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Congrats 🤍 keep going


That's fucking beautiful. I am going on 5 years clean away from heroin/cocaine. For the first 4 years, I smoked it. Then one day, was hanging out with someone who had a syringe...watched them shoot up less than half of what I was smoking on and seen how it did the damn thang for him so I wanted to try it...the next 5 years were truly my darkest gnarliest times...started mixing cocaine into the liquidized heroin to shoot up whats called a "speedball"...ugh. Now I'm clean and have a beautiful baby mama and beautiful baby boy. I always tell people who are struggling with Opiate addiction..." If you TRULY want to stop using...you WILL..."


Congratulations 🥺🤍


Taaaank youuu. 🥰


Can’t say the first part and then the second part. You do have hope. Heroin free for 6 months IS the epitome of hope. Well done! Don’t downplay it.




I think that's the push for the collective, but you must be a pretty powerful individual to have come this far out the other side already! Well done


Well done


Not many of us have been able to do this. Congrats on you <3 - 4 years here. Keep freaking going!


yooo!!! congrats bro!


I’ve got a former work colleague who’s also open to non mainstream views - we caught up in person a few weeks ago. “Being awake to all this nonsense is exhausting.”


it's wonderful to meet these likeminds irl




I mean, it is though.


this is becoming like 1984 😂


Being awake to all this nonsense is not exhausting in and of itself. It’s the resistance to it that is exhausting. Acceptance is invigorating.


Constantly hearing one set of facts from a media source - usually via someone else - then having to put it through a ‘sanity lens’ is exhausting.


People are overworked, tired, and burned out. Easy to control.


Growing up is realising most people are addicted to drugs whether they be illegal or legal drugs.


Or porn, tv, video games. They’re not called a death cult for no reason.


My sister-in-law drinks every night of the week and binges on the weekend. Any type of curve ball thrown at her and the first thing she does is take some sort of medication to cope. My colleagues discuss their obsession with reality tv everyday while chowing down on cake, tea and biscuits. I watch them and wonder if they’re actually real people. Do they suddenly “switch off” when I leave the office and turn back on when I return?


Are there real life NPC's? I am a delivery driver and think there are.


I’ve read that many people live without an inner monologue. I can’t believe this to be true.


I typically don't have an inner monologue, unless I read (or say) something aloud to myself in my head. I tend to think in concepts a lot and jump straight to the meaning of something, rather than use words. I'm not an NPC. I think the brain re-routes pathways around certain areas if it needs to, and it could be why I think in ways other than an inner monologue. Then again, it could be something else entirely. I have synesthesia, and it figures into how I perceive things like writing. Maybe I have a different genetic lineage or I've evolved to perceive things differently, or it could be the fact I have a lot of experience with meditation and visualisation, and I've quietened that part of my mind. Either way, I still think fine, I just go about things slightly differently.


I had heard of your condition, but had to google it to make sure it was the right thing I was thinking of. Definitely not an npc !


I don’t have an inner monologue. If I’m alone, I talk to myself out loud. If I’m with other people, I tell them my thoughts. I’m very fortunate to have not grown up in a family where I had to keep much to myself, so I feel very free to tell people around me exactly what I’m thinking. And the real awesome part of growing up in such an accepting environment is that I didn’t develop a lot of mean and cruel ideas about people that I have to repress and/or hide from them. I also don’t feel like there’s something wrong with me because I talk to myself out loud. My mom did it too, even more publicly than I do. When she would say something that wasn’t directed towards me, and I would say “what?”, she would reply “I’m just thinking out loud”. Humans are not meant to hold their thoughts inside. That causes a sense of isolation and alienation. I definitely do have unconscious thoughts of which I’m not aware(obviously), but I pretty much say whatever comes to my mind when I’m with my family. Even when I’m interacting with people I don’t know very well, I tend to bring up topics many would consider “impolite”, and you know what? The vast majority of people are down to talk about that stuff. They just need to feel comfortable with you. If I were to try to think consciously in my head, it would get all jumbled and incoherent, but again, I haven’t had practice doing that. Even as I’m typing this, I’m mouthing the words I’m typing.


I’d argue my ability to think and reflect on something before I say it. And my ability to try and imagine how and what somebody else is thinking is not something I could live without. I’m curious how the really brilliant minds made their discovery’s. Were they using super advanced sensory perception And then voila? Are you creative?, I for example can’t draw or paint anything well or as intended, But I can think how I would be able to polish the turd of art I’m making and turn it into something almost presentable.


I honestly don't think I have one, but I am definitely a real person. You really can't believe there are people out there who perceive the world differently than you?


No of course I do. I’ve thought about that all my life. Colours, tastes, smells, I already knew that not everybody experiences senses the same I’m just cursed with a non stop conversation with myself from waking up to passing out. I just can’t imagine not thinking in my voice in my head. I don’t use the term npc, sounds like something my son was calling everybody that 10 years ago.


oh yeah I for sure don't have one, I don't have conversations with myself unless I try or unless I'm thinking about talking haha. Or reading. It's interesting because I am not good at speaking, I feel like I think too slow to have a good real convo in real time. I could just be stupid but I don't think I'm actually stupid, just.... IDK. I don't like the NPC thing either, it's exactly like you said, sounds something a pretentious high IQ teenager calls everything except themselves


lmao, I swear delivery drivers are all NPCs


Depends. What kind of delivery driver? Like uber or pizza delivery? I just had a truck driver come through for a cleaning supply order who was completely aware politically and even shared some shit i had not heard of yet. Dude was a total bro as well being helpful and shit. Maybe i am the npc?


What did he share you did not know?


Mostly stuff from before i was paying attention and much younger. Obama, hillary, and the bushes info and people who were speaking out back then even


Yes, degraded cognition from telescoping toxicity creates the same out come as what has "jokingly" become known as NPCs It's real, hard drugs, psych meds & alcohol will do it to you, before you even talk about any of the other toxins in the telescope of the body's DNA/biome


You are just coping lol. You are not better than anyone else.


I disagree, i live in a world of zombies who cannot function unaided , who do they all call when they are stuck? Me u muppet , for 50 years and counting. go wash your head.


feel your pain


I feel your pain, I'm surrounded by people of all ages drinking themselves to death and popping prescription pills " cos the Dr said I need them", skin the color of porridge and no real interests except shallow bs. obviously some people have always been like that but it seems to be the majority are allowing themselves to be numbed to everything around them except trash tv/net/food


You sure it's not just that they are English? Just joking.


It wasn’t until last year that I stopped drinking at the weekends but luckily for me I drink a shit load of water and don’t look 45, like most of childhood friends who look ten years older then what they actually are. I look about 25 but drugs have never really been my thing apart from weed socially but never in my own. Drinking to solve your problems just causes even more. You never have any money and end up with a bad attitude to go along with your self inflicted poverty, living from pay day to broke in less than a week.


it's a huge problem imo that's socially accepted


Its scrary how many people can't go without coffee


I am 5 months sober from coffee. Quitting coffee completely fixed my mental health. 


Thats awesome!


Not drank coffee in years, feels great, tea only.


I’m completely no caf 


I can go without coffee. I just don't want to. :)


you want to know what's even scarier? all of those people actually going without coffee. trust me, you do not want to fuck with us on this one.


Ppl have no hope.


Yeah i feel this too, all the people feel so off, unreal and close minded. Everyone is trapped in their own bubble and its really depressing


yep sadly it's lonely out there especially after 2020


You should move. It’s not sad and lonely for me at all. Minnesota.


I've moved countries 4 times in 10 years. uk especially bad for alcohol and prescription dumb/numbness. Germany better but getting worse.


I live in germany lol


Sorry but Europe is a bit of a lost cause at the moment. Have family in England, Germany, and Poland. They are donezo. America feels like the final safe haven for western countries and that is quickly being destroyed too.


What do you mean by this?


Going to be downvoted on reddit for this take but - During the pandemic all Euro countries were in lockstep to take away personal liberty in the name of safety. Europe is also allowing in immigrants to the point that places like UK or Belgium are becoming 3rd world countries. Add on top of that the idea of 15 min cities, abysmal job opportunities and rising food costs its a recipe for disaster.


I'm surprised to see 15 minute cities being listed as an issue here - what's wrong with them?


Its the precedent for total control. Im going to assume you forgot what sub you are on.


No, I know which sub this is. Your responses make it very clear, haha I had just never seen 15 minute cities referenced in such a way. Surely aggressive expansionary urban zoning laws meaning you have to drive everywhere on a defined road network that pigeonholes you into your closest set of shops and separates people - American suburbia - is better for control?


literally seems like most people are waiting to die


This is how I feel almost all the time. What the hell do you do to make it stop? I find a little bit of refuge online amongst people who similarly want to escape this bullshit world but how people don’t want to escape astounds me. If you’re unfairly put in prison, wouldn’t you also want to break free? I dunno.


Some people do not want accountability for themselves to they let big daddy government or their fave celebrities become their conscious.


yeah it's depressing


The answer is therapy.


I disagree. If society is effed up, then the problem doesn’t only lie with myself. (Notice how I said “only”.)


I guess there's nothing to do then.


Hahaha, very funny!


"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society".


lol. Yes, it's the people worried about the zombies around them that are healthy.


Who knows.


I feel pretty good about my life right now. I'm gonna go have lunch and enjoy my pups. Then I'm gonna go for a walk and say hi to neighbors while I walk. I think most people here would benefit from leaving the house every now and then.


Great. You do you and i wish you the best with that.


you don't get my post. I live a full life but I find it incredibly hard to get anyone around me, of all ages to actually do anything , to go anywhere, to talk deeply, to experience things. most are just sat on the couch disengaged from the world due to medication or other.


If we lived near one another, I’d be so down for this lol


I'm going to be honest. I just don't believe you. I think this sub is obsessed with negativity and bots and shills just feed that obsession. This mirrors the same post from the other day where someone claimed no one was hanging out in the parks anymore. It's an absurd claim that people here just lap up for some reason.


I haven't seen the park post. you don't have to believe me. my previous job I was working with 18 year old girl popping zanax,tramadol and sleeping pills, 2 lads in 20s stinking of skunk at 6am,2 ladies in 30s,40s on antidepressants cos of bereavements ( not an illness but a natural process), a lady going through the menopause claiming new diagnosed adhd on uppers and downers and a young girl with pinned eyes on strong painkillers she got off her dying father. add to that every male in family and extended abusing alcohol in an accepted way,in laws on weed,elderlys on many different happy type pills and strong opiates,,neighbours always drinking ,relatives on sleeping tablets nd its a lonely planet for the those of us not numbed up.


You know an unbelievable (literally) amount about the drugs everyone around you is taking.


What do you consider a full life? Because it really just sounds like you don't have any social skills. Edit - I'm saying this because I shared a similar sentiment (not as detached as you) up until my early-mid 20s and then it went away when I learned how to talk to people.


.I'm a skilled talker to people of all ages in 3 languages thanks. I work in travel business, my problem is the zombies who stare back due to their unnecessary medication that is becoming the norm, interested only in their phones and food. not sure why you can't understand


Every time I discuss this I get the old “schizophrenia” comment like I’M the one who’s off. I too get the NPC vibe from most people in daily life. It’s perpetually isolating. Maybe “aliens” have been here all along or maybe there’s different types of humans and they don’t teach us the extent of our genetic diversity. Maybe the system can’t suppress us all. Maybe’s and theories can drive one mad, but so can not having answers to your questions. That’s just it, “they” control the flow of information, don’t they.


It's cause lot of people don't realize they have addictive personality they get comfortable in chaos we adapt to any environment as humans and sadly we adapted to all the bs around us by staying distracted it's crazy


It’s exhausting. It took me about 7 years before it stopped getting to me. You’ll find people who don’t fit this criteria. They’re few and far between and try and form friendships with them, it will make it better.


I feel like I don't know I'm a zombie.. judging all the other zombies... who are judging other zombies.


I would say that is accurate but...braaaaains...


I’m fine taking a pill for this or for that, if it will help, but have self-adjusted my meds and in doing so, realized that the meds that were supposed to be helping me not be sad/anxious or distracted were actually suppressing my desire to do just about everything I needed to do during the day. I added low dose ketamine to my meds last winter and will say that it was a game changer. I am absolutely better at regulating my emotions to a more normal state. But the company doesn’t evaluate you often and will keep you on too long. I had a bad reaction last week and stopped taking it. I’ve also stopped my antidepressant, which was low dose. I’ve had more energy and been more productive in the last 4 days than I have in a year. I will tell my doctor when I meet with her next month and I have therapy weekly too. Even therapy has moved from dealing with the negatives to EMDR for motivation and manifesting. Meds can be great! But 100% we are a society that overmedicates, underuses therapy & generally looks for whatever will give the fastest relief. Eta a typo


Well done you on getting through this shit show sober.


After watching George Romero's Dawn of the Dead movie, when it came out. I could no longer go to the local malls with all the shambling shoppers aimlessly looking at the latest consumer products. It was difficult because all I could see were wandering consumer zombies.


1000%. This post summed it up perfectly. It’s really scary, actually.


P-zombies, basically.




Absolutely. To check out the worst zombie outbreak, look up videos on Vancouver and San Francisco. It’s scary.




That’s trumps fault , you should know this working at a news station


Everyday feels like massive cognitive dissonance going on. It gets worse and worse it seems. People just acting like cattle I don't get it. It's small to large things as well. For example standing in line at a store and people choose the longest line to stand in when there is open cashier's waiting. To larger things that cannot make sense like people doing x expecting y and your like why not just do y?


agree its small and big things. People just don't seem engaged


People are real, they aren’t NPCs but they’re sick, the western world celebrates addiction, whether it’s drinking or gambling or smoking weed, most people get sucked into it bc of their shitty roles models in life or due to not having any real role models at all. It’s kind of sad, I just hope that they get something in life that can wake them up.


I've realized that the further I get away from people (mental illness), the more the world all of a sudden seems more tolerable. I'd consider my town a barrier from the outside world and it's troubles. But things have changed, the world is coming here. At one point, in my parents lifetime it was a very sleepy and boring place where everyone knew each other and if anyone committed a crime, word would have gotten around town and surprised everyone. Most of the people here are now from countries more than half of the people here didn't know existed, and they probably couldn't pronounce them if they even tried. The original population is now surrounded by a vast ocean of people from cities that are changing our tax rates and making it extremely difficult to stay in our own homes and jobs, rates are high and pay is low. If you think about it, if a person comes from a place like New York City their tax rates and prices are significantly higher but when they hit the road and come here it's like putting a great white shark in a salt water lake. Unfortunately, the political shit is here too, and the war refugees are coming here (I just saw probably 8-9 middle aged Palestinians by my guess at the park). Whether they're just interested in walking, or people watching there is no clue. Again, a quiet and peaceful southern town with open roads... it's now jam packed with traffic and people that drive 10-20mph over the speed limit in residential areas, it just happened to my dad where they had the nerve to tell him to learn how to drive (he is driving the speed limit and they're wanting to go like 20mph faster). It has made me realize how much our government disrespects us, the immigration policy is an example of it. There is absolutely no escaping the population, economy or the immigration policies. It's now a permanent game of cat and mouse, and all I can think of is off-grid living.


I take painkillers for pain but don't drink alcohol with them and that screws me over. The alternative is never sleeping for more than 10-15mins. I did see someone I haven't seen for 5 years, his wife left him, he put on 20kg, is taking some meds and his face was completely blank, I was warned about it before but it is really weird seeing someone be normal and the next time you see them their eyes are glazed over and they have to have a handler to lead them around.


Smoked a joint and took a cruise out to Manhattan the other day, was really scary to see everyone just completely on NPC Mode, plugged into their phones, while on headphones, not even looking up while crossing the street or just walking on the street in general. Scary shit man


Yes, most people are dumb, gullible cattle and that’s why the “elites” can have their way with us so easily.


Yeah I’m stuck on Kratom, everything else right now is good and I’m making really good money but I need to get clonodine and get off the Kratom


There's a song by JAX called zombieland on SoundCloud that sums it up


I am perplexed that someone would come to Reddit where 75% of the accounts are bots and complain that real people are zombies. If you are having trouble making conversation with others please go to the library and check out some books about making meaningful conversations. It is also possible that others find you uninteresting and don't bother to engage with you. But hey I'm just a zombie too so what do I know.


I don't want people to find me interesting, I want them to find the world interesting but billions are numbed by meds


Not everyone here is “as real” as they seem take that for what you will.


Maybe i am the exception but i am a daily weed user, except i have a job, wife. And two kids i provide for, maintain my own garden at home, work overtime and side jobs constantly to keep things going, and am known as the guy who cannot shut up about politics and conspiracies. I dont think the weed is holding me back but yeah okay.


Excellent post


The raging aura of superiority you seem to exude also provides the same dopamine hit you're criticizing others for seeking.


, for Petes sake, if you don't experience the isolation of being surrounded by people on some sort of brain numbing prescription drugs then I'm happy for you but it's not superiority that makes me post, it's loneliness for meaningful conversation. some always resort to insults but my post is heartfelt


Incredible that you're totally aware of EVERYONE around you's pharmacological situation. But yes, you and your "undrugged brain" do feel superior, a feeling that probably interferes with your ability to have meaningful conversations with those around you.


Well they don't hide it.


I often wonder where people in this sub live. My area isn't remotely like this. People here seem more alive than ever. All of the restaurants and breweries are full and people are out at the parks every day. It's weird seeing what other areas might be experiencing. 


lucky you I say




lol, I'm not telling this sub where I live.


kek then don't brag like that


I’m in Canada and most people I know aren’t on medication or using substances I feel like he might work construction which has a lot of users as it’s long, hard days or the oil rigs


lucky you! i visit the small town where i used to live in BC for extended periods of time in the summer and it's crazy. People who didn't used to drink are now alcoholics. the alcoholics are in severe mental health crisis. people are using MAID. kids are overdosing and dying. suicides. everybody smokes weed all day long. i find it extremely disturbing and zombie like. crime is rampant in the area, many junkies looking for quick opportunities. it just seems like nothing functions anymore, nobody has enough staff to run a business, etc.


But BC legalized all street drugs basically from what my family member from there said so I see why the problem there In sask, we have a zero tolerance even for cannabis and are doing check stops to test for alcohol and cannabis use which isn’t cool for the cannabis use as they have the limit so low and the testing only checks saliva which thc stays in for up to 30 days EDITED: it’s 12-24 hours for saliva “THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana, is detectable for up to 90 days in hair, anywhere between 1 day to a month or longer in urine (depending on how often the individual uses it), up to 24 hours in saliva, and up to 12 hours in blood.”


well Sask has always been more down to earth and sensible than BC ha. but all these BC antics were going on well before they legalized hard drugs. I guess it all started to get really bad about 4 years ago....


Safe consumption sites aren’t helping and I work in the addiction field


Thc only stays in salvia for like 2-4 days .


Okay BUT it still registers on our road side tests after 12 hours when they said it won’t


I put the wrong thing, toddler was freaking out 😂 “THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana, is detectable for up to 90 days in hair, anywhere between 1 day to a month or longer in urine (depending on how often the individual uses it), up to 24 hours in saliva, and up to 12 hours in blood.”


my experience of working with Canadians they were permanently stoned and drunk


What provinces? Its who you worked with/for Most of us aren’t drunks or high


Edmonton, Alberta


Alberta the Canadian capital of drunk and alcohol abuse Up North like fort Mac is pure drugs and everyone can downvote me or comment negatively but the rigs are known for it Alberta love to drink too because they are “cowboys/girls”


THANK YOU. Its always posts like this that I’m like…no? It seems like the most outrageous claims will be made and people are just agreeing with it. Ex: ‘Ever since 2020 the sky is never blue anymore. It’s a sickly grey.’ 200 people agree. I go outside and the sky looks completely blue. Another post recently said everyone speeds these days and has road rage, nobody follows the laws of the road. Tons of people agree it’s an epidemic and people are just *so full of rage* now. I literally have never noticed this. Anyway, it’s daily on this sub. Things are normal in rural Minnesota. For the record.


It's wild how negative this sub can be. There was a post the other day about all the parks being empty, which hasn't been my experience anywhere I've been for the last few years. It's mostly just bots pushing a negativity narrative, but it's still frustrating seeing everyone just blindly agree.


Well if its not true in your real life that's great. I only go by my real life. not a narrative


We’re going by real life too. People are not acting like zombies around me whatsoever. People are out and about living life happy and normal with the same problems they’ve always had. Life is a blessing.


then I said that's great but it doesn't mean it's not my real life


Yeah, for sure.


Well lucky you but I am speaking from the heart. its not an outrageous claim, its lonely being surrounded by people whose brains are under a chemical cosh. they are Zombie like. and it's factual that the prescription drug taking for ' mental health ' in UK and USA is widespread . as is alcohol abuse


30 days free from cocaine, dmt, booze & nitrous tomorrow!


The American Dream is Killing Me - Green Day


If you think everyone around you is lesser like an NPC or a zombie it’s not because they are. You just have become isolated and your ego has become inflated.


not really it's because they are on anti depressants, tranqs,opiates, anti anxiety, etc


Not everybody is.


99% of people around me are. obviously not everybody is , I'm stating my situation


Okay, got a source for that 99% claim? If that source is you, it's called an opinion.


No, my colleges are pleasant and have a diverse range of interests my family constantly try new things , my sister in law got into gardening and has transformed her yard dramatically, I have learned to cook pasta periogies and pot stickers this year.


I spend an insane amount of time induling into internet addictions, the hub and food. I am aware that we are ruled by psychopatic criminals, but I don't feel much better than them in that regard.


I feel very similar but I'm the one that partakes in many different intoxicating substances and I feel the same about most of the sober and not sober people around me. I think you might be partially observing some of the underlying factors and reasons they chose to try to alter their conscientiousness in the first place. In my experience it has little to do with whatever specific substance itself but the why. Example people trying to run from abuse, trauma, war memories, loss of loved one, etc tend to be more severely impacted and spirsl into serious issues than someone actually interested in altering their consciousness for recreational, curiosity ,or enhancing other activities or social events. I was on exponentially more substances than those around me with a professional job many people not knowing with very little consequences to my personal life and have had several people completely destroyed by a fraction of what I was doing and they would ask why and I always came to the same conclusion. They were running from something (girls mother died of drug overdose in this case) and she couldn't understand why I didn't have similar consequences. My answer is I was not burying trauma just strictly psychonaut purposes. I feared if that changed I would lose something and when my life did a 180 and those reasons shifted to severe depression my experiences across all substances changed including alcohol (not a big fan even less now) and cannabis (lost joy and some of the medically beneficial side effects more undesirable side effects like anxiety, feeling restless, etc that I never experienced before. No matter which side of the fense I was on though you guys would not consider me one of these zombies your describing. You might find me wasted on a concoction of things and reading a antigravity UFO patent or some crazy rabbit hole and there is a bunch of us out there you don't see and we tend to scare away the zombie types you are referring to.


Posts like this one make me feel so bad for taking meds haha. No but fr. Thankfully I'm not addicted to my meds, but I can't stop taking them because of my mental issues right now. Eventually I will stop taking them, when my doctor finds me well but don't assume everyone who takes drugs (especially antidepressants or benzos) do it because they want to, sometimes we have to. I still have a lot of hope and I can say I'm a happy person! :) but yeah, it's also true that a lot of people lost hope nowadays and that's sad to see. I try to surrender myself with positive people.






intelligent comment thanks for the input. still doesn't change the fact that millions of people are numbing themselves with prescription pills,it's widespread and it's considered normal




insults don't change the facts.


I’m def going to get downvoted for this but everybody on this subreddit INCLUDING MYSELF is engaging in addict like behaviors by being so glued to their screens and just taking the bait on different rabbit holes and getting lost in another reality that is not directly tied to their own. Be careful for arrogance, you are not special, we are all suffering.


why is it arrogance to lament the loss of human interaction due to widespread, normalised overuse of prescription and other drugs.


Calling people NPCs is pretty narcissistic fucking behavior


the numbing down of whole sections of populations through chemical prescription drugs and people defending it, acting like its not happening and blaming the concerned messenger is pretty blinkered


Im a zombie to remove the pain mainly With ketamine but im a sorcerer god with other stuff, more conscious than most, mainly due to psychedelics and deep research in the real world and internet alike. Reddit has a community we cant name that has taught me much about the financial world. Im an internet rat and know too much wich is why i rely on ket sometimes to tame the pain 


life is painful, extremely so. but people are more interested and interesting when they aren't drugged. the brain is a wonderful thing that we should try and train/ understand/ maximise not numb. but I wish you well


psychedelics are the contrary of numb. It makes me more evolved. It has shown me much. Theres a reason they made that illegal even if its not dangerous. It makes you more conscious and resets the controlled ego that they want a grip on


yes but it's not great for people around you. I know my brother in law is on them


Strange i Know plenty of people on those and it affects people around in a very positive way. If you overdose of course the exact experience might not be pleasant because of the intensity 


The "I'm so different!" phase of life usually doesn't last long, luckily. You have far more in common with other people than you realize, stop assuming you know everybody's situation. It's teenager behavior.


I'm in my 6th decade and I am on about the amount of people under a chemical cosh. its widespread in uk and other places. they are zombielike due to numbed emotions! they aren't ill just suffering from life and 90% don't the prescription drugs. some dense people


I'm sorry to hear you're in your 6th decade. Maybe you should change your viewpoint and stop assuming you understand "99.9% of people around you" (your own phrase) after having limited interaction with them.


don't pity me mate. I'm fit and healthy which unfortunately can't be said for a lot of people decades younger. it's a fact that they are popping pills and I don't have limited interaction with them. you don't have the same experience then I'm happy for you. even though you sound a dick


>even though you sound a dick There's a very important distinction, though. 1. You're wrong about the percentages you're giving. You said that 99.9% of people around you are doing this, which is an impossible estimate. 2. I'm telling somebody that it's wrong to judge people they barely know much about, other than surface-level observations 3. You're the person I'm telling this to, yet you think *others* are rude for doing so when having an unfounded superiority complex is necessary for your belief system to exist.


go and live in the uk for a time and come back to me. one trip down the high street any high street . these are people I know and knew well that I'm talking about, they don't hide their pill taking, you seem hard of hearing, it's not me judging its me saying for a fact that I was surrounded by people who are under a chemical cosh. its terrifying for the future and suits the powers . you can insult me until the cows come home but it doesn't change the over reliance, on prescription pills for all ills ,alcohol and illegal drugs that is widespread in all ages including children especially in the uk


Stop calling them zombies. That path won't be good for you in the long term. They're humans, just like you. Everybody is different. Stop applying a monstrous label onto others.


They act like zombies end of. Shuffling around bleary eyed and disinterested. Because they are drugged up!!!!!! By their doctors!!!!! You don't care but I do!!!!!!!!!!!! Monstrous label my that's funny. It's the de humanising and desensitising of millions by chemical pills and people thinking its ok that is truly offensive


Maybe they’re just not interested in … you?


I will say this slowly for the hard of hearing and quick of tongue I do not want them to be interested in me. I want them to be interested full stop- in the world, in doing stuff,going places,having serious debates not sat on the couch watching the world through YouTube