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Okay first part was wild but what the hell was up with the guy in the second half?


So the cringe is the piece of shit mayor, right?


Two pieces of shit really. The mayor and this guy who makes a living of trolling people for views and not because of any principles


I mean, I thought he had a good point that if he'll cheat on his wife, what makes you think he wouldn't cheat the city?  If this brings the awareness needed to vote him out? might be worth the satire.


Again, the mayor can still be a piece of shit, but Stein is also a piece of shit. Just look into his history, he goes around being an asshole to people for views.


Holding people accountable would make you look like a piece of shit wouldn't it


Could you explain further your point or do you just want us to believe you?


I think this is what he’s most known for: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/alex-stein-troll-aoc-harassed-b2123344.html


Yeahhhh, that guy is awful. But what everyone else is getting at is this strange philosophy of the redemption arc or that bad people doing good things means they are good people. When it's in fact just a bad person doing something good. In the future though I would suggest giving examples su h as that right out the gate. It would prevent a lot of pushback and misunderstanding.


I agree with your second point, but I’m not the same person you were originally talking to FYI




This showed AOC to be in the wrong though. In the video she's loving it and is fine with it but then went on to completely lie about the event once she found out it was alex stein


One's a city and the other is a woman, so... one's an elected position of power and the other is a relationship, so... kinda not an analogous situation, don't you think?  It's like saying he has bad taste in food, so what makes you think he would have good taste in legislation? 


A bad taste in food doesn't make you question whether someone has poor character or not


What does personal character have to do with managerial or administrative work? 


Would you do business with someone who lies, cheats, and violates contracts they swore to uphold?


Nope, but cheating on his wife doesn't violate a contract in the same sense as a business contract.  Someone can be a fantastic businessman/administrator and an absolute piece of shit in their personal life. I really don't understand how people are failing to admit this nuance.


Because elected officials are supposed to be held to an even higher standard than a businessman. They are elected to represent the people. If they lie and cheat, those who voted for them might not appreciate being represented by someone like that. It’s actually kind of amazing to me that YOU are not understanding this nuance. There’s a lot of feelings involved with representative democracy to the point where some people base their entire identity around politics. In general, people don’t want to do business with, or vote for scumbags.


Do you have Autism? What a crazy question


No, he's just your average middle manager


What a fucked up thing to ask a stranger. You'd be embarrassed by this comment if you had a shred of self-awareness.


So I take that as a yes. Lmao




Are you old enough to be on reddit?!


He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.


I don't think decisions in your personal life have much to do with how competent you are as a governor. Especially considering we don't know the full story behind his cheating.


It used to be called “integrity”


Taste and actions are two entirely different things my friend.


Agreed. So is personal life and workplace-competancy.


No, through actions a person shows character. You are absolutely allowed to judge one's ability to do their job off their character, depending on the job. A computer programmer? No. But a politician. Absolutely. How can I trust he will take care of my families needs when he cares so little about his?


Let me guess, you voted for Trump?


Explain your hot take.


Id love to know how you came to that conclusion


Forget your comment but your name reminds me of some old school Germans from history class. My guess though is that you're one of those they are the bad guys though, philosophies. Also like the people I learned about in history. I'll Boil it down for you, you are the bad guy!


Wow it's almost like those who try to overthrow democracy to install fascism should go to jail!? 🤔 What a shocker!


First, it's a republic. Second, that's not actually what happened. I suggest a brief history lesson bud


Imagine defending Trump supporters lmfao


Imagine thinking trump supporters are fascist while saying you want to lock them all up. The irony is too much. I'm going to assume you are just a dumb bot because people can't be this dense. Bye dumb bot


You really reported that I was talking about self harm?! Fascist tactics. Get help!


Orange fan mad.


Watch how you speak about your next president


And...... blocked!


Somehow, you’ve managed to become dumber than a trump supporter 😂


Also a fascist would be someone who wants to jail all supporters of their political rival. You are the person you claim to hate


What a fuckin roller coaster of a video.


This video was satisfying as hell. Not cringe at all!


"Real" cringe makes me want to stop the video. This video was just purely entertaining!


Pending alien invasion will TOTALLY be drowned out by crazy lady yelling on a plane. No probs


Anybody that calls themself a "Pimp on a Blimp" is a-okay in my book.


what's with having 666 in ur username; that's fucking corny.


I don't care what the mayor did, this guy is a massive piece of shit and I'm not giving him clicks.


Yeah, I’m sure the guy that catcalled AOC is super concerned about cheating.


If anyone knows about Alex Stein his Putin rap is fucking hilarious.


The guy is the cringe.


So how is this dudes divorce and cheating relevant to his time as mayor? Did he violate any laws? The cringe is this dumbass singing songs.


Actually, giving his mistress a $100k job is an ethical issue in regards to his position as mayor. Also, politicians who switch from Democrat to Republican tend to be shitty people in general.


Man the mental gymnastics right wingers use to excuse scummy behavior. If he cheated on his wife and bribed the woman he cheated on with while likely using city funding, this man has no morals. It’s not silly to think he’d use the same lack of morality while running the city


Right winger here. Screw that guy.


I donno, it was pretty entertaining until the song. I liked the second guy better though. The truth must come to light!