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Intersting that for 2A loving people, they all forget their guns that day


Damn near every 2A forum leading up to the event was inundated with posts saying "DON'T GO, IT'S A SETUP"


Because people who carry are situationally aware. That whole thing smelled like a setup 3 weeks away, lo and behold Ray Epps.


It was a set up. And Trump knew it! He didn’t dare show up. Nor did he warn his followers. Let alone pardon them


Did they make arrests before or after he was out of office? Can he pardon people when he's not president? Do you know something we don't?


Yes, this is such a key thing that too many (on both sides) don't fuckin see right in front of their faces. Trump is not some legitimate wild card/rogue outsider. He is very much in the club. But people are so eager to gobble up the kayfabe without really thinking about it.


He is playing the white hat as opposed to the black hat in the old game of Hegelian Dialectics. This administration is ridiculous for a reason. The flock will flood to the right and beg for change. But the change is nothing more then giving up some more civil liberties. Trump wants more then 4 more years. And the powers behind him seem ready for their next act. It’s a big club and we ain’t in it,


Well said, couldn't agree more. The feeling in my gut now is "buckle up" lol. In all seriousness, it definitely feels like BIG moves are about to be made. It's wild times to be living through.


Hell fuckin yeah, my friend. You get it.


Wrestling fan I see


Well he was the sitting president openly saying that his power had been illegally taken. Based on your Americas founding ideals, what was a loyal populace supposed to fucking do. I'd add that considering americans have guns and the supposed background of the people turning up to support a suppression of a gov coup. how there was not one shootout is a little perplexing. A shot fired sure, but a shootout? I mean we can assess these situations for what they are relatively quickly after the event. Takes about 6 months to 2 years for the masses to come round to actual realilties instead of fed media. Whole thing is just bread and circuses likely to entertain.


People were jailed without charges....what would he pardon?


You make a good point. So what about that Q shaman?


Someone (not me) said, “of the most armed country on earth, and the most armed population of the country, not one of them remembered to bring their guns”


Don’t forget they also obeyed the velvet rope line in Statutory Hall




But set fire to a business in MN, you're a brave hero..or heroine..whatever pronoun they feel like...


Had to be an inside job or entrapment. Everyone knows you don’t fu k around in DC.


Protesters invaded the Hartt Building on Capitol Hill to disrupt the Kavanaugh nominations and I don't think anyone was sentenced for multiple years https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/409999-scores-of-kavanaugh-protesters-arrested-after-descending-on-senate-building/


Duncan is that you?? Lol


Because it was all staged bullshit. I wrote a comment below.


Yeah it was an insurrection though, led not by Trump supporters but agent provocateurs with badges from three letter agencies.


Absolutely MkuJ12, and the timing was rather interesting as trump was calling out election fraud, I can’t remember the state or city where it was super obvious but the one where the toilets flooded and the electoral count was suspended, only to have a hand full of vote counters appear in the middle of the night, without supervision and pull boxes upon boxes of ballot papers out and count them. Low and behold the state went blue…… Suddenly the media lost focus on the obvious bullshit vote count and went for blood of “insurrection” I’m not republican or democrat, I’m not even American. But it was blatantly obvious to me.




[they didn't all leave their guns](https://www.businessinsider.com/january-6-man-pleads-guilty-truck-guns-near-us-capitol-2021-11)


So they all left their guns in the parking lot? Wtf kind of “insurrection” is that?


Last I checked, DC is a no gun "district"


So the people there to overthrow the government were afraid to break the law?


lol exactly


likely afraid to be turned into a fine mist by the out-armed american militia or afraid to turn things to bloodshed. just because i’m down to break a window doesn’t mean i’m down to murder an officer surrounded by a crowd of untrained strangers


Right. So if you’re only down to break a window and not shed blood, are you truly there to overthrow your armed government?


this instance, i would be goaded there by someone who i thought was still was the secret head of the military. this crowd believed if enough of them stepped across the line they would be called king of the hill. if i showed up blathering “military is in control, trump is GEOTUS” - yeah, i would think the figurehead or someone else would be the catalyst, not this AU me - a 47 yr old karen from wisconsin who only unloaded my husband’s handgun one time at a range 12 years ago. these were not hungry people starved for an overthrow. they were fed breadcrumbs they got fat on and thought the first political demonstration they ever participated in would let them pass go & collect $200. americans aren’t smart, talk a big talk, and are incredibly cowardly and about self preservation. white boomer americans simplified civil rights to MLK doing one big speech at DC so hell yeah they thought that would work. being in a position of comfort made them think just voicing their disagreement should be enough to upend what they thought wrong.


>So the people there to overthrow the government were afraid to break the law? *SURPRISED PIKACHU FACE* Uhhhh, yes! /Sarcasm


And true insurrectionists don’t come unarmed because of a law. That’s the whole point.


Except that they didn't: https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2022/06/15/fact-check-were-firearms-other-weapons-capitol-jan-6/7621149001/


Thanks politifact, never forget forget the 5 unbrandished guns and flagpoles, our democracy is lucky to survive this armed uprising


There was a gun ban in effect for Washington DC that day, precisely in preparation for this event, and anyone that had a gun had that gun confiscated. Guns are expensive, and people probably didn’t want to have them confiscated.


Yeah, nothing worse than getting your guns confiscated during an insurrection.




That's also why gun bans in Chicago and Baltimore are so effective.


There is a gun ban every day in Washington DC, Happy New Year!


So willing to break the law and stage an insurrection to overthrow the government yet follow said government's ban of firearms and therefore attempted the insurrection unarmed. got it lol


Yup and don't forget, we must assume they were there to insurrect against the sitting president, who just happened to still be Trump, the guy these supposed insurrectionists support...


Lol... weren't "insurrections" also banned that day? Using your logic, they were willing to stage a full on coup, but thought carrying guns was too far? What? 🤣


I saw a few people taking great care not to litter.


Those monsters!!


No one had their guns confiscated in DC that day… because no one brought guns


This statement is really, really stupid.


If it were, it would be the lamest insurrection in the history of the world…


Yeah, because the people behind it were lame. MAGA boomers and weird right wing grifters aren't "revolutionary" material lmao.


It was, yall'queda is the lamest "army" in all of history.


There’s still people who believe in the media and anything spoon-fed to them. Doesn’t matter what or who you support. Do some due diligence and research. The world would be a better place when people learn to think for themselves


Who are the ‘think for yourselves’ people here?


It certainly was lame. Surely the people that broke into buildings and threatened people should face consequences right?


Yes definitely breaking and entering should always be punishable, under the laws that govern breaking and entering. If someone opens the doors for you, and takes you on a guided tour, unlocking other doors along the way, it’s a bit different. Someone breaking a window and climbing in, yes, that sounds like that person broke the law.


So as far as I followed the story, the intrusion was to interfere with the certification of the electors, which is part of the presidential election procedures, with the intent to make someone president who has lost the election and spent weeks on claiming only fraud could make him lose it? So where exactly does insurrection begin for you? When they actually have hanged congress men?


Yes, murder or kidnap politician, large group of people with guns, military refusing orders. Those are things indicative of an insurrection. Not opening the door, and taking people on a guided tour with photographers. Look, I’m not even American, so I don’t have any skin in the game. But when someone is overthrowing a government, there is murder, kidnapping, guns and military. Not some old fart telling people to go home from their guided tour before the Twitter feed gets cut.


So you say because the doors were opened from the inside after windows and door glass was already smashed and an officer seriously got hurt by people pressing against the door, the insurrection suddenly was not one? And where is it defined that an insurrection would require military intervention? There is a strong trend in the alt right to never show or discuss the videos showing the violence in front of the capitol. Here some examples: [https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/09/us/officer-crushed-capitol-riot-video/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/09/us/officer-crushed-capitol-riot-video/index.html) [https://edition.cnn.com/2021/12/24/politics/january-6-video-capitol-hill-riot/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2021/12/24/politics/january-6-video-capitol-hill-riot/index.html) I am not an American either, but I have a partner who is very firm in International and Anglo-Saxon law, and we have spent months observing and listening to interpretations by US lawyers and attorneys. It is all about the intend. The intend was to stop the lawful certification of the electors to determine the coming president. It was not a peaceful protest or a quick visit at the congress.


What bout the feds in the crowd who instigated and incited people to enter into the capitol? What about the listless Capitol police who opened doors and removed barricades to allow people to enter? This was a bizarre entrapment scenario in order to create scandalous footage.


I don’t care if it’s an insurrection or not But imagine leaving your life behind and going to the capitol in support of any fucking politician How dumb must you be. Now you’re in solitary confinement forever


And those politicians can give two shits about you lmao


Why would Joe Biden supporters pretend to be Trump voters that storm the capital in order to over turn the results of an election in which Joe Biden won?


Insurrection? You mean the worst thing since Pearl Harbour and 9-11. /s


The Coup of '63 marked the end of America and the beginning of the masonic intelligence/military takeover of the world.


Lol George Washington was masonic af wth are you talking about Even in the civil war, confederate general Albert Pikes home and library were preserved due to his venerated reputation and contributions to freemasonry [masonic washington](https://thefreemasons.info/george-washington-masonic-membership/232)


You mean the ‘63 Corvette Split Window? I’d say that was the peak…


What's the best book for this?


A lot of top comments on Reddit were saying it was worse than 9/11


I'm not American but I'd say storming the Capitol, armed, and causing elected officials to be hiding behind desks in fear for their life, under the pretence of believing an election was false and therefore storming said Capitol with the aim to change the result, is as close as you can get, yes.


The AmericanTaliban *tried* ... the protesters were just a distraction as the politicians attempted to push fake electors.


Not a Republican, not a Trump supporter But that was not an insurrection It was a photo op, trap, another 4-year endless news cycle just like Russia Russia Russia 8 years of machine in beast mode grinding on Trump's public image to no avail And now puppetizing the whole system of justice for the same purpose. That's a lot of firepower. And a lot of damage done to USA soul From all this one can clearly put together the opinion that everyone else who "gets along" in our system of gov is probably owned and operated by the permanent state.


That it will be useful is proof that 70% of our citizens are dumber than dirt.




They attempted to disrupt the counting of electoral votes which severely undermines representative democracy


I mean I watched it live. It got out of hand quickly and fizzled out bc they let them in due to being outnumbered. When you consider a few people died at the Capitol during a riot on the same day as the transition of power it sure fits the bill of an insurrection. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXnHIJkZZAs&t=83s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnzQXD2_d38&t=42s


Gullible people being strung along by federal agents. Seems like a false flag to me.


A false flag started by a president who refused to concede an election he lost?


So people aren't responsible for their own actions?


That's more of an agent provocateur than false flag


It’s an entrapment scenario.


Yeah, important distinction. False flags require intricate planning and a large group of people to “all be in on it.” Agent provocateur plans just require a couple of fresh college graduate glowies to start throwing some bricks, kicking open gates, or something like that. Far more feasible and just as effective, plus the added benefit of only a couple people needing to know what the plan is. The belligerent masses do the rest. Evil stuff.


And encouraged by Trump..




Their feelings


was an obvious false flag. these days they just do whatever and run with it. I'd almost think nothing happens organically, we're sheep just watching


I’m overseas in a first world country friendly to the USA. You would classify my political leaning as conservative by any reasonable standard. I watched it unfold live on the internet and TV. I watched and rewatched President Trump’s speech. My informed opinion is it was a genuine insurrection actively encouraged by President Trump. I believe anything less than a conviction for an act of treason, accompanied by a lengthy prison sentence and disqualification from public office, will not serve the people nor retain credibility for your justice system.


Nah…lol. I’ve watched the city of Philly get lit up, cars flipped and riots in the street over sports events…that is more chaotic than what happened on Jan 6th. Insurrection is a big scary word to spit to the masses and make them believe that is what happened. Did laws get broken, yes…did a handful of people get hurt, sure…but insurrection seems like a bit of a stretch


People flipping cars because the Eagles won the Super Bowl is slightly different than preventing the peaceful transfer of power between leaders.


The fact that he quite literally had these people at a rally minutes before it happened where he instructed the people to do so was kinda what did it for me. Telling the Proud Boys to stand by on live TV was another good one. I just don't fathom how people think that Trump is an innocent guy. I'm not saying that I am a Biden supporter at all either, don't get me wrong. That dude sucks, but there is no way that Trump isn't guilty of this. Both of those dudes were lukewarm Presidents that accomplished quite little while in office on the grand scheme of things. All that has happened is the largest division of this country I have ever witnessed. Neither of their Presidencies have been healthy. I feel that the whole Political system has failed at this point.


They’ve slapped an extreme label on what was basically a small riot


What is the definition of insurrection, if not a violent uprising against the government? A "small riot" taking place at the seat of government, at a time when the transfer of power is being ratified, with the explicit organised goal of "stopping the steal" is, in fact, insurrection. I do not doubt that most people involved were there for the memes more than actually violently overthrowing the US Government, but that doesn't change what happened, and for damn sure I would put money on trump going with it if they kept him in power.


good summary. from my prospective, any other country would have had multiple bodies lying on the steps of that building and the world would have seen it as justified.


This is a good take on it.


I guess… yes. But a riot trying to disrupt the government from proceeding with election results seems like something different than a run of the mill ‘our sports team lost the championship’ riot.


Though a riot at the place you're actually upset with that only lasts a couple hours still seems preferable to directing that rage at random unrelated businesses across the country for months


The actual “riot” part was very small compared to everything else. And now it’s been proven that paid agitators were there, and most of the major destruction was caused by them, and a handful of Trump supporters joined in. But since the video has been released of the capital police opening the doors, waving people in and fist bumping them as they walked in, there’s no way to argue that this was an insurrection. It should be glaringly obvious to anyone with a brain that this was an attempt to shut down any legitimate conversation about election fraud, and to try to delegitimize a movement. For some reason the establishment is so incredibly scared of Trump that they are going to extreme lengths to do anything they can to try to put him in jail, remove him from the ballot, turn society against his supporters, and scare them into compliance. If you can’t see it, then you put way too much faith in your TV. You don’t even have to like him to understand this


What proof there was paid actors? Show it


Lol so the stop the steal rally goal was to have a legitimate conversation...


I'm not sure what everyone else was watching that day but the group that was pressing on and was nearly to the area where the politicians were when the agent shot and killed the girl were out for blood. I feel like if the infiltration had gone much further and if they got to Nancy Pelosi or Mike Pence Jan 6 may have really really turned ugly. It's amazing that you all forget that officers were severly injured and that people were hurt, that wasn't by coincidence or accident. On top of all that you have Trump knowingly and purposely trying to prevent the certification, both on that day and probably every other day between the Nov elections and Jan 6. How many more phone calls do we need to hear with Trump trying to strong arm election officials into finding votes or not certifying ballots? Was it an inserection? Nope because the attempt failed, even Pence explained what Trump wanted was not possible. Stop blaming the FBI, Joe Biden, the Deep State and realize your leader Johnald Barbra Frumpinstein is a failed human, father, husband, businessman and president. He is a fraud and I can only hope the day comes when all of you poor brainwashed people wake up. Crazy


How many of these 1000+ posts came from real persons with their own opinions?


We watched it live on television. It was an insurrection perpetrated by trump. Members of the house knew about it and tweeted cryptic tweets out to their base. They then immediately asked for pardons for seemingly no reason if they had nothing to do with the insurrection.


The thing is it's a group of people acting out of different motivations reading different meanings from various people saying vague things, and the word insurrection itself is fairly vague and nebulous. So some people by some standards were attempting an insurrection whatever that means.. and I do think there was some intent on the part of Trumps team to intentionally subvert the "democratic process" somewhat in the manner of the Brooks Brothers riot where Bush stole the election and got away with it. I also know for a fact that it was helped indicate by psyop guys and was intended to be even bigger than it was. The fingerprint of counter intelligence is all over it


This is the irony for Americans. Those that believe it was an insurrection and go forth and severely punish the people that walked around the building have to admit that the mighty stable USA had an attempted coup and forever have their history stained with that fact. *"The USA isn't as stable as France, they had an attempted coup in 2021"* Russia, China and the rest of the world get to make fun of them for it and use it as a reason why their government is not good or fair. If the US had any sense they would apply common sense and laugh it off. It was a police failure, you put a large group of people next to any building and they will go in and damage it. London pubs lock their doors when the Palestine protests go by.


I remember when a certain party leaning friend first mentioning "January 6th" and I was like, what's that? He says, "the insurrection". To which I replied, "That's what you're calling it?" Seems like it was a pretty low bar to hit that term.


Dont forget, it was a day fucking worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined (bidens words, not mine)


Did he really say that?


No he didn't but that doesn't stop fake news from being spread.


Our VP said it not Biden


Someone told you (probably anonymously on the internet on a partisan conspiracy site/page) and you decided that was all you needed to know. And now you spread that same lie. Because that is what you people do


What do you think they were trying to do at the Capitol on January 6th?


I'm not American but I believe it was a ploy to further divide average Americans into hating one side or another. I also think it was to further push more authoritative surveillance measures, and at some point to further crack down on people who may go against the narrative/agenda. Simply put; one step closer to everyone losing their basic human rights no matter which side you're on. (Even though there is no "side") It wasn't an insurrection, rather a good way to push more control.


There is a side, but it's largely asymmetrical: there's the upper side with the oligarchs who take money from the lower side. Then there's a government that maintains the status quo, and the corrupt politicians and the mainstream media who maintain the illusion that the sides are really right and left.


You would have to ignore any fundamental understanding of how government works to believe that a mob taking over one building would amount to a coup.


I relate it to the show “designated survivor”. Can’t say I’ve done the deep dive into J6, but it seems ultimately that a bunch of people took words out of context and just went around the Capitol dunking around, stealing podiums, causing chaos. Unlike the show where they literally cripple the government in its entirety. The fact that J6 is still being so heavily prioritized seems like a diversion, if people are so worried about what the source of it was, they won’t look into the REALLY important manipulation that’s happening in all the other buildings in our country.


Agreed. I think the mafia that runs this country doesn't really want people to understand how coups really work. If they did: the people would realize that we already suffered a coup via Allen Dulles and J Edgar Hoover. Its why they killed Kennedy even though he was a neoliberal 1%er: he was still too decent for them to get him to rubber stamp crazy things like Operation Northwoods.


I’m of the belief that no matter how many reports we dig through, how much information we try to find, we’ll never really understand who the real puppet masters are. There’s just too much noise, and a lot of these “top secret” documents seem to be red herrings


You are also allowed to think about the situation if there are no real puppet masters.


I think it depends on how we define “puppet masters.” It’s complicated for sure, because it’s clear to see there’s manipulation in the media, and on social media, I think the question is if there’s someone or a few someones laying out some sort of grand plan, or if it’s just the media companies trying to get “the best possible results” in terms of ratings and whatnot.


This is a big reason we need to worry a lot less about individual scandals and focus more toward a more comprehensive political revolution. We need a system that humbles leaders while allowing them to still get things done. Our current system rewards leadership financially, legally, and socially. They hand themselves more power and wealth because we don't do anything to stop them. People like Nazi Pelosi are literally rigging the stock market and nothing is being done about it. Our adult world in the West is entirely run by rich frat kids who have absolute contempt for the rest of us who they send to war, fill their prisons with, exploit for labor, and so much more. Its unreal how 1% of 1% pulls the strings in a supposed "democracy"


Exactly this


The most heavily protected area in the entire nation gets overrun by an unarmed mob, who are then allowed inside for a tour? And they called this a violent coup? Is this fishy or am I losing my damn marbles??


I believe they want you to believe it was an insurrection and that the only way to save democracy is to tell you who you can and can not vote for.


Slightly more than just a riot. Way less than a true insurrection


Insurrection: a violent uprising against an authority or government. So how was it NOT that?


So do the BLM rioters that destroyed police stations and stuff fall into that too? Police are an “authority” and definitely represent the “government.”


That is an argument that could potentially be made. Though at the local level that might be harder to do.


It was merely a play staged by the FBI


Pretty simple. An insurrection means a planned event to literally cripple a government. A riot, even a bad one, or disrupting government proceedings, is not an insurrection if there are no armed actors who smuggled in weapons, planned actual targeted assassinations, real cyber attacks, damage to vital infrastructure, etc. they found a guy by security footage of his ear. They used cellphone data to charge tons of people, yet the “pipe bomb” was never spoken of again and no one was charged. No plot to destroy the government of the US occurred. People were really pissed off and didn’t want the election certified without looking into possible fraud, and were fired on without warning by non lethal munitions. Doesn’t take rocket science to figure out they got the reaction they wanted. Everything points to political theatre to discredit Trump and say “see! Literally Hitler! Beer hall putcsh!”. When they denied the national guard, opened barriers, and had fed plants and undercover leftists breaking shit and inviting everyone to get angry.


Why did the events take place in that specific location on that specific day?


The January 6th riot was the last effort of Trump and his pals to replace real electoral votes with fake ones. The plan was to disrupt the electoral vote count, then put the fake electoral votes in, thereby overturning the election and our democracy.


Even those who claim to believe it, only "believe it" because it supports their political narrative. If that's what is considered an "insurrection," it was one weak-assed attempt.


It had all the markings of an insurrection though. Like how the defeated insurrectionists willingly left the capitol building and were allowed to go home, a hallmark of all foiled insurrections throughout history.


No one with an IQ above 70


For me it was Meal Team 6 guys with the “Civil War Jan 6th 2020” T-shirts. That and the violence of the main group breaking down doors and running around looking for specific officials. Or was it the masked guy with the zip ties? Or maybe it was the gallows they set up outside? Or maybe it was that Pence was under pressure to not certify the results? Or possibly it was the fake electors that were sent to replace the legit ones? I dunno, there were so many things that made it something close to an insurrection, it’s hard to point at one single thing.




That’s why it was an attempted insurrection. No one thinks they actually stood a chance lol


So many people simping for a washed up, single term, former television host and failed casino owner.


I do. And that the actual attempted coup leaders used a lot of normal people as pawns & cover for their plan. Not everyone who went to the nation's Capitol went with overthrow in mind. Some most definitely did & had been in planning for it over months. The politicos at the top of it asked for pardons ahead of time ...when Jated Kushner said he was "busy with the pardons". Most who asked didn't get one. (Giuliani was offering them for $2M, but couldn't get one for himself.) I believe the same for BLM protests with rioting. Of the thousands of BLM protests across the country, the overwhelming majority were peaceful. Of those that weren't, there were 2 types of s*!t heads: gang-affiliated opportunists and race war accelerationists (Umbrella Man, cut gas lines, the burned police station in mpls., shooting/explosives at utility stations, trying to kick off looting... some caught on film by protesters, some caught by police & sentenced). The throughline to both is the belief that People are stupid sheeple, easily manipulated into doing the bidding of elites that sit on high, who compensate themselves by robbing ALL "little people" blind. A 150-yr old 2-party duopoly isn't democracy, but a tennis match among friends/neighbors/partners/colleagues. Example: like all "elite", Tucker Carlson & his family were neighbors with Hunter Biden. They would go on double dates, the same vacation spots, their kids were pals & went to the same schools. Tucker asked Hunter to help get his kid into Georgetown. They share the same tax issues, like the estate tax, aka the "death tax", which only applies if you have over $13 MILLION. Carlson says "we" a lot in his shows, like 45, as if their problems were ours or ours theirs; as if their labor problems and worker problems are the same...or life affordability, child/elder/healthcare, quality education, clean drinking water/food, voter suppression... Neither would spit on their non-wealthy followers if they were on fire. Tucker was very clear what he thought of his viewers, repeated by text, email & recorded phone calls. Yes, I believe 1/6 was an attempted coup...and like 9/11, it was known by members of both parties who went along or did nothing for political expediency.


It was a PSYOP .


It was a bunch of unarmed boomers walking through some open doors, was pretty lame


Me! - Same person that took 7 boosters.


Freedom boosters. My heart feels funny these days though…


It’s a buzzword used by msm anybody who can google knows it wasn’t


Just came here to count sheep while i try to fall asleep! 🤣🤣🤣


Only people who repeated the lie long enough.


J6 had the same energy as a tailgate party gone wrong at a craft bazaar at a flea market in the same parking lot. Guided tours and every one sporting the same flags and outfits. Some went wild with their choices. Others did not


I still have the live coverage from that day on DVR. I've seen it several times, and that's all the proof I need to see. It was a staged event to ensure we don't rise up again against the establishment. That's why we're all taking it in the butt now.


But like. It wasn’t staged. It was a bunch of angry trump supporters who got riled up because they were convinced the election was stolen. There was a big group, some guys started to push, the people next to them followed, and all of a sudden they were on capital grounds with no real goal. Call it an insurrection or not, but it was not staged. It was just a large angry group without a plan.


It was hardly an insurrection as it had zero chance of overthrowing the government. More absurd still is that Trump was behind it.


Insurrection is a VERY strong word. Inciting a riot is more applicable IMHO


A sensationally overhyped protest where people were ushered into the Capitol by the police themselves. Nothingburger compared to $2 billion in man-made damages during the 2020 riots.


The Floyd riots in 2020 were more destructive than January 6. Other than liberals, who really believes our government was actually threatened that day?


It wasn't, but it's the only way they can keep trump from becoming president again. They have no other cards to play.


Not really just listen to him talk about the airports from the Revolutionary war will do it for most people.


If there was a right wing insurrection then why were no guns brought to the table? After all that’s what the right is known for. Also Biden was the one who needed the National Guard to officiate his election. Man uses the military to secure his election? Sounds like a dictatorship


I mean in all the federal prosecutions from that day is there A SINGLE ONE that references an *insurrection?* I honestly don’t believe so. Look how the QAnon Shaman was embarrassingly released from prison. Embarrassing for the Feds.


Uh that guy was released because he... Served his sentence. I wonder what else you're misinformed about.


I think a lot of people wanted an insurrection that day but the match just wouldn’t spark.




If it wasn't an insurrection, then what was it, and who perpetuated it?


If you look at the pictures, taken from the air above, that day. You'll see that there were thousands and thousands of people in DC. Had Jan 6th been an insurrection. The US government wouldn't have remained to slap that label on it.


I think only a legit clinical dumbass would think it was an insurrection. If it was indeed one, it would've been a nation wide coordinated op between different insurrectionist cells and sleeper agents. They wouldn't just go inside and take pictures, they would entrench and fortify their position, fight tooth and nail for it, create a perimeter. Take different government offices and financial centers and maybe execute a few politicians to get their point across. How anyone would think it was an insurrection is beyond me


Its not about belief. The videos of cops guiding people in is proof enough of an inside job.


You know a bunch of us watched it happen live, right? We watched them smash windows, beat cops, and force their way through barricades. The inability for the MAGA crowd to take even the slightest bit of responsibility for their actions never ceases to amaze me.


thank you. i hate this sub sometimes.


Yes it is proof there were cops in on it.


lol this one is hilarious


Too many trumpsters here, I can feel my brain cells dying every minute.


I mean, what was it then? A peaceful storming of a Government building to change the result of an election?


It wasn’t as nefarious as the left say and it wasn’t as innocent as the right says. Like with anything the truth lies totally outside of the political spectrum


I'd say it was mostly peaceful, until the State killed an unarmed woman.


And she was just minding her own business too. No warnings, no threat just shot. Crazy. /s


“…..mostly peaceful” It looked mostly peaceful as they were breaking windows to get in, and climbing scaffolding to get to other windows and doors to break to get in. Would you consider that a peaceful way for your neighbors to enter your house?


No they were walking around a building we the people own and pay for it doesnt belong to the politicians but we seem to have forgotten that they work for us not the other way around this republic we live in is headed way down hill if we dont wake up and take our place


It was a complete setup by Pelosi et al. and feds.


no, because Jean Luc Picard wasn't there protecting the Ba'Ku against the Son'a and the rogue elements of the Federation.


90% of Reddit


I rate it about twenty 9/11s.


Depends, how are you defining insurrection?


Me. It was live on television didn’t you see it? Didn’t you see Trump say let’s go to the capital? Didn’t you see them chant hang Mike Pence?


I saw a mostly peaceful protest.


It was Nancy Pelosi’s insurrection


Can't believe Trump spoke on that crowd before they proceeded to the Capitol bldg. Did he even know it was staged by Pelosi?!


Brain rot


Of course it was an insurrection. I know this because I watched with my eyes and listened with my ears. Before the election, Trump set the stage by saying he could only lose if the Dems cheated. That was him telling you how he was going to spin it. He also stated, before the election, that he wasn't leaving and just wasn't going to concede. He literally came out and told everyone what he was going to do, and then he proceeded to do just that. Then he spoke at the J6 rally and released his maga minions to do his dirty work. We all watched this unfold. There's no denying it. Further evidence came to light with the J6 committee investigation. Many of those who testified were Republicans. Have you not watched these hearings? There is no question of whether or not there was an insurrection. The only question is why there are still people denying the facts.


No, not a chance, they clearly tried to unpopularise Trump for years, when that didn't work they just rigged the election. Edit: sorry my wording could have been better.


everyone there that day including trump should be hanged. all traitors to their country


Didn’t trump put out that video telling people to go home and then Twitter pulled it within 30 seconds to basically encourage the rioting. And then everyone got a guided tour around the area and a few people got into Congress. Hardly a insurrection but if it’s a good enough justification to clear trump off the voting ballot then it works for the democrats.


January 6th 2021 was orchestrated to cover the internet signature of January 6th 2017.


I'd say a very large portion of those who stormed the capital had insurrection on their mind. Between a third to half.


Interesting part from Section 1 of the 14th Amendment: “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” According to this, a person must be tried and found guilty for it to apply. I wonder why his defense team hasn’t brought this up? I mean, he stated, on live tv, for people to go home. It’s the easiest defense.


More like a Psyop! 😶


It wasn't a full insurrection but was a full on attempt at one. I watched the live video from that day.


By the barest definition, maybe. I'd classify it more as a protest that got out of hand, as happens when emotions are high in a large crowd, like that one. But... I think Trump wanted more support than he got. If the protests had gotten it's way, and changed the election results , he would have been happy and have accomplished his goals. His set out upon, pre mediated goals.


An insurrection lasts for days months and sometimes years. Whatever it was it was over in a couple of hours.

