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If members of Congress themselves don't comply with Congressional subpoenas, really why should anyone else?


Yeah right. Suddenly a congressional subpoenas mean something to MAGA world?


Yes, choose the side you don't like ignoring the rules and pretend the side you do like doesn't break the same rules, that's a smart way to go through life.


Here's a hot take: *Anyone* (regardless of party affiliation) who ignores or assists someone else in ignoring a congressional subpoena should be imprisoned for contempt of congress. No nuances. No caveats. Just obey the law.


YES! What a novel concept! Punishment for crimes, blind justice!


What a silly idea. It'll never catch on.


They’ve imprisoned MAGA people for ignoring congressional subpoenas, so Hunter deserves the same.


Really Gym Jordan is locked up? He is 500+ days past ignoring his subpoena to speak about the j6 shit.


Bc its bs. No matter what evidence was presented, (which evidence was presented and it proves Trump and his followers that day were within their rights) they will still lie and lie and lie. So JJ did and is doing the right thing🤌🏼😃


So then you could say the same about the crackhead. He is doing the right thing making the repubs question him in open door hearing, instead of behind closed doors where they can lie about what was said. Or are you against transparency in our government?


How is Hunter Biden MAGA world?


He is talking about the 4 republicans including Gym Jordan who are now at 500+ days of ignoring their subpoena to speak about j6.


Suddenly some fool made this about trump somehow..


You really think all of this is about Hunter Biden?


No, it’s also about “the Big Guy” who gets his cut of Hunter’s deals but not a cut of his coke.


And that is where the circle closes to Trump ;)


Sleepy Joe noises intensify


And if they called for a open door deposition, he would say that only do doors closed.. what a joke..


They why don't the republicans call his supposed bluff? He already agreed with Comer for an open door deposition. Not his fault that Comer was bluffing.


two wings attached to the same shitty bird.




Except one wing is crooked and the other is diseased. They are not the same.


It’s the same for us on the flight


Except I’m more concerned about curing or excising the disease so it doesn’t kill the organism before I go ahead and try to fix the crooked appendage. I realize the am reaching the limits of this metaphor :)


But he’s not in government..


But he benefited from his dad being in government. It’s not like Hunter is some oil and gas expert known for his geopolitical expertise in China or Ukraine.


Nice straw man argument there. Hunter Biden's team showed the receipts - many situations where the R's held closed door sessions then went in front of the microphones and bent the truth out of shape.


I for one am just glad that everyone, including Hunter Biden himself, is acknowledging that the laptop is legit and actually belongs to Hunter. The smear campaign by MSM and social media outlets like Facebook were trying to convince us all that it was some Russian disinformation plot.


Laptops real and proves once and for all he loves crack.


Sounds like the J6 committee


Not sure which hearings you watched but that committee was pretty damn transparent as far as these things go and they brought the receipts. Which testimony do you feel they mischaracterized?


Bro that shit was on live TV what are you talking about?


The fact they don’t want to do it publicly should be cause for suspicion don’t ya think?


Yup, why are the congress critters afraid of the public hearing the whole thing?


Far easier to spin a story your way when it’s just you and all your buddies allowed to watch but not the citizens they supposedly represent


I mean, they can do UAP hearings on national TV but suddenly a drug addicts testimony must be done secretly…


Yup, can't get those great soundbites when everyone can see the full context.


Prolly so they can get more photos of Hunter’s dick. Can’t do that in a public hearing.


Why not? They already did before?


Now I’m just spitballin’ here, but I don’t think in a public hearing you can have any person discard their clothing. But in a private hearing they can bring in the stripper pole.


So you don't remember when MTG shared his nudes on the floor during a hearing? https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-displaying-hunter-biden-nude-photos-shocks-congress-1814159


I never said they can’t show nudes but truthfully I did forget that MTG did that. However, I am saying they want Hunter to get naked during the hearing. That’s why I inferred they would bring out the stripper pole.


They can't force someone to get naked in public or private hearing. Especially when the hearing has nothing to do with his body.


I didn’t think you were being serious up until this comment. But my dude, I was being facetious about the whole thing. You really think Hunter would even get on a stripper pole in front of his opponents? Let alone during a hearing.


Dude is a crackhead and shares nudes and pictures of himself smoking crack. Yes crackheads are pretty fucking out there. EDIT: Also Poes law, especially with this subreddit. Some actually believe things like that in here.


> The fact they don’t want to do it publicly should be cause for suspicion don’t ya think? It is a huge red flag. They want it in private so they can pump out half truths to further their agendas.


> It is a huge red flag. They want it in private so they can pump out half truths to further their agendas. And Hunter wants it public, so he can have pics of his junk broadcast on C-Span -- again???


I mean, the republicans have already done that without him present. So not sure what that point is. They do just fine sharing it without him testifying.


GOP are obsessed with Hunter Biden’s junk.


*"One man's junk is another man's treasure"* -- [Sanford and Son](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/80/ef/50/80ef5009a2bce7130fa131dd221a966a.jpg)


Hunter wants it public so he can show how little Comer has after a 6 year investigation. There is literally no reason for Comer not to call Hunter’s bluff unless he has nothing.


> **Hunter wants it public so he can show how little Comer has** ^ There's your headline ^ /S Suggested sub-headline: *"Hunter challenges Comer to compare junk in head-to-head exhibition"*


Yes exactly that’s the headline because Comer backed down


To be fair hunter can’t stop documenting his illegal activities. Like he wants people to see what he’s up to.


Who exactly brought out a poster board of it? Was that Marge Greene (R)?


Not her fault. She thought is was a SPACE LASER!!!


Perhaps the narrative the GoP has been feeding is lies and they don’t want the truth put out


But these days it’s blue team bad red team pure angel babies so that can’t be true…


I haven’t seen anyone attempt to explain why the GOP is refusing. Their stated reasoning is that a public hearing has a different format that restricts lines of questioning to 5-minute segments. A private deposition allows legal counsel to thoroughly pursue threads without such limitations. A public hearing is great for getting 15 second sound bites, but not for getting to the truth. Personally, I’d prefer to see a public hearing but with the same format as the private hearings.


Appreciate a reasonable attempt at explaining context. I will say it’s still quite suspicious that the explanation is “we don’t wanna change the rules we made up” when rule changes in other contexts happen, especially for a unique and contentious situation as this.


What if Biden literally says “no”? Can sleepy joe just be like nah we’re good on that fam. He’s basically gotten away with the most outrageous stuff.


What if Biden doesn’t say anything? What if gumballs rained from the sky? What if god was one of us? Sleepy joe sucks but that doesn’t change anything about this situation. I’m not sure what he would be saying no about in this situation, assuming no to public hearings? I’m against that as I previously stated.


> The fact they don’t want to do it publicly should be cause for suspicion don’t ya think? Why so Democrats can play defense for Hunter and say it’s a Witch Hunt? If all the Sex and Drugs was Trumps they would relentlessly attack him for it. But because it’s Hunter they say it’s a Waste of time and inappropriate to show in Congress.


Seems to me they have a better argument for a witch hunt with secret meetings. You and I both know if it happened to be a Trump family member people would be fully losing it over a closed hearing. I believe in full transparency and would happily say the same thing if it were someone from the Red team. Why isn’t the goal full transparency to prove it’s not a witch hunt? They’re our public servants but suddenly the public can’t hear and see the evidence for themselves? So it’s more proper for us to get our news on the case from a politician’s twitter post or a screenshot of a headline? If the goal is to show the American people the truth, why fight against a public hearing so hard?


I love how having it be clear and public will be “democrats playing defense”. “Wahhh, Tucker won’t be able to tell me what to think if conservative media can’t twist and selectively edit sound bites.” Sex and drugs, wow, I will be sure to not vote for Hunter!


To be fair, if it were public conservative media will still selectively edit it and their viewers will smile and nod happily.


What does that have to do with the fact the republicans are trying to hide the truth behind closed doors?


> What does that have to do with the fact the republicans are trying to hide the truth behind closed doors? Your not interested in the Truth.


"Your not interested in the truth" He literally said he'd answer questions in a public hearing. Republican OR democrat. one guy says "I'll do an interview but i want it to be public" and the others are like "nah nah nah closed doors" ​ Which one here is the shifty sounding one?


Says the guy defending hiding what is actually said behind closed doors. Let me guess you also opposed Trump when he wanted to only testify with public hearing over behind closed doors too right?


If they are going to show us the "Truth" why can't they do it out in the open?


> If they are going to show us the "Truth" why can't they do it out in the open? You mean like how Hunter Biden said his Laptop was Russian Disinformation?


Great. I'd love to hear him questioned on that. In public. So he can't hide anything.


Why not do it out in the open?


Sorry but this question is not in the handbook up in Vladistok. Might I suggest you try criticizing Donald Trump? Typically elicits a somewhat genuine response


>Might I suggest you try criticizing Donald Trump? Nah, I brought up the fact that Trump wanted a public hearing as well, OP got real quiet after that.


So instead hide everything that is said so both sides can lie about what was said? That is better?


It’s only a witch hunt if Republicans can’t put up during the public testimony, if they have so much evidence they should want to be able to share it publicly, the fact they don’t want to says a lot.


So you're saying what he did wrong was sex and drugs? Oh and for the record Trump was the President and Hunter is not in government






This isn’t a conspiracy theory at all. It’s a political op-ed piece and accompanying punditry


You’re making too much sense. Your girl too bad, swag too different, they’ll kill you


Post removed?! Damn they got him!!!


Wait did they remove it? Still shows as up to me???


Shows the comment was removed by a mod for me. Talk about a conspiracy! lol


All of a sudden this sub is perfectly ok with closed door testimony 🤨


Hell no!


hes only doing what trump wanted also. to testify in a public hearing. when trump does it, its for freedom everywhere, when the evil hunter does it, its the end of the world. Republicans are a joke


Honestly this kind of makes me like him a little. Anyone who can call out congress critters and make them back down on their own bluffs amuses me.


maybe not like him, but I did add a little bit of respect to his name.


I was ambivalent about him prior to this. But the fact that he called their bluff and now they are scurrying like roaches when a light is turned on is pretty damn funny.




For liking him calling out the congress critters and making them back down to a fucking crackhead? LOL


He didn't defy a subpoena. He showed up and republicans refused to interview him.


So the President is directing the DoJ to charge his political rival AND directing the DoJ to charge his son? Either he’s corrupt and weaponizing the DoJ against his own family, hates his son, or law and order still works.


Why do Republicans want the deposition to be a secret? That's the real question.


Criminals never conduct their business in public !


Let him do it in public? Isn't that better and more transparent?


One would think


If "King Biden" will protect him, why has Hunter Biden been indicted on nine tax charges? Why didn't Joe Biden protect him last fall when Hunter was indicted for owning a gun while on drugs?


Because there was no real consequence forthcoming for those kangaroo-court hearings.


Ah, you've changed your occupation from time traveler to psychic. Well done. Why not just admit graciously that you were wrong? You failed to do your own research.


You must be a time traveler, then, because the [trial start date](https://nypost.com/2023/10/14/hunter-biden-attorney-prosecutors-agree-on-schedule-that-would-push-trial-date-past-january-2024/) isn't until February 2024 at the earliest.


The number of you who think anything will happen to him as a result of those trials is comical.


He's looking at jail time


Lmao I remember when this sub was full on Trump. I'm glad some of you came around. Never thought I'd see it.


Cool, lets go forward with an open-door deposition and they can let the American see why the Bidens are sooooo dangerous..... Oh yea, they aren't......


I'm never voting for Hunter Biden again!


Hint: it’s not really the bag man they’re after - it’s the one selling the influence. You probably know that already, though.


The real conspiracy is that republicans have been lying about literally everything.


Democrats don't lie? Biden's Crime Control Act wrecked "an entire generation" according to his own words. The lie is that the result wasn't anticipated, and Biden, like a serial killer, was tossing it back in our faces. Checking Wikipedia on the subject isn't the best source, but it doesn't seem as though Biden has done anything to actually reverse the deleterious effects of his policy. All politicians lie. Some are merely bigger liars than others. Biden is up there somewhere between Madeline Albright and Henry Kissinger.


So you disagree with his policies. Snaps. Doesn’t prove he is lying at all in this case.


Republicans. Lotta snowflake bitches really aren’t they.


Look, Jim Jordan has set the current precedent on showing up for congressional subpoenas. He is over 500 days overdue for his. They’re clearly not worth the paper they’re printed on. It’s comedy gold that he now runs the judiciary committee, and the republican’s choice to put him there solidifies the precedent. No one ever needs to show up for a congressional subpoena again, for at least as long as he runs the committee.


Honestly, I could give a shit about this guy...or his laptop. None of this exolves Trump from any of the crimes he committed. Lockem both up ... I don't care.


Agree. No Biden supporter, or non-MAGA American opposes trying people for crimes they committed. Don’t care who you are, or your family, if you break the law you pay the price


Isn’t this grounds to issue a warrant for arrest. Pretty sure that’s what happens when you defy the court order like this.


I would love to see some some recent examples since you’re pretty sure.


I mean in general. If a person defies a court ordered subpoena, they get in trouble…well…if the court isn’t corrupt that is. Called contempt of court.


I was just wondering when the last time those general population rules applied to the class of people in question in this specific case


Oh ok—my bad. Yeah we’re on the same page. It doesn’t. I was being obtuse by saying “pretty sure”. It’s for certain, I just was doing that to highlight the disparity.


I love watching people come together in mutual appreciation online. Unfortunately you both kind of ended up on the wrong page. This would be Contempt of Congress, not contempt of court. It is a criminal offense that carries a sentence. They have prosecuted it recently with some folks who defied subpoenas from the J6 committee. At this point the committee would have to refer him to the DOJ who would have prosecutorial authority. The DOJ would probably decline to make a decision and refer him to the Special Prosecutor to whom they have given prosecutorial authority to avoid appearances of undue influence from the White House. At which point he may or may not be charged based on whether the Special Prosecutor believes demanding a public hearing instead of a private one meets the criteria of contempt and whether it can be successfully prosecuted.


Crazy that republicans like Trump and Jordon ignore then, but when Hunter Biden said he would do it In public they want it to be closed door and are mad when they get ignored. America is so screwed with how we don’t hold anyone in power with accountability.


Make it public. We all wanna see how bad a liar Hunter is.


So when Trump/family does it, it’s their patriotic duty. Hunter says let me talk in public and he’s out of line?


I honestly wonder who this is working on. Obviously the goal is to sway people away from Biden. How many people do they think they are going to get? The problem with all this Hunter Biden stuff (Aside from the lack of evidence) is that it's just to confusing for your normal American. Go ask a random American why President Biden is being impeached and I bet you can't get a clear or consistent answer. When they did Hillary's Emails that was well done. She had Emails on a server and she deleted them which she shouldn't have. Easy to follow and easy to demonize. This one is going no where fast. I don't think they sway anyone either way with this.


I think the confusion is the point. I think it’s working well enough, I know a bunch of people who are convinced that the innuendo rises to the level of criminal innuendo.


Interesting. I’ve actually run across a bunch of people that are changing their votes to Dem straight ticket because of it. Their reason is because republicans are wasting their tax dollars and not getting anything done for the people.


Good to hear. I live in Central PA and I have seen Trump flags coming down steadily since last year’s mid-terms. THAT is a positive indicator here. But there are definitely effectively muddying the waters for some folks.


Same here! Nice! I still have one person near me with a Desantis 2024 flag up. I'm interested to see if it stays up after he drops out.


Don’t you mean when he WINS!? (Bingo night at the senior center)


The sheer amount of bots and shills on posts like this never ceases to amaze me




So powerful the congress critters are scared of what a addict has to say in public.


But if that were me or you we would be below the prison


Fine. He wants to testify in public? Bring on every corrupt, incriminating, cringey moment of this whole sordid disgrace to light. When Dems scream "unfair", remind them this is what they wanted.


A year of republican House control and all we’ve gotten is Hunter Biden cock, with more Hunter Biden cock on schedule.




They're just going to have to collectively grow a pair. If it's bullshit let's all see. Anything's better than the closed door secrecy that gave cover to the smear campaigns of Swalwell and Schiff. Not so comforting seeing who Hunter had vouching for his character today.


Problem is, a nothing burger doesn’t rile up the base rolling into 2024. Gotta have the closed door so you can get the talking bits with no real way to prove if they’re true or not


Yes that’s exactly what Hunter is asking for.


Funny, nothing he's done in the ten years of ducking this gave me that impression


You mean after 10 years of investigations into Hunter, he’s finally had enough of this closed door spin shit and asked for the public deposition so the entire world can see all the “crime” he’s committed.


The dude shares porn of himself and smoking crack. Do you think it would honestly bother him when he willingly shares that without a subpoena?




Must not have ran into many crackheads, lucky you. They have no shame.


This. Call his bluff, public testimony it is, then watch him say he can’t due to “sources and methods”


Wouldn't be his bluff, he is calling comers. Comer said make it public and the crackhead said, absolutely.


Republicans already turned it down because they have nothing


Critical thinking you should try it. Trust what people do, not what they say.




> Will the committee vote for a contempt citation? They should. They should. But they won’t. We both know Republicans are pussies. And so does Hunter hence why he defied the Subpoena. Only one side gets contempt citations. And that’s (R).


>They should. But they won’t. We both know Republicans are pussies. And so does Hunter hence why he defied the Subpoena. Only one side gets contempt citations. And that’s (R). Ignoring good ol' gym jordan and him ignoring a subpoena? https://dayton247now.com/news/local/rep-jim-jordan-urbana-ohio-violated-house-ethics-defying-subpoenas-january-6-committee The real question is why are the republicans so afraid of the people hearing the full testimony of the crack head?


Submission Statement: Don Jr. testified to Congress after being subpoenaed. Why is Hunter Biden hiding? https://twitter.com/CBSNews/status/1734955298824048951


He isn't, he was more than willing to testify in open court where the public could see. Why did the republicans want to hide that from the people of the US?


> He isn't, he was more than willing to testify in open court where the public could see. Why did the republicans want to hide that from the people of the US? Right. He wants Democrats to be on record to defend his ass. And MNBC and CNN can use those talking points to smear anyone who asks the obvious


So instead lets hide what is actually said from the public. You support the government hiding shit from americans while we pay their salaries? The republicans are literally afraid of a crackhead outsmarting them and being more slick and glib than they are. That is hilarious.


Why are you on a conspiracy subreddit and being on the side of trusting congress behind closed doors?


Underrated comment


Ikr, probably bc he wouldn't know cognitive dissonance if it hit him in the face?


You do realize that democrats would be in his closed hearing right? Only difference if there is a record for the public that supports/contradicts what is said behind closed doors. Literally only difference. This isn’t a natural security matter where we want no public to see classified information. It’s political theater and the GOP has lost the plot. Hunter could be guilty, but you don’t get to ignore subpoenas and then cry foul when someone else does.


The fact that they have to title it so you know it was GOP doing it, should tell you that there is no such thing as justice. Justice is blind, that's why every statue of her has a blindfold, it's not supposed to care who you are, where you come from, or who your friends/team are, it's supposed to be FAIR. Also, focus on the crime and don't get distracted by other people's crimes in an attempt to make one crime look better than another. WHY DOES IT MATTER WHAT POLITICAL FOOTBALL TEAM IS DOING WHAT? Prosecute crimes, end of discussion.


Where is Hunter throwing the after party


How valid is his claim he was offered a chance at public testimony before they changed it to private only?


His lawyers/Hunter have agreed to appear at a public hearing. They’ve been consistent on that. If Hunter wants he can follow all the same plays as Trump and appeal this and delay as long as he wants. Or GOP can give him a public hearing


I'm not convinced of that anymore. Him pushing to make it all public while congress is trying to keep it hidden is very interesting to me. I'm actually wondering if he's planning on trying to tell the full truth. If Biden is the monster we believe he is, that his daughter's diary says he is, maybe this is Hunter finally trying to punch back in the only way he can. I guess we'll find out very soon.


So its treason then...


Then have an open door hearing. I don't see what the issue is beyond some repercussions for ignoring the subpoena for he closed door hearing. People miss court all the time, sometimes there's a warrant but even then a phone call to reschedule is all that's needed. Just get him to testify period.


Something tells me this shitbag is gonna be found dead in his crack den and the story will be that he had a massive heart attack, brought on by the stress the GOP is putting on his father.