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I was disappointed the last time I went to Cafe Mexicana, thought the food was low quality & over priced.


Cafe Mexicana used to be great years ago. Completely over priced and not as good now.


The Black Dog do really good stuff. Not 100% to how close it is to traditional Mexican though


I was gutted when they stopped doing delivery..


They also play great music all the time. The beef tacos are delightful


Black Dog ,best tacos,where the Mexicans go .


Black dog/Old Town Taqueria


According to Mexican and Californian colleagues (and my own limited experience of phenomenal Mexican food in LA and NYC), there is no good or authentic Mexican food in Cork.


You can't really get Mexican or Southern Californian anywhere here. I think the fish tacos in good day deli are ok, and the (battered) fish tacos in The Fish Basket on Broad Strand are incredible.


Surely there’s somewhere in the marina market or the black market?


Definitely not in the Marina Market. It’s a fun place but majority of food is mediocre.


Sicilian delights is amazing


Zocalo in Douglas is fusion Mexican but really nice!


There’s none, please someone open one, and please serve horchata 🤤


Cafe Mexicana is my favourite in the city for sure. The food is better than Tequila Jacks in my opinion. The interior is more traditional too, although there is more of a buzz in Tequila Jacks. All the others I had been for are more takeaway style burrito joints (with some eat in options, eg Burritos and Blues, Boojum, Zambrero). There is a new one in Douglas called Zócalo that I haven’t tried yet but looks nice.


Was very disappointed recently with the food in tequila jacks and service was very slow. Expected a lot better as it seems to be a popular place.


Cafe Mexicana is average at best They serve Uncle Ben’s rice




+1 to Cafe Mexicana. Small spot but good atmosphere in there. Dos Combo is great. 


There was a proper authentic no frills Mexican place in youghal about 10 years ago and it was fucking elite, I miss it so much


I brought a Mexican to Cafe Mexicana (her idea) and she thought it better and more authentic than expected but of course not perfect. There is also the Mex in Cobh, it's as Mexican as AbraKababra though.


Another vote for Cafe Mexican. They hit different compared to anything I've had here.


Whoever says anything but cafe Mexicans has not eaten real Mexican food ever. Not sayin that it’s the best Mexican food you’ll have, but it’s close to the real thing. And the atmosphere is super cozy!


I’ve eaten real Mexican food in Mexico and Cafe Mexicana isn’t even close. But it’s very good “Irish Mexican” food and it has a nice atmosphere.


Yeah you’re right, I should’ve said it’s the closest you can get here :)


Cafe Mexicana is no where near real traditional Mexican food. Also Mexico is a big country and the food varies a lot throughout the country


You’re out of your mind 😂


Gonna chime in again with Café Mexicana. One of my all time fav restaurants in the city


if the staff at the *Burritos* & *Blues* would drain a bit of the liquid before adding anything into the taco shells... that would make a huge difference, but unfortunately the tacos are doomed to be all wobbly right from the moment the first ingredient goes in. Everything from the flat top however is OK. I add a +1 to the fish tacos from Good day Daily. They are always a wonderful treat, but you can hardly call it a Mexican restaurant. About the Mexican... well I would say it is now more like a good number of asian places around town had been 5-10 years ago. More catering to the Irish taste than being true to the original kitchen. I mean it is still nice to go there, but it feels more "Inspired by" than real Mexican. Boojum offff. nope I stay out of there.


Anyone remember the good burrito place on Washington Street? El Bandito. Got a spicy habanero burrito in there when my older cousin came over about 10 years ago now. For my confirmation I think. Still thinking about it. Was a good spiciness and tasty!!! Very hard to do imo especially when you can just crank the spiciness up and don't give a fuck! Then they closed doen shortly after. Fuck, still one of the best burritos I had. Think about it often! Maybe the whole confirmation/ first confession as well is a big thing. Next good one was La Calavera in Douglas. Was nice when it opened and a good time after that but haven't had it in a long time. Did try Boojum when it was newish like before 2020 and it did not hit the spot. And of course there is a Boojum in all of Ireland now. I'm sorry but Cafe Mexicana is a front for something. Money laundering and the likes. Had it in 2017 or something like that. Did think Chocolate Mole was acceptable when I had it but mom had grilled fish and nah was not good and flakey fresh. How that place is still open? God knows. Very polarising reviews. Either it's good or bad. No inbetween. Black Dog on North Main Street. Yup! That's the place to go. Good tacos both times I went. Once by myself and with buddy. Had pork first time and Birria the second. Pretty good! The guys cooking in there know their shit whether it is authentic or not. If you are cooking on a Kamado/Ceramic grill. You best be fucking good or learn quick! PALADAR! Now look you are going to spend a bit. But it's a place of love tbh. Authentic, chef always trying to bring new fresh ideas to it. Cocktails are fucking good too!


All one of them


The Mex in Cobh is pretty good