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why do you think they sued the only person vocally pointing out all the inconvenient inconsistencies for 1.5 BILLION ?


Nobody died at Sandy Hook


I don’t know much about this theory but I was curious. How can they totally fake a school? Like wouldn’t the community know it wasn’t real? There would have to be students and buses and teachers. How do you fake this?


It's definitely very hard to make sense of how they could pull it off, but that's because they're very skilled at subterfuge, and we don't get to peek behind the curtain to see all that went into it. There is some very weird stuff about Newtown - it may in fact have been a "manufactured" city to some extent. There was apparently a high percentage of intelligence folks "living" there, and a bunch of the homes in Newtown all sold simultaneously on the same day for like $1.00 I believe, several years before the "shooting". There exists mountains more evidence that the event was, in fact, a drill that was portrayed as a real event. Watch Unraveling Sandy Hook in 5 Dimensions - sober, non-schizo doc that basically puts the issue to rest in my eyes. To those who believe the official story - I understand why you think that way; it is very hard to believe that something like this could be faked. The only problem is that IT WAS....once I got over the initial shock of that realization, I was enraged and very motivated to find out what the fuck is going on in our country. I think this is representative of many folks on this side of the fence. Can you understand that reaction at all, suspending for a moment your belief in the status quo? The way they have fashioned the public narrative is this: "if you question whether the Sandy Hook shooting happened or not, then YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT KIDS DYING!!!!! AND YOU PROBABLY WANT MORE KIDS TO DIE!!!!" \^\^does that make any sense at all? No, but it has been entered into the programming, and we rarely stop to question the programming...


How'd they kill JFK or do Gulf of Tonkin or 9/11?


Do you look through my comment history or something? Funny enough I was just brining those examples up to someone else.. Anywho I was curious if you had a theory, but that seems like a tough nut to crack. Also I pm’d you a few days ago. I won’t be offended if you don’t want to accept but take a look and see what you think.


"It's such an absurd lie; why would they do it?" Enough people think like that, they get away with it. And they got away with it.


Well please show me what convinced you that this was a lie.


Yeah if anyone has a deep dive into this I'd love to read up.


Someone did, but it was in the [opposite direction](https://www.crisisactorsguild.com/2016/03/27/sandy-hook-elementary-was-open-part-five-dawn-hochsprungs-twitter-feed/). I would like to see the original deep dive myself to compare the two.


Hadn't seen this one thank you bud


Here is the one that refutes this post: https://www.crisisactorsguild.com/2016/03/27/sandy-hook-elementary-was-open-part-five-dawn-hochsprungs-twitter-feed/ November 28th, 2012. 1st graders are shown preparing for the school’s holiday concert on December 13th. If you view the full-size version of the photo, you’ll see that the date of the concert – Thursday, December 13th (which would make it 2012) – as well as its location (Newtown High School) is written on the whiteboard:


SS: Wild


What’s wild is that it’s not even wild, at this point it’s par for the course. But whoever that dude was is spotted it I’d like to shake his hand. It was a good catch.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/bzv2zw914l6d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Before you know it, the Feds are going to seize all your assets and make you their debt bitch for the rest of your life! 😂


Everything was a lie concerning this event just look on rumble david wheeler a shit b actor plays a grieving father & A SWAT TEAM MEMBER I MEAN MY GOD SHEEPLE WTF!!!


If anyone cares someone refutes this. ~~https://www.crisisactorsguild.com/2016/03/27/sandy-hook-elementary-was-open-part-five-dawn-hochsprungs-twitter-feed/~~ Edit: This is the right link: https://www.crisisactorsguild.com/2016/03/27/sandy-hook-elementary-was-open-part-five-dawn-hochsprungs-twitter-feed/ The Article focuses on: 1. **Contextual Error**: In the chaos and rapid response of a crisis, errors in reporting or posting can occur. The image may have been mistakenly reused without ill intent. 2. **Photographic Evidence**: The photo of students preparing for a holiday concert matches the event details leading up to the Sandy Hook shooting. 3. **Lack of Conspiracy Motive**: There's no credible evidence suggesting a conspiracy. The idea that an entire school community, law enforcement, and media would be complicit is implausible. For more detailed analyses, refer to [Crisis Actors Guild](https://www.crisisactorsguild.com). **Twitter Bug** The Twitter bug causes timestamps to display incorrectly due to time zone differences. For example, tweets posted in Eastern Standard Time (EST) can appear to be posted three hours earlier in Pacific Standard Time (PST). This can lead to confusion and false claims of foreknowledge. This issue has been acknowledged by Twitter and can be verified by cross-referencing tweet timestamps with known events and the user’s time zone settings. For a deeper understanding, you can explore this [SANDY HOOK ELEMENTARY WAS OPEN, PART FIVE: DAWN HOCHSPRUNG’S TWITTER FEED](https://www.crisisactorsguild.com/2016/03/27/sandy-hook-elementary-was-open-part-five-dawn-hochsprungs-twitter-feed/) Edit: I posted the wrong link. https://www.crisisactorsguild.com/2016/03/27/sandy-hook-elementary-was-open-part-five-dawn-hochsprungs-twitter-feed/ "November 28th, 2012. 1st graders are shown preparing for the school’s holiday concert on December 13th. If you view the full-size version of the photo, you’ll see that the date of the concert – Thursday, December 13th (which would make it 2012) – as well as its location (Newtown High School) is written on the whiteboard:"


This looks like ChatGPT trash and addresses the issue not at all


It does. That was my fault. I accidentally posted the wrong link. https://www.crisisactorsguild.com/2016/03/27/sandy-hook-elementary-was-open-part-five-dawn-hochsprungs-twitter-feed/ "November 28th, 2012. 1st graders are shown preparing for the school’s holiday concert on December 13th. If you view the full-size version of the photo, you’ll see that the date of the concert – Thursday, December 13th (which would make it 2012) – as well as its location (Newtown High School) is written on the whiteboard:"


The full size photo clearly shows Thurs Dec 8 https://x.com/DHochsprung/status/273863845381013504?t=IFpkPh9pZ0sVlkeYQ6pdNg&s=19


Honestly, I thought it was a B at first. so I can see how it is a 13


There's no sign of a 1 and the curves on the left are clearly visible. On a 3 you'd only see curves on the right


It is hard for me to tell. I see something different everytime I look at it. I Thought it said Pee B, then I saw Dee 3 then Bec. If that is an 8 it is one funky looking 8. Though I can see how someone would see that. The biggest issue I find is I zoomed in all the way and now I get weird artifacts. Like the D does not even look like a D more like a T and I'm getting grey squiggles. The pixilation and how our brains do that thing where we put grey spots between black and white portions (at least for me) makes it insanely hard to clearly figure it out. Right now I could swear it says Tee B to me with weird very thin grey lines criss crossing going from the second e to the B


I've never seen this before and I honestly don't see a 13, I haven't looked into this though to have an opinion one way or another but I see 3 or 8 in that picture.