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I will never understand why a devout Muslim would want to move to a "free" religion country when there are so many dominant Muslim countries to move to. Wouldn't they be happier there?


Because their plan is to dominate the entire planet.


"The great replacement"


If you try searching “The Great Replacement”. All the search engines are completely censored and you can only find information going against it saying it is a “conspiracy” and only racist far right nazi extremist believe it. Also, anything about white slavery, or ancient European history about the Scythian’s. Most of the information is censored or extremely scrutinized by historians. It’s almost like someone is trying to control the narrative of history.


Ofc they are


the plan is not the plan of those moving, it's the plan of those allowing them in. edit: and they *planned this*. they created the crises which pushed these people out of the middle east in the first place. It was obvious this would happen when the arab spring and the syrian civil war started. (the syrian war wasn't even "civil" - [Obama](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/US_intervention_in_the_Syrian_civil_war) started it)


Ding ding ding. It's so that the locals shift their target onto these Muslims instead of the govt. All of this just to get some heat off them and also keep wages low.


Age old tactic of bringing in people to culture shock so they don’t focus on elites.


*cough* southern US border *cough*


Exactly right. If Trump doesn't win this upcoming election, the USA will slide into an irreversible decline, if it hasn't begun doing so already.


lol you thinking one puppet is gonna save you from another puppet


At least one puppet actually put some effort into cracking down on the illegal immigration crisis.


how'd that border wall turn out?


Exactly. They will be majority in 20 years time, though. They know it, we know it. Look at Albanian hegemonism - they were working for 100 years to take Kosovo from Serbia by same policy - having 20 kids per family in order to become ethnic majority instead of ethnic majority - and than lobbying with petro-dollars and organ/drug trafficking money in the centers of power to take the territory. They succeeded. The same pattern is used here, just that they don't aim provinces, they aim to overtake entire countries and, bottom line, entire western civilization. To us, they are human beings with different beliefs. To them, we are enemy, infidels who should be converted or terminated.


Divide and conquer - strategy as old as time...


Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!


That IS their plan: move into countries, act like they're good sweet devout submissive people; they keep breeding, taking over, dominating... Then one day it changes: there are too many of them, and they demand their sharia law; they proselytize, force ppl to either join them, die or become slaves! Then it's a fight for your very lives!


You’re exactly right. Did you know it even talks about that in the Quran? They are supposed to be nice to rveryone, meanwhile becoming your neighbors, friends, politicians, government officials, etc. until one day they all flip around and turn on you , and guess what? If you don’t believe in their beliefs they will kill you. It’s all in the Quran! Manipulate and lie until they procreate enough to be everyone neighbor, what do you do then when they’re everywhere? Don’t trust them!


Yes, I've spoken with many dozens of mooselims who have told me exactly this; i don't know why they'd tell me this, maybe they thought I'd never repeat it, or maybe they just didn't care?? In college in Oklahoma decades ago, I met a woman who'd been in the U.S. Navy where she'd met one from Iran; they were married with children. She invited me & several other young women for dinner and a small get-together one night; we felt betrayed when we got there: it was a set-up for us to meet her husband's male single friends & family members looking for wives FOR GREEN CARDS ONLY; they offered us $2-3,000 but we all said HECK NO!! The next school day we all went into the dean's office and very angrily complained; she was banned from campus forever, lost all her grants & scholarships & called us until we had to have police involved. Turned out right then, but wouldn't today!


That would not work today because the children would become “westernized” and not go along with the plan. My daughters fiancé is second generation Palestinian and has no compulsion towards Muslim or following the Koran. Imagine how the next generation would be.


I implore people do research on the "Arab identity." Most people we consider, or call, Arab... simply aren't. Or weren't. The Arabs conquered not just people, but cultures and religions. This is why Islam is so deeply ingrained into the Arab identity. Many countries that are Arab countries were once either majorly a different culture/ethnicity or a more diverse land beyond the 80-95% hegemony we see in today's Middle East. So entire swaths of people have their cultural and ethnic identities conquered and replaced with "Arab Muslim." It's still happening today as we speak. The topic of colonization, genocide, and ethnic cleansing are hot in recent times.. but nobody wants to point fingers at the group that's done it the most and are still doing it in modern day history.


Because the law is very strict there, they want the loose laws of the western world (no capital punishment, no whipping, no cutting fingers off, ...) Not mentioning the jails down there ...


In Iran theyll get executed for rape. The evils ones of the muslims come to the west cause they no they can rape away with no consequences.


They plan to break their social system and outbreed the local population. They have not been shy about it either. >" imam at Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque last week called on Muslim migrants to Europe to produce children in order to conquer the continent “in the name of the coming Caliphate.”


Because Muslim dominant countries tend to get explode-y


That’s what their rapist warlord prophet did


Because those countries are sh*tholes or are smart enough not to take them.


Maybe ask what CIA/Five Eyes have been doing in Muslim countries for the past few decades? I wonder if that would help your ability to understand the blood soaked ground that keeps your grocery stores open stocked with tropical fruits in the dead of winter? Maybe ask when current ME regimes are simply puppet state actors for Western Intelligence services? Maybe consider what level of wealth extraction has condensed into European elites? huh, i guess not worth considering any consipiracy on a conspiracy subreddit except those posted by cyberwarfare accounts?


You are right bro but they don't want to hear real conspiracies here. They just want to talk about biden being replaced with a clone and the covid vaccine killing people.




Didn’t the Arabs burn half of Sweden after someone drew a picture of Mohammed or something totally disproportionate. Edit: I think the riots from the picture of Mohammed was elsewhere. The Swedish riots were started by people burning Koran. The response was similarly disproportionate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UB0OratZnD8


Even worse, they burned 52%


Thought that was France 🤔


That was the French, they’re quite good at setting their own country on fire.


The French have mastered rioting. I wish more first world countries would follow suit.


That’s the country where being a history teacher is the most dangerous job ever


An ugly narcissist 2,000 years ago made a stupid rule that nobody is allowed to take his picture. And people are really still burning shit down to enforce that rule.


People need to learn you have to coexist with those that don't hold your beliefs. You can't behead everything you don't like. Play nice or leave.


“You can’t behead everything you don’t like.” Well god damn if they won’t give it the old college try!


I guess decapitation isn't very nice, is it?


This concept is lost on Muslims


Ye lol keep waiting for that to actually happen with people ideologically opposed to it


Kills the Apostates. Right in their book.


Strike the neck, specifically.


Yeah, they need to chill with the beheading. Lol.


That and the neck stabbing


Well, he looks like a maniacal asshole...I am 100% for this, though. People need to understand that in another country, there are other rules. My freedom of speech teumps your religion. Sorry, but thems the breaks. Now, do I want to burn a Quoran or a Bible or a Torah or anything else like that? Personally, no. I have no real desire to kick it up to that notch...but I do think at times it can be an important symbolic act.


The spectators are certainly exercising their free speech rights. They're yelling "Son of a whore", "Your mother", "Pussy", etc.


It’s great that they go to countries with free speech rights and abuse the citizens. Why not stop extending those rights to foreigners? In their countries we do not have rights. They should have none in ours.


Be aware that taking away rights from those you disagree with can eventually lead to everyone’s rights being stripped, including your own. Deciding who deserves certain rights and who doesn’t is a very slippery slope—be cautious with that mindset.


They aren't going to these countries for a better or different way of life like we are led to believe. We are seeing and have been seeing for over a decade this mass migration and they are going to these other countries to slowly take them over from within. Just look at what's happening in places like Michigan, I believe that has a majority Muslim city council and they are changing things in accordance with their religious beliefs.


Sure you don't mean Minnesota? Michigan is pretty bad too, though.


What about burning a pride flag?


then your going to prison racist


Well said


They do understand it. They want you to understand every country is their rules 🙃


I would love to move to a Muslim country and bring my Christian values to their country. How do you think it would turn out for me?


Dead in a coffin I think


You think they’d have the decency to place me in a coffin?


He is right. You want sharia law? go back home. Why are Muslim unhappy in the West? Go back home, simple as that.


All religions are a cancer on society


Yes, but while Christianity is at best a benign tumor that can be easily treated, Islam is more of a stage 4 brain tumor.




He should have the right to burn whatever book he chooses. I personally think it’s distasteful but I would defend anyone’s right to speak. Freedom of speech, freedom of thought is the most fundamental right in any liberal democracy.


Fck yes, burn it man


Its the correct way of disposing it :D so please do. Or u can also bury it.


Two wrongs never, made it right.


He doesn't look particularly swedish, is he going back to?


He seems like someone who can assimilate since he isn't bringing in a religion that is opposed to Swedish society.


He's a Christian originally from a Muslim country.


Natives should defend their homeland against migrants


Do you think that guy was native Swedish? He’s not Scandinavian, so he can’t be.


Of course not, however he was at least born there. Or, he’s very anti-Islam, it can go either way.


Imagine if this guy had lighter skin


This isn’t conspiracy. JFK assassination is conspiracy. 9/11 is conspiracy. Aliens are conspiracy. Cat turd running over his own dog is animal abuse. This is just dumb.


Islam is evil and preaches hatred, nothing dumb about this. Not a conspiracy tho.


Any religious group that starts threatening violence cause you dont respect their little book can eat shit as far as im concerned. If he did this to a bunch of christians or jews and was burning the Torah, Talmud, or the Bible... id feel the same way.


I 100% support his actions…but also hope he’s a fast runner.


Sweden's freedom of speech and the protection it enjoys is impressive. I'm a freedom of speech absolutist.


As long as the crowds reaction is also free speech that's fine


I think they should go home.


Honestly I think we just need a yearly burning of all religious texts. Just to make everyone get over themselves.


What is the conspiracy?????? Edit: real conspiracy probably is OP being a bot posting nonsense to conspiracy subs over and over again


Just paper


Muslim protestors routinely burn the flag of their host country.... if they can burn the flag, we can burn the Koran


Is this sub to discuss immigration or conspiracies?


I think he has a death wish. It is no secret how fanatical some Moslems are


Is he still alive ? Serious question


I call it free speech. Still exists in a few places.


It is well planned by evil Zionist pit both Muslims and Christians against each other


I find this a weird religion, certain Muslims against other less extreme Muslim, religion has been one of the highest causes of death and think we could move forward without any religion……. Treat others how you would like to be treated and you can’t go wrong


Well Mohammad was a pedo,so I support the guy burning that book!


I'm a Muslim. The Quran says there should be no compulsion in Deen (way) Which is often understood to mean there should be no compulsion in religion. Either way it says there should be no compulsion. This man is free to do what he wants. People might not like it, I personally find it distasteful and a bit weird... But it's his choice isn't it. If he wants to believe he can believe, and if he wants to disbelieve he can disbelieve. Those are the freedoms Allah gave us all. Edit: There's also no verse in the anywhere in the Quran that says "if someone does something you don't like, go and hurt them". Again, no compulsion = can't force people.


So why are the beheadings and over the top murders so popular in your culture? To my knowledge, which is limited to liveleak videos, the only people on the planet who have the propensity to lop off heads are Muslims and narcoterrorists. There is no rational thoughtline that ends in beheading, yet for many in these 2 particular groups, it is the go-to solution for a problem. How does your community address this issue?


yep. the west beheads people the right way. from a safe distance with fighter jets and drone bombs so no one feels super guilty.


Once you've heard the horrific content of Jewish kabalistic mysticism and what they feel compelled to do to us, all the craziness happening in the world makes sense. They're absolute monsters with plans for us that can only be described as evil!


>Go back to your country! Says possibly the most Arab looking Swede ever, like I would not be surprised if he is Iraqi himself


I support his cause


Isn't burning the proper way of disposing of a Quran?


I love how based this is! All non-Muslim countries really should be pushing hard to be Muslim-free countries once again.


The European Union sold out to investment funds from Saudi Arabia and related Arab countries who bought free access for illegal immigrants from the Middle East and Africa to corrupt European countries like France, Germany, England, Spain, etc. Europe is already an Islamized continent if they do not become aware of what that means for their future they will cease to exist.


I think he is a paid government agitator/actor, a distraction. All Western governments are effing with their own citizenry rn, our governments have turned on us. They are distracting us from noticing that we are being depopulated and they are turning society into an open air prison system. China was the test run, the Chinese are already living in the dystopian nightmare. You will own nothing and be happy because you will not notice that everything has been taken from you.


Well, there is no need to burn it. But he is probably trying to say that Sweden has the freedom to burn the Koran. This is supposed to happen because Muslims tend not to respect other cultures. Muslims who cannot tolerate this should return to their home countries. For atheists, the Koran means nothing more than a fantasy novel that produces terrorists.


It's a shame so many conspiracy theorists can't see the divide and conquer agenda.


I have no opinion.


I do. What a dick he is.


How is this post of yours related to conspiracy? It's related to racism/hate against Islam What's the point of posting it here


I don't know if it's racism when he's from Iraq.


United we stand, divided we fall….so no not good at all. At least the people who are aware of it should never participate in hating our fellow human, only the government and the system we can speak out against. This is really the only way we can come out of this. Plus hate is always bad and we should never have hate in us we should overcome it.


i dont get it why are we still fighting on religion, why cant there be normal human who respect each other and stop this non sense, these people should be punished by their own country to do such stupid thing, seriously this man looks psycho and needs to be punished


Id say alphabet soup paid him to create upheaval


Smells like free speech to me.


Yes just stop already


Love it


Hell yeah!


Athiest should really focus on family. Have 10-20 kids, adopt if need be and educate their kids. The only way we win this war on ideology is to meet them in demographics, educate their kids and slowly moderate their religion until the next generation is less likely to become religious.


100% for it. Doesn't matter it will happen sooner or later. Someone will come to power like in WW2 and history will repeat itself. People never learn.


Freedom of expression. Let him do it.


Disrespectful. Wish there wasn’t religion or politics. Too many lives, time and money wasted on these two aspects of life.


Funny thing is he is an Arab


he may be iraqi-born, but he's not an arab, he's a kurd.


Why does that matter? Since when did ethnicity dictate religion? You sound ignorant AF!


I think it's a bit nasty but he has the right and possibly the reasoning for it.. I havent seen things from his point of view and this may be quite mild compared to what he is protesting about... I do think he should have picked another way though. I wouldn't do that to anyone's sacred books it's clearly disrespectful


I think I've seen people burning bibles already tit for tat.


I’m sure plenty of Swedish flags were burned at their (swedens) Palestine protests


If one thing is allowed to be burned then so are other things of that nature. If you're going to disrespect a flag or item of worship then you can't be mad if your flag or item of worship is disrespected in response.


I understand about free speech and everything, but this will incite more violence against Christians


I think he should not do that.


Hate exists everywhere, nobody is immune to it


The biggest mistake these countries made when accepting large groups of immigrants was keeping them all together instead of distributing them amongst the population to integrate into the communities. They’ve been kept separate so it has created an Us and Them mentality, which is incredibly dangerous to society as a whole.




Freedom of speech > your religion as long as you’re not harming anyone or their property.


Very much agree. Stop the mass importation of migrants by the SORO'S funded NGO's in ALL Western countries. Only import & give citizenship to heavily vetted migrant families who very much want to assimilate & become productive members to their new society. It is absolutely Ludacris to basically open the floodgates to anyone from anywhere, completely unvetted. Allowing countries to literally empty out their prisons & asylums to send them to Western countries to become our problems. In fact it's absolutely CRIMINAL. @ least it should be... But it's BIG MONEY for many & that's part of the Rea it's happening. Its always about money....


All religions cause rifts in society.


Yes but only Muslims behead non Muslims.


Ok not cool but if you have a relationship with allah then so what they burn a book.. the relationship should be the most important thing..YES again disrespectful but only a book


this is silly and what point does it prove? if we all worked from the premise of don't be an asshole the world would be a better place.. the burning of any religious texts is an asshole move regardless of what religion.


Looks like a staged provocation event just to start some sort of fighting. Not saying it's right to burn Holy books.im just looking at the man in a taped area having security detail


Nice !!!


if you think someone else doing something to a book has any meaning then you're insane. Mohammed himself would probably laugh at you.


I get the impression that this sub would be screaming The Devil if a video came up of someone burning a bible. Just a vibe tho


Would have been funnier if he had wiped his ass with it first.


Should burn the Bible while he’s at it, and the Torah, and the satanic bible


Doubt anyone would draw blood over the burning of those books


What is the conspiracy here? That this dude is an ass? That ppl are racist? Seriously, what is the conspiracy here? 


Fuck the down votes, I totally agree


Albert Pikes 3rd World War Plan is the conspiracy this is linked to.


All these are crisis actors put there to sow seeds of division and hatred. I am not a fan of Sharia - I believe it has no place in modern world and Islam definitely needs a MAJOR revision. But acts like this are specifically to instigate.


This is divide and conquer. Pure and simple.


Whatever....a provocateur..just click IGNORE


This man is not Swedish either.


I think he's a fool who'll likely be targeted for murder by fanatical Muslims.


Burning the Qur'an is the proper method of disposing of it lol


What a wonderful sight .


I think he has full rights to do so, if he so pleases. Oh it hurts your feelings? So? Why not go back to where something like this wouldn't happen then? You'd want all the benefits of Western countries, but none of the assimilation and culture. Well, f off from where you came from then.


He’s a knob


Allah is a pedo god anyway.


I always see this but notice the Torah is never brought up where it states a man having sex with a 3 year old girl is ok and 9 for a boy.


I think he's rude and cruel. And i think I am profoundly disappointed to see the comments on this post


Nuke the cube


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/z6iwkv3skp8d1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is he still alive?


Is this person muslim?




Is he alive


Am I the only one who’s going to say that the guy burning the Koran looks Muslim?…. He certainly doesn’t look native Sweden. Was he Indian? Do you think he’s doing this to spark more Muslim attacks?


There are a-holes in every country


How Dagestan started


Plot twist. This guy is Iraqi lol


I get that there is likely an issue and it could stem from a specific mosque or many mosques spreading hate but I don’t think book burning, especially religious texts sends any message that is going to get a positive response. Absolutely no one needs religion abolished. As a Christian, this is not how Christ would handle this. This is truly a WWJD moment. John 8:7 “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”


It is just a fairytale book.


Id like to think that he bought those


No one ever gets upset when you burn a Santa Claus costume.


God bless


He ded.


Guy looks middle eastern so maybe he deconverted...






Oh my Word !


They can’t cause your country ruined theirs


at first i read "burns the Korean"


Dude doesn't look nordic, despite being in sweden. The crowd watching it needs to get over it. dude burning the book needs to get a life.


Based, but he wont be around for long 😅




Well they probably hunted him down and .....


Burn all religions books