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Apple already spies on you anyway, the Snowden leaks confirmed that.


They say they don’t. But you can be sure if there’s some ‘compelling national security’ reason all your data belong to whatever agency asks


You’re buying their hardware, their os, their ecosystem and its not cheap. Not saying they don’t spy, but they don’t have to get profits from a free service like the rest of the lot


How much?


Think about it like this: Siri is the digital assistant in Apple products, whereas Samsung devices have Bixby and Google. The fact that they can become active by saying, "Hey, Siri" or "Hey, Google" means that, in theory, these digital assistants are basically always active on a sleep level for apps. That means they're always listening. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.




So give in into more gang rape. What is wrong with you? Get rid of Apple and Microsoft products. And learn how to use Linux with Tor/VPN and install a privacy protecting OS on your mobile like Graphene. It's not rocket science. Plenty of tutorials how to do it. Once you know how to do it you can help your friends and family. And everybody will be better off.


I already use Linux. I’m planning to switch to a dumbphone soon. I’m just saying that apple already spies on you anyway because OPs meme seems to imply that they don’t already do that


Creating music in a studio on a Linux PC is pretty much impossible


Then cut those systems from the internet and you are good to go with iOS or Windows. If it connects with the internet it will produce data they will use to kill you sooner rather than later.


The entanglements are so intertwined with our functioning of society - that they can now just show the quiet part out-loud - The Oligarchy don't play. But I am old and tired and have been barking up the surveillance tree for decades - its just that once everyone else has really started to see it - its already too late.


Brave of you to assume apple doesn't spy on you already or any other company


When did I say I assumed that?


The NSA is outside the gates in your diagram. They've already in the gates in real life.


Chat gpt is going to lead to dystopian thought crimes!


I mean yea… ish… I’m more worried about the AI itself than the government though. A chatGPT that is adaptive and learning… that has access to 1.5 billion people 24/7 and can manipulate the content that they consume. We’ve already seen how effective simple advertising algorithms are in societal polarization. I fear this will be much much worse.


The simple counter measure, don’t by anything advertised, assume everything has an agenda. Then troll reddit to learn the truth of things /s ;)


Privacy tech is the shield that protects you from AI. Use it.


#Get on Linux and install a privacy protecting OS like Graphene on your phone. If you don't do it you are endangering yourself and those whom you are communicating with.


Isn’t there a Linux phone? I forget the name of it but it’s hard to get because they’re always sold out. It’s open source. What other options?




Yes! That’s the one I was thinking of


There are a couple of Linux phones by now. Also you can use CalyxOS, DivestOS or GrapheneOS for most smartphones. Anything that doesn't run one of these is 100% surveilled.


What about the open source AI That you could run locally on your computer, not connected to the internet and teach it anything you want.?


This is the answer. Local storage is the more secure option for basically all digital functions. So many complaints about social media and AI basically boil down to "I want the privacy of ownership, but none of the inconvenient responsibility it comes with :( "


Dude they’ve already infested every aspect of technology


Tim Cook and Elon Musk are in a bizarre space death cult. I wouldn't be surprised to learn Sam Altman was in it as well.


Я не знаю как жить уже без чата джипити.


Not maybe, it’s a fact. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/13/openai-adds-former-nsa-chief-to-its-board-paul-nakasone-sam-altman.html


So what? U think at this time apple wouldnt be infested by them already...


All tech is surveillance. They threw the Constitution out and turned on the machine years ago. And the first obvious thing is tech being used against political advesaries. The 'deep state' is inevitable.


Not only for apple, maybe the cia has a openai backdoor to spy any chatgpt account.


lol that's the biggest joke. Like what more could a spy agency love than having devices all running the same OS getting updates at the same time and no more updating their own spyware like Pegasus etc to run on different OS versions like, I don't know, Android.


Butlerian jihad time!