotten one.


Stopped? I've never gotten the flu vaccine.


Why the hell did ya start?


No more vaxsheens for me!!!


I never started getting it in the first place.


I'm lifelong type 1 diabetic and they *always* pushed the yearly flu vax on me. Until I said no, about 8ish years ago. Haven't gotten the flu vax since. Strangely enough, I also haven't had the flu since. I haven't even vomited once after refusing it.


I stopped as a kid lol I told my mom I didn't trust it. 20+ years later she finally understands why lol


Lollllll you got flu vaccines????


No flu shot in over 10 years It’s weird… no flu either


Havnt had a vaccine since the ones I needed as a child.


No, bc I'm not a clown.


Use to get it every year and every year I got the shot, I always got the flu. Haven't had a flu shot in 8 yrs and haven't gotten the flu since.


Never got it. Never will.


I haven’t gotten a single vaccine since leaving the army 3 years ago.


I stopped in 2019. I never got the flu since.


Never started


Never had one to begin with.


YES. never again. I can’t really imagine another situation where I’d ever get another vaccine voluntarily


Last time I got the flu vaccine was when I was a child. Haven’t gotten one since then. It’s a goddamn scam, you get sick when you get that shot.


20 years ago and haven’t been sick since


It never worked. Why would anyone ever get it?


Nope, always knew that sh** was bad.


Never had one, 69 yrs old.


I have never gotten it. My husband used to get it every year and get sick every year. Finally he didn't get the shot and didn't get sick. ​ He got the covid vax. I didn't. ​ He caught covid and gave it to me. Joy.


I’ve never had one, I’m still alive.


I haven't gotten the flu since I stopped getting the flu shot over 15 years ago. Weird, isn't it?


Never have gotten an injection for the flu and never will.


Yes my mom used to make me get it. Can't force me forever guess what don't get the flu anymore isn't that weird. Every year I got the shot I got sick. Way less sick now and also now I need to figure out what's on body from those shots bit that seems like a huge problem in itself


I've never had a covid or flu shot


I never got vaccinated in corona I think i am lucky


My child's pediatrician convinced me to get her vaccinated for the flu when she was 2. It was her first time for that vaccine, and her dad was against it. She immediately got both types A and B of the flu and RSV at the same time right after her flu shot. I brought her back to the doctor, and when she tested positive for all 3, they were shocked and said they'd never seen it in a child. They said it must've lowered her immunity. She had to do breathing treatments at home! The next year, I declined the flu shot for her and explained why. Her doctor told me that "last year was the year the flu vaccine wasn't very effective in comparison to other years." At some point, the doctors are just parroting whatever book they learned from. She's never had the vaccine again because I'm afraid she might actually die from it.


They inject us with diseases and were all surprised when we figure out not only doesn't it help, some of us die. Cognitive dissonance is one hell of a drug


I've had it, I work in healthcare and it's recommended along with if you don't have it you are required to wear a mask. So what, we wore a mask all through Covid so it doesn't bother people to wear one anymore. We just have to sign a Declination form now and put some reasons where we have fun with. My coworker this year wrote "My Body My Choice" for his reason.


The flu shot is 100% guesswork based on last year's strain. There is no guarantee of efficacy.


When something is "free" from big pharma, it's never a good thing.


never got it. gave it to my kids at doctors advice until my 1 year old spent 2 weeks in the ICU with flu in 2013, a week after getting flu shot. never again.