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One of the reasons I carry. I would not have hesitated to shoot her if I saw this. His poor family and this country's mental health crisis are beyond control. It's so expensive for people to get help. Maybe in this case , maybe she's just straight-up evil.


A murder-suicide INSIDE the same store 10 years ago. This place is cursed, shut it down.


This was a hate crime. I saw the picture of the little boy. Rest in peace. This demon needs to face corporal punishment. What a waste of life.


A kitchen knife? Dang..


There is no reason for an innocent 3 year old to be stabbed to death. Lock her up and whatever happens to her… good riddance!


I Keep that thing on me for times like this


Hate crime?




This sub is always like that unfortunately


NYPost articles always attracts them in these situations




What a disgusting monster. Who cares if she’s mentally ill. Just an excuse. Lock this POS up in the roughest prison.


If that three year old boy had a gun, he would still be alive.


Funny how people like you never report on people who actually do save their own lives or someone else's lives with a gun. What a dumb take.


Maybe if the parents did


If his mother had a gun..


If the mother did he would be. A baby is helpless which is why we are so against abortion. Who is protecting the baby? per your statement, he’s old enough to protect himself and choose a gender.


What an incredibly witty response.


It’s clearly a hate crime, I like how they don’t mention the race of the victims.


Just because the perpetrator and victims are different races, that doesn’t automatically make it a hate crime… get bent lol


True but, you now must say the same thing every time a black person is killed by someone of another race otherwise, you will be a hypocrite.


Ehh it's in the 'doesn't help' category. Also, 3 year old sooooo... yeah. Not even gonna ask if you'd type that out if circumstances were uhh, different.


How is it clearly a hate crime?


This person is pointing out that if the races were reversed this would be the biggest story in liberal media right now. Think about it. A white lady kills a black baby and stabs a black mom. Do you really think that the story wouldn't be any different than it is now lol? It's the hypocrisy that people are pointing out. It's not racism to point that out.


Because there is no other motive besides race.


The black lady that stabbed the white little boy to death?


It could happen to YOU and your family


I hate saying “allegedly “ when there is nothing alleged about it. I hate it in the news but can understand it for legal reasons. However as people we don’t have to always give benefit of the doubt and say alleged.


Innocent until guilty


Not sure what your point is?


What’s the point of not following that rule though? Your disdain for this specific person rather than for the act itself provides no extra value to the world in any cases, and in rare cases is actually harmful


What specific person are they calling out? I don’t get what you are referring to. I


Notice how the politicians are always sorry...they are not in the least, they are contemplating how this can be used for a re- election bid. The attacker is feral and should be treated as such.


Bionca not feral! It's 2024: she's a victim of societal inadequacies and [insert mental health issue here]. Meanwhile, the victims are reduced to little more than sidenotes.


What does that even mean?


I think death penalty is objectively good sentence for horrendous crimes like these. Of course after proven in court with no doubt. If you go ahead and stab a person in a parking lot or anywhere else, you should not be "isolated", you should be dead. End of the story.


A three year old kid


America: where you only ever need half a flag pole.


Unlike every other country on earth, yeah?


Yeah, actually. This country is violent af for a “first world” country.




It’s best that America keeps mental healthcare for only those that can afford it. Why would we ever address that issue? /s




and those that can least afford it, need it the most.


It’s a very serious issue that politicians stay far away from.


Some people are just evil.


This is a hate crime. But this people hide behind their ethnicity when they commit it. But if it is the other way around it's automatic.


Man you’re really pushing this narrative huh? Care to offer some insight as to what makes it “clearly” a hate crime? You are drinking too much of that culture war coolaid my dude. Your comment is also “clearly” worded almost exactly as another on this thread.


Care to elaborate how this obvious mental health crisis is a hate crime? ETA: lol at downvotes because people don’t know the definition of a hate crime. Was this done because the mom was white? We don’t know? Shock, we can’t call it a hate crime then.


So a crazy person committed a hate a crime.....regardless should end the same way.


Can you show proof that this was a mental health crisis?


Or a hate crime? JFC... Why is somone killing a toddler not enough shock? Is it because people look for a reason? "Oh, its because they're racist, it's because they're crazy.... Meanwhile there's a family struggling to make any sense of a senseless act. Does it really matter if it's a hate crime or a crazy person or a drug induced psychosis or...


I didn't see the race of the victims mentioned. How do you know they were white? Do you have another source?




Why do you presume it’s a hate crime rather than mental illness? Why was this downvoted instead of someone telling me why? The article doesn’t mention anything that would make me think hate crime. If anyone has evidence to the contrary make it known!


Mental illness and hate crime are never exclusive. One often lead to the other.


This comment couldn’t be farther from the truth..


The constant excuses made for "mental illness" have reached horrifying levels. You don't come back from murdering a 3 year old in a parking lot. After working with violent, mentally ill people for many years his comment is fairly accurate.




Death penalty!


Luckily in Ohio we have that still!!


She got a kitchen knife from a nearby thrift store and then followed someone out of Walmart to stab them and then just walked around still holding the knife until cops arrested her. No way this isn’t a certifiable crazy person.


This wasn’t at a Walmart, it was at Giant Eagle and there is a thrift store next door


Article clearly states that she followed them after they left a Walmart.


If there is irrefutable evidence put her to death.


It's all on camera


The same store had a murder/suicide take place inside the store almost exactly a year ago.


She was still carrying the knife when the cops got there?! Was she looking for other people to stab?


They don't treat people who harm kids very kindly in prison


Probably not random. And definitely terrible.


[this article with details](https://www.cleveland19.com/2024/06/04/3-year-old-boy-dies-after-stabbing-north-olmsted-giant-eagle-medical-examiner/) says they “had no prior interaction…. random act of violence.” Investigation still going on. Seems kind of random the suspect would pick up a knife from a thrift shop, walk around to find and follow a family then kill said family. Also, walk around with knife in hand afterwards, being arrested without restraint seems like she wanted to be jailed(?).


Some news is so bad its not even reported on, because its no longer entertaining. Entertainment news is what is valuable in our society. 


Oh, if the races were reversed it would've been reported on by every liberal news outlet in America.


That's because the victims were White and the attacker is Black. If a White stabbed a 3 year old Black kid, it would be on a Trayvon, Rice, Floyd scale.


Hell of a reach there dude. This case is nothing like the others.




Too close to home




Really sick of it. We should be able to go to a store without worrying about being attacked or killed. It's insane to think we have violent crazy people just walking our streets and we don't know what they'll do at any given time.


Reading this with my toddler laying on me falling asleep and I literally had to wipe tears from my eyes. This is heartbreaking. There’s literally no where you can go anymore and not be on guard.


This is why I have so many delivery subscriptions so I can avoid crazies and get what I need easier.


Interestingly that means some of the most stressed and possibly postal people will just be dropping by your porch instead.


We need to bring back mental health hospitals. Prisons can not privide what a hospital can.


Sadly it’s an incredibly unpopular political position, which I don’t get. Because this is the consequence


Take a look at that woman. Take a good look at her. If she walks outside that jailhouse may all the wrath of God fall down on her and her cries for help be the fuel that flames her eternal damnation. This beast is underserving of any humane treatment.


My worst nightmare. So horrifying and scary


Absolutely terrifying


So this isn’t going to be labeled as a hate crime?


Has it been proven to be racially motivated? If not then why would it be?


Is there any evidence it’s a hate crime other than the victims and perpetrator are different races?


Thats good enough in a lot of cases


No, there isn’t.


Do you see any evidence of that? Edit: lol folks, downvote, who cares. Please offer a response, though. I’m curious if I’m missing something in the story.


They would need to prove she did this because they were white rather than some other reason. Same with any other crime with different races involved.


I am wondering the same. Were the victims white? They keep sweeping black on white crime under the rug while the Democrats keep fueling the flames of discord.


Not a partisan issue. Democrats see the hate crime. The media unfortunately doesn’t. Everyone knows


Different races isn't automatically race crime unless is proven the race played a part on why things went the way it did .Is a difficult charge to prove and isn't trow in there lightly sorry the buzzwords fox feeds u doesn't mean what you think it does .


I goigled it and found another article with photos of the boy and his family. Yes, they are white. According to what I read there is video footage from Walmart of the attacker passing them in Walmart then turning around and following them out to the parking lot where she attacked them KILLING the child. This monster stabbed this poor baby in the face. I don't know if it's racial hate or hate on children or what but I really hope she is locked up forever. Utterly terrifying.


Im gonna die reading this


Yes, it's horrifying, and I can't imagine that poor mother trying to live with that image and this entire situation. I know senseless crimes happen every day, but this is making me physically ill.


Honestly, ill. I cannot imagine having to live with that for the rest of my life. Especially losing my toddler. My son is 4 and stories like these make me so scared for his safety.


I have a 4 year old and a 1 year old and people think I'm just an anxious person. No dude, people are on DRUGS out there, which also usually stems from intense mental illness. People are so stupid to just blindly trust everyone out there. I let people cut me off in traffic because I'd rather them be in front of me than behind me and my eyes are always open when I'm at a public large place like a grocery store. I hope I'd just beat this woman within an inch of her life if it happened to us. This is why I take jiu jitsu. I saw a guy pin a dude having a meth freak out at Bonnaroo in 2012 and I asked him after what martial arts he took. I don't think I could accurately fire a gun in a situation this stressful but martial arts teaches calmness as well as self defense. And hey everybody, mental illness isn't your fault but it is for sure your responsibility. Whether it's drugs, chemical imbalance, or mental degeneration.... you murder a kid like this and I literally could not care less what's going on in your head. Let her fry.


Same here my babe is about to turn 4 and I feel like I’m going insane living in this world where I can’t protect her 24/7


My nieces areabout same age if i only imagine them.getting hrut my heart sinks let alone having to witness my own child go through that and not being anble to protect him might just put a bullet through my head on the spot cuz i wont be able to live with that poor mom may allah heal her heart .


Yes I finally found a picture of them. I am going to be calling the prosecutor tomorrow and asking that she be charged with a hate crime. I urge you to do the same. If this were reversed the entire town would be in flames.


That’s not how the law works, at all.


>if this were reversed the entire town would be in flames What makes you say that?


Recent American history


But why? You found a picture showing the victims are white, good job. However, what hate crime evidence will you cite when you talk to the prosecutor? You’ll ask that she be charged with a hate crime based on _______________? Your job to fill in that blank. lol ok, instead of downvoting, offer a response. I’m genuinely curious how this is a hate crime. Not even trying to argue.




Absolutely this. If it were reversed it would be labeled a hate crime


Except there are numerous examples of white on black crime not being labeled a hate crime, so not “absolutely”.


not unless it comes out that it was racially motivated


Need more info. Could be. My bet's on drug induced psychosis though. See what they find out.


I didn’t see any races or ethnicities listed for the victims? Maybe I skimmed over it I guess but idk how it would be at the current moment with the info in the article.


The woman and child that were attacked are white passing, not exactly sure on race, definitely not black.


Unless she was yelling racial slurs, i’m not sure how this would equate to a hate crime…. Just because the perpetrator and victim are of different races does not automatically constitute a hate crime. When a white person attacks, a black person unprovoked it wouldn’t be a hate crime unless there was an actual racial motive that is clearly presented vice versa. Does that clear it up for you?


Just a random attack from a crazy person?


Shocked that this wasn’t in Southern Cali. Things are getting crazy here as well.


You must be a transplant, because it's always be crazy in California.


They definitely are because they called it "Cali"


Thats not an excuse lol, lives here my entire life and things are in fact getting worse. The solutions are simple too.


Things are not getting worse. You definitely are privileged if you think that. Late 80s and early 90s were insane.


It is getting worse. Things improved after the gang wars in the late 80s early 90s, which was mostly attibuted to gangs fighting over crack cocaine sales. But crime is now on the rise again.


I'm shocked it wasn't near where I live either. Sadly things are crazy like this everywhere now.


We live in the safest time in human history, quit fear mongering


The first part could have been said without the second part, because don't tell me what to do, thanks. Whether we do or not live in the "safest time in human history" doesn't negate things like this are still happening around the world or make it safe. Me, or anyone, saying crazy things like this are happening everywhere is stating a fact, not "fear mongering". Because saying that does not control someone's fear when the world can see with their own eyes and ears what's happening. What you choose to do with that information is up to you. And for the record, I think that "safest" thing has to also do with medical. We're far more advanced in our medical practices than in history. So yeah if we got injured or sick, we can be treated better and be safer in the regard. That doesn't mean that violence and murder aren't still happening. And if anything, currently we have more mentally ill on our streets than 40 plus years ago due to institutions shut down. Poor practices and funding took that and if they had been run better and money actually put into them because the need was seen for it, we wouldn't have all the people we do on the street like they are and they'd actually be getting help and be secured, for their safety and everyone else's. Go ahead and tell the families of all the victims of these types of crimes that we "live in the safest time in human history" and see if that changes anything for them.


They really are, it’s so scary.


I’d say change how y’all vote out there but cali’s too far gone


Absolutely hellish. What is happening today.


What a nightmare… May that woman die alone in a prison cell.


No motive? Yeah sure.


They'd be reporting on two deaths for sure


Lol I love when people act tough on the internet. You have no idea how you'd react lol its always the people that claim they'd do something that end up doing nothing


If somebody did that to my kid you best believe I’m going to the death. Maybe you’re too soft to understand . I can’t stand people like you.


Well, I'm not proud of it, really, but I'm a combat infantryman who had to act tough in bad situations. I know exactly how I'd act, and it wouldn't be very nice in this scenario


I hate this comment every time, you don’t see this as you saying that the victim did not do enough to protect their child in this random attack.


Truly - someone who does not take the responsibility of their own and loved one’s safety seriously and refuses to carry a weapon


I mean. I carry a pistol. So if you stabbed my family member in front of me you most certainly would be.


If there’s two deaths that means the child still died. It doesn’t mean what you’re implying.


And this is why my wife and I conceal carry, especially when out with our kids.


Must be tough living in a state of unwarranted perpetual fear.