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*"It's not about the money, it's about sending a message"*


Ayy, i said that a couple posts agošŸ˜ƒšŸ‘


I tip my tinfoil hat to you good Sir


Itā€™s all about optics.


Yup, narratives matter more than the truth.




The families on Wednesday [asked](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/sandy-hook-families-want-seize-alex-jones-social-media-accounts-2024-06-13/) a U.S. bankruptcy judge in Houston, Texas, to additionally take control of Jones' X.com account and prevent Jones from using it to promote new business ventures.


How tf would that be legal??


It's not. They want to see what they can get away with and set a precedent.


That's what so many people forget is that court cases like these will set the precedents for future cases to reference.


Understand when they do it to him. They will be doing it to all of us soon enough.


This is 100% accurate.


A lot of people assume this is really just the Sandy Hook families behind this full court press. Itā€™s not, the Dems and their donors are all over this planting the seeds for a new way to deplatform anyone they donā€™t like. Step 1: sue them in a favorable court with a favorable judge and win. Step 2: take all assets (including his house if they get away with it). Step 3: get judge to issue ruling preventing subject from ever speaking publicly or engaging in commerce for self-profit ever again. That outta do it when it comes to chilling free speech.


You're right and it's disgusting. They're using these grieving families to further a political agenda.


Yup. To me this is exactly like gun control fanatics. It's always some new feature, some new model, etc that's the problem. Like if every "Super scary AR-15!!!!" in the US was melted down tomorrow, do you think these people would just relax and say "Ok, now we finally got rid of the problem"? Of course not. It would just be straight on to the next specific thing that needs to be taken away. This is about censorship through and through. Start with the most insane outlier personality possible that nearly nobody took too seriously. Then when they do it to a conservative talk show host in 5 years the cucks can all say "Ummm, you know this is totally normal! It's the exact same thing that happened to Alex Jones!!!"


Didn't a bad orange man try and warn us of this a few years back? I remember everyone laughing and laughing at that notion.


"They" could also find themselves sued and the court petitioned for BILLION$. Live by the sword...


Itā€™s not, terms of service of X states that X owns the account and allows access to the user. To ban his account is to force X to violate terms of service. If Elon has a backbone those will never happen.


IKR? How has this not gone to the SCOTUS already? Whatever Alex said, and he says a lot of things, because that's how he gets people to listen and watch his videos, the financial aspect of this ruling is totally bonkers. We have rights to question the official narrative on any topic. Even if he made claims about the honesty of the parents, and even if he was dead wrong, the amount of money they want from him is insane. The MSM slander people every day. Every single day. This ruling is only going to make it easier for anyone to sue the MSM and ask ridiculously high amounts of money.


How do they expect to get paid if he has no businesses lol, heā€™s obviously unhireable.


It's not about the money. It's about shutting him up.Ā 


Right, the families want money but the govt wants a full muzzle stoppage.


But they still expect him to pay the settlement...


No. Nobody expects him to pay $1.5b. They're using lawfare punitively and showing everyone else what they're willing and capable of. That the law will not protect you, that the rules don't apply to them, and if you get on their wrong side then you're next. I don't know what to call it, but it's a sort of dispersed tyranny. No one person is really in charge, but the collective will band together to ruin you. Oh, right, a conspiracy.


For all I know there was an agreement that Alex would pay off as much as possible with the income of Info Wars but for some reason the government wants him shut down completely now and the parents seem to want to go along with that.


Why would a bankruptcy court take the ability to promote new businesses therefore actually pay the judgement owed?


When is enough enough? No matter your opinion on Jones, he's being dragged through multiple layers of mud here.


Wouldn't they want him making money to pay their restitution?


Precisely but no they want him silenced. Which should make anyone wonder about the validity of the case to begin with.


I have no idea what the "case" is getting at anyway... Alex said thing - which is considered to be untrue - but I thought he had a Constitutional right to say it? His *audience* harasses the families Alex is guilty of harassment? Or something? Idk. I've always, FIRMLY been in the camp when the Youtube stuff got crazy and people are trying to punish these people. You can't punish a person for what their audience does.


"Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?" Henry didn't kill Becket either. it's called Stochastic terrorism. it's come up a lot since the Jan 6th trials. when a public figure's political rhetoric causes a group to be inflamed and cause violence. it's not Direct terrorism, because he didn't do it himself. "somebody should teach this prosecutor, who lives at

, a lesson." and then somebody does. thats stoacistic. it's similar to a mobster telling 'you you have a nice house, and it'd be a shame if something happened to it'. he doesn't directly threaten harm, but the people involved know it's there.


So it's based on the fictional narrative of January 6th. Regardless of your view on 1/6 that's a pretty authoritarian slippery slope...


yeah but AJ never did those 2 examples you mentioned


come on, man. are you ignorant or do you have actual comprehansion issues? i never said AJ said anything in my post above. i gave two examples of stochastic terrorism, and made a comparison to what AJ said in the clip posted here like 50 times, AJ's employee read out the address of the HONR Network which is at Posner's home address, and they say it in the same breath that they say "they've been getting a lot of grief from Mr Posner..." if you can't see the simularities between that and "will someone rid me of this meddlesome priest" then you are just willfully ignorant. you're like the mob boss' defense attourney who says "well, my client didn't exactly say he was going to burn down the house, he just said it would be a shame if someone did..." after the boss' employees burned down the guys house. i don't agree with the insane 1.5billion fine. that's just crazy. but to sit here,like youre doing, over and over denying what AJ HAS ADMITTED DOING, is just stupid.


He admitted saying false facts, which he believed were true at the time. Mostly influenced by people that were in fact harassing the families. I don't remember him admitting to threatening the families or telling someone to do something or even implying that. But these are some of the things they are accusing him. I may be wrong, I honestly didn't read everything that was said in his trial Your hypothesis is correct with your arguments and examples, I'm saying it just does not apply to the current case


Ok so his employee did it? It's just getting silly at this point. "Show me the man and I'll show you the crime" kind of shit. If my boss tells me to do something illegal and I do it, then I'm guilty. It's not orders being given in the military and no one is being coerced. How many degrees of separation can still qualify as "stochastic terrorism"? btw mob bosses directly communicate their orders usually with threat of violence or coercion, not even in the same universe as this situation. I guess I'm willfully ignorant because "some guy is bothering me" and "will someone kill this guy bothering me" aren't equivalent at all. The ridiculous fine on top of stretching this legal argument to a breaking point just calls into question the legitimacy of the entire court. Everyone knows it's political theater not justice.


He would just make a new account and have more supporters because they would probably see it as an infringement of his first amendment rights


If a person honestly believes that the shooting didn't happen and "the parents" are crisis actors, is it still legal to say that? Even if they are kooky ideas, even if they're wrong, it's legal to be a kook, and it's legal to say things that are wrong. AJ didn't tell anyone to go harass people over this, contrary to claims. And even if he had told people to harass the alleged crisis actors, $1.5 billion in fines for that? We have people calling for violence all over social media every day and no one ever gets taken to court let alone billion dollar fines.




Itā€™s not illegal, but defaming someone is considered a tort, or civil wrong. Jones admitted to defaming the families of the victims in text messages that he accidentally sent to the plaintiffsā€™ lawyers. The fine was mostly punitive. The court wants to deter anyone that might think they can also get super rich by spreading lies about innocent people.




Can you link to a clip of him giving out addresses and telling people to harass them? I have never seen actual video evidence of this, only people saying he did this, which is odd because you'd think a clip like that would be well-known by now.




he littraly put the name and adresses on air




he did though denying reality doesn't change it. It just makes you a fool




I'll do you one better [here is the clip, and alex jones admitting it in the deposition](https://youtu.be/FuqjmP959vo?si=8U_qd5S5aC9fIyy7&t=148)




Wait, Alex Jones didnā€™t mention any names or addresses in that clip. He also said that he thought it was a tragedy that kids were killed which is exactly what you guys are saying he didnā€™t believe. Soā€¦.


"quite literally" might be the most obvious red herring possible lmao


Jones was sued for defamation, not doxxing, or harassment. He admitted in text messages that he accidentally sent to the plaintiffsā€™ lawyers that he knew he was using his platform to spread lies about the families of the victims. Thatā€™s why he lost the lawsuit. The reason itā€™s for such a large amount is because most of the damages are punitive. The court wanted to make an example of him so others in the media donā€™t try to follow in his footsteps by enriching themselves at the expense of people that are vulnerable. Most of the details being discussed in this thread or not relevant to his lawsuit.






he is literally saying they have been getting grief from Leonard Pozner and is giving out the adress


Literally doesnā€™t say this at any point.Ā 


[he has been getting all kinds of grief from Mr. Pozner](https://youtu.be/FuqjmP959vo?si=8U_qd5S5aC9fIyy7&t=150)




Strange how there is no deleted comments from me here though




[He has been getting all kinds of grief from Mr Pozner](https://youtu.be/FuqjmP959vo?si=8U_qd5S5aC9fIyy7&t=150)


Wow. You just completely lied. Thanks for exposing yourself in such an easily verifiable way. So now we know people like you take liberties with the truth boldly, when 6 minutes of scanning a video can refute it.


None of that is in this video This is an interview with one of the parents - not an episode of infowarsĀ  I donā€™t trust this as evidence of anything claimed aboveĀ  At best thereā€™s a YouTube comment that names ā€œLeonardā€ Ā by first name - not Alex Jones giving out names and addresses on his show


here is info wars doxxing Leonard Pozner live on air [he has been getting all kinds of grief from Mr. Pozner](https://youtu.be/FuqjmP959vo?si=8U_qd5S5aC9fIyy7&t=150)


You really should watch your source videos before spouting bullshit. In this video, Alex Jones is not mentioning Pozner's name. They also mention an address that is not Pozner's address. Why are you lying about this?


It's literally not there. Stop wasting my time. You show a guest on the live show listing the address of a business HONR Network who was flagging copyright claims against infowars posts. And once the address is listed - Jones changes the subject That's what you provide as evidence that Alex Jones was giving out addresses of parents and telling people to harass them


They are giving the name Lonord Pozner, and the address of his company, which is his home address. The persons actually saying the words is not a guest, but a co-host. That is doxxing him, now matter how hard you squint or cope


HONR NETWORK HAS IT'S ON THEIR WEBSITE [https://honrnetwork.org/contact-us/](https://honrnetwork.org/contact-us/) You didn't give a video saying "attack these parents" you gave one saying "we're being harassed by this company". Doesn't even say "this company is owned by one of the parents". Swing and a miss Not $1,500,000,000 worth of evidence, Columbo


...after they were doxed on info-wars They doxxed the parents live on air, i gave you a clip of that happening, so now you have moved the goalpost nice.


>They are giving the name Lonord Pozner, What's wrong with that? He claims to have lost a kid, and they want to talk about it. It's new worthy, and fair use. And no, it's not doxxing because his name exists on official reports released to the media and public.


I just watched you video that you should have watched. You are a liar.


Wow, and they deleted the comment. What a fucking shill.


You might be waiting a while


already posted


Yeah show us your evidence because to my knowledge none of this is *actually* true.


[Jones nop only put the names on air, he admitted it court](https://youtu.be/FuqjmP959vo?si=8U_qd5S5aC9fIyy7&t=148)


a person on his show is describing a publicly listed company


And? Use that logic in another scenario > I wasn't doxxing anyone, I just looked up the adress of someone in front of a live audience. By that logic doxxing isn't a thing




So everything you said is bootlicking bullshit. Link the nonexistent video you speak of or shut up.




Nowhere in that entire NowGarbage bullshit video did he ever tell people to go harass them. Thatā€™s because it never happened. You didnā€™t actually watch that video did you, you fucking donut? Does it hurt to be this stupid, or do you just kind of get used to it after awhile?


>Nowhere in that entire NowGarbage bullshit video did he ever tell people to go harass them he just happened to put the names and addresses of private citizens on air.


Except he didnā€™t. You keep repeating something that didnā€™t happen. Either youā€™re a bot, or just incredibly dumb. Potato potato.


[he has been getting all kinds of grief from Mr. Pozner](https://youtu.be/FuqjmP959vo?si=8U_qd5S5aC9fIyy7&t=150)


there is no video bro


[he has been getting all kinds of grief from Mr. Pozner](https://youtu.be/FuqjmP959vo?si=8U_qd5S5aC9fIyy7&t=150)


You say he put the names, addresses and numbers of parents on his show. Show me that. So far youā€™ve only shown Ponzer who was named and his company named. Who else was named. Remember you said Alex ā€œliterallyā€ put out the names, addresses and numbers of parents. If anyone one is moving goals posts itā€™s been you.


>Show me that. So far youā€™ve only shown Ponzer who was named and his company named in other words, I showed infowars literally doxxing Ponzer


Itā€™s not illegal but he didnā€™t get arrested or fined. He was sued by the people he defamed and lost a civil suit. The 1.5 B was the judgement. Itā€™s legal to be a kook and say kooky things but if you say them about specific individuals, they have the right to sue. Free speech doesnā€™t mean you can say whatever you want without consequences.


It's all theater. Alex Jones has been and will always be controlled opposition. The Trial was always meant for Jones to take the fall and make you very afraid and make some things "unquestionable". You need a puppet if you are going to do a show trial that makes a mockery of justice. Puppets do not have rights, puppets simply follow the script. Same thing happened with the Fox News Settlement of the Dominions Voting Machines, a "settlement" does not prove the voting machines aren't rigged, it only proves that Fox News wrote a check for whatever reason. Why would they do that you ask? The left hand gives money to the right hand, that is all it took to make you think you live in a democracy.


Controlled opposition would not be treated as Alex has. Your entire position makes no sense.


Alex Jones could be living out of a cardboard box, live streaming using free Starbucks internet and theyā€™d still call him controlled opposition.


ESPECIALLY during an election season where they are illegally trying to deperson him. Anyone who is controlled opposition is particularly useful at such times because the entire point of them is to steer the cultural narrative so the state/interests get their way. I remember the days of listening to Alex Jones on a hand crank shortwave radio, before he had a meaningful internet presence and he was selling hand copied DVDs. People snickered at the shit he said then just as they do now. Obviously he has amassed a bigger following since then, but nothing about his message, his stance, his demeanor has waivered in the slightest. It was kind of shocking when he came out in such blatant support of Trump during the 2016 election. But it was obvious why he did it. After decades of Bushes, Clintons, and Obama everyone had uniparty fatigue and watching this country go to shit. It has been interesting listening to people like Jones warn that this is coming. But they still had to operate with lies and subtlety. It was interesting to watch people poo poo it away as ridiculous conspiracy theories. Then, something happened and people started waking up. They voted for someone ridiculous like Trump and that ignited an acceleration into the totality of the worst fears. We now have a President of the United States, there via fiat, who is selling our country away to globalist interests, and those globalists are forming groups and NGOs where they tell us that the West is over, the age of humans is coming to an end, they want to depopulate us and they don't even bother with lies anymore. They just tell you things openly and then use MSNBC, CNN, Disney and all of the mainstream media to tell you that you do not see what you see and you did not hear what you were told.


Yeah they would be going as hard as they are against controlled opposition. Come on man


The $1.5 bil. in fines are because they lied about his net worth saying it's much more than it actually is and based the fines off of that.


Why should the fines be more than his total net worth? They lied by pretending that he built his whole media empire off what he had to say about SH. In reality he just mentioned it a few times and this one media story did nothing to build his media company, which was already well established prior to 2012. He barely even talked about the shooting. The whole trial was a farce.


I'm not agreeing with them having the fines being more. I think it's messed up and terrifying.


Which he was well in his power to refute had he complied with discovery.


Theyre trying to dig for more to take from him and anyone else linked in... making an example of to end conspiracy theorizing or freethinking mind sharing.Ā  We're entering into uncharted territory when we cant make observations or argue against what the mass media tells us.


Makes sense. They've been *really* shitting on "conspiracy theories" the past few years constantly. Same with using words like "misinformation" and similar while lying about what they're talking about. Best way to reduce the spread of truth is to make people scared of being honest and saying what they think.


They, you mean inverted Baphomet Satanist? Who fucking cares? They are shitting themselves and all their lies are coming unraveled, and we know it. The green movement is coming undone, and so is their global elite nonsense. They are going to get their due and should be tried for treason on the American citizen.


šŸšØšŸ˜­šŸ˜­tHrEaT tO dEmOcRaCy!!šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸšØ


No. It's to make people too scared to ask questions.


Just use decentralized social media protocols where you can be anonymous and uncensored at the same time. People that complain about centralized social media and centralized fiat currencies but not use Nostr or Monero are hypocrites.


Yes, but it's difficult to make a living working anonymously.


Say whatever you think about Alex Jones (imo sometimes he says crazy shit, sometimes he is right) but if you think seizing someone's social media accounts, just because he said something that contradicts your opinion/hurt your feelings, that's a violation of the Article 1 of the Texas Constitution. >Every person shall be at liberty to speak, write or publish his opinions on any subject, being responsible for the abuse of that privilege; and no law shall ever be passed curtailing the liberty of speech or of the press.


Pretty sure elon will just give him a new account lol


Well he can just make a new account on his own. The problem is this kind of thing shouldn't even be contemplated in the first place, followed quickly by how long they can keep taking his accounts. They effectively want to remove him from all space, everywhere. They're trying to erase him. Straight up Chinese social credit dystopian nonsense.


You should be allowed to be wrong. We are supposed to have freedom of speech.




The mainstream news literally does this with every trial that they publicize...


You shouldnā€™t be allowed to harass or invalidate these families trauma, calling them ā€œcrisis actorsā€ and the children dying a ā€œhoaxā€. Thatā€™s not just an oopsie, he defamed and caused serious mental stress to these victims families


The more they do this, the more I believe him.


Which part do you believe? The part where he was on air saying Sandy Hook was faked? Or the part where he was under oath saying he knows Sandy Hook was real?


Saying something was faked or staged doesnt mean that it didnt happen, its saying that it wasn't the way they claimed. To me this whole thing was a setup. And maybe for this very purpose. Intresting enough Joe Biggs was one of the people who brought alot of this on Alex. Joe Biggs is also in prison.Ā  I think there is way more to the story.


Thatā€™s a pretty stupid way to form an opinion lmao. Why wouldnā€™t you form an opinion based on facts instead?


Sounds like "they" set your opinion for you.




Didnā€™t Alex Jones admit Sandy Hook was real under oath?


How so?


Iā€™m not too far down the rabbit hole, but the father laughing and smiling is certainly very weird. Thereā€™s a lot of other strange stuff surrounding it. Iā€™m not making claims one way or another, but the way theyā€™re going so hard against jones is certainly interesting.


uh oh, now you gotta pay 1 billlion zillion Disney dollahs for hurting fee-fees.


I just canā€™t take Alex Jones serious,I think he can be a decent entry point for some people trying to venture into the world of conspiracy.he does speak some truth but overall,I look at Alex Jones as controlled opposition


sandy hook is the monery laundering


Its always been about silencing him. Personally, i hope they never get anything out of him


i heard they're going to put his voice in a seashell, trapped forever unless he can have true love's first kiss


lol trillion of dollars wasnā€™t enough eh


They canā€™t kill him so theyā€™re trying to ruin his life.


I'm sure if they wanted to they could, but they don't have to.


They could easily kill him and get away with it. He's one hamburger away from a heart attack. Haven't you ever heard of the heart attack gun? They have no reason to kill him. Alex Jones isn't threat, he's just a fat guy with a loudmouth that banks on selling supplements. His loudmouth is what ended up killing him.


They never cared about what he got wrong. This whole thing is happening because of what he got right. Want proof? Think how many times the MSM has knowingly gotten stories wrong and ran with it anyways. Iraq has WMDs, Russian collusion with Trump, Iran/Contra, the list goes on and on.Ā 


Who are these families ?


Right! šŸ™Œ


If you do your homework, you'll realize that they're real people. Yeah, the laughing guy sticks out as weird but if you know psychology you would realize that laughter is part of the grieving process. Going back and forth between laughter and horrendous sadness. Imagine this: You are a parent of a child that was slaughtered in a bathroom stall, and you get harassed constantly that it didn't happen. For years and years. You get flooded with hate mail and people even confront you in public. Alex Jones started this cascade that began ruining your life and your memory of your child. You reached out to Alex Jones repeatedly to stop talk of this fake conspiracy, but he continued to ignore you. How would you feel? Karma is a bitch.




actually, that's incorrect. the nonprofit HONR was created by Lenny Pozner to advocate for their children, and other victims of tragedy. It was created prior to the court case, in fact it was created in 2014.


Damn, I guess those families are really mad at him for the things he said about their slaughtered children?


Awwwwww. Anyway...


Sandy Hook families or the people using the families dead kids to push their agenda?


these people can go fuck themselves, its obviously not about the fuckin families and their feelings being hurt, its about trying to silence people who dont toe the line... that judge and those families can eat shit


America isnā€™t even a free country anymore. Itā€™s gone the path it hated so much since the 40s, communism.


Then where is my free healthcare and free education and right to employment? Why do I still see homeless people on the streets? Do you even know what communism means?


America is still 10X better than most other countries and incredibly free. Open your eyes. Are you starving? Do you have a roof over your head? You still have the right to complain about the system on the internet. You have a right to share your opinions as long as it causes no harm to people and is not filled with hate. I wonder how free you would think Russia is. I wonder what would happen if you posted negative things about Putin online. If you don't like America, where would you go next?


Probably any other nation in Europe (although getting very big on sensorship now). New Zealand. Japan. South Korea. Australia. Saudi Arabia and Dubai (for low crime rates). Hate to say it pal but American is not a free country, itā€™s okay chasing the American dream but most people end up with a nightmare, the political system is a smoke screen, itā€™s there to give you the idea that you voted your leader in but really the powers that be are behind the scene controlling everything. Tax money gets funnelled into proxy wars, the health care system is just there to make money for already rich people and donā€™t get me started on the education system. The world has woken up to how shit the USA is itā€™s about time the citizens do to.


I agree that America could be better but it's still more free than most countries. For the most part, we still have freedom of speech (as long as it's not filled with hate). We have the right to bear arms. We have a mostly free internet (can still go to the darkweb if needed). Europe, Australia, and New Zealand are going to be just as restrictive as America if not more so w/ censorship laws and gun laws. You want to live someplace free, and yet you mentioned Saudi Arabia? That's one of the most restrictive countries in the world. No free press. Woman are treated like property. You get killed if you complain about the government. I'm sure crime rates are higher than actually reported. You can get punished for disobeying the Koran.... The same problem with people high up in power with tons of money and control is going to be rampant no matter where you go. At least with the internet people are waking up. It allows everyone to be connected and share information. This same right isn't allowed in many other countries. We shouldn't let the fear get us down. Fear is the mind killer. Fear sells. People have more power than they can imagine in America. If you work hard, you can make real change from the inside out. There is always a chance of change. Eventually the people in REAL power will die or pass the torch. Who's to say we won't eventually get genuine empathetic people in places of power? People can be good or bad. There's always the chance of the person pulling the strings to be a beacon of goodness...


Seems to me that Alex opened enough eyes. I think the frustration and the heavy fines is a result of the powers that be getting pissed. Is Sandy hook real?? I donā€™t know. The fact that they had to dot Is and cross Ts Iā€™m sure is pissing them off so they threw a stupid fine at him. Which is also stupid because it only drew more eyes to it.


Alex jones was right


Must be the gay frogs?


So theyā€™re seizing speech? This is in the literal sense and should not be allowed to happen according to the first amendment


Do leftists do anything other than robbing people and avoiding yes or no questions?


They hate Alex. I think Alex is making them scared. Just like trump. These people are vicious and try to literally destroy the persons life they donā€™t like.


What else has Alex Jones done to further antagonize these people? This is double jeopardy, leave him the f*** alone as he has apologized and begun payments.


Idk. I've had gut feelings for a couple years now that AJ isn't exactly controlled opposition but..... My gut just says not to be trusting that guy. Don't get me wrong I love some fucking conspiracy theories. I'll listen to and research just about anything. As for Alex Jones himself. Idk, just got a feeling about that dude


I guarantee you you never see AJ poor and living on the streets. Itā€™s a big puppet show.


Imagine your kid dying in a school shooting and then using that to justify being a garbage human being.




This is a good learning experience. The cover up is almost always worse than the lie.


The way they say "the families" lol šŸ˜† Sure, right, its really about the kids Sandy Hook doesn't add up and everyone knows it


I donā€™t care about Alex Jones and Iā€™ve never heard or listened to any thing heā€™s said, but this is just getting insane. You donā€™t destroy a personā€™s livelihood because they said something that hurt your feelings. The courts are the real villains here allowing this farce to continue and slapping such insane fines on him. Look, I get it, theyā€™re mad, but Alex Jones didnā€™t kill their kids, and the courts giving them a pay day off of the back of someone who ran their mouth on the internet isnā€™t right either.


I remember a clip where supposedly a father who had just lost his child in that incident was laughing joking prior to the actual statement on TV. That was pretty chilling to see a father if in fact was a father of a dead child.


That father is real, and he really did lose his child. If you knew anything about psychology, you would realize that laughter can be a major part of the grieving process. Alternating between laughter and extreme sadness is common when grieving. It's a defense mechanism. [Why Do I Laugh at Death? Insight on Emotional Reactions | LoveToKnow](https://www.lovetoknow.com/life/grief-loss/why-do-i-laugh-at-death-insight-emotional-reactions)




> Wants money from turd that owes them a billion dollars. > Seizes the assets of the turd that owes them a billion dollars.


Methinks the lady doth protest too much.


yeah you cant do that, they can probably get his infowars account if they are given control of his company, but you cant take someones personal social media acounts thats just silly


They want to push him into suicide. Thatā€™s the only logical conclusion from this; youā€™re in endless debt, and you will have no means of making money, and you wonā€™t be allowed to say anything about it. Whatā€™s the point of the first amendment if you can just legally (through the actual courts) if you can ruin someoneā€™s life over what theyā€™ve said?


What are they gonna sell supplements and water purifiers?


Honestly pathetic from the Sandy Hook families. This is no different than the lying sacks of shit claiming molestation after MJ's death and try to claim money from his estate.


I would leave if I was him.


Seeing as how he owes those families 1.5 billion dollars and his social media accounts constitute a revenue stream for him, this makes perfect sense. If he paid the judgement, there would be no need for the seizure. This is charging order, foreclosure, and liability law 101.


They set him up, he took the bait, now they plaster him to discredit any truths that were exposed. Come on people we have been through this for 200 years nowĀ