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the elites love thisšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Good ol psyops


This looks like a fucking skit.


A shit skit on the worlds underwears


Well most elites vote Republican, and these anti-Biden protestors help Republicans. So yes they do love this


most elites vote republican šŸ’€šŸ’€


Look out for well dressed protesters in $500 stab vests, expensive military boots and lots of heavy duty zip ties in their pockets- all wearing the same colour shirt. ā€œHello fellow protesters, my goodness a pallet of bricks seems to have been left here as if by magicā€¦.letā€™s start rioting!.ā€


Iā€™m one of you I promise!


> Look out for well dressed protesters in $500 stab vests Look out for submissions characterizing protesters [of genocide] as the bad guys.


Anyone pro-Genocide is trash.


B-but you see it's complicated and you have to take into account history while we murder children


Unless they support it in the case of Muslims; because they are verminā€¦.


Don't forget the /s lol


Yup. These people are right-wingers who have been well-funded to pose as left-wingers and say ā€œhey fellow leftists, Iā€™m one of you. Iā€™m not going to vote for Biden, now whoā€™s with me!ā€


I actually have family in these protests I can assure you they are democrats through and through


They can register with any party they want, but these people have made it clear that they will not vote for Biden. They want Trump to win in order to teach Biden a lesson for being too moderate and supporting Israel. Even though Trump would support Israel even more than Biden does.


(And undercover cops/feds)


Pretty sure israel is behind this madness




As if there aren't plenty of brain dead leftists that would do this on there own.


Yeah you're not wrong interesting how easy it is to push people either way. The elite don't care what side you support because at the end of the day is fighting eachother is exactly what they want. Controversy is the name of the game. The more we fight the more they steal and rob from the rest of us and push their agenda through the shadows.


I wouldnā€™t agree that itā€™s ā€œbrain dead leftiesā€ doing this. But I do however agree that conflict is what the elites are after. Thereā€™s a huge class war, and while weā€™re bickering between ourselves over the multiple issues going on, we arenā€™t going after the class war. While we fight within ourselves, theyā€™re building bunkers.


Brain dead left brain dead right it doesn't matter there are a number of folk who wear brown shirts on both sides of the coin. You're right conflict is what they desire. I was thinking about that scrolling tick tock yesterday. Every video was doing exactly what it was designed to do create anger and unrest. The level of corruption rampant in all levels of government and institutions is blatant and while we keep crying about meaningless shit they keep getting away with atrocities.


100% if you like a few posts that are ā€¦geared towards a certain ā€œsideā€ youā€™ll get fed more and more and more that is going to upset you. You can go down so many rabbit holes of getting pissed off lol one day I got so many posts about animals going extinct, billionaires raking in money, and the list goes on. I was so bummed out. Thereā€™s tons of corruption, and propaganda to boot. Lots of people blindly following and parroting against their own best interests. Meanwhile we argue over things like lgbtq, a very small portion of the pop. Not to mention the Israel stuff that makes people feel like they need to speak up. Itā€™s manufactured in a way to stop it from revolting in a class war. You will own nothing and youā€™ll like it.


lol leftist and brain dead literally go hand in handā€¦


What a good little sheep you are believing whatever the elites want you to. Hope you wake up someday soon


Israel donā€™t need to do anything, the Hamas supports show themselves up


Thatā€™s not an insurrectionā€¦Iā€™m pretty sure most people have never used a dictionary. Buzz word this and buzz word that. Some bimbo had a decapitated head of Trump and no one caredā€¦. Are they trying to over throw the govt on federal grounds? No, ok.


Yeah, not an insurrection. Itā€™s a protest. Very possibly a false flag one by a group looking to gain sympathy by saying an extremist positionā€¦or, just a fucking extremist loony. We have plenty of both in the good ol USA


šŸ˜‚ it was mostly chants, singing and dancing. The majority of the crowd was American. Lots of Vererans groups, several Jewish groups, Christian groups, people of all ages and walks of life.


Israelis doing psych-ops again just ask those dancing ones.


Come on guy! **E-Team** were just innocent art students, just innocently doing art students stuffā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.


My parents are going to fucking gobble this up


It would be wild if they infiltrated the building and tried to interrupt a democratic process. Then they would be REALLY crazyā€¦


Only counts if it's an election process and they are trying to instate their leader.


You really on this sub trusting elections, while our country is being invaded?? How many flights a day from Laredo are coming to your towns private airport? McConnell mcdouglas's?


Yeah. The invasion of Christian theocracy scares the hell out of me and every American should be fighting to stop it.






You guys need to learn to use a dictionary, and stop throwing the I word around: > an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government [\(Source\)](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/insurrection)


You aren't wrong. However, if we keep things fair, this is clearly an insurrection.


How is this an insurrection?


šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I'm just following precedent.


Which precedent? And why are you following it? Wouldn't you rather base your actions on truth?


Take a wild guess. I don't actually believe this is an insurrection, but it doesn't seem to matter, so here we are.


>Take a wild guess. I wasn't sure, that's why I asked. Genius. >I don't actually believe this is an insurrection, but it doesn't seem to matter, so here we are. Doesn't really sound like you don't think so, per your first comment: >if we keep things fair, this is clearly an insurrection. - And maybe you could help spread the knowledge and join the "check the dictionary" crowd.


So let me get this straight. * Bunch of muslim Arabs standing in front of the White House, waving their Palestinian flags. * One of them holding a mask that's a decapitated head of the sitting US president, the other is standing behind him and burning a US flag. * All happening on US soil, again, in front of the White House - the seat of the government. That's not a "threat to our democracy". But... * A large crowd of legal citizens, instigated by FBI agents, for whom the police widely opened the door (for some reason) and who tresspass into a government building that they're funding with their own taxpayer money: That's an insurrection and at attempt to topple our democracy. Got it.


It was mostly Americansā€¦.. lots of Veterans groups (myself included), several Jewish groups as well. Yeah Genocide Joe was there as you can see. Butā€¦.the whole free speech thing.


Trespassing and protesting are two very different things.


How about Muslim Americans using their constitutional rights to protest. Although I don't agree with the flag burning, they have a right to protest. They aren't storming the Capitol like MAGAts did


The bank vault doors were open officer, what do you mean I broke the law?


Well you answered it yourself right? Are these people in a public area or a restricted area?


Lol he even says "trespass" in the description. Comrade has to shore up on his semantics if he's going to radicalize the youths effectively. Downvotes to you are a chefs kiss to how stupid this sub is as a whole.


Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't aware tresspassing = insurrection.


It is when youā€™re trespassing in order to try to steal an election from the American people. We the people voted Trump out of office, and Trump and his supporters tried to keep him in office anyways by storming the Capitol in order to stop the counting of Bidenā€™s electoral vote victory


Yup itā€™s fucked isnā€™t it? They fear citizens more than the terrorists standing outside the White House


It's almost as if....it's orchestrated!


I refuse to believe that! Why would anyoneā€¦ oh, wait.


Citizens that broke into congress trying to stop the certification of an election is a bit different than people protesting outside some gates.




Thats what they went there to too. And whose to say the police guards that opened the door weren't on their side? They still weren't meant to be there. And many knew it as they broke in through windows, attacked the police. If you're trying to say that day was peaceful you're either obtuse or lying.


Theyā€™re not terrorists. They are protestors. If they walk into the capital building and do this I am 100% behind your point. And then I would view it as trespassing, not terrorism. If they take hostages or hurt or kill somebody, then again Iā€™m with what youā€™re saying. Until then, even if I absolutely donā€™t agree with what they are doing, they have a right to say it that many people died to protect.


are the protestors in the image trying to stop the transfer of power from one president to another? Or stop any part of our democratic process or are they just practicing their first amendment right?


Neither were the Jan 6th people. You see, what you are describing is an insurrection. And now, you will go ahead and link to us here, all of the individuals from Jan 6th whom we're charged with insurrection. (I'm pretty sure we will be waiting for a while, because there are none, because there was no insurrection). Off you go child.


why were people at the caption on january 6th?


They weren't there for an insurrection. That's a fact.


okay, what were they there for?


You are asking me? I thought you knew they we're there for an insurrection? Are you telling me you have no clue as to why they were there?


yes, i am asking you why do you think they were there on january 6th?


To attend Trumps rally and then protest at the Capital. -LOL, It's so obvious where you are trying to go with your line of questioning. Watch as it fails in real time, right in front of you.


protest at the capitol or were they trying to ā€œstop the stealā€? Speaking of his rally, what did Trump mean when he told his followers to march to the capitol and ā€œfight like hellā€?


Uh, yes? I hate these protestors (theyā€™re anti-Biden, Iā€™m pro-Biden), but so far they havenā€™t tried to steal any elections. Now if Biden wins and they violently break into the Capitol on Hamasā€™s orders the way that Trump supporters violently broke into the Capitol on Trumpā€™s orders, then that would be a threat to democracy Protesting (except the decapited Biden) is fine, trying to steal an election from the American people is not fine. Glad we could clear that up


Taking selfies and goofing around with the podium is not an attempt to steal an election. Only a few broke into the capitol, the vast majority was casually let into the building by security with wide open doors. Trump did not order anything, on the contrary, he called for dispersal several times.


Donā€™t forget this comes on the heels of Google banning PragerU from the Play store because of ā€œDear Infidels: A Warning to Americaā€. Clown world. But white supremacy, thatā€™s the problem.




As a kid, when Reagan and then Daddy Bush were in office, it was known that anything perceived as threatening to the president would be met with a visit from the secret service, and people rarely did it. There's only one president, in my lifetime, when this did not apply, and celebrities, as well as regular citizens, did it regularly with no consequence. He's no longer in office, so now you can't get away with that, again.


Youā€™re talking about Obama right? I remember all of those burning effigies. Iā€™ve seen quite a few of Biden too


ā€œDecapitated headā€ ā€¦ a mask. Itā€™s a mask.




I was down there earlier and I saw some of the protesters on Independence Ave it was three Caucasian looking dudes 1 dude was rocking the Yasser Arafat head gear. The other 2 were rocking them like scarves one dude had the Palestinian flag around them like a cape one dude had red hair the other two dudes I couldnā€™t make out like they were just white dudes. It was strange not surprising just weird as I got closer to The Capitol Building by the Washington monument at 14th St they had Dump Trucks blocking Independence Ave and were directing traffic South towards the The 14th St Bridge. They had a corridor three blocks north and maybe From 14th St. all the way down to the Capitol Building Blocked off. And I cut through the Mall there were Cops everywhere there were City Trucks with Cop Bicycles stacked up in the back and a lot of cops staging and getting ready to do something.. I thought it was for Pride Weekendā€¦


familiar tie safe fear spoon encourage truck include angle plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The real behaded babies are done by US tax dollars to Palestinian. Every accusation is a confession


I don't believe this for a goddam minute.


You all donā€™t know what words mean.


Divide and conquer has always been the plan.


If youā€™re on a side youā€™re infected. Both are wild both are nutty.


Kathy Griffin had way better and realistic looking props.


"Bunch of" is some quality ass specific reporting. There's what, four people in this photo and people want to say it's another insurrection?


Are they inside tho? šŸ¤£


Are they trying to interrupt the certification of the Presidential election? No. Sorry you don't like free speech.


Something definitely doesnā€™t feel right about this.


Isnā€™t this season 4 of Chappelleā€™s Show?


Oh yeeeaa i think i rented that from the blockbuster way back in the day


Probably orchestrated by the people who brought you the Jan 6 iNsUrReCtIoN.


The feds


Well, at least they didn't burn a Pride flag.




Member when Kathy Griffin did this and everyone loved her


I didnā€™t. People that agreed with her and her methods did. She lost endorsements for that actually. Many people thought it was horribly distasteful. The biggest surprise for me was that Kathy Griffin was still around AND had endorsements!


This is fake..


Does someone actually think that this is real?


> Does someone actually think that this is real? The White House is putting up Walls. Because they know who the true crazies are. And itā€™s not Trump Voters


The irony lol


Well the 1/6 crazies actually tried to hang politicians


Oh for real? Can you show me the video where people tried to hang politicians?


Nah, he can't. And most of the real evidence got destroyed by the j6 commission as soon as Trump got discovery power.


And just so we're all on the same page, there are plenty of questions still unanswered about Jan 6. Despite the feds illegally using cell phone data to track down thousands of peaceful and innocent Americans who showed up to the capitol (or anywhere near DC) that day (because nobody ever addressed the many MANY problems and highly questionable activities during the 2020 [s]election), the feds have never bothered to identify many of the key players who instigated the riot. Despite being in the most heavily surveilled city on earth, none of these people have ever been identified: The inert "pipe bomb" guy (nor have the feds explained why the fake "pipe bomb" was left sitting while children walked right by, or why the VP lied about not being inside the DNC building 20 feet away - while DC Metro sat in their cruiser finishing their sammiches), not to mention the fact that *somebody* gave the order to turn the closest cameras to the scene 90Ā° to keep the *disposal* from being viewed closely (not unlike the day the "lone gunman" showed up to comet ping pong) The first eight black bloc and kevlar-clad guys hiding behind masks who were the first to break into the building (we've all seen the video of these guys breaking into the building, and yet they've never been named) The "scaffold commander" has never been identified The group who tore down the first barricade after Ray Epps talked into the one guy's ear on video has never been identified The teams of private security contractors who moved seamlessly through the crowd have never been identified The guys dressed as police who brought out bag after bag of riot gear from inside the building to be carried off by "attendees" have never even been mentioned by the presstitutes The team who delivered the platform that held the world's tiniest and most inept "[gallows](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=jan%206%20gallows%20were%20only%20five%20feet%20tall&ko=-1&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fthepointmag.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F01%2Fcapitol-gallows.jpg&pn=1)" of all time (perfect angles of this thing were plastered everywhere to outrage americans, and yet this particular angle that shows it's a drama class stage prop were completely absent from the propaganda) The numerous antifa who were caught on video changing into maga gear and were called out by trump supporters The numerous police who were caught on video by protesters bragging to other cops about causing damage


Do YOU think that this is real?


Your downvotes are unwarrantedĀ 


What a time to be alive!




This is bidens world.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/uwujv8mecf5d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think that was already attempted and failed lol


Itā€™s weird when Gladio comes home to visit.


hateful quickest like wakeful lush uppity growth tender outgoing history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




The zionist jews golem they promoted and raised thru massive immigration and the cultural narrative control via news, media and Hollywood has gotten out of their control. They thought their golems would usurp the Goyim and leave an easily manageable bland milieu of brown people massaged into easily manageable cattle via the "diversity" ploy. And now, we see it backfiring because they didn't stop to think the oppression programming these golem were subjected to would be used to fight for people the jews are geocoding and oppressing. jews are a people who live in glass houses and throw stones continuously. jews having been kicked out of 109+ countries over the years (I believe the Maldives just banned all jews) for their parasitic meddling in their host countries. The golem are now out of the jews control and you will see some crazy flailing responses to try and regain control over the narrative.


Itā€™s not an insurrection if theyā€™re Leftists


Now if they would have taken down a pride flag then weā€™d have a problem..


Agent provocateurs perhaps?


Submission Statement: https://x.com/TPostMillennial/status/1799555997843034127 Democrats are the violent ones. Democrats burn the American Flag while holding up Foreign Flags. Democrats are working to bring in these people who want to destroy America.


How much do you get paid for this because i csnt believe anyone actually believes this?


I donā€™t think thatā€™s what violence means? I mean no one wants burning flags and fake heads, but no violence Iā€™m aware of yet? Also I think these people are on your side nowā€¦ > ā€œI regret everything,ā€ Dania Dabdoub said of her 2020 vote, adding that she ā€œwill never vote for him again.ā€


Donā€™t you Americans have guns? How could this go on outside the white house. Is Biden really that cooked that he will let terrorists set up camp outside his home?


Freedom of speech means we donā€™t shoot people for saying or expressing things we donā€™t like.


No worries mate, justice will be served this six 8


Watch all the hypocrites pearl clutch about biden when not a single one said a word when that red psycho Kathy griffin held up a severed head of President Trump.


whole placid shy complete normal pathetic rustic numerous encouraging shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm OK with this... Can't wait to see what they do with Cheeto Jesus


"oh my G! Why are we being arrested/expelled???"


Looks *mostly peaceful*.


According to the left, itā€™s considered a ā€˜political statementā€™.


So it's okay if a bunch of brownskins do it but not the Maga boys? Give me a break


Are those 4 "brownskins" trying to break in to stop a democratic transfer of power?


No disrespect but, this is considered as an insurrection? I mean, have you seen the fucked up shit some politicians and celebrities have done for their spirit cooking sessions ? Those assholes have done much worse.


The MSM will label it a "right wing rally" against Biden


Now thatā€™s the kind of thing I can get behind. If a Muslim would take Joeā€™s head off, we get a double win. No more Joe, and a reason to finish the job on riding our country if 2 legged vermin who bow to Allah 5 times a day. To cleanse our nation of those rats, would be the ultimate W!!