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Tovah Feldshuh’s delivery of “Oh, Becky, no” breaks my heart every single time.


Same here, my blood ran cold then she said that and I was in pieces. I really appreciate that they don't shy away from anything in the show, but that was so real that I had to pause and take a walk.


Excellent and heartbreaking delivery, especially when you think about how she’s not behaved like the mother Rebecca needed her to be, but she still loves and cares about Rebecca and has that concern for her.


Just reading this made me tear up.


I remember watching CXG when it was first airing on TV and chatting about it with a few girls from work. Season 3 threw me so hard that I quit watching and didn't rediscover CXG until like 2021. All that waste time when I could have been live watching. I could have gone to shows! Season 3 is definitely a curve ball on the first watch.


I am still a defender of her mother's actions. They were indefensible but... Maybe it's because I'm a mama's boy. If I were Becky I would be grateful of my mom doing literally anything to help. Still, makes me ugly sob every time.


I don’t know if I am a defender, but I’m very sympathetic to Naomi here. My partner struggles with his mental health and put in the same situation I’m not sure I wouldn’t do the same thing. It’s still a massive betrayal of trust.


Yeah, " sympathetic but not defender"is a great way to put it. It absolutely is a betrayal of trust, but honestly, I think I'd rather have to rebuild that trust rather than risk them dying.


Absolutely! We can work on forgiveness while they are still alive.


My youngest (still in school) went through the airplane scene themselves, luckily they have regular therapy now that helps a great deal. They, like becky, fight against it somewhat, but the improvement is night and day. I lost another child at a very young age from natural causes, so I would 100% do what her mother did to my youngest, I would rather lose our relationship for them to live one more day... even if they hate me for it forever.


I think it is really reasonable. Women lift cars off children trapped underneath them, parents will do anything they know how in order to save their children. I can't imagine the stress of knowing your child could off themselves the moment they are alone in a room at night. That stress probably could make any parent go a little crazy.


My husband watched it first and warned me about season 3 being dark (past history on my end), but we were able to just burn through those really rough episodes. I love how even when things are hardest, they’re about the problems, and they’re still trying to show it’s ok to not be ok and there’s still humor to be found.


I love the show so much but it’s really hard for personal reasons to rewatch. When they aired what I call The Airplane Episode on TV there was a PSA with the hotline number (don’t think it’s on the Netflix episode though).


Am rewatching now, just on Jarl in the hostel, and honestly...this is such a good portrayal of a spiral. All too often they do reach the "plane moment".