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It’s okay my dad did the same thing to me except I was a baby during the last Super Bowl run. I hold way more things against him than being a cursed as a cowboys fan


Good point. I’ll just have to give him some other trauma to prioritize so that it drowns out the Cowboys curse


My daughter is a Rangers fan like me and she's turning out fine. Don't even trip, dawg.


That's my plan...


I’m in a nearly similar situation, but I was born earlier than you. I remember the 90’s run a bit, but since then I tell my father every season “this is your fault, you did this to me”


I was 15 and spending my time in a star wars chat room during the last super bowl. In the four years I lived in Dallas it was the third big game and just wasn't a big deal. I would love to have that experience again and I would appreciate it this time


Same way, born in 1991. I only remember my dad celebrating the last Super Bowl. Since then, it’s been nothing but people talking shit to me all the time and heartbreak. Tough for us millennial cowboys fans 🫡


Those of us born in the early 90’s bear the greatest burden of all


Did the same to my sons. They are now 22 and 19 years old and have seen nothing but mediocrity, disappointment and pain. My oldest “thanked” me for raising him a Cowboys fan after that GB embarrassment. GO COWBOYS!


Nice blog post Liked and subscribed 👍🏻


My dad couldve made me a chiefs fan, but he moved to dallas right before I was born💀


I hope he made a lot more money after the move so you can at least wipe away your tears with 100s (like the Joneses do every January)


Haha yeah he moved cuz of work so I cant blame him lol


I’m a 64 year old female who grew up watching the Cowboys dominate with Tom Landry. The last 30 years have been painful, to say the least. We keep thinking this year will be different. In the “old days” you could bet the farm they would win, and they did. Here comes Jerry with Jimmy in tow. Rough start but brought them back to the glory of old. In came JERRYS EGO! How the hell would you tangle with your head coach who has brought you multiple rings?! Then and there, I tapped out.


Think of it as if you don't make it to see the next Super Bowl victory, at least half of you will (should? maybe?)


Did the same, my son is 20 now, i failed him lol


Yeah being a cowboys fan is tough. I told my daughter that and I will tell my sons the same. We’ll always hear all the backlash when we lose and none of the praise when we win. It comes with the territory. But always remember OP and every cowboys fan. It could be worse because there are fans out there that their team has never won a championship. So again, it could be worse.


They may as-well have never won, they haven’t won in my lifetime (I’m 27) At least people pity and root for perennial losers, not only are we hated but everyone tunes in to watch us lose and laugh.


Yeah. We haven’t won but as of today and possibly Sunday, neither have the niners. Yeah they made it to the super bowl before and now but the season doesn’t matter if you lose. Second place is just first loser.


No one was talking about the 49ers, and even if they lose, this is pure cope. I would give anything to see the boys play in the NFC championship, let alone win it. This isn’t even bringing up playing a super bowl… We haven’t even had a shot at blowing the big game in my life. It’s such black and white viewpoint to look at a Super Bowl losing team as the 1st losers imo. You’re right though, the Lions are bigger losers than us for losing an NFC championship. (/s just incase)


Talk to fans whose team has lost a super bowl and you’ll know how heart breaking it is. They would’ve rather not been there than lost and that goes for any championship really. But again to my original point, things could be worse like a team who has never won a Super Bowl.


You think that’s bad? I named my son Dakery. Dak for short


What’s next, you going to make him like the Mets too?


All jokes aside it could actually be worse - he’ll probably be a padres fan bc I don’t care for baseball but my father in law and brother in law are both from SD and big padres fans (yet another cursed franchise). May as well add the clippers to really solidify the doom


Not the clippers, they’ve at least blown a conference championship series lead. The Hornets. Then maybe turn them him onto University of Nebraska football while you’re at it.


Fuck man you’re really hitting home for a SoCal Cowboys fan. Not only did the Padres have to break my heart last year after making the NLCS the year before, but the Cowboys perennially break my heart. (Side note, I think the Padres’ window closed so back to mediocrity)


Fuck I hate being a Cowboys and Mets fan


My oldest is 19 and I apologize to him after every season ends horribly.


When he becomes a teenager and hates you he will probably start cheering for the eagles just to piss you off. That's what I did. Good thing I moved out of the house and realized that the eagles suck and they are all flags.


It's ok, apparently once they become teenagers they latch on to whoever is good in every sport. Just ask the 13 year old Chiefs/Yankees/Warriors/University of Michigan fan in my house


My dad had me in 95 and cursed me with this fandom


Your son can pick his own team later? I mean that's what a lot of kids do. He doesn't HAVE to be a Cowboys fan.


That's what I did. Growing up, I rooted for my parents' teams. My mother grew up in Boston, and my father Nothern PA. I was unlucky enough to be born in Dallas, and stupid enough to claim them as my own. Terrible decision.


Same. My Dad is a Packers fan and I never really liked them too much. Unfortunately for me, I decided to go with the Cowboys.


It would kill me if my son wasn’t a cowboys fan. In my household there won’t be a choice, granddad cursed me so you’re screwed too pal


While I understand that this is theoretically possible (and likely advisable given our pathetic past 25+ years), I would rather curse my boy so I have a companion in misery than have some bandwagon jumper as a son


1. That’s incredibly selfish and weird. 2. You’re assuming your son won’t stick to his team if he chooses one.


1. Not nearly as deep as you’re making it out to be 2. Who just chooses teams? What’s the fun in that


I’m 26. Literally messaged my Dad after the GB loss and asked him why he committed me to a life of pain.


15 months lol. No he’s not a fan of anything yet.




Mods can we get an instant ban here please?


I have a toddler who is almost 3, I hope he becomes a cowboys fan but idc who he becomes a fan of as long it’s not the eagles.


Yeah I’m 21 (turning 22 soon) & my dad cursed me to be a boys fan…


Hopefully you got a vhs player so he can see what the golden years were like lol.




I can concur with those feelings. I have a 6 week old son. As soon as I put his Dallas Cowboys socks on him during the Packers loss, I knew "this is gonna hurt a lot for you". I do have hope by the time he gets to teenage years the team and management might have some changes and have more postseason success.


Dude I can't wait till my son is in the NFL and I can change Fandom. I dont have a son yet, but that's what it'd take for me to leave this unserious franchise lol


I thought I did the same. My daughter is a dolphins fan, son is a lions fan. They don't care about anything I've showed or taught them. I just peach loyalty now. Like who you like, just never jump ship cause they're shit


Dude I can't wait till my son is in the NFL and I can change Fandom. I dont have a son yet, but that's what it'd take for me to leave this unserious franchise lol I love it and hate it.


15 months? It’s not too late. My daughter is 31. The last time the Cowboys weren’t a joke she was in diapers.


Yo I constantly told my little one to leave the room when I would watch the Cowboys. I didn't want him to grow up with this. It hurt me so much when he said he wanted a cowboy jersey. I tried to protect him and failed


Being a fan is about more than just winning Super Bowls. When I think of the Cowboys, I think about my dad and all the sundays we spent together watching football and cussing out Jerry, Gailey or Campo. I remember the dynasty in the 90’s and it was an amazing time, but for me it was more about spending time with dad doing something we both loved, watch the Dallas Cowboys. Be grateful that you and your son aren’t Browns, Bengals, Titans, Vikings, Chargers, Commies, Bears, Lions, Jets, Cardinals or Raider fans. Life could be worse my friend.


For the live of God, pivot to the Rangers!


Same happened with me and my dad, although he did offer me an out to be a rams fan when they came back to California since we live in SoCal, didn’t do it though since I’d feel too bad not sharing that with him


Betting that the Cowboys will never win the Super Bowl or even get past the divisional round for the (statistically average) remaining ~76 years of his life seems ... unwise. But you do you.


Tis an albatross indeed. One of a wide wing span.


Sadly, the boy will likely now need years of counseling and therapy. Refrain from purchasing any Cowboys logo clothing or bling. And while it's a brutal therapeutic practice, listening to Stephen A Smith regularly may help scare him straight.


My mom and grandfather did the same to me. I was born in '05, so it's been *really* bad for me.


You have a son you’ll be able to watch games with, talk draft picks, and have lots of conversations with. Ain’t nothing wrong with that.


First calm down. It’s just a game and your son is not cursed over a man made game. It’s ok to be a fan of something just like me and my family are. Win lose threw thick and thin just like family and marriage we ride with our cowboys no matter what. And just view it at that. I even named my middle child after a legendary tight end (let you figure out who), but at the end of the day it’s really just a fun game that me and my family fell in love with and brings us closer together of tablets and phones on Sundays and sometimes Mondays. Hope this helps relaxes your nerves. God bless you and your son. And God bless them Dallas Cowboys.


This might be the funniest thing I have ever read.


I cannot forgive you for believing we will never win another Superbowl. It will happen. First Superbowl win I was on on my daddy's lap. His good luck charm daughter 😊🙏.


Make him a Renegades & a Rangers fan


This is the craziness of football though. Look how long it’s been since the Lions have done well and they were amazing this season. The fans had a blast and yes they didn’t get a Super Bowl but they got so far. Teams have good runs and bad runs. The 49ers haven’t won a Super Bowl since 1994! The Cowboys will have their time again.


You sound a lot like my dad. I was born in the late 90s. Never seen them make the nfc championship game. After playoff loses we cope together hopefully it changes by the time your sons grown


It’s ok my dad did it with me. Just treat your son good when he gets older.


One day it’s gonna all pay off 🙏🏼 I just hope I’m here for it


Did it to my son too hes 2 and a half. Hopefully they win in his lifetime


When it comes to being lucky he's cursed. The first cut is the deepest. Try to love again.


I'm in my 20's, gotta say I did it to myself. When I introduced myself to the NFL, i went with Dallas because the blue star and Tony Romo was the first I knew and easiest to remember. I'm not backing out now, BUT I HATE THE 49ERS AND THAT'S NOT CHANGING!!!


My son picked the Broncos because they have 2 mascots. Real horse and mascot horse. He picked them when they got Manning. He’s been suffering lately though. My husband is Packers. I bought a Packers toboggan after they destroyed my playoff predictable Cowboys. I’m 51 and grew up Cowboys. The last 30 years have sucked. I still love Danny White, Tony Dorsett, and Drew Pearson. Maybe one day they won’t send me to deep depression.


It's not too late to bring him to the light and have him become a Texans fan. Our future is so bright we have to wear shades.


1. Your toddler son might not even like football when he's older 2. He can easily find his own team. My dad and I root for different teams, as do him, and his dad.


My dad made me a Charger fan. That's why I watch college football. Roll tide.


If it makes you feel any better, my family is all cowboys fans, tried to make me a cowboys fan, but that only made me turn to the eagles😂 still a lot of heartbreak tho so can’t win em all


It’s okay. Just because you root for the ‘Boys doesn’t mean he will. Just ask my mom haha.


Shit my 3 son's gave up on the Cowboys long ago. How the hell are you people convincing your kids to be fans when they've never seen them close to winning anything?  I watched Dallas win 3 rings. That's how I rationalize watching every year. If you never experienced that WTF are you still doing here? Save yourselves!


Eagles and cowboys fans have nothing in common besides mutual hate. Cursing our kids with pain during football season lmao