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"You may be a 18-24 year old schizophrenic, but you're OUR 18-24 year old schizophrenic."


It's so funny that the song they're using has a much better explanation for radicalization. There's so much on the internet, it sucks people into a weird a crazy place. "Here's a healthy breakfast option/ You should kill your mom/ Here's why women never fuck you/ Here's how you can build a bomb/ Which Power Ranger are you?/ Take this quirky quiz/ Obama sent the immigrants to vaccinate your kids" Sounds like this fucking sub a lot of the time.


All that before it's even lunch time. No wonder no one wants to fall in love and start a family anymore. :-(


People don't want to start families because The patriarchy has turned women to second class citizens, where all love is violence and all sex is rape Or The NWO wants a population decline and so is depressing people, feminizing men and reducing their sperm counts while they 'empower' women, but only do that because they know it will make them miserable to be so far outside of where they belong Or Men are finally waking up to bitch women who just want half your stuff, but will suck a black guys dick while you're putting a roof over her head All are equally true and empathically stated wherever you read/hear them. Enough to drive someone crazy!


Clearly, you've never been in love before.


Doesn't matter the color of the cock now does it?? Still sucks


Matters to some people






I’m 26, thank God I won’t be targeted


The CIA only run /b/, and only morons visit /b/. Besides, you don't need the CIA. Anons will convince you that frogs make you gay and the earth is flat just for the sheer lols.


You think the CIA only runs one board on 4chan but not the others? Is it like a staffing issue?


The owners were given a choice: give us /b/ or we'll take everything. They gave them /b/. That's all I know for certain. No point speculating without proof.


Who told you that? Why did the cia give them an option? Doesn't sound like them!


A 4chan mod quit and exposed them in a rant. I think it was after a school shooting that got posted there. The CIA turned up and said shut it down we're taking everything. A compromise was reached where they run /b/ as a honeypot. Now simply clicking /b/ gets you on a watchlist. The mod got angry at this due to the amount of innocent shitposters unknowingly getting added to the list. He quit and went on a rant. There are screenshots of said rant floating around.


Well good because 99% of /b/ users are neo nazis or little kids about to become incels. every single school shooyer since it’s creation has been on /b/ that’s not a coincidence


Isn't that exactly what you're doing, right now?


Why would it be CIA when GRU makes so much more sense?


Because everything is blamed on the CIA in here even though they dont even operate on domestic soil.


LMFAO Tell that to every crackhead who ever lived


Cocaine is crack and didnt require the cia to show people how to make it. Its secret ingredient is baking soda and water and nothing more. Cocaine has been around long before the cia was even created also. So theres that.


There's literally provable searchable easily verified proof the CIA was directly responsible for the crack epidemic. It's not even hard to find. You're delusional


There is evidence of anything and everything anybody can dream up in here. And I have read this so called evidence and its shakey at best. And like I said cocaine was already here and crack was no secret formula that needed to be "released" on the public all it was a a different way of using the same damn drug. A drug test dosen't differentiate between crack and cocaine because they are the same thing.




My brains nerve receptacle’s didn’t like this.


Relax,don’t do it, when you want to go do it. KILL THE PRIME MINISTER OF MALAYSIA!


Ahh, The Manchurian Candidate.


That was creepy, I could imagine an audio track like that being played on repeat...


replace the word FBI with 4chan and this meme is accurate

