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Easy - you don’t. Unless you’re talking about a quick trip once or twice a month each. Otherwise it’s just not a recipe for a healthy family and will likely only get worse as you both take on more responsibilities.


Classic partner track


My father was a consultant but could only do it after he divorced my mom and only had to have the kids every other weekend. Having family around will help but you can’t rely on them - they aren’t responsible for your kids and it will create tension if you overdo it. It’s not sustainable without a live in nanny. And then you’re not really the one raising your kid. One of you should start looking at moving into industry or taking a sabbatical. It’s the only possibility.


The most unsustainable thing about this job is the travel. For me at least, solving for clients I can walk / drive / train to has been my top priority in building out my portfolio - and has been for years. It makes juggling the job with raising a family actually feasible.


Yeah unless there's a way to guarantee both of you aren't away at the same time, doesn't sound realistic to me. Would get old for your family and less than ideal for the kids.


Kid will grow up rich, bratty, and eager for their parents to die. Source: know at least two of these people


We moved to be near my family and they helped when we both were out of town. It was a game changer.


You don't, consulting is conducive for career growth (sort of) but you need to move on from it to have a family/better life.


I have two kids, their father and I are both consultants. We’re divorced though sooo that might answer your question 😂 For me, it’s rather easy, I let clients know it’s easy for me to travel Monday - Wednesday when they are with him. He’s flexible if I need to travel for a week or more here or there we swap days and I take them for a week or two when I return. On his side, it’s easier, he got remarried and his wife stays at home so he does not restrict his travel and she mostly watches them on his days 😂


Feels like there is pain behind those emojis


Naw, honestly it worked out really well for both of us, this arrangement is far better than being married to the wrong person.


Blink twice if the judge is listening


I wish you the best in this life and the next. You’re right it is better to divorce than live in an unhealthy marriage. Trust in God


If you really want to try this, get a dog first


Either pay for help or ask one person to make the sacrifice. Expecting extended family for support will not end well. You make extra money to pay for help.


Not consultants, but my wife's job took us far away from family when we had our first two. Find a nanny, pay them well. Be flexible when you can be and you'll often have the flexibility back in your favor when you need it. We left our kids with the nanny overnight on a few occasions. Kids love it (they liked the nanny), nanny likes it (loads of OT pay), and we liked it (weekend away).


We got one of those cat water dishes with the little fountain that keeps the water fresh. One of the main reasons I made Partner.




I was waiting to see how this comment board pans out and I’d have to say I mostly agree with the responses. It’s doable but it’s not going to be easy. If you’re both traveling you basically cannot be out of town at the same time. Most people have a nanny or super flexible babysitter. You never know when you have flight delays or cancellations. Best of luck if you want to try this, I’ve seen it work but it’s not for everyone.


This is the exact situation that nannies and boarding schools were invented to solve. Cynical? Bad for the kid? Maybe, but that's the traditional answer to your problem.