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She's right. It was one of my favourite programmes for decades, but I abandoned it when Roy was arrested. "Gone to shit recently" sums it up perfectly.


Roy has been released now.


Yes, I know, but from what I've seen on here, there still hasn't been much improvement. The Roy story wasn't the only silly storyline (and I've sat through a lot of those over the years). It was just the one that made me decide I'd had enough.


It’s been full of shit to varying extents since spring 2005. It’s not a sudden decline.


It used to be a lot better than it is these days. It's a sudden decline to the level it's at now. If I'd thought it was "full of shit" in 2005 I'd have stopped watching it 20 years ago.


You might not have thought it but many others did. Corrie hasn’t been properly good since Killer-Katy as far as many people are concerned. It went off the boil in the summer of 2005 and never truly recovered.


As far as I'm concerned, it's been fine up until the last year or so. I'm not bothered about what "many others" thought. I speak on behalf of myself. I don't speak on behalf of anyone else. That doesn't make my opinion any less relevant than yours.


Your mum is right on the button! 🫤tell her to join us and have a laugh and a moan about it,discussing each episode!


I have mentioned this before but in the last two or three years they write every character so you absolutely hate them. There is no reason for the way any of them act. Ever.


It's more a case of how the show is filmed rather than edited. Years ago it scenes were filmed in sequence but in later years filing has been done out of sequence- for example- lets say there are scenes involving Chesney, Gemma and Bernie- they will record a number scenes that will later be inserted into episodes as required. This means that sometimes they will be recording a scene where they are responding to what happened to an earlier scene that might involve only two if the characters or another cast member that has yet to be recorded! It makes continuity very difficult and that's why sometimes the reactions seem a bit "odd". An example would be a character filming their death scenes prior to the scenes leading up to the death! When you view an episode it will comprise many scenes that have been recorded at different times over previous weeks/months and then edited to create the episode.


That's very interesting, thanks. Is this commonplace for all TV series?


yes and movies too. Think of the scenes that are filmed on one particular set that appears many times throughout a movie or scenes shot in a particular room on town/city. There are usually many different production teams all working to create different parts of a TV show/movie that are finally edited together to create the final show/movie.