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Why would they cover a persons face who is suffering from smoke inhilation????


it was a special bag to prevent her from being exposed to more air which could lead to her injuries being worse




not really, the only real thing is a plastic film you can put over burn victims bodies to ease there pain because the plastic has antiseptics in it


Right. That's what I was thinking. I'm not a medic and don't know shit. But it seems counter productive to cover the face of someone still alive.


Usually you see them administering air to a person having a hard time breathing..I didnt see that in any of the footage..And they were quick to push her back down when she popped up.. It just looked weird to me.




To protect from infection.




Nice appeal to the emotions Yet this was allegedly a totally random crash. How would any “*papz*” know to be ready for this. How would anyone know who this was anyways out of all the other crashes that day? Usually the mask for oxygen is face cover enough for a burn victim. Why cover her like she’s dead for the cameras


And yet here we are watching a video that would probably have been way more gruesome without the sheet


>How would any “papz” know to be ready for this. As if there aren't people paid to "be ready" and follow celebrities around and rush in at the first tip off of anything going on. It's really gross and creepy. [https://www.tmz.com/2022/08/05/anne-heche-crashes-car-home-burned-fire/](https://www.tmz.com/2022/08/05/anne-heche-crashes-car-home-burned-fire/) She'd had 2 hit & runs prior to the big crash. It wasn't entirely spur of the moment.


I just read the article and she had another crash right before the crash that killed her. For the first crash, she ran right into a garage. After the first crash, she sped away while residents were trying to get her out of the car. She seems like a self-entitled piece of Hollywood garbage with no self control. It was likely a drug/alcohol fueled event. I’m also dubious of her motives behind making the documentary; but I’ll reserve my judgement until I actually see the doc.


Absolutely. I was a 911 paramedic for 21 years. Covering her with a sheet while cameras around happens all the time. Taking a drowning victim off the beach? Cover them. Car wreck? Cover them. If you can Cover them you Cover them to protect their dignity. When you're loading a pt into an ambulance and they sit up like she did in the video you push them back either to seated position or supine because you don't want them shifting the weight when you go lift the stretched then it tips and falls then all the wackos are like " the EMS crew dropped the patient!" I have zero issues with them covering her and pushing her down. On top of all that she was in a car wreck and burned she was not in the right state of mind most likely.


It's like putting eggs in ice water after boiling them it stops the cooking process.


Its called respect for the dead and censors


Is it normal for firefighters to put people in ambulances? Thought the medics do all that


Where I live you have to be a paramedic to be a firefighter it's one in the same here.


Same here, but I think he was saying have someone else load your patients onto the ambulance(I think....) I've been in that situation during a hurricane evacuation at an elderly home. I already had my patient loaded on stretcher ready to go and someone tried to load another patient into my ambulance. Protested I didn't even know who the person was no paperwork etc etc but I lost and I transported both for 5 hours


Paramedics who work extrications will often have their own sets of turnout gear, turn out gear looks exactly like what firefighters wear. Also, yes if firefighters are on scene they will very much help load up patients.


There are some fire departments that have their own ambulance/transport, although it really isn't common.


It's probably also this, usually a red ambulance is an indication that it's a fire station ambulance. If you do a GIS for red ambulance you'll see most of the results have fire department on them.


True, I just realized that the ambulance did say Fire Department.




yes. it is. ive been a career fireman for a decade. unless you work in some area where volunteers and the private or even county based ems beef with each other, its usually all very cohesive.


As a former EMT, no. Only if it's the fire/rescue ambulance. I would never let a firefighter put a patient in my ambulance.


Yes you guys are just idiots


people saying this rich illuminati member was exposing pedos instead of normalizeing and farming are the deepest of the deep state


I mean not for nothing but I saw a guy fall from 15 feet, land in a powerbomb position and try to tell us he was fine while his head was bleeding waiting for the ambulance.


Sounds like he was officially dead according to the news Nevermind the fact you saw him move with your own eyes


So, the car caught fire correct? Im hearing, she was inside the car? Or next too? Because she clearly still had hair and from the looks completely undamaged or burned from what I could see




Paramedic here, I love conspiracies and definitely feel something is off. However, it is common for victims of horrible trauma to “fight” as they are not completely conscious. The “fight or flight response” is what it’s called and it basically dumps your body with adrenaline to constrict blood vessels to keep blood pressure sustained and to limit bleeding, etc. One call in particular I remember was a for a man found on the side of the road, took six of us total to restrain him and get him to the hospital. Come to find out, he was struck by a vehicle and had two dislocated shoulders, multiple fractures, and a brain bleed. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


I heard she was in the car in the house that caught fire for almost an hour? Would the adrenaline be pumping for that long?




ngl her body didn't look like it was 70% covered in burns on the video of her on the stretcher...


are you fucking kidding? the one from above you can see the skin literally sloughing off of her back.


Are you fucking kidding me? Where the fuck do you see skin sloughing off at? Too low quality to see anything other than some woman trying to get up 🤨


>she was in the car in the house that caught fire for almost an hour What I see on the video does not match with this statement about what happened. So no, am not fucking kidding you.


I suggest you go look at what freshly severely burned skin looks like, then watch the aerial video again. That's not a shirt on her back, that's skin.


Look at the still photo from above in the daily Mail article! That is the vest top she’s wearing!


why is the interior of the car not more melted from the heat? Why are there two plastic water bottles INSIDE the car completely undamaged and not melted from the heat? Why is it not more damaged from the heat? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11103515/amp/Anne-Heche-coma-weeks-revealed-cocaine-fiery-crash.html


Those must be some strong plastic bottles


If water bottles have water in them the water will keep them from melting. You can boil water in a paper cup over a flame.


I love how you explained something that is 100% true, based in physics and empirically proven, yet you get down-voted lol.


But it’s a conspiracy!


I love a good conspiracy and there have been some real actual doozies out there throughout history, but this trend of making every event worth noting a conspiracy is asinine.


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Oh so it was just a massive coincidence that all those branches were hit right at the last possible moment?




I like you love conspiracies and I’m a recently retired Fire Captain and agree with you 💯 plus take into account she also had a brain injury which as you know can lead people lose it. Over the many years I’ve had to almost fight people with head injuries to keep them on gurneys or from injuring crewmen. Crazy how the human body works to defend itself


Yes O2, I’m just speculating here but they may have covered her for privacy reasons with the media helicopters overhead and people with cell phone cameras. With her being a movie star and the type of incident I’m sure the first pictures of her from the ground would probably be worth movie to those who sell these of things


This. I was assaulted outside a nightclub 15 years ago. I woke up in the hospital as I was being wheeled in for emergency brain surgery to stop a bleed in the brain. First thing I did when I woke up was try to rip out the tube and breathing apparatus that was attached to my face and get out off the gurney. Next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital ward. I remember thinking in that split second “what the fuck is going in and where am I”. It was a crazy experience


I would assume you wouldn’t cover the face of a burn victim instead of give them oxygen?


Agreed. My question is why is she covered up as if she is dead? Her burns were extensive and I would think they would want to limit putting cloth on severely burnt skin.


Yep. You would be greatly surprised at what a combination of adrenaline, drugs, etoh, and/or intracranial bleeding can lead a person to do.


No neck brace?


Don’t you love how there’s always some awfully convenient sweet sweet plausible deniability? I guess there’s nothing to see here let’s move along. Just another weather balloon.


It can be frustrating at times for sure but it’s important to know all the possibilities of a situation. I know next to nothing about her other than she is(was?) Ellen’s wife though so I’m far from in the loop


These Mother Fuckers!


[They are no longer investigating the cause of the accident ](https://news.yahoo.com/anne-heche-car-crash-no-021505130.html)


What on earth could this possibly have to do with her playin a role in a Lifetime movie?


That’s interesting


Hey so if all we have is he trying to get off a stretcher it’s very very common for people in emergency situation to start freaking out once you plug the lights back on you ever see someone fall sit there for a beat then go for a mad run? It’s like that on crack. No one should go out like that man.


Man, I’ve been thinking this the whole time since the accident. She definitely got killed. The official story is that she was in a coma, brain dead, and her family decided to unplug her. Super shady.


Killed for what reason? Ellen got jealous and had her killed? Killed by the elite because she filmed a movie about child trafficking? Killed because she was driving like a total ass and had drugs in her system?


Anne Heche: *Makes probably the thousandth sex trafficking movie on Lifetime that will be watched exclusively by middle aged wine moms* The Cabal: “Noooo our precious secrets are going to be exposed! We must kill literally just one member of the cast!”


>The official story is that she was in a coma, brain dead, and her family decided to unplug her. Super shady. It's so shady that it happens on a daily basis.


Dude, they took an hour to get her out of that car. She was fucked. If you think any less, you are just reaching to reinforce your world view.


I mean...I know nothing about this...but wouldn't that video (if it was actually her) disprove that she was that fucked?


Burns kill you days later.


Traumatic brain injuries often lead to combative, physical behaviors. It's pretty common.


Very creepy how people will just assume the most naive / innocent Occam’s razor Imagine having been nearly assasinated and you hope to god that your final struggle to show signs of life was broadcast and people are asking questions! Yet people are simply calling you brain damaged and shrugging it off as normal lmao


It looked like a death rattle to me.


She used her arms to open the covering and sat up.........I've never seen a death rattle like that lmao


The body does crazy shit fried on coke and Adrenalin dude. If you think she didn’t look near death you watch way too many movies. She went into a coma near immediately after and was brain dead within the day.


Yeah, I remember this one time that a dying person let out their death rattle, then sat up and attacked me. Even went so far as to bite me. The wound festered, I got real cold and then I had a voracious appetite for brains. I mostly just shuffle around the house now, trying to remember where the door is to go outside. I yearn for freedom. And brains.




Dude your entire profile is dark pornography, get fucked


Why was there a sheet over her if she was still alive, I don’t know if that’s protocol but I’ve personally never seen it.


Because she'd been burnt over most of her body. That was for privacy.


But why would you obstructed her breathing, I think health comes before privacy, she didn’t have a breathing apparatus on.


It wasn’t for her privacy, if you may have noticed she was very badly burned, the sheet was there to protect her delicate skin from the sun as well as anything else taht may harm it


A victim of severe burns should be intubated and have their cervical spine immobilized prior to transport. If intubation isn't done immediately, laryngeal edema is likely to occur preventing intubation upon arrival at the ED.


Every situation is unique so we truly cannot know what they did or how severe her situation was. But first of all burn patients RARELY have their cervical spine immobilized. The only time laryngeal edema is really a problem in burn patients is when they have severe burns to the lower face/neck area, and like I said before we have no idea what her condition was. People who seriously think that this was some government conspiracy are idiots


Stop making excuses for an evil America!


So dumb


Bot off!


A sheet, for a few seconds, for privacy, before she was intubated in the rig, is not a big deal.




Is this your professional opinion?


Someone with an anoxic brain injury, who's been burned over 75% of their body? Naked, burnt skin? Who's still in the serious shock stages of an adrenaline dump, and needed to be restrained? Yes. I'm sure that there was a supplemental O² bottle, so she could be preoxygenated before intubation.


Wtf are you people talking about Ambulances! Did you not see the end of the clip! She is fighting for her life trying to crawl out of Ambulance because she knows the people taking her away don’t have her best intentions! Watch the very end of Video!


knew something didnt make sense about it cuz they said all this stuff was in her system despite a test being done then say the test is done and the stuff was in her system. plus they pretty much said she wasnt going to make it since she got in the accident, they were just a lil too certain of that fact. even when she actually died, it wasnt a top top story


>plus they pretty much said she wasnt going to make it since she got in the accident Yeah, burn victims often die, as do victims of TBIs, third degree burns basically mean you're burns all the way through to the bone, and it was reported that burns covered approx 70% of her body, that isn't promising. Also, her sitting up in the gurney doesn't necessarily mean much, either, a friend of mine flipped his motorcycle and landed on his back, tried to get up, almost stood all the way up, fell back and blood started pooling from the back of his head. He died a few moments later. They kept Anne Heche alive (kinda) for her organs since she was a donor.




So they were waiting for her to crash? Or they made her crash? Or you’re reeeeeeaaaallllyyyy stretching here?


It has been postulated that a modern car, with electronic throttle control, can remotely have it's computer overridden and the car can be made to act as if the throttle pedal was floored. There was an investigative reporter who was deep into some government story that died in a fiery car crash some years ago. An eyewitness said he was travelling normally when all of a sudden he/the car accelerated away at top speed and crashed. This is where I first learned of this idea.


That was Michael Hastings, also in LA, and though the family believes it was an accident due to erratic behavior, I can understand how people might find his death suspicious. Heche had a difficult life and publicly admitted she struggled with the repercussions of childhood sexual abuse, as well as deaths of close family members. What's more likely: she suffered a mental break, crashed her car, and succumbed to brain injury (which often manifests hours after the initial trauma) ooor ... someone ... messed with her car? Come on.


Yes, it was at 4am and his brother said he was having a manic episode, which had numerous times previously. This is nonsense.


How is it possible for her to look that way without burns?


Oh my god the streeeeeeettttccchhhhhhhh


This footage was shown many times the day this happened. She was completely covered by a white sheet. It was over her head. Look for the footage when it shows the first clip before coming to the ambulance. Then at the ambulance she pulls the sheet over and sits right up. The day I saw this I said "where are her burns"?


There’s a still of her sitting up in the stretcher in the daily Mail article


Here's a real question. The car was allegedly burned. The heat was so intense they couldn't get to her. So... why is the interior of the car not melted from the heat? Why are there two plastic water bottles in the interior of the car completely undamaged and not melted from the heat? Look at the interior of the car and try and explain why it's not more damaged from the heat? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11103515/amp/Anne-Heche-coma-weeks-revealed-cocaine-fiery-crash.html


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11103515/Anne-Heche-coma-weeks-revealed-cocaine-fiery-crash.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11103515/Anne-Heche-coma-weeks-revealed-cocaine-fiery-crash.html)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


This sure does happen a lot in Hollywood...are you starting to see the pattern ?


Whats another example?


I’ve read somewhere is possible to tamper with some cars chips to make them a death vehicle. Don’t hold me to that.


Seriously?? Grow up.


You mean people in a city where everyone drives get in a lot of car accidents??? Conspiracy theorists are seriously the most rworded people on the internet


Since this is a conspiracy thread, was her car remotely controlled to crash?


I suspect foul play here… these businesses and oligarchs do not want their trafficking secrets out.


A lot of focus about drugs in her system. Like what difference does that make? Is it relevant? Was she driving? She sure doesn’t look dead, dude who left her in the car. Nice


She was driving


Why are the tox results in so soon? Doesn't it take weeks to get official tox screen results? That's been the case with every other celebrity death I can think of. The coroner has to check the actual liver, and the fluid in the eyeballs, at least that's what we've been told in the past ....


I know, right? They’re like the cops believe she was intoxicated and later tox results super fast! Why? Seems an in attempt to smear her? Oh yeah, well, she was high and drunk so, yeah, of course she’s dead. Totally her fault. Something really weird about the cop “guessing” she was drinking and reporting tox results when announcing her death.


These videos are so so stupid with some random nobody’s face blocking the content Always making some stupid faces for the camera and just the worst self inserts ever


So the article is stating that she sustained severe brain injuries and she is essentially brain dead, but with severe brain injuries, don’t people typically lose consciousness? If anyone can explain the medical side of this, I would be genuinely interested. All of the people I’ve known to experience brain trauma even at a more mild level, did not immediately move around in the way she did. Not really hopping on the conspiracy train yet, just generally curious.


The "brain dead" likely didn't happen immediately. As the body goes through trauma, severe swelling around the brain and spinal cord can put pressure on the brain and cause the damage. Emergency surgery can drill into the skull and place a shunt to relieve pressure, but she would have to be stable enough to be operated on, and they likely never got to that point. I haven't had a chance to look into too many details of what happened, but from what I have seen, I do have some questions surrounding the incident. Then again, that's just the nature of my personality, so take that with a grain of salt.


Same people who are trying to convince you that two planes can bring down three buildings.


They can when the top half of the towers falls on top of the bottom half its called gravity it like if you throw a rock at a bug the bug will go splat


Let me be more specific then: how do you get two planes to bring down three buildings while making it look like a picture perfect controlled demolition?


Any clinton connections?




Yeah bill was asking if she had any friends with cankles


More like Trump connections. Sorry, I know the right wing like to pretend the Clintons have power, but it’s pretty obvious that the Clintons have like no power (dude was impeached over a mutually consensual affair after years long investigation of a real estate deal by an independent counsel that found nothing; whereas Trump was never even investigated over his 2 dozen allegations of sexual assault and harassment and all of them are credible). They also include one rape allegation of a 13 year old girl trafficked to him by Epstein at Epstein’s NYC penthouse apartment in’98. And still the media isn’t allowed to even discuss it while they had a field day with Clinton’s affair, getting him impeached. Trump can rape a child trafficked to him by Epstein (they were buddies) but there’s absolutely no consequences and Epstein conveniently suicides himself in jail.


"The Clinton's have no power" you're fucking delusional if you really believe that lol


Oh grow up.


Is this a conspiracy group or partisan politics?


Oh grow up and stop telling people to grow up.


Yeah super weird how the fireman tried to keep the severely injured woman who would definitely be in shock on a stretcher so they could get her to a hospital safely. Good catch everyone. Where would we all be without this sub?


No neck brace. Shirt looks dirty but not burned. An hour in the car?


I work in the ED and patients can have this adrenaline that kicks in after an accident but can still pass from complications crash is still sketch though




Idk do you?




So you want me to prove I work in the ED? No thanks lol I’m here for conversation not argument go find someone else to bother


Why is this here?


It’s a lifetime movie first of all, nothing ground breaking. Second of all it is very common for traumatically injured people to become combative and confused with adrenaline in their body. Once the adrenaline fades they do also. This is just stupid, reaching bullshit.


Yes I agree the alternative would be something that would challenge my comfortable world view way too much anyways!


Incorrect. My world view acknowledges the existence of child trafficking and think it is horrible. I also acknowledge the good folks I know who actually work in social and emergency work who’s jobs have become infinitely harder because of reports from mentally unwell conspiracy nuts flooding their lines with calls about their neighbor because they have a rainbow flag. You have to have some factual basis to start from. This is just unhelpful nonsense. Edit: my worldview is far from comfortable and I also get out in it and experience reality quite often. You were speaking of yourself though. So never mind.




It’s a reaction from her being severely burned. She herself probably wasn’t even aware.


Ok wtf?


Anne was victimized for the final time. Rest in peace.




Everything is a conspiracy when you don’t understand how anything works


Retired Fire medic here. Pretty common for severely injured patients to do that. Also the news never gets it right but that doesn’t always mean it’s a conspiracy, they just jump after any info they manage to get from bystanders and usually it’s not even remotely close to being accurate.


I’m sorry but they say her body was 70% covered in burns and yet in the photos and video of her being put into the ambulance not only is she trying to get up (while stating she was in a coma) but she also does not have a single burn on her body. This video makes it hard to see but there are photos elsewhere. Not a single burn. Just a torn tank top. Somethings fishy af.


They killed a washed up actress, including a coverup involving first responders, hospital staff, and her family, because of some shitty lifetime channel movie nobody will watch? Lol


Why are they covering up a person in a sheet that's not dead?


Protects the very delicate burned skin from the sun as well as anything else that may come in contact with it


She was in a burn blanket. Because you know, she was burned. Come on dude. Do some research, shit.


Yeah but she was in a 90 mph crash and no neck brace. Skin on back and arms and shirt looks undamaged just dirty. Spent an hour in the car?


They usually put you in a neck brace before they move you, but once again she was in a burning car/house I also don’t know where anyone is getting this hour shit from or that they guy left her because she was dead. The guy left her because the smoke and fire started and he admitted he couldn’t get her out so he saved himself.


I’m no fireman or EMT, but I did stay at a holiday inn express last night and: she was alive and fighting saying oh shit, they gone kill me… just like Martin Lawrence said when they was after him… think in the concept of “get out” and invasion of the body snatchers. Lastly; they live.


Question is, why would it NOT come out (even she is dead)? Some things cannot be stopped.


It's getting harder and harder to mess around with this subreddit. It's exhausting. I'm glad so many of the top comments are rational, but once you get halfway down, it's all "Hollywood does this every time" and stuff like that. There's plenty of spooky weird shit going on in the world without having to pull the 🤔🤔🤔 face when an easily verified situation like Anne Heche losing her mind, flying down a bunch of roads, and slamming her car into a house happens.


This is ridiculous. In Emergency or TBI situations, unfortunately I have had as a patient and a professional, you have no fkn clue what's going on. There's nothing to sensationalize here.


The movie she was working on is fiction.


Not only that but a Lifetime movie! As someone who has worked on more than a dozen Lifetime movies I can assure you that absolutely nothing of consequence will ever be revealed in a Lifetime movie. Ain’t gonna happen.


Hahaha, bro they literally think the "deep state" is offing people to stop fictional lifetime movies from coming out. And acting like there aren't thousands of sex trafficking movies already out there (plenty of actual documentaries too).


Notoriously crazy drunk person dies? Gotta be the lizard people!


So was the show "Utopia". So was the book "1984". They don't have us read books of fiction for no reason in school, stories are sometimes meant to communicate and help you see truths.


Yeah you can clearly see she died in the car wreck... just zombie reflexes trying to fight off the "firefighters". Don't worry, "debunkers", I know you've already "rationalized" this in your head. You're in a nice dream and you want to stay there, I get it.


>I know you've already "rationalized" this in your head. So what you're saying is that you do not have the ability to rationalize things in your head?


How did you get that?


"So what you're saying is" lol


Sigh. This is not a conspiracy. Anne was troubled, and was impaired. I see this shit from qanon morons every time a celebrity dies and it's sickening.




Upvote for visibility lets do something about these criminals making people disappear with hush money


If a celebrity going after human trafficking is grounds to doubt the circumstances of their death because they got GOT, then Ashton Kutcher would have been mutilated by cannibals by now.




So the headlines say she's dead but the clip said she survived?


Reminds me of princess Diana not getting to the hospital for over 45 min even though it was extremely close to the accident.


What do you giga brains think this movie is going to reveal? Lol


They probably killed her. Seems like everyone who make a video is sex trafficking gets killed


"they"? Because she was in a movie? She wasn't the only person working on the movie. The movie is about a young woman who had an opioid addiction, and fell in with bad people who sex-trafficked her. This happens to a lot of vulnerable women, but many of you like to call them whores, and make jokes. The worst ones of you, are the people who make a lot of noise on the internet, and bemoan sex-trafficking, but do absolutely fuck all. Do something meaningful. Volunteer with valid organizations that try to combat sex-trafficking. https://humantraffickinghotline.org/get-involved


I don’t know details or what really happened but could it be closer to witness protection? Like say she died but was given new identity or something? That’s pretty nuts.


Nah, just a washed up actress that was addicted to drugs and her illicit lifestyle finally caught up with her.


This is just another case of someone faking their death so the kids to get the life insurance policy and then they go live happily ever after on some fucking island


Also remember Baldwin shoot that woman who was exposing Hilary


She was about to expose something far more sinister


With a Lifetime movie.


It kinda looks like a dude on the stretcher. Not saying it is but just looks like it


This is so fucking stupid, you people make my brain hurt.


Copious amounts of cocaine can make you move like that after an accident. Not to disparage Heche, but she has a long history of unstable behavior which can be pointed to her horrible childhood..it was a grim and abusive add to the fact that she was preyed upon by the older males in the family. She never could undo the damage that was done to her.


Jesus Christ. She was horribly abused as a child and suffered from mental health and substance abuse issues forever. Non of what happened to her is surprising or conspiracy related. Her siblings also have or had similar issues. Just let the woman rest in peace.


90% of you in this thread are fucking retarded, have no idea about medicine or the human body, and are talking out of your ass. You think they killed her over a lifetime movie that was already scheduled to air…?


Verse 1] If it starts with an explosion Do you end it with a bang? First the whistles start a-blowin' Then the guilty finally hang There's a storm on the horizon And the waters on the rise We're watching history repeatin' With the changin' times The figureheads keep talking But they're buried in the sand Everyone is pointing fingers Everybody plays their hand The fix is in, the game is rigged The pawns are polarized You either pick a side Or think outside the picket lines I wonder, is this a revolution Or just mass confusion When every voice is trying to scream The loudest for equality? While we argue strategy Culture and philosophy People die in city streets All paved with blood and poverty The power's with a chosen few Desperations just a tool Agents of corruption use To keep the jails and prisons full Diamond pockets lined with profits Earned from broken lives Misled to pledge by one discrimination under God Rina Sawayama “This Hell” Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified [Chorus] Stop the world, I wanna get off Everything's on fire and it's falling apart So if we can't turn back Can we change the course When the fury of the frayed wind blows [Verse 2] The preachers sell salvation To the faithful on their knees Some prey upon our need and want For something to believe And some have spun the doctrines Holy guide toward paradise To justify injustices and centuries of genocide Surrender to your temples To your altars or your shrines The weapons used by shepherds So the sheep will keep in line Conflicting congregations Thinking only of themselves If that's the path to heaven Hate to see the road to hell I tell ya' they take a vision Make religion, cause division Keep you vacant and complacent And dependent on a system By creating ways to separate Utilizing class and race Prejudice perpetuates And keeps monopolies in place Trickle up or trickle down Stack or spread the wealth around Someone's hope is runnin' out While fortune feeds a bank account Empty-promise politicians Pander to the poor While there's money used for funding Phony wars on foreign shores [Chorus] Stop the world, I wanna get off Cause they're loading up the bullets And they're dropping the bombs The propaganda beats to the narrative drums When the fury of the frayed wind blows [Verse 3] The criminals in Congress They ain't got no ground to stand They're building walls and borders All around the stolen land A legacy of liberty That's how the story goes But conquerers rewrote the past To suit the status quo So is it institutions Or the state of human kind That leads to some exalted Over thousands left behind? They'll push you to your limit But in turn, they'll push their luck Cause sleeping giants riot When they've finally woken up Because they're buying your silence with those shiny advertisements They lie and cheat and steal And tax your habits so you'll finance What they hide away behind the scenes Cover over underneath Population exploitation Victimized by vanity Faces in a magazine Pictures on a pixel screen Set a lofty standard That disintegrates your self esteem Race to chase a plastic dream Red carpets and Limousines Blinded and distracted by The flashbulbs of celebrity But just beyond the limelight After fame has run its course They'll throw you to the lions While a sold-out crowd will roar [Chorus] Stop the world, I wanna get off Cause there's bodies lying Breathless, bleeding, piling up They shook the bottled Rage Now it's bound to erupt When the fury of the frayed wind blows [Verse 4] You can think yourself in circles But the answer's never clear Is there safety with surveillance? Is there freedom without fear? Unravel and untangle All you thought you understood And question everything Until you question why you should We'll change the world with flowers Or we'll change the world with guns We'll plant a seed or dig a grave Before it's said and done But if we come together All for one and one for all Resistance rises up Sure as an empire will fall So I'll just work toward the future May it crumble for the better Where tyrannical oppressors Are just shadows we remember No judgment based on color Or your lover or your gender Dismantle older models So they can't be reassembled But the day the tables turn your way Watch out for a twist of fate Careful not to stumble and become The very thing you hate Search for something comforting Seek out something innocent But you'll never have those eyes That look at life that way again So you can take the high road Nothing ventured, nothing gained But you fight fire with fire When you're going down in flames [Chorus] Stop the world, I wanna get off Cause we're at each other's throats And now it's choking my heart And we can burn the earth Or extinguish the torch When the fury of the frayed wind


Lol ain’t no conspiracy about Anne Heche’s death. She was a selfish asshole who went 90 through a suburb, crashed her car twice, tried to flee after the first crash then ran her car into an innocent woman’s home, which burned her house and all her belongings with it. The only conspiracy is why is the media trying to make Anne Heche out to be some hero that we should remember fondly??

