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Remember the 90s when there was a healthy dose of skepticism and paranoia about the Government, fueled by X Files among other cultural outlets?


Art Bell and Coast to Coast AM also comes to mind 


That was a great show. I still listen to it on podcast sometimes.


Mee too


George nore (sp) too


I used to fall asleep listening to it.


Sooooooooo miss that fuckin show.


Now people wear political slogans on their hats


Hell, I was born in 2000 and growing up my parents told me that there are four things that you don't discuss in a professional environment or with strangers. Money, religion, politics, and sex. Now I have people regularly talking to me about politics (I work in it so I talk to a lot of people) or people's sex lives dominate politics right now. Like as long as everyone is consenting, not only do I not care, I genuinely don't want to hear about it.


That's all anyone wants to talk about now.


Mark of the Beast.


There is a theory out there where we had our memory wiped collectively and psychics and the such lost their connection to the spiritual world. Look up the great forgetting of 1996 Lines up with the Varingha (sp) alien timeline Men in back mocked the idea in the movie a year later Thats why music has sucked since the 90s people lost their connection to the source. Britney spears boy bands and the internet came out after to razzle dazzle us but most of it is garbage Thanks for listening to my ted talk


Music has sucked since the 90s because computer technology had progressed to a point where digital audio workflows became mainstream, and everyone could tune their track perfectly, fill the waveform and set their peak amplitude to -0.1dB. 


This but there has been a ton of awesome music that's come out in that time.


No, you just got older. This happens to every generation, and everyone says they like the music, which they grew up with so much more.


If you think going from the 60's to the 90's in terms of musical tech and commercial availability for amateur use is the same as 90's to now, you're clearly not a musician or artists.


I'm definitely not a musician or artist, so I could be wrong


It has been made to an algorithm.


1996 the commercial radio act was signed in, basically homogenizing how bands and artists are found and marketed, via a few select big cat labels/execs, aka the start of the monopoly we're in now regarding music.


>Thats why music has sucked since the 90s people lost their connection to the source. Nah, man. Mainstream music, maybe.


And to think it actually are nefarious space lizards who are pulling all the strings. I heard they are planning to wipe our memory again and reprogram us into depraved sex slaves for their twisted entertainment. It will be the great forgetting of 2030!!


"Hits blunt"  wait til you about the sequel bruv  Space Lizzids 2 Electric Buggalo


I feel bad for you bud


I got pregnant that year with my angel baby.


Not just that but the teachers were aggressively hammering the idea of critical thought into our brains, at every level. I’m very grateful to have grown up when I did, talk about having a distinct advantage.


Yes I’ve had this reflection as well. It’s like a long forgotten dream where teachers, even college professors, encouraged critical thinking and debate among their students. 


Critical thinking is a threat to democracy


Critical thinking is apparently a woke mindset according to other replies here too.


I took a critical thinking class in college, then I got told by people who didn't go to college that college taught me how to not think critically. Idk anymore


Well to be fair they didn’t go to college, so how do they know anything?




Everyone knows you can't retain information unless someone gets paid to recite it for you!!


It's more than just listening, I can't even tell you how many papers I had to write to be able to show that not only I knew and understood what I was talking about, but that I could explain my knowing and understanding in depth enough to get a degree.


These guys watched a 9 hour YouTube video, I think they know a bit more than your college instructor.


You know, you got me there. I wouldn't even be able to listen to a professor for 9 hours straight.


I think everyone is well aware that it's more than just listening to a professor speak


Most good college professors put their content on YT anyway, bro. It's almost like you can enjoy learning for the sake of it and not be concerned with needing a degree or job in a field to enjoy studying information from solid sources.


I know two people with Masters, one is homeless and makes less an hour than I do, and the other is still drowning in student loan debt. If the degree can't even secure a job where you can pay off the 80K debt, is it worth it..? It doesn't seem like it to me. 


Can you tell us a little about your text books and professors that taught the class? Earlier today I saw a post here on massive fraud in the science community. It's not the first time I'm seeing a story about fraud in science/medical publishing. I've heard stories of some schools lowering passing grades. School officials forging documents so kids get better scores. Lots of fraud going on in education as is being reported. So people are skeptical.


Can confirm. Went to a small private school. Not a big science school. Liberal arts mostly. Most of the teachers would bell curve bombed tests, give make up credit for poor papers or projects, many classes that were a joke. I had back to back Tuesday/Thursday classes. Same professor. Principles of sports and recreation management, the class directly after that was sports psych. Same lecture for both classes. And I do mean Same as in similar. I mean identical. College isn't about education. It's about dollars.


I hate to be the one to tell you this, but that sounds like a problem with your school. Possibly your program as well. I went to a school that was big in the sciences and humanities. Took lots of classes in both and didn’t run into any of that.


Oh I'm aware. I felt cheated. In grad school, my one professor canceled half the classes in the semester. Folks were PISSED.


Yeah, definitely a problem with your school/program. That is not a thing at good schools. Or you can say that is a sign of a bad school.


I hate to tell you this, but the above story isn't an exception to the rule with this. Budgets and red tape supersede student outcomes and success.


It isn’t the majority. I think it is hand in hand with the rise in for-profit schools and niche schools that have ideological goals that supersede academics.


Yeah I work in a lab and I have no idea how some of my coworkers made it in here let’s just put it that way. And yes, the fraud is a real issue. It’s called on official terms “the replication crisis” so look that up and you’ll see how horrifyingly bad it is. The problem is twofold with that; the first fold is that in order to get PhDs and I’m sure other higher level degrees you have to perform some sort of research that “contributes to the scientific community”. Great. But the second fold is that as more and more people populate the earth and more and more people choose science as a career path, in conjunction with the fact that there are already an enormous amount of research papers out there makes it harder and harder to come up with an original research project. Things like affirmative action or other forms of not actually having the same standard for entry is just the cherry on top to this issue. I currently work in a medical lab because I needed money and I was no where near close to PhD level in this but my passion before I discovered it didn’t pay well enough was wildlife biology, and I wrote a mock proposal in college and went on to work with PhD students in the Amazon, and they were telling me already way back then that they saw their peers doing things like finding minute regional variances in a species and using that as an excuse to claim they discovered a new species (literally the equivalent of an anthropologist being like actually black people are a different species! So they could base a paper on that) so if it was happening all the way back then in this somewhat honest way, imagine how bad it is now with Chat GPT and other AI systems that the older folks on boards don’t understand.


This was about 9 years ago so it's a little hazy, one of the intro classes to my 2 year It was taught by the dean of the school, id have to go back and see if I have the books because I don't remember the author I just know it was a critical thinking book about different ways to approach content depending on what you're doing.


We'd appreciate if you could find those books. I have a book from my Micro Economics class that I bought to write a report from. *The Really Inconvenient Truths, Seven Environmental Catastrophes Liberals Don't Want You To Know About - Because They Helped Cause Them* by Iain Murphy. I'm old enough to remember all the hoaxes from acid rain to killer bees to the earth will die 20 years ago.


No way, their college professors told them they were educated when they wrote papers using information that someone else already wrote but cited a source, so therefore, they are educated.


Actually, critical thinking is one of the few advantages of Democracy. From a purely political standpoint, Democracy is a pain in the ass. All these checks and balances, human rights, Unions, voting, etc. It really gets in the way for a typical ruler. The one advantage that it has is that it allows it's citizens the freedom to think critically, and innovate. China has 5 times more people, but needs to steal all of our ideas, because an autocracy does not allow it's people to think outside of the box.


You're right but Democracy is a threat to our leaders. In a service economy, critical thinking was all we had to distinguish ourselves after outsourcing all of our manufacturing. But as we've "democratized" the world our globalist leaders have planned to meet the authoritarians regimes halfway with a hybrid public private auth left system that no longer differentiates, in order to reduce competitive and culture clashes.


Haha both US parties think that the way to save democracy is by censoring or incarceration of political opponents & others who don’t think like they do...I personally believe the democrats are hell bent on eliminating wrongthink...either way, in this regard, critical thinking is definitely a threat to ‘democracy’.


Yep, and that's because we are headed towards an Autocracy. In a true democracy, this would not be an issue at all.


Incrementalism. There’s been a slow steady nearly undetectable erosion of our education system. It’s purposefully done to eventually have ready an entire population who will be compliant on following orders to moving us into a more authoritarian-type governance. Our education systems mostly in urban environments has minimized academic performance and replaced it with social messaging by rote. The kids are sent out into the world with limited understanding of critical thinking concepts, let alone the fundamentals to be self sufficient. I feel for them. Actually the late comedian George Carlin was one of the first to be honest about it. Watch the YouTube video George Carlin’s “education rant” ( 5 minute cut ) it’ll blow your mind. I believe he died shortly thereafter.


> Incrementalism the weird thing is that people don't understand this concept even if you explain it for five year olds. it's the easiest tactic, just takes a bit longer, but it seems to always work. people just can't say "no", default to a compromise and over time they get everything they want.


Agreed. I didn’t even know about it until I came across it in some reading on the power class / oligarch stuff. Typical Rothschild Rockefeller stuff. They knew it would take a century or more. Patience. That’s why it’s family generational. Also with our robust economic model, allowing the infrastructure ( people’s infrastructure) to grow, minimized their takeover investment and would have a turnkey country with a compliant labor force. Unfortunately we’ve seen similar outcomes like Russia, china, Cuba, NK, now Venezuela, many will die due to their resistance. The resistance is much lower now than let’s say 20 years ago.


The family names you listed are actually quite low on the totem pole. Look more into old family dynasties and their name changes..particularly names like Orsini.


I will thanks


I understand where you're coming from, but I think the overall issue has been testing. The US education system became dominant following WWII because we produced the best critical thinkers. We unfortunately started judging our education system based on standardized testing. The best way to succeed there was not by teaching your students to think but by teaching them the test. We rewarded the wrong skills and are paying the price.


Don’t disagree




Thank you !


Its somewhere in 2014 where people tried saying being morbidly obese is perfectly healthy.


Critical thinking can include support for vaccines.


People basically are just as dumb and just as smart as they always have been. However, we now give dumb people a voice and echo chambers on social media. We also as humans interact with substantially more people than past generations. It may seem worse that it was before but overall the status quo has stayed the same.


I just commented on another thread about people that don't have an inner dialogue. I'm guessing there are more of them than ever before.


Please clarify how your critical thinking skills led you to conclude that vaccines are bad.


“Don’t do your own research”


You mean by googling and not worrying about the source for the information? I would call that not doing your own research while thinking you are.


Good for you. If you were to Google anything covid related you would have the wef promoted UN information. So yeah I’d say most people did what your saying and got the vax because of it. 


Appeals to authority is also not research, nor knowledge, in any capacity.


If you are referring to the appeal to authority fallacy, you should look up what that means. That is referring to false authority. Like believing that someone is right about a subject because they are rich or a celebrity. When you cite experts in the field and research, that is not an “appeal to authority”. Your use would be to argue that no science matters and that your opinion is as valid as actual study, research and testing. That would not be a sane approach.


There was a post here just recently which looked at the spike in population that occured in the 20th century where we jumped from something like 1.5 billion people at the turn of the century to 5 billlion or so going into the 21st century, and asking for thoughts and opinions on how or why this was. If we apply **critical thinking** to the issue it was *fucking vaccines*. Vaccines prevented infant and child mortality. More children lived to adulthood, increasing our population. Looking forward to your rebuttal, or alternate reasoning, *using critical thinking*, as to why this is so.


Yes at that point in time I believe about 10 vaccines were given to children by the age of fourteen  Now it's about 74.  So no matter how italicized you make your font, our society has lost the plot exponentially. 


>Now it's about 74.  Which countries vaccine schedule has 74? They're published, so please state which nation you are referencing so I can review.


What’s your opinion on vaccine injuries though?


There are some, yes. Somewhat preferable to death however, if you ask any parent.


oh the irony


I’d love to see the syllogistic expression of how OP ended up making such declarative statements. Irony overload.


Critical thinking was removed from the school curriculums in Texas decades ago, so parents could raise their children religiously. No joke. Also Reagan effectively lobotomized our Congress and senate during his term.


People love to bash the obvious religion angle, but it swings both ways; statism is just as dogmatic, and we can't be questioning those in positions of authority - especially in state-run schools - because reasons.


You should use your elite critical thinking skills to let us know why


The purpose of this post was an attempt at a collective brainstorm to understand why there has been such an erosion in the critical thinking database of humankind. That should have been obvious. If you're snarkiness was actually humorous I would apply to you but since it's adjacent to drivel I think it would be better to keep useless commentary to yourself. 


Nobody gets cancelled. That's just famous people complaining about public reaction to their behavior. People used to face consequences for being gay or being socialist. Now they face consequences for being racist or sexual predators. There's no natural right to fame. That's progress, not lack of critical thinking.


I am in education and I can tell you first hand this is where all the damage is happening. They have the kids follow these rules to be obedient, and ‘follow rules no matter what’ TBH makes no sense. The parents entrust the education system to “teach them” when all they are creating are pawns. It is hard to see but I try my best to have free thinking in my class and discipline. I also coach after school sports I always preach “you got to think outside the box.” It’s sad it has come to this but I can honestly say this is where the damage is being done.


Public education trains you to do what you're told, not how to think. Now, with woke policies, kids are trained to be self-critical rather than critical of the world around them. The thinking is reserved for people who grew up in private schools and went to private universities. On top of that, we have social media that demands your attention and guides it. Your ability to direct your own attention is being conditioned out of you. Our culture is conditioning people to give in to their pleasure seeking tendencies. Doing hard things like thinking critically about the world isn't pleasing. Television and movies tell you what to think and how to view the world through storytelling. The characters, themselves, are role models. Children and young adults emulate the people they see. The stories are put out by the corporations to get you primarily to be a good corporate worker bee and then turn around and take your hard earned money and give it right back to the corporations. Music is an expression of the soul. The lyrics in music are ingrained with messages to instill particular mentalities. When you sing a song, you aren't just being entertained by a fun tune. You are taking their words and making them your words, burning them into your soul, shaping you to become what they want you to be. The entertainment industry is intermingled with the government and the corporations. They do not care about you. They want your money. They want your compliance. They want your obedience. They only want you to see the world as they want you yo see it for their benefit. The most powerful thing you can do to resist all of this control is to resist your own pleasure-seeking tendencies and embrace suffering. The powerful parasitic forces want to take everything you have. They latch onto you by taking advantage of your pleasure-seeking tendencies and avoidance to suffering.


The movie "Saving Private Ryan" led me down the rabbit hole of realizing the government sticks their fingers in entertainment (especially when it comes to war-type movies), which in turn influences us plebs. Then to realize that all aspects of our heavily promoted CULT-ure isn't actually organic at all. It's pretty creepy to look back and see that every decade since around the 1900's has it's own distinct "feeling" and aesthetics. Sure, you could probably blame it on the exponential growth of technology, but still ...


the thing is it’s so deeply embedded they don’t have to stick fingers in anything. The writers and creators themselves come up with ww2 stories, superhero’s beating up bad guys, cops saving the day, because it’s the way of life that has been taught for so long. People tend to write stories that they can relate to or have personal experience with. Growing up post ww2 learning all about ww2 history will make you want to write stories or adapt stories about real people from that time. Same thing will happen to kids who grew up playing call of duty and counter strike. They will write stories that are personal to them - and beating Arabs bringing justice to America is what they are taught. The propaganda makes itself when the people’s culture is conditioned by propaganda from the past. They don’t really have to do shit because a lot of the people are under the same beliefs. Not to say superhero movies or movies about cops or ww2 are bad - there is just certainly underlying beliefs that have grown in America and it should be acknowledged


I feel like you're just counting the deep connection between three letter agencies and Hollywood that has been bandied about as true since the beginning of Hollywood. 


Woke policies like forcing the 10 commandments in public schools?


Their both bad Mr whataboutism


“Musical innovation is full of danger to the State; for when modes of Music change, the laws of the State always change with them” -Plato


Things are a bit different than in Plato's time. The music is now controlled by the corporations that control the state. That can only be true if music is developed without the influence of the close relationship of music, corporation, and state.


The quote can be applied both positively and negatively. The shit music out today reflects the control of the State and Corporations. They’ve made sure there is never another Kurt Cobain again, as Nirvana literally “oopsed” their way to the top of the charts.


Ahhh I gotcha


Yeah, mainstream Pop and Rap is completely evil. All negative energy and its a strong tool because music is such a magical art form.


Public education trains you to do what you're told, not how to think. Now, with woke policies, kids are trained to be self-critical rather than critical of the world around them. This. They've successfully pivoted people away from asking the right questions about the system they're born into, and into being self-conscious and concerned about the wrong shit regarding themselves.




I would expect you to understand the concept of proportionalities and statistics.


What woke policies are you referring to?


Where’s the damn heart react on Reddit?! I’m just going to copy your comment, keep it in my notes and use it as a comment for, well, damn near everything on Reddit.


fuckin right


> The most powerful thing you can do to resist all of this control is to resist your own pleasure-seeking tendencies and embrace suffering. The powerful parasitic forces want to take everything you have. They latch onto you by taking advantage of your pleasure-seeking tendencies and avoidance to suffering. this is it eh


You can't grow without feeling some pain or discomfort. Why do you think so many young people these days seem to be stuck in some kind of arrested development? We're all too comfortable.


This right here. Great comment.


This sub has the least amount of critical thinking on the interwebs.


The crazy thing is how many people are so full of anger and hate towards those with differing opinions, even to the point of even wishing violence and death upon them, yet they are often the loudest to proclaim the virtues of diversity and inclusion. They can barely entertain a casual conversation with someone outside their worldview.


It reminds me of this experiment [5monkeys](https://youtu.be/WkT0BtfOB-M?feature=shared)


Modern passive propaganda has been really successful. It has convinced me that I'm a "domestic terrorist, un-college educated, racist Nazi if I question the main stream narratives or refuse to comply. Soon I will criticize and demean other slaves that question the narrative.👌


two of those aren't related to critical thinking... if you think about it


They're incredibly related to critical thinking. You wouldn't want to live in a society where that sort of behavior was considered positive.  They can always come for you when the narrative shifts. 


Buddy I fix forklifts and a guy at a warehouse didn't know what decal meant? America is fucked. People don't know how to think for themselves at all.


too much consumption not enough action


They don’t have a problem because it’s a cult


I went to a conference today (work related) and listened to a speaker talk about how certain members of his community were under represented in positions of leadership while referring to a bar graph on handouts me and a hundred other people were looking at. Later I went back to that page and realized that it was the complete opposite of what he was saying. The graph was showing that members of his community (who are traditionally considered marginalized minorities) were actually OVER represented. None of us caught that and called it out. I don’t even think the presenter looked at what the data said. He had just made up his mind and we all went along with it. I don’t want to give too much specific info due to the nature of the industry/businesses involved.


The amount of times I heard the mainstream news and then people I know repeat word by word what I heard on said news is not funny.


No where.. A lot of information gets buried muted and deleted. Reddit seems to be the most open social as far as "free speech" goes but the amount of bots and close minded people out numbers people who are open to all and any possibility of different outcomes than what we know and are comfortable with.. the world we live in is much more complicated than meets the eye which is why critical thinking and discussion is so important.


Critical thinking is rare nowadays in society.. most are just straight up dumbazzes


just look at the education system, they don't teach them how to think, they tell them what to think.


An educated human is a dangerous human -enlil (did he ever say that? prob not. is he satan? yes)


No offense to teachers, but It’s the education system. Most schools push kids through even when they are failing. And that did not used to be the case. You could not fail and continue to the next grade level


US schools actively discourage it now.


you know what's fucking insane? the weaker ppl are able to coerce others to do shit for them, making them *even more* weak with even more absurd demands. and rather than this weak behaviour being removed by selection, it is actually strengthened by the inheritance of wealth. yeah. and we put up with it.


Overworked and underfucked. Tiktok and youtube shorts and instagram reels and immediate gratification through social media distraction has been an absolute cancer to the world and it has effected the majority of the population. Everyone is too tired from working and not getting paid enough money to live a decent life to even care about anything else going on in the world. Welcome to the circus! Want a beer to take your mind off it?


Amen 💯. During the scamdemic, the most fundamental scientific process were ignored. When challenged you were called a yokel and anti-science. I did not waver, I was trained & educated at my wonderful high-school, undergraduate university, and than top tier true scientists at a wold class university. There was group think and shaming if you asked the wrong question. Even the stupid “number of cases” metric - no one seemed aligned to what it even meant, yet it controlled policy and impact so many people’s lives, development of school age children, small business owners etc. “Cases are surging!”, of first question let’s be clear on what a case is? Does it include Antigen tests? Multiple tests from same individual? PCR positive with no syspotms? Correction fir know false positive rates? Correction for the methods of processing PCR test?


Education and higer education, this is a way to grom individuals to learn what is provided to them and not be critical to the information given to them.


I watched a news report in the UK the other day about the Gaza/Israel protests. The conversation was surrounding whether the government should ban what it called "extreme protests"...Who is deciding whats extreme..? How long until protesting against police brutality is extreme? If you can't protest about something that is extreme, how long until certain types of conversation are considered "incitement"..? On top of this, it was being shown on a right wing media outlet called GB news. In my opinion, people on the far right are the ones screaming about "why can't i call my neighbour an - insert racist/sexist/homophobic comment- anymore"? They're also the ones insulting certain political parties alot more so and issuing death threats over shit like being in the green party...This seems like another time, where people's lack of critical thinking is going to put them rather ironically, in the position they have wished upon their enemy and in doing so, fucked us all... They don't want critical thinking. It allows enraged "bull"shit smeared arseholes to rage ram us into a fucking prison that allows a bunch of people to profit and retain control whilst we all dwell down here at the bottom, fucking each other over whilst the people that fuck us over sit around laughing at us all. Even funnier, is how easy it is for them to turn us against those of us who seek to show people the way.


All the money has been sucked out of education, the only ones left to teach are idealists.


The TikTok generation doesn’t have it. The IQs went way way way down with them. Zero critical thinking.


I'm 22 my dad always told me 2 things about school growing up, it's a bullshit institution, and it's geared to teach you how to become a conforming factory worker/member of society


I'm reminded of the Herman Cain award. For people who died who were anti-vaxxers. It seems absolutely unhinged to root for the death of someone on the "opposite side" as you 


Spreading real life examples of people who avoided precautions and died is not the same as rooting for them to die. There were many people who thought there was no risk to them, meanwhile they are mid 50s and overweight.


It's what comes after years of shaming any and all anti-vax sentiment. Then they claim it's the anti-vaxers clogging the ER. They manipulated the numbers to show the anti-vaxers The media dehumanized the vaccine hesitant, then some places mandated the shots. Actors and influencers riled thier bases. Pushing hate and division, threatening physical harm for those less than compliant to the arbitrary and draconian policy. I like to think if it as a Nazi compliance test.


I've worked in the food industry the young people even the ones in honors and ap they can remember what they was told and read it a book but ask them how to figure out a problem that's not school and they fumble


Schools teach kids to study for standardized tests to make the administrators look good. Those huge gaps in their education and inability to write are someone else’s problem.


All those downvotes and facts are still facts people don't think anymore they just follow everyone else cause it's easier and it worked so far lol it worked cause you didn't need to be smart to do a job as long as you can follow orders you're good


They'll pass half the kids to keep that record to


History and storytelling is taught as black and white, good and bad. Nobody reads history thinking they would be a confederate soldier or a nazi. But history shows us they exist. Everyone is a hero of their own stories. So the question becomes how do people get to such points that they drop rationality? Well, Hate. Anger. Stress. Anxiety. These emotions cause people to drop critical thinking and rationality. What is making people angry? Politics. Why politics? They’re getting divisive content shoved down their throats. Why? Algorithms feed people content they engage with the most. People happen to engage most with content that upsets them. I think the trends of publishing upsetting content by the media has always been around. Tabloids have always existed. So the question becomes what changed? The smart phone and internet. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that all this political chaos started around 2008. Year after the iPhone came out. Then in the Trump years we got to see how crazy things can get when the media is writing nothing but attacks and conspiracies that drove people insane. https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2017/06/07/531859819/the-trump-10-packing-on-the-pounds-in-an-age-of-stressful-politics People lost their ever loving mind over Trump with the media being mostly to blame. So why did it get worse? Those Trump stories were a cash cow but people got used to the news, they built up a tolerance. So the media had to get crazier and crazier. First the stories were neo Nazis support trump, then trump was like a nazi, then trump was a nazi, then that article came out saying Trump is like Hitler then they called him Hitler. Then they said he is worse than Hitler. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4322886-trump-hitler-mussolini-mccaskill/ Every year the insanity got cranked up because the views and clicks kept rolling in. Then we have the tabloid media news reporting on democrats and Biden the same way about Trump. Causing republicans to go insane too. After all the years of escalating narratives. We have arrived at what you see today. Angry people who have suspended their critical thinking because of hate, stress and anger. Heck. I can’t even have a basic conversation anymore with some family members once Trump is brought up because they start yelling. All rationality went out the window as soon as you mutter his name. It’s clown world. This is my theory.


I think most people would be Nazis if they were conditioned to be so.  I like to believe that I'm not true of myself but in talking to most other people in the way they are able to regurgitate spiels that have been dictated to them. Ideas that have been indoctrinated into them.  I have come to the belief that you are right. Most people would become Nazis if the conditions were tilted toward it. 


Critical theory was banned in my state.


Don't you go thinking there!


Its all lost on social media and division imo and as hes said 'A house divided will not stand" Believe dont believe doesnt matter these simple truths apply to us all unity is our winning bird


The Education system stopped teaching individuals how to think and started teaching them what to think. Secular humanism at work.


Reddit doesn’t help


Everyone thinks they have critical thinking skills these days


I think it went out the window once social media started to grow. Not completely, but the more “connected” we became through social media and the instant gratification for feedback via comments, likes, etc. the more disconnected we became.


Fox News/CNN tells everyone what they want to feel/hear and don’t look any further than the headline


Simple math: more religious = lack of critical thinking. Then add social media to the mix and disinformation spreads like a bish fire. And politicians are more than happy to use this demographic to gain votes and power. The Dunning-Kruger effect is fully encouraged.and running wild these days.


Certainly not here.


You have greatly enhanced the conversation. In no way whatsoever do you seem like a chore to communicate with. 


Ah yes remember fellow conspiracy theorists when the world, education and reason where all much better because there were less people on the planet . I sense a WEF programming account. Guess this is what Clause Schwab does with retirement.


I love this website. 


It went up Reddit & Ticktock's Assholes.


They dont want critical thinkers, they want sheeps that are easy to fool/control


Can blame most things on russia. They're working hard to make us dumb, polarise us. You will find the toiletless tentacles of russia up to no good wherever you go.


Your post is actually a tour de force in a lack of critical thinking. To take just one example, let's take your thoughts on education and population growth. The world obtained a population of 1 billion at the start of the 19th century. It obtained 5 billion in the 1980s. That is fairly predictable from the point of view of the time; let's put that to one side. This expansion of population didn't at all lower the standard of education - education enormously improved in this period. In 1800 the literacy rate in almost all of Europe was far below 50%, and university education was the preserve of a tiny elite, the majority of whom became priests. The same forces that enabled rapid population expansion to happen - the onset of industrialisation and agricultural revolution - also created increased social pressure to reform other aspects of society, including, for example, the Elementary Education Act of 1870, which established parameters for basic education in the UK for all people aged 5-12. Similar trends followed around the world; the Netherlands and the UK, however, had a major headstart with regards to literacy; less than 10% of Spanish people were literate in the 18th century.




The population increase will produce an equal amount of teachers, that's not the issue. In Autocracies, critical thinking is actively discouraged. In the US, we spend more on a new school football stadium than paying our teachers a living wage. Add in the very real threat of school shootings, and it just isn't worth it. So we get sub par teachers using outdated curriculum who are stressing about getting shot. Add in a politicized religious right hell bent on Theocracy banning most books of any substance. It's no wonder our children have a lower IQ. We failed them. I would also blame social media platforms like TicTok which drain a kids focus and concentration.


This is America  Lining up to let a stranger lint roll them without asking a single questions as to WHY he wants your gosh darn lint!!😂 https://m.youtube.com/shorts/OgeB9tCz9EY?feature=share RIP to critical thinking 


I know where it didn't go! \*stares\*


Everything is a rule, now. Great big achievements are expected, not appreciated. Which is demoralising in itself. We can't just enjoy work anymore. So we play and mess with our brain power.


Critical thinking tends to lead you to look at and hold yourself accountable. That's a no-go for a lot of us. It's hard to really look in the mirror, see what you hate in the world in yourself, and NOT have cognitive dissonance. It doesn't matter. The Law will work itself out as it always does. Trust it. We chose it.


Because it's easier to sit there and be spoon-fed with whatever a guy in a suit has to say.


True, absolutely. The censorship is going 'few levels' up. There is certainly immediate suppression of anti-narrative opinion either by down-vote system or bot/or moderator and pushed counter-answers. Even worse, comment deletion or restriction of commenting. By this action they are cutting out knowledge and intelligent reasoning, different opinion and shaping psychological sheep-like automation in people. People don't have time to check and research things and also there is a question of overall intelligence and smartness. I think it's some new level of censorship, and I bet it has also got to do at least in small portion with AI implementation.


Drowned out by bots, brigading etc. I missed most of the pandemic lies as I don't watch TV or consume MSM. Saw screenshots of a couple of them in an article in New Dawn recently and was amazed that people fell for such obvious shit. Critical thinking doesn't take much effort, just a case of looking at alternative points of view and asking Cui Bono if it looks like money or freedoms are on the line.


Imagine wanting to suppress any valid, intelligent type of communication in popular discourse. What would be the best way? Destroy credibility of social discourse with chaos. Example of how to destroy public discourse? Offer means to the senseless to then promote and entertain that. ***If dumb could use social networks, that's what would be promoted...*** Ahem... (case study no.1) https://youtu.be/VK6_tjizu_g?si=JHJgcjxyW2G0dhkG Ahem II (case study no.2) https://youtu.be/PYDqMGOnBxU?si=KVPb0gXFL7yciz52 Edit for thumby typos


I agree a lot of people are sensitive these days. Its easier to have a opinion then a fact and its way more easier to hate something that you don't align with then still love something that you don't align with.


It is very important to understand that our "overlords" ( whatever form you believe these power elites take) go to great lengths to cloud our minds with illegal substances, lies,and every form of deception. It is obvious to me they feel most comfortable dealing with a population who's ability to reason and think logically have been highly debilitated because people who make choices out of hysteria and emotion and not reason are easier to manipulate


OP, I was inclined to agree with you. I, too,.am unvaccinated. I also believe that high-powered elites are doing unspeakable, horrible things to our kids - likely in worship of their god. When people don't see it or (more frequently) dismiss it and stick their collective heads in the sand without looking at shred of evidence, its more frustrating than i can put into words. I was inclined to agree with you. However, i think you're asking the wrong question. It isn't about critical thinking. It's about the masses being brainwashed. An argument could be made that all parties are duped into believing their side, whatever that side may be. So.the question becomes not about vaccines.. The right question is who unleashed Covid upon the innocent people of this planet. The right question is why when kids began disappearing en masse, our big solution to the problem was putting faces on milk cartons? How did we get to a place where local and federal LE will bust Epstein and maxwell and Diddy for trafficking kids....yet. not investigate or arrest anyone who made the purchases? How did we get to a place where our government, for the people and by the people and all that jazz, care more about helping people on the other side of the planet and not taking care of our own first? How did we get here? ....and sadly, I think the answer is it's our fault...all of us. We allowed ourselves to be brought here, where vaccinated want to see the unvaxxed die - where part of the country is actually talking about civil war over fuckin politics. We did it. Every one of us is to blame for the current state of affairs, collectively.




Election stolen? Jesus is the true God? Drain the swamp?


Lmao 0/3


Yes exactly. i mean i feel like the smart kid. so i know things are fckd up


The government told me I didn’t need that skill


Maybe they do think critically but came to different conclusions from you. Why is it so hard to understand that smart people disagree? Academics do it all the time


the simulation ran out of processing power so it downgraded the npc AI


Welcome to the Idiocracy.


There is a point when "critical thinking" turns into "just believe the opposite of popular belief." I think that's the problem. I also think people give other people way to much credit. Some say that the government has killed off people for population control. I can see where people can get to that conclusion. I, on the other hand, know the government, I've worked for the government. They are just normal people. They don't have this movie type super ability to organize a mass murder like this. Which makes more sense? That a group of hyper intelligent people concocted this plan to lower the population with vaccines and a virus that they knew would only kill off the elderly and not so much of the youth (you know, they have got to keep the youth around to make them money.) Or, a pandemic happened and started killing off the weakest of us (elderly people.), the government had no idea what to do so they desperately tried to use a vaccine that maybe it did or did not work? Maybe it caused more deaths? But hey, at least the government said they tried something. They trusted the smartest people they could find, and maybe they were wrong. Or maybe they saved the world? I love a good conspiracy theory. It's fun to think there is something almost mystical happening in this world. But in reality, what I know the truth to be is... we as a whole have no idea what the fuck is going on. Some of us pretend like we do. But it's a lie. And maybe that is ultimately more scary than the conspiracies.


You make a great point. Critical thinking isn't just contrarianism - it's actually critically analysing the issue for logic or rationality. The toxic part of conspiratorial thinking is this kind of automatic 'whatever you believe, I believe the opposite' and it's just tiresome. It's this odd egotistical thing to make yourself feel superior in some way. However it is extremely difficult to apply critical thinking to the paranormal, which is a subset of the conspiracy where belief in demons, spirits or entities are part of the conspiracy narrative. Given that all these paranormal items have little to no proof of existence and are artifacts of faith alone, they sit outside the framework of critical thinking.


This is an incredibly whitewashed perspective of what happened.  "If I didn't see any malevolent collision than it must not have happened."


No, it's just Occam's Razor.


There was a point of time when critical thinking changed to mean 'blindly accept the status quo'