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Yup lots of people I know are sick as hell and hacking their lungs up




Just getting over it… unvaxxed. Was a pretty rough week, but not anything you haven’t experienced pre-covid


At this point why would anyone trust the medical system?


Or The mainstream media The alternative media The intelligence community The law enforcement community The economic forecasters The public policy makers The technology icons The celebrities


when the covid vax came out my initial gut reaction was "oh hell no", but i was pregnant and being heavily targeted by health professionals, they just slowly chipped away at me and ultimately I gave in like a good little sheepy...but my eyes are open now, never again!


Don't feel bad, they went full court press on everybody. I've never seen a more concerted effort on anything.




Yes precisely! A very costly lesson to learn to trust my intuition


Because if they can’t trust the medical industry, who can they trust? They certainly don’t trust themselves or other “regular” people, so they need a “higher power” to look to for guidance and reassurance. If you’re able to let go of trust in the medical establishment(if you ever had any to begin with), be grateful that you don’t need to cling to the delusion that it can be trusted in order for you to feel safe.


If you don't trust the govt who helps set our health standards then you automatically shouldn't trust the healthcare system. Not trusting the system isn't the same as not trusting individuals. Some you might be able to, but as whole it's better to assume all they want is your money


Ha, good thing I don’t have any money then.


Cool next time you get sick stay home heal yourself everybody wins I bet you wanna talk some more about though right.


Not sure if that’s what I currently have but the coughing causes me to have tunnel vision and sometimes blackout for a couple seconds.


hope you get through it quickly bud, that sounds terrible.


The RSV vaccine just hit market, and is still only available to certain demographics. Did you or anyone in your family get one? RSV has been around for ages, though I agree this "outbreak" is highly questionable.


I genuinely thought this was a "child" illness much like strep throat or whooping cough. Dont we get an rsv vaccine as children?


Idk... I'm not a doctor but I think RSV is more dangerous for infants and toddlers because they can't get rid of the mucus on their own and can have difficulty breathing with the build up, especially during sleep. For adults, we can constantly blow our noses, take medicine to break up the phlegm and know when we're having difficulty breathing when in bed sick and can prop ourselves up with pillows.


The amount of mucus my wife and i blew out the last 2 weeks of December was absolutely ridiculous. Everything else was pretty mild for us though. My poor toddler though, he couldn't get rid of it easily. Every couple days he'd puke pure mucus. We're all better finally


Same. Mild for us but crazy amount of mucus for days. Had to constantly suck boogers out of our toddler's nose. Couple sketchy nights but was told by our doctor it was mild and upper respiratory. Maybe it's always been like this and people are just hyper aware and cautious now with illnesses.


It’s definitely more common in kids, more dangerous for them as well, but anyone can get it. More to the point though, one of the biggest reasons we’re seeing a surge in cases is because they created a 3-in-1 that screens for COVID, Influenza, and RSV. You start testing more people for RSV and you’ll end up finding more cases.


Neither strep throat or whooping cough are only for children. You should definitely get the whooping cough vaccine. If you catch it as an adult it can kill you.


Had whooping cough multiple times as a teenager / adult. It is Not Fun and causes panic cause you can't go anywhere or around anyone who might be around babies. And I had the vaccine as a kid.


You need to get booster. They usually combine it with the tetanus shot.


Its been 10+ years since I've had it now. Do you think It would be worth it?


The vaccine or the cough? Not sure if you build immunity to whooping cough. The vaccine is recommended every 5 years, I believe. Definitely worth it. Especially the tetanus shot. But you get a two-fer when you get the tetanus.


RSV is indeed thought of as a "childhood illness" and is not overly debilitating in adults. Normally. But I think all of us on this sub are more aware to how things have been moving... Covid vaccines lowering immune response in otherwise healthy adults have (likely) led to the "outbreak." Considering the vaccine was only released last May, so no. You did not get an RSV vaccine as a child. It's currently being recommended for those 60+ and pregnant women. I imagine babies will start getting it soon too, if they haven't already.


Yeah, I've always called it baby kennel cough. Guess I'm wrong


RSV may have been around for ages, but I swear I never heard the term until those vaccines were available. Definitely never heard it before covid. Are they just calling things by new names now?


No. RSV has been around for ages, nothing has been renamed in this case. Even adults get it, but as it mimics a common cold, you likely have had it and never realized. It's more a concern/danger for very young children, so if you don't have any, it's quite possible you've never heard of it; you've never needed to consider it before.


Hence a “vaccine” is not needed!


Good thing it isn't a vaccine. It's a monoclonal antibody. Big difference.


100% agree. Hence my use of quotation marks around the word!


Exactly! It's the flu shot all over again.


Agreed! I say this, our immune system is not a subscription based model! Natural exposure is what keeps our immune system strong and us healthy, not a seasonal shot! And yet people (healthy to unhealthy) insist on getting all of them. Repeatedly. And when I mention that each of these yearly shots inherently creates more dependence on getting the next one to continue to stay healthy, I’m the crazy one. Which may true, but that a different story. lol.


I wonder if RSV is what they’ve always told me was an “upper respiratory infection”. That term seems to be the one I would always hear. Thanks for your answer!




I have a 20 year old yes. Maybe its a regional thing idk, I've asked many people local to me, nobody heard it called RSV until very recently around here.


Lack of knowledge is not a conspiracy, others know about it.


Not true, my sister went to the hospital and they didn't do nothing for her and basically told her the rsv has to just run its course


What part of my statement is not true? I never said the hospital can help lol


Age? Infant or adult? That absolutely matters.


My kids, husband, and I have been sick with the RSV for about a month now. Before that, we had strep throat. One of my daughters has been sick for 2 months straight with various coughing diseases. I don't even try to go anywhere or do anything now. It has been a shitty couple of months and it shouldn't have been this way. We have never been so sick for so long. I didn't know there was a vaccine for this RSV until after we all had this disease that doesn't ever go away.


My wife and I have been passing shit back and forth for the past 6 weeks. Such a grind


Are you both immuno-compromised? If not, then how the fuck can you pass the same virus around in perpetuity?




You likely are


Or it’s a different virus?


Different virus or different strain. The point was that immune systems exist, otherwise humans wouldn't have been around for 200,000+ years.


It does happen. In my case this has happened to me twice with covid, but I think it's because vaccinated people shed a nuclear amount of virus. For example: I was a bit sick, but fighting it off fine, then I got my family sick, and they are vaccinated. I'm not. 3 days after they fell ill, while I wasn't completely well yet, I was definitely almost over it, nbd, then the next day I got hit way worse all of a sudden. So... I think the obscene amount of vaccine induced zombie-esque viral spreading overwhelmed my immune system which was fighting it off naturally just fine. If I wasn't around them for the holidays I would have gotten better no problem.


did you take the covid vaccines?


My kids didn't get the covid vaccines and they're the ones bringing home all these nasty diseases. I got two covid shots a while back, winter 2021 and fall 2021, I think. I am the most well person in my family, always have been. My husband got three or four, and said no more.


I think the people who are vaccinated spread it on a way aggressive level.


Same at my work and in my house.


Me the wife and son got RSV in 2016, whatever this is now is different, the cough just lingers on and on, my boss and stepmom ended up in the hospital with pneumonia fairly recently, stepmom is still on oxygen. Shit is weird and has been going around since at least September, everyone I know has had it, every family member, every coworker. Strange.


Sounds like a secondary bacterial infection


A doctor diagnosed one of my kids with RSV and then the rest of the family got it. So this one is, according to a doctor's swab test, RSV. But there's been other stuff going around all year that doesn't go away either. So I know what you mean.


My RSV cough lasted 12 weeks last year. Absolutely insane.


My RSV cough lasted 0 days. I take 1.2 - 1.8g NAC per day and 200mcg Selenium. Kid had it for a few months before I started her on NAC syrup for kids 100mg daily. Not a fan of the additives (colouring and sweeteners) in the pharma syrup version but it did the job


What is NAC?


N-acetyl cysteine, it's an aminoacid that contributes heavily to the production of glutathione. Has a variety of benefits, but is best known for being used in paracetamol overdoses and acting as an expectorant.


Thank you


I don't know what's going around, but I've had a sore throat, nose bleeds, and foul sinus drainage for like 3 weeks now.


Likely Covid.


yeah that's covid. Try to isolate away from vaccinated people because they seem to be very very contagious in a way that is overwhelming to normal non-borderline-cancerous immune systems.


Ok so in the last 2 months, I've known 4 people who have tested positive for COVID (all vaccinated and boosted). For those that aren't vaccinated - are they getting COVID as much as vaccinated? For me it's 4 nil?? People at work have this cough. I'm fine with social distancing and just staying in the cubicle!


I’m unvaccinated and just getting over something nasty. Rough week but nothing we haven’t been through pre2019.


SS. I’m a healthy active person that can’t get rid of this cough. Convinced that the RSV vaccine is perpetually mutating this virus and it’s hitting us hard. Vitamins, exercise and sleep have helped, but it’s been over a month now…


My kids have had it since before Christmas break and are still sick, I got it last in the family but have recovered from it completely. I contribute it to being outside(not even joking, I didn't want to use my sick time because I dont feel terrible, plus its a pain in the ass process to actually call in). But yea, Im outside for 12 hours a day doing labor intensive work, it completely sucks ass in the morning because thats when I would cough up globs of stuff... but by lunch I was feeling 100% better and by the time I get home I feel fine... and almost feel like I get reinfected back at home. Convinced the wife to open up the windows and air out the house for a bit, and everyone seems to be feeling better.


The adirondack cottage sanitarium was created because they believed the outdoors cured tuberculosis.


NAC & Quercetin both inhibit the replication of the virus. Medicinal grade Manuka Honey will help with the cough.


Not medical advice although rub Vic's Vapor rub on the soles of your feet.




I cannot believe there are still people mocking this lol. Has to be bots or shills


Propaganda, demoralization, and the Rockefeller/Carnegie school system coming to fruition, isn’t it fun


Right. Has he tried onions in his socks?


Probably not, considering there is no research that points to that being a solution to anything. Ivermectin on the other hand..


actually totally anecdotal, but my grandma lived on a farm in TN prior to the new deal. As a young child, she got an awful pneumonia and had a ridiculously high fever that wouldn't go away. Like this girl (my grandma,) was about to die. She had lost other siblings to illness too, so the stress on her and her family was high. One sister had an idea because this sister had read in a magazine about a breakthrough treatment for fevers. The magazine said to pack the patient in onions. So, as a last ditch resort my grandmother's sister was like "we should try this!" as they had nothing to lose. They did the onion thing. The fever broke and my grandmother lived. (I would say obviously, but i'm adopted so that doesn't super apply, but it does still apply i guess :) yay) edit: so to summarize onions literally saved (or I think so anyway,) my grandmother's life. She was so young, and really was quite delirious in and out of fever I think she barely knew what was going on at the point they used the onions. Could be wrong, but from the story my mother told me it seemed like a very dire situation where my grandmother was barely conscious.




Right in the arm for best results!


Were you vaxed?


Same here. The stuffed nose I had was extreme. Still have a bit month later


RSV isn't the same as the "100 day cough". My daughter had RSV 24 years ago as a baby, it isn't new. But why is it so prevalent now? And what about this other thing?


Wow this is kind of creeping me out hearing that a ton of people all over the country have ALSO been sick two or three times culminating in a cough that won't go away starting two to three months ago and ongoing. No one in my house got the COVID shot or any shot for many years. One person in the house had to be tested because he had to have emergency eye surgery and they weren't going to do it without him taking the stupid test but otherwise no one used any of the COVID tests. I don't subscribe to germ theory HOWEVER I think that terrain theory needs a better explanation for what I've always understood to be contagion between humans. I don't know how else to explain the fact that my son started working at Ross over the summer and he was the first one sick all three times, followed my my bf and then me. Sure seems like he picked it up at work and brought it home but my mind is wide open and I intend on solving all of these mysteries eventually. Anyway---- this is my current theory. It will probably sound dumb and that's ok with me. The day that I got sick the first time, I had to drop a package off at Fed ex. I rolled the window down after parking and smoked a cigarette and then fell asleep for about 20 mins (I do that a lot in cars). What I DON'T do a lot in cars is leave the windows rolled down when I'm just sitting there doing whatever. When I woke up, I sneezed at least 12 times in a row and then of course was all stuffed up. I kept telling myself I was stuffed up because of the sneeze attack and wasn't sick or anything. No big deal. But of course I was sick and it was SO annoying. The Fed Ex i fell asleep in front of just happens to be right across the street from....Ross. Where my kid works. So there's that. I live in a 3 bedroom house but basically live in the garage because I'm just that kind of weird garage person, I guess. It's where all my stuff is that I use on a daily basis other than my clothes so it makes sense to ME at least that that is where I spend most of my time. I also share my garage with 7 chickens. They live in the garage because before they were even old enough to go outside and spent most of their time hanging out on top of a dog crate that's on top of my actual dog's dog crate. One day I opened the garage door for a few mins and someone must have walked by and seen them and told on me. HOA had a cow but I wasn't getting rid of them no matter what, so inside they stayed. It's a lot of work but worth it. Back to the point. So I live in a garage with 7 chickens. They eat normal chicken food because that's all I can afford but aren't vaccinated or medicated in any way. They all lay an egg a day. I've had them for almost 2 years now and not one has ever had a sniffle or a sore or a growth or an injury or a condition of any kind. I'm part of at least 10 chicken Facebook groups and get notifications about posts. Every single damn post EVERY SINGLE ONE is a serious of photos of some horrific chicken disease-ridden bird with boils all over them or their eyes swollen shut or randomly bleeding all over the place.... Constant posts about chickens becoming paralyzed and dying or just being found dead mysteriously. All day long. People all over the country. What the hell is happening to these chickens and why isn't it happening to mine? I let them outside once in awhile to roll around in the dirt and pick at weeds but they have been stuck inside for a long time recently because it has rained a bunch and muddy chickens don't sound like fun to me. Final point: I also don't get out much along with the chickens. I don't come in contact with tons of people or go many places. I'm not a hermit or anything, that's just how my life goes. My theory is that there's something in the air in certain places or in most places that is making people so toxic that they have to go into overdrive (causing us to "get sick") to keep the toxin/not toxin ratio in the body in check. I believe that it's in the air because someone is putting it in the air and this is the result. My other theory is simply that it's winter and lots of people spend lots of time in the winter being all sick and messed up and this is not out of the ordinary or particularly shocking. Perhaps a combination of the last two theories: people get sick in the winter for whatever reason (I can think of many but I've already put most people who might read this to sleep, so I won't list them) and the reason could be that "they" make everyone sick in the winter. Why? Well, to sell us flu shots and cold medicine! Duh. But a lot of people are in crappy shape thanks to becoming sedentary, eating an increasingly empty of nutrients diet, never touching the ground with feet that aren't in sneakers, not sleeping well, being paranoid and stressed out all the time, mostly about money, constantly expecting something horrible to happen and constantly discussing this expectation ad nauseum, being made to wear masks that just poisoned us with our own waste and killed brain cells for over a fucking year....so we're at a disadvantage health wise. Idk. It sucks though. I have a lingering cough and as of three days ago I also have laryngitis which is PISSING ME OFF. FML.


The covid vaccine makes people shed mega doses of the virus when they get it. Source: experience (I'm not vaccinated, but only after someone vaccinated got sick did my immune system get overwhelmed.)


This is the ramblings of an insane person


I know. I'm sorry. Stream of consciousness. I'm so tired.


What you wrote you mean? Yeah it is kinda insane to go to a sub that you never participate in to make fun of someone’s mental health


yeah its the vaccine causing chaos in the immune system leading to increased viral shedding that's in the air I think. They probably did it on purpose so they can make more money and do insider trading because they know people will be sick so then stocks will go up.


I had Rsv 3 weeks ago and I felt like shit. Very tired and worst stuffed nose I ever remember


I've been so tired with this disease. Do you feel back to your normal self now?


Somewhat. Maybe 90% back


RSV was discovered in 1956, it's nothing new.


What are you mad about? That viruses are going around during flu season? Been like that forever? There's an RSV vaccine? I just looked, like 17% of adults over the age of 60 have gotten it. I can assure you, this all happened before. The only thing that has maybe changed is people are labeling viruses more now.


it's the degree, duration, contagiousness and sheer volume of illness right now which is weird.


i work in healthcare. we never even tested adults for rsv until a few years ago, then when covid came out new multi-target pcrs ([example)](https://www.biofiredx.com/products/the-filmarray-panels/filmarrayrp/) came out and were quickly adopted by most major hospitals so when you get a covid pcr you're likely being tested for 20+ different things including rsv so adults began to be tested in mass. also AFAIK the rsv vaccine isn't covered by most insurances since rsv doesn't have an overall benefit due to rsv being a nothingburger by most accounts.


Then take what's not recommended by the CDC. I know some people who had a persistent cough for a while, had gotten rid of it with something that the CDC said wasn't recommended for "COVID" cuz they were for barnyard animals. They may have not realize they had RSV the whole time because some had it for like 2 months and took the substance that was "banned" by the CDC and had gotten over it within days of taking it. Now their cough is completely gone. Like I said in previous comments, I don't know how much I can share on here without getting banned/suspended so I think y'all are smart folks and can figure out what I'm talking about.


What people don't realize about ivermectin is that it's not just anti-parasitic but clears bacteria, yeast, and whatever the fuck viruses are.


In a petri dish, yeah it kills a lot of things at a high enough dose. But it also kills, you know, human cells at those doses. But at a theraputic dose, it kills parasites without the cell damage. Because that's what it's designed to do.


It's been studied in vitro, even for MRSA. The results showed that ivermectin but not levamisole or albendazole exhibited a potent anti-staphylococcal activity at the concentrations of 6.25 and 12.5 μg/ml against two isolates. Interestingly, one of the isolate was sensitive while the other was resistant to methicillin/cefoxitin. https://aricjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13756-018-0314-4


i kept my kids home from school right before christmas break. as soon as i found out half the staff and students were sick i said no way. if more people had common sense and avoided sick people this shit wouldn't spread like it does. my family hasn't been sick at all this year. we didn't stay home but i just didn't send them to school w kids whos parents send sick kids. we aren't in a bunker lol and we never wore masks.


My kids' schools harass us every time they miss a few days in a row. They're at private schools that also get public funding. I need to consider homeschooling so we don't have to deal with this anymore.


if they miss 3 in a row or more they need a dr note or it has to be preapproved like a vacation. if my kid is taht sick they miss 3 days we are at the minimum going to urgent care or calling the dr for a script. note obtained. if we are going on vacation like we did last year we just notify the school a month prior. as long as we had her do one small project before going back to school the 5 days was excused. i do think homeschooling may have its own challenges that I'm not up for lol.


Its like the rebellion from having to wear masks and mandatory off times. People just naturally rebel, i dont know why. The masks and mandatory testing was so overboard, now people have NO sense with any of it. Its black and white mentality but in complex situations it doesnt work. I hated wearing the masks and being forced off work when i was sick, but i still take precautions with any sicknesses. Now people dont wash their hands, cover their sneezes and coughs. These WERE the people obsessed over wearing the masks!


That's what gets me. We just got through years of being told "don't go to work if you're sick" like some new mantra, yet people can't afford to not work in many jobs, therefore they go in anyways, and get everyone sick. It's literally sick.


Has anyone who didn't take the covid vaccines gotten bad RSV?


Maybe. Yeah, I think we’ve had rsv, maybe. My kid was sick before break and is still coughing. I had a cold on steroids.. like the longest cold of my life. Ever . No vax. I’ve been wondering..


Throw in 8 million illegals from dirty 3rd world shitholes carrying lord knows what.


As an RT I can attest. We call it the perma cough lol it goes away if you lift hard and sweat a bunch


My wife has had it multiple times in 2 years and it always lasts weeks. Shit is awful.


Some of my family had RSV recently. I've had a sinus infection since mid November I can't get rid of. Took antibiotics and then had those tore me up bad. I was just wondering if it's something in the air making everyone so sick. I only got the 2 first covid shots. Last year I got covid and my dr gave me the flu shot while I was there with a 102 fever. I don't know why I agreed but the fever may have had something to do with it. I don't know who to trust anymore for Healthcare.


My whole family has it currently and ick! The amount of sneezing I'm doing is driving me nuts. Like 10-15 times yesterday. And not just regular sneezes but these gigantic sneezes that feel like your head is going to blow off. They're awful. The rest isn't too bad so far. The nuclear sneezing is for the birds. Isn't that just super convenient that a new RSV vaxx came out? Doesn't surprise me at this point.


money insider trading What better way to predict stocks go up in regards to healthcare, than to make everyone sick to ensure that they do go up? so that when the economy crashes they have enough money and can take their spaceTwitter to mars or some bs.


i got triple vaxxed, been to the bar every day since covid started and flew twice from north america to europe. never even had a runny nose let alone a cough. your poor health cant be blamed on conspiracy theories.


Best reasoning I've heard recently is we just called everything the flu but in reality it's several different viruses. My grandfather recently caught rsv but we would have called it the flu any other year


Why would you say he had the flu? A major hallmark of having the flu is that you frequently vomit, even if there's nothing but bile in your stomach. The symptoms of RSV aren't even remotely similar.


Rsv want in the is local lexicon before the last year. You got real sick? That's the flu. You get a little sick? That's a cold. Or food poisoning if you shit and vomit a lot. This is way more common than you think


Well you can call anything, anything that you want I suppose but the flu & RSV's symptoms are absolutely nothing alike so I'm struggling to understand how it is that you can justify referring to two illnesses with obviously different sets of symptoms as the same thing. What that says to me is that whoever it is must not actually know the presenting symptoms of either disease, & as you said, is simply using the flu as an umbrella term for "being real sick". That's highly misleading, concerning, & somewhat interesting to me actually because it makes me wonder if that's why so many people line up to get the yearly flu vaccine that they push every year around "flu season". "So they won't get real sick." The flu is a specific virus, and if you've actually had it in your lifetime, you're very unlikely to need a vaccine for it. It's just like any other natural virus in the history of nature. Once you've actually had it or, get a real vaccine for it (I mean something like a polio vaccine, not the "new kind" of "vaccine" for covid) you're practically good for life. It's kinda like how people can develop shingles in old age because they had the chickenpox as a kid. Technically, it is the same virus that caused it, but its symptoms are obviously different. And that takes practically your whole lifetime to mutate into something different enough to overtake your immune system again. The terms "food poisoning" & "cold" ARE actual umbrella terms for two groups of illnesses that present with common symptoms. You are totally correct about that.


Thanks to the federal reserve central bank, the cabal can do whatever the sheeple allow, and the sheeple will allow almost anything lol


Only sucks for people who follow “modern medicine “ for their healthcare.


Something something fauci something something aids something something cough




Respiratory Syncytial Virus




They need another virus for next election season.


I had this just before Christmas lasted 3 days then started to feel better now I see the vaccinated people are getting it worse. Hope you all feel better soon and please guys no more boosters.


Same… probably about a week but I’m bouncing back strong


My mom is almost 80 and she raised 7 kids. We had a talk about rsv not long ago. None of us ever had it and she told me it's been around for a long time but not like it is today. I remember 1st time I heard about it was when my nephews were babies, that was around 30 years ago. As far as I can remember none of them ever had it. I find it strange that the past couple of years it's been all over the news. It's like out of no where everyone's getting rsv now and here comes a vaccine for it. Why wasn't a vaccine produced all those years ago? Rsv has been around forever, it seems, so why wait til now.


It’s almost like you guys think no one ever got really sick before Covid… I knew a girl in high school who got the flu, was perfectly healthy, and then died from the flu because it just destroyed her lungs. Bad shit happens… people get sick. Colds happen a lot at this time of year. Has happened for hundreds of years


Drop the religion bullshit. Satanism has nothing to do with their pedophilia. Islam, sure. Regardless, it's their own self-interests. It's not religion. If ANYTHING, they're utilizing christianity.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Well, when a wendy's employee wants to talk more than shop then I might as well act like they're a wendy. Edit: yall with the same duplicate responses need to come-up with something original. "This is Wendy's" and " "Not an airport". Y'all need physical contact, in a loving fashion.


I’ll take what he’s having




My sister in law called me last weekend - her, my brother, and my 75 year old dad got sick with the “flu” again. I visited them back in November they were sick after I came back home….they are all vaccinated it’s not a coincidence anymore their immune system is compromised.


Anyone got a Traditional Chinese Medicine place near you? At this point it might be worth a look.


RSV in infants is real though. What's your suggestion to keep these babies from dying?


Would it shock you to find out that diseases are a thing and didn’t just pop up conveniently at a time to coincide with your miserable existence, we as a species have dealt with many diseases over time. Most were much worse and we had no idea how to treat them much less cure and prevent them.


True but what most people don't know is those diseases and illnesses were never just a natural part of life. They've been manufactured and distributed along with a cover story since the very beginning! The human body was designed to be self healing with a proactive immune system that should prevent illnesses


Huh? Disease has only been around since we learned how to synthesize a virus? Amazing.


Idk, we all ended up needing antibiotics and they sure helped. As long as you're not taking them multiple times a year, they work good


That sucks. It seems like it’s messed with your brain and ability to think critically. Seek help


Don’t lump satanists in with these disgusting people. Satanists are the most rational “religion” I’ve ever read about. They don’t worship the devil and they don’t sacrifice children. Politicians do.


We tried to get the RSV vaccine for my daughter, but the clinic we go to was given a single digit amount of doses for the entire clinic so they are being very selective with who gets them.


Literally everyone at work has had this shit, and I'm sick with fever twice now. With the shit I've coughed up you could kill a native American tribe with it. FML


my family got sniffles, while others are getting the flu.


I was on antibiotics for a tooth infection for 3 weeks straight as I was having teeth removed I’ve had this cough/sneezing/ no taste or smell bullshit for over a month now it’s horrendous my smell and taste is slowly coming back in


I have caught nothing. No flu. No covid. No RSV. Not even a cold. Nothing.


Eat radish !!!!


I got sick and ended up having stomach problems for a month. Even thought when I was sick the only thing not hurting was my stomach. Then after 1 week I started getting non stop heartburn, burping, gird, and thick thick mucus that won’t go away.


My mom and I both got Covid. My sinuses won’t clear up over 2 weeks later, she’s the one with the nasty cough


From the comments it seems the unvaxed get rsv and a week later they’re ok. The vaxed seem to get rsv that lasts indefinitely!


I haven't caught anything in over a year you all must have terrible immune systems. Is there any actual proof of this claim?.


RSV? yall are getting that?? RSV is something only babies with no immune system yet get, while still in the hospital. Adults are not supposed to get RSV, unless they have no immune system like from HIV. and even then, it's acquired in hospitals. Where there are lots of sick people around.


I just got over having this for 2 weeks. I'm 48 and no kids. Didn't go to the doctor, just took ibuprofen when I felt bad and Delsym (generic) for the cough.


I didn’t hear about RSV until about 6 years ago when my cousin’s newborn had to be hospitalized for it. I remember bringing it up to my own physician as a huge concern I had (in 2021). Finally, I added the part about my cousin’s kid. He said, “oh that’s why- we were all wondering why you were so concerned. It isn’t really usually a big deal.” I just thought that was funny compared to the current dramatics. We don’t do vaccines, but we also don’t do crowds and we don’t do people around our newborn


Whole thread full of bots and shills trying to convince you that a new virus is circulating Bullshit


All they do is create the vaccines and drugs for the viruses and illnesses they create. I've been on the receiving end of a lifelong illness o got after receiving the TB vaccine while in high school. So you can tell my trust level is 0.


I don't have RSV but I did have covid and was just a bit under the weather, getting better fine, nbd... until my family also got covid (from me... but they were shedding a lot of virus that my immune system, which was already almost done fighting off the infection, got overwhelmed with and couldn't handle it well, so I got very ill a few days after they got symptoms. Surprise, they are all vaccinated and I think boosted? I'm not. I think the vaccine makes you shed MORE virus. The only other time I've gotten covid badly, was when I was in close proximity to all vaccinated people. My immune system started fighting it off just fine, but then someone vaccinated comes along and sheds a mega dose of virus.) Now, after 2-3 weeks... I am finally negative but my sinuses and ears are really sensitive and prone to infection anyway (have been my whole life lol,) my doctor (in the US,) prescribed me ivermectin and an antibiotic. Ivermectin definitely helps. And I definitely developed an additional ear infection/sinus infection, so while the covid is mostly gone, I started antibiotics today. They should help. My face is already starting to depuff. Yay. Bottom line, there are a lot of things going around, but I am getting better now. And I don't think i've had RSV. Another takeaway here is that the covid vaccine makes you very contagious and does something weird to your immune system where it spreads like a cancer.


Maybe it’s a term used for when the body detoxes itself - shedding mucus and what not that contains toxins.. focus on a healthy immune system first and foremost then treat fevers and symptoms as cleansing


Got covid: needed a test to tell me i was sick Got RSV: couldn't hardly move for days my joints all felt 80 years old. Weird stuff for sure.


Still pretty damn angry about the whole covid democide thing, personally. Ppl want to forget about it. Especially those that went along with everything. But it's not anywhere near over. MODIFIED mRNA (Mod[e]rna) will continue being the harmful platform they use for future "vaccines".


I do not think its the vaccine..I know a lot of people who recently developed a chronic cough including me...none of us had the jab


Any time me or the wife get ANY respiratory symptoms we use Doctor Mercola’s protocol. Gone by the next day. Been 2 years now. https://youtu.be/XY41sYcmBO8?feature=shared Portable nebulizer. We use this one… https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0BLW7XN6C?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title


Just take zinc, magnesium, D3, and vitamin C daily.


yeah, unfortunately I think we're fucked. Sure seems like nobody has an immune system that works for anything now. Probably VAIDS brought on by an experimental vaccine that they lied about and said was 98% effective. Nothing will ever happen to any of the perpetrators either. We will never even know the true origin (which sure appears to be Wuhan from a lab we helped fund). We will never know if it was accidental or intentional. And we're likely to have another one in the next few years, although it seems like a massive cyber attack is next on the list. That's probably coming this year. We'll probably blame Iran and Russia and we'll have a war brewing with Iran by year end. That's been in the plan for 20+ years now.


Everyone in my house had it recently


Look up Frederick Gates january 1917 menegitis vaccine fort Riley. Presented fly like symptoms, 3,700 soldiers were injected with it. Then by March the Spanish slu had reportedly hit America randomly in Kansas...where fort Riley is...just a hunch, considering after the first cases out of fort Riley, it then spread to everywhere the soldiers went. Over 14 military installations had healthy soldiers dying from it, which was uncommon for a flu of the time, typically older or infants passed away from The flu