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What gets me is how canola oil and sucralose is in everything, you can’t escape it.


its not easy but start shopping the perimeter of the grocery store, read every label, put back anything with seed oils...aspartame...sucralose etc....within weeks you will start feeling better..you will provably lose a few pounds without even trying...plus saves money...


And glyphosate (roundup in anything made with flour). Kills good gut flora


Why the perimeter specifically?


oh just a good rule of thumb...most grocery stores are set up w fresh foods/meats being on perimeter of stpre..easier serup of refrigeration equipment..inner aiseles wull mostly contain processee foods...there are exceptions like cheese, rice, olive oils...still have to read labels..bacon gor example can be loaded w nitrates znd other chemicals i cant prinounce or spell..


Agree. Most of the good stuff is around the outside. Even better is a farmer's market and local farms. The only oils that should be in the pantry are olive, avocado, coconut and ghee. Sesame and walnut are also ok. NO canola, crisco, any seed oils, sunflower, safflower, palm, any of that crap. Also a good idea to stay away from anything with "natural flavors", food colorings, preservatives, fructose or artificial sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose, acelsulfame anything. They screw up hormones and promote fat storage besides disrupting the endocrine system.


Truth! Take this vote!


Palm oil too


Palm oil is perfectly healthy. The problem is that it is destructive to the environment as currently processed.


Find the closest co-op or bulk food seller (or Amazon), and start ordering from there. It sucks that we've been baited into a world dependent upon quick cooking and now have to bear the burdens of both a) busy culture and b) slow foods, but we simply have to do so. Barley, lentils, good olive and coconut oils, cheeses and meats from small local sellers - it is possible.


Same reason RFK jr. wasn't on the debate stage. The deep state wants it that way, they want to poison the children and make them weak and controllable, destroy the health and destory the health of society. It's sad to watch children growing up today and what they might never experience as what we experienced. As for what "vaccines" you refer to nothing should be taken anymore since the graphene oxide and spike proteins are being put into all of them.


Another post on this page stated that Americans are lazy and aren’t going to fight for their rights until it’s too late. No wonder Americans are lazy. We have foods that’s make us feel like shit all the time and like someone else stated, we cannot escape it here!!


I mean you said it yourself. They want us weak and reliant. Big Pharma doesn't make money on us if we're healthy


They also don't make any money if we're all dead. So the people screaming 'they're trying to kill us all with poison' are wrong. They're trying to keep us all sick 🫠


Their end goal is to kill us. "Useless eaters"


Who is going to do their slave labor then?


Drones or Tube grown unisex mindless husks.


They're not close enough to that yet. Soon though for fckn sure ..it just depends on the job too.


I was referring to big pharma. If we're all dead, they don't make money. Keeping us sick is how they do that.


Patient cured is a customer lost.


This Also, the flu vaccine still has mercury literally thanks to Anthony Fauci, no joke, he testified to Congress telling them to keep it in. Also they contain aluminum


All the vaccines are toxics..


Funny how his private debate was 10x more coherent than the CNN one. If they weren't scared of him they would have let him on the stage


You think he’s not deep state? Cute.  The three geriatrics are all of the same coin 


You see RFK Jr interview with Dr Phil?


Is it good? I have a negative bias to Dr.Phil but I should probably get over that.


Very good, he also did one with Trump and he made this map where China was buying up all this land around our strategic military sites and asked him what he’s going to do about it.


oh damn. I’ll open my mind up and give him a chance. Thank you.


I don't know if it's become more common. It was much less known about before the 1990s and likely many people who had some form of it were never diagnosed because no one really understood it. Back then people were just odd or weird or hyperactive or whatever. Vaccines are being studied, and have been studied for decades.


Lookup the relationship between the ingredients in Roundup and how wheat farmers use the product before harvest…


Here's HPV tested vs. saline placebo: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17484215/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17484215/) Here's Covid (Pfizer) vaccine vs. saline placebo: [https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2034577](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2034577) Here's polio, 1954, vs saline placebo: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1622939/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1622939/) So, autism and allergies are becoming more common, and you know what is ALSO---suspiciously---more common than 40 years ago? >>Central air conditioning. << That's the same level of evidence that you've got for vaccines causing these problems. Maybe it's all that freon leaking out into our environment. 🤷Prove me wrong.


People also claim autism is getting more prevalent without even understanding the spectrum and the gradual broadening of it leading to more widespread diagnoses 🙄


That’s true. And I know some older folks that I think have gotten through life undiagnosed.


My middle kid was diagnosed at age 11, I was diagnosed a few years after him and after genetic testing, we now know that my mom and dad also are level 1, my husband, sil and mil are ADHD. It's highly genetic based so it really is a lottery if you get it or not: we have 3 kids, oldest got attention deficit only, middle is autistic level 1 and baby is most likely in the ADHD spectrum (he's 16 months old, being monitored by his paediatrician as one can't get diagnosed officialy before 24 or 36 months). My psychiatrist told us it really is normal that neurodivergent people feel attracted to other neurodivergents and so we pass our genes and the probability of the Offspring getting it is high. Also in our country it was really unheard of before the early 00s some kind of diagnosis of autism or even ADHD.


pharmabots out in force using the bot phrase 'it's a spectrum' to discount all the kids who are fucked up these days compared to 40 years ago.


no, i am not saying that. i work with individuals with autism and have a master's degree in a related field, and i am just saying a big reason for the recent rise in diagnoses has to do directly with the spectrum being broadened. I encourage you to do some research on this, it is really pretty simple. I am not saying that is the only cause.


THANK YOU. This sub has been going downhill:(


A newborn infant that has only had its little body exposed to the outside world for barely 12 hours is injected with multiple doses of heavy metals in an attempt to stimulate its immune system and you’re comparing that with air conditioning?


Dunno what country you're in but my two kids had vitamin k at birth as a foot scrape and that was it. Their first round of immunisations didn't happen until well after the 6 month mark.


In Australia babies receive a hep B vaccine at birth.


So do american babys, this guys either lying or is unaware.


Yeah in the USA they give hep B and RSV. As soon as the baby comes out. Hep B is extra stupid to give because the mother is tested for it before giving birth and only risky sex and drug use transmits it. Nothing a baby would be doing. Vitamin K is probably fine.


The vitamin K helps promote blood clotting in newborns and prevents hemorrhagic disease of newborns.


In the U.S. the vaccine schedule begins at birth.


in most of the industrialized world, sadly not just the us anymore. they suckered everyone to give their baby a vaccine for a disease you get from sharing dirty needles or having unprotected sex with a junkie.


If you are american either you are unaware or you’re lying, but theres numerous vax’s given in the first day-2 months. (Let alone the first 6 months) https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/child-adolescent.html


Sure. A baby is born in an air-conditioned hospital, and is transported by air-conditioned car to an air-conditioned house, and raised in an air-conditioned culture. This never used to happen 50, 60 years ago. Look up how much freon is in or atmosphere, in PPM. And then look up whether autism is more frequently diagnosed in kids who are born during the hot months of the year. ☀️(And...I have no idea what you'll find on either of those questions...but the correlation is at least as good as the argument against vaccines 🤷‍♀️) You should be aware that the most common way to get Hep B, worldwide, is from an infected mother at birth. So IF you find any evidence against that vaccine, you should at least weigh it against the real, documented risk, which is the reason for the vaccine. Hep B is one dose at birth, not "multiple" within 12 hours. And it does not contain heavy metals, but go on.




Even better! Because Thimerosal was demonized until it was taken out of kiddie vaccines in about 2001, right? But the anti-vax conspiracy movement just switched to ALUMINUM. So I maintain that Puron, or whatever hydrofluorocarbon they're using now, is causing autism. In fact, I think that just keeping your brain an average of 1 degree cooler during early childhood, has made you autistic. Checkmate. 😎


I’m using vaccines as one example of a substance given very early on in life that adds to this tiny infants toxic load. Pregnant mothers also get vaccinated did you know that? They are also given an IV antibiotic during labour if they are positive for strep B. They are also advised to take synthetic prenatal vitamins throughout the pregnancy, they are more likely to use sunscreen, beauty products, hair dye, avoid the sun, under eat animal protein, eat more ultra processed foods, gain excessive weight, take antidepressants, not exercise, be deficient in iron, omega 3, B12 and vit D. On top of all this, the infant inherits the mothers gut bacteria and mitochondria. Whatever damage this women’s eggs have endured over her life, the baby will suffer. THIS is all before the poor baby is even born!!!


>I’m using vaccines as one example of a substance given very early on in life I've got another example for you: Group B Strep kills babies. It causes meningitis. And when newborns get Hep B, they are much more likely to develop chronic disease or die of it, than an older person might. So if you're concerned about hair dye, then don't use it 🤷‍♀️because there is no health benefit or risk reduction. But if you are positive for Group B Strep during pregnancy, then take the risk of the antibiotic, for crying out loud.


The government and pharma are known to use paid actors and bots to stifle discussion, which is always a sign the discussion is important. Hep B is criminal. History is not on the side of the mercenaries.


Honestly, if it's air conditioning vs. autism, I'll take the autism 😂😂


I'm autistic, diagnosed in my late 30s. As I never wasn't autistic, I can't really choose. But I like hot weather and in my country there isn't really an ac culture. ...


Happy cakeday. But also hasn't it been like 40 years since DuPont started disposing of PFAS into the environment.


Sure! That's the logic: **What is there more of today, than there was 40 years ago?** * PFAS * Central air conditioning * Screen time * Moms working outside the home * Late child-bearing, etc... All that stuff should be on the table. >Happy cakeday. Thanks! 🙂


I think all that is on the table. The vaccines/autism connection is just one thing. I'm also not going to let them have access to screens or cook out of plastic / nonstick cookware or eat pesticide sprayed foods.


Non-stick cookware? You should be cooking outdoors, over an open flame, washing your clothes in the creek, and dressing like Laura Ingalls Wilder. Everything that's different from the last century is on the table! Why are you even typing on a keyboard? It might be what's causing autism in children! 🤦‍♀️


If you actually think PFAS and microplastics are fine to snack on I don't think there's any point trying to convince you of anything. You sound like your mind is made up.


Did I say PFAS were good for you? No, I did not. 🙂 But would I, with zero evidence, cut everything out of my life that has been invented in the past fifty years, because it MIGHT cause autism? Hey, you're welcome to, but I'll await evidence first. Otherwise, your keyboard & central air conditioning should be "on the table." There's no evidence that they cause harm...just as there is no evidence for vaccines causing it.


Okay so why use nonstick and plastic when there's cast iron and glass? There's alternatives and there's no reason not to use them. And like I said, I don't think sticking a developing brain in front of a screen is a good idea. Parents are just being lazy. And also you're on the conspiracy sub advocating for big pharma. Zantac (Ranitidine) - N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a probable human carcinogen, in the medication. Vioxx (Rofecoxib). Increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Rotashield (Rotavirus Vaccine) Increased risk of intussusception in infants. Hepatitis B (Thimerosal-Containing Vaccine) Concerns about the presence of thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative, led to the development and recommendation of thimerosal-free formulations. All of these were famously withdrawn. If thimerosal is safe why the hell did they take it out of the vaccines? Also you might have some holes in your brain, Autism didn't start 50 years ago. It blew up in the 90s which coincides with the expanded vaccines schedules.


>And also you're on the conspiracy sub advocating for big pharma.  I'm not advocating for big pharma. I'm advocating for evidence. Like, with the hair-dye thing, there is no benefit from hair dye. No one claims that you should color your hair for your health, right? So I don't need **any** evidence, to persuade me to stop dying my hair (which I didn't do anyway). >Okay so why use nonstick and plastic when there's cast iron and glass? There's alternatives and there's no reason not to use them. << Exactly. No downside on that one. But with vaccines, you've got to weigh the risks of throwing them out, right? There's this claim that vaccines prevent fatal diseases. And there's quite a bit of evidence for that (let me know if you're not familiar with it). So you need EVIDENCE of harm, that must be greater than the risk of disease. Like, there's people on this thread saying it would be very difficult to get along without air conditioning; perhaps you see the same challenge with ditching your keyboard. But you've said (precautionary principle) that everything is "on the table" based on the temporal correlation. 🤷‍♀️ >Hepatitis B (Thimerosal-Containing Vaccine) Concerns about the presence of thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative, led to the development and recommendation of thimerosal-free formulations. All of these were famously withdrawn. So they took it OUT, and you are still convinced that the vaccines must be dangerous? How does that make sense? If it was dangerous, then it's LESS dangerous now. But I hope you realize that the anti-vaxxers have just switched gears to target literally every other specific ingredient that they can learn to spell...again, without evidence. >If thimerosal is safe why the hell did they take it out of the vaccines?  Literally, to pacify anti-vaxxers. There was never any evidence that thimerosal caused any problems, and disease rates (autism, allergies, whatever) have not decreased since it was taken out 20 years ago. Does that make you wonder if maybe autism is related to something else, maybe? 🤔


None of these vaccines have ever been tested against a completely placebo control group. Even your links say that. there was a whole court case on this


No, my links do not say that. Cut-and-paste it here for us, will you?


>Here's HPV tested vs. saline placebo: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17484215/ study only looked at immune reaction not side effects. > We evaluated the tolerability and immunogenicity of quadrivalent vaccine in males and females 9 to 15 years of age through 18 months postenrollment. -------------------------------------------- >Here's Covid (Pfizer) vaccine vs. saline placebo >Pfizer was responsible for the design and conduct of the trial, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, and the writing of the manuscript. BioNTech was the sponsor of the trial, manufactured the BNT162b2 clinical trial material, and contributed to the interpretation of the data and the writing of the manuscript. you're trusting the company who has paid the largest fine ever for fraud? We were told about how they lied about reactions in their studies too. also the covid vax is rather new and not the main cause of our fucked up kids. -------------------------------------------------------- >Here's polio, 1954, vs saline placebo: if you think we're giving the same vaccine for polio than we did in 1954 i have a bridge to sell you.


(I was responding to the OP, who said vaccines are never tested against placebo. Having now shown that they are, I am happy to discuss with you what you don't like about these particular studies) >HPV...study only looked at immune reaction not side effects. There have been many studies, of many formulations, looking at many things. Here's the [package insert for Gardisil](https://www.fda.gov/files/vaccines,%20blood%20%26%20biologics/published/Package-Insert---Gardasil.pdf), which summarizes side effects (on p. 4) compared to the placebo groups, and the adjuvant groups. >Covid/Pfizer...you're trusting the company who has paid the largest fine ever for fraud?  You still drive cars? Knowing the rap sheets of most auto manufacturers for unsafe design, and failure to warn or recall? Look, it's a catch-22: the govt requires *the company* to demonstrate these things (safety, efficacy, pharmacokinetics), but you want to throw the results out because they were done by...the company that is developing the product? OK then, you just need to have an independent company (or govt department) that will do R&D on all proposed products, for all other companies. Pfizer shouldn't be allowed to fund it, right? Because that makes the results suspect. So either your taxes will go way up, or we won't have any new products getting approved. 🤷‍♀️ >polio...if you think we're giving the same vaccine for polio than we did in 1954 i have a bridge to sell you. And (with polio & many others) subsequent vaccines have had to demonstrate non-inferiority, with no increase in side effects compared to the existing vaccine, because it would be unethical to leave a control group unprotected once we had an effective vaccine against a deadly disease. Thanks for the opportunity to clarify all that. 😊


Food allergies are most certainly being studied lol.


Sorry but I’m talking about the cause of food allergies(especially anaphylaxis induced). Why have the food allergies massively increased since the late 80’s? Hope that clears it up more.


Ooh I know this one. It's because the US fucked up and told parents to NOT give their babies allergens until they were 2 or 3.. This actually created more allergies. Then they did a study (Google "allergy bamba" and you should find it) and found out that whoops, you're supposed to give allergens BEFORE the kid is 1, as early as 6 months old! This wasn't found out until like 2014 or something, so it's taken a while to see the effects. Other theories include the fact that with more information and knowledge of allergies, a ton of people self diagnose an allergy without doctor confirmation (whereas before people would just be like 'huh, shellfish make my throat itch, that's weird') and other theories have to do with the reduction of parasites in society (interesting information here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/09/08/real-reasons-food-allergies-are-rise/)


They are being studied, those studies just take a tremendously long time. My kids have been part of two studies since birth, both are in one for asthma, and one is in a study for either dairy of gluten intolerance. The asthma one has been ongoing for maybe 8 years so far, and won't finish for like 10 years still. Asthma can appear in late childhood, so they have to keep taking in data till then. The food one won't finish for even longer, as they can't afford to actively test, so rely on symptoms showing up which might not happen to adulthood.


Could be just because we've increased our population. From the 1980s to now our population in the United States has increased by 110 million. More people = more cases.


How many kids at your school had severe food allergies? I’m 50 and I knew of exactly zero. There are at least one out of every 7 kids nowadays who can’t eat something or risk anaphylaxis. Source: the “nut-free” tables at my kids’ schools.


I'm in my 30s and had around 200 kids in my graduation class. Honestly, I really don't remember any kids having anything too bad with food allergies. There was never any incident at my school of someone having an allergic reaction. Had more issues with kids popping pills at lunch.


There are some shills responding to you to deflect legitimate concerns. Lots more children are having severe allergic reactions, it's "not just people self-diagnosing." And the correlation with the vaccines is undeniable, beginning in the 80s. This is something that makes me sick to my stomach, as I have a severe allergy and was absolutely exposed to those things as an infant. Something else caused it but honest discussion is punished. Sickening.


also let's not forget how animal fats and cholesterol have been demonized since the 50's with cherry-picked studies so now most people just brainlessly follow the animal-fat = bad, highly processed canola oil = good and avoid eggs because they have cholesterol. now we have older people who have lived their entire lives following this advice getting dementia, and the kids today who's brains aren't formed from eggs and butter anymore but some kind of wheat product baked in canola oil.


“Nobody is studying this”


They have unofficially, the control group is the Amish.


Which incidentally don't have very high rates of autism


Are they getting tested? Or are they basically getting it beat out of them like i did?


Vaccines have been around longer than the 60s.  I would be looking more at pesticides and other food based issues.


the vaccine schedule in the 60s was 9 shots. Now it's 90 shots.


They may have been, the issue however is just how young the kids are when they start giving them their first vaccines, and just how many vaccines are now on the recommended list, it's vastly increased. 


Autism is being increasingly **diagnosed**, it was always common, people used to just be like "oh, Rolands just a bit *quirky*, he just doesn't like bright lights only eats mashed potato and really loves trains". 


This isn't what autism is about. Having quirky preferences isn't a developmental disability that forces you to live in an institution.


What the fuck are you talking about, I'm autistic and posting this on my way to work. 


I'm autistic and cradling my 3rd Son to sleep. Posting this as he doesn't let me leave until he's really asleep so I browse reddit in the meanwhile. I think this person may be confusing levels of autism and old stereotypes of autistic people that were portrayed in movies and series in the 90s or early 00s (rain man for instance).


I think you're confusing autism with down syndrome. Plenty of people with ASD live normal lives.


I'm an autistic woman, married with 3 kids. I'm a functional member of society. As is my middle child, who's also autistic. Top student, has friends and he's already planning his future. He's 14. I think this person is maybe confusing with some cases of higher level autism, with mutism and low functionality associated.


Literally so many scientists tried to recreate Andrew Wakefield’s study where he linked vaccines to autism. It was impossible. That study was published in the 90s and researchers are still testing it and finding zero evidence to back up his claims. What they *have* found are a shit ton of flaws in his data and the way he performed his research. As a result, he has zero credibility in the scientific community (except among those who see the anti vaccine movement as a way to make a quick buck selling bogus cures) Idk about the food allergies, but the autism one is pretty simple. Look for a definition of autism from 1950. Then check each subsequent decade for any awareness of it. You’ll find that it as time goes on, scientists become increasingly aware of its symptoms and how to define it. We don’t have more autism now, scientists just have a much better idea how to find it. So if we’re seeing more diagnoses, it’s because we’re better at finding it than we used to be.


This, we have gotten better at diagnosing autism, and with more awareness people are just more aware of it


Less stigma today too so more parents willing to seek diagnosis and support. I’m an Xer and we had autistic kids when I was growing up. We just sent them to catch all Special Ed programs which were highly stigmatized.


Older millennial here, and same. I was only diagnosed with it in my late 30s because a) I'm a woman so I wasn't supposed to have it according to old studies and b) high masking so I seemed normal just weird and c) my country lumped all special needs together as "disability" until the early 00s. F


>Idk about the food allergies, but the autism one is pretty simple No, not really. Your point doesn't refute the argument that there could be an actual increase in the numbers per se. Whether or not vaccines cause it is irrelevant. I don't think they do, at least not in sizeable numbers, but I can understand why that hypothesis seems attractive. >You’ll find that it as time goes on, scientists become increasingly aware of its symptoms and how to define it. What is autism? Without understanding its causes, this just boils down to having its definition rewritten every decade. We don't have a better "understanding" of it because we never dealt with something other than a definition. We don't understand its causes, hence we cannot possibly say that we see all the autism around us simply because we are now better at finding it. I also don't think people with an autism diagnosis really share much with each other. In the worst case, it could easily be a smokescreen meant to cover up cases that are due to pesticides, phthalates, prescription drugs etc.


If you were to look you’d find that autism has been extensively studied. It’s a genetic disorder with clear markers and symptoms. While it may not be easy to predict (and impossible to cure), scientists have a pretty solid understanding of what it is. As for as the whole numbers increasing thing, there isn’t a way to study past cases empirically aside from compiling anecdotal and speculative evidence from before we had a good handle on the thing. And having a definition of autism means having an understanding of what autism is. That definition is updated routinely as new information becomes available via scientific research on the subject, kinda like every other thing that scientists study. There are rarely static definitions in science for that very reason. I understand that static definitions, contrarianism, and deep suspicion of established knowledge make a conspiracy go down easier, but they don’t make for good conspiracy. Also, Andrew Wakefield and his junk science have been thoroughly investigated and debunked. He owns vaccine denialism and has made a fair amount of money off conspiracists and contrarians looking for something to see the Big Bad behind. It’s a load of crap. We wouldn’t likely even have anything to talk about regarding vaccines if it weren’t for him.


Because we are literally eating poison and toxic chemicals by intelligent design that cause developmental delays, cancers, obesity, insulin resistance, hormone disruption, and autoimmune disorders that are slowly killing us. For the Lord’s sake, they are putting jet fuel on certain almonds. JET FUEL. This is why I advocate so strongly for people to start growing their own food from heirloom seeds. You literally cannot trust almost anything you purchase from the grocery store in the U.S.


Propylene oxide is not jet fuel, how easy could it be to check that?


By all means, get hung up on the verbiage of something rather than the meaning behind it. It’s a known carcinogen and additive in jet fuel.


So it's a compound that also can be used as a jet fuel additive (compounds can have different uses). Now how is it used on almonds? Almonds are gassed with ppo, this kills all potential harmful bacteria or viruses. Luckily for us, gasses evaporate. This means that you can gass the almonds and then suck the gass away. Also did I mention it's a jet fuel additive? This shit is getting pumped in to our air at record speeds, at levels way higher than you can consume almonds at. So yes it's okay to be mad at people ruining our earth but be mad at the right thing, not some Pasteurization process.


And folks, here we have a great example of why we’re never going to get anywhere as a human race. Here we have some random internet person trying excuse spraying carcinogen poison that’s used in jet fuel on our actual food because…..why..? I give up.


it might be an additive in jet fuel, therefore PO = jet fuel to smooth smoothbrains 


The neuro-toxic aluminum adjuvant which is meant to provoke a strong immunological reaction to the antigen is the culprit: [https://icandecide.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/ICAN-AluminumAdjuvant-Autism-2.pdf](https://icandecide.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/ICAN-AluminumAdjuvant-Autism-2.pdf)


Guess what they use in over 90% of vaccine trials as the placebo in control groups?


If you don't stand for something, you will fall for everything ! [The Rabbit Hole Goes Deep !](https://freeimage.host/i/gis4ic1.d9fOv5u)


The system is designed to go against anyone who even questions the vaccines. Recently learned this with my 5 month old baby. The CDC recommended vaccine schedule allows for dozens of vaccine doses, some of them administered multiple vaccines in one shot. There is no way to tell if one of them is causing problems long term or even discomfort in a baby When you ask about alternative schedules where you spread the doses over time, not even denying to take the vaccines, we are met with ridicule and treated like we’re crazy The system is designed to not be questions and doctors are not willing to risk their license for questioning the CDC. It is unbelievably eye-opening. The rate of Autism has risen year after year since the 90s at an alarming rate. It is ridiculous. Some of the vaccines, for example, Hepatitis B are administered at birth. HepB is not contagious unless through needle sharing in drug users and sexual contact. This is administered as a blanket for everyone because some mothers who are junkies might pass it on to their kids. Why does my kid have to take if my wife has never shot up heroin or shared needles with anyone.


If nobody is studying it how do you know it’s true?


Autism isn't increasing, awareness of autism is. There have always been roughly the same percentage of autistic people. But previously, they'd just be labelled as weird.


Dont think the CDC will do it. They are the ones behind the issues. BTW food allergies did we have them like this before GMO food?


Improved awareness and diagnosis: Autism: There has been a significant increase in awareness and understanding of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Diagnostic criteria have broadened, and healthcare professionals are better trained to recognize the signs of autism, leading to more diagnoses. Food Allergies: Similar to autism, there is greater awareness and improved diagnostic methods for food allergies. Parents and healthcare providers are more vigilant in identifying and reporting food allergies.


Annedoctal story about both: When I was little, I had to go to the er every year after Xmas. I tested for everything under the sun and it wasn't proved what made me allergic but it went away after puberty. I broke down in hives every year on Dec 26th. In my late 30s, I was diagnosed with autism. I'm now 39, diagnosed 2 years ago after my middle child was also diagnosed and his Dr insisted we did a genetic test and et voila, it came out almost all members of my husband's family are in the ADHD spectrum and my own family is on the autism spectrum. I always thought of me as weird and not fitting, my mom was weird comparing to my friend's moms and we don't even talk about dad's quirks.


I think everything goes back to food. All the chemicals, preservatives, hormones, etc. It's causing allergies, cancer, autism, etc.


Maybe it’s god mad that the Christian’s don’t act like Christ


The only radical change in children's development that was made was the amount of vaccines we've given kids.


I’d say the food being given to kids now vs in the 50s would count as a radical change as well.


So that's the ONLY thing that's changed in 40 years? NOTHING else has changed in the last 40 fucking years? This is the goddamn DUMBEST fucking take I've ever read on this sub. "hey everyone, I figured it out! Since Absolutely NOTHING has changed in the world in 40 years, I concluded that vaccines cause autism" Holy fuck. Jesus fucking christ.


People see what they want to see and ignore everything else. That is why vaccines are blamed for almost everything here.


The post last week that had Bill Gates saying something like "Whatever you did the most between 12-16 is what you'll be successful at" and every comment was "gaming, drugs and drinking" was telling about the kinda people in this sub.


I agree.  Lead, asbestos  ...


Why are so many people ignoring that though? Why isn’t there placebo controlled studies?


There legally is no need. The pharmaceutical companies were given total immunity from any side effects in the nineties.


Exactly. Why do people think we’re stupid for questioning it though? I’m not saying it’s completely a causation but why not at least put out a study disproving it?


Sheep. 🤷‍♂️


The thing is that a lot of people don’t actually think for themselves anymore. They think whatever the “social consensus” is.


Because no one will volunteer their children to be test subjects. And people keep getting mad (and rightfully so!) when they do these tests in third world countries, or on institutionalized children or any other disadvantaged populations they have easy access to.


It's easier to diagnose autism (and basically any other mental disability) today than it was in the 90s. We know way more about it


No, medical advances in both means that both are now easier to diagnose than they were before. The vaccines aren’t being studied because they have nothing to do with autism or food allergies. I’m currently going through the autism diagnosis procedure for myself. It’s incredibly difficult to diagnose in females because it presents differently and there Is a spectrum to the disorder. I haven’t seen a single piece of evidence that it was caused by being vaccinated as a child. Autism is way more complex than that. Sometimes the simplest explanation is the correct one, it’s not always a conspiracy!


You’re in the wrong place.  Good luck to you.


Why do you need to be diagnosed autistic?


social media cred


Right? What difference to their life would it actually make for them to be diagnosed as an adult?


Sometimes it is for your own wellbeing. My own diagnosis came after my child was diagnosed and we did a genetic testing. I presented a lot of the markers and was diagnosed. Helped me answer a few doubts I had about myself growing up: I was bullied, always weird and not fitting norms, and I was pointed even by teachers of being different. It helped me heal. My husband was diagnosed with ADHD and he says it didn't make any difference for him, he still is the same after the diagnosis. It really depends on how you take it after being given it.


some workplaces won't make reasonable accommodations, like providing a quiet place to focus on work, unless an employee provides a medical diagnosis. 


It’s over diagnosed.  I’m “autistic” according to some dr when I was in second grade.  I was doing weird stuff. Writing with both hands, I could read far better than the other kids but it took different methods to teach me math. Said I was anti social but I just didn’t really like the kids at school.  They tried to put me on drugs but my mom said no. Big pharma needs to sell drugs so they need patients 


They don't medicate Autism. Maybe try to make your lie actually fucking convincing?


I thought it was the Prozac boom in the 90s autisizing kids.


Lots of people are studying it. Type “autism” and “numbers rise” into Google Academic.


Bertrand Russell “surmises” in 1952: >“Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.” ^p.50 >The Impact of Science on Society, Bertrand Russell, 1952 Bertrand Russell, 3rd Earl Russell, OM, FRS (18 May 1872 – 2 February 1970) was a British mathematician, logician, philosopher, and public intellectual. Russell was born into one of the most prominent families in the UK. They were/are eugenics enthusiasts.


I blame it on the pesticide round up.


Check out Del Bigtree and The Highwire podcast. He talks about this a lot.


$$$$power people already know


I mean, fast food drive thru lines are always full for a reason. People love their chemicals


And cancer. We need to separate big pharma and food manufacturers NOW. Cancer is killing so many young people and all the drs are quiet!!!!!


With all the shit and chemicals in the US food system it's no wonder!


CDC will not allow vaccine placebo trials. They consider it "unethical" to not vaccinate, yet won't look at populations who make that choice for religion anyway -- see Amish/Mennonite. You don't want to know the truth its so scary its horrifying.


Doesn't bother me because I am not having children! I do not want to produce for many reasons. One is that I do not want a disabled child, life is hard enough as a single woman with massive student loan debt.


Are you proposing a study to see who grows up to be autistic?


Lol it's so obvious it's vaccines at this point and the fact RFK Jr is called crazy for pointing it out is EVERYTHING you need to hear to know there is truth to it. 


Obvious as long as you ignore all other factors. 🤦‍♂️


Like plastic that everything flows through. Microwave ovens and fast food.


And how we overly sanitize everything. And kids don’t got outside and get exposed to as many things when they are young. Among many many other things.


Yes because chemicals and toxins directly injected into the bloodstream during vital adolescents development years are certainly minor league /s I challenge you. Go to chat gpt 4, ask it to build you a graph of autism cases from 1942 - 2020 in the u.s. Do the same for vaccines and number of injections from vaccines.  Just do it. 


Yea, because ChatGPT was based off the best scientific sources (Reddit). Certainly no faulty data coming out of there. You really love your echo chamber.


Damn you really are going to gaslight a stranger and lie about chatgpts method of acquiring data huh? Good luck staying ignorant.


You think it wasn’t?


It literally tells you where it pulls the sources from whenever you ask for data. Clearly you've never used chatgpt 4 to parse data. You already lost the ability for me to trust anything you say. Goodbye. 


Ok. Don’t bother reading what the various companies actually say about how they sources the data for their models or anything.


I'm not disagreeing with your point at all but I'd bet that if RFK Jr was elected president and a so called pandemic happened on his watch, he'd push any vaccine these so called experts say onto the populace just like Trump fast tracked the covid vaccine and then Biden mandated it.


That's a huge leap. Have you read RFK Jr's book are followed his career or are you just assuming this based on a narrow perspective of who the man is?


No, I have not read any of his books or followed his career. My comment is purely based on my perception of both political parties for the last 30 years. They've all promised the people one thing or another and have delivered something either slightly different or just not delivered it all all. My point is, my belief is that U.S. president's are merely puppets on a string who are controlled by outside people or heavily influenced by outside unelected people.


While I completely understand your point, you're way off on RFK Jr. There's a reason RFK Jr. Was trashed by the democratic party. There's a reason mainstream media ignores him. I implore you to look into his actual career and beliefs because you'd probably be impressed. However, with all of that said, he's still unreasonably loyal to Israel and that makes me suspicious a little bit.  Cheers, it's nice knowing not everyone on Reddit are shills and/or bots. 




People are having children later in life now, isn't there an increased risk for autism when people have kids later in life?


Because more people are tested for autism and allergies these days. Also the autism spectrum is alot broader now then it was 10-15 years ago. Not to mention there was a time that low functioning autistic people would be sent to insane asylum.


Understanding the plan is seeing the results…


I haven't really had vaccines since I was a kid and I could eat most food without issue until I got on antibiotics. The bacteria in your stomach are doing all sorts of digesting and secreting enzymes and different chemicals. I think the real problem is antibiotics.


I don't know if the type of antibiotics given is different now as my family have mostly had amoxycilin and penicillin but I'm in my 50s and remember when they were given out like sweets when I was small and also when my kids were small. Here in the UK they are very reluctant to give them out the last few years due to resistant bacteria.


I (mildly autistic) have always said that the uptic of autism comes from all the artificials in our food since the '90s.


I get that all of that is bad for our health and cause cancer and other diseases. I just don’t think that the food can cause a disease like Autism.


Why wouldn't it?


peanut oil is in vaccines that's why kids are deathly allergic. you shouldn't be injecting food for that reason. egg allergies too but not as common, eggs are used in a lot of vaccine production. alpha-gal is in some vaccines in trace amounts, they try to blame meat allergies only on ticks though. people with shellfish allergies can have reactions to some proteins found in vaccines so possibly having the protein injected caused the shellfish allergy? soy and wheat is covered in roundup and is genetically modified to handle large doses of roundup. if you ever see the label 'gmo pea/soy/wheat' in a label you can almost be 100% sure you're dealing with the roundup ready variety


I didn't vaccinate my baby (now 9 months) when she was born SIMPLY because it seemed unnecessary and I didn't know about them enough to inject something into her. I hadn't researched them. And my mother's instincts kicked in. Then I got even more suspicious when they kept pushing them on her. So I started researching and then I goT scared. Shes unvaccinated still and I just tell them I'm waiting till she starts school (but she's going to be homeschooled God willing). I'm just curious, if me, a normal mother uneducated about vaccines just became naturally suspicious and wanted to learn more about what goes in babies body, why do all parents blindly trust them? (I also didn't get the vita k or the eye drops.)


if you're uneducated, how could you possibly have the background knowledge required to properly understand vaccines? You're suspicious because you don't understand, and what you don't understand you fear.  I think most parents trust the people who studied for years to understand vaccines, the same way they trust the engineers who designed their car so the wheels won't come off. 


FTFY: vaccine$




Came here to say the same


At the risk of trolls and dismissive assholes, I can 100% say the artificial dyes in food are killing us too. Be careful. They are in your prescription meds just like the foods. Had to be taken off a very normal prescription…bc it was blue. Blue dye made me so sick I went from 165 to 98 pounds. Nobody could figure out what was causing my terrible stomach pain, wonky labs and inability to eat or digest food properly. Kept trying to drink BLUE Gatorade to rehydrate myself from the constant nausea. Kept getting worse and thought I was dying. Cut out blue dyes? I had my fucking life, body and brain back within 2 weeks. Now just being and feeling how I am? Feels euphoric. Don’t take the blue pill(s) kids!


As an autistic, I think there are 2 kinds of autism, evolutionary autism which I believe I have, and chemically induced autism from both over vaccinating and the increase of chemicals in our food. Autists with evolutionary autism are capable of living in society, and are great with specialized jobs. They aren't actually bothered by sounds, but do have heightened senses. They can be socially awkward but that's because how they talk generally is a convenience of relative information and not "being social" hence they sometimes come off as rude. Then we have chemically induced autism, which the brain is melted from so many chemicals whether it be in the air, food or vaccinations. They tend to hate noise because their brains literally cannot process them, they have a hard time socializing because their brain doesn't really know how to talk despite knowing words, and they tend to have larger and more common behavioral outbursts because their brains have not formed properly. And food allergies are simply becoming more common because it kills less people nowadays so darwin essentially stopped doing his job on that one.


idk about food allergies but autism is a trend with the younger generations leading to way too many diagnoses where there are none.


That’s just not true. It’s more common and you and everyone else knows it.


highly doubt that. what it actually is is lack of socialization due to technology.