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I guarantee that 95% of all these politicians don't pay their "fair" share of taxes. There's so many loopholes. It's easy to not have to pay shit!


Yip, by design. Rulers set the rules. Who would have thunk it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Hunter is not a ruler but yes.


some might argue lobbyists are of the ruling class


Would not lobbyists just be the representatives of the ruling class? Like the rulers are too smart/lazy to put in the time to do their own bribery.


Drug abuser, yes. Ruler, no.


There's a difference between someone using the law to reduce their tax burden and someone not paying their taxes. What people belive is a "fair share" is arbitrary, evading and not paying a legal tax obligation is not arbitrary.


Spoken like a true republican. When the tax laws are written to benefit those with the most you damage those with the least. How are you too thick to see the facts.


Republicans and democrats use legal tax loopholes. Republicans and democrats also evade taxes. I donā€™t know why you brought up political parties, Iā€™m guessing 8 years ago, it wouldā€™ve been gender pay or race to start an argument?


Literally. They create laws that benefit them and mostly them, then force everyone else to catch up (by giving enough time to come up with the next major law/showcase they can drain everyoneā€™s money & attention to the inner home)


Has any democrat put forth a bill to close those loopholes? No? Then why place the blame on Republicans? Oh, right. Because you have no idea what you're actually talking about.


Cry about it, Steve. I never said I agreed with the laws or what I think a "fair share" should be. There's a difference between following the law and breaking the law - pretty cut and dry. I'm pretty sure both parties have had a hand in writing the tax laws. Go cry to your representatives instead of me.




Well, none would be the ideal answer. If it's none for you then wouldn't it only be "fair" that it's none for everyone? No taxes for anyone and let everyone decide what's best for them and their communities. Rather than asking a stupid question, go ahead and propose a solution. I'm not saying I'm going to agree with your idea for a solution, but at least you wouldn't be asking a pointless question then.


As someone who works in delinquent taxesā€¦yes *coughā€¦Rudolph Giulianiā€¦cough.*


The fair share of income taxes for ANY individual is ZERO - the government has no right to just take a portion of your income.


The government does have the right to place taxes on income. The key word is income. https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/16th-amendment My problem? Wages should not be taxable. Your work and the payment for your work is really a barter agreement. I do X and in exchange you give me Y, in this cash it's cash. Giggle; income and wages. Two very different definitions.


but isn't all income really a barter agreement?


No. With bonds, stocks and other financial entities you are taking a risk with no quid pro quid agreement as in the exchange of your labor for X. X is anything the two parties agree upon.


I think the difference is that wages are an equal exchange of value. Meanwhile, income could more realistically be defined as an increase in the value of something you hold or own, ie profits. If you sell something for more money than you bought it for Ala merchandise, taxes. If you invest and it reaps a profit, taxes. If you provide a service for more than the material and labor cost, taxes. If you trade PokƩmon cards with a friend, no taxes. If you trade a $.50 PokƩmon card with a friend, and sell his card for $50k, taxes.


Love this while Trump wonā€™t even release his taxes because he pays zero half the time.


Eye on the prize, one thing has nothing to do with the otherā€¦


To be fair, this post contains two things that have nothing to do with each other. I have it on pretty good authority that Joe Biden is actually NOT Hunter Biden.


Big if true.


Yes but all MAGAts went out of their way to blame Donald for all the coke and income tax evasion his kids did so itā€™s only fairā€¦


One is tax evasion, the other is utilizing the tax code.


Perhaps you are not aware of the New York trial where Trump was exposed, of illegally under paying taxes by changing the value of property's based on his mood. Like Trump valued Marilago as valued at 18 million and reported it as a loss so he didn't have to pay taxes, then also reported it at 700 million on a loan application.


Wasnā€™t an IRS lady in a video confirming you are not obligated by any law to participate in taxes?


Lots of people have said it, and those that have listened to them have apparently found out that the courts don't care.


Right? All the laws and non laws that the us govt enforces are backed up with guns and prison. Thatā€™s a risky proposition to equivocate not paying taxes in.


No court will rule against it. The entire house of cards would collapse. Just like requiring drivers licenses, hunting licenses, car registration, etc, all illegal but no Judge will say so.


Is this not doing exactly that thoughā€¦


Also ignore the fact that he plead guilty and paid his penalties. I wonder how people would respond if we mentioned Trump and Tax Fraud in the same sentence.


He didnā€™t pay his penalties though. He tried to plead guilty and then a judge rejected it and so now heā€™s about to go to trial over this unless he pleads guiltyā€¦ againā€¦ for the same thing only more of it.




Him personally? No. The Trump Organization? Yes.


Isn't he literally unable to run charities because of fraud?


Yes but thatā€™s not because of Tax Fraud. Thatā€™s just because he defrauded a charity for kids with cancer.


tax fraud and evasion are different things. Hunter just straight up didn't pay taxes and had a years long scheme to avoid doing so.


Youā€™re 100% correct. Tax evasion is negligence. Tax fraud is deliberately committing a crime. Not sure why you think the former is worse. One guy just didnā€™t pay his taxes until they told him to, and then he did. The other guy deliberately tried to hide what he owed.


I dislike the Bidens as much as the next guy but ... is this a conspiracy or an open fact?




as with so many other "conspiracies" the last couple of years, we have been told the entire Hunter saga was fake, the laptop was fake, the charges were BS, just happy father son doing legal things and just a republican witch hunt in general. and as time goes on, as with so many of those other "conspiracies", the truth comes out in bits and pieces and eventually redditors start saying "we knew this all along, whats the conspiracy" funny how its the same pattern over and over as the misinformation war continues on..


Who ever said Hunters tax charges were fake?? No one is defending Hunter. He is obviously a fuck up who used his relationship with his father, the vice president at the time, to get well paying jobs. Then he used that money to score hookers and blow. The conspiracy is that Joe Biden arranged financial deals with his son as go between. Despite republicans desperately investigating, they still have failed to substantiate any real evidence that Joe was involved.




The only misinformation is what the mainstream narrative is peddling so it sounds like they got you.


The difference between a conspiracy theory and fact is about two weeks.


You can't post this stuff in other subreddits, so it all ends up here.




This is true BUT ... open fact.


God damn, Biden own DOJ is going after his family? Biden is really not playing about the rich paying their fair share.


Itā€™s a witch hunt, right? I mean when the DOJ looked at Trump while he was in office it was a Witch hunt. So it would be hypocritical to not call this a witch hunt.


No president ever controls the DOJ completely. You're not being honest.


Oh I know, i am just making a underhanded remark, since people keep saying ā€œJoe biden DOJ is going after trumpā€


Youā€™re missing the point. Biden saying the rich should pay their fair share, and Hunter getting indicted for tax fraud is wholly consistent. Thereā€™s no conspiracy theory here.


Classic whataboutism. If Hunter is found guilty then he should face the consequences. But billionaires should still pay more taxes. Where is the connection though?


Last I checked, Hunter is not an elected official either. Iā€™m very willing to entertain the idea that the more heā€™s charged and tried in court we may find irrefutable proof linking corruption to his fatherā€™s administration, but for now, this is comparing apples to oranges


Maybe? I mean if my adult kids committed crimes there is a pretty good chance I didnā€™t know about them. And by pretty good I mean 100%.


Honestly, if you have the right last name or friends then things go your way since people want the access. Hunter gives off the "grifter" vibe, so I get the impression his misdeeds are his own and Biden just can't see what's going on. Besides, how is he supposed to be the dumbest/sleepiest president ever but also behind this massive corruption?


He didn't say "elected officials" should pay more taxes. He said that the \*WEALTHY\* should pay their fair share. Joe and Hunter are wealthy people who can afford things like lots of cocaine and hookers.


Donā€™t think that Joe can afford hookers and blow at his age. Sure, he may have the money to pay for them. But actually partaking of them is a cheque his body canā€™t cash.


Well maybe. I mean my grandpa was still tugging rope at the age of 93 when he was in hospice and had a prescription to Viagra I dropped off to him every 2-3 weeks. And good for them if they still can cause I sure hope I can at that age too.


The fair share of income taxes for ANY individual is ZERO - the government has no right to just take a portion of your income.


the government has always had the right to just take a portion of your income like - literally for all of human history that is a right that the people have ascribed to the government its one of the fundamental aspects of governmental authority - everybody pays into the thing and thats how it gets funded




the link says income tax was introduced in teh 1800s and ruled constitutional in 1881 it says that the 1913 amendment was created to enable income tax brackets - which 4 out of 9 justices had already said were constitutional


Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia...


The amount of excess value taken by capitalists from ANY individual should be ZERO - the capitalist class has no right to take a portion of your income.


There is zero connection. I don't know any democrat acquaintance or even dem on the internet who gives one fuck about Hunter Biden. Totally irrelevant. Yet he lives rent free inside the GOP's head. This is not the gotcha they think it is. Everyone says if he's guilty of something convict him. And move on.




How about we all pay less taxes? And the government quits wasting our fucking money Edit: this thought process honestly bugs the hell out of me. Yes the wealthy use tax ex motions to pay less taxes than the average citizen. But I'm so tired of the "make it worse for them" mentality. Clearly if the feds can afford for the rich to have those exemptions then taxes aren't as vital as they claim. Our budget is fucked anyway because the politicians want to create a nanny state where no one dare oppose them or they won't afford to live. People need to take their lives in their own hands.


Yea and most rich technically create more taxes too due to their businesses and employees. EVERYTHING gets fucking taxed, its ridiculous and even more ridiculous how the Govt just spends it with no checks and balances. Could tax the elite 100% and the Govt would spend it before they even got it, thats how stupid this tax crap is and our Govt spending is.


They are spending what? Pieces of paper that have been printed on. Money is a false construct and backed by nothing but faith in the US government. All money is bullshit and a means to control the populace.


> All money is bullshit and a means to control the populace. Yup 100%.


I mean, thereā€™s no love for the billionaires. My whole thing is; why should billionaires pay more taxes when the government doesnā€™t even spend the money they already get in an appropriate manner. It all gets funneled back into the pockets of their donors MIC or lobbying groups. So whatā€™s the fucking point? Almost like taxes in and of themselves are just flat out theft.


They should pay the same percentage in taxes as you with out the ability to deduct anything you canā€™t deduct. If that was the case, the corporations would likely pay all the tax and you would pay none. If the playing field was truly level


If anything Trump showed us exactly why the rich should pay more taxes. They use much more public resources. When the poor have issues they either solve it or fight it out by themselves. Trump had over 4,000 lawsuits before he even became president. He sued his workers, business partners, lawyers, and even family members. You'd be hard pressed to find a single person Trump knew before his presidency he wasn't involved in a lawsuit with. The rich use alot of public resources that normal folk just don't use.


Civil lawsuits are mostly disagreements over contracts. When you do a lot of stuff, you have a lot of issues.


Trump, through his businesses, has also paid hundreds of millions in taxes over the decades.


Hunter's taxes were paid 2 years ago


The point is that Biden doesn't actually give a shit and is another example of "rules for.l thee but not for mee"


Hunter plead guilty and paid his penalties while Joe was president. I guess itā€™s more fun to just imagine a world where the people you hate are actually as bad as you want them to be.


But hunter is being brought up on charges for it?


So it's Joe's fault that Hunter didn't pay his taxes?


I think it is called hypocrisy.


So the government did go after someone who didn't pay their fair share, what's the point of this.




What if he pays back the money and pays a fine?


He did. Settling the debts does not erase the crime. However, locking people up isn't cheap. As the taxpayer is footing the bill, I'd prefer he paid a fine rather than you and I paying for his room and board.


Ill pay this crooks room and board as long as he goes to the same shithole I'd have to go to if I did the same. If we don't hold them accountable the abuse will continue. A fine doesn't do shit. All the Biden's money is as dirty as a portopotty and the flow will continue until they face real consequences. Hunter needs to lose his freedom due to a continued pattern of felonious activity.


You'd likely be released with a fine as well. Trump has been found guilty of falsifying financial documents and he's not going to prison for it. He will pay a hefty fine though.


I'm tired of the rich just paying fines. Fuck that. I couldn't afford to pay my way out so I'd rot in jail. These rich fucks need to start doing the same. No more paying to get out of doing time. Fined crimes only hurt the poor which is bullshit. Me and a rich person both commit the same crime. We both just get a fine but that 1500 coul ruin my life where a rich person pays and moves on. Hell no. MAKE THEM do the fucking time for once.


>'m tired of the rich just paying fines. Fuck that. I couldn't afford to pay my way out so I'd rot in jail. When the fine is less than the proceeds of the crime, its just the cost of doing business. Gov allowing this makes them a part of the criminal scheme.


I support consistent penalties/punishment. Wealth should not provide an advantage in the courtroom.


So Trump personally falsified those documents? Then he should go to jail. Hunter Biden personally commits felony after felony and records himself lol idk how you die hard democrats defend this criminal empire.


Iā€™ve not seen anyone defend hunter. I think itā€™s well accepted that if heā€™s found guilty of a crime he should be held accountable. I donā€™t see anyone yelling ā€œWitch Huntā€. There is ZERO proof of a criminal empire around Biden and his son. Itā€™s possible proof of such is found but it looks less and less likely. Meanwhile, this year trump was convicted of rape. He was found to have committed criminal acts on his finances and is facing the penalty phase. Trump is threatening officers of the court. And yet, he is still the front runner of the Republican Party. Say all you want about the Biden and the democrats, itā€™s so far baseless accusations and lies without any evidence. Meanwhile republicans are putting a convicted rapist on the ballot as their preferred candidate.


ā€œIf we don't hold them accountable the abuse will continue.ā€ This post (featuring a screenshot from years ago) is describing exactly how Hunter was held accountable.




Hell yeah. If he committed tax crimes then he deserves jail. This doesnt belong in this sub. This sub isnt a "conspiracy is when something happens to person I dont like"


Strange thing is the GOP keeps cutting IRS funding, when every dollar spent on the IRS brings in something like 9. So clearly, it's about something other than a balanced budget.


Is this an attempted burn? What does this prove? Is our tax code fairer now?


And he will. But itā€™s hardly a drop in the ocean compared to the TangoJesus and his dependents. There is enough there to pay for quite a lot of things!


He already paid his back taxesā€¦


No he didnā€™t.


Wow, you convinced me. Thanks


Why donā€™t you spend about 30 seconds searching and youā€™ll see he hasnā€™t paid them for 5-6 years. Or Just sit here and act like you can participate here but you have no access to the information everyone has access to. Go look it up yourself you lazy douche. Also f you down voters I vote straight Dem but that doesnā€™t mean I have to support joes kid. Hunter fucked up, he can suffer the consequences just like Orange beefgut emperor deserves to get what heā€™ll get from court.


Drugs are a helluva drug.


How is this a conspiracy?


Good on Biden, and look he's not using political power to absolve his own family. Trumps companies have been charged for fraud. He himself might very not been caught. But his son in law brokered a deal with Saudis and Russias. The arms deal with Suadis was given so they would overlook that American journalist's murder by the Saudis.


When did the actions of a 50+ year old son fall on the father? You Republicans and your political prose is astounding what you get yourselves worked up over and how non intelligent you have to be to not see that a 50 year old man makes his own choices and decisions or are you still living under your right wing parents roof? Perhaps that explains it.


Glad they pressed charges. How is this a conspiracy


When crsckheads don't get access to the loopholes


Yeah but those photos of him going down a waterslide with a hooker are priceless.


Oh no! I'll never vote for Hunter Biden again.


Impeach Hunter Biden and Don Jr!


Iā€™m putting my money where my mouth is and am NEVER VOTING FOR HUNTER BIDEN!!! I wonā€™t do it. How many can stand with me? No more Hunter! No more Hunter! Itā€™s terrible to have an elected officiā€¦ oh wait


Their fair share is zero because they create jobs. /s


wait till ivanka and jared get audited for making 600 million in 4 years while trump was president + the 2 billion jared got from the Saudis


That's totally the same thing as (checks notes) the $7 million in income Hunter Biden made in the same 4 year timeframe.


Apples to oranges Jared and Ivanka had legitimate business not just selling art.


It's so dumb to act as if this matters. Biden and his kid are 2 different people. The same way a person can have a shitty parent that doesn't agree with them, a parent can have a shitty child that's a fuck up.


True, but the flow of money involves the entire family, including Joe.


So if your kid runs his mouth all over town racking debts up you owe it? Ok see you in your trial for your kids actions.


that might be true - but biden could easily fire the prosecutor charging his kid and he hasnt done that he isnt using his position to cover for his family


Only the AG can do this. It's kind of the point of special counsel


Top FBI personnel tipped off Biden on searches, refused to allow investigators access to interviews and investigations, and hid information. Statute of limitations were allowed to expire on serious crimes. Slap on the wrist deals for charges that have landed most everyone else years in prison. The kid is getting a lot of protection.


Maybe he is maybe he isnā€™t. I havenā€™t seen that proof in trial yet and neither have you. If it comes to fruition, fuck Hunter, lock him up. Then just before he leaves office Joe will just pardon him. Duh.


And you know this how? Or do you think that simply saying it makes it true?


The released bank records show enough of that.


What exactly do they show?


That doesn't seem to be what the evidence is showing. I hear a lot of claims but don't see any evidence that Joe was involved in anything shady enough to warrant impeachment.


Then you're willfully blind.


Guess what, nobody really gives a shit except republicans. Vote him out of office, tax the fuck out of him, lock him up, but apply the same rules to your orange jesus, instead of obstructing investigations.


These are all just words they say. They don't ever intend to live by them.


Seems like heā€™d be aware of these indictments when he made the statement donā€™t you think? And weā€™ve exhausted these investigations for 3 years now and let the Republicans produce hearing after hearing and witness after witness that universally fail to link any of it to Joe. Maybe he agrees his son should pay his dues for those crimes?


He and Trump can share a cell. Win win


yep, get him boys


If it where me I would be looking jail time, not a damn thing will happen to him.


But Trump


You mean the 3 billion from the Saudis? Amirite?


If he had done something illegal they would have used it to get him out of office.


How would they have done that?


The same way they tried to get him with their lies.


I see you canā€™t actually talk about anything seriously. Just make vague statements about how evil Dems are


He gets his nightly mental enema from Hannity. It's a lost cause trying to introduce him to reality.


> I see you canā€™t actually talk about anything seriously. LOL. If they had anything real on him they would have used it against him instead of the stuff they made up. Is it really that hard to understand?


A fair share would be a flat tax with zero deductions. No loopholes. Also need to reduce the size and scope of all levels of government.


why would that be fair? look at elon musk - he bought a multi-billion dollar company and drove it into the ground he doesnt have an army - he cant make thousands of people listen to him - they did it and let him drive the company into the ground because the law said the company was his property and they all knew the american government would pay to enforce that in court if they refused but even though the people working their knew his ideas were going to sink the company and therefore their own futures - they had to do it anyway because of the legal threat they implemented his dumbass ideas that have brought revenue down every quarter - they gave him the keys - and literally thousands of htem left peacefully when he fired them because he couldnt afford to hire people after having sunk the company so badly the government doesnt let ME control thousands of people - why should i be paying the same taxes as the people who rely on it for that?


I donā€™t agree a flat tax with zero deductions. Instead the same deductions for citizens that the corporations get. They get a lot more potential deductions than we do. And the minimum income to pay taxes should be a lot higher.


Biden is just saying what people want to hear. Itā€™s not going to happen, the elite own him. Heā€™s also a pedophile.


It's amazing how quiet mainstream media and social media sites are about this. Almost feels like they're biased towards a single party...


I got notifications from the WSJ as soon as this was announced. Not very quiet


Waiting for the obligatory ā€œbut orange man badā€ and how this will be swiftly covered up and ā€œhunter biden isnā€™t a politician so it shouldnā€™t matterā€ and blah blah blah. Edit: bahahahaha fucking losers. Hunters a coke head.. probably gets his stuff from the same people trudeau does. Suck it dweebs.


The fact that you said ā€œorange man badā€ means youā€™re actively wearing a red hat and probably were in DC on January 6th fighting for a traitor to stay in power despite getting his ass handed to him by a dementia patient.


Iā€™m actually Ted Cruz in a wig donā€™t you know?.


Oh so youā€™re in Cancun. Nice.


Thatā€™s what they tell ya anyways.


Well thatā€™s what he told us but ok.


Holy shit you have a Kool aid I.V. pump don't ya?


Care to explain your dumbass comment anymore or no probably notā€¦..You got a red hat on too? Birds of a feather flock to orange makeup.


Lol I was saying it sarcastic but forgot the lil s. Good to see you're full on psycho over a joke tho. šŸ¤£


You somehow managed to make a comment that's more stupid than the original post


Lol thereā€™s one.


Stating my negative opinion on your comment is somehow playing into it?!


Cool you have self awareness.


How does me stating a negative opinion about your comment turn into a "Trump bad"-type comment? I just don't understand how you can take this as a win for you


The fact youā€™re trying to hard is a win for me.


Well I'm trying hard to understand your thinking. But I now realise there has never been any thinking on your part.


Youā€™re still going?. I figured the crayon you were sucking on was long gone by now.


Of course I'm still going. Why do you think I called you stupid to begin with?


Nobody cares. It won't happen anyway. They've been talking about it for years. They just need some distractions right now that's all.


I don't think Hunter is considered wealthy. But go ahead.


He is wealthy by most standards in the single digit millions, but still roughly a thousand times less wealthy than the billionaires. Somebody will be along shortly to convince you they are exactly the same though.


This is just reporting things that are happening. We've reached the point that even talking against the president and his family is relegated to the conspiracy theory category. I assume because orange man is bad.


ā€œTheir fair shareā€ is such a vague definition to the point where it feels like new speak


This will be headline news.. not


Itā€™s all over the news.


He's just going to get pardoned by days end anyway




Joes just going to pardon his own son. We can persue all of the charges possible. But by end of the day, rules for me and not thee.


ā€œ$1.4M isnā€™t a lot of money, most Americans have that in the bankā€-Joe, probably


Looks like it's time for more Trump indictments.


These charges will allow Hunter Biden to skip the deposition with the Republican congress.


The deposition Republicans wanted behind closed doors?




If that was the goal of charging Hunter, they could've just accomplished it by obliging the GOP's request.


This ^


I'm sure this is being done to protect Joe from anything Hunter would have to say in congressional testimony so the DOJ can say we can not speak on an active investigation. These aholes know exactly how to game the system.


Well, yeah, him too.


Why would a working class blue collar person argue with "the wealthy should pay their fair share" and turn that into a bullshit meme about Hunter Biden lmao News flash, Biden is corrupt as fuck, so is his whole family, and so is Trump and his whole family Fucking rejects, wake the fuck up


interesting comment section we got here


He said **THEIR** fair share. Them. *Other* people. Duh. Learn to read.


Seems Slow Joe Didn't think he qualified for it.