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So you're just gonna dismiss all of MJ's concerts/world tours? The same thing happened globally. Js


MJ was probably in the "club" too


He was in the club.




he was most likely in the club, and when he did try to leave, i believe that’s when they started to do everything in their power to turn everyone against him which lead to them killing him


Yeah him holding the baby over the ledge was very symbolic, almost as a task set up by the elite 


But MJ was actually good enough for that type of fame


I read the [independent.co.uk](http://independent.co.uk) article and it's absolutely bonkers this woman takes her 6 YR OLD daughter to a massive, loud, 60k+ fans T-Swift concert, apparently with great seats and backstage passes due to her journo status....and is shocked when the poor girl is basically catatonic due to overstimulation.....JFC. She even says the girl was passed out and fell out of her chair at one point..... Why would someone broadcast their complete lack of common sense and horrible parenting to the world like that?


My thoughts exactly. I actually couldn’t believe I was reading words a reporter just willingly put out there. I was thinking “well, duh…. She’s 6!”


Taylor Swift is a transgender


Thank youuuu I was thinking she is a mannn for a long time now the fact I see this comment kind of reassures me. I don't really mention it to ppl because as usual people throw the word crazy around


You can find some videos and pics that give it away.


Got specific ones you willing to share or at least lead me to please?


The ones of her dong bouncing around are out there. There was a post on this sub about her..you can find it but the YouTube video is deleted…


I get amnesia after I see the disco biscuits. I can’t remember most shows I’ve been too. But it’s a ketamine band & I’m a bar fly, I like to drink, it’s what I do!


Yeah this really isn't a conspiracy. The phenomenon of having trouble recalling specific details from big momentous events in your life is old and well documented. This is true for concerts for many people, OP is just hearing about it for the first time is all. I don't remember shit from the first time I saw Bob Weir, I was too fucking excited


lol it can’t really be ‘well documented’ if people don’t remember it


Sad, ain’t it. Spend the big bucks to see your fave artist, only to forget the finer details after. Very true for me!


Username checks out. Haven’t seen them since like Bisco 20 years ago and my buddy was puddled with a research chemical.


lol it’s nice to see a fellow biscuits fan here, I am a HUGE disco biscuits fan 🤣


Haven’t listened to them in years omg




LOL at the downvotes for this hahahaha It’s good to have you in the band 🤘🏼




When I was younger I spent a lot of money on shows I no longer remember from going too hard at them. I don’t go to as many shows anymore, but stay relatively sober during them when I do and it’s been a nice change of pace. My memory is still shit so it’s not a full recollection of shows, but it’s not blank spaces at least.


The fake Travis Kelce relationship adds merit to the theory imo. Everything about this woman just seems off. Then there's the possibility that she is the clone of of famous Satanist Anton Lavey's daughter, Zeena. I don't care how crazy it sounds it's a messed up rabbit hole to go down.


Wow I just looked her up and the comparison is eerie


There was another comment here I wanted to respond to but it looks like they deleted their post. I hope they didn't get downvoted to heck just for not agreeing lol. They were polite and seemed to acknowledge the similarities. What I was going to say to them is that the slight differences we see in facial structure could be due to body posture and habits. Zeena looks like she was probably a coke head at least during the 70s and 80s and even I had a change in facial structure after doing that shit for a while. I think that Taylor is a bit more symetrical from being coached, Zeena was probably a slouch. I was actually able to regain some of my shape from mewing and correcting my posture these last few years and the differences are kind of like what you would expect on a before and after picture comparing Taylor and Zeena. I'm not sure if this makes sense out loud but it does in my head. I am now realizing that it's alarming how much a lifetime of good/bad posture can make a difference.


https://www.vice.com/en/article/yv53ex/beelzebubs-daughter-0000175-v19n4 Interesting interview with Zeena who describes her father as a conman who basically invented the *CoS* and seems to have distanced herself from the childhood trauma resulting from that upbringing.


Taylor has had a lot of plastic surgery during her years, subtly but lots of work done on her eyes, for example.


Pretty sure she has the same issue as Miley Cyrus. Cannot close her mouth because of work done.


I agree with you. They are obviously not the same person, but they have very similar features. To claim they are clones is just ridiculous.


That's not what I said, I think you misunderstood, I was implying the opposite. I believe the theory to be worth entertaining and my posts in this thread are in support of her possibly being a clone of Zeena.


Lol, mewing.


Meanwhile, 'Anton Lavey' is killing it right now in his new role: Andrew Tate. Really has grown into the character in the past couple years.


Very interesting take. Could you elaborate more? Andrew seems like controlled "opposition"


Around the time that his whole "arrest" thing in Romania was going on, there was a clip that went around of Tate. I forget who he was addressing, someone from the govt or intelligence, but as he was chastising the people who apparently got him locked up, he says directly into the camera the literal words, "I could have been controlled opposition for you!" Yea, IMO he's CO at the very least. I think his pops worked for the See Eye Ayy, maybe that's just a rumor. Still, hard to find anyone out there amongst "public figures" who doesn't have a role in the show. So I believe it. He's part of the Red Pill/MGTOW psyop, just like Strauss was. Far as him being Anton Lavey....obviously not something that could be proven necessarily, but they share a resemblance, their names are similar, and they both espouse the "do as thou wilt" ethos. This world is fucking mad, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were just one in the same. That's like the Level Four conspiracy theories that go into the supernataural and spiritual realm. In the Level Three "global conspiracies" though, my verdict is CO. He's an *excellent* actor, however. Could have easily fooled me like 10 years ago.


The Tate motto of selling training classes to men, who then sell training classes to other men, is a pyramid scheme, as clear as possible to see.


Or they just look like each other….. I mean there are similarities but it ain’t that crazy…. I can name multiple celebrities I would look like. The bar I always go to the waitster there looks like Bella hadid like 1:1, face and body. She just a normal girl (could be a model tho)


Why do you think the relationship with Travis Kelce is fake?


Pretty much all of her public relationships have been fake. They also both make money off this relationship. She needs material for more albums and constant attention she can pretend she doesn’t like and he’s obviously extremely fame hungry. He got a huge deal with Pfizer promoting the vaccine recently, is going to host a new game show soon. Oh and years ago he had a reality dating show. Even if you think there can’t be anything in it for them to fake bc they’re already so rich and powerful, it’s never enough for people like them. They always want more money and more attention


I dunno man if I was in a relationship with Travis Kelce I certainly wouldn't be faking it. I don't care how much money/fame you have everyone wants some companionship deep down.


I don’t think famous people think like that. Everything is PR and how do we use this to generate more money and attention and press. They basically live fake lives to show us and we usually have no idea what they’re actually like or what they care about


Oh yeah, my bf and I laugh at her and her fake bf all the time! We also call her Taylor Lavey (or Zeena Swift). I remember being in elementary school in the country era of TSwift, kids sang “Love Story” at almost every single talent show I can remember. Now I’m 24, and seeing the evolution of this psyop has actually been insane, and the indoctrination of hundreds of thousands of women old and young. It’s terrifying. She has sooooo much influence over women and others people don’t even realize. All she needs to do is say vote Biden and the majority of voting women in America would 😭 Edit: Timeline was whack


in the early 2000s? i don’t understand why people like to exaggerate timelines plus you would have been 4 or 5 in the latest of the early 2000s.


You’re right lol, I totally meant early 2010s but just blanked it


>All she needs to do is say vote Biden and the majority of voting women in America would 😭 Imagine voting for Biden because of something Taylor swift said instead of actually voting for Biden because republicans don’t have a very favorable policy towards women and their healthcare


A friend of mine votes Republican because it's Republican. He doesn't put any further thought into it. He decided he was Republican years ago and just straight votes that, doesn't matter what they say or do, he votes solid red. I don't think it would be much of a stretch to say that if Taylor said to vote any particular way, a significant portion of her fan base would blindly follow. I get the impression that a large percentage of the population doesn't want to think, they just want to be told what to do, they just want someone to follow and to make choices for them.


Lavey was a fake


The two only looked alike when they wore the same hairstyle with red lipstick at about the same age. In pics when Taylor was younger with different hair and pink lips and when Zeena is older with different hair and lipstick you can see they don’t look alike at all. Different bone structure and mouth shape.


She looks quite a bit like her.


So, it's been, what, 18 years since she released her first single. Can we really not think of any other pop stars who have managed to stay relevant that long? Michael Jackson released "Dangerous" 18 years after his first solo album and it was the best selling album of the year.


But Michael had more talent in his pinky toe than Swift ever had or has, so that might be a slight factor regarding the popularity of his "Dangerous" album...


She makes catchy songs about the same shit over and over. Has captured the interest of fans for multiple decades. Idk 🤷‍♂️


My husband says the same thing, that her songs are all the same.


Nah, shit just sucks and she’s the current “Colosseum” to distract the masses.


Pop star is popular....seems suspicious 🤔


Biggest pop star in the world has a squadron of marketers pushing the media to talk about her. Not exactly a precedent for this scale of media push, but not exactly that surprising, or hard to figure out.


[bingo. here’s how it works](https://youtu.be/rIK-q6JoOeU?si=7_Z0GsPn3yn-HtI5)


Exactly. Just because you don’t like or relate to her music, doesn’t mean that millions of women, girls, and gays don’t. We were/are swifties because of her music and lyrics, not because of the lights at the concert. And she’s hasn’t brainwashed me to do anything but heal from past trauma. This theory is a big swing and a miss.


Pretty sure alot of the mainstream artists have been popular for decades each generation, madonna, beyonce, rihanna, mariyah carey, whitney houston etc etc >She wasnt selling out world tours then, but is now? Yeah imagine going from not selling tours to.. selling tours?


She is no doubt controlled and has handlers her job is to distract or entertainment. Do you really think with her billions of swifties & influence she is allowed to speak her mind? Eh no..


Only question is how did they get to her? I’m guessing they slowly sat her down and made her feel super important and now she’s a willing participant, rather than the usual compromise and blackmail formula


Her parents are probably her handlers imo, so no one "got to" her, they had her all along. iirc her father was a fairly high level banker, and the parents spent tons of time and money grooming her into this role, including relocating the whole family to Nashville when they felt that would boost her career. ETA: and instant downvote, lol! Angry swifty or bot? 🤣


The downbots are out in force on this thread lol


Usually you offer them fame and in return they have to sacrifice someone like a family member. Canada’s PM sacrificed his brother as an example.




It gets weirder with the faked media to do with meeting Prince William and the kids.


nice av!


Damn I gotta go find this video. I distinctly remember that when the Super Bowl was coming up and her and Kelce were getting called out for being part of a psyop, there was a clip of someone from intelligence admitting, on the public record in court, that they had "considered" using Swift as an asset. I say that she already is an asset, at the bare minimum.


Don't forget on 4/19/2024 max azzarello lit himself on fire and spread pamphlets on the ground talking about the incoming great reset and new world order This same day on 4/19/2024 Taylor Swift releases her new album with the song "imgonnagetyouback" and includes lyrics that say "Push the reset button, we're becoming something new" This album also feature other strange songs like "The Prophecy" or "How did it End"


This is true. Find it. It’s very real.


I think she's been replaced after "shake it off" or 1-2 years later. Years later this song came out and she looked very different. "I'm sorry But the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now Why? Oh, 'cause she's dead (oh)" Look what you made me do - Taylor Swift It's like Sasha Fierce, the alter ego/demonic posession from Beyoncé. She once said that she becomes a different person on stage. We've seen it worldwide at the Super Bowl 2013.


shake it off came out when she was actually deep in the throws of an ED. she looked drastically different in a better way once she recovered and put on weight.


Avril Lavigne comes to mind


Yes! I think no one in Hollywood is real. Maybe at start but they're all replaced. If they're not replaced 1:1 then they have different versions or clones. "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts." This Shakespeare quote summarises how individuals go about their daily lives, interacting with one another. Actors are acting. I don't know if Shakespeare was a real person but if he was real, he was one of "them". Maybe the writings were from different ghostwriter or whatever.


Dave Chappelle too


i don’t mean for this to come across as a dumb question, but what do you think happens to the original them when they are replaced? also what are they replaced with? like we are made of bones and flesh, what are the clones made of? i’m interested to hear opinions


At first I do think that they are all mindcontrolled. I do think that if you reach a certain level of success, that you'll get the see the show behind the curtain. You'll get the chance to get everything but you have to do everything they say / or your mentor says (who has his orders from "above"). You have to choose the side of them or against it. If you choose against, then you'll be replaced (killed) with a clone or your career ends at this point. If the celeb is not killed than he's mind controlled to a point where you won't come out. This mostly happens with an open ceremony like bleaching your hair blonde out of nowhere e.g. eminem/kanye and women mostly have a miscarriage, dragged through mudd in the celeb news, psychic problems or going to rehab. If you go with "them", you have to sacrifice everthying and give your live, soul and those of your loved ones in their hands, so they're in control. I.e. some #1 picks in the nba lost their cousin or s.o. else in the draft night. Some footballers loose their father or mother in the early stage of their career. Some celebrities loose their first kid..i.e. like drowning in a pool. I do think that there is no chance of saying no. They controll everything and there is no real choice. This is too complex to point out. Once you see behind the curtain it just clicks because puppets and puppet masters just make sense.


omg i totally agree with everything you said!! i’m not a very good explainer but you just put everything i was thinking into words! i went through a short period of psychosis last year and i thought that was the reason i was starting to go crazy and thinking these thoughts, but the more like minded people the better i feel.


Apparently, there's an underground world that contains the unimaginable and that's where the original celebrities go to. Clones have everything we have, except a soul.


an underground world? that’s interesting. so the clones are man made? or were they born human like us? if they were maybe some of the millions of babies trafficked every year are used for this? or maybe the trafficked get sent to the underground world for any other reason? i might be reaching here but my brain is spiralling i can’t stop thinking 😅


How do they clone people maybe 20+ years before they become stars ? How does a 22 year old Taylor clone exist before she's conquered the world ? Is there a Harry Styles clone, cloned in Hampstead 20 years ago just in the minute chance the original Harry Styles becomes a star in a future 20 years ? Why are there no Marvin Gaye or John Lennon clones as well ? Or an Elvis etc... Lmfao.


I do think that you can clone them to every age you want. They are not born naturally. They are not 100% 1:1 looking. Old forbidden german books since WWII prove this in their "Rassenlehre" I do think you don't even get a chance to become a celeb if you either are born in their bloodline or obey them. No one knows that there is no Elvis clone or Marvin gaye. Maybe they have the technology since thousands of years, maybe since the 90s. You can't compare today with the 50s/60s/70s/80s/90s or even 2000s. Television was at the beginning and I'm sure no one could tell the difference between the "real" Elvis and a fake Elvis if you haven't seen him every day. I think they have the technology for nearly everything but disclosed.


And Eminem...I swear that is NOT the same guy now as in the slim shady times.


She had plastic surgery to make her eyes more open. A very subtle upper bleph she did not disclose to the public. She’s not a different person.


Now this is a conspiracy theory with some teeth and creativity. Good job OP. Please continue to follow and update on this.


my thoughts after reading the first linked article is, why on earth would any parent stay at the concert when their kid keeps passing out? after she gave her water and she fell asleep again why would she even stay at the concert?


For the other kid


Taylor Swift was extremely popular 10 years ago lol


It’s called a 3 hour show. I’ve seen other acts do long shows and I forget half the concert. Drinking helps.


Cruel summer is the most popular Swift song originally released in 2019 and released as a single last year


She was getting ready to do Lover Fest when Covid hit. She cancelled that and ended up creating the Eras Tour after Covid settled to make for the lost few years. Music tours are insane right now no matter who the artist is. Taylor was big before and only blew up even more for Eras. The shit yall come up with is laughable. No one tries in this sub anymore.


I wouldn't say I've been to a lot of concerts, but I've attended my share. The strange thing is, I remember almost nothing from them. Maybe I remember my vantage point, maybe one thing especially memorable, but more likely I remember something connected to it, not the performance itself. For example, talking to someone I met there, getting there or back, sneaking in when I didn't have tickets, seeing one of the band drive up, stuff like that. That's one reason why I don't clamor to go to concerts anymore; the memories fade almost instantly. And, no, I don't drink or take drugs at all. I mentioned this to some friends who are avid concert goers who spend big bucks on VIP packages and fly all over to see their favorite bands. They thought I was nuts; they remember almost everything.


Same here. I cannot for the life of me name the songs sung. I don't forget the big stuff though... I've seen my favourite artist, Morrissey, 5 times and can hardly recall anything set list wise.. I remember getting able to touch him at one show, making out with a girl at another, annoying getting grinded on when I did want to pay attention to the show, and other moments. But the songs he sang or what he said on stage? I can't recall it if my life depended on me


I wonder if maybe some people who live for live music post reports in their favorite forums the next day when things are fresh in their mind. And they reread them and discuss them often, which reinforces the memories.


Taylor has always been selling out world tours.


She has a good PR team and marketinf strategy to always stay relevant. There's hype when she releases an album.


I've never been to any of her concerts, and I absolutely have no plan to ever, but from what I've seen so far, a little amnesia after dropping that much cash for some shit-show, is needed.


Scary... I wonder if Beyonce fans experienced the same... looks like she's had a lot of flashing lights and giant spirals too...


As someone who went to the renaissance tour… didn’t experience this but did find the interludes weird as hell


What happened?


Among other things, a really long video of a hypnosis spiral with text that read “whoever controls the media controls the mind”


yikes! was it related to a song?


As a chiefs fan I can tell you that her relationship with Kelce is legit. Maybe she went out with him at first because of the public videos and support encouraging her to give him a chance but then she actually fell for him. The NFL is 100% using it to their advantage though. Also Taylor Swift just has a really fucking good PR team. She stays behind the line of controversial topics now. She was popular with the millennials when she first got big and now has the kid/tweens fan base listening to her music …so basically 4yr olds-40 year olds is her fan base plus the parents of all those kids. Theres not a whole lot of pop stars that have that wide range of age fan base I don’t think.


Lmao so you're some kind of insider "as a chiefs fan?"


No but I've been following Kelce for a long time throughout his career so I was just giving some insight from someone who has a good sense of his character.


You all make conspiracies about anything.


This post is insipid.


All's I know about Taylor is my daughter loves her music and is happier and more confident in herself since she started listening to her music. Mind you she also loves songs from queen, guns n roses, Nirvana, Eminem, Rhiannon, ed Sheeran, spice girls, Linkin park, Tupac, Notorious BIG, Ice Cube, Snoop Dog and Aqua She's very well rounded and down to earth. Eta: she also is the type that wears bright pink and sparkly combat boots with dresses and skirts.


“Brainwashed with whatever is going on at these concerts.” Lol, dancing, singing, & lots of joy and happiness.


There's a cartoon from 1994 called "Phantom 2040" that features a girl that performs pop music on stage named Vain Gloria who we first meet in season 1, episode 5. During her concert, Vain Gloria uses special mirrors (attched to her outfit) to almost hypnotize or brainwash the crowd using "wavelengths that correspond to light at frequencies matching waking brain activity". If you look at Vain Glorias outfit and the scenes where shes projected on the stage to make it look like theirs several of her performing, Taylor Swift has a similar looking outfit and moment (I think its part of the "Lovers" era) in the Eras Tour. It's a little creepy when you see a side-by-side comparison and consider the whole hypnosis thing Also, this cartoon takes place in the year 2040, but they're constantly flashing back to july 20th, 2024 when a train carrying toxic chemicals crashed at Grand Central Station in NYC, causing devastating and irreversible damage to the environment. So umm, watch out for that!


Can we have a link to the side by side?


So weird. I was just wondering about this over the past couple of days- personally I couldn’t place a Taylor Swift song and couldn’t understand what all the fuss was about- so I watched a few videos yesterday. I mean… whaaaat is the hype?? This woman is allegedly worth 1.4 billion dollars, and she cannot sing, cannot dance and isn’t especially charismatic- her songs are like shitty elevator music- I don’t get it?! I actually said to someone today, I wonder if they’re using hypnotic suggestion embedded in her music because I fail to understand her mass popularity?! Those articles are interesting and they do support the assertion that something fucky is going on. Her fans are like a rabid cult and happily spend thousands on concerts and merchandise- it’s genuinely weird.




I’m actually really familiar with hypnosis and subliminal stimuli (wrote my dissertation on it)- I’ve no doubt that they’ve more than perfected these techniques at this point, and employ them through the vehicle of ‘popular music’ and other mass media channels. I’ve read a lot about ‘brainwashing’, MKUltra etc., and I’m sure that the information publicly available barely scratches the surface- those fans behave like crazed cult members. I thought the same throughout covid- people were acting as though they’d been completely brainwashed, their behaviour defied logic. I wondered if they were using sophisticated hypnotic technology back then, and that it hadn’t affected me as I don’t watch television. Very strange, for sure.


I watched a lot of TV & was online a ton during covid and I do feel like I was brainwashed. I kept a diary, I was paranoid and going crazy. I don’t even recognize myself thinking back to it


I wanna read your dissertation


Ha! It was written over 20 years ago now, I can tell you that they don’t teach you much about this stuff on a mainstream psych degree, nor do you find much of interest in journal articles. I’d say that I’ve learned far, far more in the years since through independent research.


To understand her music is one thing, but to understand her as a phenomenon you have to understand her visual appeal ...from the fashion that she wears to the hypnotic videos that are heavily saturated and rotated. Marketing is Majik


People actually believe stuff like this? Seems bonkers to me. But maybe I’ve been to too many concerts…


Yeah the comments here are wild. Taylor Swift was extremely popular like a decade ago too. She just had rich parents.


It seems that anyone with big success is dreamed evil or replaced. Or under control. It sometimes feels like childish envy or just someone to blame for your life not going as you want, and then blaming all the big evil entities. They basically say; “We have no chance at making a difference because celebrities are brainwashing people at concerts” and then often using bad movie science to describe brainwashing.


The Tswift is a 4 chaner theory is a good read.


I’m a 30yr male with a Led Zeppelin tattoo on my arm. They were pretty much all I listened to for about 3 years from 15 to 18. Love every album, from 1-6 doesn’t have a bad song. Then it was Bob Dylan for me, his writing blew me away. “Darkness at the break of noon. Shadows even the silver spoon. The handmade blade the child’s balloon. Eclipses both the sun and moon. To understand you know too soon. There is no sense in trying.” Again, I went through a similar phase with Dylan where I was completely obsessed and he was all I listened to for years. I started reading poetry and great literature. I read Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets. Started to appreciate witty and unique writing styles. Honestly, she’s just a damn good writer. Its actually quite amazing that someone can continually write about the same themes and yet write about them uniquely from a fresh perspective every time. I sincerely don’t think I’m brainwashed. I’ve just listened to her entire catalog think she’s unbelievably musically talented and gifted as a writer. I’m not comparing her to Shakespeare or Dylan, obviously. But the simple answer to the scenario you’ve presented is less likely a unconscious physic phenomenon on a wide sociological scale and more an unconscious recognition of a rare talent. Art, however frivolous it appears to the untrained ear, always gets placed on an alter that seems disproportionate to its value. Go look at girls faint at the sight of the Beatles during their first tour in America. Go watch old videos of girls and boys bawling and screaming at the sight of MJ.


It's kind of funny that you'd quote the same exact line of "It's All Right Ma" that Dylan did when he alluded to making a deal with "the chief commander of this world and the world we can't see" (maybe not his exact words but he said something very similar) in that one interview.


It’s kinda ironic, I’ll give you that but it’s probably just because it’s the first line of the song. That whole song is just an absolute whirlwind of unconscious flow. Every line in that song is poetic gold. I think the people who take Dylan for gospel in interviews aren’t aware of the fact that some of his most iconic work is about about playing on the media’s/the general public’s perception of him. He was a troll before anyone knew what a troll was. If you go watch some of his early interviews this is beyond clear. Listen to the song Ballad of a Thin Man if you want to at least try to comprehend Dylan’s relationship with the media. Guaranteed you’ll still be left wondering what the hell his angle is. Point is, you can somehow never quite place any definitive bets on Dylan. If you’ve listened to his work, or him speak in any public fashion over the years, this is evident. He’s an enigma in the public’s mind and the bastard knows it too.


"Anything not right wing is deepstate mk ultra"


Was thinking this the other day...I can't name any of her other songs...and like you say...solo acts shouldn't have this staying power without changing their image...where's Adele, Rhianna, Katy Perry, Gaga, Billie E? What is the difference that makes this chick so different?


They're doing a Vegas residency, haven't released music in a decade, haven't released good music in a decade, working on movies more than music and doing their own world tour, in that order.


Lmao you admittedly don’t know what you’re talking about so assume a conspiracy… the classic


There isnt a difference. People experience this at all sorts of events. They are just writing about it in association with Taylor Swift because her name gets clicks. That's all.


>I can't name any of her other songs That sounds like a "you" problem.


Doesn't sound like a problem at all to be fair


Yeah. But in the context of trying to use it as some argument for her popularity not being natural because you don't personally happen to know the name of her songs, it is just a "you" problem.


I got that, it was a play on words.




Cardigan of all songs 😭😭




I have cats. Does that mean I’m a witch, Greg?




Well if you ve read ‘Weird Scenes inside the Canyon’ about the 1960s rock scene and the intelligence operations running then. We’d be fools to think they aren’t running similar Ops with todays ‘popular’ stars Music in general these days isn’t even tuned to proper 432 Hz - the frequencies that are popular are definitely intended to brain wash


I’m wondering if her political leanings are going to be an issue again as they were at the last elections … and this time she has this massive legion of people of voting age who would likely do whatever she says to do. Which in my humble opinion… isn’t exactly what a pop star should be focusing on … 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have a lot to say about Taylor Swift. She's as deep as deep state gets.


Let's hear it!


These kids are young. Very young. These kinda of shows are way too much to handle for most. My older brother has always loved U2. We have seen most tours and he sometimes goes to a few shows on a tour depending on schedule. We took my nephew when he was 7, Bono was always his favorite and he would sing the songs and wear his little blue bono glasses 👓 I actually snuck in glow sticks in my pants leg so he’d have something fun to distract him with (almost got caught but made it through and still laugh at all the things I have snuck in to other concerts). While it was daylight and the opener played, he mostly was awestruck & people watching from our seats. He’s 21 now (this was 14 years ago) and they had this massive claw like stage setup. Truly over the top like U2 has always been with stage design. Long intermission between opening acts and U2. By now it was pretty dark and we’re inside of massive Soldier Field. By the time U2 came out, the crowd went wild, it got so loud and he was so freaked out, all he could do was start to cry. We all felt badly knowing right then he was too young for this much spectacle. Thankfully the crowds at U2 are older and pretty chill and everyone around was giving him a high five and trying to show him love. I busted out the glow sticks and those really helped to distract him and keep him zoning in on something closer to enjoy. He relaxed enough that we stayed for most of the show. It was still very overwhelming with the entire show, the energy, the stage, lighting, the sounds, etc. Thankfully we brought him to Joshua Tree Tour when he was in HS and by then he was totally used to this kind of atmosphere and he loved it. So while I do think they are using mind-control in loads of modern music, especially an artist if her power, I also think many of these children are just too young to handle let alone appreciate this kind of environment. And the mother/writer is clueless to expect her daughter to not behave in this exact manner. What a twat!


Once she moved to NYC things got very weird and her trajectory changed. There are forces supporting her we don't know about and she is absolutely involved in some evil shit.


I just want to know what the agenda for her is…they’re keeping her famous for a reason but why


She's keeping herself famous because of money. That's the big conspiracy. She craves fame and money. And will never have enough of it, so she's squeezing what she can while she can.  And her name currently makes money for other people too. It's no big plan to sacrifice a bunch of children or summon demons. It's just about making money. 


Easy, payola. That’s why she’s everywhere


She is a witch lets move on


Meh idk. Ill give this time and read up on the zeena thing but… I think its more shes just had staying power because her music matured as her audience did


Rolling Stones are playing sold out arenas 50 years after their best albums. Same with McCartney, Billy Joel, Stevie Nicks. Weird fucking post


Jesus christ this is dumb


Taylor is a man.


That times article is such a clear cover up hoping to quell any concerns of concert goers if they were to google their experience of memory lapse, citing multiple people were over excited says the certified to the nines psychologist who nobody will look into.


She or her family must be part of the important people club. People seem to think her retaining ownership of her music was because ShE WAs sO SmARt. As if every other song writer that ever tried was just too stupid to do it or something. The truth is she was ALLOWED to retain ownership of her music from the get go. So the question I have is, What made her so special that SHE was allowed?


I feel like I get amnesia after every concert lol


I have general post concert amnesia with my favourite artists. I can tell you all the shows I've been to but I couldn't for the life of me tell you the set list of songs played that night




She was country right? I forget. All a blur of the Bieber era, after the gross boy band era, lotta crappy music for lotta years. Regular radio makes my brain wince, then the ads start…




I guess then this project is not working on me because I find her music pretty boring now


Pet Shop boys copycat.


Everyone watches concerts through their phones as they record them. They’re removed from the experience


She is probably a he. Why else? Most entertainers that are big stars are. Do some deep dives and not on Google.


The Beatles?


Taylor Swift is a man or at least transgender and now I just can't unsee it anymore. I wrote it on an app called whisper and it got onto the popular page I feel that could have been on purpose. Cos there was a lot of hate for the comment but some agreed but most just called me names... Meh


She's nowhere, then she's everywhere. In my FB feed, press, TV, everywhere. She gets dissed by everyone for writing the same song a hundred times (Coldplay anyone??) and being a "look at me I know I'm pretty". So why is she getting this massive exposure so long after her last hit??


Parents and grandparents only go because their kids/grandkids like her.  She’s not mkultra. 

