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“When we look up at the sky it isn’t black it’s blue” Oh boy.


The dumbest "proof" that space doesnt exist ever 💀


Reminds me of the dress. Are we going to start saying the dress isn't even real now too? AI didn't even exist back then or did it???


I back away slowly and hope stupid isn’t contagious


It’s based on “I haven’t seen it myself, therefore it doesn’t exist. But I can say the exact same thing about these peoples brains, but that would actually be more true. They can claim anything, but if they don’t have a working model instead, then it’s absolutely worthless. And they never have a working model. It’s just contrarianism.


Oh dear. You could say the same about god. Most these people are far right and hey, cant see god therefore he doesnt exist. No science to prove hes there either


the brain thing is the perfect example. using god as an example doesn’t really work here since god is based on faith. we know, scientifically, there is a space lol


I had a friend in high school who told me that the stars were nothing more than small lights placed in the sky to light the earth. There was nothing beyond the sky and space didn't exist. When I asked him where he heard that he said his pastor. Sad.


That pastor is all sorts of confused


And narrow minded


Too much "the truman show" for him, I would say...


For me it’s very sad because such “pastors” create a falls image for the normal Christians like me.


Even as a teenager I thought it a narrow view of it all.


676 people have been to space. Cool fact


Theyll claim its a lie and everyone is lying lmfao


Id like to see a timeline of that like is it steadily going up or have there been fluctuations. I imagine withing the next couple decades it will skyrocket. No pun intended teehee


I'd like that too but I'm at work and don't want to search


If you have two working eyes in your head and own a telescope, you can clearly see without a doubt that space is real and right in front of you. Also if you look outside when its dark. To sit there and literally demy reality? Either they have a brain tumor or digging for clout. Delusional at it’s best, mental ill with perhaps some kind of disease at worst.


It makes me a bit sad. All that potential ruined by a lack of basic critical thinking.


Either they're grossly undereducated or are acting in bad faith. We have billions of points of proof that space exists as advertised for all intents and purposes. If these people believe they can breathe seawater it would be an equal statement to that of space not existing.


"Idiot" or some other associated phrase.


Space is real. Time is fake.


Time is a measurement of gravity


Weight is a measurement of gravity


Can you explain how time is a measure of gravity? I'm curious. Thanks


Time is a system of causality invented by people to make sense of a world they don’t quite understand. There’s really just one moment stretching to eternity in both directions.


It’s not though.


Prove it


Events occurred in sequence before people were around to ‘invent time’. We have enough proof of that to fill a million lifetimes of study.


Is that proof of the early human condition that created time based on causality to make sense of the world around them, or is time a tangible thing you can hold in your hand?


Are you really asking me if you can hold time in your hand? Can you hold gravity in your hand? Did humans invent that too. 🙄


I’m asking you if it’s a tangible thing apart from humans like you keep saying.. ETA: if not than you have a long way to go to understanding the ways of the universe


Time itself is not tangible, although its effects can be. What exactly do you believe that basic insight proves?




tl;dr If you deny space exists, or time exists, then you are denying existence ENTIRELY. Which means you both win and lose this argument since it's not actually happening


I think time is nothing more than a human concept. Ask a parrot what time it is. It won’t know because time isn’t in it’s framework of perception. Now talking about how a rose blossoms and then dies is causality, not a measurement of human invented time. Time is just something we invented to make sense out of the causality of change in things.


Honestly just lost by what you mean.. the process of time passing exists and humans have invented a way to refer to the naturally occurring event of time passing to specific degrees like a day / month / hour........ the words are made up for communication, but the occurrence can't be denied with the evidence around us that time is not suspended in a singular moment. fossils, carbon dating, I mean you are saying change happens but also everything is all just 1 single moment, then there would be no changes happening.


Didn’t know this was a contest lol


The world needs ditch diggers too.


If you don't finish high school you can still finish concrete


Idk to each their own I guess. I don’t agree with them, but it doesn’t really matter if I agree with them or not. Through their own eyes/their own realities, space is fake, and to them that’s a fact. To others like myself, it’s not fake. I tend to believe some oddball stuff too so I can’t really judge them lol


Those that dream of only the world are doomed to stay forever on it.


Honestly, it's probably better that way. Do we really want crackpot people to be our planet's emissary?


Some scientists have begin to theorize that reality doesn't actually resist - and everything is energy, including matter which is made up of energy which includes us. So if they're going to theorize something don't exist it shouldn't be space, It should be what we see or think we see.😆


Not really worth debating. Space is not like the idea of god. Like at all


The only way to know for sure is to go to space yourself. Or hit the firmament trying! Allegedly, all proof thus far is supposedly fake.


They aren't worth my time. They're most likely flat earthers anyways and they aren't worth my time either.


Yes, I’m 99% certain that the promotion - perhaps the entire modern rebirth itself - of the Flat Earth movement is to blackwash all conspiracy realism as as crazy and delusional as what Flat Grifters say.


Well, most conspiracy theories ARE ridiculous and false. There have been ones proven to be true, but for every one of those, there are countless crackpot theories.


We’ll have to respectfully disagree there. From my perspective, the idea that humans don’t collude in order to gain unfairly is sort of the most crackpot theory of all. “Anti conspiracy theory” hehe.


I like the respectful disagreement. in fact, I enjoy seeing other perspectives without getting just hateful responses, but rather well thought out ideas. I just see such a spectrum of ideas, some of which are so outlandish and could easily be proven incorrect due to facts or, to a lesser extent, logically inadequate.


I definitely agree there are some real honkingly outrageously stupid hypotheses out there. The previously mentioned flat earth nonsense, Qanon lololol. The idea we live in a meritocratic society in the Anglosphere. Utter nonsense. Haha. I also appreciate your vibe. Be well. :)


>Yes, I’m 99% certain that the promotion - perhaps the entire modern rebirth itself - of the Flat Earth movement is to blackwash all conspiracy realism as as crazy and delusional as what Flat Grifters say. Most of conspiracytheorists: Flatearth is ridiculous, who would be stupid enough to believe that? This is obviously a psyop to discredit our ideas. Also conspiracytheorists: Earth is hollow, jet fuel can't soften steel, there is a worldwide cabal of pedo-satanist elite who kill babies in order to extract adenochrone that is easily synthesizable, NASA send children on a 20 years journey to Mars, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Junior is alive and support the US Republican party, vaccines cause autism, the medieval period did not happen, the New World Order want to take your guns and enslave you, the Jews are ruling the world but i am not antisemite, al-qaida is a CIA coverup, Joe Biden had biolabs in Ukraine, the Great Replacement and White Genocide are real, Denmark is a communist country, the nazis where left-wing, the Sandy Hook mass murder was a fake, WTC felt at free-fall, nobody walked on Moon, global warming is a hoax, Barack Obama is not born in USA, JFK was not killed by Oswald, the Pearl arbor attack was a false flag, Michelle Obama is a man, there is human trafficking in the basement of a pizzeria without basement... Conclusion: There is no need to promote flatearth in order to discredit conspiracytheories.


Sure Jan.


They are just intentionally ignorant and therefore not someone worth talking to


…There on to something


They’re retarded.


It goes back to flat earthers. Im surprised at how many disparate conspiracy theories tie back to the flat earth. Tartaria, Mudflood, Agartha, Hyperborea, Electric Universe, Enochian Giants, Giant Trees, Lost Continents, Preterism, Cymatic Civilization, Freemasons, Illuminati, Vaccines, Orphan Trains, etc etc. They’re all unbrella’d under one thing.


I mean, if the earth is flat and we live under a dome… the stars could be the light bleeding into the holes poked into the ceiling… and the light could be from the microscope God used to watch us?


I think it is an interesting thought experiment


You can literally see the ISS and Starlink satellites passing overhead. What do they think those lights are if satellites are fake? Where do they think those lights are coming from?


Folks who quit school....also the flat earth folks. They the worst.


Ask them to prove they are real


Don’t care at all , People have opinions it doesn’t really matter . No sense in arguing with them over it


this post is interesting bc i think about this quite frequently lately. 😅😅


about what


I don’t know what the fuck I believe anymore.


I believe the theory But not in a way that you may think I just think most of what they tell us isn’t fact


Uh huh. And who is "they"? As opposed to people on the internet, a place famous for it's truthfulness


“They” are everywhere…


They are right but expand that to everything else. Unless you believe perspective is real.


Depends, what's the definition of reality


Yea if it’s all hypothetical math why get bent out of shape about it


Well, to be fair I don’t even think science knows. The mind goes to the firmament, but what is dark energy and matter, apparently they don’t know!






I gotta know what they said bruh


This post was removed because it's dumb. Even in a place full of tinfoil hatters, this post is just dumb. Please stop doing that.


This is my favorite removal notice ever