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I really think papa meats voice acting would shine a shit ton with this story. especially since it’s so dialogue based. its got some silliness in it too. i just think itd be perfect for them to read!!


Given normal corn I can't help but think >Never did herobrine, or breath. Tried rack propane once.


herobrine in place of heroin is such a funny concept. i want an edit of basketball diaries with herobrine in it now lmao


This was certainly a ride, not sure if I loved it or hated it though


fair enough! im curious about what you liked/disliked?


I mean, I haven't read many stories that take place while the main character is tripping, so I don't really know what to look for in regard to that, but I just feel like some things just didn't land for me. The was a lot of randomness, which is a given and adds to the story, I just feel like some of it took away from it instead. It also seemed to go on for longer than it needed to. It's not bad by any means, it's just not my cup of tea. A lot of the changes I would want kind of miss the point, at least as far as I can tell


totally understandable!