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Netflix did a documentary on Boeing called "Downfall" and Mr. Barnett was featured prominently. That movie tells a pretty clear story about what is happening at Boeing and in two words, it's Wall St. When McDonnel/Douglas executives took over Boeing after the merger they came with singular focus. Drive up the stock price. And whenever a company changes it's focus from making widgets to managing the stock price, shit falls apart. Boeing is no longer the best airplane manufacturer in the world and we have the greedy fucks on Wall St. to thank for it.


To quote Bill Burr, How big's your fuckin yacht gotta be!!?


I use this quote all the time. It's never going to stop being relevant, sadly.


To quote Rockefeller, Just a little big bigger.


Boeing claims they sold their corporate yacht 4 years ago https://worldofaviation.com/2020/11/boeing-reportedly-offloads-corporate-yacht-say-reports-87231/ >> Boeing has reportedly sold its luxury corporate yacht for $13 million, writes Charbel Kadib. >> >> ... Boeing’s Daedalus has been used for hosting corporate customers, and has operated as a small floating hotel on Vancouver Island.


how about its private shareholders?


The line has to keep going up forever.


>Drive up the stock price. And whenever a company changes it's focus from making widgets to managing the stock price, shit falls apart. Yep. "Show me the incentives, and I'll show you the outcome." (Charlie Munger)


I was working for a small regional bank back in the day. The owner had reached an inflection point where he was forced to either sell the bank or take it public. He sold it to Capital One for LARGE dollars and the reason he gave me for choosing to sell is that going public meant the business wouldn't be purely focused on it's core mission anymore and he didn't want to run a company that way.


I know jack shit about this type of stuff. Why would a business have to do one of those two things? I mean why couldn’t he just keep on doing what he was doing?


The goal of a business is to keep growing. At some point you reach the end of its growth. Its as big as its going to get with current capital and structure. So you either go public to begin growing in stock price or sell it to someone who'll do that. You sell or grow at peak because otherwise you run the risk of the business beginning its downward slope.


But...who says it HAS to keep growing? Why can't it just..level out?


Debt service. The cost of money was right on the edge. It was too expensive to keep borrowing from JP Morgan. We either had to self fund by going public or be acquired.


Anyone able to scale this comment back a few notches? I'm likely not the only one missing the fundamentals to understand this wisdom.


Full disclosure - I'm not a formally trained business guy, but I'm a writer so finding context is kinda my thing. I'm going to give it a go. The company had/has to take loans out from JP Morgan to cover operating costs. The amount JPMorgan was charging for the loan(s) became a burden to remaining fiscally solvent for the future. If they can't take the loan, they need to come up with that money another way - which is to let another business take over theirs in a buyout or to go public. With a buyout, the original company could keep one hand on the wheel and put stipulations in the paperwork that would ensure their original company vision remained in tact. In this case, making a good product. If they went public, then they would answer to a board of shareholders that bought into control and the company focus becomes increasing stock price/profits for shareholders. Again, not a business guy so this is just my best guess at it.


Every business experiences inflection points. This is where the cost of doing business increases because of growing pains putting pressure on the profits. When you hit that point you must either move forward or backward, you can't remain static. The decision was made to push forward and that meant that we'd have to reduce the cost of capital so we either had to go public or be acquired. Hope that explains it.


Or, and hear me out here, you don’t keep growing and you continue to deliver an excellent service at your current size.


Reminds me of In N Out, the fast food chain in CA. They have by far the best burgers, and their line in the drive through is always 20 cars long. I always wondered why the hell aren't they expanding everywhere like McDonald's, they have way more demand. But I think it's cause they see the benefit as just keeping things stable and not trying to get crazy big and complex.


Appreciate it.


Seems like both options are centered around stock price which leads to increasingly shitty product


Smart man. I've personally seen how going public can ruin a company.


My larger bank was purchased by same...was a clown show, still is, w many similar stories to this one, altho no casualties  except for a few thousand solid careers of good people 


That documentary was so illuminating but also incredibly frustrating to watch because every tactic Boeing used to get away with what they have is textbook and predictable. The two planes that went down were in Indonesia and Ethiopia, two countries they can conveniently pull the frankly racist “America is the best country in the world and people in other countries are incompetent” card and blame the pilots. Then when LionAir insists on adequate training for a software pilots are not even aware of, they just bully them and say “how dare you imbeciles insist on more training” like are you in high school? That manipulation tactic is elementary. Then your whistleblower “kills himself” TWO DAYS into the deposition he’s been waiting his whole life for? Isn’t that convenient, and also never seen before! Hit them with the “we are so sorry for this tragic loss” press release. The public eats it up every time! It’s the same playbook every single time. These people are not smart. They just pay off the organizations that would be responsible for punishing them.


I think the sad part about this chain is that you still believe the media. Edit: if you are confused by my comment, then you don’t understand what I’m referring to and the irony of it


Seems like there’s a documentary on every topic these days


Lol, today in another sub some OP asked "What's this the Golden Age of?"  Apparently Documentaries. 


I don’t have Netflix right now and I don’t really watch any documentaries but it feels like every topic has a documentary. Do we believe these documentaries are true? Or all partial truths to put more propaganda out in to the world?


I watch on my Amazon Prime which I get free. Some definitely have an agenda. There was one bashing fracting oil extraction I watched maybe 15 yrs ago (not that it shouldn't be criticized) that I later heard was financed by the Russian oil industry trying to slow down US oil production. 


I will say I went into the downfall documentary pretty hesitant and questioning, but they interviewed tons of pilots (Sully even made an appearance) and actually did expose a decent amount of information that I thought it was pretty worthwhile. Definitely didn’t tell the whole story, but told enough


I know lots of them. What would you like to see next?


I would love a documentary on the LIBOR scandal.


The corrupt "Wall Street Cartel" benefits at the expense of the public. The question is, which Intel agency had a "stern talking" with John Barnett? Was it a domestic one? Or a non-US one that's operating here (take a wild guess which one)? 


The exact same shit is currently happening to UPS with their most recent ceo


UPS Drivers just negotiated one of the best deals in Union history. It is so good that other unions will benefit because it can be used as a watermark. They get a total package that is around 170,000 a year. That’s roughly 100,000 cash and the rest is benefits.


Indeed our union win was HUGE, but Carol Tome is destroying our company. She did this with Home Depot before, now us.


UPS proceeded to lay off thousands of workers right after the deal was reached


This is just a symptom of money becoming more worthless. I wish people would understand.


Or it becomes the whole driving motor of a society which was the base ideology of neo-liberalism. They intentionally destroyed all the other values which make a society work.


Every single company that goes on the stock exchange becomes a shitshow with products that barely hang together with scotchtape and string, narcissist and incompetent middle management, seniors leaving and a cut back workforce of juniors that have no experience and will work for less, overpaid CEOs.  This is why ideally, if you have to work for anybody, work for a small company of max 200 employees and leave the moment it gets acquired by a large company.


Did Harry Stonecipher play a role in that?


I worked at Boeing when Stonecipher took over in IT. The place was a complete s-show. One of my teachers at UW was an old school ex Boeing engineer and his mantra was process maturity and health. I didn't see anything like that at Boeing, it was complete chaos. People would get hired and quit even before their first day was over. And this was like 20 years ago I can't imagine how bad it is now. Almost forgot: the execs at Boeing at the time were caught is some kind of sex scandal so their response was to but up a bunch of anti sexual harassment posters in all the work areas, like we were the problem.


He was the McD guy that ended up taking over the company. I think ..?


Yeah. He was president and CEO of McDonnell Douglas until the merger with Boeing and he took over as CEO of Boeing after Phil Condit resigned after the military procurement scandal. I don't know what that scandal entails though.


Also reminds me of the octopus murders


> have capitalism to thank for it. as long as you work under an economic model that rewards greed, you are going to have greedy people sacrificing the rest of us for those rewards.


The funniest part is the stock has performed terribly.


The railroads have entered the chat….


Hopefully he was smart enough to set up a few *dead man switch* data dumps that'll fire off when he doesn't do some kind of proof of life post somewhere innocuous that the switch script is monitoring. Like if twitter user bort153228 doesn't post a picture of a kitten every few weeks from his burner phone.


this should be standard


Doubt it... it was "just" a plane making company after all.


Let's not forget that Boeing has Directed Energy Weapons. Yes, really. Literally available to see on YouTube. Proof: https://youtu.be/Ijp3-zjTIp0?si=ZjciC5uqA-XxOppe


space lasers also, they start forest fires with them


I like that in this 8 year old video they say they've been working with lasers for years. Who knows what other laser tech they have these days.


That explains a lot


Everything, the whole country, is slowly falling apart. Boeing is just a small part pf big problem.


The biggest problem is the American peoples willful rule by known war criminals. A nation ruled by war criminals ultimately becomes their final victim. Shits falling apart because you’ve got criminals running the show and their shit is trickling down….


Yeah it is feeling very doomy lately.


By design


and the criminality is the least of it. Fear, division, greed, blatant hypocrisy from a two tiered justice system, from elected officials fattening their coffers on the well being of the populace... plus the lousy educationand social network all create a country that doesn't give a fuck about anyone who isn't rich, white and from the right social group/families. Decades and centuries of this shit has to come to a head eventually and it just happens to be the time when everything is in flux.


Something scary is going to happen. I’m terrified


Capitalism undermines the social contract. Thats why our nation is falling apart. Regulatory capture of vital industries is just part of the game.  Its just class warfare. 


Capitalism is the social contract, free trade between free people. Crony Capitalism undermines the social contract, it allows corporations to get away with crap like this or just receive a slap on the wrist from government watchdogs


Capitalism is not free trade, that is just a market economy. Capitalism is literally about the process of folks not involved with a business except as investors who own the business and extract profit. This class of "capitalists" is literally the defining feature of capitalism.  It is of course purposefully confused by modern "libertarians" and other libright types.




Capitalism is a system where people with capital invest that capital into business up front and then receiving capital over time. It is about "ownership" being tied to money not labor. I cannot make it more simple.    Free trade has existed since the beginning of time, when I gave you 5 coconuts for a piece of sharp rock or whatever instead of my neighbor who only has 4. Stop confusing the two.  Supply and demand regulations is free trade, investment-ownership is capitalism. A system can have both features but they are different aspects of a system.


I disagree. Capitalism as we practice it today is not about exchanging the fair value of goods and services, its about exploiting people to serves ones own need over the needs of a larger community.   Crony capitalism is just captialism without proper regulations to make it adhere to the social contract upon which we have built modern society.  Free trade is not capitalism. Capitalism is simply an economic system in which private individuals own property. 


It's corruption, not capitalism. You think things would be better under communism, with even more government control? Give me a break lol


Its capitalist propoganda that the only alternative to capitalism is communism. Im not advocating for political change. I quite like our American system, actually. I am advocating for an inversion of morals where people and the environment are valued more than shareholder values.   Capitalism is the source of the corruption. Why do you think companies want their minions in the regulatory sector? To decrease regulations enabling bad business to cut corners and literally kill people.  If we held the Boeing CEO criminally liable for the deaths caused by their company's faulty systems and manufacturing, they would have an immaculate safety record. Instead, we allow capitalism to undermine the value of human life. Pay a fine, run some PR, and dance on the graves of your victims. As long as the share value goes up, who cares!?


Capitalism isn't the problem. The merging of large companies and government is the problem. The free exchange of goods is not the problem.


Without **strong and enforced** barriers, regulatory capture is a the end stage of any government that allows the private ownership of wealth (i.e. capitalism). Markets are not capitalism. 


Back when I went to school the merging of government and business was called fascism.  Wild how that term gets thrown around today with a completely different meaning


You mean how it now seems to mean "anyone I disagree with"? Almost like it's a deliberate effort to make the word meaningless so that when real fascism comes around nobody understands.


Boeing are traitors to safety and the public it serves. Should hi bankrupt.


No, they should be fucking nationalized. They're already an extension of the department of defense anyway. Our military is way too reliant on Boeing to let them dissolve so we should just take it. We've already paid for most of this bullshit anyway with our taxes.


And who says the govt wasn't involved in his death. Nationalization is literally the worst idea


There was also this just a few days ago... [https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/24-injured-after-technical-problem-latam-sydney-auckland-flight-nz-herald-2024-03-11/](https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/24-injured-after-technical-problem-latam-sydney-auckland-flight-nz-herald-2024-03-11/)


I watched a documentary about this. I forget what it was called fml. It described the faulty ascending sensors which just cause the plane to nose dive. Good to see they haven’t fixed it years and years later smh.


Downfall is the doc.


And doesn't talk about 787 flight controls.


This was on the news last night and they said it was a random air pocket or some shit like that


Pilot said it was instrument malfunction someone said at the time. Air pocket? Hm..


NZ news reporting that the pilot went to check on the passengers after the 'incident' and one of them asked the pilot what had happened, he said he lost all instruments and lost control of flying the plane momentarily. Reports that the majority of the planes functions are on isolated systems say the plane itself is buggered.


This is most likely extreme turbulence. It seems to be happening a lot lately.


Don't forget that Boeing is not just a commercial airplane manufacturer but a military plane and satellite manufacturer. They are part of the military industrial complex, who kill, lie, corrupt, bribe, and assasinate their way through modern Western civilization. They act as medieval lords taking more taxes and tribute then they need from the land and publicly draw the sword on those that oppose them. Who did they kill in the 60s? We know that they can do it because we're not ready to revolt, not ready for what that would cost us, so we post here instead.


War.murder. the obliteration of as many lives as possible for the lowest price. What can you expect from a nation that lets the military industrial complex be a major financial pillar to support its economy?


And the answer is, "shut up peasant, we own you".


It's just like in the movies; the corporations all have hit teams that do wet work.


I immediately thought of Michael Clayton and Insider. Great movies of a genre they don’t make anymore or not frequently enough for younger ppl to know the plot by heart. 


this whole situation is just weird and sketchy.


Nothing weird or sketchy. It's obvious to everyone that Boeing and friends had Barnett knocked off.


What's really weird is the mass acceptance that there is no way this guy killed himself yet no outrage. It's like we're all conditioned into to just accepting that this is a normal occurrence, in the same way Soviet citizens accepted the almost daily disappearance of people. What's really strange, while I expect politicians to have this type of power (e.g. the Clintons), I never thought a corporation could get away with it. Boy times have changed. Contrary to many's beliefs, Large corporations love big government Socialism; they're the ones that benefit the most from a truly centrist government as that consolidation of power creates barriers of entry and gives corporations a seat at the most powerful table, via their easy access to politicians. We're living in interesting times, for sure.


Americans are just too busy trying to survive now. Most probably don't know who Barnett is. I've read an interesting comment sometime ago about a psychological theory called Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. The more I think about it, the more this theory makes sense. However, every society has a breaking point. The suffering haven't reached to unbearable levels yet but once it does, watch out!


Oh, he definitely didn't off himself just like Epstein. I know I won't be flying on any newer Boeing planes again, that's for sure.


yep,info is available when youre booking.nobody should be flying those MAxs anyway,


What about the 787-9? I'm flying on one in a month.


Google 787-9 and you'll see lol


lol. dang. good timing.


While i don't think youre necessarily rolling the dice getting on those planes, theyve had problems.....good thing is zero fatalities since inception a decade ago and since theyve kept finding things wrong with them and fixing them, theyre safer than they were. lol


787 range is well built, it's the latest generation of 737 max aircraft that are the worry. They were rushed to compete with Airbus's A320Neo but have inherent design flaws due to being rushed and based off original 737 aircraft from the 1970s.


Just recently there was a serious incident involving a 787-9 Dreamliner (LATAM LA800) where the craft experienced a sudden total but momentary "loss of all [his] flight instruments, they just went blank". This caused the plane to violently pitch nose-down with the resulting G forces sending unrestrained passengers flying upwards, banging against the cabin ceiling. 50+ were injured in this ordeal. The pilot allegedly came out and told passengers what he'd experienced in the cockpit with his malfunctioning flight instruments. This wouldn't be confidence inspiring to say nor hear, so you can only imagine the sheer terror the pilot was feeling. It's unclear if the pilot panicked and initiated the aggressive maneuver or if the system malfunction executed an uncommanded nose-down pitch.


I honestly think he committed suicide. I think someone shows him pictures of everyone he has ever cared for and that they would be murdered if he didn’t do it


Same thing or worse. That’s not committing suicide any more than digging your own grave at gun point. Thats sacrificing yourself


It's also possible that he knew his exposures would get a lot more attention if he died mysteriously : IOW, he knew if he died, people who might not be paying too much attention to his whistle-blowing would assume it was murder. There have been a few cases where people have suicided and tried to make it look like murder : That guy in Virginia who worked for the fedgov, and who suicided but tried to make it look like "anti government people" murdered him so his son could collect an insurance payout ; the guy in Florida (?) who shot himself, but had attached the firearm he used to a helium balloon, thinking it would take the gun so far away it wouldn't be found; any number of angry spouses wanting to take their spouse down with them ...


That’s so sad. He fought tirelessly. He’s been looking over his shoulder every night for years. Times up 😞


In the NYT his mom noted he looked much older than his siblings even though he was the youngest. This has been weighing on him for a long time. And he killed himself the night before the last day of deposition ? No way 


This makes me not trust Boeing airplanes more than anything, these things could easily fall out of the sky at anytime if it was worth it for them to kill this guy during his deposition


A lot of things posted on this sub are real life conspiracies and all facts


They did not want it his case entering discovery. Full stop. That man was taken out.


Same as Gary Webb. Wouldn't give up so "suicided" himself.


Let's see how big this actually gets. I'm sure Reddit algorithms will keep it as small as possible


It was plastered all over my front page yesterday lol


Boeing activated the Streisand effect with this one, BIG time


Danny McBride whistleblower google this. The news even says how fucked it is in not so many ways. Medals handed out to Australian war criminals for rape and murder of children, documentation from the Afghan war leak and he goes to jail, society is the polar opposite of what we are souly designed for Edit - what religious pretense does our government actually run by Edit 2- a religion disguised as a good god. Get it up ya


One of the CIA's main jobs is to murder anyone who gets in the way of these megacorps. They basically work for the megacorps.


The good ol US military industrial complex


It’s blatantly obvious and likely known, but it’s about what you can prove and… 🤷🏻‍♂️ unfortunately, these guys are good at what they do. They also probably own a few majorities.


Yes, typically when you make a claim you are expected to provide proof of it's truthfulness.


Boycotting is way overdue. Stop flying with Boeing. They’ll keep doing this shit if we keep giving them cash.


No hate- genuinely curious as to how this would play out? Since there are so many Boeing planes in use, it’s not like they could/would be replaced so would this moreso just be to correct their leadership and encourage a much more open relationship with the public? I’m just wondering what the goal of this would actually be


That's for them to figure out, not our problem. Our role is just to stop flying boeing, if you know your flight will use Boeing then use another airline to get onto an Airbus. Eventually airlines will start seeing that simply having Boeing aircrafts is losing them money and will either switch or pressure Boeing into changing. Vote with your wallets, your life may depend on it.


Giant mega corps are only focused on profits so once we stop giving them $ they’ll have no choice but to make changes or they’ll go bankrupt which is their worst fear. They won’t change leadership until they’re held accountable. Be smart about travel plans, filter by airline manufacturer when booking flights.


Not paying to fly on planes that crash all the time for no reason sends a good message to shareholders that this is bad for their stock prices


Is it even possible to see what plane you'll be on? Sure, some routes always use a particular type of plane, but I don't think I've ever known for certain the type of plane until check-in.


It might be the platform you use to book flights I usually book through my credit awards and I can see the plane through there


I mean, who "profits" most by Barrett being dead?


Why is Boeing knowingly committing self-immolation and covering it up?


This is very possible, and the fact most Americans are like “huh”. I think gives it more legs to stand on.


CIA runs everything. Always look at them first


Military industrial complex going to military industrial complex


Considering that Boeing has contracts with the Military and every single 3 letter agency, they didn’t even have to outsource it. It was taken care of for them


You misspelled murdered


Boeing is in Seattle, anyone who thinks that entire city of BillGates china owned liberals is NOT corrupt is part of the problem. Remember when the city cgave six blocke of downtown over to BLM terrorists? Only when the building owners banded together and refuesed to pay any property taxes did they clean up that gang of extorsionists. Boeing is no better. total slaves to their stock price and losing ground to airbus for decades.


John Barnett definitely and without a doubt got murdered.


This is my top post at 3:30 AM. And this will receive lots of upvotes all day, but it will be buried in a stack of post by noon. This story is a real conspiracy.


The question also is who are the hired people that do these assassinations.


The assassins aren't that important. There will always be people willing to kill for money. Concentrate on who specifically gave the order.


I ask about the assassin's because they have to have some level of awareness of the people they are working for are asking to do a bad thing.


It’ll just be more middlemen. The executives find people and create incentives and situations for these. Like blaming sales people at wells Fargo. If they’re all doing it, it’s coming from above .


It is true a lot of individuals do a lot of things they normally wouldn't just because those in charge said so.


I don't think anyone who signs up for assassin as a career choice would consider these things to begin with. 😂


Just asking 😅 is there like a secret assassin's academy we don't know about like John wick haha


Watch the night agent. Rich people and government officials just got assassins on call waiting for the word.


That show was incredible. That and the Boeing documentary have me believing in this “conspiracy” a good bit.


I will watch that. I wonder when one of these assassin's will wake up to do a good cause for humanity.


Its a series on netflix. I would say most have been shat on by society and have a vendetta.


It rhymes with Blinton…


nymag.com 4/14/2014 "Hillary Clinton Has A Cozy And Possibly A Shady Relationship With Boeing"


Ask the Clinton’s. Kidding. Sort of. 😂


Another side to this is he did kill himself to make it look like Boeing assassinated him. Thus making everyone suspicious and getting them to look at Boeing and his claims.


Bet the security camera tapes will magically disappear too.


It will fade just like all the other "suicides" and the illusion will go on...


It's a shame. Boeing used to be a proud full part of Washington state history 


Looks like they still are part of its proud tradition of killing of whistleblowers and illegal government sanctioned activities.


Since Boeing moved to Chicago it started to act more mobster


Hillary been doing this forever


Boeing probably called her to use her services 🤷‍♂️


The Seattle Times 3/21/16 "As Hillary Clinton Bolsters Boeing Company Returns The Favor" nymag.com 4/14/04 Hillary Clinton Has A Cozy And Possibly Shady Relationship With Boeing"


Yes she hates the lowly deplorable’s lol.


They guy would wait to drop a bomb on the deposition, he will just fucking drop it. Still certain he didn't kill himself though, he just didn't have all the information that the DOJ does and they wanted to take him out before they could get anything too damning because he had time to get his records in order.


Boeing is a defense contractor… remember Michael Hastings. Don’t mess with US DEFENSE


Plot twist: a false flag operation by Airbus to smear it’s competitor


“And why” what the fuck do you mean and why…? The why is that they obviously didn’t want their company destroyed


Oh yeah, cause all those other ones happened in Narnia 🤣


Holy shit, I didn't know about the deposition....


This doesn’t really sound that implausible to me. This is a theory I certainly think is true.


Unlike all the other ones?


Its a way for boeing to silence anyone else that tries to dtsnd up ahaisnt them. If he wanted to expose low bar quality control, he must have felt a responsibility that made him want to inform us the consumers of the possible dangers of flying these new planes. But, if he believes it is his right to help the people, then that means he was going to expose information on something much bigger. And i mean way bigger. Something bigger than elections, bigger than "China", bigger than NATO vs Russia. Nothing will happen to Boeing, they are protected by the federal government. This was honestly a smart play by Boeing. In 2 years, no one will remember this story. They also made sure no one else will speak against them, look what just happened. If they didn't assasinate Barnett, then this story would have been much bigger than anything we have seen in a while. That will be something people will remember.


Also wouldnt he be set for a whistle blower check based on what the government fines boeing? Like ten to thirty percent or something?


Wouldn’t he have dropped any bombs against Boeing day one instead of waiting until day three? I’m not sure how these things usually go but I would think any big reveals would be taken care of early on in the deposition.


I believe this. My husbands grandfather used to work Quality Assurance for them. When asked why he quit he was evasive but basically said that he no longer felt comfortable signing his name and saying that things were safe that were not. And he told that story a decade ago I don't even know when he officially retired. On a only vaguely related note one day while looking up the tallest building in the world I decided to look up the longest one and I was pretty let down that it was the plain giant garage Boeing building I drove by all the time. They're never going to get a celebrity to take cool "longest building in the world" shots sitting on top of that thing.


He had incriminating evidence that showed Boeing execs knew of and sanctioned the successful trial and execution of a new technology on MH-370 and the disappearance of 239 souls.


If someone actually belive this was a suicide, then there is absolutely no hope for them at all…


Michael Clayton vibes


Every aspect of the Aurline industry is under strict globalist elite control.


Question is who did he tell?


[The FAA](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/12/faa-audit-of-boeings-737-max-production-found-dozens-of-issues-nyt.html)


Yeah this one might be real


There is a saying, follow the money. I would bet some elite in govt who stand to lose millions from another lawsuit against Boeing had some input on the guy's demise.


Finally a real conspiracy. Big companies have a history of this…just look at what Big Tobacco did over the years. Greed and power is all you need to understand.


Wikileaks info was an actual real life conspiracy too, but I guess those don't count because it exposed some influential democrats...


It was because of 9/11/2001. The SEC took out a hell of lot of stocks and bonds from? Boeing, American airlines, trans-atlantic, and much more. However what you as an American don't know, is there were absolutely ZERO planes involved in this attack. We were attacked by our own government. Those were surface to air missiles, Israel art students painted the Wtc with a really flammable paint. There were "Red Tags" all over the ground from nano-thermite, thermite, and you really want to know what else? This was never released but they conducted they're own " underground nuclear detonation under both the North and South towers. You were told this was asbestos giving over 72,000 people cancer,? No, this was tritium, radiation, and yes toxic smoke and vapors coming from "Ground zero" ( which means a site were a nuke went off). Did you also know there was smoke coming from the sewers? Yes indeed.. Signs of a lot of thermal energy and use of directed energy weapons. Pay attention to the anomalies in the videos. They look like "fast flying black birds or bats". Some were, some were laser guided precision based directed energy weapons.


IIRC the NSA was spying on competing aircraft companies to get their bids for a French military contract, and giving the info to Boeing so they could undercut their offers.


>Who had him silenced and Why? Isn't the answer the whole reason they wrote the post in the first place? I mean, isn't it blatantly obvious? Boeing ... and ... money


US corporations are now doing what their third world subsidiaries are doing and have been doing.


That's the easiest conclusion to come to, but maybe he was blackmailed to whistleblow and that's why he killed himself during the deposition.


Suicided Hillary style.


Any update from the police? Are they even investigating?


McDonnell/Douglas sent that entire company down the shitter.


Puts things into perspective when people have been obsessing over the royal family in the UK for days, then something really happens.


Saving money w automation, lay off the legacy people and it blows up in their face gee I've never seen that before..can't wait for AI !!


Blackrock and Vanguard have a large stake in Boeing. Do with that what you will


Boeing and Airbus. Name a market with 2 global manufacturers. Corrupt to the core.


This story is why this sun exists