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What about a traditional English breakfast? Even though you haven't done it - and no, that's not pathetic! - something like that could be an adventure for you and him, both. Assuming he's not vegetarian or anything. Alternatively, a nice omelet might be a good place to start. There are lots of inclusions you could do. You could fancy it up with a spicy salsa.


I hate how I didn't bloody think of an English Breakfast 🤦‍♀️🤣 But that's a great idea! I'll make a little note of these. I think he'd really enjoy some spicy salsa. Thank you so much ❤️


So welcome! Whatever you end up cooking, have lots of fun! :D


Second this idea. Your bf can get American food all day, but he's coming to the UK and that's a whole new style of food. The only thing I might add is to maybe use a sectioned plate the first time, in case he doesn't like things touching (sauces running into) each other. That gives him the option to combine or enjoy separately.


Also, I think you could do a spicy chili!


That was my first thought. A spicy chili, Texas style (meaning no beans, no corn). The nice thing about it is that it could be made the day before, and reheated.


I really don’t think a UK woman who doesn’t know how to cook should make chili for her Texas bf.


When he was wooing me, my now-spouse made a dish I was an expert in because he knew I liked that food. It tasted pretty bad. But he was so sweet. I could tell he was nervous. I felt the love. Just sayin'.


Honestly you're dad sounds like a bit of an ass lol. No one expects a gourmet meal when they come over to your place! And I would think a chef of all people would just be thankful someone else is doing the cooking for once. Especially if he knows you're not much of a cook, I would focus on "cooked through" and "properly seasoned" before I worried about anything too fancy. The first meal I ever cooked my now-husband was a pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes (instant), corn (frozen), and a roll (also frozen). Everything was hot and on the plate at the same time- which is really the main goal when cooking a meal! (He still raves about that meal and I feel like it was the most phoned in thing I've ever made!) As a Texan myself, I would steer away from "Texan" things, and make something more unique to your culture, or something abroad (ie Indian food). I know when I visit my relatives across the country, they always rave about the taco salad at this chain restaurant and I'm like... I didn't fly 2,000 miles AWAY from the Mexican border to eat tacos 🤦 Keep in mind as you're looking for recipes, a lot of the ones you'll find that aren't a casserole or a stew are going to be a main dish and you'll still be wanting for sides. So even if you find the most AMAZING salmon recipe- what are you going to serve with it? Sounds like you have plenty of time to practice, but if you're going to do a meal that's made up of several parts (ie meat, veg, carb) I'd try to find just one thing that really requires a recipe/great deal of effort and keep the rest simple. Otherwise you're going to be completely stressed out, burning things, or forgetting an element all together!


Thank you! This has helped a bunch, I really appreciate it. I honestly didn't think about all that 🤦‍♀️ You're completely right about my dad, he's 77... so he's very much a grumpy old knobhead. 🤣 I'll do some homework and get practising


I also realized I didn't provide any actual ideas 😅 Honestly scrounge around Every Plate or Hello Fresh. You can usually view their recipes without an account and the ingredients are usually pretty easy to source (I say as an American, so UK mileage may vary 😅) Spaghetti (and meatballs) and garlic bread is easy to pull together. Hell, I batch make my meatballs and freeze them. They come back to temp in the sauce in the time it takes the noodle water to boil and the noodles to cook. Chicken breasts/cutlets with breadcrumbs stuck to them and baked is always a winner. (This would be a good meat, mashed/roast potatoes, boiled/roasted veg meal) As far as veggies: peas, corn, green beans can be boiled (green beans: please boil them in broth or add garlic powder and s&p to your water!) Carrots, broccoli, Brussels should be roasted or sauteed. (Roasted takes a little less skill cause you just have to pull them out before they're black lol)


Dude seriously, you're a life saver. I can't thank you enough. I was feeling totally lost before, this has helped a lot. I will definitely check out Hello Fresh and Every Plate, see what the options are!


My husband wanted to learn how to cook more than frozen pizza or hamburger helper and we went the hello fresh route. He's way more confident now! He still needs a recipe that's going to guide him through every step but he's started getting intuitive and realizing there are easier ways to do things. Oh and I just remembered this recipe! https://www.chelseasmessyapron.com/one-pan-healthy-sausage-and-veggies/#wprm-recipe-container-17717 I like this one cause you can make it with whatever you want. Pork sausage, chicken sausage, yes onion, no onion. Honestly I pull this one out whenever I have a bunch of produce that's about to go bad 🤣 if it can go in the oven, it's been in this recipe. I usually serve it with brown rice.


Oh! And if long term he ends up relocating to the UK, then yes, ABSOLUTELY find out what "Texan" things he likes and learn how to make them. But as a first impression, I can all but guarantee he'll be thinking "this is good, but not as good as ___ makes it!" (If he's a good person he won't say that to your face though lol)


Oh trust me, I know. He's mexican and his mum is quite the cook, she likes the family to have traditional Mexican food. It did come to mind to try something along those lines but quickly decided against it. I'll wait to cook that with him or get some help from the master herself 🤣


And Mexican cuisine is such a spectrum, even if you thought you were making a recipe he'd like, it could end up being the wrong style or again will NOT live up to mom's lol. Getting added to the tamale assembly line would be a fun bonding experience if you ever visited him, but I wouldn't take the lead when he comes to you!


Don't do Mexican food.


Enchiladas are easy and you can make them as spicy as you want. Buy some already cooked chicken strips (not breaded), a pack of tortillas, a can of enchilada sauce and some Mexican or cheddar shredded cheese. Throw chicken in a skillet to heat it since it’s already cooked and season it. Preheat oven and spray a baking dish with cooking spray. Add part of sauce to the chicken and a handful of cheese and met it al together, this is your filling. Spread some of the sauce on the bottom of the pan and fill each tortilla and roll them lay them seam side down side by side. Pour rest of sauce over rolled tortillas and pay attention to the edges of tortillas. Then sprinkle cheese over the top. Bake until heated through and melted. Once done you can top with sour cream, little lettuce, black olives. It’s quite easy and filling. I make yellow rice as a side and it helps soak up any leftover sauce on the plate.


You're in a great position because you have 10+ weeks to practice. Pick a few things you think he might like and focus on them for the next couple months.


English breakfast is a great idea, but there are a lot of parts that have to come together.. here's an easy version - https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/sheet_pan_english_breakfast/ Also, I'd recommend making something ahead, that you can reheat, because you're not going to want a long wait or to leave him alone while you're working at the stove. This pasta is so easy, hearty and delicious to make ahead https://www.dinneralovestory.com/instant-dinner-party/ Here's a fancy version, just as easy - https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/giada-de-laurentiis/short-ribs-with-tagliatelle-recipe-1917355 But even a lovely spag bol would be marvellous https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/best-spaghetti-bolognese-recipe Make something ahead, so you can spend more time with your visitor. Add a salad, or some last-minute steamed veg, and you won't have to worry if he's a bit late or anything. Any party planning, for two or 50, you want to make your life as easy as possible. You have enough going on that day, don't add more stress. ❤️


He's a Texan you say. Just fix him whatever you are comfortable with. (Not chili). I'll explain in a minute. Long as it has meat and taters you will be good. Meat and potatoes. Or a great breakfast. Love, a Texan. I say no chili because it sometimes has side effects which aren't good for cuddling.


lasagna is always a crowd pleaser and even if you follow a simple recipe it’s always good! great for leftovers too


So you are in England, think classic British food not Texan. * Cottage or Shepherd's Pie. Very easy and practically foolproof. Go heavy on the herbs and spices. * Chicken Tikka Masala. What? A product of the British Raj now considered by some to be a national dish. Level of spiciness is up to you - just don't go overboard. * Welsh Rarebit. Maybe an asparagus side or other seasonal vegetable. * Checkout Keef Cooks. * https://keefcooks.com/region.php?nextno=48®ion=British&ord=alpha Now is a good time to ask your Dad for advice, if not help. It might be time to approach him on an adult level. Will he and your boyfriend be introduced to each other. It is never too soon, but always too late to establish and cement family relationships, especially if your Dad is 77.