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It's a complaint. Nothing in it has to be true and nothing claimed has been independently verified by any party. This is like the FBI form FD-1023 all over again.


Exactly, this is a non story just to get the Trump crowd riled up


Look who posted it.. the same dude who thinks social media views equate to votes..


Your argument sounds a lot like the case against Trump.


Which case?


You choose


As an accountant, Trump did commit fraud in the Trump Org civil suit. You cannot claim a property value of 16 million for tax purposes and report its value as almost a billion dollars to banks. If I told a client that, I would go to jail. You can't lie about square footage to inflate a property's value so you can get a bigger loan against it. You cannot lie on loan paperwork. There are tens of thousands of people in jail right now for lying to banks to secure loans but I'm sure you already knew that.


Is that typically a misdemeanor or a felony offense?


Misdemeanor and felonies are criminal charges. The NY fraud case was in civil court. If you want to see someone criminally charged for the Trump fraud, just look at Allen Weisselberg. He's at Riker's right now for his role in the NY fraud but I'm sure you already knew that.


How is this a civil case if being charged for 34 felony accounts for falsifying business accounts?


You're conflating multiple cases. There was a civil case against the Trump organization for fraud. There was also a criminal case against Donald Trump for falsifying business records in order to interfere in the 2016 election. That's the case where Trump was convicted of 30+ felonies.


"This is the worst thing anyone has ever seen. Nothing like this has ever happened before."


He came to me with tears in his eyes and said, "Sir, your diaper is full". Beautiful men that look like Tom Cruise but taller. Fortunately or unfortunately for millions of years.


Lmao at making a post about a “complaint” Complaint probably came from one of the schizos on this sub 🥱🥱🥱


This guy is a tool bag lol why does anyone listen to him.


I don't get it, where is the conspiracy: 1. Did Trump have an extramarital affair with a porn star - highly likely given his history & own statements 2. Did Trump pay or direct or facilitate payment to suppress information about an affair from becoming public - highly likely given what David Pecker said and realistically that's what you would do. 3. Did they make the deal just before the election & then Trump paid his lawyer back for the payment - evidence, cheque, agreement, testimony all support Because of the timing Trump made it an election issue. If he had done it a year earlier meh, nothing Basically Trump is getting nailed for transactional sloppiness & stupidity ie being a bad criminal. Do the pay-off early, not at the last moment. Don't reimburse your bag man with a check Don't screw over your lawyer / bag man


It's the Trumpsexual conspiracy.


Maybe if we had two different people running for president. We wouldnt be so divided


No, we are in this situation because the country is divided. It's ok, we don't have to like each other. Time to break the country up so the south can wallow in their own poverty.




"Leading Report" is a conservative anonymous website. It is known for trafficking misinformation and conspiracy theories. So....perfect for r/conspiracy commons.


And CNN is known for Leftist Misinformation


Was this on CNN?


Deflect deflect! 😂 You should take a psychology. You might understande your behaviors. 😭😂😭


Deflect? Na that’s called Facts. Russia Russia Russia


Trump did say Putin is very strong and powerful.


Keep serving father Russia, comrad! 🫡


I think this website is known for Rightist Misinformation...


CNN is Democrat run media


Owned by a Republican. Ignorance isn't a conspiracy.


Imma about ready to leave this sub. It’s just non stop trump stuff.


Yeah but it's funny to clown on them. A bunch of Trumpsexuals want to suck his mushroom dry lol.


Im glad they did so froggy has a job making these posts that are just screenshots. Keeping frog employed!


He has a lot of seniority at the Russian bot farm.


The person who filed the complaint got their information from Fox News. 😆😜


People just love saying “kangaroo court” and “banana republic “ lol


Banana Republicans


Kangaroos and Bananas, what could go wrong?


Doesn’t matter, the left have overplayed their hand. The entire planet is sick and tired of their BS.


Do something or keep crying on the internet because it's hilarious.


Project 2025 here we come! I can't wait to live in an authoritarian state! I for see a handmade future 🫡🫡🫡


Trumpsexuals want to suck that mushroom dry every day.


> Project 2025 here we come! I can't wait to live in an authoritarian state! I for see a handmade future Project 2030


See that's called "deflecting" right there. Instead of facing something head on choose to bring up another topic to take the attention off of what was being asked. People usually do this when they don't have an answer or know that they will easily be proven wrong. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I've asked plenty of redditors this question but never got a single response. Maybe you'll be the exception. What is so frightening or authoritarian about project 2025? Can you explain in your own words instead of linking some horribly biased article?


The slow eroding of our constitutional rights. The inevitable military state that it will bring with it. The total collapse of our financial systems, free thought education, freedom of speech, everything will be gone. America will cease to exist.


How exactly will it do any of that?


Why don't you just read it for yourself? There are about a million summaries of it biased in any direction you want.


I have. That's why I don't understand all of the fear porn about it. It's weird to me that nearly all of reddit constantly fearmongers and fanfictions about it when it amounts to basic conservative policy consistent with the last 40 years. People/bots are constantly pretending like it's some kind of apocalyptic doomsday scenario when there's literally nothing to it. Anytime I ask anyone to explain why they're freaking out about it, this exchange is the most I ever get in return: "it's the end of the world" *Why?* "Here's a fanfiction link that fearmongers the exact opposite of what it says" or "do your own research" when pressed on it. Thanks for taking the time, I guess.


Ah yes, just your classic "conspiracy theorist" that sees nothing wrong with consolidation of power in the president, making that president above the law, using the military as police to deport people en masse across the country, and the creation of "political academies" to train civil servants loyal to the ruling party. I'm sure absolutely none of that could be abused. Edit: Not to mention all the insane BS to try and get Christianity normalized in school and government.


Is this a joke? Or are you just irony incarnate? Conservatives actually put a plan in motion to fight back against the cookie cutter re-education industry that has pumped out brainwashed kid after brainwashed kid, completely devoid of any and all fundamentals of education for the last 60 years. Turning them into literal cult members who hate their families, communities, and country. If you question this, ask yourself why the dept of (re)education's standards have dropped every year since its creation, culminating in each current year being the lowest ever. Then you have states like WA eliminating AP classes and all requirements for graduation *because equity* or something. How terrifying it would be to turn that sinking ship around! Eegads! >sees nothing wrong with consolidation of power in the president 🤦‍♀️ Maybe you should check in on how practically every federal agency that's under the command of the executive branch have previously lied to the president and usurped his authority *because orangemanbad* or something. Currently there are hundreds of federal agencies and practically every unelected globocuck agency *and* unelected US taxpayer funded warhawk orgs trying to "trump-proof" their existence. Maybe orgs like NATO/UN/WEF shouldn't be forcing the world into a global war if they're worried about the next president throwing a wrench in their gears. >making that president above the law 🤦‍♀️ Like Obama drone striking American citizens in a country we aren't at war with, daddy Bush being directly involved with the JFK assassination, the ousting of Nixon, and the [s]election of the only unelected president in the history of the US? Or maybe like the Cheney administration lying us into a forever war in the ME? Or maybe Biden fucking up the Afghanistan withdrawal so bad that every terrorist group and drug cartel around the world are now using our military weapons and vehicles? Give me a fucking break. >using the military as police to deport people en masse across the country, You might want to check in on all of those "sanctuary" cities. Not a single one has an issue with removing the venezuelan gang members and prison populations, terrorist cells, ms-13 gang members, and millions of military age males from every country that's hostile to the US from their communities. In fact, they are all openly calling for it. All of them. Talk to anyone on the street and they'll back up exactly what I said. The only people opposed to it are the terminally online cult members who get all of their information from reddit echochambers and govt-funded propagandists - the ones who are never affected by the policies they advocate for. >and the creation of "political academies" to train civil servants loyal to the ruling party. Oh. My. God. How terrifying. Doing the thing that democrats have been doing for decades so that they stand a chance of existing. How will the nation ever recover? >I'm sure absolutely none of that could be abused. Like the lawfare campaigns to keep the top presidential candidate from being able to campaign, and to stop Americans from being able to vote for who they want? Or the thousands of universities and schools cranking out "revolutionaries" who defend whatever the (D) cult Current Thing^tm is instead of acclimated adults who are ready for the real world? Or the countless "think tanks" created by Intellegence retirees who refuse to fade away into the ether because they refuse to take their hands off of the levers of power? Or the countless so-called representatives who plant their kids on international boards to funnel laundered taxpayer monies into their own pockets *while* they are in office *and* control policy in those countries? >Edit: Not to mention all the insane BS to try and get Christianity normalized in school and government Oh noes! *Anyway*... You can hate Christianity all you want, but there's no denying that it gave us the moral foundation of modern society, the social contract we all abide by everyday. Don't kill, don't steal, don't screw your neighbors wife, treat people the way you want to be treated - they all came from Christianity. There's also no denying society worsens the further away it gets from that moral foundation. We're in a deep spiral of deprecation, thanks to the marxist twats successfully severing the tie between the nuclear family *and* subverting the (re)education industry over the last 60 years. It should come as no surprise that the marxists claim to have fully captured the education system by 1993. Today's society is a direct result of that subversion. You might want to try looking in the mirror every once in a while. Everything you're fearmongering over has been done by ideologues/zealots that have pushed the "blue no matter who" ideology for more than a half century.


\*This message brought to you by Trump 2024 and a lack of interaction with the outside world. There are strategists at the RNC that would cry tears of joy reading your message. Good soldier.


> Doesn’t matter, the left have overplayed their hand. The entire planet is sick and tired of their BS. Yup as evidence from Europes recent elections. People are tired of Leftist Bull Shit.


Yet as evidenced by every special election and regular election since 2016, Republicans keep losing. Weird.


> Yet as evidenced by every special election and regular election since 2016, Republicans keep losing. Weird. It’s hard to win when you don’t control the media like Democrats do


What media? As far as I can tell the most popular News Channel in the country, the most popular News Radio stations in the country, and one of the most popular social networks in the world are run by Convservatives. Facebook is essentially conservative boomer central. Seems like a lot of conservative controlled media, maybe ya'll just have really shitty beliefs?






I’m shocked! \s How do people not see we are living in the most corrupt country of them all.


Oh please


What are you shocked about? I'm willing to bet you don't even understand the topic here.


I feel like this is common knowledge but no one really cares


A gop congresswoman files a frivolous complaint so there is a headline saying a complaint was filed. This subreddit and poster are pathetic.


Complaint filed by a Mr Ronald J Drump


Leading report is full of these non story speculation tweets Just for engagement They suck


Submission Statement: https://x.com/LeadingReport/status/1800930761387720777 This is worse then Watergate. All Nixon did was Soy on the DNC. While Biden Regime had Trump arrested and convicted in a Kangaroo Court. Democrats are the threats to Democracy.


Wow Democrats sound strong and powerful, better just give up.


I believe he was convicted by a Jury. Do you know how jury selection works?


Poorly educated knows how jury system works? BAWAHAHAHAHAHA!


> I believe he was convicted by a Jury. Do you know how jury selection works? O you mean the Jury that leaked information to the Public?


are you talking about the post by the self described "professional shitposter"?


> are you talking about the post by the self described "professional shitposter"? The Judge donated to Biden.


Trump donated to Bill Clinton and Kamala Harris. Kamala shows off her $5000 Trump check all the time lol.


That didn't answer the question


Considering that Trump violated his gag order repeatedly and was never jailed for it really dilutes any argument that the judge has been remotely unfair to Trump. Also the judge constantly let Trump leave the state. Every instance requires the judges approval when you are out on felony pretrial. Trump was convicted by a jury of his peers for crimes he has publicly admitted to doing. 34 felony counts. He's going to prison. Biden didnt order it. That's not how that works. That's not even how it works in most conspiracies. Also you're not going to find a judge at that level that didn't donate to one presidential campaign or another. So the judge had to treat Trump with kid gloves and be extra non bias. Even when Trump continually disrespected his courtroom and the bench. Maybe Trump shouldn't cheat on every one of his wives. Maybe he shouldn't have tried to bury the story to influence an election. Maybe he shouldn't have used campaign funds to do it. Trump's story about the whole incident has changed multiple times. Which is generally an indication of a guilty person. And a true positive of a liar.( Because if your story keeps changing, then some versions are lies) You getting it now? Does Biden suck? Yeah of course he does. But Trump is also a giant flaming pile of garbage that doesn't give two fucks if you live or die. Unless he can make a buck off of it. Stop shilling for a con man. You're better than that.


Diaper Donnie is getting pampered by the system like the full diaper on his orange ass. Trump doesn't have to take drugs tests while on probation, which is bullshit.


Right?! And when all potential jurors are pulled from the list of registered Democrats, is it really a jury of your peers?


Half were republicans. One said they only got their news from Fox and OAN.


Also in case you forgot, Trump admitted to what he was convicted of back in 2018. He went on twitter and admitted to knowing about the payments, but denied the affair. But yeah, jurors should just ignore the fact that he admitted his guilt.


I've never seen that, but that if it's fact, still past the statute of limitations. Also, this would be a misdemeanor at most in any other case. But I guess case history and tort law is thrown out the window when your sole purpose is political in nature.


Why do you MAGA chodes lie non stop?


"Also, this would be a misdemeanor at most in any other case." Abortion is legal in most states so then it must be legal everywhere.


Even in NY, this type of 'crime' has never been a felony. It's always and forever been a misdemeanor 'crime'. But, of course the state that sets illegal immigrants free after they commit violent crimes, only to commit more violent crimes, would turn a misdemeanor into 34 felonies. Yeah, not politically motivated at all. 'New York: Where we set violen, illegal immigrant felons free without being prosecuted and we turn minor misdemeanors against our political rival into 34 felonies, even if all jurors don't agree the defendant was guilty on each felony count.' It's not a catchy slogan, but at least it's truthful.


All jurors agreed he was guilty on each felony count and it was a felony because he was trying to cover his tracks.




They never know much, if anything at all


Nixon didn't do anything. That's become pretty clear now.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/shpy6l1ixd6d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"wE gOtS a CoMpLaInT fIlEd.......We NeEdS tHe FiRiNg SqUaD...........................dErP!"


What is the "this"? Why are you referring to?


Wheres the complaint?


It still takes a grand jury to indict and a 12 person jury to agree to unanimously convict. More proof that MAGA don't vote because they'd know how jury system works.


The poll ratings favoring Trump are as high as Fat Alvin’s cholesterol


Riiiight Trump is 6'4" and 215 pounds of pure muscle. I think Trump has more hamberders cholesterol than anyone, more than Obama!


Hmmm, is he the one who is running the country?


First, its a complaint. Second, election fraud is omnipresent, so its the threshold you want.