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Republicans never ask why jared Kushner got 2 billion from the Saudi's but pretend to be mad about bidens son getting paid


Wait I thought Jared fixed the Middle East. Why are there still problems?


No no, that was Blair


Turns out he caused the war lol.


Yeah both sides are pretty hypocritical at times. I still can’t believe people in the senate were “allowed” to sell a massive chunk of their stocks right before the shut down crashed the market back in 2020


Most crooked shit ever and the horrible thing is there is nothing we can do about it. I would love a grassroots movement to push for an Amendment that puts in term limits and eliminates the ability to profit while in office but we all know that will never happen.


So charge him with a crime if there’s evidence


There is plenty of evidence that Kushner used his influence. It's called business. It's immoral as fuck but there is nothing illegal about it. It's so surprising that rich powerful people in politics use their political influence to benefit themselves and their families.


Everything becomes a circus when you put clowns in charge.


GOP: "We are just asking questions" Hunter: "No problem, happy to answer" GOP: "No not those type of questions" Politics aside this is pathetic, these people must feel some shame, right, right...


Oh no no no not like that


Their obsession with Hunter Biden is so bizarre, especially when he’s never had any position in the White House, yet Trump had his whole family in there like the Beverly Hillbillies. More deflection from the party of Grand Ol’ Pedophiles.


I mean I would agree with you if it wasn't for the fact that he was taking kickbacks from the Chinese government. That's not an okay thing man. Not really that bizarre


You know the definition of kickback, right? Was it yesterday when a GOP member was asked on fox no less, whether they've seen any link between hunter's business dealings and any Biden policy influences. The answer was an emphatic no. So what were the 'kickbacks' for? Did the 'Chinese' pay Biden so he can lock them out of semiconductors? Help me out here.


Accepting kickbacks from a foreign government is extremely illegal if not reported. EXTREMELY ILLEGAL and borderline treason.... and who knows. Hopefully they start releasing some of that info eventually.


You're mentally unwell. And I can see where you got it from based on your capilizations. Are you implying kickbacks from foreign governments are legal as long as they are reported? Just like the average fox viewer, you neither understand the basic definition of words, nor comprehend what hunter is being accused of.


I like how you try and come at me saying I don't understand how to properly use words but you completely misuse capitalization so bad its not even clear what in God's name you were trying to say..... also jumping to accuse me of mental health issues just based off that comments... not to mention the fact that virtually your entire reddit profile seems to be dedicated to watching bums foght... if that's not mentally ill I don't know what is... wish you a good evening though sir... I'm sorry your so full of hate and completely unreceptive to people in the world having different views on things than you....


He used capitalization fine. You also have yet to specify what these supposed kickbacks were actually for


LOL tell me more bro.


Ah yes the I don’t have any real facts so I’ll just say whatever bro argument. Classic Trump supporter


[he wasn’t](https://www.newsweek.com/chuck-grassley-biden-bribery-allegation-untrue-1798671) [he was](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2020/10/23/forbes-estimates-china-paid-trump-at-least-54-million-since-he-took-office-via-mysterious-trump-tower-lease/)


Omfg you guys have no idea how long I’ve been *dying* to talk about actual Hunter Biden conspiracies with real conspiracy theorists instead of whatever dumb bullshit the conspiracy rubes try to distract with. A giant actual conspiracy happened in plain site but instead of this being a renaissance for the conspiracy theory bullshit the community was hijacked by morons who fell for the conspiracies. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I have so many links because actual conspiracies are fascinating! If anyone wants to read about real shit this is gonna be lengthy and arranged chronologically by publication date. **2019:** - [Rudy Giuliani Plans Ukraine Trip to Push for Inquiries That Could Help Trump](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/09/us/politics/giuliani-ukraine-trump.html) - [Trump and Giuliani’s Quest for Fake Ukraine “Dirt” on Biden: An Explainer](https://www.justsecurity.org/66101/trump-and-giulianis-quest-for-fake-ukraine-dirt-on-biden-an-explainer/) **2020:** - [How a fake persona laid the groundwork for a Hunter Biden conspiracy deluge: A 64-page document that was later disseminated by close associates of President Donald Trump appears to be the work of a fake "intelligence firm."](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/security/how-fake-persona-laid-groundwork-hunter-biden-conspiracy-deluge-n1245387) - [Their First Try Backfired, but Giuliani and Allies Keep Aiming at Biden](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/31/us/politics/rudy-giuliani-biden.html) - [Mysterious emails and convenient leaks: The Trump campaign’s Hunter Biden attacks, explained: All of a sudden, people have come out of the woodwork saying they have Hunter Biden emails.](https://www.vox.com/2020/10/22/21529237/hunter-biden-debate-laptop-tony-bobulinski) - [Trump team makes a suspicious effort to swing the election with purported Hunter Biden emails: Rudy Giuliani is again trying to drum up a scandal about the Bidens and Ukraine.](https://www.vox.com/2020/10/14/21515776/hunter-biden-emails-giuliani) - [Trump Had One Last Story to Sell. The Wall Street Journal Wouldn’t Buy It.](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/25/business/media/hunter-biden-wall-street-journal-trump.html) - [Trump Tries to Make ‘Laptop From Hell’ the New Hillary Emails. It Won’t Work.](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/10/trumps-final-2020-president-debate-attack-laptop-hunter-biden-china-ukraine.html) - [AP Explains: Trump pushes questions about Joe Biden’s son](https://apnews.com/article/trump-questions-joe-biden-hunter-biden-88e27ca2b5e6d7c821d9a6a0ba0e04f8) - [Exclusive: Alleged Hunter Biden Emails Circulated in Ukraine as Rudy Giuliani Dug for Dirt There Last Year](https://time.com/5902557/hunter-biden-rudy-giuliani-ukraine/) - [Chinese Billionaire’s Network Hyped Hunter Biden Dirt Weeks Before Rudy Giuliani](https://www.thedailybeast.com/chinese-billionaires-network-hyped-hunter-biden-dirt-weeks-before-rudy) - [Hunter Biden’s alleged sex tapes uploaded on Chinese video site linked to Steve Bannon](https://expressdigest.com/hunter-bidens-alleged-sex-tapes-uploaded-on-chinese-video-site-linked-to-steve-bannon/) - [Hunter Biden: Forensic Data Reveals Emails Were Created Months After Laptop Was Dropped Off at Repair Shop](https://www.ibtimes.sg/hunter-biden-forensic-data-reveals-emails-were-created-months-after-laptop-was-dropped-off-repair-52517) - [Tucker Carlson Reports He Lost Only Copy of Documents That Nail Biden](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/10/tucker-carlson-lost-only-copy-of-documents-nailing-biden.html) - [Tucker Carlson Suddenly Says It’s Time to Leave Hunter Biden Alone](https://www.thedailybeast.com/tucker-carlson-suddenly-says-its-time-to-leave-hunter-biden-alone) - [Trump to bring Hunter Biden's ex-business associate Tony Bobulinski to final debate, claims Fox News](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/trump-final-debate-hunter-binder-tony-bobulinski-who-is-b1233172.html) - [Ex-Hunter Biden associate's records don't show proof of Biden business relationship amid unanswered questions: Tony Bobulinski had claimed the former VP was involved in discussions about his son's dealings overseas](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hunter-biden-tony-bobulinski-joe-biden-unanswered-questions) - [Here's what happened when NBC News tried to report on the alleged Hunter Biden emails Analysis: Trump complains the media isn't reporting on Hunter Biden's emails. But NBC News met obstacles, including Rudy Giuliani, when it tried.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/here-s-what-happened-when-nbc-news-tried-report-alleged-n1245533) - [Twitter Unblocks Account of New York Post, Which Claims Victory in Standoff Over Biden Stories](https://variety.com/2020/digital/news/twitter-unblocks-new-york-post-hunter-biden-hacked-materials-1234820449/) - [Twitter CEO Admits Blocking NY Post Stories Was Wrong, Changes Hacked-Content Policy](https://variety.com/2020/digital/news/twitter-ceo-nypost-block-wrong-hacked-materials-policy-1234807399/) - [The Vast Far-Right Web Behind The Hunter Biden Story: The smear campaign started in the New York Post — and the co-author has ties to Steve Bannon and a network of disinformation specialists.](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-vast-far-right-web-behind-the-hunter-biden-story_n_5fa0c7c7c5b63dc9a5bfffb9) - [Inside the campaign to 'pizzagate' Hunter Biden: Pizzagate-style rumors in 2016 were largely confined to far-right message boards. This year, they are reaching the mainstream with help from a website boosted by Trump.](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/inside-campaign-pizzagate-hunter-biden-n1244331)


Prt 2: **2022:** - [Here’s how The Post analyzed Hunter Biden’s laptop](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/03/30/hunter-biden-laptop-data-examined/) - [Hunter Biden’s Laptop Was Tampered With And Had Files Added To It](https://worldnewsera.com/news/politics/hunter-bidens-laptop-was-tampered-with-and-had-files-added-to-it/) - [Exclusive: Leaked Messages Reveal the Origins of the Most Vile Hunter Biden Smear : Fugitive Chinese tycoon and Steve Bannon ally Guo Wengui pushed out explicit material—and lies—on the eve of the 2020 election.](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/04/hunter-biden-laptop-guo-wengui-bannon-giuliani/) - [More Leaked Audio: Bannon Bragged That He Used Porn to Help Smear Hunter Biden: He said he pushed the material as part of a plan for Trump to declare election victory.](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/07/bannon-leaked-audio-porn-hunter-biden-laptop-guo/) - [We Found the Guys Behind the Hunter Biden Porn That Elon Musk Won’t Shut Up About](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/12/hunter-biden-laptop-bannon-guo-musk/) - [The forgotten — and ignored — context for the emergence of the Hunter Biden laptop story](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/03/18/forgotten-and-ignored-context-emergence-hunter-biden-laptop-story/) **2023:** - [Is James Comer Lying About His Biden Probe Sources? First it was four, then 10. So who knows? And naturally, he’s not telling the committee’s Democrats anything.](https://newrepublic.com/article/173161/is-james-comer-lying-biden-probe-sources) - [Comer Admits Nobody Has Heard From Alleged Biden Informant for Three Years](https://www.newsweek.com/james-comer-biden-investigation-informant-1807133) - ["Suspicious circumstances": Giuliani now claims GOP witness behind Biden bribery allegation is dead: GOP Rep. James Comer also claimed "nobody's had any contact" with another key witness for "three years"](https://www.salon.com/2023/06/16/suspicious-circumstances-giuliani-now-claims-witness-behind-biden-bribery-allegation-is/) - [Uh-Oh: Giuliani’s “Biden Sources” Charged With Being Putin Agents](https://newrepublic.com/post/176934/giuliani-top-ukraine-allies-charged-putin-agents) - [Republican committee chair trying to dig up dirt on Biden admits they’ve come up dry](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/gop-oversight-committee-chairman-biden-b2322772.html) - [GOP's Chuck Grassley Admits Biden Bribery Allegation May Be 'Untrue'](https://www.newsweek.com/chuck-grassley-biden-bribery-allegation-untrue-1798671) - [Republican Admits Biden Tapes Might Not Be Smoking Gun](https://www.newsweek.com/republican-admits-biden-tapes-might-not-smoking-gun-1806407) - [Republican questions legitimacy of Biden tapes he claimed existed](https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/06/15/hunter-biden-joe-biden-gop-accusations-evidence-murray-dnt-lead-vpx.cnn) - [‘Maybe they don’t exist’: Republicans question legitimacy of alleged audio recordings of Biden bribery scheme](https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/15/politics/republican-reaction-alleged-audio-recordings-biden-bribery-scheme/index.html) - [House Republicans issue new report on Joe Biden corruption… that again offers no evidence](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/08/09/house-gop-claims-biden-corruption-in-new-report-critics-dont-see-it/70559837007/) - [Watch: GOP Congressman Melts Down Trying to Explain Biden Corruption “Evidence”](https://newrepublic.com/post/175845/gop-congressman-jason-smith-meltdown-biden-corruption-evidence) - [Republican congressman struggles to answer questions about allegations Biden influenced the Justice Department: Jason Smith, the Ways and Means Committee chair, was asked to explain how documents provided by his panel showed evidence of wrongdoing or a two-tiered justice system.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/republican-congressman-struggles-answer-questions-biden-allegations-bi-rcna117742) - [House Oversight chair admits GOP can’t back up Biden bribery accusations](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/james-comer-biden-bribe-accusation-fox-news-b2386040.html) - [New Transcript: Star Hunter Biden Witness Refuted Every GOP Talking Point: Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Devon Archer, undermined all of Republicans’ claims in his testimony.](https://newrepublic.com/post/174830/new-transcript-star-hunter-biden-witness-refuted-every-gop-talking-point) - [Republican Congressman Accidentally Admits There’s No Proof of Biden Corruption](https://newrepublic.com/post/174953/republican-langworthy-accidentally-admits-no-proof-biden-corruption) - [House GOP’s impeachment witnesses say there's no evidence yet that Biden committed a crime](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-republicans-hold-first-hearing-biden-impeachment-inquiry-rcna117657) - [James Comer Doesn’t Seem to Care If Biden Probe Evidence Is Legit](https://newrepublic.com/post/173584/james-comer-finally-admits-no-idea-biden-probe-evidence-legit) - ["Look at the polling": James Comer brags that GOP's Biden crusade is boosting Trump's numbers](https://www.salon.com/2023/05/22/look-at-the-polling-james-comer-brags-that-gops-biden-crusade-is-boosting-numbers/)


"But the new York Post said its real, fbi admitted its real." That's what they always say like 🍊 🐑 This nonsense laptop story makes people mistrust the bidens and it's not even true and it shows that trump deep down always knew biden would kick his ass unless he created another artificial "but her emails" scandal "Isaac also told the publication that he had a medical condition that prevented him from actually seeing who dropped off the laptop." Now THAT ☝🏿 is funny 🤣 🤣 🤣 and the biggest sign to the "question everything" crowd that this whole story is bullshit


How about showing us what’s in that laptop? 🤷🏻‍♂️


How about you confirm that the hard drive hasnt been tampered with. Whoops! It looks like it has. [And Hunter is now suing Giuliani over it.](https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/politics/2023/09/26/hunter-biden-sues-rudy-giuliani-over-stolen-laptop)


I just thought the pictures of him in bed with his under-aged niece were the real scandal. But no one seems to talk about that. I wonder if they were fake? Or maybe we don't talk about this.


You have a source for this?


Maybe the time he threatened a Chinese associate over WhatsApp????? “I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,” according to testimony the whistleblower gave to Congress, which quotes from texts that are allegedly from Hunter Biden to the CEO of a Chinese fund management company. The message continues: “Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand. And now means tonight.” The message goes onto say, “I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.” Go ahead and call it fake, it’s literally all public info after his iCloud was leaked. It’s all from his phone there is no denying it. Also the picture from his iCloud of him laying on a couch wearing nothing but a towel with cucumbers on his eyes and 5 underage girls sitting on top of him rubbing their feet on him is extremely creepy. Bet you think that one’s fake too. 1+1=2 “SOURCE?!??!? 🤬🤓”


Tell me what law was broken with the WhatsApp comment?


You could argue threats or blackmailing. But reading that message makes it obvious that something deeper is going on. Just like Joe said he never discussed Hunters business dealings with him. Well that text begs to differ. All it takes is a little common sense. All these checks getting written to Bidens through shell company’s. Cmon dude it’s pretty obvious what is going on grow a brain. They are money laundering. It’s like how we all know Casey Anthony killed her daughter but got away with it. Like how we all know OJ killed his girl.


Its not what "you could argue," its what you can prove. CUI BONO?


Follow the bank records. There’s the proof.


>Follow the bank records. There’s the proof. Show me this proof.




Cool. And what crime does this show, exactly?


[here you go.](https://bidenreport.com/#p=1)


Cool. And what page of your SIX HUNDRED AND FOURTY FOUR PAGE document shows Hunter in bed with his under-aged neice?


It’s got a table of contents! Read!


I did a search and their's only one reference to a neice, and that wasnt it. So I'll ask again: what page of the document you're using as proof of the claim show the pictures of him in bed with his under-aged neice?


Here’s a [screenshot](https://x.com/dom_lucre/status/1733312010899632494?s=46&t=oDpLYlq2kyJfIY8eu4m8Ag) from his messages that is within the report. 🫡


I'm still waiting for the pictures of him in bed with his niece. That is a screenshot of a text message.


Brother I’m not gonna show you child porn. Those images were also redacted from the report, but are mentioned within it. Again there’s a table of contents, read or don’t.


Unfortunately, or fortunately, I never saved it. Felt weird due to the age of his niece. This was back before McAfee "killed himself". It was selfies of her and hunter in bed, having sleepovers shirtless with her and her friends, and just generally hunter being shirtless with his niece cuddling up to him.


They were fake dude, are you being serious


Yeah, [me too](https://bidenreport.com/#p=1) man.


What is the conspiracy?


The GOP is trying to suggest that there was a conspiracy between Hunter Biden and Joe Biden to defraud the American public. However, despite the fact that the GOP has been investigating this for months, they havent been able to find any actual evidence to support their theory.


Ah I see. I for a second was thinking the conspiracy was whether or not he slept with hookers lol. Very confused. What an exhausting time to be a judge in America


the conspiracy is that Joe Biden was doing underhanded deals with his son when under oath Joe Biden said that he wasn't having any type of business dealings with his son this is proven to be false Joe Biden has done a lot of business with his son and some of it is underhanded and shady and he left a laptop out that somebody got access to and that's not a conspiracy we have pictures from the computer online that we can all watch and some of them show him molesting and violating underage people so people can talk smack and trying to defend these people but I feel like you have two sides of the same monster left and right they're all atrocious why can't people just admit that they're all bad we have to choose between two losing sides two evil losers


Dude, nobody cares about Hunter's porn, that's just a sideshow. The real issue is that he's almost certainly been laundering bribe money for his dad. He was being paid a ton of money by shady Ukrainian companies for "advisory" work that he had zero qualifications for, and at the same time he was paying a massive rent to his parents to live at home.


That’s nuts! Why won’t they let him testify publicly and show everyone??


“Almost certainly” - every conspiracy theorists 2 favorite words


Cultists bot


[citation needed]


lol this guy owns 6 let's go Brandon tshirts


He bought the NFTs 😆


> The real issue is that he's almost certainly been laundering bribe money for his dad. And what evidence is there of this taking place? >and at the same time he was paying a massive rent to his parents to live at home. source please.




Op and the dems just mad and triggered they didn’t get to see the d👃ick pics lol Trump 2024!!!


We've ALL seen the dick pics, genius.


Who hasn't seen Hunter's hog at this point?


Right or his shady dealings with the CCP with his dad the sitting president with dementia inflation Joe…


You thought about his dick first tho


Those are some pretty damning claims. Surely you have something to back them up!


Bahahahaha watch the news…




But that's not what the GOP is trying to investigate.