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Kinda tired of seeing how different the legal system is for men vs women and rich vs poor, we all know it but when you see cases like this it’s just infuriating.


This is crazy!!! I'll never understand how there is so little uniformity in sentencing..or rationality related to the effects of the crime on the victims. Is 57 months enough to heal the wounds caused by the crazy person's behaviors?


Why did she threaten to kill his mother? It’s not his mom’s fault that she’s a pedo.


Filming herself 'raping' the minor, get it right.


Yup, came to say this.


Right! This isn’t sex, this is a minor. This is rape and she filmed it?! This is child pornography with a minor. If I was the mom of this child I’d get a good lawyer and fight for multiple charges against this sicko!


Society is enabling violence . This should have resulted in years behind bars


57 months is 4 years 9 months, it’s not nothing but it does seem light


She would've gotten 28 years, but for whatever reason they offered her a plea. This would've been a open and shut case, so pure laziness from the state. She even admitted to everything. What an injustice for this family. I'd love to see how much time a man would've gotten for raping a 13 yr old, admitting to the rapes, filming the rapes, and showing up to the rape victims house with a gun.


56 months is crazy after reading that Drew Drechsel story above. WTF Ohio?!




Pedophiles should never be released. They repeat, and repeat. And repeat.


Filmed themselves while they raped a child. Get the headline right.


Filmed herself raping child






Why am I not surprised a social worker would do this?




She ended up getting 5 years with the earliest she can be released is 18 months. Ohio has a problematic record consistently prosecuting sex offenders, it’s very dependent on the county and when a DA gets a case and pursues it often they plead down if they’re not confidant in a conviction. Or conversely they care more about their conviction rate and plead down regardless.


Idk that I’d call 5 years in prison a slap on the wrists




18 months? A man would have been locked up for life.


We can be angered for the victim that the attackers jail sentence is not longer. But please don’t make up this fake narrative that men are thrown in prison for life for being sexual predators. It’s simply not true, and you hurt a lot of victims that way. We do not need to lie to support victims when the truth is that sexual predators and those that prey on the vulnerable (like kids, the elderly, those with disabilities) are simply not sentenced enough, if they are ever sentenced, regardless of the gender of the attacker.


Like [this guy](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/judge-sentences-admitted-rapist-probation-prison-time/story?id=81264495)? Or [this guy](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/school-bus-driver-watertown-ny-shane-piche-pleaded-guilty-no-jail-time)? Or [him](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/11/alabama-man-no-prison-time-raping-teenager)? [This teacher](https://www.theadvocate.com.au/story/6920091/no-jail-for-child-rapist-disgust)? [That teacher](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/26/montana-rape-sentence-release)? And let us not forget [Brock Turner the convicted rapist who now goes by Allen, and how he served three months of a measly six month sentence](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_v._Turner#:~:text=Brock%20Allen%20Turner%20was%20born,enrolled%20on%20a%20swimming%20scholarship.)


I wish that was actually true


Not any more, they let a rapist out on 500 bond the other day


There is definitely a disconnect with the justice system when you it comes to this issue and boys and girls all I can say is it’s a good thing that she didn’t come up in my house with a gun I have 16 reasons why she wouldn’t have made it to court because had that been my child well only thing that would have been needed was the coroner case closed


Yes, this is an egregious double standard


5 year seriously? Whew american your justice system suck.


She has a 4 year old boy. Wow.


She should be dumped into shark infested waters.


She filmed herself raping him. Please stop with the having sex comments when it’s a woman on a child.


Uhm, if that were a man...how disgusting. She deserves life!


She worked for the National Youth Advocate Program……. Unreal.


How?!?! She would have been dead if it was me or she better get life in prison. Tf is wrong with our justice system. She raped a minor, produced child pornography, and she threatened to kill his mother, attempted murder with a deadly weapon with the intention to harm or murder someone like wtf.


This person is an utter psycho. If it was a male he would have gotten 10+ years. This is absurd. She’ll target again once she’s out after a few years.


weird theyre showing glammed out pic from social media instead of a mug shot


Why is it "having sex" when it's a 13 year old boy, but "rape" when it's a similarly aged girl? Shouldn't it be rape in both cases since neither is capable of giving consent?


Because if the media tells it how it is then there will be no rage or discussion which equals no attention.


Just hypocritical and toxic, a lot of women fight against change too. Sexual abuse against boys, domestic violence against men, etc. Fellers gotta keep pushing back against the machine.


They do this with both genders. It’s nothing new.


It's rape in both cases Media has been disgusting to even suggest its "having sex"


Same reason as why it's a male they say boy but when it's a girl they say 13 year old young woman. It's rape either way and the girl is a girl not a young woman.


Can I be so blatant to ask: "If a male social worker did this a 13 year old girl, then threatens child mother with a gun, do you think his sentence would be the same?" I think not ! OH and kiddy porn too ! ! WTH


Except the Dutch volleyball player who groomed a then 10 year old girl, then travelled to UK when she was 12 and rapes her multiple times. He got 4 years, which was reduced to 12 months in jail. Now he's made the Dutch Olympic team. 


Dude would have gotten a life sentence.


Yes, it is only a 4th degree felony in Ohio--punishable by up to 18 months in prison. Extra prison time for the bonus crimes. The sentencing was literally standard.


Is, “blanton,” a portmanteau(a cross between) of, “blatant,” and, “wanton?” I must know!


You will be tested from time to time. Updated typo. Thanks.


I stand awaiting eagerly, friend!


It makes me absolutely ill that crimes against children come with so little time, especially considering the rates of reoffending. She could be out in 18 months with good behavior. Repulsive.


If you ever get into the "just-us" of crimes committed against children, each state has their own length of statues of limitations. In Illinois, there are NO statues of limitation on crimes committed against children. In Florida, there are statues of limitation on crimes committed against children, but good luck getting a real answer from any lawyer at all levels and all sides of the law. Just flash back to Epstein case - arrest in Palm Beach, Florida, for a spin doctor - lawyer version of that case.


If she was a he, it would be 15-20 years.


Absolutely, she is a repulsive predator who deserves to be locked up for a very long time. And then there is this case, seriously WTF! https://curioustic.com/teacher-charged-with-raping-boy-12-appears-pregnant-in-court-after-alleging-in-call-that-he-is-babys-father/


He’ll have to pay her child support. Because male rape victims are still viewed as “choosing” to become fathers by the law.




What a nutcase. Sounds like BPD.


Insinuating that people with BPD are nutcases and sexual predators who rape minors is really uniformed and just not helpful dude.


That’s a gross generalization. Regardless of what mental health issue someone suffers from, crime isn’t rolled up in it. It’s a choice, and she made an awful one.


Sounds like evil to me.


That's a cop out. She was an adult who was given a position of trust and social responsibility to protect children. She made choices. She made choices to follow that career path, and she made choices to assault a child, and covering it up with mental illness that nobody else was flagging her for would be a convenient excuse. The real crime here is the lack of accountability by her employer and the leniency of the sentencing.


The most sensible and well thought out response I’ve seen in days


Oh what a world this must be to live on, when you get to go through life as a pretty, young blonde


I’m surprised she left his mother’s house alive. Bitch is lucky she didn’t lose her life.


Now this is a case of a double standard, if he was a man for the sex alone he would have gotten 10 years, if you abuse a child you should get hard time and that includes people who transition CHILDREN


Why the plea deal? She's not done nothing to deserve one I guess I don't understand plea deals but if somebody outright does something illegal, why do they not outright deserve the full extent of the law? Shouldn't plea deals be relegated to those who have extenuating circumstances?


I believe that justice should not be compromised for the convenience of the judicial system. I think heinous crimes are worth the effort and the money.


First-time offenders usually don’t get full sentences. It is dumb, because they should get the maximum to prevent re-offending.


You can never predict what a jury will do. A lot of these positions are elected or appointed and you don’t want to risk a jury deciding OJ was innocent or that Casey Anthony didn’t neglect her child to a degree resulting in death if not outright killing her…


It’s usually just to save money on trial while guaranteeing a conviction. Prosecutors like having high conviction rates.


A plea deal can also be used to save time and money. A trial is expensive and time-consuming. The more trials you can avoid, the quicker the court system can operate for those things that can't be avoided plea dealed away. However, I agree that the woman deserves the maximum sentence. Less than 5 years for rape and attempted murder is wild.


If she goes to trial, there's a very real chance there will be some guy on the jury who thinks "lucky kid.  His mom deserved it for being a cock blocker." It can be difficult to convince a large portion of Americans that this is as bad as men having sex with young girls - just look at how our media will say "teacher had sexual affair with thirteen year old boy" and "teacher raped thirteen year old girl." Basically, they took a plea to make sure she'd be found guilty.


One reason is because unfortunately jurors tend to go easier on female predators. Plea deals are basically done when a prosecutor isn’t 100% certain of their ability to win in court, so they get what they can get and save the State the expense of a trial.


Uhhhh don't people usually advocate for the destruction of pedophiles?


Yes, please.


They didn't "have sex", she *raped* him and *filmed it*


Very important difference.


Why is the media not posting her mugshot?!


It's in the story


I agree, but her mugshot she looks like she’s 15-16 in it compared to the photo they took from her social media that makes her look 25 at least. It’s probably overall better they use the one that makes her look her age.


Right? It’s so disturbing how different they treat female predators wtf


Happy to see that her sad-looking mug shot is included in the story.


Sexual relations - does that mean intercourse or not? I’m automatically thinking that the social worker raped a minor in their care multiple times. Say it like it should be. Then she gets arrested for it, then attempts to murder the mother. But yeah, be good so can get out early.


We are living in a clown world.


As someone who used to live in Ohio and practice social work, my thought is "life in prison or death penalty". Being a social worker is like being a cop. Youre often entrusted with vulnerable people, and to betray that reposibility defeats the point of having social workers or cops


28 years reduced to 4. If you wanna rape kids move to Ohio, they seem to be into it.


Fathers - hide yo sons, hide yo wives.


God forbid a female does this, STILL! Unbelievable that as long as she cries that she’s super sad and looks that “cute” they’ll give her whatever she wants. So tired of this


Are you under the impression that we are sending any of these predators away for a long time? Our justice system doesn’t seem to be concerned with protecting children at all. The dude who lived across from me raped his girlfriend’s five-year-old daughter, the school nurse discovered the crime, and he was already out of prison and living across from me a few years after the story hit the news. He did like 18 months and being on the list was considered to be punishment enough. I don’t get it, do pedos make, interpret, and enforce our laws?


57 months is almost 5 years, is this not fairly standard for statutory rape sentencing?? Genuinely curious, not trying to die on this hill.


I think showing up to someone’s house with a gun and making death threats should also add to the time


If a man sent to advocate for a 13 year old girl...raped her and filmed it . Then threatened to kill his mother if she told . Would 5 years be enough ?


“Enough” isn’t up to me to say. It is apparently more than standard though. I think it would be standard in fl as a second degree felony but in Ohio it’s only a 4th degree felony punishable by up 18 months in prison (regardless of gender). Extra time for the other charges presumably.


Rape. Witness intimidation. Death threats. This pedophile getting less than 6 years is unacceptable. The system is broken.


Raping a 13 year old boy, filming it and then threatening to kill the mother of this boy with a gun. It’s all just too much……


'Ohio social worker who filmed himself raping a girl, 13, then showed up to her house with a gun after arrest and threatened to kill her mother get 57 months in plea deal' See how differently that sound just by swapping him to her. And rape instead of sex because it's a minor and the person who did it was in a position of trust.


A rapist and attempted murder gets 57 months in plea deal.


18 months. Should’ve locked her in a mental institution.


9 months for witness tampering? Seems like a good investment if she was facing over 28 years. Geez


So... Rape, manufacturing and possession of child pornography, aggravated assault, probably a handful of civil infractions... less than five years? Hey! If she serves the full sentence, the kid'll be 18!


Female privilege.


Slap on the wrist. Why am I not surprised?


Uhhh .. did she not get charged for the CP they found on her phone?? 4 years is a joke. Also, I hope she loses rights to her child.


If the rape wasn't bad enough to punish, you'd hope threatening his mother with a weapon eould have been a problem. But this is Murica and crime pays.


Literally created (and potentially distributed) CP and raped a minor, and she sees less time than a murderer would. And that's not including the assault with a deadly weapon.


Haha you cannot make this crap up. Clown world


Now change that to a 13 year old girl and a male social worker and what would the sentencing be?


The double standard with female rapists is insane


The word is rape. This woman raped a young boy, filmed it, and threatened to kill his mom after she was arrested. If she were a man she'd have gotten the book thrown at her.


Having sex with? Did they mean to say rape?


It’s literally written In the law that females can’t rape, only men can commit rape according to how it’s written.


Only when a man does it


According to journalists, only if the genders are switched.


Only if the gender are switched;)


No- it’s different.


Muuuh people under arbitrary line can't consent.