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Sister in law done a stint on night shift in Simon Community. She's now of the opinion if you are homeless you are actually safer sleeping out on the street somewhere.


Terrible the way drug addicts are allowed make Hostels too dangerous for non drug users to sleep in ☹️


I did a night doing security there around 2007 and I still remember it 🫨


They have never employed security staff. The other hostel has.


What happened?


I'm gonna guess Centra on grand parade is zero craic.




I worked there in 2001 (mostly day shifts on a gap year saving for college) staff were always lovely there! Worked part time during my college days in the evenings. , never any trouble but I guess times have changed.


Yeah since the pandemic it's gone to shit. There's a video of a fight in or around it trending a few times a year and a guy was killed there a few months ago. I personally have had people try to pick pocket me a bunch of times too.


Christ that’s insane! The worst thing we’d to watch out for while was working there was groups shoplifting.


1000% the exteneral factors would be what I was thinking 😬


Horrible vibes emanating from the place at all times


Pennies Patrick street. Cunt management at every level.


Sometimes the people in charities are the worst people. Most horrible coworker I ever had was a volunteer coordinator for a dog charity.


Penney's is not a charity


Penny diners is and that’s what I thought they meant lol


Old oak


The emergency room in the Mercy is pretty bad


Roughest place in the city at night.


Airport is a shitshow at the best of times, horrible management, people in high up positions that got the job with zero qualifications, massive staff turnover, short staffed constantly, belittled by superiors and then get the brunt of it off passengers, however 90% are ideal to deal with


Completely agree with this, Swissport behave in this manner, avoid!!


Scabtran *coughs* sorry I mean Abtran


Fuck Abtran!


I used to work in Tesco. Any retailer will tell you that the average member of the public is a drooling moron at best. "Is this the price?" No, not here. At this shop we display the atomic weight of every item instead of the price. It should be like mandatory military service for a year, but for common sense and manners.


I truly think that everyone should do at least a year in some public service job-be it retail, hotel, fast food, a cafe, etc, so they can truly know what its like. It's not easy having to deal with people all day, being understaffed to death, people treating you like dirt, doing physical jobs, being overstimulated a lot ,having to do mental gymnastics i.e 3 customers tryin to ask ya something all at once, trying to keep your sanity when someone is being either very ANNOYING or RUDE :) :) all for minimal wage.


🫡 hello fellow service member 10 years since I left Tesco and I still remember clearly how much I hated it.


Used work in a fairly busy petrol station. It really does make you question how some people cloth themselves or remember to breathe. People being dopey is one thing but the entitlement and horrid assholes in the 60 plus age bracket is outrageous. I was lucky that the shop was independently owned and the owner backed his staff so I could answer back and all but say fuck off and not get in trouble. But what a pack of assholes


That's because half the time you go to the till its a different price. Tesco prices are constantly in the wrong place, wrong colour so display clubcard in white or something, a deal out of date or some other issue. It ain't the customers bud


Tesco Paul Street has its fair share of interesting customers but as a former employee there myself I can say it's definitely one of the better jobs I've had.


I used to be the rear gunner on a bread van in Knocknaheeney


A lot of bars and hotels are almost like penal colony work.


Wouldn't know what days you're working next week and management mess up holidays on the regular, if you can get it


Maxol on Skehard Row used to be an absolute shitshow, understaffed, constant line through the door, and misogynistic Chinese manager wouldn't let women even go to the toilet bar the lunch break (guys could go for a smoke every 20 minutes). ITM in Carrigtwohill is a great place to work if you want to ask yourself every single day if you still have a job, as the owner has severe paranoia and blames staff for everything going wrong in his business, even though the staff itself has 0 decisive power and is under heavy surveillance. Not sure how it is nowadays, but working as "cart ladies" on Cork-Dublin trains before the pandemic was absolutely brutal - minimal wage, not respecting breaks, unpaid "waiting" shifts in a warehouse at the station, drunk and high people trashing the train (no security on trains) etc.




Family Owned will always be a red flag to me. Worked in a restaurant pub near the bridge by Grand Parade and had to walk out. Awful environment and the owners will do anything to save a few cent.


I worked in a family owned and run business in the city centre and it was honestly the worst place to work in. Horrible management and no respect for female employees




Retail, it was a pity because the job was good, but not worth all the stress with the people there.




Oddly enough no, but it’s such a red flag that so many family businesses are like that! I think there all toxic


The planning office or the council housing office in city hall sounds like hard work


I just cant understand why people take their frustration of organizations on low level employees just trying to earn a living


I dunno about housing but nobody working in the planning department is low-level - whoever is at the 'front desk' is still a planner. Now, I'm sure they get a fair amount of unfair rubbish from the public but they also can be incredibly frustrating at times


Theirs a job AI needs to take over. Fucking slim mold could do a better job.




Smyths. Day or night shift management are ridiculous. Worked night shift packing and was supposed to finish before doors were open and we barely ever left on time cos they had something for us to do.


burguer king, mcdonalds, fastals


Saw someone go into Paul street Tesco in rollerblades, security asked her to leave, she accused them of breaching her human rights to food and water. I’d imagine that’s one of the easier problems they have dealt with, can’t imagine what it would be like 😂


Fifth Avenue Cork, crazy amount of staff bullying and racial profiling in there, my girlfriend worked there for a good while and was treated like shit ..


I’ve heard the same thing too.. treat there staff god awful. Have a Mongolian friend who works there and there have been cases in staff group chat where they are directly targeted and belittled over other staff


Definitly not Nash 19 anyways. I love working there and the owner is such a delight <3




How is that even remotely legal


Is that legal?


bullshit. How is that possible


No they don’t. That’s not legal.


No they don’t lol


Who told you that? That’s not a thing.


What on earth did they even say


County Cork ?