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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciwyYnwYFaQ "You're not gonna get covid if you have the vaccination." Joe Biden


Fauci in the [Hall of the Mountain King](https://youtu.be/TSZMtSPX3iE) is just great.


That was wild.


I mean he wasn't wrong cause u already got it lol.


Nah one of my coworkers just got it for the first time and she was really sick. She said she was surprised she was so sick when she was up to date on her vaccines.


Did she hit you with the “thank goodness for the vaccine and boosters! This was so bad that I couldn’t imagine how bad it would be without them. Thanks Pfizer! 😇”


She more or less did but I wasn’t gonna entertain that… I said it was bad the first time and then not so much subsequently. But she also got hives the next week which I wonder if related


Better than shingles, which is an uncommon reaction (but not a "side effect")


The comments are great.


He was hedging, and half right, because about 50% of people had preexisting immunity from exposure to other corona viruses. Edit: And the injectables could never have helped that population.


They act like we didn’t just have all their word vomit, repeatedly jackhammered into our ears for years Edit: bars


Never forgive, never forget, never comply. Defund cdc nih fda, disband who, prosecute fauci & pharma


Amen, husband is a scientist for big pharma and listened to every word of the Fauci hearings. I asked him to write up a simple summary: Under Fauci’s leadership and with many millions of known and unknown (dark money) dollars, he outsourced extremely dangerous research that created an infectious disease - covid. Bad enough to cause a pandemic, but then he was central to orchestrating the response that led to mandates and extreme coercion of entire nations. Last, his vaccine (which profited insiders) was accepted as the only approach to Covid and these were coercively administered. These steps undid generations of public health standards, laws and human rights. Fauci is guilty of medical & criminal wrongdoing, at a minimum. He compared what happened to this old folk song: My mother makes prophylactics She pricks the heads with a pin My father does the abortions My god how the money rolls in!


Now can you ask him to do one, for what he did during his AIDs epidemic?


Sure, I’ll ask.


prosecute reddit moderators also


I remember... it went from prevent it, you won't die, slowing the spread, and decrease symptoms....now... nothing..


I can't believe it worked either!


Why did Africa get away better than any 1st world country?


Because they aren’t all old, obese, and on 20 medications just to keep them alive.


They're also doing a lot better after the whole debacle. Excess deaths are only a problem in the west, not in Africa where practically nobody got the "vaccine".


And, our hospitals basically murdered all the patients with vents and Remdesvenir. And, added Covid to each and every death certificate to inflate numbers of deaths. They were all complicit.


This is 100% fact and not brought up enough. It proved the system can and will get paid to murk people. The machine kept going regardless of what the workers thought. Big wake up call.


How is it 100% fact. So all doctors using ventilators are murderers? What a ridiculous concept.


It's not healthy to think of it like that. Those workers were coerced by a system that meant harm to a massive population of people. Hating that system doesn't mean you hate that worker or think that worker knowingly committed murder. Also, it is 100% fact that ventilators contributed massively to the death count.


[Ventilators](https://www.cabaltimes.com/2020/05/20/ny-ventilator-peep/) killed [people.](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/09/03/covid-death-rates-dropped-doctors-rejected-ventilators/)


It sure seems that way for people who don't know how ventilators, illness, remdesivir, hospitals, and doctors work I guess.


>“Show me the incentive and I'll show you the outcome.” - Charlie Munger - Vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway


It wasn't murder. To suggest it as such is simply wrong. What, you think all Doctors are intentionally trying to kill their patients? As it turned out, Covid patients could survive with much lower O2 sats than they expected. They placed patients on ventilators when they believed they would die without it. With the clarity of 20:20 hindsight, it wasn't the best practice, but they weren't to know that at the time. I lost a friend to this practice, but I don't blame the medics for doing their jobs.


> What, you think all Doctors are intentionally trying to kill their patients? No, they followed [deadly protocols](https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/178hta%75/when_will_you_admit_you_got_scammed_another/k53fn6q/) and just stuck to those despite the results. >With the clarity of 20:20 hindsight, it wasn't the best practice, but they weren't to know that at the time. That's not true. May 1, 2020 (002838) – While pushing one narrative regarding ventilators publicly, Fauci writes in a private email that “You are correct in that there is a more recent tendency to use ventilators only as a very last resort since oxygenation rather than ventilation appears to be key to recovery." https://www.icandecide.org/ican_press/ican-obtains-over-3000-pages-of-tony-faucis-emails/


So it's not murder. Also they changed when they realised that vents weren't the solution. How are you backing this up? Ridiculous logic. Really low intellect logic. Try using some critical thinking for a change.


> So it's not murder. Only those who created the protocols and continuing while knowing better are murderers, the rest are just deadly sheep. >Also they changed when they realised that vents weren't the solution. After how many deaths? And why did fauci not stop them in the first place?


So you agree that the doctors did what they were supposed to. Simple. When they found out it wasn't effective they changed tactics. Again you agree. So it's not the fault of the doctors. Good.


Anthony Fauci is a Doctor and it was his fault


> So you agree that the doctors did what they were supposed to. No, many were blindly following orders without any regards to the health of their patients. >When they found out it wasn't effective they changed tactics. It should never have happened. >So it's not the fault of the doctors. They can be blamed for acting like a sheep.


You must work in the field. As humans, we will contort ourselves into believing almost anything to be “right”…. So, sorry if your masters gave you misinformation.


They are robots following orders. Orders demanded this protocol. They are complicit for not apply human lens to this. Robots, I’m telling you.


So young people didn't need the jab?


According to the [CDC](https://data.cdc.gov/widgets/9bhg-hcku) data, if you were under 40 and didn't already have multiple health issues (average was 4-5), you were extremely unlikely to die. From that CDC chart, deaths from pneumonia are actually higher than covid for young people. And even those numbers are inflated since they incentivized hospitals to mark unrelated deaths as covid and had protocols that actually harmed patient health in the early days.


So why did western countries blackmail perfectly healthy and young people, even teens and children, to get this injection? By your logic, only the obese and old should have been vaxed.....


There was one stat that showed something like you were three times more likely to catch covid if you were over 6 ft tall. A race specfic virus? I wonder what the infection rate was per capita among all the world's whites vs all the world's Asians?


In South Africa we do alot of things old school still, traditional healers and so on. Most get a cold or flu your last stop is the pharmacy, you get a cocktail of tumeric, cinamon and ginger. Not that were against meds its just they are expensive Most of us also dont get flu injections yearly, so the natural immune system might just be better at handling these types of things. But im no doc so cant say anything for sure


It was because of the mass use of ivermectin. We could have saved many lives around the world if we were just told the truth.


Mexico handed out baggies with ivermectin and Tylenol and vitamin D to anyone with Covid


Was just about to come here to say this. Japan literally saw cases diminish overnight after allowing ivermectin to be used again to treat


Do you have a source for that?


Don't need one, they weren't using it for covid, majority/a lot/anyway... in Africa use IVM for malaria. The schedule is to take it once a month, they have been doing this for donkeys years. Over the past 20 odd years, all coronavirus research (including the goblins) found that IVM and HCQ, when used as preventatives worked. The reason why the studies done at the beginning of the plandemic showed otherwise, is because IVM and HCQ were tested on people ALREADY in hospital, ALREADY on a cocktail of other drugs. If someone is in hospital it's already too late, BUT it can still be of benefit.


> Don’t need one… r/conspiracy in a nutshell


A risk factor for mass infection is being indoors with closed windows and recirculating air. This is why rates go up in both winter and summer heat peaks in the US, when people avoid outdoors. In Africa there's a lot less central air. School rooms often are outdoors or are in buildings with window openings but no glass windows at all, so air and light just get in. Another issue is that the average age is lower and it's the elderly at highest risk of death.


No one wants to say it because it's not politically correct; Covid was a disease with a direct correlation to age and weight. There are no old or fat people in Africa. The average age in Africa is half that of Europe and US. The obesity rate in Africa is also half that of Europe and US.


Sorry buy that's just not true. Africa has PLENTY of fat people. In fact, it's the norm since being fat is seen as a status symbol (because it means you can afford lots of food). In many places most middle aged women are very overweight. It's not all Ethiopian hunger crisis from the 1980s in Africa you know?


Of course Africa has fat people. They have old people also. US and Europe have waaay more. Twice as many per capita. Feel free to look it up, I did. That's how I learned the obesity rate in Ethiopia is 1%, the lowest of any country in the world.


Krassensteins are agents


They don’t do a very good job of it


Incompetence runs deep


I'm skeptical by nature. I question my own ideas and perceptions constantly. The only thing I know about this existence,100%, is nothing is 100%. Anyone who says something is 100% is 100% trying to sell you something. I realize I'm contradicting myself but hopefully you catch my drift. The qualifier being I know I'm full of shit and am willing to acknowledge that.


Wow, I really like the way you worded this and I'm saving it, really hits hard both in general and for certain movements and ideologies. Thanks for sharing!


So... Is he 100% correct..? :)


100% of the time something told the be 100% is not 100%


135% of all statistics are made up on the spot.


Absolutely! ;)


If you say so.... LOL. :P


Absolutely...thanks for the kind words!


Only the sith speak in absolutes... excluding that absolute.


Liars and deceivers who'll never see a day behind bars.


Are the crass brothers the epitome of trash and gas lighting point of views? Dudes are just hot garbage.


This is probably the worst thing you could do to keep consumer trust. It's better to just admit you were wrong than straight-up lie. I can accept a mistake and let you rebuild trust over time. I cant accept a lie. Thats just business suicide


I remember Biden literally force people to take the jab or lose their job and said once you get the jab you wont get covid ever. Few weeks he said that, he get covid.


Take your vit D people!


"nobody ever said that a vaccine against a specific disease prevents you from getting that specific disease!" was fuckin nuts. personally over it though. Don't really blame people for freaking out over it when it was 100% of the news for several years. joke about it now with people who were super zealous about it a few years in the past. hopefully the whole thing ruined trust in the media and in politicians for most people


Submission statement: far too often leftoids like to revise history and chose who gets to be the victim so it helps when you catch them in the act.


"Study shows that covid vaccine is 100% effective in South Africa tests" is not the same as government or vaccine manufacturers saying that the covid vaccine is 100% effective.


Do real people honestly listen to that geek who's clearly just a shill?


Which makes it more fucked up they were forcing people to take it.


Yet….people will still try to convince you that you weren’t forced to do anything.


Yeah the new talking point is "no one ever forced you. Firing you, not letting into restaurants or on panes etc, not letting you attend class... you still had a choice to get the vax or not, so techinically it isn't forcing"


Fauci said social distancing “sort of just appeared” and was not based on science. He admitted forcing vaccine mandates on the public. “It’s been proven that when you make it difficult for people in your life, they lose their ideological bullshit and get vaccinated.”


I suggest to use the word "coerce" next time and to ask them if they can find that word in the Nuremberg Code.


These left wing sociopaths always have the same playbook. They abuse you to try and force conformity, and then lie and play dumb to dodge accountability when it all falls apart. Psychopathic, remorseless abusers. Zero trust, ever again.


Who’s this Ed fella


He and his brother went on a social media blitzkrieg a few years ago to build their brand. They basically commented on every single political post they could find and posted DNC talking points in the 60th percentile of creativity and originality in an attempt to gain a following. They’re basically Brian Tyler Cohen on steroids.


Not sure, but he seems pretty crass


Saved as well


Who are these Krassenstein guys and why do they post 250 - 500 pro-establishment tweets every day? I keep seeing them defending everything from Fetanyl use to pornography. 


# “We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.”“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.” # ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


How did he replied to this comment? Anyone knows?




Yes, I dislike Einstein too.




Fuck you Ed.




Then it’s not a vaccine Ed 🤣


Oh, I would love to go back in time to 2020-2021 era. Such a nice life back then, chilled, so many conspiracies, non stop remote work, playing online during workhours etc.... Food delivery was so cheap... It was like giant vacation for me


It doesn't prove him wrong, he said Safe and Effective. It was 100% effective, 0% safe. Also as the Amish told us, COVID was spread by the media so a vaccine would be correlation not causation.


Joe rogan saved a lot of people back then 🫡


Ed Cuckenstein! What an utter fucking tool that guy is!


"No drug, treatment, or herbal suppliment is 100% safe and effective" Lol. No. Drugs, treatments or herbal suppliments can totally be 100% effective. They can even be *more* than 100% effective. The reason this donut thinks they can't is because he has no idea what this number means. For anyone who doesn't know, it's a measure of relative risk. Let's say there are 2 groups of 1000 people. Group A are given vaccines for some disease, and group B is not. Now let's imagine there is 1 death from the disease in the vaxed group and 2 deaths in the unvaxed group. In this case, the vaccine would be 100% effective. Because 1 is a 100% reduction of 2. It is really that stupid. It's a marketing slogan. Another way to say it is you have to vaccinate 1000 people to save one life. So risk reduction is 1/1000. Or you could say 0.001% effective in terms of absolute risk reduction. But that doesn't sound as good for marketing. They were actually marketing the shots with a number, while relying on people to not to understand the number. I think they made a decision to never exceed 100% simply because then people would acually question what it means.


The amount of gas lighting is hilarious.


can already see the rebuttal, "where does the tweet say 100% safe?"


Ed Krassenstein is not an intelligent human being, have you heard this guy speak? His claims are almost always baseless.


It's very possible to get those numbers by having a small pool and going up against a strain that the vaccine is the best against. Scientist everywhere are most likely calling huge bs on a 100% effective vaccine doesn't matter if you're anti vaccine or not you know they cannot be 100% effective


Dr. SEBI ... rest my case


The US is the least healthiest country in the world. We are fucked.


Well … that’s not true.


This claims are a logical fallacy. If a study finds that vaccine prevented severe cases in 100% of cases it doesn't mean that it always prevents severe cases. It is important to actually read the research papers since the composition of the groups are important. Also even if study encompased samples from every imaginable group (literally impossible) the results would be generalized to entire population but they would almost surely not be identical. Studies are done on SAMPLES. It is something that is often lost when interpretimg tweets like that.


If nothing else, you can at least see that the marketing was absolutely reckless. That and the way they strong-armed people into getting it


They strong armed people because we had a full-blown pandemic? Obviously the betterment of society comes before your petty need to prove to the world that all scientists in the world are wrong and only you know the truth. The entire point of a vaccine is to be less dangerous than the virus itself. If vaccine decreased the risk by twenty percent it would still be better to distribute it than let the virus run its course.


All it supposedly did was provide marginal protection to the person who took it. If it doesn't do jack to stop the spread, then why does anyone need to take it against their will?


Only an absolute fucking numpty is still defending these mrna shots or the way they were forced onto the world’s populace at this point. Js


Okay, since you are so confident then maybe you can explain to me why are the mRNA shots worse than anything else? And what about the Astrazeneca vaccine. It wasn't an mRNA vaccine if I remember correctly? I also believe that vaccinations in general are treated too lightly by the government and I am not ashamed to aay that I would support widening the range of obligatory shots mandated by the government.


The mrna shots are killing/causing all kinds of negative side effects in droves. Never mind that they don’t actually work as intended


Absolutely and when they tested them years ago, all the animals in the trials died. Any gene therapy causes cancer also. Hello turbo cancer..


But it can't? This is not how RNA works. You digest tons if mRNA every day and nothing ever happens.


> You digest tons if mRNA every day and nothing ever happens. Do you also inject it daily, covered by lipid nano-cells so it can reach any place inside your body? If so that would explain al lot...


His statement is false. You don't digest any Mod RNA unless it is purposefully released through a bioweapon program, as Mod RNA doesn't exist in nature. Don't bother arguing with them, they are lost. You are trying to convince the guilty they are guilty. They already know this.


You're probably in favor of everyone getting a turn with your wife too.


No,but I am in favour of: not dying of rabies, my child not getting polio, my grandma not dying of "glorified flu", or in some cases fully healthy teens needing a lung transplant due to extensive damage to the organ. Diseases can be prevented, don't put your pride over humanities achievements. At least not until you throughly research the subject and can prove humanity wrong.


Stay in your house, wear a mask, get your booster, and pass your wife this way.


brawndo has what plants crave.


With a 99% survival rate


Fallacies, lmao anytime someone uses that speak I just know and if ya know ya know and if ya don't then. lol The point is they claimed 100% knowing full well how people take things and I suspect he meant exactly what he said so as to get as many possible shooting that vile brew of God knows what into them.. I am still scared shitless for my family espescially considering some suffered side effects and the damn shiells are still on here shielling it.... THEY WANNA DO THE SAME THING AGAIN WITH BIRD FLU FOR THE ELECTION.... DONT FALL FOR IT ANONS


The bird flu is to cull the food and take away the small farms. There will be another type of flu and they can mandate a vaccine under the flu shots. Biden is now building FEMA camps so that’s where the non compliant will go.


I agree. They want control of cattle and chickens. Chickens because they are the easiest safest way to feed your family. You can feed Darth Schwabs bugs to them along with corn and grass and shit and they will create good food for u.


Rabbits actually kick butt on chickens in that regard and can eat almost any kind of plant matter but they are just too damn cute.


That plus the wombo combo of new water rights laws being passed across the US instantly putting small to medium farmers out of business. They even tried one recently here in Oregon that made you adhere to commercial standards if you sold any of your home garden produce at a farmers market. That one got pulled back for now but happening all over. The end-game seems to be centralized food production.


There’s a pretty famous case in Pennsylvania Amish country, the defendant’s name is Amos Miller and they are trying to put him in jail for selling raw milk and they won’t even let him raise food for his own family, they are getting way out of control here. They also put two other farmers in jail and they sat there for a week without even being charged. Now Biden wants to tag every single animal in the US just like they want to tag us with their social credit system.




Read the research papers??? But…they said not to do our own research? That we should just listen to medical “experts” because we don’t have the capacity to understand research papers.


You’re completely correct. It was a small study where 0% of the vaccinated cohort caught covid. Around the same time another study showed something like 95% efficacy. This post is silly. Unfortunately posts like this are why people don’t trust the vaccine.


No, people don't trust murderers is all


So when a murderer says 2+2=4 that must be a lie. Great logic!


Winston learns, 2+2 doesn't =5. It equals whatever they say at the time.


That’s not how things work.


100% safe and effective comment




Very unkind thing to say


I’ve lost patience for the script everyone runs on this sub, sorry.


Your response doesn't even logically consider my statement. You smell like a bot.


You’re implying that the reality presented by TBTB is whatever they say it is regardless of the truth. Correct?


Please don't put words in my mouth. Also, please don't resort to insults for arguments sake. Unkind behavior.


That’s what the “?” was for. Asking if I was correct. I’m not putting words in your mouth.


Your reading comprehension skills are lacking. 100% effective in the population studied doesn't mean 100% effective.


The earlier tweet doesn’t claim the vaccine is 100% effective. It states that it was 100% effective in preventing Covid in a single sampling in one place.


You're confusing the results of a specific trial - which very well could have been 100% effective - with the statistical prediction for the effectiveness in the general population, for all cases. The first can be 100% but not the second.


Saying a study shows 100% efficacy isn’t the same as saying the vaccine is 100% effective. That shouldn’t have to be said but apparently it does. Please use your brain. Or maybe read the study he linked. Literally the first bullet point is showing that it’s not 100% effective. Third bullet point references the South Africa study. >Analysis of 927 confirmed symptomatic cases of COVID-19 demonstrates BNT162b2 is highly effective with 91.3% vaccine efficacy observed against COVID-19, measured seven days through up to six months after the second dose https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-confirm-high-efficacy-and-no-serious


You’re being obtuse. The messaging was clear and consistent. Yes technically what you’re saying is true but it has no practical bearing on whether or not the idea that they were going to be 100% safe and effective was pushed across the board or not. It was. That’s a fact and this tweet is just one of many recorded statements in support of it.


> You’re being obtuse. The messaging was clear and consistent. So you're only going off of messaging, admitting you're easily manipulated and need it dumbed down for you into messages. Okay.


Recognizing a statement as deceiving is not an admission of being deceived, I wasn't fooled yet every one of my family members/friends/coworkers and big personality on TV seems to not have been as smart as you and I to see that the constant barrage of claims of 100% effectiveness from every angle were not to be taken at face value.


Snap out of it bro lol what are you talking about? Splash some cold water on your face and just try to be logical and reasonable please


The fact that the very beginning of the link says it’s not 100% effective and every other study he tweeted about didn’t show 100% effective immediately disproves that. Lack of reading comprehension of the Twitter audience and people in this thread isn’t an indictment on the tweet author.


Lol cool believe your hallucinated reality we were all there when it was being pushed like crazy, as I said you’re being obtuse - they lied. Which, by the way, should not come as any sort of surprise to anyone given the track record of big pharma.


Then this post should be evidence of lying. It isn’t. “In this study no vaccinated people got covid in South Africa” was a statement of fact.


Lmao. Tell me you're a brainwashed monkey, without telling me you're a brainwashed monkey.


A cool sign that you’re not brainwashed and are capable of understanding nuance is insulting me instead of addressing my point.


Impossible. Your mind is made up. You're defending companies that have a long history of falsifying data. The largest criminal fine in history was given out to Pfizer for doing exactly that. So, what's the point of addressing your claims? You'll ignore the thousands of highly credential people while listening to the people who have a long history of lying to the public about everything.


I’m not defending Pfizer. I’m pointing out how this post is misrepresenting this tweet. I wouldn’t put it past Pfizer to shoot me in the head if it was profitable. I just think people should be honest in their criticism. If you have to lie to make a point maybe rethink your point.


You have a short memory. They started out by saying 100% effective, along with Fauci and the rest of them. Then it went to 95% and so on. They also started out by saying it completely stops transmission, and then later on, they said it reduces symptoms, and so on. There is no misrepresentation. And now people like yourself are pretending they didn't make those claims. There are so many compilations of these claims being made, yet people continue to gaslight everyone that points this out.


Did you memory hole the variants that reduced vaccine effectiveness? Those claims were true at the time. Now they’re not. Doesn’t mean they lied. Diseases don’t remain static. They mutate. Also, like I said them releasing a study showing 100% efficacy isn’t them claiming the vaccine is 100% effective always. Thought that was already clear in the link I posted above.


They did lie. Consistently. I am not going to argue this point since the internet is filled with the evidence.


Evidence like this post? You not understanding something doesn’t make it a lie.


No, I wouldn't constitute this post as evidence.


Why should we even trust any studies cited by Pfizer? They have a history of misleading data: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history


Because they get generally the same results as every other study.


And all those 'every other study' are also paid for by the same people.


The real world also show the same thing. Those stats bought and paid for by Pfizer too? Is there literally anything that would change your mind?


Devils advocate her. They didn't *falsify, they cherry picked the data they paid for and own the rights to. Lol, I guess that's the same thing pretty much, I'm on your side here.


Same thing. Look at what they did in the trials and that data. That's really all the proof you need. This is the same data that Kansas are saying Pfizer over.


I know, still quite happy to be alive after the winter of severe illness and death without a single dose of the wonder juice. Got my whole family of six through on orange juice and sunlight!


Yeah, strange hey. I didn't wear a mask once, didn't social distance, and didn't inject that poison, and somehow I am alive, and not getting ill every couple of months for weeks at a time, or dropping dead out of nowhere, like the people I am surrounded by.


That's me! A few times a week you hear about heat attacks of 30yo influencer or other dead from heart arch or some other loosely tied Vax side effect, at least it wasn't covid that got em.


OP set their standard and failed. Everything else is a separate question.


IT's imp lying it, which is about as bad.




Hey let’s compare statements from before the delta variant, where factually there was >90% efficacy against infection and close to 100% efficacy against severe disease, to after where those numbers dropped significantly. This video would be very effective if I was completely ignorant. Ironic that a video criticizing fear mongering is trying to make me scared of the vaccine lol.


> Hey let’s compare statements from before the delta variant, where factually there was >90% efficacy against infection and close to 100% efficacy against severe disease https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9115787/ >This video would be very effective if I was completely ignorant. Whatnow? >Ironic that a video criticizing fear mongering is trying to make me scared of the vaccine It's not Neither is this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj6-QDVYbv8


Wow ARR is different from RRR. Shocker! Almost like they’re different things. Do you get all your info from short cut YouTube videos with scary editing?


> Wow ARR is different from RRR. You don't say >Shocker! To many yes >Almost like they’re different things. Yes, that is the point >Do you get all your info from short cut YouTube videos with scary editing? Is this is a youtube video? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9115787/ Get your head out of your ass


Wow the same study again. No YouTube links to fear porn again?


I get that it's hard to se anything with your eyes full of shit, but come on. Even you can do better than this


See what? All you’ve added to the conversation is two YouTube links and a study I’ve already seen.


>See what? Your obvious logical fallacies >and a study I’ve already seen. But clearly not understood the implications of >BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNtech) absolute risk reduction: 0.84% So basically none at all And for what? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUZhzMoeHKA https://metatron.substack.com/p/excess-mortality-of-50-year-olds https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/we-now-have-proof-the-covid-vaccines


Jesus fucking Christ when are you people going to wake the fuck up?? You guys are still going on about the fucking vaccine? We get it, politicians lie. Big corporations lie, they cheat, they use us like a cheap resource, we are all owned by the 1%, we are all slaves to a fucked up system and the media is manipulating us all. And yes, WEF, or rather all the industry leaders who go there, are all corrupt and dishonest shells of human beings, they are hungry for power and they will never get enough until we are all sucked dry.. You know who has been screaming that stuff for literal decades, no, centuries? Don't get triggered now, because most of you aren't going to like it: **The fucking left. The god damn socialists.** You know who has been protesting and rioting at WEF since it started? People dressed in black, radical leftists, the people you would call **"antifa terrorists"**. They have been out there every single fucking year, trying to bring hell to those fuckers, the Swiss government has to literally use the military and police from Germany because every year, thousands of leftist activists are going there to try to protest, only to get beaten up by the police and desperately trying to bring attention the event, trying to give them hell, even if most people hate them for it.. You think I'm lying? Google it. Or here, you can find a news report from the year 2001 where you can see "left wing radicals" getting stopped from even reaching Davos in order to demonstrate and then fighting with police: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gqBtZ_OGxM Where were you? Sitting on your little chair, complaining about WEF being a "socialist conspiracy"? You probably didn't even know what it was 5 years ago, now you are an expert? "Uh, but that cannot be, everyone knows socialism is communism and it's evil". So you don't believe anything your government says, but somehow, you have eaten the lie that "capitalism", "free-trade" and neo-liberalism is freedom, and "socialism/antifa" is evil. Why? Because your government told you so? Oh, the media and the government told you that "antifa" are evil terrorists, surely they wouldn't lie and manipulate people because they are a little bit scared of those people getting more numbers, right? Maybe, instead of eating everything up that random people on the internet tell you, try to actually think for yourself a little bit for once? Seriously, you guys need to snap out of it, I thought finally, they are actually starting to figure it out when you guys started to talk about WEF a couple years ago, but you are always so close, yet so far.. It's always some weird cabal or some obscure group. No, it's all just a distraction so you guys won't actually figure out what is going on.. It's "just business", it always has been.. Nobody is really in control, the world is not black and white, good vs evil, it's a bit more complicated than a movie.. Seriously, you guys need to snap out of it and start to figure out that we have the fucking numbers, we just need to put our petty differences aside and unite.. We don't need to even agree on everything.. But we "left wing radicals" cannot stop those fuckers alone, we need your fucking help, we need everyone's help. But instead, you are still getting played like a fiddle, thinking you have figured it all out..


> Jesus fucking Christ when are you people going to wake the fuck up?? Who is this "you people" that you THINK you are addressing? > You guys are still going on about the fucking vaccine? YES, that's what this thread is about - the pernicious lab-made virus and the pernicious "vaccines" that were pimped, promoted and PUSHED on a frightened public because they were supposed to (but did not) work to mitigate the the spread of the **pernicious lab-made virus**. Arguably THE biggest fraud ever unleashed on the planet, and no, people are not likely to **forget** that, and they shouldn't forget, because it will happen again and again -- and pernicious lab-made viruses don't know or care about your political proclivities. **Your comment** veers completely off topic, and tries to shift the discussion into a political/ ideological debate -- WHILE YOU BITCH about others doing exactly that?


Is there a link to Albert’s tweet? Or are we supposed to take Defiant at his word?


Screenshot of a video of a tweet that has obviously been manipulated... seems legit.

