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Pretty sure they know the recipe


Exactly.. since it's been broadcasted on their national television.




👆This guy Molotovs


You can make a bomb out of an ordinary toilet paper tube and a stick of dynamite.


Dammit I don’t have any toilet paper tubes!


On the BBC they reported groups of Ukranian women manufacturing Molotovs in readiness so I think they know what to do. Interestingly they were adding polystyrene shavings into the mix, I'm guessing it makes the fuel more sticky?


Yup. Dissolving polystyrene into gas or diesel is like putting gelatin in water. It gets increasingly sticky and viscous. Don't try it at home though. It gives of a lot of fumes that are very not fun. That's why those people making them were outside even though it looked really cold.


Basically homemade napalm. Polystyrene, or practically a styrofoam cup turns the fuel to gel. So it’s like. . . Fire Glue.


Yep. Burns like gasoline because, well, it is, but it sticks like napalm


Public radio was broadcasting recipes and instructions.


Put a lil bit of soap in there...boom you got napalm


Putteth a lil did bite of soap in thither. boom thee did get napalm *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Good bot


Thank you, Doge_father69, for voting on Shakespeare-Bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


During my unsupervised youth we always used styrofoam.


The Anarchists Cookbook called they want their drawing back


Is that still floating around? I'm sure it's been updated since the last one I saw in the 90s.


Isn’t it classed as terrorist material now? Get caught carrying a copy on the way to the mosque and you’re off on holiday to Belmarsh.


LOL not in the US at least. You can buy it right now as a Kindle eBook.


That version doesn’t contain any real goodies. There is a black market version that is much inline with the the original variant.


Ah gotcha. I remember having an ASCII version back in the 90s.


Could be? Last one I saw was some dot matrix printed version. It had how to spoof payphones and bad drawings of molotov cocktails, like the one pictured. I figure a modern one would be digital with things like how to hack a router and 3D print a gun.


I’m sure there’s a sub for that!


I'm sure. Finding the information separately isn't hard, I figured someone would've put together an "Anarchist's Cookbook 2020s" version. TBF, they might have I'm just not inclined to go searching. Almost 50 now, my days of caring are over 20 years ago.


Right! I'm like "everyone be cool for about the next 30 years and then you can go off however you like"


Add Styrofoam to make it stick to things. I mean, I've heard.


Like cooking oil? Or engine oil?


Yeah I put a little olive oil in mine, but it tasted weird so I added balsamic vinegar to it and it was way better.


A lil coarse salt AND BOOM


Lol. That's what I was thinking... I've always heard extra virgin olive oil has a very high smoke point, so I think I'd use that... By I have a whole bunch of vegetable oil, would that be OK to use? Or do I need to go get the heavy oil that I use to change my car's oil with? These are questions we need answers to


https://imgur.com/viV0C1T.jpg You're missing some things.


I wonder if they are just using "cups" to mean a coffee cup, otherwise it's weird jumping to a measurement system that would have no clue on.


It must be because it's dry and easier than weighing.The gas is about 2 cups but they use ml since it's liquid. I'm not European so that's just a guess.


There are multiple ways to make a Molotov cocktail. You posted one. Op posted another.


Gas is so expensive right now tho


If you put powdered detergent in it, shake it up, you get a gel-like consistency somewhat like napalm.


Do we need to shake it before throwing? Edit; like i shake it before lighting, or after lighting, or not at all?


Yep really hard. Right after you light it.


You're kidding right ?


Who do you think I am, a molotov expert?


You're telling me you forgot what they taught you in Domestic Terrorism lessons? tsk tsk tsk!


I’ll light, you shake.


I’m in full support of the Ukrainian people. And I hope they repel the Russians and this ends with Putin being taken out by one of his protégés. But serious question. Reddit blocked anything that was seen as “misinf*mation” or “anti-v*ccine”. But now they’re circulating guides on how to make molotovs when less than 1% of Reddit users are actually in Ukraine. Idk. Just seems crazy to me. Reddit has become a site that is a go to on guerrilla warfare, be it how to fool thermal scanners, how to drive a tank, or even these Molotovs. I hope the information isn’t removed, but I find it curious.


They blocked misinformation. They allow information. Case and point


My point is, innocent people will die outside of the Ukraine because bad people will use the tactics and info that are on here. Posting this information, just 6 weeks ago, would’ve put you on a terror watchlist. And also, what’s was once misinformation became information and vice versa. Originally, it was misinformation to say a mask slowed the spread. Then it flipped and became misinformation to not wear a mask. When the vaccine first came out, it was misinformation to say that you could still contract and spread the virus. Now, it’s misinformation to say that the vaccine will prevent you from getting sick. My point is, the censorship is an issue.


If the Taliban were broadcasting how to create Molotov cocktails and commenting to each other how to make it more deadly by creating homemade napalm, everyone would be bombing Afghanistan again and the people posting would be on a terrorist watchlist. When Palestinian kids thrown rocks at Israelis with guns, people say they deserve to get shot because they’re being out of control and barbaric. All this is doing is teaching the layman (mostly outside of Ukraine) how to create weapons. Do you REALLY think that the people in Ukraine are sat on Reddit to find answers if they’re in the middle of a war.


Honestly, yes. If you go to r/combatfootage, there are plenty of combat vets actually giving out practical advice. Is the Ukrainian military? No. There was a whole 13 long tweet thread of how to take out tanks. Shoot at their opticals, where to throw the molotovs, how to confuse the thermal scanner by placing card board squares everywhere possible, painting dinner plates to look like mines because visibility is low in tanks, etc.


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


Because that’s how science works. You can’t state something without it being proven. When something becomes proven the stance changes, they don’t just hold onto one idea just because it was the first one. If only people worked that way 🙄


You’re actually, ironically, making my point for me. The science changes because the information changes. I was banned from like half of Reddit because I was on the right side of “science”. I have a friend who works for the CDC. She told me, back in June 2021, that the vaccine was barely putting a dent in transmission rates. And that it didn’t offer as much protection as originally advertised. I posted something about the vaccines not stopping transmission on /nottheonion. I was perma banned. Now you wanna talk about the science changing. Okay, in February 2022, we all acknowledge that the vaccine isn’t a bulletproof thing. I acknowledged it back in June 2021 and I’m still banned. I reached out and asked to be unbanned. No reply. And the person who shared said info with me WORKS AT THE CDC. I’ve known her since childhood. Stanford graduate. So if I’m trusting the science, who do I listen to? My friend who I know is competent and works in the given field? Or some Jack off Reddit mod who couldn’t pass a high school biology exam? The information does change and we’ve banned people for being genuinely misinformed or, in my situation, people with “insider knowledge”. If the science changes, public policy and public opinion should also be allowed to change.


Lol you because you have no PROOF dummy. I know the CEO of the CDC and he says keeping your head up your ass makes you invulnerable from all future diseases forever. Crazy how that unfounded claim I just made isn’t a respectable opinion, right? Get back to me with peer reviewed data signed off by your friend with their CDC credentials on the line, not an unproven story from a guy on Reddit.


I’m sorry, what do you do for a living? I repair power lines, just so we can get that out of the way. Edit: of course you didn’t reply because you’re probably a moron who didn’t even make an A in high school biology. Yet a global pandemic hits and you’re suddenly an expert.


“Hopefully Ukrainians use this” What.


Nothing like a completely inaccurate guide (Cool guides moment)


I am not sure Molotovs are going to stop Putin. The news is reporting a huge convoy of tanks bearing down on Kyiv. I am praying for a miracle but it is not looking good. As a Canadian, I wish my leader had done the ballsy thing and sent in our army to protect Ukraine.


Do tanks not burn? Three or four cocktails will burn down damn near anything.


Aim for the vents… either it’s going in to the intake for the motor or fresh air for the troops.


Correct, but in reality if there’s a legion of tanks bearing down on your position you’re probably just chucking the fucker. Taking the time to creep up and find the weak spot angle amidst a division of heavy armored units is a professional resistance fighter move and for the amateur militant likely a suicidal attempt.


This is the kind of information that should, and does, carry a prison sentence for possessing.


You can’t un-invent the Molotov cocktail. I agree, making the manual for fertiliser truck bombs off limits is proportional, but a lame sketch on Reddit about sticking flammable materials in a bottle would be a bit impractical to police.


Mix cat litter also.


And nails.


It’s a little more hard to handle, but roofing tar and gas burn a hell of a lot hotter. And are harder to put out


Man, I JUST got rid of all my extra roofing tar I had lying around. Wouldn't you know it.


Thank you for authorizing Ukrainians to use Molotov 🗿👌


Soap and frozen concentrated orange juice


i noticed some Ukrainians using what looked like little balls of Styrofoam in some of the footage. I assumed it was to make the flame stick. Would that be accurate?


Seems like they know


Every time I see one of these I'm thinking, as an American, "You're potentially *literally* fueling white supremacists right now."


okay... this seems like info that shouldn't be shared indiscriminately. We gonna do IEDs next?


Is you add half a bar of soap shavings, it turns into napalm


Why don’t it just blow up in your hands?


Not Ukrainian but thanks


Tastes disgusting


Add some aluminum powder to create much hotter flame; Add some grated tire to create a very thick smoke; There’s really a lot of stuff for the cocktail ;)


AGood thinking, OP. I've also heard that they have had trouble figuring out how to distill vodka from potatoes. Maybe you could make a guide to distilling vodka.