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It's so annoying that we all collectively complain about the mind numbing censoring by youtube with making content creators avoid words like "suicide" or "rape" But then same people will turn around and give content creators shit for reading a story with sensitive topics. Also like just skip the video if you're uncomfortable. And if you continually dislike channel direction just unsubcribe. A ton of whiners were complaining before the video dropped cause they already read it so it's not like Wendigoon or Meat bringing anything to you covertly. Finally when did the horror topics become something they can't cover. Their first viral episode was Borrasca and next was Penpal both are super dark. This was never a pg13 channel. I've seen people recommend The Pancake Family, lol.


They didn’t even fully read the extremely crude parts, they kinda just skipped and explained what happened.


I had the exact same thought while listening. Like last episode they complained about having to censor themselves for YouTube. But then this episode they make the decision to censor themselves and just not read chunks of stories


Imo, it doesn’t stack up. Compared to Borrasca OR Penpal, Tommy Taffy doesn’t have anything going for it beyond “life sized doll dude and generational trauma”. It was never deep, just edgy shock value and provocative content for the sake of getting a reaction. I think people are just tired of the “NoSleep story about the speaker’s spooky childhood with a paranormal abuser” formula that’s been repeated a couple times now, this week was just the final straw.


You compared it to the two most well written stories they’ve done. I’d say it’s still in the upper half of stories they’ve covered.


That’s fair - my point is that the mixed reactions to this week’s episode aren’t just due to the graphic content (as it’s been present in multiple weeks up to now) - it’s just that it doesn’t live up to previous well-written stories while still retreading the same themes. The only thing it has going for it is Tommy being a memorable looking character, visually? Based on the fanart in this subreddit at least.


It's fine to not like a story, that's your subjective perspective. What is shitty is to hate on the creators for that, since it's neither Wendi's nor Hunter's fault that this isn't your cup of tea. Some people enjoy this type of content, dips toes into the extreme horror genre which plenty of people enjoy. There's a significant difference between "I didn't like this story" and "omg why did they cover this!?!?". Especially when this particular story has been recommended over and over again


Oh absolutely, by no means are the two at fault for this. The whole “let’s have the two read a story about childhood SA” audience sentiment they hint at by comparing everything to Borrasca, etc. is what I’m criticizing. It’s all subjective - but personally, I hope we see more variation in the types of stories and themes covered on Creepcast. The best NoSleep stories are great - but they shouldn’t be all they read. Stuff like the Creepy Grab Bag were a great change of pace from the “I’m going to tell you a traumatic story related to a serial killer/abuser from my childhood” NoSleep stories that have been the norm for a few weeks now.


Understandable, everyone has their own opinion! I, for instance, enjoy these stories a lot whereas the Grab Back One wasn't my thing. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but the past couple hours the posts and comments of people complaining that they covered this story in first place have been piling. I like what they currently do, usually every 2 to 3 episodes are more "realistic" horror where the shock comes from reallife concepts, whereas the other ones are usually entirely supernatural.


That’s fair! It’s nice that there’s enough variation to satisfy multiple tastes. This story wasn’t to my taste - and I liked Borrasca and pretty much up every story til now. My criticism of Taffy is the same as Wendi and MC’s: it would’ve been way better if it wasn’t as overtly descriptive for the sake of shock value and instead leaned more on the metaphorical generational trauma and abuse that Tommy could represent. My issue was that he just shows up, does unspeakable things to the family, then just disappears - I know some find this interesting but personally it just felt lackluster


It wasn't my favourite story either! So I completely understand your criticism here, don't worry. But I did find the concept, although maybe not perfectly executed, very interesting. Enough so, that the graphic scenes didn't bother me


I agree. It’s still above average for a creepypasta/nosleep story, but there’s nothing special about it. It doesn’t get extra points for being a trauma vent piece


Yeah - I don’t want to discount the story and stay respectful of the author’s lived experiences that lead to it - but in the context of a biweekly Creepcast episode, I don’t think it hit the mark for me personally.


Except the part where there's nothing that remotely shocking even if they had read the entire thing, I don't undersrand what there even is to get worked up about. Yes a story like this is going to get gross about rape and abuse. That's the deal. It's not shocking, it's just.. the story. If you don't like that topic or think that's what shock value is, then it's just not the type of media for you.


There isn’t anything to get worked up about - that’s my point. Borrasca and Penpal, hell even Gr3gory88 or The Thing in the Basement had great build up and rising tension that made for a compelling narrative to go with the topics mentioned. Tommy Taffy doesn’t - the narrator starts with “we were a normal average family, then this weird doll dude shows up and bosses our parents around and assaults our family members.” I’m being considerate of the fact that the story is from 7+ years ago, and the author who wrote it went through similar circumstances in their childhood - but as a narrative, I didn’t like this one because there wasn’t any intrigue or development beyond “let’s see what this immortal doll guy does to my family this week” - it relies on the growing cruelty and gross out factor ramping up until the protagonist himself experiences and describes it to an extent that even MC and Wendi agree is a lil too over the top. It’s a matter of taste - but my issue isn’t the gross out factor - it’s that there’s no compelling narrative or mystery accompanying it to make it a worthwhile listen.


Oh okay then yeah we're on the same page that it's just a taste issue. See I didn't find it to be over the top, but I otherwise agree. There's nothing particularly wonderful about it, but there's also nothing particularly bad about it. It's a totally serviceable narrative to me, Pen Pal was way more interesting a story, but I like the supernatural lean this one had. The multiple Tommies sold me haha.


Completely agree. The amount of people in the sub ranking the cheesy shit so highly makes me feel like I’m surrounded by 15 year olds who have never seen a MeatCanyon video.


I'm gonna recommend they read the transcript of Rabbit season and see how much backlash they get lol


I’m ngl dawg this is a corny ass comment 😭


'gen z can't handle eminem 🤓' ahh comment


I don’t think you know what corny means 🤡


Calling people 15 year olds because they rank something a little cheesier and fun higher than “and then he RAPED THE KIDS 😱” and then being like “heh… they couldn’t handle a meat canyon video 😼” is pretty fucking corny dawg


I’m just not a fan of shock/sa horror. I prefer more eldritch and supernatural stuff. But that’s why I don’t watch the episodes I know will have that. I just personally wish they’d do more stories like left right game. But it is just a little disappointing when you wait for 2 weeks for an episode and it turns out you can’t listen to it. I don’t want them to change the show at all. I just want more of a variety and episodes that are accessible to me. Bc I do love the podcast. I love meatcanyon and Wendigoons content. Have for years. So I want to be able to support and watch two of my favourite creators


honestly left right game was my favorite, i even made my friend listen to it! i'm glad others liked it too.


It genuinely is one of my favourite horror stories of all time. I love the fear of the unkown. The uncanny valley stuff. It was so well written. It kinda felt like an insanely long Magnus archives episode


haha, then it's great that i recommended it to my friend, he's a big tma fan


Same here, I love that they cover a wide variety of stories, though they aren’t all for me and that’s fine. I’d really love to see them cover more eldritch stuff next, but if their next story isn’t up my alley either I’m fine to keep waiting. I’m honestly happy as long as they’re having fun making their content, and they continue to cover a good variety of stories.


more explicit terms are to be expected in horror, but i think they've been reading one too many child predator stories recently. maybe just....space them out a bit, i don't know. there's got to be some good stories without any sa in them, they've just been getting really unlucky. i'd say if it was every 7th or 8th episode containing a child predator maybe it wouldn't be as bad, but at this point it's just getting repetitive. first reactions are always the best for videos, but they should really get someone to do quality control for them.


I have seen more people complaining about the complainers than actual complainers


I honestly could just listen to them read the dictionary and make jokes about that. I would be content. But I get people’s uncomfortableness about things like SA. There’s scary, like a monster in the basement copying your dead mom or a road that eats people but then there’s stuff about SA. they aren’t the same. It’s like what the narrator in the showers says, he doesn’t like horror because of what he’s been through and I bet a lot of victims of SA don’t like that type of content because they’ve actually been there


Agreed. The blend of stories about horror mixed with some comedy from the hosts is what I love about this podcast. I am always down for a goofier story (like Jeff the Killer) but they shouldn't have to worry about watering anything down, we are meant to be creeped out by these stories at the end of the day.


I agree with your sentiment but not the point you're making about it. Yeah, they should be free to cover whatever they want to, however they want to. What I don't agree with is the idea of "Well it's supposed to make you uncomfortable!" Being a catch-all defence for horror that makes shitty use of gross topics. I haven't watched the new episode yet, but I plan to. I'm talking about the argument generally when I say what I'm saying. Yes, Horror is meant to make you uncomfortable, but there's different kinds of uncomfortable. There's the shivering kind of "oh god" uncomfortable where something really offsets you and makes you quiver when you think about it, and there's the kind of uncomfortable where you scowl and go "Ew". Just because they're both technically forms of discomfort that doesn't mean a piece of horror has achieved its goal when making you feel the second, because it's supposed to make you feel the first. Like I say. Good message, bad point.


I don't think most people want the episodes to be less creepy. I think most of us just want variety in topics. I thought Borrasca was really good, and Tommy Taffy was OK. I have no problem with them covering that stuff, but I hope the next episodes has no SA. Some people have been SA'd in real life, so they might want to skip those episodes and only want to see stories that focus on other types of horror.


It’s only those two right? I can’t recall.


There was also Penpals, but I think it was just those three.


Penpals had nothing sexual from what I recall.




I don’t recall anything sexual happening with Josh. From the Penpal or anyone else.


And that's what makes Penpal a great story. It wasn't explicitly stated, just heavily implied. I agree with Hunter that this story would have been great without those explicit scenes. They're so unnecessary when what was happening to the daughter and mother had already been implied. It's supposed to be a story told in first person about the protagonist's experience. Someone who went through that wouldn't write it out like a bad porno and it just took away any immersion it had. Take those scenes out and it would have been in my top 3.


Okay sure for Tommy Taffy, but again I would say that I don’t think Penpal did imply anything sexual. The antagonist was insane and obsessed with the protagonist. I think his behavior fits that, and doesn’t imply anything sexual.


He abducted Josh, dressed him up as the protag (having previously pretended to be his dead girlfriend), held him captive for years, and then tricked his dad into burying both of them alive. And he was hugging Josh in that coffin with a smile. Idk man that’s a bit sexual to me


I really just think that is all supposed just supposed to show obsession (over the protagonist I mean). I mean none of those things are explicitly sexual. I see what you mean though I suppose.


Creepy and uncomfortable are not the same things. Hunter said something about how he thought the concept would be stronger if it veered away from sexual stuff, and I agree. I was never scared listening to Tommy Taffy, only upset.


Didn’t even say veered away from it, just avoided being so explicit. Seemed like his comment was more about the explicit stuff they didn’t really say aloud on the podcast, than the “he was behind closed doors with the sister and heard banging noises” stuff to me at least.


100%, at some point, it's less about telling a story and more about being edgy. I find that kind of writing a lazy way to get a reaction because they don't want to develop their writing chops. 16 year old me probably would have thought it was good, just because they went there with the content, but now I see it for what it is. Tommy Taffy would have been much more believable, and much scarier, had the author not relied on edgy-ness as a literary device.


They aren't mutually exclusive either. I'd argue in the direction that both, scary and upset, are closely tied to shock. Which this story def does. And I feel like that's a word das described my feelings for the similar stories like Borrasca and Penpal as well. Not scared but shocked. It does that for me


It should be creepy, not soul-rending, heart-wrenching graphic stuff that can actually trigger people. Borrasca is one thing, although very heavy, but still with a sprinkle of humor in the face of Kyle. But this heavy and depressing child-diddling-PTSD-triggering bonanza is seriously becoming a recurring theme that is not very on brand with the channel's MO, in my opinion.


I really hope this can just be dropped soon. We get it, “I hated tommy taffy” and also “stop complaining about Tommy taffy” For me personally it just felt a lot of it was just shock value. While Tommy as a monster seemed well written, it felt like the SA was more for attention grabbing and just pure shock. It feels like a horror game that relies solely on jump scares. After a while it feels cheap. I feel Borrosca handled it extremely better. Didn’t pull its punches but also didn’t feel like a cheap attention grabber. Plus SA is a pretty sensitive subject. Idk why people are surprised like that. Obviously I’m sure the majority aren’t mad at Hunter or Isaiah by any means, they went off a heavily suggested viewer suggestion. It’s just a blatantly divisive story. Some people are fine with everything on the table for horror, others aren’t.


can we all PLEASE shut up about this and move on jesus christ. we get it. you saw a few people complain and got mad. we've had enough of these posts now. we get it. both sides here are just insufferable at this point. get a grip.


How many times do people have to make this exact same post? You couldn't just agree with the 50 other posts saying the same thing? I even agree with you, but damn, let's move on already.


I'm glad they covered Tommy Taffy, but I don't think the goal is to make it less creepy as much as it to keep it accessible for more people. Extreme and more explicit horror is not very popular for a reason. One, most of it is uncomfortable in non-artistic ways (usually devaluing human life to the level of mere flesh) or simply poorly written. And two, it's just not advertiser friendly or what someone like Wendigoon or MeatCanyon would normally talk about on their channels. The adjective creepy also implies a slow subtlety (Penpal best reflects this) and not brutal or horrific fiction.


Literally this, Wendi explains it best in the Greylock vs Urbanspook video on his main channel. Yeah, you can have gorey and explicit stuff, but that makes it less accessible and if you don't actually need it for your story then why include it? Also, I am firmly anti-urbanspook as he put the painting that in the story represented csa on a T-shirt. I need to have people know that, as I feel like he's one person who art and artist are extremely tied together.


I'm not necessarily anti-Urbanspook or extreme horror, but it's not exactly what you think of when you think of creepy. Regardless, they don't need to read stories about CSA, graphic violence à la Crossed, or so on for the podcast to be considered creepy.


Completely agree, though tons of people have requested this one and if they have to do one or two triggering stories and the rest are ideal, I think that is mostly fair. Yes, as creators they have a choice, but if you ask for recommendations and then ignore the same recommendations it comes across like you don't really care about the audience. Sort of a problem across the board imo


It's not that it's creepy, it is creepy. When the creators have to censor themselves twice, it just gets to "well then why read it"




Fully agreed.


I understand some people can be triggered by these topics but I don’t think the podcast should have to cater to these people.


I’m truly hoping the channel doesn’t turn into some sort of “we only read popular OR poorly written stories” and they actually venture into reading things that are creepy and disturbing. Not every video of theirs needs to be rated E.


Exactly. Personally I’m not a big fan of the Tommy Taffy series - it’s just violence for violence sake especially the SA. So what do I do? Just go back to the episodes I actually like. People here act like they’re being forced to listen to every episode 🙄


Like Hunter said what make Tommy story edgy compared to Borrasca is that Borrasca was subtle about the SA up until the big reveal but Tommy literally had the villain tell the dad "I'm going to do weird and bad things to your wife and daughter and you can't stop me ha ha ha" which in my opinion it came off as edgy but not in a stupid edgy kind of way like Jeff the Killer where Jeff is emo trying to be intimidating but fail. In conclusion if your going to talk about things like AS do it subtle or use a monster or entity that represents that crime with out it being fully obvious kinda how in the movie Talk to Me had the hand represents drugs.


Don’t watch things you dislike. Or watch them at another time when your capable of handling the content. If I read a Stephen King book, and it has something within it that King is known to do and is sensitive, why would I force myself to read his books consecutively if it bothered me? I would pickup a different author, like Bradbury or Clive Barker, hell maybe even some damn science fiction/fantasy. Watch something else, and come back to it later. Or don’t watch at all. There are disclaimers for a reason people.


Absolutely. Maybe they could just do a tag for the brand/genre of horror so people know to skip. The censorship is so annoying though