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Here are some reasons: 1. Rain releases negative ions, which studies have found can contribute to feelings of relaxation and well-being, and there is some evidence that they may also help regulate sleep patterns and mood. Waterfalls, ocean waves, and rain storms all release negative ions which may help people feel more relaxed and comfortable. 2. Rain causes a change in barometric pressure (lowers the air pressure) which affects serotonin transfer in the brain. The difference in ambient pressure can improve mood significantly. 3. Rain also fills the air with water vapor. The combination of low air pressure and water vapor inadvertently lowers the oxygen levels in the air, making your brain feel tired. 4. Rain’s calming effect helps introverts derive pleasure from it as they can turn inwards and escape within themselves for the time being. Rain helps lower expectations for the day and isn't as overstimulating as some other weather days. 5. Our circadian rhythm is closely tied to light. Our brains secrete melatonin (a sleep-related hormone) in the dark or on dark/dimmer weather days. Because rainy days bring dark clouds, the brain produces more melatonin and makes us sleepier. 6. Listening to rain is calming and soothing and can be very therapeutic. 7. The smell of rain (petrichor) has a calming effect. This sweet, fresh, soothing scent is created when a blend of compounds from plant oils, accumulated in soil and rocks, are mixed and released though moisture droplets into the air. 8. Escaping “bad weather” is a survival instinct. Rain causes us to retreat indoors. There is a sense of safety in knowing you can escape out of the damp and cold into a warm, dry, and safe place. Feeling safe can bring about feelings of calmness.


Wow, this is amazing information. Thank you for taking the time to write that out and share.


Aw, you’re welcome! I loved this question because I also love the rain. ☔️🌧️💦


I do too! Which is what made all of that even more interesting!


When I saw this post title pop-up in my email, the first thing I thought was: I love being home on rainy days, because there if far less chance of salesmen, or other random people knocking on my door ... so, I can just curl up with my cats & read or watch some TV, undisturbed. <3


For my introvert side, it’s definitely lowered expectations of doing things or driving too far.


Legit one of the best explanations for pluviophilia I've ever seen.


I hadn’t heard this word before! Love this. Thank you! 🌧️💕


Most welcome, I've been a pluviophile most of my life. Rainy days are always the best


Number four is the main reason for me. When it’s nice outside I feel obligated to do things productive like yard work or going to see friends. When it’s raining it’s like oh well I guess I *have* to stay in!


Didn't expect to see an actual explanation within this post. Thank you! I feel number 4 resonates well.


Thank you. Me and my child were discussing this. I can share this with her now.


I also think tht. Way way back in the day. We humans could relax knowing predators would not go out in the rain. Allowing us to relax. But who knows?


I love this answer. I wish I enjoyed it. It feels intrusive to my senses. While I appreciate the benefits of it, I absolutely detest rain.


>Rain’s calming effect helps introverts derive pleasure from it as they can turn inwards and escape within themselves for the time being. Rain helps lower expectations for the day and isn't as overstimulating as some other weather days. Holy crap - I never thought of it this way but this must be a major reason why rainy days are my favorite!


Where are the peer-reviewed studies for point number one and two? Sounds like pseudoscience to me, unless there actual studies proving those claims.


I also think tht. Way way back in the day. We humans could relax knowing predators would not go out in the rain. Allowing us to relax. But who knows?


I also think tht. Way way back in the day. We humans could relax knowing predators would not go out in the rain. Allowing us to relax and be cozy. But who knows?


I feel the same. I love rain.


Hygge if you read the book by Miek Wiking. He describes being inside when it rains as hygge which is a concept of like comfort, togetherness, and well-being. Definitely if you are interested in the idea of being comfortable at home his books about hygge are for you.


Greatest book on the subject. I’ve listened to the audiobook 3x.


I never heard of this. It sound interesting and cozy too. I’m a fan of cozy. Thank you


I’m a viking


Rain and thunderstorms are my favourite kind of weather.


My wife says rain makes her feel safe and happy. I don't know why but if she's happy I am


We are very connected to the environment in ways most of us overlook. When it rains, all the plants delight, especially if it hasn’t rained in a long time all of the grass the trees, the flowers everything is calm and happy, well fed


You're a pluviophile, my friend, a lover of rain


No pressure to go outside - sincerely, an introvert. Plus points for snuggly blankets, movies, and candles.


Rain is one of those primal noises that just instantly sets you right unless it’s tied to trauma.


> Along with the low air pressure, the air is also filled with a lot of water vapor. The combination of low air pressure and water vapor inadvertently lowers the oxygen levels in the air, making your brain feel tired. When it rains, negative ions are released and that leads to people feeling more relaxed and comfortable.




You’re a pluviophile :)


Chrysalism, coined by John Koenig, is the tranquility and peace that you feel when you're indoors during a thunderstorm.


“I like watching the puddles gather rain” Blind Melon-No Rain


How can you rejoice over sad stray animals getting drenched while alone and cold


Alfa Wave in your body going to be staying stable


I love the sound. It’s like nature’s bug percussion solo jam.


Nature's white noise and who wants to get wet clothing, better stay in.


It depends where you live. Also. The rains in the winter 🥶 can be more cozy here in Florida. Summer rain is quick. And over in about an hour.


I feel the same way


Rain means little or no predators on the hunt therefore, we relax. It’s primal.


wow 4 really resonates with me. i feel like on nice summer days i constantly have this lingering pressure on me to go outside or make plans to go out & be social & then i feel unaccomplished if i don't, even though i did what i truly wanted (be at home). rainy days take that pressure off me since there are less expectations for the day & i can fully enjoy my relaxation at home (read a book, play the switch, watch a tv show, spend quality time w my cat & fiancé, do laundry & other household chores, etc.) this totally explains why fall has always felt so calming and nostalgic to me, and why i really love living in the midwest with long, cold, snowy winters 🤍 also just the fact that i hate being hot & sweaty & would prefer being cold any day lol