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2024, where watermelons are considered hate speech. lol social media is cancer


Social media is but a tool. The cancer has existed long before the internet




It seems like they're trying to make everything political and you can't escape it.


Thats the plan. Seperate and divide, so they can wreck us all at the same time while we have our backs turned to them fighting eachother. Then take away our rights to keep us safe.




Remember, darkness is the default of the world around us and will only be left after light, but a true burning flame cannot allow itself to be smothered


You have to be careful what fruit you eat these days, you could send the wrong message. Someone should create a guide!


Nice, now my watermelon shirt can be racist AND antisemitic!


But what about my watermelon asmr


I wonder if they removed all the watermelons in their supermarkets lol


They are working on banning them


no way


Watermelons aernt even in season rn


In case you haven't noticed we import food from other countries.


Yeah but watermelons right now are TERRIBLE Wife got one for my daughter last week and it was pink inside, not red.


Theyre also crunchy.. disgusting.


Why do your wife and daughter hate Israel?/s


The new set of anti-BDS laws will charge you with anti-Semitism if you eat watermelon 😆😆


Watermelon is used as a proxy for the Palestinian flag in Israel by Palestinians where the actual Palestinian flag is banned. Same colours. That said, I'm pretty sure fruit didn't erase a nation.


This shows how stupid it is to try to ban symbols or words in an attempt to control what people say.


Thanks for the info


I’m getting “freedom fries“ here. Same kind of clown world that we had post 9/11


The real irony is "french" in fries is for how how the potato is cut, not the country.


Kapo like Bibi and those running Israel learned propaganda well from Nazism.


> "a fruit repurposed" > > > > "The symbol erases the entire country of Israel" So... then [this is anti Palestina](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK8dsAeMmPk&pp=ygUYd2F0ZXJtZWxvbiBlbGFzdGljIGJhbmRz) i presume... :)


> So... then [this is anti Palestina](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK8dsAeMmPk&pp=ygUYd2F0ZXJtZWxvbiBlbGFzdGljIGJhbmRz) i presume... :) Hmm... So, if I follow the implied analogy * The "Slow Mo" guys would represent Zionism/ Israel * The watermelon would represent the Palestinian people, and * The rubber bands would represent the continuous and relentlessly increasing PRESSURE applied by the Zionists against the Palestinians over the past 100 years or so Is that the gist of it, more or less? Or did I miss something?


I think you covered it quite well.


Dude this is hate speech lol.


What in the fuck does a watermelon have to do with Palestinians?


Israel is such a democratic country that Palestinians aren’t allowed to wear or fly their flag even in the west bank and Gaza…so the watermelon shares the same colors and it became a symbol of Palestine


Isn't this fruit appropriation? I'm outraged.


Only democracy in the middle east bro!!!


Don't forget the most moral army /s


Interesting, thank you stranger.


I always understood watermelons as Enviro-Liberals. Eco green on the outside, and communist red on the inside.


Lollll did you just make that up? Never heard that before, that’s hilarious


It looks like the slice is in the shape of Israel, and the red could be “occupied” territory and the green sliver could represent current Palestinian land.


It's just the outline of occupied Palestine made to look like a Watermelon, that's all


At one point, Israel banned the Palestinian flag, both within its boarders and within the Palestinian Territories it continues to occupy. In response, Palestinians used images of watermelons, which bears the same colors as the Palestinian flag (red, black, green, and white) as an act of defiance. Basically a big middle finger to one of countless Zionist attempts to erase Palestinians, which have ranged from theft of their culture to outright denial that they even exist as a people while…they literally exist as a people lol.


A watermelon 🍉 looks like the Palestine flag


What else can you expect from a brain-rotted society that has essentially spent the last 10+ years reinforcing the disingenuous concept that if you aren’t in favor of or support one thing, then that means a million other different things about you as a person? This is what we get when we stop taking peoples’ opinions and beliefs at face value, and instead get all caught up in political/social identities as well as our own nonsensical emotions.


Truth right here


That mask lol


Everything is antisemitic now. Who cares? Literally, if you don't put all of Israel on a pedestal, it's antisemitism. I'm against Zionism and Israel. I dont give a shit what I'm called. That Twitter account is unhinged though.


For the first time in my life I’m seeing people not give two shits about being called antisemitic. I don’t think they fully understand where they currently stand & how worse it’s about to get.


Not caring because it was overused to the point of meaning "I'm not a pro-israel goy" is called comon sense.


Antisemitism =/= to speaking out against the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Antisemitism is wrong. Calling people out for antisemitism to protect the oppression of the Palestinian people is also wrong and untrue. Zionism is a secular movement that can not be carried out in that region without oppressing people who are native.


Even funnier she’s wearing a mask


Jennifer Garner seems like the type to go door to door in a black neighborhood asking people to get boosted.


Wouldn’t recommend wearing the watermelon 🍉 shirt


White people also like watermelon. I think it's pretty universally liked. Fried chicken too.


Ha, yeah- Jews being offended by white people repping watermelon seemed kind of like cultural appropriation




It always makes me laugh because the watermelon I buy at the farmer’s market is grown and sold by a black family. Some stereotypes are really just facts lol


.....bought by a white man??? So stereotype neutralized?


CIA instagram account only follows a handful of people. Her being one of them. Edit: seems as though they unfollowed her. Double Edit: the people they used to follow but don’t anymore: Melissa McCarthy, Claire Daines, Ryan Reynolds, John Krasinski, Jessica Chastain, Jennifer Garner, Bryan Cranston, Ben Affleck, Tom Hanks and Pierce Brosnan.


Listen to the “Empire Files” Podcast episode “how the CIA runs Hollywood” - about 70-80 min long Basically those actors are followed because they are considered beloved by majority of people who THEN had a starring role in a propaganda like movie or TV show


Those are all actors who have played CIA agents. Ben Affleck and Jessica Chastain are the obvious ones and maybe Tom Hanks, but you'd think George Clooney would be on that list if it was a who's who of Hollywood spooks.


if that’s true then why leave out Matt Damon, arguably the most famous CIA character with Bourne Identity?


Cuz Matt Damon doesn’t have an official IG


Oh ok that actually makes sense.


😂😂😂 100%


Jennifer seems like the type who wouldn't want to be anywhere near others who aren't like here.


That is a wild looking mask too


Yea that thing looks tight. Inside of that mask is probly disgusting


Bane is jealous


Not wanting to have your face photographed by paparazzi seems like a good reason to wear a mask tbh


It didnt work


Only if you assume that’s why she’s wearing it


Sure, it just seems like a good reason. It's gross that paparazzi take photographs of celebrities' kids and it's weird to share those pictures on Twitter trying to criticize a random teenager.


An intense fucking mask at that. Looks like she’s preparing for China to spray the atmosphere with poisonous gasses or something.


How is that funny? Liberal people tend to be pro mask and pro Palestine. Seems accurate to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


They(zionists) don't actually believe this nonsense. It's just nonsense to distract from the actual genocide in gaza that they don't want to talk about. Watermelons are anti semitic? They'll debate that all day.




Israel is erasing Gaza in reality. Zionists are genocidal crybullies.


yeah but muh sweatshirt is vIoLeNcE!


In Israel they are often brazenly open about wanting to do so, from government officials, avg citizens, and media organizations. You can find individuals emphatically support genocide. "Right to defend itself". Okay sure. I don't give a shit about Palestine, if it were reduced to rubble by natural disasters or whatever, it would make zero difference to me. I have no stake in the game. My default position is anti-war, so when I say fuck Israel, it is because indiscriminately killing civilians, especially childre, is not defending your self, it is objectively evil Now is the phase where Israel waits while starvation and disease decimate the population. It’s in the playbook. Giore Eiland' article will continue to followed. If being against that is antisemitic or racist then so be it. Fuck Israel. And fuck dumb shits who equate criticism of their actions as support for Hamas, or support for Palestine.


They try to erase each other, you are just easily brainwashed by political agendas and media.


"Zionists" own Hollywood, and most of the corporate tech companies in the US and arguably the world. Edit: ok, maybe not literally own but definitely heavily influenced.


Bibi is the king of the world.


Not for long. Him and Zelensky are going to get the Gaddafi treatment.


No human can dethone the devil


>"The symbol erases the entire country of Israel" Listen, I have no problem with the Jews but when you say shit like this it's really hard for me to not think deep down you are probably the baddies...




Imagine thinking it’s antisemitic to feel sympathy for a country whose people are facing mass genocide lmao its so ironic




Underrated fruit


Let’s be real, watermelon is properly rated. It’s one of only a handful of things that have a 99% approval rating lol




Fruit in general are really good for these things, watermelon is actually low tier as far as fruits go. Outside of weird shit like dragon fruit or imposter bullshit like tomatoes I don’t think watermelon ranks above any other fruits.


Now forbidden fruit


Getting all worked up over a picture of a watermelon on a shirt.


How can a watermelon erase an entire country? I really thought that kind of bullshit talk died out in about 2018 but apparently there’s some people who are still so chronically online that they think a statement like that makes sense. Now I understand why the hippies are so ridiculed. This post uses the same kind of nonsense phrasing that they used and became known for - even to this day. And I’d wager that there are a whole swath of Jewish people, Israelis, and even Palestinians; just holding their heads in their hands that the person who tweeted this was allowed anywhere near a keyboard.


ADL-esque cultural programming normalizes hatred of "white" people, and doesn't keep track of anti-"white" symbols and rhetoric while maintaining a dictionary of esoteric racist symbols/numbers/gestures/weather patterns, all the while carrying water for modern Israel, an ethnostate colony of Western origin.


So upside down pineapples mean swingers and regular old watermelons mean free Palestine? When did fruit become so popular? Edit: spelling


Look up the eggplant emoji 😄


I don't need to look up I can look down homie bad dad joke idk kinda bad taste I'm gonna go away now


Okay? Thank you, for letting me know, oh great one. I'm going to go now.


Hahahaha 😂


Submission Statement- Isn't it funny how the truth doesn't require censorship? Funnier still is how the same people always seem to be behind the censorship.


So I've read this whole thread but like... why are you saying Jennifer Garner was blacklisted or censored? Just looks like a random Twitter account criticized her 18 year-old kid. 5k likes is nothing.


It is a doxxing account that tries to get people fired for supporting palestine


Most Palestinians support hamas if you believe reports. You can't have peace in that part of the world until one moderate comes to power in the west Bank or Gaza.


Standard social media conspiracy (and news drama) playbook. If there is one account/person/anything that voices an opinion, you can write an "article" about that. Then 200 other "conspiracy" blogspam websites and social media accounts share that article and write their own articles about IT, and now it's a whole thing that people link to and so on as if it wasn't just created wholesale. Just another way of continuing the grift.


Where’s the censorship? One twitter account talking about someone is hardly blacklisting. In fact Garner was more active in 2023 than the last 3 years. Isn’t funny how the truth doesn’t involve making shit up.


Yeah. Kind of like red MAGA hats. This girl isn't even being attacked like people wearing certain hats have been.


Funniest thing is why would anyone care what happens to anyone in Hollywood. U realize theyre actors, right?


99% of people watch "news" where the normal lives of actors make the front page everyday. >U realize theyre actors, right? But they are more important than you!


If actors are more important than real people to you, then you dont live in reality...and your bragging about it lol. Hopefully someday you can become a real person


"The symbol erases the entire country of Israel" These are the types of statements that should raise a red flag and give anyone with common sense reason to discredit the poster.


What…what is a black shirt with a slice of watermelon doing to erase Israel as a country? And then what is Israel doing to erase Palestinians? These are not the same thing.


She deserves to be cancelled for wearing a bane mask out in public. Who cares about the watermelon.


What in America is this nonsense? 🤣🤣🤣🤣Repurpose a fruit? Have we reached this level of idiocy??


It's like multiplicity. The more you reproduce the *dumber* your offspring.


Haha the mask! Insanity


Our society is just hilarious. I gave up trying to even make sense of it anymore, just sit back and laugh.


Mask says it all


Lmao @ the mask too


I'm more upset at her wearing a mask outdoors.


But what’s with the bizarre face mask?? 😷


That bane mask is hilarious


Noone cared who I was till I put on the mask


She’s also wearing a mask like a psychopath.


What if she legitimately had no idea and just really liked watermelon. Shit I didn’t even know that. That was a thing until I just read this post


That’s a fancy mask


Don’t criticize your masters


I always thought watermelons represented black people. Who knew? 🤷🏻‍♂️


And a stupid fucking mask to add.


I saw another article praising her for the type of face diaper she was wearing…nevermind the that bloody watermelon 🥴🥴


Watermelon is a commie disguised as a green, and yes they all support the latest thing which is free Palestine. The West is fucked.


And Garner is holding hands and walking arm in arm with her which means she beheads babies. /s


Frustration is understandable but counter racism not so much and I'm not even gonna touch the speculative logic used


The stopantisemitism needs to slow their roll, african americans already claimed the watermelon as racist to them, so they can't just culturally appropriate their hate symbol.


Next Israel will suggest that growing watermelons is antisemitism. eating watermelon is antisemitism.


"The symbol erases the entire country of Israel" what? What does that mean?


First of all she's wearing a mask. Already the cognitive abilities are questionable




God her daughter and that dumb ass mask🤣🤣🤣 gtfoh. Those people are fucking horrible. I can read her like a book. She probs wears the mask around the house and in a car alone.


Imagine how fucked up this kid is with that mask and everything


And wearing a big stupid mask to emphasize how much of a clown she is


"This symbol erases the entire country of Israel" Hahahaha...that's purddy good. That quote is priceless "Uh oh, a teenage daughter of a celebrity wore a Watermelon on her shirt and Wait, black people are furious! Uhh, no. Racist! No...it's just that symbol...that teenage girl in a stupid tshirt she probably paid $100 for...well, that's it. It destroyed Israel. Now, how could a watermelon on a shirt destroy a country? That's the thing! It's not *just* a watermelon. It means something something bit of a stretch, something, Palestine. It does? I've never, ever heard anything in my life regarding Palestine and watermelon... Do Palestinians even eat watermelon? Hey, google! No! I'm being serious. It's too late. It's over Game over, man! Game over! Israel has been *ERASED*! Erased? Like, there is no more Israel? Like ever? That shirt just brought down the country? Brought down the country? Wtf? Were you even listening? Go and get me a globe and an eraser! I'm gonna show you what I mean! [Brought globe. Proceeds to erase Israel off the globe] There you go. *ERASED*! Well, what about the big white spot on the globe where Israel used to be? That's nothing. No man's land. If you go there, you'll die Fuckin A...a tshirt though? A fucking tshirt. Makes ya think, huh?"


What do they think of the eggplant T-Shirt??


Holy fruit ninja! I thought watermelons were reserved for stereotypical race jokes and mexican farmers. But YOU’RE TELLING ME…An 18yr old wearing a watermelon tshirt, just took down an entire society…sorry, COUNTRY??? Imagine if a Clinton or a Bush wore a watermelon TShirt. Holy fuck! The power this ironed on watermelon print has, is astonishing! It’s not to eat. It is here for destruction, and of course, to also represent the struggles of the Palestines…WHAT FUCKING WORLD AM I IN?!


why do zionists conflate antisemitism with anti-zionism? Zionists and Jews aren't the same thing.


Maybe she’s just a girl who likes watermelons? Pretty popular in children’s and young adults clothing


Dumb ass shit coming from dumb ass people. I really hate what this world has become. Fuck you Israel 🖕


Remember when famous musicians used to write and sing songs about injustices and suffering?. Pepperidge farm remembers.


Wow, an entire country erased by a T-shirt. Who knew jersey cotton had such power...


She’s also wearing a mask outdoors like a douchebag. That tells you everything you need to know.


She should be backlisted for the kid wearing a mask in 2024. Outside too!


I eat alot of watermelon should I be worried about mossad


They’re going to call you antisemitic if you eat watermelon again


So Garner is one of the good ones? Well thank God for that! (It's a joke I know nothing of her personal life outside of her marriage to Affleck and this picture)


Israel is just fulfilling an old wives tale. They became the Golem. Nobody wants to be recognized as a pile of poop/demon yet they let their actions turn them into one.


Imagine being offended by fruit. But even more sad is how theyve psyop'd the west so hard that they can now control you by simple words such as these. No actual war is needed for them to manipulate you. Soon if you arent wearing the star of david on your forehead you are an abcdefghijklmnop


LOL. What the fuck. Okay. Only heard a watermelon metaphor describing a person is green on the outside and red in the middle.. green being an extreme environmentalist and red being communist


Looks just like most things on X. Watermelon shirt, rainbow shirts, wearing a mask, coloring your hair. It upsets a lot of dumb people. Oh and they weren't blacklisted lol just another dumb Twitter post on this "conspiracy" sub.


If you hollow out a watermelon and wear it on your head you can't get covid.


Oddly enough, that's probably more effective than a mask. #trustthescience


I was at a restaurant recently where a woman kept pulling her dust mask down to take a bite or drink of her meal. I am thinking if she put the watermelon on, she could have used her PPE as feedbag.


Pearl clutching = Isreal


Or it's almost as if those in Palestine actually want the genocide of jews


Usually When I wear watermelon it’s to make fun of black ppl 🤦‍♂️😅


more concerned about the giant diaper on that thing's face. past that, getting tired of the 80 billion zionists posts here...


The elite is eating themselves? lol fun for us


Something something cries out in pain as he strikes you


Why is she wearing a soup-to-go-container on her face


Sick mask weirdo


This campaign to intimidate and silence all dissenters of the Far Right Israeli government is doing is to provide cover for the Ethnic Cleansing going on. The Israeli government is trying to widen the war and get the US to go to war with Iran. Bibi sees a big war as his only hope of staying out of prison. While everybody thinks we are seeing the end of Hamas, what we are actually witnessing is the end of Israeli democracy.


Maybe she was just making fun of black people?


Right….. I thought watermelon was a stereotypical black person thing?! Like watermelon, fried chicken and hot sauce… when did Gaza steal the watermelon and how are black folk responding to this?! /s


If your country can be erased by a picture on a shirt, it shouldn't exist.


18 year old American girl. Hollywood elite basically. Has no idea at all the pain and the trials and tribulations of the jews and what they went through, Or the palestinians. Oh my god she’s wearing a shirt with a water melon put it in the news.


She doesn’t even know where to begin to understand that pain on both sides. Not saying I have the full understanding either but these photos and articles about one teenage Hollywood elite wearing a shirt with a water melon, probably does have to do with Palestine. Stupid ass fuckin shit.


I may be out of the loop but are 18 year olds really holding hands with their parents? Unless it’s a “stay with me” type holding hands


I thought it meant she was a BLM supporter


Watermelons are so racist. First they hate black people now they hate the Jews. Delicious though.


To me it seems like the establishment is flooding the zone with ridiculousness to stoke division on any topic. *Insert HeyFriendWayWorse meme*


And put the bag back on the vacuum


This is a crap post but I’m just so happy my kids won’t grow up in a Hollywood environment


What a bunch of victims. It’s so blatantly obvious who’s perpetrating these illogical fallacies.


😂LMFAOO if a picture of a watermelon 🍉 can "Erase your country" maybe it shouldn't exist 🤔🖕🏻🇮🇱


Palestinian ppl whom slay hundred of people last October


Genociding a people and being offended by a watermelon. Jesus Christ.


There is a genocide against jews aswell. Some want to kill all the jews and eradicate Isreal, it isn't one-sided. 🤦 Both should stop. Only hypocrites/brainwashed people are pro one side and hate the other.


imagine believing one side's genocide is any better than the other side's genocide. And there's USA literally selling arms to both sides of this shitshow. #ClownWorld


This reprezents Gina. A bleeding Gina. Symbol of Donald Trumpian resistance to all the neofasch out there. May the Gina bleed from seed to seed


Wild how a watermelon can be antisemitic


This sweatshirt is the same as murdering 20k people.


TIL Cocomelon is Hamas propaganda?


Conspiracy and thinking jews own the world, name a more iconic duo


Fuck Israel


Well, time to make watermelon shirts the fad of 2024