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Ben Drowned was terrible, but the computer voice papa meat did made it worth it


The first half wasn’t too bad, it went on for far to long though


Ben Drowned was pretty good until it got to the part about the possessed computer and the secret notebook. Then it dropped off hard.


It was a solid 6/10, kinda interesting and by video game creepypasta standards not to bad and the screenshots of the game through mods were actually really cool but everything else about the story is terrible. I zoned out for the last 30 minutes 


i em yow coputer.


It was talked about for the first few days after it came out then forgotten as once the TT video came out everyone lost their minds.


Yeah, Tommy taffy definitely overshadowed it lmao


I enjoyed it, even if it did kind of show me how shit some of my favorite childhood stories were


I mean...I would've put it on par with the Mario Haunted Light Blue Gameboy Advanced story if there wasn't a hilarious SFM animation of it.


Ben Drowned would've been better with Wendigoons Jeff Goldblum impression left in.


My soooooon, Ben drowned Goldbluuuuum


I guess it’s a hot take, but I thought all three stories were duds. I just didn’t find anything spooky about NPFNP, since it’s basically “someone emailed me chain mail and I saw something fucked up on the internet” and it went nowhere afterwards


I agree they all were pretty bad but there is a sense of realism in NPFNP that irks me. Particularly because it happens to people all the time, both the viewing and the partaking/victims.


There isn't really anything scary about NPFNP - besides the chimp goring the woman, there's "disturbing" content that is far less "disturbing" and far more "awkward" or "uncomfortable," like a man licking a washing machine clean for eight minutes. The part that was unsettling at the time, though, was that [the website was very much real.](https://web.archive.org/web/20160101085013/http://normalpornfornormalpeople.com/) Not all of the videos were there as described in the story, but there were several that were actually part of the story on the website. The domain now redirects to the story on the Creepypasta Wiki, though. BEN wasn't great, but I wasn't really expecting it to be. It's an ARG that was originally posts on /x/ and videos of gameplay footage; even if they included the gameplay footage, a lot of stuff that normally you'd read out - especially the Cleverbot part - is presented way worse when narrated. Squidward's Suicide was always terrible, but it fell into the "so bad it's funny" territory for a while.


Yeah at least the last two made for some funny banter but NPFNP was boring 💀


Damn, I liked it but I can agree it wasn’t the best for the format of a written story, and the banter between Hunter and Isaiah is what I care for in the podcast, the quality of the stories isn’t important to me 


I remember liking it better when I was younger. Maybe I'm just desensitized to horror anymore because EVERYTHING wigged me out as a kid, but now it just kind of left me feeling like i was missing part of it? like I get leaving some elements of mystery but it kind of felt unfinished to me I guess


It definitely had the open ending trope from that era that I DEPISE (1999 and the showers) but besides that I like the story 


ok im glad its not just me because I hate the open endings 😭 even if a story is good otherwise its so frustrating


I believe the story was made less to be a good story and more to direct people to [the actual website(that launched around the same time as the story first went up in 2011 or 2012),](https://web.archive.org/web/20160101085013/http://normalpornfornormalpeople.com/) (which now just redirects to the story on the Creepypasta Wiki) in an ARG-type style, but AFAIK, the website didn't really have an ARG to it, just weird videos, some very similar to the ones mentioned in the story. I know it doesn't make the story more or less entertaining, but I, personally, might consider judging it less harshly because it was more of a means to an end. Would still have preferred a really good story.


I honestly loved it the stories weren’t that great but they kinda knew going into it they wouldn’t be and it was nice to see them be able to really have fun with it like they did with Jeff the killer. Ben drowned’s second half sucked so hard though but I think squidwards suicide might be one of the funniest things so far. I hope they do more of them but not super frequent like once every two months or something or just whenever they find a few short stories they want to read.


I agree with the bad stories part, those should be special occasions but there are good shorter stories they could cover in creepy grab bags, off the top of my head, candle cove, rap rat (admittedly a goofier one but it’s a bop) and Mr mix are all fairly short and somewhat decent 


Yeah I think it shouldn’t be limited to bad short stories but still having them around


you just unlocked my memory of reading rap rat when I was 14 and being scared of the rat but showing it to all my friends 💀


I enjoyed it I hope they do more as I love seeing hunters reaction to the stories he’s never read


Meh. I like the longer running videos / stories typically it provides Hunter and Isaiah more to discuss and critique as they are reading it. While this video was fun for nostalgia purposes, I think all three stories were not good, and the only “good” part of the episode was when Hunter completely checked out of Ben Drowned and started goofing off. I’m all for the bad story episodes like The Thing in the Basement, here and there, but Hunter and Isaiah have really gotten into a great grove of analyzing the stories in front of them and discussing it together, and it’s insight that I want to hear. So basically I much prefer good/decent stories that have enough there for the boys to sink their teeth into.


Their most recent one is a great example. It provided a good story that left enough for them to discuss and speculate. I especially like how Papa Meat wrote down his talking points.


That’s a fair take, HOWEVER there are good shorter stories they could cover, I agree the reason that episode is hit or miss for some people is the story selection, and I definitely prefer longer episodes but I wouldn’t be against here or there a nice creepy grab bag. 


Absolutely. I do want them to continue to play with the format, and not “box themselves in” so to speak. Going into Short Stories / ARGs / Video Format is great not only as an audience member, but I assume makes things more exciting for them as creators, which at the end of the day as long as they enjoy making the content I know I will enjoy watching :)


I really enjoyed it. I know they lost interest in Ben Drowned but Papa Meat and Wendigoon were hilarious. And I was cackling throughout Squidward's Sewer Slide too


I think every time I relisten to the episode I’m pretty into npfnp, get about halfway through Ben drowned and zone out then get back into squidwards suicide 


One of my ADHD mannerisms is making random noises and Papa Meat's Squidward cry had a great effect on me


I had fun watching them critique and rip apart those stories and I don't mean that in a snobby critique kind of way. I like hearing their thoughts on what works and what doesn't. Their banter is what makes the podcast for me. Man, I didn't realize how much Ben Drowned sucked at the end though, lol! Hunter's Cleverbot voice was hilarious!


Yeah, the banter between 2 of my favorite YouTubers is definitely what makes the podcast for me


Last time I read Ben drowned was I think it was still in the process of telling the full story and I just never kept up with it. I don't remember it diving into the cleverbot shit at all lmao. If it ended with the roommate part it would be peak.


The full story/ARG is three parts. There's the "BEN" arc in 2010, the posts on /x/ and the Majora's Mask footage on the jadusable Youtube channel; the "Moon Children" arc in 2010-11, which took place primarily on a now-defunct message board with timed events(most of it is visible as an archived page, but its kinda hard to navigate(would recommend [NightMind's video on "BEN Drowned"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJlqY1O4B00) if you're interested in seeing the second phase in a cohesive fashion); and the "Awakening" arc in 2020, which is on jadusable's Youtube channel, with links in the description to a Patreon link(doesn't require joining or paying anything) that basically gives you a "watch-along" document to ensure you know everything going on. I will agree that the Cleverbot segment is VERY long, even if you're reading with your eyes, rather than listening to a narration.


It’s good for the short stories, I liked the episode. Even when the stories suck, (squidward) they boy ‘s personalities can always carry the episode


I liked it. It was a nice change of pace with covering multiple stories in one episode and allowed them to cover iconic creepypastas without having to dedicate an entire episode for just one. Really hope they do more.


It’s honestly funny b/c i havent read these stories since I was a kid so hearing someone else go through and read them was amusing. But man they are not the way i remember them lol, maybe it’s because i was a kid and overhyped creepypastas a lot but theyre a looooot less scary now


I enjoyed it. I’d love to see that format come back where they cover a bunch of shorter stories in one episode.


I honestly like these kinds of episodes. Just a bunch of short stories in one video. Instead of making a video full of water about a creepypasta that does not deserve a full video, you can read it with other small stories in one video.


There are enough shorter creepypastas out there that I hope this becomes a regular thing they do. As for the one we already got, like a true grab bag, the selection quality was ranged, but an overall good experience


I really enjoyed it. Of course, Ben Drowned dragged on a lot but the energy shot back up with the next story


I enjoy then reading and commenting on gold and shit alike so I was very pleased with it. Even if something is bad they don't insult the person making it and still respect it as something that was made and treat it like it's worthy of improving. I really like that about them


I remembered Ben drowned being better but I can’t remember if at the time that I read it that the chatbot section was even part of it. It definitely made the episode drag a little bit.


I think it’s a good concept that could use a bit more tweaking for it to really work. Other people (and the boys) have suggested someone vetting stories beforehand - if that were the case, we could potentially get some really great episodes of three short stories that feel more cohesive as a unit. Honestly, for me the worst part about the first grab bag was the structuring and dissonance between stories. We went from a conceptually interesting, well written story to one that’s kind of boring to a goofy edgy story. If they’d built up - ben drowned, then squidwards suicide, then normal porn - it would have been better in my eyes. I also think grab bag episodes could benefit from some sort of transition, even just a screen that says something like “#2, (title).” Theres still a few bumps that they need to figure out IMO, but that’s not a bad thing. I’m trying to keep in mind that this podcast is still fairly green, only 17 counting the addition of creepTV.


Hunter's impression of Squidwart crying made laugh out loud, couldn't stop listening.


It was fantastic aside from Ben drowned


I liked it a lot! It's the best way to do bad short stories for sure, especially old classics that don't deserve longer episodes. I'd love if they did a grab bag episode on just 4chan green text stories. Man door hand hook car door and a bunch of the old "goofypasta" joke stories need some love too.


Loved the concept, but not the stories.


The episode itself was good regardless of the quality of the stories. I hope they do more of these.


I’d like for them to do another one. It’s cool to see them cover some of the older more well known creepypastas that I read as a kid. Very funny realizing how stupid squidwards suicide is when it used to scare tf outta me lol. Would love to see them cover candle cove as that’s one that I remember really liking.


I hope they keep doing it with other classic and shitty creepy pastas from our youth. I think Hunter would get a kick out of the Hey Arnold and Rugrats stories I think part of the fun of this podcast is that sometimes the stories are trash. I’m not watching this podcast to hear the stories themselves (the pausing to commentate would drive me nuts if I were genuinely trying to read/hear the story) I’m here for their off the cuff reactions :)


Yeah, I didn’t realize there were some people who were more into the podcast for the stories themselves


Coming from someone that once read or heard through narration about all 3 stories long ago, I thought it was pretty cool to revisit these stories that ended up becoming very popular within the creepypasta community and I’d definitely like for them to do more of these. I already knew that Squidward’s sewerslide was not that good (even if the visuals of the dead kids did spook me as a kid) and it ended up turning out worse than I thought it was. It’s a product of its time just like Sonic.Exe that makes it clear that the author had no real experience with writing, but tried to make their story creepy by throwing in things that try to shock the reader. Overall a really bad, but memorable story. Normal corn for normal people I thought actually aged pretty well and it does a good job of creating uneasiness with the details of the tapes that were found and the mystery of who is creating them and why. I had forgotten most of the details with this story, but after listening to it again, I think it’s a pretty solid story. Ben drowned was a story that I read like 10 years ago and I thought that the videos that were included with the story were so awesome back then. It really got you immersed in the story and helped you really understand what the author was saying. The visuals that were in those videos were just really creepy to me as well and were really well done imo. I think that I only read the first official part of that story, like before the author goes missing and his roommate takes over, because I seriously don’t remember that other half of the story and it really dragged and felt a bit too convoluted. The first half of the story aged pretty well imo, but that second half was just not it.


I somewhat agree with your opinions of the stories however for me I don’t really care for the quality of the stories, more the banter and discussion between Hunter and isiah 


I’m more or less the same, just wanted to share my thoughts on the stories. Like even though squidwards sewerslide was not a good story, I still really enjoyed listening to them read it cuz of the banter and Hunter’s impression of squidward crying


Ben Drowned was a solid like 6/10 for me until the update. My god I zoned out so bad I actually started focusing at work lol All n all it was still a good episode and i hope to see more of it


My exact thoughts 


There's two types of creepypasta that always suck 1. Haunted gaming 2. Lost episodes Normal porn was good though


Lost episodes can work, 1999 and candle cove but other than those two they’re pretty bad and haunted gaming is a given 


1999 and candle cove aren't lost episode they're lost media. The Ed Edd n Eddy creepypasta is an example of lost episode same as squidward


I loved it! My favorite was normal porn for normal people. It was the only one that was actually creepy. Since I was younger at least. Ben drowned I couldn't really get into since I'm not really a Zelda fan. Squidwards Suicide I thought was funny. And I would absolutely love for them to do more creepy grab bag episodes. So many stories out there that are short and deserve recognition without having a whole episode to them


I remember reading Ben Drowned as a kid and I loved it, but the thing is I remember nothing past when the “roommate” posts. When I was watching the episode I thought “okay the story isn’t as great as I remember, but it’s not bad” but then I was shocked when the finished the entry made by the roommate kept reading because I thought that was the end. That’s when it really fell off for me because not only was anything past the point not great, but it also didn’t have the nostalgia going for it cause I’m pretty sure I never read those parts as a kid. My boyfriend who is also a fan of the show said the same, so chances are there was a very popular version of the story floating around the internet way back when that knew exactly when to cut it off. I just wish they had read that version instead, but I get the need to read the “official” version. Outside of that, I also really hope they do more grab bags, I can think of many short creepypastas I read as a kid that I’d love to see pop up in the show. Things like We Danced or Laughing Jack, that I haven’t read in years and think it be fun to see if they hold up while also getting my creep cast fix lol


I loved it, should do more with themes, like folk horror stories


I thought it was fun. Sure, the Ben drowned story was kinda dumb but a lot of creepy pasta stuff is lol, I hope they do another episode like it with some other shorter stories


It was great, barring the other part of Ben Drowned. I hope they do more grab bags or st least have episodes dedicated to multiple things like that. If they cover SCPs that'd be a perfect way of doing it.


I like all the stories they covered but imo they did a bad job covering Ben Drowned. Not having Meat actually watch the videos that are meant to be watched along with the story was really dumb and it made the whole segment feel like a waste of time.


Normal Porn was short and sweet, Ben Drowned started strong but floundered hard at the end, but Squidward's Suicide was fucking hilarious.


Only episode ive skipped halfway trough, normal porn was whatever, ben drowned was the most boring thing, litteraly sonic exe but long, didnt even get to squidwars suicide


Not enough Jeff Goldblum


This is truly the equivalent of the burning of the library of Alexandria 


Ben drowned had so much potential and just fumbled the bag so hard 😄