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Kinda feel like this situation will be used against 2A rights in the future… even the presidents son…


My thoughts exactly. But tbf, that test is a joke. The whole system, DOJ and background check system, has been a joke due to a lack of bodies. My first rifle purchase was delayed, but I was still able to pick it up and was told if the check came back denied that it wouldn't matter. I had the gun anyway. AI is going to change the landscape in ways we weren't ready for when we started putting our entire lives and political opinions on blast. Laws like the NSA and Patriot Act were neutered until now.




REAL freedom fighters think the crime is BS to begin with and let him free and strike down the law. I don’t care that he was arrested either way. The government shouldn’t have ANY right to control arms.


he did so many other illegal things, so it is sus that they're charging him for a gun crime.


I agree. But the entire apparatus is sus. Including the right and their allegiance to you know who.


That comment is deflecting away from the point of why out of all of his crimes is he being prosecuted on gun charges?


Why of all of Al Capone crimes was he charge with tax evasion? You prosecute what can be proven


Al capone was innocent, the government is biased against Italians


"It's a stereotype, and it's offensive!"


They hear waste management and immediately think you're all mobbed up!


He was a good catholic that Al *smirks in olive oil*


They have his laptop. Come on


Other than the gun charge, what else on that thing is prosecutable?


Highly questionable pics of minors.


The usual reason would be because the prosecution does not believe they could convince a judge/jury of a more serious crime


Because they all do it, too. Prosecute him on corruption charges, and we can push to charge all of them. This is their safest route. Besides, this gives them an excuse for more gun restrictions on us. All under the guise of "equal justice for all."


that's exactly what it is. If they charged him for the many corrupt things he did, then they would all be susceptible to indictment. Where as this way, they can have a win AND possibly chip away at 2a rights in the process.


He wasn’t a government employee why would he be charged with corruption


I mean, the same logic applies to trump and the hush money trial. It's clearly a gambit to politically neuter the "whattabout hunter and biden crimes". Both were politically prosecuted, probably neither will see any real consequences other than political ramifications


Wall Street is in the final stages of co-opting the government. From here on out we get to bow to the money makers and do their bidding simply because they're sociopaths and have no empathy towards their fellow man. EAT THE RICH


THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (the corporation) was established in 1871. The Federal Reserve Act bankrupted it. The Social Security Act pledged all future labor of the citizens as collateral against the debt.


They know this won’t stand.


“ANY”? Not even for convicted felons or other exceptions?


Yup constitutional right


I'm all for it. It's an illegal question, on a stupid form that is anti 2A. He's still guilty of tax evasion, though. (And yes, income taxes are legal extortion as well)


Would be spun either way. He gets charged: fake trial. He gets off free: rigged/corrupt trial. Pardoned: abuse of power. 


Jesus Christ this sub has been screaming for Hunter to face consequences for years, now he's finally facing them and Joe is a cuck for not protecting him better? It's being used as a distraction or justification for the trump trial? If he gets off he's protected by the elite, if he goes to jail it's all a part of the elites plan. So why should we fucking care?


Fascist’s playbook


The thing Hunter Biden was convicted for is a total horseshit paperwork fuck up and should be thrown out the same as Trump's. Get the real fucking crimes, not this technicality bullshit. But that'll never happen. Al Capone was charged for tax evasion after all.


Trumps was a paper work fuck up? How…


Most people don’t. Genuine/ legitimate “conspiracy theorists” don’t buy into politics, two wings, same bird. That old chestnut. The lines became blurred when Trump made that comment about the tax system and how Hilary, Obama etc all abuse it. He was “against” career politicians. Now, Trump is apparently against the system again, but the media still aren’t be sincere about Bidens foreign policy whilst destroying Trump for Russia communications. We’re flirting with World War 3 and right now every politician needs to be called out.


Didn't Republicans push for Hunter to get convicted or even for this trial to happen? So now that it's happened and he has been found guilty, they're throwing their hands up and saying it's still all fake? When does it get too much for people having literally everything be fake? Sometimes an apple is an apple.


What if I told you the “republicans” are divided? The Republican Party is a loosely joined Frankenstein party of Neocons, religious Christian nationalists, anti globalists, conspiracy theorists, blue color workers, small buisness owners, constitutionalists (1st & 2nd amendment advocates), economic conservatives, and moderates who think the democrats are doing a bad job.


The people are like that sure. But the actual Politicians are they divided very much? End of the day its a UniParty, Dnc/Gop all eat and shit together. Rule by division, why they push the fake racial tension so much too, more division. Put on theater to fool the masses acting like they really hate each other end of they day they party together behind the scenes.


The Uni party is a real thing, all politicians are supported by the same donors. But there is a power struggle in the Republican Party. Many republican politicians hate Trump, but because Trump is still massively popular, it’s not advantageous to oppose him.


No unfortunately. The actual Politicians are either Trump mouthpieces or called a RINO on the right. And on the left, the dinosaurs like pelosi or the radical psychos like Omar and Tlaib. So the regular Joe has to pick on or the other. For me, I have to stay right because I can’t imagine raising a family in a place where the far left radicals are running the ship Edit: Uniparty isn’t even a conspiracy anymore. A bunch of people who love to hear themselves talk marching to their orders that come from the highest bidder


Turns out the label Qult wasn't really ill fitting.


Goal posts moved again. Your Daddy gets convicted and so does Bidens Son, but it's not enough??


He did the crime, he was convicted. What's the fucking drama about this for?


There's exactly zero possible outcomes that would make these people happy in this trial.


If you're happy with the outcome, then you can't fundraiser off your "outrage".


Just like the coup attempt. It wasn't a real coup attempt! And if it was, it wasn't organized by trump! Plus it was all undercover antifa and FBI! Anything that makes the narrative suit my biases!


I would respect the opinions of the MAGA crowd a lot more if they ever admitted fault for absolutely anything. There's no way in hell I'm ever going to get behind a movement where the leader is incapable of doing anything wrong, and all problems are someone else's fault. I've yet to hear anyone in the MAGA crowd admit that some of their members went too far when they stormed the capitol. It's either Antifa/the FBI, "they were escorted in and peacefully walked around", or pointing out BLM protests and riots also occurred.


Ashley babitt or whatever wasn't even a real person, or she was FBI, or she was antifa.


I heard she was Hilary Clinton's final horcrux.


Posted in another thread, the MAGAts are going to whine no matter what happens: 1. If Trump gets prison time and Hunter doesn't, it proves the justice system is corrupt because it's biased against Trump.    2. If neither of them get prison time, that proves the justice system is corrupt because Hunter's crime is more serious but he's getting the same punishment as Trump.    3. If both of them get prison time, that proves the Democrats rigged the justice system to convict both of them at once to give the appearance of "fairness."    4. If Hunter gets prison time and Trump doesn't, that proves Trump's crimes don't matter and the justice system was corrupt for even prosecuting him in the first place.   5. If Trump is convicted of every offense he's charged with, poops his pants on national TV, professes submission to Allah and adherence to sharia law, and wears a spooky clown mask to a cancer ward to scare children, he was just trolling and it's funny and you're a snowflake for not laughing. 


Mambo number 5


I hated Lou Bega so much for this song. So so so so much. Only because the song gets stuck in my head and is extremely difficult to purge.


1 2 3 4 5




The only part that gets stuck is the muted instrument at the beginning right before he starts in. "Da da da dadadada do do dodododo da da dadadada do do dodododo". Never even gets to 1, over and over again. Damn, it's happening again....


I did it to myself too but I couldn't help it😅


It's sad how spot on you are. I've already seen half of those happen and #5 happened daily his whole term.


Trumpers are mad they can't effectively use the "2-teir justice system" talking point now. So they gotta make up a new grift to sucker money out of people.


Because Trump and the people who parrot his talking points hit almost every Fascist talking point when discussing their opposition. Biden is simultaneously "An evil mastermind orchestrating legal cases against the GOP nominee, and colluding with Ukraine and the 'Deep State'" while "Completely incompetent, senile, too old for the job, infirm, and can't stay awake". Those things cannot both be true, yet whenever anyone criticizes Biden they swing rapidly from one of those arguments to the other. The first one is to "defend Trump's honor" and the second one is to attack Biden. They claim that "The Biden Crime Family" peddled influence in Ukraine while Biden was VP where the only "witness" is a known Russian asset, whereas Trump was shown to have directly made quid-pro-quo arrangement with Ukraine by holding hostage arms and ammunition that Congress had already agreed to send them. The delay in arms and munitions is a key contributing factor to Russia's invasion. I see constant portrayals of Biden's moments of having a stammer, or misspeaking, or being unsteady while walking around. But when I watch Biden's speeches, other than a speech impediment he is very clear and direct, and has strong talking points and sticks to the script. The majority Trump speeches are full of hyperbole, lack structure, and for the most part make no sense. Not to include all the other checkmarks on Umberto Eco's 14 points of Ur-Fascism. You've got Rejection of Modernism - We need to go back to when men were men, and traditional gender roles. You've got Disagreement is Treason - Look at Don Jr./Eric Trump/Trump himself openly discussing arresting political opponents, and "crushing protestors". Fear of difference - All of the anti-immigrant rhetoric that has been so popular, and the fact that immigration is objectively great for economies, but it has been turned into a National Security Issue. Appeal to Social Frustration - Taking advantage of the anger of the middle class dealing with inflation and job stagnation, and redirecting it at the lower class, and not at the wealthy. Also feeds into the anti-immigration stance, even though every study on the impact of immigrants in the workforce shows that they almost exclusively compete with other immigrants not native residents of the country they go to. Obsession with a plot - Whenever there is legal action against Trump, pushback on things he wanted to do in office, or anything resembling accountability, it is immediately "The Liberal Democrats are out to get me" and "The democrats want the illegals to flood the country to get more votes" (spoiler, there isn't a single place in the US where undocumented immigrants can vote in Federal elections. In a few places, they can vote in local elections like for the mayor). Or "The election is stolen because I said so" even though all of the usually reliable polls are worthless because young people don't answer the phone or participate in surveys. Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy - Every time someone pushes back on anything that would make life less difficult, and their only reason is "Well I didn't have it easy when I was growing up, so you don't deserve to have it easy now". This is arguably more of a generational thing, but Boomers/Early Gen-X are predominately pro-Trump according to the voting numbers. Contempt for the weak - Not being able to afford food/a home/a car are all personal or moral failings. They are never an issue with the system we live in. If you're poor, then you're lesser. And helping the poor makes you part of the "enemy". Machismo and Weaponry - Again going back to "Men need to be more manly" and "Everyone needs to own as many guns as possible" and "Back in my day, we used to treat people like that very roughly". Rampant homophobia and transphobia, trying to roll back rights for women on a national scale. Selective Populism - Goes back to the "Well the election was definitely stolen because we're the 'Silent Majority'" that the only valid voice of the people is the voice that supports Trump. And finally Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak - All of the rhetoric surrounding the party, from it's campaign speeches, to the emails, to the chants that spread, are all built on an impoverished vocabulary, and very basic syntax. Because again, being educated makes you the enemy of the people, so only the simple minded can really understand what we're talking about. When people are saying "MAGA is Fascist", it's not because it's some fancy buzzword. It's not meant as an exaggeration. It's because the political movement that Trump created in 2016 and has continued to fuel keeps meeting so many of the criteria that every other Fascist movement has met. From Spain, to Nazi Germany, to WWII Italy. They've all had the same structure, and same methods. Every political movement in a modern democracy (or constitutional Republic) will have one or two of these. I'm not claiming that if you hit one of the 14 items on the list then you're automatically Hitler 2.0. But if you're hitting 5 or 6 or 10 of the 14, then maybe things need to be reexamined. Because Fascism always leads to abuse of the people, and atrocities against anyone deemed to be in the "Out Group", and the "Out Group" can and will change as things progress, and people who support the movement in the beginning will quickly find themselves in the "Out Group" if they're not exactly what the current power structure wants.


This is gonna trigger them into a denial spiral. Silver lining is we'll probably get to see some of the most elaborate mental gymnastics ever performed. If not, we'll at least get to see some of the most laughable attempts.


Well said my friend!


This ^ is what mainstream media and big tech can do with people...


This response doesn’t even address the claim and instead you attack the individual….. Where is the evidence that this person is watching mainstream media or impacted by Big tech any more than you are?? It seems like “ I don’t like his points, therefore all his information must be wrong”


Zero investigation into family crime, zero investigation into receiving money from China, etc.


Except, you know, that whole impeachment inquiry, James Comer and house oversight committee investigations. This was the result of those investigations.


Trumps team had two plans set up for whatever happened here. Option 1) BIDEN CRIME FAMILY EVADES THE JUSTICE SYSTEM AGAIN!!! We can’t let this keep happening!!!! Option 2) THIS IS A SHAM CONVICTION DESIGNED TO HIDE THE BIDEN CRIME FAMILY’S TRUE CRIMINAL ACTIVITY. How are you fooled by this? it’s what trump does best. Play both sides to his cult following because he knows they won’t think critically for a second about what’s happening.


If we want to discuss actual crimes and using influence to enrich your family, why aren't we putting Jared and Ivanka on blast for the billions they made from the Saudis between '16 and '20.


Mnuchin too


Shhhhhhh, MAGA doesn't want to hear how Jared used CIA intel to help MSB wipe out all the various Princes who were trying to kill him. Vegas shooting started the process.


Or the fact that within 3 days of a meeting with Putin, Trump asked for a list of CIA assets GLOBALLY, and within weeks we had deep cover agents who'd been embedded for years, who were getting captured and killed.


are you talking about the $2 billion his investment firm received after he left the White House? What did he receive during Trump's term from 2016-2020?


This is desperate stuff. If he was acquitted, then right wingers would have screamed about a deep state conspiracy. Now, since he was actually convicted, they are twisting their brains to come with a different way that it must be a conspiracy.


Counterpoint: both crooks were convicted of low level shenanigans. Both crooks are part of massive corruption systems that remain perfectly in tact. Both prosecutions served multiple political purposes, all discussed on this thread at length, yet neither “historic trial” dismantled any meaningful part of the oligarchs’ playbook. In other words, you can accept bribery $$ from the Saudis and the Russians and everybody else totally legally as long as you have the protection of the laws which the powers that be write.  Don’t you dare lie on your tax forms or gun permits. 


Vivek's here to tell you the new messaging narrative. Pay attention, everyone. Talking points have dropped.


Vivek is the shame. Look at his efforts right before this year. Look at the bulldozing technique. What does he gain? Shame. Grift. So many went along with him. 


Does this dude keep a giant American flag pole in his kitchen?




How dare these people post these theories that are conspiratorial on MY /r/conspiracy!!!!


Is it a conspiracy if a connected almost billionaire tells you and you repeat it? 




This guy is a clown who will absolutely lick, suckle, kiss, or swallow anything he has to for the chance to even be within a stones throw of anywhere near Trumps running mate. Don't take this guy seriously.


Vivek is an attention whore just trying to figure out who he needs to fluff to have a political career.


But he knows rap lyrics! He's the future of the GOP! /s


lol, this just reminded me of the article about Paul Ryan where he's lifting like a 15lb dumbbell and talks about how much he loves Rage Against the Machine.


That photo is incredibly off putting


Sorry, I can't believe this guy...he always sounds like a dirty used car salesman.


Every time we think we’re rid of this scumbag he pops his head up out of his dank hidey hole to remind us we’re wrong. He had a moment, he failed to capture it and now he’s going to spend the rest of our lives trying and failing to get it back. He’s basically the William Hung of politics except far less likable.


If the “Biden crime family” was so crimey. WHERE IS YOUR GODDAMNED EVIDENCE? I’m so tired of hearing this.


They had a hearing. And it had no conclusive evidence. Just wasting tax payers dollars. But hey who got 2 billion from the Saudis again ? So happy everyone who cries "bIdEn CrImE fAmiLy" always overlooks that fact...among other payouts Trump's family got.


I've been thinking the exact same thing. We all know that TPTB want to take away all our arms. This is the only crime they're willing to prosecute Hunter Biden on because they're involved in all the rest of them.


His teeth frighten me.


How do you sell a foreign policy?


Funnel billions of dollars through the most corrupt country on earth.


Hunter being convicted is the best thing to happen to Joe all year. Edit:spelling


Vivek made his money from rebranding a failed Alzheimer’s drug, IPO’ing, then stashing the gains before the truth came out, and the stock plummeted.   He could be correct in this statement, but he’s also establishment scum. 


Yes i had similar thoughts as well.


it's not us, it's them that you have to convince. Most of us knows what's going on. It's like cuomo's nursing home affair. Killed a lot of people, get sentence for harassment.




Oh wow, the people who were right about everything all along have a problem with mass negligent homicide? Golly!




Conservatives need everything to be a conspiracy. They have basically built an ideology around justifying laws, hierarchies, traditions, norms, etc. that cannot be justified by any consistent set of principles of reasoning. So when people actually take time to think for themselves and reflect on these things, they find all sorts of good reasons to criticize them. Conservatives have responded to this by isolating themselves in media bubbles that tell them what they want to hear. The problem with doing this is that they end up being incapable of comprehending why people disagree with them. As politics and society changes as a result of people accepting criticisms, the conservative bubbles isolate them further, and they need to invent new arguments to convince them they are right and everyone else is wrong. They end up misrepresenting their opposition and declaring falsehoods to be truths because it is the only way to maintain consistency. As people who get a college education end up critiquing capitalism, conservatives legitimately cannot comprehend their reasons because of this isolation. When scientists talk about the environmental consequences of mass industry, conservatives have to find a way to reject them. When history shows how racism has contributed to the economic divide, rather than it being solely a result of meritocracy they declare it an attack on themselves or their country. Conservatives didn't arrive at their beliefs by studying the world and understanding consequences, or by consistent application of principles, so the only way to maintain those beliefs are to find ways to dismiss science and philosophy. Many simply withdraw and avoid confronting their beliefs in the first place. Those that don't have to either be willing to accept that they might be wrong, or believe in a massive conspiracy made up of mainstream media, academic institutions, scientists, and politicians that disagree with them, since that is the only way they can't be wrong.


>Conservatives need everything to be a conspiracy. Why lead your comment with something that's obviously untrue? You can't prove this, and it's impossible anyways. That's painting a complex picture with a broad brush. The public already knows about "conspiracies" that have consistently been proven true: MK-Ultra, Operation Northwoods, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, Iran-Contra, the Iraq war WMDS, Epstein's Island, etc. The list is extremely long and those examples are only the tip of the iceberg. The establishment is the gatekeeper of knowledge concerning these "conspiracies", and right now, only one political party in America is squarely in bed with the establishment...the Democratic party. Of *course* they'll demonize the notion of conspiracies, because the establishment works overtime to ensure everything they're doing illegally is never brought to light.


> The establishment is the gatekeeper of knowledge concerning these "conspiracies", and right now, only one political party in America is squarely in bed with the establishment...the Democratic party. Of course they'll demonize the notion of conspiracies, because the establishment works overtime to ensure everything they're doing illegally is never brought to light What proves my statement is the complete lack of evidence that is provided for this claim. Yes, conspiracies exist, and the previous conspiracies have actual evidence or admissions, and are characteristically very different. There is no possible way you arrived at your conclusion about a massive, total conspiracy over all of our institutions led by the Democratic party for any reason other than you need it to be the case.


>There is no possible way you arrived at your conclusion about a massive, total conspiracy There is no conspiracy. The establishment, including our intelligence agencies & military industrial complex, have created innumerable false flags and illegal conflicts across the world. The establishment also includes the mainstream media, which is 90% opposed to conservatism and who we know have a long [history](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_influence_on_public_opinion) of being manipulated by said intelligence agencies.


I mean, you literally said that everything is under the control of the Democratic party. That's a conspiracy. That's the conspiracy theory that leads to the original claim about Hunter Biden, if the Democrats control everything and Hunter Biden is going to jail, then it must be something they have decided and thus must be part of the conspiracy. Or the simpler truth, Democrats don't run everything. How do you think Conservatives were able to pack the Supreme Court? Because Democrats are not in control. As for mainstream media, no it isn't 90% opposed to conservatives. It's historically been a centrist institution because it is driven by market forces and tries to appeal to the broadest audience. Conservatives have simply isolated themselves into conservative media, which had shifted that audience away from conservatives and towards liberals, but mainstream media still tries to give "both sides" to any debate. Most liberals don't actually see conservatives as the enemies conservatives see them as. In 2020, one of the main arguments Democrats had for nominating Joe Biden is because they believed he appealed to moderate conservatives. When you get to local news, Sinclair broadcasting has a huge market share, and pushes a conservative bias. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinclair_Broadcast_Group


>I mean, you literally said that everything is under the control of the Democratic party. Quote where I said that, please. >The media isn't 90% leftist Don't make me laugh. PBS, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, the New York Times, and the Washington Post are all politically left. Five of those I just mentioned are the biggest news companies in America.


Sorry, you said in bed with, I misread it as led by. That doesn't change any of the points I made. There is no such thing as "the establishment" unless you define it in such a way that it means "the wealthiest and most powerful people" in which they would be in bed with Democrats and Republicans, and far from unified.


I consider the establishment to be the vehicle driven by the intelligence agencies, and since they're openly [against](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/08/magazine/us-russia-intelligence.html) Republicans, and for that matter, the Republican frontrunner, I would argue the establishment is currently left-leaning.


You mean the agencies that have a history of overthrowing left-wing governments and replacing them with fascists? Intelligence agencies are not in charge, they serve the political interests of the wealthy and powerful. The goal of US intelligence agencies is to support global capitalism and maintain the supremacy of the United States over the world, which is what is in the interest of American elites. And yeah, you definitely don't have evidence to support your claim, which leads me back to my original point: you formed that not based on evidence, but an ideological need.


>You mean the agencies that have a history of overthrowing left-wing governments and replacing them with fascists? Sure, why not? The same agencies that helped fund Al-Qaeda and ISIS as well. The destabilization of regions creates fantastic opportunities for the military industrial complex. >Intelligence agencies are not in charge They're the brains of the establishment. Remember, I said *vehicle*. They're driving the vehicle. The government is the engine, and the military is the gas that needs constant replenishment. >The goal of US intelligence agencies is to support global capitalism and maintain the supremacy of the United States over the world, which is what is in the interest of American elites. Oh, I wish it were so simple. It goes far, far beyond capitalism. It's about ideology that's gradually introduced by controlled destabilization.


I agree, since I am not so sure he is "guilty" for owning a weapon


man imagine being rich and still not getting your underbite fixed.


It’s funny I said the same thing to myself today without even hearing anyone else say it


He is 100% spot on. There were 170ish crimes detailed on that laptop that had nothing to do with a gun. They chose the gun to prosecute.


Vivek is a Brown-nosing grifter.


I mean duh… the timing is so obvious.


They served up Hunter. He was going to get convicted. He will get probation and community service. Now the media and government can point to this every time someone says there is a 2 tier system, or the doj is targeting Trump.


People actually believe this soap opera after 911 Iraq invasion 2.0 Afghanistan invasion 2008 financial melt down Plandemic I'm sure I missed several other psyops.


Exactly what’s happening


Biden will get re-elected first and thennnnn he’ll pardon hunter


Honestly it seems really legit... And with Biden coming out saying he would not pardon his son.. Come on man that's the smartest guy he knows..


Kind of. It serves as one, so in effect : what's the difference if it was intentional or not. People should remember, this is probably the least serious of all the crimes they could have gotten him on, and only went ahead because the special consul for the prosecution tried to sneak in an immunity clause past the judge that would have absolved him of all crimes past and present including those that hadn't yet come to light in the investigation. Luckily the judge caught it. Still, it bears repeating: The prosecution tried to get him immunity for crimes they hadn't brought to light yet, seriously! wtf? Still, now that he has this conviction the democrats surely will use it to bring a false sense of legitimacy to the Trump sham trials.


I think he's exactly right.




I would encourage any amateur theorist, or even the more advanced, to read through all of the comments on this post. It will give perspective as to why there is an awesomely wicked and powerful control mechanism in place that continues to keep free thinking limited, and in lockstep, with those who join in shouting down being rewarded with the appearance of being on the righteous pathway regarding a variety of issues. Regardless of the P.O.S. actions of the first kid in his lifestyle, I'm always of the opinion that almost any gun laws intrude on the Second Amendment. We made it from 1791 when the Bill of Rights became a "thing" until 1934 with no gun laws at all. However, he lied on a form required by the government since 1993 to exercise your Constitutional right. The "law" was broken, charges filed, trial held, jury deliberated, verdict returned. It was always going to be that way, because the "law" on the matters he was charged with is crystal clear. Wrong or right, IMHO is irrelevant, that "law" exists because we've allowed it to all these years. It's also not a secret law. That form is used for ALL transactions, nationwide. However, are we forgetful of how this trial occurred? Isn't this the slow-pitch softball game that was agreed to be played after the Judge put the kibosh on a really weird plea deal on the way more serious reasons there was a Federal Prosecutor involved in the mess in the first place? With that totally sus original deal, if it would have slipped past the Judge, wouldn't it have given the Hunter total immunity on anything else he's done, or even is going to do? Like the upcoming failure to pay his taxes issue looming around the next news cycle? But, I digress. We have become an instant gratification society with a very shortened attention span, by design. We're willing to accept a "source" and their "blurb" about any issue and make it our position, even to a point that it's a hill we're willing to die on. Regardless of other information about the topic being readily available to gain additional knowledge on, with a little time and effort. The entire string of comments is why dudes like the Biblical John the Baptist hollered about "truths" from the Jordan River as he did his thing, while many kept on walking without ever giving his spiel a listen. It's why Ike said watch out for the Military Industrial Complex and, instead, we never gave it another thought and kept those tax dollars a-comin'. And, in almost every major city, if you look downtown somewhere, there's a wild haired dude holding a sign that says something like, "The End Is Near", and we toss some loose change at him, or ignore him altogether. The deep conditioning done by TPTB is working, and working well. Ball Earth, Global Warming, Missions to the Moon and Mars soon, petroleum is a fossil fuel and position after position are so ingrained, there can be absolutely no convincing the masses otherwise. It's the reason that Nicholson recites the line, "You can't handle the truth!" in the "show" "A Few Good Men". Because they've made it that way. Instead of looking at Vivek as the grifter that he probably is, look at him as someone who actually made it to the debate stage as a candidate for POTUS. Not that he'd ever have a chance at winning ,but, that he's smart enough to get there and throw out some pretty decent points to ponder along the way. We live amongst a bunch of flank steaks. But, if you slowly marinade them, tenderize them, give them good "rubs", and season them just right, it'd take years to get them to the tenderness of wagyu. BUT, you can get them to ribeye, and maybe even a filet mignon. Maybe. However, it needs to start here, amongst those that claim to be theorists. It'd have been more refreshing to explore Vivek's comment in greater detail, and pass learned information along, rather than react with great dismissive attitudes, in lockstep. A few are out there shouting hard truths from mountaintops, river banks, and within crowds. Shouldn't we, of all people, be listening? Be the wagyu. Be the filet. Hell, be the Porterhouse . . . but, be delicious!


Quality theory


Hunter will be pardoned.


Wake me upp when he says "Abolish the federal reserve act of 1913!"


Our entire political system is a smoke screen. Right and left are exactly the same and their goal is to keep us divided. If we are fighting amongst ourselves then we aren’t going after government and their corruption. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Vivek knows what's up.


Takeaway: The justice system is clearly being weaponized by the legislative branch of government. 3 branches of government are converging into a superpower.


all a bunch of pussies they should grab there shit and keep the ball rollin bunch of sheeeple


I can see that, look at this and ignore that


There isn’t a single person actively in power or place to be in power that’s to be trusted at this point. Those that have gained the traction to be near a place of such standing is there because they were MEAN’T to be and ALL have a role to play. Throw away the whole shit show AWAY and we the people need to go from there.




It is definitely a smoke screen and my dad fell for it hook line and sinker


Vivek is an op too.


that is exactly what I said about it.


Vivek is delusional.


Yes. And the theatrics are obvious.


We're still paying attention to this grifter?


This is the GOPs version of virtue signaling.......


I mean if we here somthing about this guy again we know why


Kinda hilarious as this dudes attempt at a political career went up in smoke lol.


My how quickly they forgot trump's kids getting enriched as well.


Just watch the two tiered system in the play hunter gets convicted and gets a pardon and Trump gets convicted and then there's another illegal election




Oh, it's a distraction all right. But not from Zion Don. The media would rather have Qtards salivating over 1GB of Hunter Biden dick pics than noticing the ongoing genocide in Gaza.


If you really believe in 2A rights then you should be pissed by the verdict. If you’re just looking for political blood, you’re happy about the verdict.


Somewhat, yes. You will know for sure once he is pardoned…


Quid pro Joe.


Yeah, I haven't seen much about the HB conviction, but it is definitely being received... exactly opposite how I expected it to.


I can see the left using this trial to push gun restrictions even harder. "Never let a good distraction go to waste."


This was kinda my first thought. They couldn't NOT prosecute Hunter after Trump. I wonder what that means for Joe after his presidency though.


Vivek is a smart guy, but part of his smarts is only telling the public half of every story worth hearing. Otherwise it'd get dangerous.


Yeah as if Trump's treasons charges didn't get postponed lol. Both Trump's and Biden hang around masons...... Cultist usually stick together


Sure this Soros clown is here to help us.


They're doing everything they can to keep trump out but end of the day it's all a show.


He’s the real smoke screen


It's all so fucking stupid I'm embarrassed for our country and sad for my family


Vivek Ramaswamy is controlled opposition, he says enough truth to look genuine while not really saying anything at all . This trump trial is a kangaroo court designed to legitimize trump (who is also controlled opp) as someone who’s going against the New world order. This is the level of 4D chess they’re playing to keep the slaves from revolting, we cannot fall for these false prophets.


Seems like it's a case of any outcome fits my world view


He’s got a point a lot of democrats are like “you don’t see us whining about hunter biden” “we’re not saying the trail is rigged” the difference between the two is one has clear evidence………


When Trump gets in, he should instruct the DOJ to investigate every serving member of Congress. Just like El Salvador just did 🤷‍♂️


"to make their family rich" Is that really what the wars are about, to make the Biden family rich? Feels like yet another smoke screen; gettin cloudy in here!


Viv. Youre blaming biden for what trump did when he was in office.


No, in my opinion both trump and hunter biden got a fair trail, sure they could have given trump some more republicans in the jury, but seeing as it was held in Washington where a majority of people are Democrats, I’m not surprised that there weren’t many republicans in the jury. For hunter biden, I do think he deserves a harsher penalty, but I think that the judge might have been scared to convict the presidents son. Trump deserves jail time Hunter Biden deserves jail time


I hate this hypocrite he comes from a family of immigrants and is against them?


The way MSNBC and CNN are running with this narrative as we speak..... Yeah I'd say Vivek is spot on.


Hahah copium


Yes, ofcourse. It's a show trial to distract from the severe family corruption and to make it look like the system is unbiased and treat everybody the same.


Vivek is spot on as usual


Couldn't the same argument being made for the bidens here be made for trumps family? Seems like vivek is being a hypocrite.


Yeah, what Vivek wrote is actually much more applicable to what Trump did *openly* for 4 years. What's that acronym again? Oh yeah. Gaslight Obstruct Project


Yeah, except lying on ATF 4473 is a Class C felony. Hunter is facing a stiffer penalty than Trump ever did lol, so how is he a “smokescreen”


He's correct. I already see the copium on Reddit. "See it's not rigged. His own son got convicted" His son will not get the 15 month minimum. Trumps trial was still a sham. Biden still weaponized the da to attack a political rival. All those things are still true. Hunter verdict changes none of that.


Makes sense....we don't want the underboss...we want the "boss"


1. Distract from the Biden families FARA violations? 2. Create the illusion the DOJ isn't biased and Trump's trail wasn't political? 3. Justify Trump doing jail time?


Man, the mental gymnastics... Yesterday you confidently said Hunter Biden would never be found guilty because it's a two-tier justice system. Now, today, it's 'oh well, yes, he's been found guilty but it's ackshully a smokescreen to justify them locking up Trump' Just because someone says something on Twitter, you don't need to immediately buy into it and regurgitate it. If Vivek Ramaswamy is doing your thinking for you then you're not thinking at all.




Show trial. Candidates all dropped out cuz between war, genocide, cyberlockdown, plandemic, mass shootings, food shortage, nationwide looting, forced mRNA jabs and martial law, know there won't be a proper election (again). Show selection!


The tax trial in CA is much more important as it will hopefully begin to get down to the money, where it was coming from, how it was sheltered and what it was for. No, this trial was not a smoke screen for one very important reason: it officially verifies the laptop as a legitimate and damaging source of evidence for other crimes involving other family members Law abiding gun owners should fear nothing from this verdict. It was the application of existing law




theres lots i dont agree with Vivek on, but this is a solid take on the issue


I'm wondering why the big deal being made on the firearms charge/s. Prohibited persons committing drivebys and drug sales almost never get the federal firearms charge. I'm more interested in the tax evasion/money laundering/multiple shell corporations to hide millions of dollars in international money transfers to a family that produces no product or service.


It's not even a good smokescreen anyone with half a brain cell can see it... it's not even a conspiracy it's a fact


I agree. If they get hunter in this, I’m sure pedo Pete is hoping it averts attention away his shady business dealings and corruption.


He does make a good point.