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It doesn’t matter who’s in office. It never mattered. If voting mattered.. they wouldn’t let us do it.


Ten million people in 3.5 years? It matters a little. My city looks completely different today than it did.


Oh my goodness the horror! You have to interact with people who *look different* than you??? Consider these pearls clutched


I was referring to the tent encampments everywhere, the litter and human waste that goes wit them. And the people with no homes and no jobs who have to beg on virtually every corner in the city now. The police, fire and paramedic services that had to be cut to pay for shelters and food for these people. The loss of affordable housing because the city is using special (federal = printed) money granted by the Biden administration to buy up hotels and apartment complexes and turn them into migrant warehouses. Making my comment about race says more about you.


Must be talking about Minneapolis.


what a dumbass, the illegal aliens are just the cherry on top.


Mine doesn't, deep south here, mine does not at all lol. The shear quckolding by 1 dude in 1 house of you adoring faithful is the single most entertaining irony I have ever seen. All it takes is 1 dude in 1 white house and you all renovate your cognitive schema and lose your shit and either worship or anti-worship the fuckery and malignancy.... Wildest shit ever conceived of by the NeoPopQons. The Libs unraveled a minute ago and just didn't realize it, but the NeoPopQons, you folk are stunningly qucked by another man.... the worship of, the anti-worship of, the lust and idolatry, the bearing of false witness, the bastardization of religious convictions.... ya got Quckolded by 48Chan8Kun and GAB and Telegram and a dude in a house... literally in 24 hours your entire grey matter is emotionally and psychologically totally qucked by another man... the slavish devotion and total loyalty and lust for and total abdication of free thought and agency..... Then another dude starts living in that 1 house on that 1 famous road and you all instantly let him totally control your every thought and dictate the totality of your reality.......... The lack of masculinity and the submission to 1 dude is uh.........wild AF................... Cognitively Quckolded by a dude in that 1 house on that 1 road.....




Holy schizophrenia


!isbot Neat_Banana2718


Max jibberish pls.


But the electoral college! /s


I wonder if it’s the lesser of two evils. I’m scared if Trump wins abt all the climate programs and NATO. I’m mad nervous. I don’t mean to catch heat abt the comment, just trying to process this year. Regardless, I will continue to pray we get on a better path collectively and move towards singularity.


You’re justified in your fears. This is all by design brother. Regardless, what will come to pass will come to pass regardless of who’s in office.


Scared about worthless climate programs which serve other reasons than „climate“? This kind of naivity enables these psyhopaths in the first place. Like the Covid fear propaganda and people believing it.


We're in an ice age still and nearing the end of it, so getting warmer is expected https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocene




Trump still gave our billions to other countries as apart of aid packages, and gave tax cuts to the rich and corporations that are still in effect until 2025.


My guy? Lol. I haven’t voted ever in my life. I refuse to play their game. Neither Joe or Trump are ‘my guy.’ If you think they aren’t two wings of the same bird I cannot continue to converse with you.




You make many assumptions about me who you know nothing about. Enjoy your political theater. It’s got you really worked up. That’s sad.


You're admitting to being a joke. "Never vote" While engaging in debate on voting. Get a hobby


Voting is irrelevant brother. Who says I even watched the debates? I am absolutely allowed to criticize the political theater regardless of whether or not I partake in the nonsense. I’m not debating anything! Just stating a fact. Red or Blue.. two sides of the same coin. Choose your side. It doesn’t matter. I have hobbies. Thank you for your concern.


You are fully ignorant of how this country works. Touch grass


Appears to me that you haven't thought anywhere beyond what you learned back in public school. 


Nice try kid. Do some light reading Enemies the history of the FBI Legacy of Ashes. The history of the CIA Dark money Clinton cash Get a basic foundation


I’m glad you believe what you are told by the controllers. You are exactly what they want.


Said the person not even using their brain


Exactly what the commies want you to believe, well done




I'm not the one with a bunch of random letters and numbers for a username.




Okay bot.


You either get stomped by the left foot or the right foot. Choosing a master isn't really appealing to me.


As long as the current systems remain in place, nothing will truly get fixed.


Exactly. You need to be more concerned who to vote for locally, in your own town.


Read Project 2025. If you agree with that don’t vote.


My guy they decide in advance who the next puppet is going to be, they really don't care about who you vote, it's just to check how many still believe in that shtshow


Don't care don't follow there are enough rats in the race. I started sitting out on elections years ago. My life is much better for it. Imagine if we stopped paying attention to the circus. 


I’ve literally never voted for president. Granted, this is only the third time I could.


Presidents = WWF Jack Tunney


And with the front runner for POTUS now being a literal member of the WWE Hall of Fame who has been on a Wrestlemania card as part of a main event, it's all come full circle.


Not sure which is worse: reality TV person, or wrestler.


Wrestling at least involves talent.


Face it. The game was rigged from the beginning.




The career crooked politicians in the USA are the ones to blame for the bs that goes on. They need term limits just like the president has. They care nothing for the people, only care about getting richer.


I agree with term limits, but I also think four years for a head of state and only two opportunities to be in office is incredibly short. It should be 6 years & 3 terms. Really, why is it some bad thing if people want to maintain their president for more than a decade?


I mean, I just barely started looking into the whole Rothschild history… if it’s true and our leaders are pre-bought and elections are just an illusionary show for the masses… then we already lost and shouldn’t even pay attention


Im afraid that is exactly how it is... naive people just dont get it.


Whoever can put more money in my pocket is who I want. Sounds greedy but it’s a fucking struggle the past 4 years. We’ll never get a POTUS who is truly for the people but my budget and investments is something I can control at least with more fluid money coming in. We’ll get fucked every which way so at least give me something.


You shouldn't, it's stage theatrics for the unawakened. Just look at who Trump pardoned/didn't pardon to see who he serves.


All our bridges and roads are falling apart but Israel is gona get its billions whoever wins 


Plus Israel has universal healthcare and free college education, all on our dollars.


That's crazy. Did not know that


Gotta do your two years in the IDF tho.


Three (Or 2.8 now, used to be 3). University isnt free, just considered much much cheaper than the U.S


Meanwhile Hillary made it abackbone of her platform and lost so we could build a wall eventually.




In regards to our infrastructure, the US gets a D- from the Civil Engineering Society, and that’s because they’re being kind. Persistently calling one’s congressperson isn’t going to change that.


Us all agreeing is what gives it validity just like the $1 bill


The most important reason for caring/voting is for supreme court appointments. Also the border looks a little different depending on who is in office. Other than that it's all the same.


it's all a show.. it doesn't matter who the president is..


Because election fraud covers up corruption, driven by Trafficking. Simply put, it’s a battle of Good versus Evil. Are you decent, or not?


If I’m reading this right - Rs = good Ds = evil Correct?


No. RINOs are bad too. Look at Mike Pence. He’s strongly rumored to be a pedovore, yet Progressivists don’t attack him for it. The swamp is deep and wide. Cleanup takes time. President Trump has redefined what a Republican is.


Correct, however there’s not really any republicans left. In office anyways. So I suppose it doesn’t matter much who you vote for.


If you want to be fair, we have a center right party and a far right party. No? You want far right.


Delusions only reddit can hold


A left leaning party would never agree to spend as much as we do on the military, while spending as little as we do on individual healthcare and higher education.


Tell me you don't understand world politics without telling me...


Thanks for your opinion. Why is this post here? The sub is dead.


It really is. It’s become a MAGA echo chamber.


Why does everything have to be internal politics and no interesting conspiracies?


Because half the posts on this sub are from people pushing an agenda on who to vote for.


Well one of these guys wants to dismantle democracy and install a cristo-fascist state, strip away your constitutional rights, get rid of social security, and funnel as much money out of the middle class to the 1 percent as he can. So it's a pretty important election... I don't know you if pay attention to politics, but one of these candidates had their supporters attempt to stop the last peaceful transfer of power by breaking into federal buildings, killing cops, and chant how they were going to hang the vice president.


You died from the tax cut, didn't you. I also died from the tax cut. Fortunately, I was already dead from net neutrality.


Typically I’d agree, but the Trump years were toxic. He’s developed a base that’s legit scary. Many want a monarchy with him at helm, or some libertarian world where Erick Prince heads the largest private military. Just like Bibi in Israel, these guys know it’s their last chance so they’re going all in


Why aren’t people considering RFK Jr?


I’m not voting for Kennedy because of his ties to Israel and that perverted smurf, Schmuley


And his outright insane vaccine takes and no I'm not even talking about COVID I'm talking about him being one of the enablers and contributers to the "vaCciNes giVe pEopLe auTism" nonense


Have you listened to him speak on the subject?


Unfortunately yes. Let's run through his takes on the subject. -Vaccines cause autism. -No childhood vaccines "have ever been tested in a safety study pre-licensing." -There is "tremendous circumstantial evidence" that psychiatric drugs cause mass shootings, and the National Institutes of Health refuses to research the link out of deference to pharmaceutical companies. (I mean come on) -COVID-19 is "targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese." (Check COVID deaths in China and Israel to verify that this is insane) [https://www.npr.org/2023/07/13/1187272781/rfk-jr-kennedy-conspiracy-theories-social-media-presidential-campaign](https://www.npr.org/2023/07/13/1187272781/rfk-jr-kennedy-conspiracy-theories-social-media-presidential-campaign) Read that to get to know more about Kennedy. He was an irrelevant grifter before but COVID enabled him to spread his nonsense everywhere. If you can give me any studies or actual research that verifies the validity of anything Kennedy has ever said in the last two decades about vaccines then maybe I can take him more serious.


Not only is he asserting that vaccines cause autism, but he is suggesting they cause auto immune disorders as well. Unvaccinated children tend to be healthier than vaccinated children [study](https://www.oatext.com/pdf/JTS-3-186.pdf), [study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32537156/) HHS admitted that they could not locate any long term placebo trials conducted pre licensing [HHS Confession](https://childrenshealthdefense.org/wp-content/uploads/rfk-hhs-stipulated-order-july-2018.pdf) As for SSRIs and school shootings there is sufficient correlation to warrant studies. NPR doesn’t mention that RFK is only suggesting possible causes which nobody else seems to be doing. Also people forget RFK was considered an American hero before he began advocating for medical freedom. Then the media companies turned on his and portrayed him as a lunatic.


Fair enough didn't know that about the placebo trials. I strongly disagree with his vaccine causing autism take and the school shootings one. Correlation doesn't necessarily mean causation and it's safe to assume a high amount of school shooters would take SSRIs because they are all mentally unwell to some extent. The problem isn't about medication.


The side effects of SSRI's include suicidal thoughts and hallucinations. Sure, they're rare side effects, but in the same vein, mass shootings seem to be rare among users. Not saying correlation=causation, bit it's at least something to look into.


Sure you could certainly look into it but I don't think it would result in any conclusive findings because well...all school shooters are insane and frankly unreliable. Take a person like Nikolas Cruz who tried to fake that demons were like taking over him or something during interrogation.


I know quite a few that took their lives due to psych drugs or got at least mildly damaged by them (me included)


Cuz everyone needs to stop picking sides. We are all humans and we all feel the same. We all deserve love and peace. We all deserve freedom. We don't deserve these tyrannical governments trying to manipulate us into fighting eachother. Like the new song from $uicideboys album "New World Depression" It's US VS. THEM


Because he is not even on the ballot in most states.


lmfao, because he’s not anyone’s savior


Because he’s been heavily censored and people love to loathe the right or hate the left. People are generally afraid of what they don’t know. As his uncle said, “People see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why not?” I’m voting for Kennedy. Might not matter much but I’m fucking voting for him. Edited for typo


I've been getting yelled at for saying I'm voting for rfk. People scream ' BUT A VOTE FOR RFK IS JUST A VOTE FOR TRUMP! ' but I will not vote for sloppy Joe either. Rfk is the best thing that could happen to this country, but he'll never win because the entire system is corrupt.


I can tell you firsthand that the majority of voters don’t even know about him, at most they’ve heard his name mentioned but he isn’t pushed into people faces enough to gain any viable amount of support


I love not voting. The no blood on my hands feeling is liberating and it's fun to trigger people.


Telling people you voted libertarian has certain individuals in actual shambles. "Why would you do that? You wasted your vote!"


Just find out who people voted for and say the opposite works like a charm everytime.


Well, under the current one, he’s giving us 40 year high crippling inflation, 10 to 15 million more unknowns allowed into this country, brought us to the edge of a global conflict, politically persecuted his political opponents, attempted to mandate an experimental medical treatment, oversees more out of control spending, and least we forget the end of the Petro dollar.




If you care about international relations it matters. And if you don’t want everybody at each others throats, it matters. They could put someone in who is a total puppet but is great at giving speeches and telling people what they want to hear.. the fact that we don’t have a cartoon perfect president makes me think it’s actually real


Executive orders can made a decent impact. I guess Congress is more important at times. If one party has majority in Congress, it can favor or hinder the President.


unless you consent to corporate dictatorship, they could go full mask off... then everyone would know for sure, then submit anyways...


It varies on how it affects you and your concerns. If it doesn't don't vote. If you are affected and you feel voting certain way will make a difference then VOTE. I would put aside all the fear-mongering on both sides.


Because one only wants to fuck you for 4 more years and the other one wants to fuck you forever.


In the end, isreal wins.


Be the change you want to see in the world.


At least you aren't falling for the propaganda and realize its not about any specific president and what they claim they can or will do in their 4 years because history shows most all their promises to be false


So you can have a reason to fight with your neighbors, relatives and friends of course!


America has a theme park democracy, it's themed as freedom and apple pie. The reality is that we're ruled by a shadow oligarchy of Big Banks. All forces opposed to the shadow oligarchy should constitute a United popular front against it. Materially speaking we have more in common than not, ideology is secondary to the dismantling of the regime.




This is called cynicism


I’m not politically or philosophically cynical, if that’s what you’re referring to. But like I said above, the margin for which we are allowed to approach issues is very limited in our current political ecosystem. No matter what you believe in, there are very few solutions, just better alternative approaches.


You're right... it's quite difficult and frustrating


*Presidents are selected*, *not elected*.” - Franklin Roosevelt 


Don't mention the man behind the curtain lol.


It’s like an unspoken lie that everyone knows about, that the guy you “vote” for has any real power. Does anybody think any President in their lifetime had more power than a room full of the top bankers? Or could actually reign in multinational corporations without dissolving congress (because they’re all bought and paid for too)? Some collection of intelligence agencies & private financial interests (an ever increasing amount of which are foreign) openly run the presidency and people act like it’s just normal. Lol. Dumbocracy is just a game for adult children that their parents roll out ever 4 years and the kids keep arguing about who’s turn it is.


I dunno about you but I certainly felt the difference in presidencies with my bank account.


Yup. Couldn't afford shit under either Bush, couldn't get a job under Clinton, finally could afford college and a house under Obama, couldn't afford Taco Bell or toilet paper under Trump, and now it looks like we got a bunch of $5 value meals under Biden.


If you think we get F'd either way, you're beyond hopeless. We survive by the value of our dollar in this world market we cannot escape, and Obama shut down 50,000+US factories during his time in office. Trump was reversing this. I could go into greater detail but long story short, you clearly have not educated yourself in the basic shi## you should have before you even thought about voting.


When the power is within you, why do you need them… ; )


I mean both parties are controlled by the same hidden hand , but at least have somebody that can put 2 sentences together. Cause imagine being stuck somewhere were they're blasting some incoherent dickface all day. 🤷‍♂️


The war-loving Neocons have captured the Biden administration and they had partially wormed their way into Trump's administration. Their dream is a war with China over Taiwan. They have been baiting China for years. If you want to kiss a generation of American boys goodbye put the Dems back in office. 1 in 35 American children is suffering from Autism the silence is insane put Kennedy in and we will get to the bottom of this horror. When I was growing up it was 1 in 10,000


To be fair, autism is increasingly being widened. Now, many symptoms that were attributed to ADHD are now seen as a sign of autism. Many people fit the very loose definition of autism without even realizing it. The issue is not that more people are getting it but that more people are now fitting into the category of it as a result of testing and broadening of symptoms. I know many autistic people who are only finding out they are autistic in their mid 20's because they jokingly took a test online than went to see a real doctor after they didn't like the results. I think many people see autism and think mental defects when in reality many of my autistic friends are weird but are extremely talented in random skills/jobs/whatever. Autism isn't really an issue to be solved because its not that significant of a detriment to most people who have it.


Have you met the headbangers? The kids that can't stop repetitive motion? The kids that have to be trained to know how to act? Parents that are tied down for a lifetime of caretaking? I have and it is heart breaking. Interestingly what you described is exactly how my granddaughter functions. She is autistic but stunningly beautiful and talented. At one point was the youngest Hawk trainer in the country.


Yeah there are surely autistic children who need care and special treatment but they’re a small minority and not 1:35 of the country. Your grand daughter is a great example. Their brain may not work normally but typically it makes up for it in other ways, some of which can be extremely advantageous


Would you call 1 in 4 a small minority? According to a 2023 study published in Public Health Reports by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 26.7% of 8-year-old children with autism in the United States have profound autism. This means that more than 110,000 elementary school-age children in the U.S. have profound autism. 


I would say that is a small minority tbh. If we’re already talking 1:35 of the country and then 1/4 of that, then that’s about 1/140 has profound autism (which even then if need a definition) that’s an extremely low population and doesn’t even really mean those people aren’t self sufficient


So you are saying we shouldn't bother trying to find the cause?


I mean it’s like finding the gene that causes homosexuality. We could but we’ve done studies showing it’s not vaccines. And as stated before, the number isn’t increasing as a result of a cause.


Because he can leave the border open and unsafe while criminals, human traffickers and drug dealers pour in by the millions. He then raises your taxes to pay for putting them up in fancy hotels, feeding them and enrolling them on social security and Medicare. By the time you’ll need these services they’ll go bust causing inflation in the meantime. They have also made the organ transplant list longer and medical treatment more expensive in many of the states they’re housed in because they get whatever treatment they wasn’t from expensive kidney dialysis to cancer for free which the cost gets carried over to insured premiums going up. Just like how Joe opened the border without congress approval he has the power to close it but is not hoping they’ll vote for him. The president can also pour $1 trillion on a corrupt Zelensky as he’s doing, creating the US as an enemy to get dragged into Ww3. For these reasons and more you better care who the president is and vote for Trump to fix this mess.


Biden's border policy has been disastrous but I don't know if I trust Trump to resolve the Ukraine/Russia war or substantially improve the situation


He will 100%. Biden can end it too but he’s choosing to fuel it. Zelensky is blackmailing him he’s Zelensky and China’s b****. Sell out traitor.


You shouldn’t and it doesn’t matter.


Just depends on how fast you want the boom and bust cycles to be. Red team speeds them up for short term gain, Blue team slows them down for stability, which makes sure the next crash/climb is even bigger.


If you don’t get involved with politics, politics will get involved with you. To keep it simple.


RFK Jr. is the only reason for me to get out of bed on Election Day.


At least Trump or anyone with sense could make our economy better so that we can continue to feed ourselves with the poison they give us. The useless possessions that keep us locked into their game.


One likes crypto, one doesn't.


This is why I never mind political posts around here, never have I felt more at-home politically than I do on this sub. It's all horseshit, take care of your family, treat people how you want to be treated, work on your own happiness.


You shouldn't. But you should care what money you use everyday, because its effects are a million time bigger on your personal life and society at large than any vote ever will be. Look into Monero. Learn how it can help you and your loved ones.


Cuz the Supreme Court just gave the president king-like powers while in office. It’s unclearly written enough so that whoever is the president can shape things to their liking. This is scary on all fronts, no matter who you’d vote for.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, you’re 100% right!


Bread and circuses are important.  Pay attention! 


Hopefully your kidding or slower than a booger in molasses to not have seen what President trump did during his 4 yrs with a central bank system. If you can't compare how many pedo's were busted as well as how low the prices were during that time not to mention all the benefits of his tax on tariffs. You don't have to like President Trump, but if you can't see the difference then you're f'd. Don't let these sheeple or sellout americans convince you otherwise because misery loves company and they're the most miserable as they support the looney left and the destruction of america. I only wish you were paying attention enough to know what is really going on because then you wouldn't be a reddit of all places asking such a weak question.


The man spent like a drunken sailor and created the conditions for inflation and crashed the stock market. He didn't bust pedo's he is a Pedo. If you like tarrifs Biden actually enforced them. You say misary loves company, say now is a bad time in america and invect people to join you. Pot meet kettle. Trump is out here saying he wants to be dictator and the supreme court effectively just created the conditions for him to become one. If the president orders the military to assasinate political opponents for political gain a jury can no longer evaluate state of mind or be presented evidence of the presidents official communications related to the incident.


That’s a ridiculous take on the court’s decision. In that situation, he wouldn’t be acting in an official capacity. I dislike Trump as much as you but there’s too many of you Doomers out there taking hyperbole to infinity.


Prove it without using the presidents state of mind and without presenting evidence of the communication between the military and the president.


You want me to dis-prove your hypothetical? How about Congress reforms the War Powers Act so Presidents can’t invoke military action without Congressional approval? If the government simply upheld the Constitution, these concerns typically resolve themselves.


Maybe but the president also has to respond to immediate urgent threats see the Houthi attacks as one example. Once they do that they have a limited window to act. Also it's not my hypothetical. It's the hypothetical they brought up in the supreme court. Concerns resolve themselves? Leaving a lot up to chance.


Fyi, trump and epstein were accused of raping a 13 year old girl. So maybe slow on the pedo talk.


You kids shouldn't be on reddit if you can't read. Especially if all you do is repeat what others say. Try doing some research and see how that played out . lmao If President Trump was involved then they would have used that instead of over 400 bogus charges and lies, like the russia, stormy, pee story and the rest. So maybe you should stop sheeping ma'am


Username checks out.


Trump and epstien got that case dismissed because they threatened her and her family. If anyone actually read that entire lawsuit, without the orange tinted glasses on, they'd realize everything she said was true. Did you guys forget epstien was convicted? He was bffs with Trump for years. Epstein trafficked girls from the maralago ffs... but Trump just had no idea what was going on? ..... right. It's probably a coincidence that he was killed in prison, too? He was going to rat everyone out because he's a bitch and Trump was one of those people. Or are you the .01% of people that think he killed himself? Trump, his entire family, and all his businesses were in epsteins little black address book. Probably just another coincidence. It's probably a coincidence that they were such good friends for all those years, too. Considering people generally associate with like-minded people. People who drink tend to associate with other people who drink. People that do drugs associate with other people who do drugs. Pedophiles associate with other Pedophiles. That's common knowledge. It's reaching to say Trump wasn't involved at all. But keep acting like your all mighty god can do no wrong! You're all so obsessed with someone that doesn't give one fuck about you. It's pathetic. Trump cares about making him and his billionaire friends more money. That is it. I feel really sorry for you if you think otherwise.


you my friend are stuck on stupid. All the bogus lies they created that were actually of the deep state and not one has stuck yet you want him to be associated to epstein so he can go down. lmao Stay off of left leaning sites for your misinformation kid. It has you all f'd up and crying like a bih


Found a Trump humper cultist. Yet, anyone not them is somehow sheep to the people following orange man like what? Sheep.


lmao excuse me ma'am, did you need help trying to put a sentence together?


What’s a tax on tariffs?


Right? Lol


The only good government is no government at all.


How does anarchy work for a country of 350+ million people? Neither strict capitalism or communism works on a large scale over time, but you expect anarchy to?


You're just saying that we need slavery and you don't even realize it. Btw, there has never been a "strict capitalist" society, so not sure what that means. All countries have heavily manipulated economies and no free market or respect for property rights, which would be needed for capitalism to exist. And yes, anarchy is the ONLY thing that works. But its all mental, as government doesn't actually exist. Its only a mental construct that people are indoctrinated into. The closer we can get to no government the more free humanity will be. That's just a fact.


K what happens it that scenario when Bezos decides he wants to buy a private army and take all the land for himself?


People like Bezos only exist because of government. Corporations are legal fictions created by government, they are given special tax breaks and subsidies from the government and half of these guys are actually just government agents pretending to work in the "free market". And even ignoring the logical fallacies that people like Bezos wouldn't exist without government, it would still be better because Bezos doesn't have the imagined right to take my money against my will to pay for his army, but the government does. And the government also pays for private armies today all over the world, so... Nice try.


Bezos has the money right now, if you snapped your fingers right now and the government disappeared he could send someone to kill you and take your property for himself. The rich would always subdue the poor and take what they have and there’s nothing that could stop them.


The government can do this to me now. And do you actually think the government would stop Bezos if he wanted to kill me or would he get away with it? You're not making the arguments you think you are. The issue is that if Bezos did this everyone would know its wrong. But if government does this, people like you will defend them and say we just need more or better government. There will always be people with more or less power, no matter the system or society. But there doesn't have to be an organization that does evil openly to every single human on the planet that people think is good. That's government. And obviously if we got rid of government there would be some issues to revolve over time because of the mess government made. People also said we couldn't release the slaves because it would cause problems. Well so fucking what. Free the slaves and stop defending slavery.


Anarchy is nonsense and could never work on any level. Even anti-fed libertarians understand some level of government is required. There would be no way to enforce even the most basic laws like don’t murder. No infrastructure would be maintained except those necessary to the billionaires who could pay for them, and you wouldnt be allowed to use it. A foreign government would invade day 1 and take over, maybe cutting a deal with anyone rich enough to have a private army to let them keep a slice in exchange for help. Speaking of free the slaves, nothing stopping people from taking and keeping slaves anymore.


Stop trying to blame 45 for 46 mishaps. He got into office he signed off on all the executive orders that were to benefit the American people. Now just because you don't like how things are going I don't think you should assume the economy was bad under trump it was wonderful under Trump. You're not going to get Mother Teresa's president from a group of people who want to murder babies in the 9th month of pregnancy. President Trump gave this country an amazing economy the Border was closed. He wanted a little bit of money for the border wall and the Democrats bitched and wine like little b******. But it was okay to take $300 billion dollars and hand it over to Ukraine but we couldn't ask for a few million for a damn wall. I'm sick of your mentality crying in the Blues like Biden is an equal he is not the debate was like watching a high school kid play checkers with a preschool kid


Cause Trump is devil, he's the worst


Our current president drone striked 7 children, the other guy didn’t start a single war or kill innocent civilians. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/August_2021_Kabul_drone_strike


It matters now that we have a King.


Hahahaha this sub has some cuckoo stuff but this is by far what I needed to hear right now


Should we ban cars and live in Mad Max world? Vote Biden


Come check out my posts man 💃