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What I liked about NNN was the number of educated "insiders" that posted articles, quotes, links to and about the matters at hand. Well educated folks posting their thoughts. Belonging to NNN was a sure way to banned from a lot of sites.


And still banned from subreddits even after they got rid of NNN.


Yessir. It really *was* a haven for solid info, and the lack of judgemental pricks made the place alot of fun. Clearly thats why Reddit allowed it to be targeted and brigaded until it was quarantined over planted "hate" from AHS, and then banned outright. The first 30 or so autobans I received were because I frequented NNN. I'm up to just over 70 autobans now, and I wear them proudly. If thats how reddit wants to function, fuckem. I'll keep exposing the globalist agenda as often as I can.


Nearly every single ban I received was for participating in that single sub. Many I never even posted to, just occasionally commented. Anyway, I agree with you about NNN. It was the best place for actual data as soon as it dropped and had the most civil and helpful community on reddit. For those of us there at the time, it was so obvious when it started to get infiltrated and sabotaged before the ban. Overall, most of the source data that I got from that sub didn't surface again and garner more attention until this year (2 yrs later). Glad to know it lives on in others' memory in the same light.


"Insiders" is correct. It should be in quotes.


Everyone involved in that subreddit got yeeted from the platform and they moved onto communities website, who knows where they are now. I got banned from SO MANY SUBREDDITS for just commenting there. I'll never forget how insane the power hungry people got during covid.


There’s one on Mighty Networks but it’s dead. There’s also a .win but I’m not sure how active it is, not a fan of that platform. I checked it out but didn’t vibe with it, there were a lot racist comments. I don’t mean criticizing BLM or whatever, but actually mean-spirited, hateful stuff. From my perspective, that goes against the spirit of what the old NNN was about. Sadly, after we got yeeted and tried to reform elsewhere, there was some drama between the mods (which I still don’t understand or care about) and it just kinda fell apart. There are still some good covid skeptical subs on Reddit but it’s not the same.


Before I ever heard of Covid 19 I was convinced a new 911 level event was coming. I had awakened from the propaganda in 2008. I remember a sinking feeling in my stomach when it was still news from far away lands, that this was something odd. I told anyone who would listen that it was going to be big and they shouldn’t believe any of it and don’t comply with anything the TV or Gov says. I often wondered if my Orwellian vision of how it could play out was a bit over the top because I could see how easily the public could be manipulated through fear. It was worse than I imagined. My kids didn’t see cousins that live a couple miles away for 1.5 years. My sister who is an RN joined the cult. Now she acts like she always knew it was bullshit. I don’t call her out because I value my relationship with family over being right or gloating. My wife and daughter and a few of her softball teammates were at the softball field hitting balls and playing catch after practices had been cancelled. Back then I still had Facebook and some psycho woman took pictures of them and posted them on the town Facebook page. Said something ti the effect that “This dumb cunt is allowing kids in the park and touching the same ball and blah blah”. I have never wanted to hunt someone down more in my life. Deleted Facebook entirely soon after that. I’m sure Covidians don’t remember any their behavior. The injections must cause 2020-2022 amnesia.


Im still banned from a handful of subreddits because of commenting there. I had never seen being banned from a subreddit just for posting on a different one before NNN


I have. For years now..




I'm a veteran so I've probably had a ton more vaccines than most to the population, including the full anthrax course. I've never turned down a vax I was asked to get. No question. I used to post nasty posts about anti-vax people all the time. Being in the medical profession also contributed to my disgust of anti-vaxxers. Cue c19. All I wanted was a bit of time to determine how the new Mrna technology would affect my pre-existing. I never intended on Not getting it. Just wanted to take a few months to be sure and since getting a medical appt was almost impossible then, I was waiting to talk to my specialist. The amount of hate I got, the loss of my job (health care), the pure vitriol and nastiness....and threats. The more they pushed and threatened and screamed at me, the more determined I was NOT to get the damn thing. It changed my view of everything. And I'm seriously confused by how Big Pharma, which everyone knew was Pure Evil in 2018, suddenly became the Messiah Who Cannot Be Questioned. They were screaming, Trust the Science. Big Pharma is NOT science. It's Big Pharma. The two are Not the same. That's what caused my brain to break and me to go full-on rebel and outright refuse to comply with the insanity. Any time the masses are pushing that hard for something, you know the M- is silent. All that said---It wasn't just Leftist. It was EVERYONE! Conservatives, Liberals, Independents. The fear porn turned otherwise normal people into cowering sheep afraid to leave their own homes. You can't just blame Liberals or Leftists. Eveyrone jumped on the fear porn bandwagon


Nobody "screamed" at you or threatened you over a vaccine. Stop making up shit and getting upset about it. Also, stop capitalizing random words.


Someone doesn't remember 2020 that well


Someone get the Keith Oberstein .. or whatever his name is .. vid. Lol.


No, you don't.


NO. The fact that you don't seem to remember 2020 at all is only indicative of your insanity....not ours.


I was screamed at for refusal to inject their concoctions. I was also threatened by my company that I might lose my job. Do you not remember 2020 and 2021?


Might? I did lose my job.




Well that guy up there is certain 2021 was made up, never happened so apparently you did not lose your job.


Lol sure buddy


Your position is very strange. This wasn’t even uncommon, it was ubiquitous. How do you remember it? Do you remember restaurants and businesses and government welcoming the “unvaccinated” and adopting accepting positions on vaccine refusal?


Your feelings getting hurt does not equal screaming and threatening. MY position is normal. Did you forget what sub you're in?


You are clearly all knowing. I’ll consult you before recalling all my clearly false personal memories going forward. Will this apply only to me or should the whole planet check with you before recalling the recent past?


Just you will be fine. But don't overload me, unlike you I have a life.


And in 2023 even conspiracy is hijacked now - what set NoNewNormal apart was: > people looked at history and posted *good* ideas of what a better future should look like. Notice that in 2023 on conspiracy if you post good ideas or uplifting thinking, you will get downvoted. That's because in 2023, most conspiracy sites only exist to demoralize the public with tons of bad news. Anything that would give civilians historical knowledge and intelligent hope has been intentionally removed.


No ya the only kind of change we can get now is for us to grab our balls and do it ourself. That’s my goal in life atleast. Covid hit my senior year and the last trimester of school was all online, it doesn’t help that I had already had anxiety from a young age but I never picked sides or nothing. Covid freaked me out but I stayed open minded and didn’t trust the vaccine right away. I got it like a year and a couple months later but most of it was bc my moms cousin got “Covid” and was put into a coma and had to get mucus scraped from his lungs and shit, also my gf at the time was big on “equality” and shit like that, I’ve since learned a lot from this experience but I completely understand all the anger and stuff. I never judged antivax bc I understood their position but it’s sad to really see where we’re at. That’s why I want to make people more aware of this life we’re all living. This world is fucked bc of the ppl who run it and those who run those ppl. Death doesn’t exist for our consciousness, those in power lie about that as well bc they want us all to have low vibrations and to think that we don’t know shit and can’t figure it out on our own. You should look into balancing your chakras and kundalini. Super interesting stuff and I made water move in my lava lamp. There’s a lot of stuff I can share with you to add and actually show you it’s true but yeah. I just wanted to share with you bc I’m sorry how everything has went and I’m with you on only conspiracy subs really. Reddit is ruined and I was just talking about this the other day with someone lol


Saying '"equality' and shit like that" tells me everything I need to know about you as a person.


Btw, she thought antivaxxers deserved to die too so kinda sad you’d agree with that


I wasn’t trying to explain every single detail about liberal she was. My bad. Don’t hate me I’m just agreeing with the commenter. I really don’t know how that upset you but oh well, not my fault


I remember that noise, subreddits I never even heard of banned me from some cutsey animal one, another about expectant mom's to something about iPad tech support? Yeah it got WAY out of hand.


It was fractured and pretty much gone now. I was active with commenting/posting and NNN was mostly the reason I got back on Reddit. There were some Discords and other platforms, but ironically by the time it basically won and the world stopped pushing the vax agenda, there was no longer any reason for it to exist and conversations dried up.




I, too, find conspiracy thinking doesn't surpass "the level truth" of the current real world situation. It no longer takes me out of my thinklock. I'm regressing inward like a dying star.


Stay strong! You can find the intelligent joyful light of real truth!! There are still good people out there!


You won’t find them in this sub tho




>ThinkLocked I'm sitting here wondering what happened that made "thinklock" such a large part of your identity. Was this something you learned from someone else or...?


Same here. For me this word just started appearing recently, OPs repetitive use feels…*unusual* Makes me think of a post I saw alleging a lot of the terminology from the last few years was propaganda


Update - OP made up the term to define how they’re the only person on Reddit capable of thinking deeply about things. Google the word OPs post defining it in the only thing that comes up


> what happened that made "thinklock" such a large part of your identity So I'm a computer programmer and I noticed in real-life that people's thought process was devolving to robotic algorithmic thinking. I've been using computer science knowledge to research into this, and if I showed you the results, the truth would probably freak you out to be honest. --- I read George Orewell's book 1984, saw many people recognizing the modern 2023 equivalents of `thoughtcrime` and `wrongthink`. So in 2023 with modern technology, the word `ThinkLock` describes the real world issue of when technology usage is so aggressive, it actually lowers the quality of human thinking. I want people to start exiting the digital dystopia now, starting in 2023. Our modern culture is so high-speed and busy, many people are *locked* into a deterministic thought process *as if* they are following a computer program. Most people are not yet aware of this phenomenon and the extensive details of it. --- 2020 to 2023 has been an Information War. It's a whole existential war really; and I want a **good** future: > I think therefore I am. > To think different means to be an individual. > Let them Think. In the future, let's love people who think different. Let's encourage each other to think of different good ideas and make a quality good future together


My entire career has been in the compsci arena ever since the early 90s... I'd be interested in seeing your results.


Well it's odd that you're interested in my research cause it looks like you downvoted my comment


You don’t know who downvotes you so I call bullshit


2020 to 2021: NoNewNormal people: So I discovered some important information > Source? *Shows source & detailed data* > None of what you said is valid!! [downvoted] [censored] [removed] Later... > Information turns out to be correct.


If you don't have the data just say so. No need to pull out the red herrings, we're all adults here, right?


2020 to 2021: NoNewNormal people: So I discovered some important information > Source? Wait if I show you the data, you'll just downvote, censor, & discredit it. > No we won't `:)` *Shows data* [downvoted] [censored] [removed] Later... > Information turns out to be correct.


I'm interested, and I'll continue to downvote you. Put up or shut up. You have data that you acquired through "computer science" that us mere mortal wouldn't be able to handle. Get over yourself, first and foremost, then share this info if it exists


2020 to 2021: NoNewNormal people: So I discovered some important information and gathered valuable info > Source? Show us the data Wait, if I show you the data, you'll just downvote, censor, & discredit it. > No we won't `:)` *Shows data* [downvoted] [censored] [removed] Later... > Information turns out to be correct.


they posted some good stuff in NoNewNormal


It was an eye-opener sub spitting facts and forecasting every move of the pandemic agenda. I was an active member, was shocked when they quarantined it, and it was inaccessible to this date. lately, it has been replaced with some nonsense sub.


When it got banned, they moved over to communities(dot)win/c/NoNewNormal


I think that place got compromised, that version lacks the historical background and good future thinking the original had. The original would bring a lot of good quotes from history and literature. In 2023, all the other versions only focus on bad news, we need something better now.


In 2023, any alternatives to NoNewNormal are missing the key of the original: people looked at history and posted *good* ideas of what a better future should look like. I'm trying to find more people that can think outside the box and create good new ideas that are truthful and healing. My friends and I have been outside the past few years establishing **real-world** places with such a focus. I'm just asking around on the internet to find anyone else who wants to help us get to an intelligent good future with quality human interaction again. I genuinely want a good future for our generation and the next.


While I agree with you, I don't think future generations will think 2020-2023 was the most think-locked. It's gotten worse since then and we're headed towards brave new world.


Don't let the news jade you! We know evil has its plans but guess what, that's why we have civil rebellion!! Did the internet tell you that there's a new group of the youth that wants an intelligent joyful future with real human contact again? Did you know there are people in real life who have been exiting the digital dystopia of 2023? Most of these conspiracy channels in 2023 are only there to make you think all hope is lost. How about some of us (the college youth, the adults, & the professionals) have already been making a modern `Underground Railroad` to defeat this techno slavery. We want a TRUTHFUL future, a real GOOD future, a future where we value our natural humanity & human contact. A future where we drop the digital dystopia. DO NOT let the bad news make you lose sight of what truly matters. You and me both want a good future, and let me tell you, the civil rebellion has ALREADY started. YES REALLY; Offline and in real life there's been more people than you expect actually preparing for a good future. You will own your future, and you will be lovely. --- How about you tell me what YOU want the future to look like, we want good ideas on what a *good* future should look like! Seriously we want to know because we've already been at work making a good future the reality.


My first thought was "why would anyone downvote this?" And then I remembered that there are alot of people out there that can't handle other people being happy and positive about the future. Those miserable bastards want everyone to be as miserable as them, and they want to be able to make decisions that force everyone else to live as miserably as they do.


Thank you for existing. We really need more strong voices so we the people can create a good future together that we *enjoy* living in.


It was a great concept but it eventually got overrun by hardcore far right people that it lame in the end




It's true, mainstream conspiracy downvoted this post to zero; and only conspiracy_commons actually had real discussion on it!


they all fukn died!


Hello! NNN member still alive and kicking. Nice to meet you :)


I’m still here too . Almost all my karma is from there


Lmao. It got shut down and it was glorious.


I can't imagine being such a miserable twat that you would want people you disagree with to not have a place to congregate. I guess thats why the left suddenly all decided to hate twitter once it was no longer a complete echochamber of putrid attitudes, propaganda, and censorship. The first amendment *really is* a thorn in your cult's side, isnt it?


Fucking sue me. I don't use Twitter. Never did. The First Amendment doesn't apply to Reddit. Cry more.