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This is the laptop that was turned in by a pawn shop owner right? The one covered in Pro-biden stickers that the owner said Hunter came to him to repair for what-the-fuck-ever reason? The same one?


The one that was given to Tucker Carlson and then Carlson *lost it* so he couldn't show you all the proof it definitely had on it?


The one that Guliani has in his possession, but is going to release the information in two weeks^TM?


The one that suddenly turned into two laptops that nobody has actually ever seen?


The blind guy, literally. Who somehow knew how to get it to Rudy Giuliani?


You mean it was a hacked computer the entire time? Well, duhh


Hacked iCloud account. There was no laptop. They made it all up to justify leaking his nude photos in an attempt of a 'guilty by association' strategy against Biden.


100%. It was pretty obvious from the start with the “blind” computer repairman. Hahah. So dumb.


damn conservatives really want them dick pics


10000 posts about hunters laptop but none of the trump ball lickers ever say anything about jared getting 2 billion from the Saudis. lol


Nothing about Bobart getting groped up and giving a handjob in a theatre with kids either.




You’ve seen Lauren Boebert give 3 handys in 5 minutes?


I'd be the 4rh if she let me cray is sexy




If it was all the same guy I would too. That’s gotta get raw and sore after awhile.


Right that’s the real conspiracy these so called patriots should be concerned about.


It's almost as if, now hear me out, this entire story was over exaggerated to make Biden look bad. It's almost as if, Republicans held onto the laptop because if it ever came to light, it's data wouldn't be as bad as the GOP made it seem. When McCarthy said that the 11 Benghazi investigations where all for political show, designed to hurt Hilary Clinton politically, it kinda proved what we where all thinking about the GOP. It was the same with Benghazi, and it's the same with the laptop.


The point of this article is that there never was a laptop. It was a hacked iCloud account that they put onto a drive. Information was added or deleted AFTER Hunter Biden lost his phone. Nonetheless, while I would never vote for Trump, I will absolutely never vote **Hunter Biden** for President. That is for sure. Good thing Hunter is not running.


Deez Nuts weren’t deleted


I don't understand why the right is so obsessed over this stupid, literal, NON story. Dude was a f\*cking druggie, he did NOT hold any office position, he is a nepo kid, so *what*? No one seems interested in where the 2 BILLION the the KUSHNER's got from soodie araiba came from and for what? Jr & The world is on freakin' fire. The US is in unstoppable inflation. Population is in decline, smart people aren't have children. We are a generation away from the movie Idiocracy coming TRUE. Watch the right's dog & pony show while the world dies, go on.


As McCarthy said, the 11 investigations into Benghazi were solely intended to hurt Clinton politically. That's all they need. Facts (increasingly) don't matter.


Now that’s a fact.




I saw enough then!


I mean if you can’t trust the Chinese…






Take him to jail, we don’t give a shit because we don’t worship he Biden family like the trump cult. Like I said earlier, guess I won’t vote for Hunter.


You guys it’s super easy to find the contents of his laptop and see for yourself. You can get torrent .img of the entire thing, and there are websites with just some of the stuff put up, like this https://bidenlaptopmedia.com


Damn I guess I won’t vote for him then. Now do trumps kids.


You are assuming it is actually his laptop, which is a very questionable assumption.


The point is that you are looking at the contents of a hard drive that contained his iCloud backups -- not a hard drive from his laptop. The post above shows that there was no laptop. That is the conspiracy. Having nude pictures of yourself and girls is not illegal. Read the article that was linked for details.


Shhhh. Much easier to for them to say "Nothing exists. Those Maga fools just want to see Hunter's dick".


The mad thing is political affiliation supersedes everything which is why you’ve had downvotes, yes people really are that stupid !!


Man there are a lot of liberal retarts on this sub anymore lol


[theres always the other sub if you need a rightwing safe space](https://thisinterestsme.com/r-conspiracy-reddit/)


Better go find a new safe space to wallow in, “retart”


Next they will try and create a cover story for all the CP that was on it, including the 15-minute foot job video.




I watched it myself, the entire 15-minute video.


You watched child porn? You really got the Bidens.


And I'm sure they immediately alerted the police & told them exactly where it was found and how much they saw and how impressive Hunter's Humongous Hog is!


Between that and “frazzledrip” theres a whole mess of rwnjs all giving themselves ptsd over seeing fake shit on the internet 😆


Frazzledrip isnt hard to find online through the deepweb. There's nothing to indicate it's Hilary in the video that's available but it's pretty bad. Unfortunately it's not the full thing and it's a video of a video but the contents are true to the storys. Inb4 "y u no report it!!" The cops leaked it originally. They aren't on the good side


Wtf… why?


Train wreck. Couldn’t look away. And it HIS VOICE calling her… Nat. Short for Natalie. 🤢


You need to take your Thorazine


Really into Hunter's Humongous Hog, eh?


You can literally go see the contents, and there was no CP on it. The point, though, is there was no laptop. Instead, it was his iCloud account that was hacked, and the only thing they found were naked pictures. Any images you see, according to the article (which you should read because it shows there is a real potential conspiracy), are not from a laptop that Hunter Biden had in his possession.
