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When he said he drained the swamp at the debate I almost died.


Especially as he recently told oil CEOs that if they donated a billion to his campaign, he'd give them favorable policies. Not to mention that he put a record number of lobbyists into government positions. (That said, lobbying firms have now seen record profits under Biden... The entire system is designed to keep the swamp topped up.)


He also recently said they should hold a military tribunal for Liz Cheney on live tv. Yet people believe Biden is would be some crazed dictator if he wins in November


This time it must be fr tho right? He'll do it right after he releases those epstein files


After Biden got in and all the conspiracies about Trump issuing Marshal Law and arresting all the PDF’s and the corrupt politicians in office because he was really the President was floating around, I would always get blank stares when I asked if he could do that, why didn’t he when he was actually in office. They’re just brainwashed to believe he’s Jesus but luckily it seems like it’s somewhat wearing off.


It's crickets now that the Epstein call logs are out lmao


Not a single peep after begging for more information.


Not exactly. First he will release his ACA replacement plan, then fly to Mexico to collect the money for the wall, then announce his infrastructure bill, *then* the Epstein files release **


*releases Epstein files but with every name blacked out* See! I drained the swamp! Down with the deep state!


He'll sharpie out his own name and write in Biden's under official capacity.


Right after infrastructure week and his magnificent replacement for Obamacare 👌


Don’t forget immaculate water!


Florida man attempts to drain swamp into swamp.


This comment needs an award 🥇


Yes! Drain the swamp into the swamp!


He is the swamp! I don’t like Joe Biden, but how the fuck can you respect this silver spooned motherfucker? Took his dad’s money and bankrupted multiple companies, put our country more in debt, made other countries laugh at his idiocy, etc. AGAIN I HATE FUCKING JOE BIDEN. BUT HOW THE FUCK DO ANY OF YOU RESPECT THIS MAN?


He drained it of money and put in more swamp.


Turned it into his own personal cesspool.


Draining the swamp is an old metaphor that Cambridge Antalytica pushed in multiple coups around the world in the mid 2000's. Look into the cambridge scandal and you'll see trump went to the company to figure out how to get presidency his first term. And he used that company to get it. Look at what they did and the data they stole to use it. The book Mindf*ck by Christopher wiley goes into detail. You also missed his first campaign, he made a settlement deal for misusing campaign funds!




Like wtf does that even mean?


The “immaculate water” reference was a close 2nd of the night.


This sub died when political (ideological) conspiracies came into the conversation. The over arching consensus for decades is that both political parties are under the same corrupt umbrella, anything else is all part of the show.


It is the most frustrating thing to see on here, people buying partisan politics. When they banned the_donald sub they all migrated here and treated it as the donald 2.0, it absolutely fucked this subreddit and it never recovered but anyone believing either side and acting like one side is to blame is a simple ploy that they are a victim of.


Trump really killed off the conspiracy movement and made it a joke of itself .


Anyone who’s been on this sub 10+ years can tell you that watching the decline of posts here since the 2016 election has been appalling. Went from plenty of well thought out interesting posts often with receipts - to basically facebook shitposting. Insane influx of bots. Actual propaganda on the feed. If you consider either candidate to be an ally to your wellbeing, then you don’t belong here.


I specifically remember when one of the mods Axolotl_ went absolutely all in on mod abuse to promote his Trump diarrhea every single day to no end.


>Axolotl\_ Just in case he's still lurking, hey Axolotl\_, you're a horrible piece of shit!


I always just assumed he was a pedophile.


Oh man I remember that mod, complete asshat.


I've been on reddit since it's inception. This account was actually created partially due to him. He was so damned awful that it made me lose faith in *all* of the mods here, and while it's better now, it still hasn't completely recovered, in my opinion. Prob never will.


Everyone seems to think everything politics is conspiracy now. Us old-timers laugh cause we know it's all a smokescreen.


Amen. Absolutely the bedrock of any real conspiracy talk. The government is not your friend, regardless of party or dogma.


Your couldn’t be more right if wanted too. The way this sub changed since 2016 was insane.


> Insane influx of bots. This is everywhere on reddit though where there's influence to be had. Big companies are doing it for advertising just as ruthlessly as the politicians. But yeah, I miss boards like this before they were 100% captured and just polispam. Like remember the day we logged on and there was a post like "Hey, there's this creepy daycare acrosst he street from me that I don't think is a daycare" with the creepy bunny logo? That was the shit I lived for.


If i had a billion dollars and a public image and agenda, it would be stupid not to utilize a pr firm with a bot farm. I just assume everyone has one now.


Well said. I have been here for a long time. I miss the old days man. /R/conspiracy was an amazing place back in those days. It is now a shadow of its former self


Half the posts I make here are pining for the old days, we the sub was always interesting.


This comment brought to you by Big Nostalgia


There was an AMAZING thread here about hyper intelligent fungus shaping the growth of humanity and I'm still thinking about it a few weeks later. That kind of stuff is awesome


Right! This sub was once at a minimum thought provoking and other times completely ludicrous, but it’s fun putting the tin foil hat on at times. Trump, along with MAGA/Q, have really taken away a lot of the credibility that some real conspiracy theories held. Now it’s “if it goes against my world view or Trump, it’s a deep state conspiracy!” type of nonsense


I stopped coming here for a while and now it's weird. I'm not american, the far right winning in France affects me a bit more, and I grew tired of this US defaultism: aliens could be anywhere in the world yet it's only questions about American ways of dealing; the world keeps running but "I've got an alert on my US phone in us soil and so the world is ending"... Meh... I always skip the posts about your elections, it's boring.


The US elections are boring to many of us Americans too... If voting really worked, they wouldn't let us do it. (Voting in the big elections at least, where each of our votes have the least impact anyway.)


the donald sub were getting into conspiracy stuff and were all in on the podesta files and stuff like that, first time a lot of those users had been witness to something like that im guessing, when the sub got banned they came here, sadly a lot still dont see that you have the worst two choices for president and its by design, so many in the trump camp and so many in the never trump camp, a nation divided




He killed it by making it mainstream, as hipster as that sounds. Went from “hey maybe we don’t immediately believe the first official narrative about things and dig a little deeper and just generally don’t trust ANYONE in authority?” To “ALL DEMOCRATS ARE PEDOS AND ARE IN THE PIZZA SHOP AND DRINKING CHILDRENS BLOOD AND JFK IS GOING TO COME BACK AT THE AIRPORT AND TRUMP IS ACTUALLY STILL THE SECRET PRESIDENT AND ACTUALLY I WOULD LOVE TO BE RUSSIAN AND ANYWAY I WILL BEIELEVE ANYTHING THAT GOLDEN GOD SAYS” It would be sad if it wasn’t so fucking funny, and it’s only funny because otherwise it would be absolutely un-fucking-acceptably infuriating.


Don't forget the part where they'll take any conspiracy ever and just throw in satanists. Elite pedo ring? Also they're satanists! Corrupt deep state? They worship Satan! The election was stolen? By satanists of course! Their motivation is that it's the bidding of their master, Satan! The kind of shit politics we see in here now are already silly as fuck, absolute nonsense most of the time. I just find it extremely funny how often satanism is injected into it. Like they can't figure out any motivation for this stuff that makes sense (because it's nonsense), so they throw in satanism.


Interesting how they worship the big bad from the religion where the people making the claims live. Why aren't these people worshipping some god of some religion that has reincarnation? Or hell, just worshipping the Christian god, since if slavery is anything to go off of, justifying that and being Christian is piss easy.


As it turns out normies cant handle conspiracy thinking. I think its the same reason the govt doesnt tell everyone about aliens. "A person is smart, but people are dumb panicky animals." And now that conspiracy is mainstream people sure are acting like a bunch of panicked animals and dont know what is real anymore. Foreign propaganda and social media also take a large role in this. The masses don't have the time or energy to follow up on a theory to verify its efficacy so everything they see is ingested as a possibility. Our filters arent designed for so much information all at once.


I still can’t believe they thought he was still running the country these last 4 years…


Devolution & COG and Derek Johnson - if you haven't fully ingested that cesspool of qomms and orders and laws and "it's military".... Dude even published a book, maybe 2 by now lol. Some of the tastiest shit I have ever seen.


He's been secretly running the country, so anything good was him and anything bad was Biden, who is a Marxist somehow


Remember all the BS about tunnels being raided, and more pedo elite are going to be exposed, the only thing hinging on this is that we all trust the plan? I never bought into his persona and he was exactly who we deserved as president - the same goes for Biden. Both are pawns and we're playing right into their hands.


> coopted it Definitely. He was all over the phrase "Fake news".


Conspiracy theorists heard a guy who told them that the system is corrupt, the country's leaders are bought and paid for, everyone is lying to them, they loved it and therefore they should vote for the orange real estate billionaire deeply ingrained in Hollywood with "The Apprentice" who's definitely not part of the problem because he tells them that surely he can't be part of the problem


“Believe me” - Trump


Q anon stuff swept through the movement like crack


Half of them are waiting for JFK to return to Deely plaza of all places 🤣


In November 2016, this place was certain that Trump couldn't win. And very entertaining. People were talking about hologram alien invasions. It was entertaining, I mostly came for the fake alien invasion type ideas. It seems like there have been a few iterations of /conspiracy since then.


Crazy, isn't it. Like Trump is the fucking pinnacle of dodgy illegal literal-financial-conspiracies, and yet this entire sub just chokes on his micropenis all day long


They want conspiracy THEORY Conspiracy blatant and open gives them no sense of insider validation and worse goes against their world view


That’s why theres so little on this sub about UFOs. Now that there are navy pilots and whistleblowers going to congress about it this sub just isn’t interested anymore. That special feeling of knowing a secret that the normie sheep don’t know goes away when it becomes more public


I feel like that's moreso because UFOs have been the same song and dance. Somebody with a 144p 12FPS camera gets a blurry video of something in the sky they don't recognize, sub goes crazy.


You think the navy is real? Normie sheep.


MF believes in Oceans. Big Aqua strikes again.


This is 100% a big part of it. Covid was a huge deal to them when it was happening far away and relatively unknown. When it becomes well known to everyone they have to divert. Nothing can ever be true.


Exactly this. Looking at the real conspiracies right before our eyes isn’t as as validating to them as believing something unproven that most people don’t believe. Actual conspiracies don’t give these people any sort of sense one upmanship over others for not being in the loop


That's exactly what I just said. It's messed up. He's a walking conspiracy and all of the things he does and gets accused of stink to high heaven of conspiracies of the highest order. Epsteins death even points to him. He is the most compromised. Sick of seeing people in this sub defending him even though they dedicate their lives to conspiracy theories, when he's the fucking epitome of it and should be an orgasmic goldmine for conspiracy theorists. He's the definition of corruption.


The entire sub huh? Is that why this post is getting so much positive sentiment? Most conspiracy people know Trump is a fake savior. When this sub got taken over by the refugees of the far right wing hate subs that got banned was when all the tribal Trump shit started. Now that election is nearing it is ramping up again.


Well like many things said in Reddit, *obviously* that's a generalisation. But to be fair, this is the first thread in many many moons that doesn't appear to be a Maga circlejerk


> getting so much positive sentiment? The only reason it's performing well is the outrage over the SCOTUS ruling. Any other day and it wouldn't have made past the new queue.


Yes, the entire sub. This one post got through and has some engagement, but for the most part, yes. The entire sub sucks off both candidates for no reason.


It's only getting so many upvotes because people saw the news and decided to check this sub. Funny how this sub went almost a full day after the news with zero posts about Trump.


QAnon was the most deeply disturbing psyop that no one speaks about.


With all due, there have been some excellent deep dives into the origins and effects of Q Anon. There is a [good BBC podcast about it](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/series/m001324r?partner=uk.co.bbc&origin=share-mobile) if you have access to BBC sounds.


You don't get into power unless hand-picked to propel the agenda of the money masters , people are being sucked back into the devide and conquer, will people ever learn, probably not.


Hysterical that people thought he was an "outsider" on the side of the people, this country has pathetic critical thinking skills.


The deeper issue I never see addressed is that he came in quoting Reagan and waving Patty Nixon’s letter around like a scented scarf. He grew up in Peale’s mega church and virtually invented gentrification. Everything about him is neoliberal to the core and most Americans, even right wingers I’ve spoken with DON’T KNOW WHAT IT MEANS. Even if they did, they’re absolutely blind, deaf and dumb to labor history or the politics behind the propaganda. They’re fighting on the team they lost everything to, for the sheer psychopathic glee of their owners.


The number of people who don't know that liberalism isn't just what the establishment democrats want is too damn high!


That’s the work of industrial propaganda started by private electric utilities companies over a century ago working in our education system. I recommend Oreskes and Conway’s book The Big Myth if you’re interested in learning the whole history. It’s a body of work that shatters most political narratives today.


Yeah he had me in the first half but it is now quite apparent that he is feeding the division whether he knows it or not. Same with Jan 6. He’s either in on it, or he got majorly outplayed. We need to get rid of the two party system if we want our grandkids to actually have a choice. We don’t need parties at all anymore.


Agreed. Something like that could be legislated by the people who benefit from said 2-party system, we just need to convince them.


It’s so ingrained in the average person that they fight to defend it. Like, they get convinced this is the most important election out of fear and that at some point in the future that won’t be the case and we can change the system. How well did that work out for the last hundred years? Lmao. Something will always make it the new “most important election” to not afford voting outside of the major party lines. We only have a generation or two to fix this before we aren’t even valuable anymore due to automation.


You forgot “won’t commit to releasing the Epstein files because he is worried that some of the stuff is ‘fake’ and could ‘ruin peoples lives’”.


People don’t give a fuck that trump is a legally proven rapist, I don’t know why people believe his hands are clean on the Epstein front


Before you piss of the cult. It was in a civil court. And not rape under NY standards, because we suck here. Right? He's like OJ, innocent. >I don’t know why people believe his hands are clean on the Epstein front They don't believe his hands are clean on Epstein front. They believe he just happened to know him like everyone else. Happened to make comments about liking them young. Happened to take a flight. Happened to also have 8001 other comments pointing towards Trump enjoying them young and willing to abuse power to grab 'em by the pussy. Happened to lose a civil case for doing such. But that's OK, it's Trump. He did nothing wrong.


I did include it no?


Oh shit, you did! My bad.


Thanks for this post. I have been deeply concerned by the way the sub has gone. Most of the posts I've seen recently are either religious brainwashing or pro trump bullshit. There is no "critical thinking" happening. It's fucking scarey. If anyone knows of other subs not hijacked by these low IQ nutters please invite me.


I think lots of us are tired of screen grabs from no name twitter and Facebook handles. All the critical thinking preachers will now stare at a tweet with no context as a conspiracy


And YouTube videos cited as hard evidence, without a shred of thought going into the videos sources and motivations. Then they have the nerve to accuse people of not thinking critically and being sheep. When they’re the ones displaying the most sheep like behaviour. And don’t get me started on the ‘you’re just a bot/ shill / glowie’ retorts. Ugh.


The fact that we aren't freaking out about the open conspiracy that is the christian fascist takeover of America that is [project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) is absolutely bananas to me. Like literally, they're telling you exactly what they are going to do. Out in the open.


I bet at least half of the people in this sub are T_D refugees. They aren't talking about it because they want it to happen.


> They aren't talking about it because they want it to happen. That's fucking terrifying. That said, they're probably too dumb to realize how that's going to fuck their own lives as well.


Tell me about it. Here in Germany poor people depending on state handouts are voting far right, who want to abolish said handouts. Blows my mind.


It's happening everywhere. Canadians are going to depose the Liberal party who they blame for the destruction of the middle class, and elect.... the Conservative party which will speed up the destruction of the middle class. It's mind boggling


There's a rather large swath of a silent majority out there who'll vote R for **one single reason** only and they're more than happy (and proudly) to shove that fact in your face right after winning an important election (like a Texas state election). Guns = total freedom in their minds.


They don't care as long as the libs get owned. I wish I was exaggerating or joking but they'd burn the entire country if it meant liberals had to inhale the smoke.


Exactly what happened with Brexit too, to a lesser extent. Either too dumb to understand, or so stubborn they just want to fuck the opposition over even if it fucks themselves.


>That said, they're probably too dumb to realize how that's going to fuck their own lives as well. Seems like this applies universally to the rubes who support fascism


Without question




They’re either T_D refugees or Russian bots. Theres a lot of astroturfing in this subreddit.




When they say "small government" what they really mean is a small group of people with total control who serve the right people, and hurt the wrong people.


They mean the plan that’s been set in places for decades is coming faster and faster and the republicans & conservatives who LOVES TRUMP & know alll about the WWO & WEF & their agenda and everything being a lie… are so brainwashed into hating the opposition (which in reality there isn’t any, it’s all been created by the people running the show) they don’t realize they’re literally voting for it to come sooner. Not that it even matters we don’t have a say. Trump was going to win since day 1. That was the whole plan. Trump would have won last election without it being a scam, but that wasn’t the plan. Biden needed to be the puppet and the wars needed to happen and things that people would have previously burnt cities down for under Trump, did nothing when Biden did the same or worse things, and now to seriously damage and gain control “somehow” Trump will win. I think he would if it wasn’t for RFK. Like the fact that the people who do believe we have any power in who is president are not voting for RFK rather than Biden or Trump is MINDBLOWING. Is RFK funded by the Rothschilds? Yes. Do the ignorant people voting for Trump or Biden know that? No. They don’t know it’s all a show and all planned. So why I see very little about RFK is mind blowing. He should be getting as much attention as Bernie did, if not more. I remember when everyone was so worried that Trump wouldn’t be able to run, but I knew that it didn’t matter all the court shit was for fun/drama/stir the pot even more. He will be president I’m 99% sure. Biden wont be know that. However they’ve tricked even me before so idk guess let’s see on the next episode for the US reality tv show.


They mean corporatism. The whole reason they want to shrink the size of government is to let corporations come in and take power.


Libertarians are just crypto conservatives. They say they're socially liberal, but really they're socially apathetic. At least compared to the rest of conservative ideology they readily subscribe to.


I've tried in the libertarian sub, but half of them are just refugees from the trump subs at this point.




Libertarians have no idea that their beliefs were very specifically engineered by elites to keep them ignorant and loyal. All neoliberalism ever accomplished was transferring power from the government to oligarchs. Project 2025 looks like religious fascism to us but in reality it’s about turning the country into a plantation and killing floor for owners that will remain invisible, managed by mega church psychopaths.


There is nothing Christian about forcing your religious beliefs onto the state. The one place on earth that doesn’t separate church and state is Vatican City. Tells you what the ultimate goal is. Fascism disguised as laws for the greater good, pulling on the heart strings of Christian’s who know no better, but should. Awful.


Yes but this isnt a conspiracy *theory* then. How shall we feel smarter then the sheeple if it isn't a hidden secret?


Just like the WEF & DEVOS has been and continues to do so and no one gives a shit. Everyone just wants to be a part of the big reality tv show that is our government. It’s literally insane. And the even weirder part is the CEO of project 25 spoke at the WEF… which makes no sense if anyone knows who Claus Schwab or George Soros is🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


If boeing whistleblowers can't survive a week then why would anyone think the government with all of its many agencies isn't capable of removing unwanted people


Interesting point!


Thank you OP. So tired of Trump glazers.


The fact this post shows up at the top of the conspiracy page right after I look at a post on this sub about how Trump could've killed Epstein, and it was downvoted to oblivion because this sub is full of Qanon Trumpist nutjobs. One of the comments on the post said the same thing and I agreed and I went to the front page of the sub to make a post about what this sub has become and straight away I see this post, detailing exactly what I was just thinking about in length. Weird. But yeah anyway I always found it weird the biggest conspiracy theorists endorse Trump, even though he should be the very centre of the conspiracy theories as everything about him and all these shady things point to a conspiracy. He is the perfect target for conspiracy theorists because of all this shit about him that screams corruption and foul play. More than almost any other politician or billionaire. Yet they defend everything he does and deny he's done ANYTHING wrong.


Thank you for posting this. I hope the people here who really need to see this actually read it and think about all of this for a minute or two.


Just gonna drop this here as well. https://x.com/RachelBitecofer/status/1808217785753129122?t=6vXHtcuzs-U9W8YOLPQ3pA&s=19&mx=2


What the fuck


Is this new? Why isn’t it front page news?


It’s not new, been around for years but again that’s the power of the deep state. They can quiet any story


What a disgusting human being he is


Trump is controlled opposition, as rotten as the rest of them.


It's one of the biggest and more fascinating conspiracy theories, with real weight behind it, of our time. It drives me bonkers that this sub won't talk about it. I always think about that computer in Trump Tower that was connected to a Russian computer, and nothing else. This was before he got elected back in 2015ish


What computer in the trump tower?


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-computer-server-russia-alfa-bank/ There's more recent news than this, surprised you never heard about it. Gotta expand your news bubble. It was big.


They know. But they don't want to face the music, that no one is coming to save them.


I'm genuinely surprised that this has that many upvotes. Maybe this sub isn't completely dead


Just as a general rule of thumb, if the leader of the free world, the most powerful individual in the world is some sort of superhero spy who’s going to bring down the system, it’s probably state sponsored. Also did anyone bring up that he hired bill barr to head the justice department, the same one who’s father initially hired Epstein at an elementary school despite not having any educational bonafides or the fact that, and this is all conjectural and just based off of the fact that many women in Eastern Europe are sexually trafficked and forced to perform in porn, but he’s married to a Slovenian woman who looks pretty unenthusiastic to be in a porno as a young woman.


Weird eh? Alex Acosta gave Epstein a sweetheart deal that allowed him to keep trafficking kids and Trump gave Acosta a cabinet position... When it comes to Epstein, you'll find Trump anywhere you look.


all because a black guy let gay people get married and cried when children where shot in a school.  


No it's because a black guy made fun of him in front of everyone at a dinner party.


Obama didn't legalize gay marriage, the SCOTUS did. In fact, Obama had always opposed it. It wasn't until a year after the Supreme Court ruling that he openly supported it (ruling 2011, Obama supports 2012).


Didn't Obama campaign against gay marriage? Same with Hillary?


Yep. I can agree with you. I had a very convicting preacher call out his followers for believing Trump is a savior to us. Someone who will cause an awakening. That's not biblical. We are waitin on Jesus, not Trump.  Check out past sermons of this guy, he's literally a conspiracy preacher out of Hawaii. Jdfarag.org 


He's all over the Epstein docs just released too. Setting up "massages".


And this sub is fucking crickets about that


People who still worship the Don are under the influence of Cambridge Analytica's extremely effective propaganda. They have their "propaganda goggles" on.


I usually only see post on here symping for trump. Maybe humanity isn’t lost after all


great post - recently Ive been I wanting to do a search for a large overview with this kind of info


thank you! glad I'm not only one. fuck Trump


Most of the conspiracy theories posted here are ops or propaganda.


The fact that after 4 years, neither side could find a more suitable candidate to support is the bigger conspiracy.


Yeah. Out of 340 million people... these are the 2 top candidates, in the entire country, for president? Like seriously? Democracy is fucking dead. There's probably 100,000 better potential candidates... but this is what the voters are given. LOL. What a joke.




Unfortunately, our political system rewards corrupt politicians and the cream rises to the top. We desperately need to hit the reset button and clean house, but I think it’s only going to get worse.


They still won't believe you


I like how most people conveniently forget about how Trump systematically undermined and drained resources from the post office and put someone in charge who's goal was pretty much to destroy it. All so they could curb mail in voting to help Trump win the election. Or how kushner was prioritizing ventilation machines during covid for Trump favorable districts and literally caused people to die simply because thier district didn't vote favorably for Trump. Or how the tarrif on products imported from China didn't apply to Ivanka and her handbag line


Yeah I don’t understand how people think trump isn’t in on it. There’s no way he’s gotten to where he is without being in on it. He doesn’t have anyone’s interest at heart besides his own or whoever signs the bigger check


Maybe Q anon was excellent disinformation to really make conspiracy nuts sound nuts. However. The Podestas are into some really messed up art.


Yes their art is very disturbing.


You dont understand they literally worship this man they plaster him and his name all over themselves


#Project2025 Look it up. Trump will completely undue the American experiment, and end democracy as we know it. (not just Trump, likely any conservative)


Glad there are some people with some sense left in this sub.


Thank you brother 


My man 🤝


The fact that we basically made presidents kings should tell you all you need to know. The entire country was built off of not being ruled by a guy above the law and now we just took ourselves back 250 years. It's like the revolutionary war never happened. Morals and karma are gone. Fight for your life and everyone you love bc it's about to get crazy. And as usual the Dems will sit back and let it happen pretending to play Mr nice guy.


What are the chances we see a Trump supporter addressing OPs post point by point?




I'll be surprised if they address any point, never mind the entire post




"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." - George Carlin


Having watched quite a few interviews with Trump supporters at rallies, none of them seems to acknowledge some of the more insane things Trump has claimed even right on his own platform (Truth Social). It's like anything he's done their tune changes from either "he never said said" to "well, Democrats are worse because they're all pedos".


Finally, a real conspiracy is being discussed.


Its very frustrating to be a mildly intelligent/sensitive/aware human on this planet, and particularly in america. The government is corrupt, top to bottom, plain and simple. The whole charade of politics is an utter waste of your attention and life.


I saw a post on here yesterday saying something about “they” know a complete economic collapse is coming, so they want Trump to win so they can pin it on him and the Republicans. Thought that was a pretty interesting theory.


I mean, that thread was basically saying "Biden is destroying the economy, so they want Trump to win so they can pin it on him". The problem with that is Trump handed Biden THIS economy which people in the thread were complaining about, but somehow that wasn't Trump's fault? Trump has tax breaks set to end in 2025, set the date for the Afghanistan withdrawal, and bullied the fed to keep interest rates low while the economy HE inherited was booming, leaving no wiggle room to cut interest when the pandemic hit. So, unless whoever installed George Washington was planning on boning a guy named Trump in 2025, the theory doesn't really hold up. It's hard to judge a particular president on tons of things unless they are in their 2nd consecutive term.




My question is why didn’t the Democratic Party come up with a younger candidate with all his/her faculties? Whether you support Biden or not, he deserves to end his career with dignity.




I saw theorists stating that the Dems are intentionally throwing the election because they know a recession is inevitable and they want it to happen under a Republican presidency. I don’t buy it but I thought it was a pretty amusing explanation


I totally agree with this post. I will admit I fell for the trump scam for quite awhile, they did such a good job at making us believe he was anti establishment. He appeared to be the establishments enemy with the news always attacking him and his felonys. This goes much deeper though, which is very concerning. 2 choices is 1 choice away from having no choice. We need someone else


Its your time to shine brother


>Mocks one of his primary competitors in 2016 for being in the pocket of Sheldon Adelson, now in 2020 is getting $100mn from Miriam Adelson >Grants clemency to a bunch of Israeli criminals, personal friends/business associates and fucking rappers. Leaves Snowden, Assange and j6 crowd to rot. >"lock her up!" then two weeks into presidency "nah just kidding lol" Edit >said he'd release JFK files


hes totally not controlled opposition that manipulated the people that should have risen up against him and DC nooo thats crazy 🤡


they are both trash


You forgot - Hired Epstein accomplice to defend him in an impeachment he had zero chance in loosing. He could have asked Baron to defend him and won but let Epsteins bro take stage to send one more message to those poor victims.


This is the only topic in the last 6 years of this sub that has made any actual sense


Cheers bud! I knew I wasn’t the only one!


orange jesus can do no wrong. He has the infinite support cheat code where he just says whatever he wants and takes no accountability.


FAKE NEWS! It's all fake. Our lord and savior Donald said so. You probably are a suckered who thinks the world is round and we landed on the moon. Some people will believe anything.


The Deep States are just sets of ad hoc networks of unelected policy-makers that seek to implement their preferred policy around a particular interest by feeding ideas to the elected policymakers who actually introduce and vote on bills. They do it from different angles - the financiers and big donors who funnel money into campaigns; think tanks, academic institutions, non-profit advocacy groups, and lobbying firms that feed them ideas; long-serving bureaucrats at the top of government agencies and military branches that actually implement the policies; and judges and law firms that shape how the policies are interpreted once they're implemented, etc. Most of the time, candidates seeking nomination will have the backing of one or two deep state networks going into the primaries, and all the money and backroom handshaking that runs parallel to the public primary election is about building up that behind-the-scenes coalition. Trump has been connected to the Russian deep state for decades. He'd been invited to state visits in the Kremlin in the mid to late 1980's and had been a long-term target of KGB influence campaigns. Ivanka still had connections in Checkloslovakia that were exploited. His casinos were a hotbed of money laundering for the Russian mob. He pursued building a Trump Tower across from the Kremlin for decades. His businesses had access to "all the capital they want" out of Russian banks. Manafort and Giuliani passed internal polling data to Russian sycophant Konstantin Kilminik in the Ukraine. Roger Stone was working with Russia-compromised WikiLeaks to time the release of hacked DNC emails. Jr. and Kushner had a secret meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Vesselnitskaya at Trump Tower to discuss the Magnitsky Act. Erik Prince was dispatched to a secret meeting in the Seychelles with Kirill Dmitriev. Michael Flynn was caught conspiring on Syrian policy with Ambassador Sergey Kisylak via a bugged phone in the Russian embassy. All of it is so obvious when you look at it. But that set of connections was dissected in the Muller investigation. So Trump pivoted towards the Evangelical bloc tied to VP Mike Pence. Many of Pence's allies saw right through him as a deeply un-Christian man and cut ties with him after that unsavory "hang Mike Pence" bit during the J6 insurrection. His bigot-ish 'tell it like it is' strong-man routine now leaves him mostly with fascist simps as his moneyed backers, but the lack of viable alternatives will bring the rest of the conservative deep state around eventually. They seek influence and money, and having a guy in the Oval Office will bring that. With the boomers dying off, the country becoming more multicultural, less white, less religius, etc things are desperate for the right demographically. Project 2025 is the plan to fix that with a soft coup to check those growing influences and cement a white Christian ethnofascist state for the foreseeable future. So the rightwing deep state will pinch their noses and go along with him to stay relevant. Compare that to Biden. He's not popular with the people. We think he's mostly a milquetoast, gaff-prone, early-stage dementia-riddled has-been, riding on Obama's coattails. But the liberal wings of the Deep State? They love him. He's done an excellent job of placating and balancing their policy wants with an agenda that's actually pretty good. Infrastructure, inflation reduction, student loan reform, keeping American boots off the ground in two controversial hot zones, reinvigorating our alliances in the Pacific to counter Chinese aggression, and a host of smaller things around the edges like fighting junk fees. reducing insulin costs, and protecting unions? There's some consensus red-meat for everyone in there. That's why one debate performance isn't going to kill his chances. There's a lot of dark room deep state deals keeping the real power brokers happy. And thats what makes this moment so dangerous. Most of the deep states are behind Biden, even if the voters aren't. But a whole lot of voters love Trump despite a small but dangerous deep state faction that will be empowered - possibly to end the democratic republic as we know it - if he wins.


* Created "Drain The Swamp" as the central promise of his 2016 campaign, then promptly appointed an extensive list of longtime DC swamp creatures




Thank you! Trump IS the conspiracy and it's the biggest damn conspiracy of the modern day. 


Well, the whole Trump and Q Anon stuff was very well made and entertaining back in the day. If I were in the US, I also would have voted for the guy just out of protest and for shits and giggles. Sadly, it quickly turned the sub into a far right echo chamber and besides all the bullshit Trump and the Reps are still pulling all the time, it never really recovered. People are so fucking fed up with all the conspirational shit of the last decades that they desperately cling to anyone, who drops any hints of truths (Trump, Musk, etc.) in the hopes that someone, anyone, might finally lift the curtain, still not realising that every single one of those fuckers is standing behind it. Also, the curtain is a fucking brick wall. We live in a dystopia far worse than Orwell and the likes could ever imagine. Latest news is.. no, wait. Latest sidenote is that Trump fiddled two 12 year old girls or something and you hear that? Yeah, it's crickets. The guy and his handlers pushed the US so deep into a kafkaesque clown world hell hole that even President Camacho in Idiocracy looks like a better option than him, yet 50% still vote for the guy. Remember when Bill Clinton got impeached for getting his dick sucked? Ridiculous, right? Times, where something like this caused outrage and consequences will never, ever come back. Trump singlehandly set the bar for outrage and shock so high that political satire is dead. It's dead because it can no longer make fun of reality.


Trump is not a friend of the common man. Neither is Biden. We are screwed either way.


I appreciate the logic of your post. I don’t agree with some of your beliefs but I recognize that you have rational reasons to think the way you do and maybe I don’t know everything! Thanks for pointing out a glaring lack of interest in Trump conspiracies here. Ther comes a point when people eventually let down their automatic defenses and soak up some facts.


We may differ in beliefs, but we’re still brothers. Have a great fourth!


Trump is definitely a pawn in a conspiracy. Whether he knows it or not. More than likely doesn’t know it.


Been saying he’s an establishment plant since 2016


Yeah, Trump is an enormous psychopath. I mean just saying he wants Israel to "finish the job" in Palestine is all the proof you need. He supported the dangerous jab during the pandemic, he did anything but drain the swamp and he is buddy-buddy with all the dictators and many oligarchs. I think most sane people that are not Americans can see this. This is because people in the US are so entrapped by the left/right divide, which is less of a thing in the rest of the world (it's because your politics are basically always just two horrible choices), so many are completely identified with being either Republicans or Democrats - even if they don't admit it, many have these identities ingrained within their subconscious and will react negatively when they feel their "team" is threatened. So I think a large part of the rest of the world can see the huge issues with Trump and don't really support him. I'd say this is more a US issue, though I could be wrong. I think a lot of support for Trump however has arisen from the fact that the mainstream media seemingly hate him, which in turn made people think he is anti-establishment. The truth is, there is just one part of the establishment that hate him, the rest are firmly on board with him and his ideas (and ideals - if he has any actual ideals, considering he just usually says whatever people want to hear and then does whatever he wants).


Epstein right hand man.


The reality is, there are a small group of ultra right wing troglodytes that migrated here after their echo chambers got shutdown on reddit. Most people that have been involved in conspiracy communities since before that happened know that Trump is just another deep state puppet. When I first got into conspiracies, it was after 9/11, when Bush was president, and all dissent towards the official story was labeled as left wing conspiracy theories. The goal of our masters is to silence dissent through division, and it's easy when everything one side says, whether true or not, can be labeled as a "conspiracy theory" and written off. There are some really dumb theories out there, deceiving both the left and the right. Billionaires and shadow Corporations and their lobby groups rule this country now. They fund both sides and always come out on top. Until that changes, who sits in the white house will be irrelevent.


I like to call him “Trojan Trump”


i mean bro rotchshilds bailed this mans casinos out they chill lol


He drained the swamp so he could fill the bog.