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There’s a video on YouTube of these siblings telling the police about ritual’s happening in Hampstead heath


I cannot ever unheard that audio. I have literally goosebumps up my whole arms and legs right now just remembering that girls tiny voice saying, so calmly, horrific sexual abuse. I've never wanted to be able to reach into my phone, to somehow impact the past, to somehow get to those children and somehow help


I remember all of that too— and many of their details checked out. For example, there was a certain teacher with a particular tattoo that was described down to the last minute detail. Not long after the children’s account was released that the very same teacher was looking for a laser tattoo removal……. There were many other details that “checked out” as well——,I just used that one for an example. Sick evil people. Their time is nearly up, friend.,


Secondhand trauma is real and maybe that audio is enough to do it


I was a victim of ritualist sexual abuse by a family member. It's probably just standard trauma and wishing I could do anything to save my own scared little girl


Do you happen to have a link?


The URL is band. Go on bitchute and just type Hampstead heath


Thanks i've never even heard of bitchute this opens up a whole new wealth of information


It’s where al the vids that are banned from yt go. Be careful


Oh no two girl one cup all over again


Try odysee also


A FOIA request released the initial report on the McMartin school, which documented underground tunnels exactly as the kids described. They found over a hundred animal bones, pentagrams and 2000 artifacts beneath the school. This was all left out of the case and never presented in court. The kids were telling the truth, they documented the tunnels in their first report, but it was all covered up and denied. Here is a link to the report with a map of the tunnels by investigators. (page 48) https://archive.org/details/the.finders.fbi.foia/page/n47/mode/2up Similar cases are reported by victims all over the world of sadistic abuse rings. Public disbelief keeps them from ever being investigated and powerful connections within the abuse circles stop prosecutions.


The Boys Town stuff in Nebraska was so quickly covered up too


John DeCamp wrote a pretty detailed book on the Franklin scandal in NE, he was the attorney for the abused and goes into detail how the FBI and politicians helped hush the case and discredit the kids. Also goes into gruesome detail of first hand accounts of the torture. Literally a child having darts thrown at his dismembered body. Not sure many kids would make that up.


That book is what opened my eyes. Randomly came upon that story back in 2008. Deep friggin rabbit hole.


You should read monsters in the eden. Its a mexican journal book written by an investigator or journalist i cant remember. The thing is, she just starts looking into this kinds of orgs and rings, and discovers a whole lot of crap like this. Its been protected by politicians in mexico, the US, Europe and the middle east and asia. Its a global thing. She was threatened and almost killed for her work. But she did discover a lot of horrible things and still theres people who wouldn't believe it or they just dont care or think it too scandalous or fringe. Like catholic priests fucking kids and the church just keeps on going. Sadly, these things will never be "fixed" by the powers that be. The police will just escort the victims back to their captors as it has happened before too many times. Its a business. I know i sound too fanatical or stupid, but if we ever needed a "vigilante" it would be needed to protect kids from this monsters in positions of power.


I read about him, that he would frequent certain bars in Oaxaca or the Southern peninsula in Mexico where Canadians or europeans would hang out and get kids.


I’ll check it out. Yeah , it’s crazy all the stories that are out there and how many different societies/ cultures have always had some form of ritualistic abuse, sacrifice, etc. Even as a Christian, when I read the Bible now , I side eye most of it now. Ironically, I fell down this rabbit hole researching Scientology.


Christians, too? I thought that was abolished in the OT. What's the story with Scientology? It would make sense if this kind of thing happened in the shadows in a lot of societies. All peoples have psychopaths and sadists. There's always corruption and a concentration of power, so it would be possible for these personality types to gravitate toward each other and hide these activities.


It was but just the fact that it existed in it is enough for me. Plus the way woman/ girls ,in general are , are treated in religions has become a put off to me as I’ve gotten older. I had no real knowledge of scientology so I decided to look it up one day. Couldn’t even tell you how but somehow it lead me to the Franklin Scandal. Humans can be absolute shit.


John decamp was an American hero and I will build a statue of him in front of the supreme Court building when I am president 


I'll vote for you, JizzMopper


That’s the Franklin CHURCH scandal that was covered up , aka good ol Christians - not satanists - and allegedly integrated into intelligence agencies’ blackmail pedophile ring


You do realize satanists have hijacked Christianity right? The Roman Catholic Church is just satanists in disguise.


Pretty much how the elite operate both the right and left of American politics, divide and conquer. And also just like American government, the Catholic Church is run amok with pederasts


It's true good point


You do realise that there are over 1 billion Catholics in the world. The church is the biggest donater to charities on planet earth. Not all are evil, yes there have been some horrible atrocities. But to say that and offend a billion people is wrong. It's sectarian. Do you think you could say that about Muslim people, Jewish or Black people or homosexual people? Generalise them all due to the acts of some? Why so you think it's acceptable to generalise over 1 billion people?


Lol I’m not calling 1 billion catholic people around the world satanists. I’m saying the entity known as the Catholic Church is run by Satanists. The god of the Old Testament is known in Christian Gnosticism as Yaldebaoth, and is described as a selfish, mad, ignorant, tyrannical god who demands blood sacrifices. That is who Jesus stood against. That’s why people followed his teachings and became known as Christians. Then the same old worshipers of Yaldebaoth caught up with them, wiped almost all of them out and began masquerading as the followers of Christ, all while still up to the same antics they’ve always been up to. It’s all been flipped upside down inside out and switched around.


How did you learn about this?


Always has been


Ever since the shift from worshiping the creator, Eloah, to worshiping the demiurge, the devil, known as Satan, or as Yahweh. Early Christianity was about getting back in touch with the eternal omnipotent God which is why the Romans and the Pharisees hijacked it when they realized it couldn’t be stamped out.


Wasn't there a few daycares that were linked to tunnels and satanic abuse as well?


Charles Manson went to a Boys Town in Indiana. I don't know if that means anything but yeah Boys Town has a lot of problems. It's a very Christian based area to for troubled children.


It should also be noted that the original mother, who was responsible for contacting the other adults, died before the trial was over.    https://www.nytimes.com/1986/12/21/us/sex-case-accuser-is-discovered-dead.html Paul Bynam, the detective that believed the kids, was found dead of a “self inflicted gun shot wound” and it was ruled a suicide. He died within a few days of his scheduled testimony.   https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1987-12-11-me-18937-story.html%3f_amp=true    Paul was part of the team responsible for arresting the Tool Box killers. They created a story, backed by his wife, that he “lived in fear of the TBK being released from prison.”


The mother had schizophrenia and alcohol abuse problems and made claims amongs other that "ray" could fly... The majority of the interiews with the kids were adults suggesting or asking them to role play, even insisting. When the jury saw the testimonies as they were videotaped they did not convict. This absolut bullshit from one end to another. The most expensive trial, seven years, constant media coverage, does this in any way shape or form scream coverup to you?


Character assassination after the fact of literal assassination. Yes this screams cover up from all of that to the botched interviews. Has the mark of intelligence operations.


Spot On !


If the facts don't agree with you, make up a sinister and impossible to prove reason! Instead of the documented fact in the extensive trial!


Obviously you didn’t read OP that included FBI documentation of the tunnels and other facts that backed up the children’s story or the fact that NONE of that FBI documentation made it to court. 


I did read it and I actually checked the facts. The tunnel documentation is not from the FBI but an independent archeologist that meant he found tunnels with sonar. He found trash... A lot of trash. There were trash pits. None of the kids that testified mentioned the tunnels, they were deemed too unreliable. The reason why it did not make it to trial is because the prosecution did not think it would hold up in court. What facts did back up the children's story? There weren't really any, the videotapes of the children's testimony were proof for the defence, the techniques including asking the children to make up stories, or insisting until the child changed their mind and said whatever they wanted to hear. 15 million dollar trial and retrial, OP is simply lying when they say all had STDs, where is this mentioned anywhere? OP just made it up to make the story juicier. You desperately need to believe that the world is a dark and sinister place with satan worshipping pedofiles. Fact check OP claims, see if you can find any mention of the STDs, read the reports that say discounts the tunnel as ever existed. This trial ruined many people's lives, including the parents that now think their children have been abused and never got justice. OP has blocked making me unable to participate in this discussion anymore. I checked more links posted, no satanic pedophilia I am sorry to say, just bad people.


Fact check why ghislaine maxwell is in jail for us too


The STD claim set me back for a second, because I've never Heard that claim anywhere from anyone... And I simply cannot believe that wouldn't have been hugely critical in prosecuting this case. So... Where's that been?


>You desperately need to believe that the world is a dark and sinister place with satan worshipping pedofiles. just to be clear there have been numerous satanic pedophile rings uncovered and most of them involve many unnamed individuals that were never caught. I don't get why just because the Satanic Panic happened that means people act like there haven't been numerous people proven and convicted for satanic ritual abuse. Here is one example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2ioRBNriG8 see also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Dutroux and here is a totally separate video detailing John Wayne Gacy's involvement in a child snuff film ring that had no less than 3 serial killers directly linked to it. None of this is up for debate - so why act like there aren't proven satanic pedophile groups? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKQzu20jYDY


Some people can't face how evil the world can be. Of those who can, they may prefer tidy narratives.


Take Satan out of it, the world is a sinister place with pedophiles. I have no clue if the story is true but I don’t understand why you felt the need to include that end bit as if the world doesn’t have sex trafficking rings centred around children.


I mean, the world has satanists and it has pedophiles. Why not people who are both? Only religions like Catholicism can have a cabal of hidden pedophiles who look out for each other? Seems a bit of a bigoted take...satanists can certainly suck as much as Catholics.


Yes some of it was disproven. They did find a tunnel and a plate with pentagram on it. Just got to look into the finders story to know that this stuff was going on and internationally too. This was all dismissed officially as satanic panic.


Thank you for being a voice of reason in this sea of ignorance. God I wish the conspiracy community would get over minutia and look at the big picture. 


Do you have any sources on this that you could provide? I am very skeptical of any debunking these days. Lots of strawman arguments, shills, and outright liars trying to keep the truth hidden.


So allegations don’t need proof. But you want evidence that disproves the allegations.


I feel like this comment should be higher up.


Lots of accounts suspiciously eager to write this off


Any thread on this is automatically bombarded with chants of satanic panic then they proceed to assassinate as many characters credibility as possible even the innocent children. There's definitely an element of truth to this case.


The kids abused still stand by their testimony years later, despite people trying to convince them it was imaginary. They were prostituted and abused. Not hard to believe sadistic cults form in conjunction with child trafficking, an inverted spirituality that sanctions abuse as appeasing the devil.


>Not hard to believe sadistic cults form in conjunction with child trafficking, an inverted spirituality that sanctions abuse as appeasing the devil. While it wasnt necessarily a 'devil' at least in their eyes, the ritual abuse and sacrifice of children goes back to ancient times in babylon and the Phoenicians/canaanites


That's not true at all... >Never did anyone do anything to me, and I never saw them doing anything. I said a lot of things that didn't happen. I lied. ... Anytime I would give them an answer that they didn't like, they would ask again and encourage me to give them the answer they were looking for. ... I felt uncomfortable and a little ashamed that I was being dishonest. But at the same time, being the type of person I was, whatever my parents wanted me to do, I would do.


The satanic panic media blitz worked so well they’re running the same play again. Child sex rings = maga Q anon wackos. I knew something was wrong when before that movie came out last year everyone wrote articles saying it was maga guys wet dream. Wait you mean the movie based on a true story of child sex rings. Why would you write that off right after Epstein why write that off after r Kelley matter of fact seems like child sex rings are always instantly wrote off. But we know they exist. Strange seems like they want to keep this playbook running bc it’s the best way to control powerful people and so many have been compromised so many doing the compromising neither side wants anything to come out they just happen to be media personalities politicians celebrities it makes this huge problem easy to cover up.


Don’t forget p.didler


Wow never knew this, great post. Is there also anything about OP's STD claim?


this is wild.. great link! tough to find reliable evidence when you don’t know where to look.


On that link there's nothing stating that tunnel diagram scanned document is from police at all. It sounds like it's from a private firm or contractor. Upon further digging the number on the bottom is from Dr Garv Stickel who was contracted by Ted Gunderson (acting as a private citizen, not on behalf of FBI) to conduct an archaeological assessment of the property. (Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/doavrh/page_from_the_fbi_file_drop_seem_to_contradict/) If you read the bottom of that source it explains that there were signs of tunnels found from earlier usage on the site. But no evidence of active tunnels attached to the school building. So it's not false but the context has been stripped away to confirm the bias of the Satanic Pedophile theory. And you've successfully propagated that info here again without actual doing any research on the sources you're sharing. Talking out of your ass is what leads to this stuff never being investigated.




Oh my God, I heard about the west Memphis 3 from a fucking Jello Biafra spoken word CD 20 years ago. Literally all I had ever heard about it was him saying they were convicted "because they liked rock music." I had no idea that he told his therapist he drank blood for power, or carried skulls to school, or any of that other stuff that is apparently court record, including that he *confessed*


I believe the police have DNA evidence that would prove who committed the crimes, but the police refuse to release it, and instead released the Memphis three from prison.


A judge has recently ruled that the dna evidence will undergo testing. 


Very interesting and compelling list. I fully believe some of these to absolutely be true. We know this stuff DOES happen. However, nearly *all* of these cases are between 1980-1992, the height of "satanic panic". Therefore, I am willing to bet a lot of these are questionable (proven by how many appeals were won, charges dropped, acquitted).


I have to think of it this way too, though. It technically never ended, but many kids like the goth scene getting huge in the 80s/90s/early 2000s that type of stuff exactly was just edgy. Some of them really did freaky shit though, and most didn't go to the level of abusing living things like animals or kids. I definitely had edgelord kids up til the 2010s carrying bird skulls, seriously drinking their own blood from cuts, doing crazy shit but they wouldn't hurt anyone else.


I have not found any list from after that period, it's not data that is easy to get. The only reason i provided it is to show there is happening more than many people realize and as a starting point to [dig deeper](https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/185zmcl/elon_just_went_all_in_on_pizzagate/kb9fnjc/) and [deeper](https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/196q8op/monsters_inc_scare_juice_is_adrenochrome/khy7wv%75/) if they want.


They had a fire alarm that was internal only, not hooked up to fire department


There's a subreddit on here for DID where there are people post who believe they have gone through ritual abuse and mind control. They have stories like these. Some people in an elite sex ring who were probably less on the satanic side of things and more on the sexual debauchery for the sake of sexual debauchery side of things tried to set me up for kidnapping and when I refused to go, they sort of implied they kill victims when they get tired of them. I'm no longer quite as skeptical of these things as I used to be. I've also recovered repressed memories of sexual abuse in late childhood and adulthood, so I don't buy the official story that you can't trust children who recover repressed memories. I don't know what to think about DID and MK Ultra but I guess it makes sense. My therapist says I don't have DID. Phew.


FYI there's lots of debunks of this document all over the web. The primary source is not a police report, but from Ted Gunderson's book. He was a major proponent of satanic ritual abuse theory. It's included in the finders FBI file, which was accessed by FOIA, but it's not a suppressed police report from the investigation. If you read the full report, you'll see that the "archaeological dig" was performed by parents, not forensics.


Remember those secret tunnels in NY that the people that should not be criticized for anything ,made? It was all buzz for a couple of days and it died off all of a sudden.


what the fuck? how? i just read an article saying they couldn't find any tunnels. How the fuck could they possible cover that??


Powerful connections stop prosecutions? Wrong. The people in power to prosecute actively take part


This is like all the interviews about adenochrome (sorry if i misspelled it), if you look at interviews from decades ago to others from today, they all tell the same things! This is terrifying


How about the "fairy tales" from hundreds of years ago that describe witches stealing and eating children? Crazy how all of the stories seem to line up...


Those drawings don't look like they were drawn by children. Not all of them.


Both top left are sus


None of them.


Bingo The one drawing is similar to an old death metal video.


In Canada we had the Martensville case and the OG book on the subject 'Michelle remembers' .. she was eventually hypnotized by her therapist, left her family to be with him and work for him.. the guy who coined the term 'satanic ritual abuse' .. he eventually testified as a expert witness at the McMartin trial. It's all weird


OMG I read that book YEARS ago and totally forgot about it. You just unlocked a memory!


If you really want to go down the rabbit hole, read about Mrs. Doubtfire and then check out Virginia McMartin. [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/s4ya4q/mrs\_doubtfire\_looks\_just\_like\_virginia\_mcmartin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/s4ya4q/mrs_doubtfire_looks_just_like_virginia_mcmartin/)


Robin Williams also played Patch Adams who was connected to the Finders cult... I swear the Finders are the Kevin Bacon of conspiracies...


I don’t know the details of this or how it could’ve been prevented but one way to prevent bad things from happening to your kids over the course of many years is to not only let them know that they are safe with you and to trust you, but make them feel protected with you. Let them feel safe in your home and around you. Let them know that you are powerful enough to protect them and nobody can take that away. That way some dick fuck doesn’t hurt your kids talking about “if you tell anybody, I will hurt you and your family” type of shit. Let them know that ain’t gonna fucking happen, that if they tell you something crazy happened to them, you got their back nothing some sick fuck can do to them after you’ve been told Anyways back to this story… Man i hope these kids ended up at least kinda ok after this. How horrendous


Where did you find that photos? Its kinda blurry here i want to read it




Heard about this before. It's funny when one of the kids mentioned Chuck Norris as one of the abusers. However when I googled Chuck Norris studio at that time it's on Artesia Blvd in Redondo Beach and that is just 5 - 10 miles away from Mcmartib preschool which was on Manhattan Beach. Not saying Chuck was or wasn't involved but there is every chance they saw Chuck. This case is just so weird


Legend has it, he has no chin. Under his beard? another cock.


Hmm, so strange how the legends differ. The way I heard it, he had another set of balls under there.


A fist


Those poor children


It's pretty normal for young children to add in some fantasy or use association with their stories. The key is to look for what's consistent throughout their stories.


Also, one thing that is common in ritual abuse, is to have the setting or people involved seem outlandish or made up. For example, one of the abusers wearing a Frankenstein mask, so the child says they were abused by Frankenstein, so the adults will think it’s made up. Purposefully involving outlandish imagery to discredit any recollection. Also, drugging people against their knowledge.


There is the whole MKUltra thing where they literally use characters for their bidding, like alice in wonderland, satan and jesus, the wizard of oz.


Yep they will use movies and/or characters for programming. “Fantasia” and “The Wizard of Oz” are two older examples but they were created as a programming script for someone who is already primed through drugs and hypnosis. Basically, just read Fritz Springmeir’s writings on it. The handler will also portray themselves as the devil.


Mickey Mouse?


That's a really a really good point. Most of these abusers don't show their faces and will wear a mask or costume.


Right, ever seen that older movie called Life of Pi? The boy creates a fantasy world to escape his traumatic event…


Yes, indeed. If someone interviewed him, they'd think he's crazy or just making shit up. However, he was describing a very traumatic experience.


I’d agree with you if people just let these kids talk and tell their story. Instead the kids were directed into the story during the interviews, told to imagine things, and asked what they thought was happening. In the book (and movie) Life of Pi he tells a parable to deal with his trauma, he wasn’t guided into a fantastical story from the outside by someone who wanted to hear a cool story.


You all are suspiciously eager to write off facts https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/7m2bZnynyz


There are a surprising amount of sympathizers towards in this chat. It’s almost like bots are promoting child abuse or trying to cover it.


They're bots.


Those weird things i could absolutely put down to kids having intense dissociative experiences while under extreme stress. Think about adults, we have way more complex inner worlds and memories to form hallucinations from. Kids? Flying sharks and Chuck Norris seems right on par if their brain needed *anything* to replace the abuser with that could make it "easier" to face. Or scary in a different way. The brain works very weirdly when under that type of torture.


I lived in the South Bay when this was happening, and as a paperboy, read the sensational headlines and stories daily. It took on a life of its own, and some of the accusing parents seemed downright nuts, and some of the children appeared to have gotten coached what to say resulting in inconsistent or downright bizarre claims. It ruined the lives and work of two families, and in the end, nothing close to Hard Proof was ever dug up at the former preschool site. A couple years later, my first part time high school job was working as a janitor at a chain of 3 preschools, on weekends when they were closed. I couldn't tell people I "worked at a preschool" because they'd immediately go, Ohhh... McMaRtIn LOL?!?!?! Regarding these drawings, I know few 5yos who can conceptualize and draw this well. Count me skeptical that these are what is claimed. ALL KINDS of bizarre claims were coached out of the kids during questioning and interviews. It was in the news daily for over a year when the scandal broke, and by the end there was severe McMartin Fatigue setting in.


It isn’t even necessarily that they were all purposely coached, a lot of it could well have been by accident. The issue is that the children here are very young. And when questioning young children, it is extremely easy to influence what they say by the way you ask the questions and by your demeanour. The child may invent a story because they want to please you and give the “right answer”, or they are scared, or they don’t understand, etc. Any number of reasons. The questions have to be asked very, very carefully, and preferably by a third party with experience and who can keep it cool. Basically, you need to avoid suggesting or implying what you want or expect to hear in any way or giving them any information to create a story about it. Open ended questions that are based on what the child actually says is what I understand to be appropriate, though I don’t have experience conducting interviews of young children myself. And, as I understand it, it fell far short of this standard in this case, so we can’t trust any of the accounts. There are too many red flags. If there was even a grain of truth (like if there was even just one case of ordinary, non satanic abuse going on), we’ll never know because of the satanic panic bullshit causing the parents to compromise the evidence irreparably.


You’re right, and in regards to the lines of questioning involved here, nearly every kid was asked questions that had clearly intended answers, and many kids were told to imagine or speculate on what they thought was going on. If they didn’t give the right answer it was readdressed until they did. It turned into a wild story because they essentially came up with the premise and ending to a story but used the 350 or so kids to fill in the plot. Only 41 of the 300 some kids were deemed reliable enough to testify at the grand jury and only like 11 of those 41 were cleared to make it to the actual trial.


Nope there's actual facts to this case beyond online opining https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/7m2bZnynyz


I wasn't able to open access the files on that finders website but it reminded me of this pedo ring bust. [USA](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Finders_(movement))


yeah is this the same scandal where some of the kids claimed they were flushed down the toilet into the tunnels? Never heard anything about those kids having STDs and I think OP is making shit up


My question is if these kids are in preschool how can they write so neatly? My child is in 2nd grade and still needs practice


I think this was years after the trial. The kids needed to undergo long session therapy because of their trauma


Blows my mind how grown adults don’t trust children when they say that they had things put on their butt and saw animals and Babies get killed......like, how can a 4 year old even know about that stuff, unless they experienced it first hand. Shows they were being protected by powerful people. To be able to say that 300 kids were brainwashed by a social worker is beyond absurd. There is no justice in this world, their will be a infinite judgement coming for these people. These jurors had to be paid off or shilled out.


The people in these threads making excuses for this kind of thing and pretending the "satanic panic" was all made up are ultra suspect. Nobody can be that blind.


Because if you were around at this time - (I was a teen when the McMartin trial started so I remember it) you knew how absurd it all was and that Satanic panic was a political agenda at the time. Heavy metal was huge then and parents were scared. It was a whole thing


Yeah one of these satanic panic Qanons called me a satanic pedo. My human trafficking story has been online since 2024. The wack job even called me the Cabal. She went as far as to dress up in a Giselle Maxwell wig and edit a picture of her in the wig looking down on a building on my street from Google maps. It was an old pic when the building was blue and white. You can look up Epstein Autism victims to learn more from the actual survivors. [wig girl](https://youtu.be/xtCgmhpeVcs?si=Tg_EO5vX_y741kx9)


you don't look back on those times and think they were onto something? i mean, look at society. they are literally telling kids in school that gender is a social construct.


I think there are sects of Satanists and human sacrifices going on but I don’t think it was in this case and I don’t think it is as widespread as you all are making it seem.


sometimes you need to look at the current situation and rethink your former assumptions


Now look at what’s happening. The Satanic church is trying to infiltrate schools across America to destroy the lives of children. It’s absolutely disgusting. Satan will never bring people happiness.


The satanic church does not believe in harming other people or animals unless it's a kill or be killed situation. Read the satanic Bible they aren't into that stuff. Temple of set might be a different story considering the guy who started, Michael aquino was accused of satanic ritual abuse at presidio a military daycare....the two religions are not the same but often lumped together.


LaVeyan Satanists*** which is literally just Atheism with extra steps. There are actual Satanists who believe in the literal Satan & do worship him.


Lol it's funny/ironic that your post and the one above yours are getting downvoted. Either people here are absolutely naive/ignorant to what's going on, or they're bots.


Bots 100000%


Any good docs on this?


If you read about this event in full the picture painted makes it seem fairly likely that any abuse actually happened. It doesn’t help matters that the woman who made the initial claims turned out to be paranoid schizophrenic and that her mental illness was withheld from the defense for 3 years into the trial. By all accounts her illness was not being treated or well maintained and basically had complete control over her instead of the other way around.


They never mentioned any satanic activity or abuse until their quack shrink forced them to go that direction. Read about the actual case and the methods used by the very questionable psychologist.


James Alefantis has entered the chat


Hate that guy.. his instagram profile is private. Ugh


Not true. They mentioned it in the very first police report


Did you read the police report? Or are you just saying that because other people are.


Not true, the children did not, Judy Johnson the mother of the initial child claimed Ray Buckley molested her son and that Buckley’s mother was into Satanic activity. The child couldn’t even identify Ray Buckley. If anything was in the police report about abuse or satanism it was all from Judy Johnson’s mouth.


What about the police report 


Oh wow I had never heard of this before. Thank you for posting.


Its one fckd up case, i think its longest and costliest case in history. I suggest you go on Rumble videos to find out more about mcmartin. Youtube and google erased lots of videos and sites pertaining about this case. All you see are just reporting


Eh. I believed it until I looked into it and the entire questioning of the children was botched. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9648524/) The original mother who accused the Ray of sodomizing her child was schizophrenic. Her son’s statements were all initially rattled off by her. She was so unwell a year after making her claims, she aimed a gun at her brother when he came to check up on her. (http://ipt-forensics.com/journal/volume7/j7_2_1_12.htm) The last thing I thought was definitive evidence was the tunnels, but I found logical evidence debunking them as well- https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.5210/bsi.v12i1.77.pdf. In my opinion, if all three of the strongest pieces of evidence to a case can be logically debunked, i doubt there is a conspiracy going on at all. Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.


True Detective?


If the story is all true why are there pictures that are clearly not drawn by preschoolers being passed off as pictures drawn by preschoolers? That handwriting is supposed to be a preschooler's? Did the satanists put the children under a strict handwriting regimen?


They weren’t drawn by the kids when they were like 4 years old. The kids drew them later on when they were older.


They weren't still preschoolers when the pictures were drawn.


Do any of these look like preschoolers could have made them?


Could they have drawn them years later?


Much like the tunnels under NYC connecting synagogue to children’s museum to Epstein properties. And the media silenced it all in a few weeks. Look at all the idf bots downvoting


Where did it say it connects to an ep property? Never heard that


Never heard that either. Source?


Ok I just did like a 20 minute dig on this and couldn’t really find what I was looking for exactly could someone tell me how in the hell they got away with this? It says in September 1983 police interviewed several of the k!ds and they all described horrible things taking place. If that was the start how did they weasel themselves out of any and all repercussions?! The #1 fear for me in this world as I get older is the reluctance of people in society protecting the children. Wow.


Here is a really good movie that explains what happened. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113421/?ref_=ext_shr There was never any proof of abuse. Ray Buckey probably did accidentally expose himself to some of the kids while wearing shorts that let his penis slide out the bottom. To my knowledge, not one child was ever linked to an STD from any of the daycare providers. Edit: it is streaming on HBO MAX


Those are absolutely not children's drawings. (I work in child protection and know the real thing when I see it)


That's fair, but I have drawn my childhood trauma as an adult to cope. This is a possibility but OP did use misleading language if so.


Yeah that's a good point. Hope you're ok.


The fact that some of you defend the satanists and say this is not possible is beyond belief. This happened, and still happens, in almost every town on this country


So does abuse in churches. Satan is there too I suppose.


Well, God should be in your home and heart, not church. And if I were Satan, I would spend a lot of time as close to the flock as possible.


Yeah I remember something like this in the bay area... I think it was involved with an orphanage and there was systemic sexual abuse of the orphans. Not sure like a caretaker abusing kids, It was like the caretakers setting up sessions with older, well off people to come in and abuse kids. The whole thing was brushed under the carpet so fast, I think there were a few arrests on people involved with the orphanage but they would never release the names of the older men who were part of this pedo ring. It had a very epstein-vibe to it. This shit does happen everywhere. It's around for sure... people need to stop denying.


to add to this, in northern ireland during the 70s, there was a boys orphanage called kincora boys home. the housemaster- william mcgrath, was a high ranking member of a UVF paramilitary cell called 'Tara'. Mcgrath used kincora as a pedophile blackmail honeypot scheme to entrap british politicians and other paramilitary figures on behalf of MI5. countless children sexually abused, pimped out to high ranking political figures so that the british intelligence community could gain an edge on the ongoing conflict in ireland at the time. look it up before you call it bullshit, a victim- i think his name was richard kerr? claims he was abused all throughout his childhood there and even shipped off by his abusers from ireland into mainland britain where he was again abused in london by powerful people. channel 4- a british media channel even has a short interview segment between richard and an ex MI5 agent. the agent supports richards claims and says that whilst he was operating in ireland during that time he became aware of the goings on at kincora and was told to ignore it by his superiors. this clip can be found on youtube, or atleast it used to be there.


These people that are trying to discredit these stories are enemies of humanity. They might think that what they are doing is harmless but they will be judged sooner or later - and when they do, they’ll be wondering why the punishment was harsh. They are so out of touch with reality that they believe their words or actions don’t carry consequences.


No the conspiracy nuts who claim all celebrities are men and everyone's a pedo are the ones to blame. Once you add just one fantasy to a real testimony, it permanently damages the witness's credibility. Happens all day, everyday with Epstein and Pizza.


At first glance, these drawings seem very dark and disturbing in nature. Sometimes kids don't know how to formulate proper words or sentences, especially after receiving abuse or any form of ptsd. I would say that these pictures should be taken more seriously than not. People don't even realize that stories like this happen again and again all around the world, they would much rather try to prove it fake instead for whatever reason


What in the absolute crap? This was a real thing? Please tell me that this wasn’t a real thing!!!


“no escaping that” I REPENT! **BAM** uno reverse card bitches. Now step aside.


Good news: If there is a Devil/Demons then there is a God/Angels. Super-natural forces for good don't just sit back and not help. Just like the Egyptian Magicians tried to out do God and Moses, this will not work. Passover reminds me that trying to test the 1 and only God will never win. I believe this can be resolved without a dramatic situation, and God has a plan. Do not lose hope, and do not let these disgusting people get you down! Team Humanity!


Why didn't you write anything about the students who admitted to lying when they were older? Prosecuter witnesses purjoring themselves?


This is one of the biggest pedo rings in America, today. Its a shame people put so much time in old popular conspiracy theories than what is happening right now. [Behavioral Science Cult](https://www.courthousenews.com/health-care-nonprofit-must-face-child-sexual-abuse-claims/#:~:text=PHILADELPHIA%20(CN)%20%E2%80%94%20Children%20who,motion%20to%20dismiss%20the%20case.)


You obviously have never met a preschooler. There is a 0% chance these drawings were done by anyone in preschool.


Holy shit. This is real life True Detective (Season 1). I wouldn’t be surprised if Nic Pizzolatto based the first series on the very events. Carcosa is real.


That story has been thoroughly debunked. There is a significant amount of information on the case that showed extremely poor interrogation tactics, and police and parent manipulation to get the children to say things they wanted the children to say. Some of the bizarre allegations the children made were that they flew in hot air balloons, saw witches fly, and traveled through extensive underground tunnels beneath the school (which don't exist). One of the kids even said Chuck Norris was one of his abusers. Additionally, even the facts in your statement are wrong. Of those 360 children, almost all of them discounted their claims as the investigation went on. No child was found to have an STD. There were no Satanic practices found. At trial, there was no good evidence presented for anything, and the case was rightly dismissed. On top of that, the woman who made the initial accusation was diagnosed a paranoid schizophrenic, and committed suicide a couple years later. Try doing some actual research, instead of just parroting a headline that suits an agenda you want to push. There is loads of detailed info, including court documents to show how wrong you are. I feel bad for the people at the school that in doing their tough job teaching children, they had their lives destroyed by a crazy woman, and investigators who violated countless interrogation standards. And i feel bad for you, spreading lies and damaging reputations, all for your agenda. God is watching you, and i promise you, you can't escape Him.


💯 the “satanic panic” narrative from the 80’s was their damage control after being exposed. It was real then and is real now. Anything like this is written off and labeled as “hysteria” and they refer to the false narrative from the 80s. Schools/daycares are used for this purpose. The court system is in place to protect their scheme. Anyone familiar with SRA and Trauma Based Mind Control used by the Illuminati handlers will recognize this as their common MO. Including all the ways they negate the claims: claiming the parents coached them into saying things, citing the “panic hoax”, and of course the police and courts with their own people in place. Look at the tunnels the Jews in NY were using for trafficking and abuse. They make it sound so outlandish that people write it off as fantastical and kids making stuff up. Believe the victims. Pizzagate is real, SRA is real.


Anyone with kids would know those aren't drawings a typical pre-schooler is capable of. They do not have the physical coordination development to make images that clean and well drawn, let alone that many different kids being able to. Conspiracy should at least have some basis in reality, those drawings were made by adults pretending to be kids.


They drew them when they were older. To process what they went through.


This is absurd BS. Everyone in that case was exonerated (after spending years in jail awaiting trial and having their lives ruined). It’s the classic example of mass hysteria and false memories gone wild. The original accuser was a paranoid schizophrenic who died from alcoholism before the trial even happened. And no, the kids didn’t have STDs.


You've seen the kid's medical records? How did you access those? These threads are always so full of bullshitters lol.


But the OP has access to the kids' medical records? There's never been mention of STD's anywhere in this case that I can find. Somehow *all* of the kids contracting venereal disease got overlooked, despite the record showing all of the children were physically examinated?


I saw a not guilty verdict for all involved after they were out through the wringer for 6 years. I’ve seen that none of the evidence held up or even remotely demonstrated any sort of sex abuse.


Thank, disinfo bot https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/7m2bZnynyz


when I click on the link, it brings me right back to this thread... is that supposed to happen?


Lots of Bots on this post trying to discredit this. Don't believe them. This shit is real and happening all over the world


My parents nearly put me in that school right in the middle of when this went down. They watched the trial with intense interest and are so relieved they sent me elsewhere.


used to stigmatize men working in child care. dramatic decrease in male teachers in elementary school after this episode. plant a seed of doubt and suspicion in minds of parents. drawings were made by kids after being told by detectives what to depict.


Absolutely untrue. The tunnels are validated by the investigative reports. Those children were abused full stop.




Plenty of primary evidence if you care https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/7m2bZnynyz


Really impressive line work and colouring in bordered perfectly, for little kids drawings. God this sub is so cooked


Some years ago, a young man wrote an article or op-ed for the LA Times ; he was one of the McMartin "victims". He stated that he loved his pre school, that nothing happened to him there, and he had been trying to please the grownups by answering their leading questions the way he could tell they wanted him to. In his op-ed, there's a hint he blames his mother ; he stated she "-dined out for years on being the parent of a McMartin victim" and it became her handy thing to blame for everything that went wrong in her life (a hint they're estranged now). The young man tried to meet with Raymond Buckey to personally apologize , but Buckey said he did not blame any of the children at all...As for the tunnels, they were an artifact of the building being built in the 1930s, and I seem to recall a claim of an elephant being slaughtered in them ; needless to say, no proof of elephant murder was ever found.


This post of yours is completely made up.


More disinformation, here's some real facts https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/7m2bZnynyz


That’s so sick. Idk why these people think hiding underground will save them from the wrath of God


What's up with the alien looking person? Wonder why he was drawn like that.


Lauren tsai must be in some type of condition like this when she was a child. Look at all her drawing


Can’t believe something like this went down in The South Bay. I lived there at this time and don’t remember it. Granted I was 20s and not reading the paper much or watching the news


Hmm, seems like people don't know what actual kids' drawings look like.


The Finders


This truly is an evil that our government tries to cover up.