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“Young person avoids justice through privilege, which is obviously about Palestine for some reason”


Well, why isn’t she? She was at fault.


NY post didnt know whether to call her an angel or a bozo edit: spelling


You know what to do! You know what to do . Eek


This is ridiculous post. Sorry for the grieving family, but a 16 year old s car accident from 4 years ago and Israel Palestine debate have nothing to do with each other. Tabloid trash. Must have been slow weekend....


Bizarre that this is news.  Car wrecks happen and people die and we shouldn’t be jailing people for accidents.  This is absurd.  


If you read the article the police confirm she crossed the double yellow line into oncoming traffic then her truck crushed to people to death. Not much of an “accident” as that implies no fault. I think if it was your parents that died you would take umbrage to seeing their killer out and about at college.


Every auto accident, outside of car failure, has a person at fault.  If she were drunk or high I would probably want jail time.  But no, I wouldn’t want a 16 year old to go to jail if they were at fault in an auto accident. I can’t believe people are trying to argue that jail would be a typical outcome in this case.  A lot of states have just in the last 5-10 years required mandatory jail for ADULTS who are drunk at the time of the accident.  She didn’t “get off” because of dad’s money.  


So what would be typical? Suspended license, community service, probation… surely there’s middle ground she should’ve landed in between a $220 ticket and jail time


Granted this is old, but people are jailed for negligence every day. Why should this not be the case?


It wasn’t considered negligent because she was a legal, licensed driver who made an error. For negligence there needs to be something they lacked. Had she been drinking, not licensed, driving an unsafe vehicle, excessive speed- something- that could be negligent. But we license 16 year olds who make errors like this. The negligence is really ours as a society or that state.


That's not at all what the legal definition of negligence is. Negligence is acting in a manner outside of ordinary prudence. Driving a car into oncoming traffic would fit that definition perfectly. However, people are not normally held criminally liable for typical negligence. They can be held civilly liable. In this case, I am not aware of factors that would rise to the level of criminal negligence, such as alcohol or drug use.


We aren’t talking about civil liability. We are talking about why she wasn’t arrested. You just said she didn’t do anything that would be criminally liable. Exactly what I said.


The article makes it sound like she may have been texting.


She refused to answer police questions about if she was texting. Would you answer the police or advise your child to? I sure wouldn’t.


They can get the phone data.


Yeah for sure. That’s their job. But I wouldn’t answer police questions


I think the error you're referring to is an example of negligence on the driver's part. You cite "driving an unsafe vehicle" as an example of negligence ... and someone not paying enough attention is doing exactly that.


She was not cited for distracted driving. It was just an accident.


She went over into oncoming traffic and apparently refused to answer questions from police about whether she was texting at the time. manslaughter should have been pursued. It seems no great effort was made to trouble her with consequences of any kind. Frankly I'm shocked a civil case hasn't been filed against them.


"she refused to answer questions from police." You say that like its a bad thing. Good, the kid knows about her 5th Amendment Rights.


As I've said, that's not the point. If she refuses to answer, that shouldn't be the end of the story. Given the circumstances, more should have been done. That's all.


Why? You do realize you are advocating for someone to be penalized for invoking their 5th Amendment rights? By the way, it is a very bad idea to answer questions from cops without an attorney present no matter how innocent you think you are.


Yeah, standard. We DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE. Even if I didn’t own a phone I wouldn’t answer questions about if I was texting. She wasn’t stupid. Amazing she got into a top university.


Certainly. But it's grounds to pursue something. If she denied it outright.... Fine. Ok. Maybe they believe her. But to refuse to answer... therefore perfectly reasonable to assume there's evidence to gather and prove one way or the other if her phone had anything to do with going into oncoming traffic, and the deaths that occurred as a result. Pretty standard. Should have been pursued. >Amazing she got into a top university. Seems those rich kids must all be wicked smart... Considering they always end up in ivy League schools. And certainly, when they land those cushy jobs right out of school...I mean... It's always because they were the best choice and worked hard to get there.


So her right to silence is suspicious to you.


She killed two people and you're talking like it's a fender bender. Gee I wonder what conditions cause a double fatality where the kid walks away Oh rich dad


She is 20 now, not at the time of the crash. And it sounds like she was drug and alcohol tested. You can keep digging though, since you have decided she is a villain for using a right guaranteed to her in the first amendment. As an American I tend to think it’s okay for people to protest as long as they aren’t objectively harming anyone.


I just typed what she did. "She killed two people." It probably just seems like villainizing because you think the first amendment is related to this subject matter.


Yes what is the post about? “Columbia PROTESTER”


Partisan mud slinging and trash opposition research from scum with an agenda. This kind of nonsense is what you use when you can’t stand on your arguments alone.


The New York Post telling half truths and distorting facts to stoke rage and get more clicks? Neverrrrr.


A criminally negligent 16 year old that caused the death of two people should learn consequences. She didn’t respect human life then, and doesn’t now, it’s almost as if it’s clearly related


Also maybe explain the connection between being involved in a fatal car accident within a year of a getting your license and losing your right to free speech and protesting forever? Well…we’re waiting.


Can you review the circumstances of her accident and without making assumptions let me know what else she should be charged with for the accident? Also maybe explain the connection between being involved in a fatal car accident within a year of a getting your license and losing your right to free speech and protesting forever? Is she running for office or something? I don’t understand this level of straw grasping to connect these events just to attack?


Yeah I read the article about the crash and it seems like just an accident. She wasn’t drunk, or charged with texting, etc. People who foam at the mouth to lock people up for car crashes should be careful it could happen to anyone. I’ve made stupid mistakes driving and luckily no one was hurt.


That makes no sense. Her protesting against Israel murdering tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians means she does respect human life as an adult even if she did something bad as a teenager.


Was what happened on October 7th murder?


Does what happened on 10/7 make it ok to murder 30,000 civilians?


We don't know how many civilians because Hamas fighters wear civilian clothes. Unfortunately, every war has led to more civilian deaths than the military. Israel has been excessive in their response, and they should dial it back. Netanyahu is hated by a majority of the Israeli citizens, and his days are numbered. He's also looking at prison for unrelated fraud charges. The only reason we're here now is that Hamas attacked, killed, and kidnapped civilians, including babies and old people. Israel and Saudi Arabia were working behind the scenes to open up diplomatic relations. That was probably one of the reasons Hamas attacked. Everything would be very different if they didn't attack. What was their motivation? What response from the Israeli military did they expect?


You’re absolutely right. The brainwashed antisemites can’t handle the truth around here.


How many starved children is an acceptable number to you?


None. But, you should ask the leader of Hamas how many are acceptable to him. Remember, he has 11 billion dollars in his piggy bank. He's living it up in Qatar eating caviar while his people starve.


Who is bombing aid convoys only there to feed people? They were NOT Hamas.


You really believe that BS Hamas reported figure? I have a bridge to sell you…


We have eyes. Also Biden who is very pro Israel says it’s too many civilians. This girl is protesting because it’s too many civilians.


Biden isn’t pro Israel enough. Any Palestinian blood is on the hands of Hamas. This all could’ve been avoided if you know… Hamas/Palestenians didn’t commit terrorist attacks and massacre Israel civilians.


Or you know, Israel didn’t steal their homes and give them to settlers?


If you live in the US, you live on stolen land. Are you signing up to give it back to the Native American tribes? I also don't see native americans out killing americans that clearly settled from abroad. By your reasoning, this would be ok though right??


People were murdered so yeah.


Okay, good, what's your solution to this problem?


I’m just saying it’s murder whether you believe it or not. People were killed by other people so unless we’re talking about a group of crows then that is the definition of murder here.


There's an accident and accident that results in manslaughter if recklessness was proven. There is no murder!


I was responding to someone who was talking about what happened October 7th in Israel.


I'm the parent comment.


I am not a Hamas or even Palestinian supporter, but both this article and your statement are so petty it’s sickening.


The tribalism is getting overwhelming


You mean your tribe of pro-Hamas idiots? Yes, absolutely


Asking one group to not harm civilians does not mean you support another group who is also not doing right by those same civilians.


Your problems with Hamas, who many Palestinians back, not with Israel. Why aren’t you calling for Hamas to give up the hostages? You’re not because you’re antisemitic. I’d respect you more if you were at least honest. You’re a dupe of terrorists and their supporters


To the family will never forget. It’s more about her being free and privileged where the family believes she should be in prison. She was arrested her name was made public and the family commented. I don’t know if the family has sued in civil court. If they haven’t they should. This is posted in the Crime forum and not a Gaza forum. It’s absolutely not ridiculous at all. Hopefully you’ll agree that it is posted in the correct subreddit


Free speech is just a privilege now?


Saying that it’s a “ridiculous post” and “tabloid trash “ regarding a crime in the crime subreddit. It’s not about freedom of speech it’s about the wrong subreddit.




In what universe? There is only one mention of her views, and none of the claims have anything to do with them


Because the only reason this article is even being written is because of what’s happening on their campus.


Seems like her privileged friends are here to support her


Wait we don’t jail every 16-year-old who causes a car accident, we truly don’t, regardless of their parents or political views. I don’t agree with the article’s conclusion that a father who is like a manager at UPS or something is why a 16-year-old wasn’t sent straight to jail after a car crash. Also, I’m pro Isreal, but even I can admit this person’s support of Palestine has nothing to do with her not being in jail. That stupid article is so biased, it’s like a 10-year-old wrote it not realizing what it meant to report on something.


Pro Israel but can't even spell it right, mushy brain


Her father is a UPS executive and they live in a 2 million dollar mansion so not just some manager so she could def afford a very good lawyer.


And her mother paid the fine. And why did she cross over the lanes? Drugs or alcohol? Tired? Those things were definitely hushed up by someone. You lost both of your parents to a kid who can't drive. Damn right everything she does will be under a microscope.


Agreed but a $200 fine? For causing a head on collision resulting in two deaths? That’s pretty wild.


Most countries raise the driving age and make it much harder and expensive to be on the road. God forbid we have basic public transport around towns and cities.


Exactly, driving is dangerous enough as it is without emotionally immature people out there driving with their phones in their hands


Vehicular manslaughter charge at the very least. Unless she had a medical condition that would impair her driving ( which she didn't and would only further add to the charge above since she shouldn't have been driving anyway). Vehicular manslaughter applies to any situation in which a driver was driving illegally and resulted in the death of another person. Texting, driving drunk, or any other impairment allows for this charge to be applied. Until we start applying the justice system equally across all members of society situations like this will only further drive a divide between those of us who live normal lives and the Uber wealthy. The french had a way to end this quite some time ago. Pitchfork anyone?


They’d still need to prove it - and since she didn’t admit to texting or anything else, that’s a hard case to prove. Edit: This is why there is a saying about how you can get away with murder as long as you do it while driving a car.


The article clearly states she changed her story about texting. So she admitted it, then denied it.


With the presence of meta data it would be easy to prove if she were texting with a court order. They wouldn't even need her phone, just data from her carrier proving that she was having an active conversation or watching a video etc. It's not difficult to prove this in the 21st century.


That’s only if she was sending a text or receiving streaming content. If she was just reading texts already received by her phone, that would be a lot more difficult.


Always been 2 systems in legal system. You ever notice how super rich folks always gets lighter sentences or not guilty verdicts when in fact are guilty?


It’s not even that in this case though. Vehicular related deaths are under prosecuted in general. Family friend was hit getting into their car. Driver drove off leaving him unconscious on the ground with a TBI for hours before someone noticed them and called 911. They actually ended up finding the person through some surprisingly great police work. The criminal who left that man to die was not well connected by any standards and still walked away with a slap on the wrist and never saw a day in jail. In NYC bikers and pedestrians are killed every year by reckless drivers and charges are almost never filed. It’s not influenza it’s just a general lack of prosecution for these types of crimes.


Caitlyn Jenner, OJ, Dick Cheney to name a few.


Absolutely pointless article


File a civil suit.


Yeah, that’s super weird that no civil suit is mentioned. You just need to prove that she more likely than not caused the accident and it caused them loss and suffering. It’s possible that the actual kids of the victims (vs the niece quoted by the NY Post) did file one and settled out of court. The would be like the Post to leave out that kind of information.


After the events of the weekend I would not be surprised if the family did file a civil suit. I absolutely would if I were them.




Only protesters who killed people and then go to pro-murder protesters where they shout "We Are Hamas"


Imagine thinking that the people protesting against Israel’s murder of thousands and thousands of people were “pro-murder protesters.”


Exactly what it is . I read the headline and thought it happened recently


She already did that to herself when she killed two people. 


It sounds like a tragic accident. Nothing in that article implies that she was impaired or negligent when she crashed. Why should she be charged with murder?


>Vermont State Police said one eyewitness, Evan Plankey, reported his northbound vehicle was equipped with a dashboard camera and he was behind the Toyota Tacoma that Seward was driving. Plankey allowed state troopers to download the dash camera footage that captured the entire incident, police said. >“The footage clearly shows Vehicle #1 leaving its lane of travel, continue traveling north in the southbound lane of US Route 7, before colliding head-on with Vehicle #2. There did not appear to be any attempt by Vehicle #1 to correct its course prior to the crash,” Trooper Nate Quealy wrote in his preliminary crash report. You don't accidentally drive on the opposite side of the road and make no attempt to avoid an incoming vehicle. Edit: [Source](https://www.timesargus.com/news/local/police-video-of-fatal-crash-exists/article_945a045e-acff-5c23-973d-f8b2eb6708db.html)


I agree with you. But this country is not going to put a 16 year old white girl with rich parents behind bars unless there is up close video evidence of her downing an entire 5th of vodka in the moments before the crash. As long as she maintains her story, the best the family can do is a civil suit.


When does distracted driving become a crime?


When you get distracted, at least according to the law


Unless you fall asleep, lose control of the vehicle, have some sort of medical issue like a stroke or seizure, or any number of things






Falling asleep at the wheel is not a defence for reckless driving


Yes, but it is a defense against MURDER if true. You know the charge she got "murder", not reckless driving.


Negligence is not a defense against murder, in fact we literally have a category for it called "negligent homicide."


Which is distinctly not murder because it lacks the intent piece.


Yes, but they charged her with murder meaning they think they can prove she did it intentionally. I was speaking to reckless driving the person I responded to brought up. But you chime in and call out something I didn't even say. Way to go moron.


It doesn’t excuse it but it isn’t intentional like the person I was replying to made it out to be either


>or any number of things Like using a mobile phone while driving


Murder is a bit much, but a $220 fine doesn't seem enough either. Especially because conflicting answers about *texting while driving" - so does that mean they checked the cell phone records? Because I'm seeing why this case was contentious. That said, it seems to have almost nothing too do with the fact she's arrested anti-israel posts. That's a stretch on the Murdoch empires part.


Why is killed in semi quotes


Bc "accident" is only reserved for pro israel crimes apparently.


Because it implies intent.


Murder implies intent. Killed is just stating a factual outcome.


Beat me to it. Ty


When will privilege stop getting a break from consequences? I get tired of hearing about how a sentence or probation will ruin someone's future, at the same time as disregarding a victim and their future, because they are not rich and influential and have no future anyway.


Read the article.


Never, privilege will always prevail because that is the world we live in. It sucks and isn’t fair but that is reality