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That Greek yogurt ain’t cheap


Same with Unstoppables, too much money for something that gets empty quickly


Plus it's bad for your clothes, your washing machine, and your body.


How else will I go to work and smell like I'm the soap dish?


I keep telling my wife that and she won't listen.


Those free range eggs can be $8-$10, no joke. And him buying those makes me think all that produce is organic which can double the price.


Yeah and then the egg whites on top of that? Just buy more eggs. What a mope


The store brand version of cage free eggs at my local store are half the price of the Nellie's.


You can get better eggs for cheaper at your local CSA.


I live in a city of 320,000 and don’t have a CSA ☹️


There are bound to be some in the sticks.


imo i think it's worth spending a couple extra bucks for organic, even if you just eat a little less. we really don't need that much food, eating till we're full aint right. anyways i always ring up my organic produce as normal gmo stuff to save a few hehe


And then 0 fat yogurt at that. I’ll never understand buying low/no fat dairy. That’s a conspiracy in itself. Whole foods are so much more nutritious. But yes lets take the fat out of dairy and add more stabilizers and sugars to make up for it


Sometimes the zero fat yogurt is all I can find that doesn’t have 22g of added sugar, so I’ll take it


Are you buying flavored yogurt? Whole milk plain yogurt hovers around 11g per serving


I usually go for 0% Greek plain yogurt because it’s about the lowest sugar content I can find. But I’m open to suggestions if you think I’m doing it wrong. 11g per serving still seems high to me.


Plain whole milk Greek yogurt has no added sugar.


Well it’s naturally occurring sugars and thats always great vs added sugar. And because of the higher fat content the glycemic load is actually lower than a 0 fat with similar sugar content.


Interesting! I know the artificial/added sugars are the ones to avoid but maybe I should reconsider the fat content


Fats are imperative to healthy brain and body function. Whole milk products are much healthier.


indeed. infact, about 60% of the human brain is composed of fat.


There is so many tasty dairy products that are unfortunately hard to find if it’s not at a specialty store like whole foods/sprouts/natural grocers. Like whole milk kefir, Icelandic yogurt, Bulgarian yogurt are my favorites when i come across them.


100% now they have to backtrack on all the doom sold with saturated fats and cholesterol being bad, meanwhile ignoring that sugar while more addictive than cocaine and opioids is poured into everything.


Enjoy life, if I'm going to eat yogurt, I'm eating Elleno's. It costs a bit more than chobani and oikos, but it's worth it.


Oikos yogurt, especially the 20g pro protein ones, are 1$ a piece


They’re a like 1.69 where I shop. Individually .69 doesn’t seem like a lot, but it adds up.


Is Greek yogurt the new avocado toast? This millennial thinks so!


well, it’s a fantastic source of protein. especially now that eggs cost a fortune


Gotta shop at Aldi!


Gotta have an Aldi to shop at!




It is as long as you're not buying "designer" greek yogurt like chobani. Don't get fooled by the big brands. Also that detergent bottle is completely over the top especially if you are really care about your finances. People are spending out of their means and complaining about it. In America this could easily have been a 70$ shopping trip


I was eyeballing the $8-10 worth of cherries up top. It’s a little hidden but between that, all the yogurt, and the unstoppables, it isn’t that surprising


How about the chocolate milk that shit is close to $5.


Neither is the orange juice. Usually close to 10 dollars now. Almost all OJ has been tested to be loaded with forever chemicals too. Not worth it.


Why doesn’t he post the receipt showing the itemized cost and total?


Because he‘s lying


Or definitely misconstruing the name brandedness of the items. Someone mentioned there's some cherries, and another saw some top shelf yogurt in there. That milk looks off color too, so it's probably also a specialty item. Yak's milk or someshit, imported from wherever yaks live. I see the eggs are brown, which tends to mean 'organic' and overpriced. He basically got a bunch of very expensive stuff in small packaging.


That’s egg nog lol.


Oh shit. A gallon of egg nog? That's like, $20+ right? I didn't know it came in gallons, but the smaller stuff is wild expensive.


no human being should be consuming a gallon of egg nog fast enough for it to not spoil. if he has a family of like 6... then maybe.


Don't forget the $6 sliced bread and $12 fabric softener. If you don't shop like an asshole you might save a little money.


Those Grillo's are on the higher end of pickles as well. When you are choosing the $5-6 version of food instead of the $2-3 version, prices grow quickly. It's why I started buying bread at Wal-mart over this specific brand. It's $5+ for the Pepperidge Farm over the $1.40 for the Wal-mart brand.


Pretty sure a cardboard box has better texture and flavor than 1.40 wally world bread. Get it from the recycling bin and your bread could be free!


Yep there's no doubt food prices have gone up, but this ain't $155.


Meh that's pretty close in my area for what it cost now. 155 nah over 100 yeah I could see it.


I buy a lot of the same stuff and added up what it would cost at my store, I got around $130 assuming nothing is on sale( I shop sells so my total would like 100-110) theres a couple things I can’t make out what they are so 150 is totally possible though.


Because it’s not really that much unless he is hiding several live lobsters. Some douche is trying to karma farm.


Not going to disagree groceries are more expensive, however you bought the most expensive eggs in the store, the most expensive yogurt in the store, and is that some cold brew coffee that costs the same as an entire can of ground coffee?


>and is that some cold brew coffee that costs the same as an entire can of ground coffee? Nope 20$ unstoppable "laundry beads".


A lot of people who have never had to pay attention to brands are starting to have to.


And you’ll notice packaging has gotten smaller. Gatorade thought they were slick upping price and decreasing ounces in bottles. https://nypost.com/2022/06/08/shrinkflation-affecting-package-sizes-but-not-prices/


I stg the trash bags are thinner than they were and they ALL RIP SO EASILY!!!




Never said it wasn’t a problem. Just pointing out people buying more expensive items when there are cheaper alternatives.


Yup it’s true. Always scared seeing the total of groceries after check out.


He bought the most expensive eggs in the store and THEN bought a carton of just egg whites that are both expensive and showing he's not a free range only guy. Plus 2 types of single serve very expensive yogurt. They make large containers if you eat that much. Pepperidge farm is a ripoff. I can't even tell what's stacked in other areas. I hate getting my grocery bill but It's a rage bait cart or a very stupid shopper


Nah free range are tier 2. Pasture range is almost double that price.


Good catch. My bad.


But your point in buying the pricier stuff is true nonetheless lol


I really hate the affordable grocery-store eggs.


Blew my mind when i found out egg yolk is actually supposed to be orange not yellow 😂


Drop the OJ, drop the saltines, fabric softener is not needed, Chobani flips are a scam and all sugar just buy chobani and add fruit, and buy some dam meat!!


Why is that milk so yellow ?


egg nog maybe?


I've never seen it in a gallon before! No wonder why their total was 155


me neither but it is in season so maybe




32 servings!


Egg nog is cheap(er) though, isn’t it? They mass produce just for once a year. I think I got a carton for $2 last year.


A carton is like 5 dollars here


Yeesh. Yeah, that’s the only reason I bought it, was because of the price. I wouldn’t drop $5 on egg nog.


If you ever see it, you should try Southern Custard instead. It's a little thinner than eggnog. But it's really good. On occasion I put it in my coffee instead of creamer. Amazing!


Will do brother !


I stop myself from spending 5 dollars on it , I'll put it in the cart and then take it out last minute


Normally a decent bit more. A half gallon of eggnog can be $5-$13 depending on brand and I’ve never seen a gallon for sale, although the image looks 100% like a gallon of eggnog


A gallon of egg nog? They must not be looking to live through 2024. That, or I hope they have a family of 30.


It's just a yellow plastic. I've seen yellow colored ones my whole life, not as common but I see them. It's just what some producers use.


Seems to be about 30-40% higher here since 2019.


Buy bulk/generic and you’ll have twice as much food for the same price.


Also, buy what's on sale. That's how most families have shopped since the advent of modern grocery stores.


I've already been taking Klaus' advice. I've been eating the bugs. However, I'm not quite to the point of enjoying them. Maybe I should switch to organic?


I recently switched over to free-range. The taste is exactly the same but I feel way better knowing that the grubs and crickets lived somewhat normal lives.


"FREE RANGE CRICKETS"? Damn Rockefeller, I don't got that kind of opulence working for me over here... And all my grubs are PACKED with preservatives.


Free Range! LOL! You win the Interweb today!


You gotta get the right species. Crickets? Not too bad. Madagascar hissing cockroaches? Vile. Stinkbugs? Good luck.


That's a lot of Eggnog!


Unless there's a waygu steak hiding under those tortillas I have serious doubts.


im procrastinating hard rn and decided to try to itemize this as best i can on the shoprite app. theres a few things i couldnt make out exactly but so far it looks like this. cherries - 11.99 oranges (8) (rough estimate) - 8.00 bananas (4) - 0.49 parsley - 1.99 roma tomatoes (8) - 4.47 special k - 3.99 Chicken broth - 2.79 saltines - 4.39 unstopables - 12.99 english muffins - 5.29 torillas - 3.49 oikos (6) 7.50 Chobani flip (2) - 12.58 egg whites - 7.49 pickles - 6.99 eggs - 6.79 bread - 3.99 Tropicana - 3.50 egg nog - 10.98 i dont know what the vacuum sealed item by the tortillas are or the item under the tootillas. looks like a watermelon? also the plastic continer on top of the tomatoes and the plastic bag above the cherries. without those this comes out to **119.70** before tax and **127.63** after tax (in NJ). depending on what those mystery items are this tweet actually seems accurate


So If I took a bunch of M&Ms and posted a tweet saying “$200 worth of snacks. This shit hurts.” Then I’ll get my own post on Reddit?


not only will you get your own post but you will also get a lot of take internet points my friend, the future is now!


People posting these rarely ever say WHERE they are shopping. What is this, Whole foods?


Gotta be a shitpost. He is rolling around with a pre-Biden $155 cart.


Isn't it weird how the pandemic has resulted with every company making record setting profits, while providing less, and strangely we're all broke. WE NEED A REVOLUTION.


Receipt or it’s not true


Doesn't even look like $155 worth even if prices were inflated.


tHeY bOuGhT aLl nAmE bRaNd, tHaTs wHy!!! Dont you know the poors are supposed to eat rice only and drink nothing but tap water?


Certified poor, i eat alot of rice and potatoes and I fill 2 hydro flask up at work before I leave.


I make six figures and my brand preferences are significantly cheaper than OP


Check the ingredients compared from name brand to off brand. You’re most likely paying for the advertising of a brand and not sacrificing quality.


I went to a "Dollar General Market" recently, just to see what it was like. It's basically a regular Dollar General with a grocery section. Eggs were $1.65/dozen. Milk was less than $4/gal. Tons of cereal was less than $2/box.


Buying expensive name brand food when short on cash is like buying an expensive sports car when short on cash. Cheaper versions exist and will suffice. Paying for flash, either in a car or food, is dumbass and when people will point out the stupidity they will be right.


There’s not even any meat in there. Just because something is brand name doesn’t mean it should be $10 for a box of cereal that has 3 bowls worth in it




My comment isn't about this specific picture. My comment is only about their comment, the one I replied to, which itself isn't about this picture either.


What exactly are you defending?


Smart buying with necessities, not spending on a name when a name alone doesn't provide shit.


>Dont you know the poors are supposed to eat rice only and drink nothing but tap water? You must have had a really easy life if you think the only store brands are rice... Dude is buying free range eggs that cost 8-10, when you can buy store brand eggs that taste exactly the same for 2 or 3. And if you care about the chickens that much, maybe go vegan?


Or raise your own. One of my neighbors got 3 hens last year. They used an old plastic tool shed they had for the hen house. Now they have 6 hens and sell the extra eggs to neighbors pretty cheap. Bonus since the eggs are fresh and haven't gone through the whatever cleaning process they do to commercial eggs you can keep them on the counter for a couple of weeks safely. Months if you put them in the fridge.


Drinking water is healthy.


ah yes because brands provide more nutrition than store bought or preparing food not buying ready made. totally logical.


Learn to cook, incel.


You’re really equating *not* buying a premium name brand with being told to eat bread and water? How consoomer are you. The mega corps don’t care about you.


You must shop at my local Shaws - sounds about right for that.


Maybe show us the receipt instead of the cart?


Things are definitely more expensive, but I can easily get that same amount for much less at my local target. I also don’t care about buying name brands when it comes to shopping for food, and I tend to go for the cheapest option for every item I need.


\~17% of the total bill is the Downy Unstoppables crap. Same for the Chobani yogurt. That's 30-40% of the bill right there. Omit just those two things right there could take you under $100 and that's without even looking at anything else.


How dare you buy free range eggs peasant.


There were a few months last year where free-range eggs were cheaper than store brand.


You are crazy i paid 120$ for a shit ton of food the other week. Meat eggs veggies. With maybe 1 processed junk food snack. Where are you shopping?


I only shop at the most expensive organic store in my city and that wouldn't cost $155


Yeah, I think their calculator's broken. There's no way that is $155, unless those eggs come from one of those gold-laying chickens


Looks pretty fake. The alleged cost I mean. There is nothing there even close to costing that much. I don't even see any meat in there. No one is saying groceries aren't getting more expensive, they are, but there is no way this was 155 dollars. This looks like 60-70 at best.


Looks like $40


They don't know how to shop. I've almost never spent more than $100 for a week worth of groceries, and that includes meats. Also there isn't any "real food"...aside from the eggs, it's all snacks.


Gotta step it up so. I just spent 70 bucks on 60 clif bars, about 36 sodas and a couple snacks. My lunch for a month or two at work. Gotta step it up son. Eventually i will learn photosynthesis so all i will need is water.


I live in Canada, and this would run about 70 bucks. Sorry, but this is blatant bull shit


Could have saved 50% if they did not buy Kellogg's


There’s no way. Unless every item is organic


Aldi is the only way I make it , and even they've went up too. They now don't provide their main service which is having a quick checkout experience where the cashier is running your items through for you. Used to be when you can get an entire cart full of things for relatively cheap, and also save time since ya know , time is money Aldi was perfect for us struggling , which is most now ... Currently they've changed the model and are stealing our time (money) AND convenience by making us use those tiny self checkout stands that are pretty difficult to run 100 items through in a timely fashion . Not to mention we always need assistance for one thing or another. They have one clerk open and it's for CASH only they say....hmmmmmm It's all went to crap and I'm just waiting for the last shoe to drop.


Some people just don't know how to get groceries. Not saying grocery prices aren't outrageous. But I one time went to the grocery store with my girlfriend - we paid separately and had different carts. Her cart was literally almost empty while mine was nearly full and we ended up spending just about the same amount of cash.


I'm not saying groceries haven't gone up, but why are you buying the most expensive/name brand version of everything? Buy store brands (I know for a fact the English muffins are cheaper with generic). Also...free range eggs, and those laundry beads....buy the regular eggs, and the laundry beads are nice, but a luxury. And, that's a lot of snack food, not things for meals. Snacks are expensive.


Don't fucking complain to me about the price of groceries with this shit you're buying. Brand name greek yogurts? High dollar fancy ass eggs? Pepperidge Farm bread? And those stupid scent booster thongs for your laundry are like $9-$10 a bottle alone. Get that shit out of here.


The scent beads are like $20, so there’s that


Name brand shit. Just buy the knock off for Christ sake.


Man loves his yogurt


Thats a $55 basket if i shop at super lo (local low cost market). Lot of that stuff looks expensive and premium branded


Bro that “milk” looks really yellow…


But but the news told me inflation is way down


BU1ld b@cK b3TteR!!!!




Jesus Christ. How can so many people immediately jump to “expensive brands”, and totally disregard that EVERYTHING inside and outside of grocery stores are entirely too expensive? People really do love defending their slavery.


Actually, OP is posting science fiction.




free market my bro. Companies found out we can afford more than we used to pay and for all our complaining about prices, we ARE affording it, so it inflation stays. If we were NOT affording it and they were losing money/sales/revenue, they would lower prices, but they aren't. We are affording it.


prove it


You don't do your own grocery shopping huh? Cuz it def has and those of us who do the shopping don't need proof.


Prove them wrong


Greedflation - corporate greed is one of the biggest contributers to inflation https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/dec/07/greedflation-corporate-profiteering-boosted-global-prices-study


Stop buying brand name junk food


I see $50-60 at most


Fed reserve money printer go brrrrr


get what you voted for




First off they are Canadian and second off they are spending money recklessly on a ridiculous shit like yes I’m gonna buy a few cups of cold brew instead of ground coffee and I’m gonna buy a bunch of single serving expensive name brand yogurt instead of buying a big tub of it there’s so many things they could’ve done to reduce the price


veggies are expensive I bought a head of cabbage the other day for 6$


you know you could go to another store, i'm pretty sure heads of cabbage at $6 is not standard.


Name brand everything


All of this is name brand stuff and you wonder why it cost so much? 🤷‍♂️


That's about $80 worth of products. And that's because the laundry stuff is expensive. A normal cart would have meat. That would add $10-20 though


But Biden said inflation is actually low


Seems about right


receipt or it never happened. there is no way this was over $150


All mid to large sized brand packages would disagree. Non brand products also work and are about half to 1/3 the price. But yes, its not like we have to pay to put pictures on paper any more, show us the receipt.


$155 sounds about right. This ain't the Midwest.


Looking at this photo and knowing how much my grocery bill is when I’ve bought similar I see three options: * High cost of living area. * There’s something expensive hidden under the stuff we can see. Like some steaks or something under the oranges or there is some really niche item there I don’t recognize that is crazy expensive. * The person who made that tweet is lying. Locally I’d expect this to come in between $40-60 depending on the season, specific brands, weights of unseen things (is that a 2, 4, or 8 pound of oranges?), etc. Cost of living: While traveling I have encountered some foods being 2-3x more expensive near cities than locally. Costly items: Steaks at a local grocery store from local farmers can be around $8 vs $20-30 at WalMart. Meat can really inflate the cost. Lying: Self-explanatory.


I don't know where you live, but the price posted seems about right for where I am. $40 no fucking way, unless you're in a foreign country, I don't care where you live. I counted about 30 items (bags of fruit counting as one) There is zero chance you are paying $1.33 on average for each item


Yeah no way in hell $40-60


I'd say it would be under 60 without the Unstoppables laundry beads and the Chobani. I'm in Ohio. There is just so much wrong with this shopping cart, from the overpriced eggs, luxury laundry items, and nothing but name brands. It's sad, how people don't know how to shop.


The most expensive things in the cart are the chobani 4 packs at 10$ a piece, the 6 okinos is 1.25 each, the free range eggs are 5.75. Unless there is some stupidly expensive brand in there I don't recognize there is no way that is over 100$ for that entire thing, and that is being generous. EDIT: Did a bit more research the bob evans egg whites are 5.75 as well.


$40-60? Do your parents do your grocery shopping? The yogurt alone is probably $40


> Do your parents do your grocery shopping? The yogurt alone is probably $40 Two chobani flip four packs and six Oikos are less than $22 at my local ShopRite, assuming no sales. I am in a HCOL area.


Lol fancy laundry smelling stuff, fancy greek yogurt, fancy juice, fancy "healthy" cereal, fancy free range eggs, egg whites!!!!...GTFO of here with this. Guys...guys.. i bought the most expensive version of every item in the store and i'm shocked at the total!!!! Seriously, GTFO


Looks more like $200 but okay lol


I mean honestly there’s nothing of substance there.


Vegetables and fruits are nothing of substance?


Let me rephrase. Ole boy needs some beef and potatoes.


Potatoes for sure


This " shit " hurts? You constipated?


Yeah, I just got $300 worth of groceries. I think I’m just going to start a backyard farm.


To maintain profits… this is not a conspiracy, it's just capitalism. I guess that could be a conspiracy in its self though lol


I eat fruit and vegetables only for two bags of stuff I spent 149.00 lol


Did they shop at a target in a major city? That’s highly unlikely


Picture is a little dramatized, but the point still stands, if you get the right stuff, you could make a $150 cart look like that. and I'm not just talking stacking meat. I remember when $80 at Aldi got you an overloaded, heaping shopping cart full of stuff. Now I get half a cart, and it's still over $100. But half the country thinks things are going just fine. Fuck us middle class people who pay for our own food right?


Let’s support Ukraine!!!


I’ll tell you how….. 1. Go to grocery store 2. Get a cart 3. Start filling it was some random shit. Take no more than 10 minutes and do NOT fill it up. The goal is 25 to 33% full 4. Take a picture and claim it costs 3 to 5 times as much as it actually is. 4a. Extra points for not even actually calculating the actual cost. 5. Post the picture on social media because “trust me bro” will never be challenged 6. Sit back and watch everyone believe you without even thinking you might be full of shit and are lying.


Gotta keep Europe safe cuz NATO and Ukraine is our true love! Or is it Israel, idk anymore. This is what America last gets us


You do know that this is from price gouging right corporations just boost the price up to increase their profit margins we can’t be having massive inflation with all time highs of profits that doesn’t check out what that means is the big corporations are stealing as much wealth as they possibly can from the lower classes. I mean big egg is under investigation for price gouging eggs from the 90s to like 2009 do you think they just stopped doing that cause they didn’t we are ruled not by our government but by our corporations


How does the goverment suppling an ally with military aid cause prices set by indivual companies to rise?


Printing more money makes the money already around less valuable, it’s called inflation. Billions for foreign nations gets you this.


I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but this is the reality of 99% of the world. Welcome to it, American!




He’s literally Canadian bozo what do you mean bidenomics


Don't buy the brand names.


Posts like this are kinda silly, and it’s just poor shopping. How? For starters, all fresh fruit and vegetables are going to be expensive if not in season/on sale. Frozen is a lot cheaper, and often more nutritious. Fruits/vegetables are often flash frozen at the peak of ripeness. Free range/organic is usually bullshit and more of a marketing gimmick - at least at supermarkets. If you want something like free range eggs, it’s a lot cheaper to buy in bulk from a local market/farmer. Cereals/bars etc are expensive for what they offer. Much cheaper to opt for whole grains instead. A box of cereal for $8 that will last a few days, or a bag of oatmeal for $5 that will last you weeks? Things like Greek yogurt are always going to be more expensive per unit for smaller packets, especially flavoured. You can get 4 small snack sized flavoured packs for the price of 2kg + of plain. Laundry soap - stick to a dish soda like Nelle’s. Cheap to buy in bulk, and I find more effective. Sure your laundry won’t smell like lavender morning or whatever, but your body’s largest organ (your skin) will benefit without it. Finally, just all the unnecessary processed pieces. Like the Chobani s’mores. I don’t even know what that is, but it’s probably $10+ a box for a snack item. For the price of those two boxes you can buy half a year’s supply of rice. Not saying groceries aren’t expensive, it’s wild how unaffordable everything has gotten, but people will be stocking a cart full of processed foods and wondering why it’s so expensive.


Tis the season to be thankful, so thank a Democrat for those prices, and shortage of items!


When your married you will understand the importance of fresh produce. That Greek yogurt is ok but Italian yogurt is better.


Who said they can have tap water?