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As someone who has a seizure before as well it’s the worse. This is why if you are a long term, heavy drinker it is important to either get meds or do a taper. When you’re coming off that GABA suppression from alcohol it’s just.. fucked. If anyone wants to taper follow this guide: https://hams.cc/


I thought I had tapered sufficiently. I was down to a ½ pint. Apparently, I was wrong. 😆 


Mine have always happened on day 3 of wd, when I start to feel slightly better. "Think I'll go for a walk..." then BOOM.


Exactly! I'm just glad I didn't crack my skull & that a decent human being called 911....& that it didn't happen at home.


I'm only across the street from my hospital, I was going there for my withdrawals and I slipped and fell in winter on some ice. Smoked my head super hard, was unconcious for god knows how long. Was wheeled in by paramedics and asked what happened, I was so delirious that I said I don't know. Got admitted, and then these crazy nosebleeds started. I had to get this called Rapid Rhino, and it was like 6 inches long and went up my left nostril. It hurt so bad, like a Covid test x50. When the doctor was holding my nose, I started to bleed out my tear ducts. I had to wear these eye patches for 6 hours. While withdrawing, scared, and no meds for withdrawals yet. It was pure hell, it was really quite scary, and I could have easily died. I'm glad you're feeling better.


That sounds horrible.


Wow, good point there, you actually got quite lucky


This. When feeling better on day 3.


That sucks, yes without assistance the seizures start to hit me after maybe 72 hours. Taper or get some kind of benzo from your doc. Gabapentin can help but it seems to become less and less effective for me personally. Good luck.


When you would stop drinking the past five years, how long would you not drink for?


After acknowledging that I was drinking alcoholically, 8 months. Prior to that, a little over a year. I now have to acknowledge that I truly have a physical (not just psychological) need for it when I drink.


Went on a bender in January and it was the first time I experienced withdrawal symptoms. Started another recently and they were worse. Was able to make it through Monday night without my medicine and somehow managed to wake up without any symptoms. Didn't drink at all yesterday. Can't remember the last time I didn't drink myself to sleep or have had a full sober day. I don't plan to drink anymore anytime soon. This shit is scary and I can't live like that again or anymore. Eta: I shouldn't say without any symptoms, but no dry heaves or the dreaded head tremor.


Currently, I can sleep without being wasted. Honestly, I prefer being wasted. I know better. Chairs!


Took me forever to fall asleep Monday night. Fell asleep sober last night but woke up after only a few hours. Started getting overwhelmed with life and made me want to get wasted again. I'll skip it for now. Chairs!


Fuuuck. Im super jittery at work everyday at work lately, never siezed before but worried about it. After work i try to taper but kinda fail


I'm 43, for context. Lie to your Dr. and find an excuse for a benzodiazipine (not Xanax). Klonopin seems to be what the cool kids use.


My doc sorta knows, i got nalaxone but only took it for like a week. And seroquil for in somnia (alchohol works better) In ma. they stopped giving drinkers benzos, z-drugs or painkillers. Even if u break a leg or something. Trying to taper but the relief you get from drinking after hiding the shakes all day is too good. Im 3 weeks from lease non renewal. So about to be homeless and not able to keep my job. 30 years heavy but never got shakes till like 3-4 years ago. Think im kindled.


I took Seroquel once and had full on realistic hallucinations. I thought my friend lost his body and came to me for help, like “hey man help me find my body!” The scariest part was that I had absolutely no idea I was hallucinating and it seemed totally normal. I also started having conversations with myself out loud and had no control over it then would catch myself doing it over and over. It was fucking wild, never again


I have had auditory hallucinations. 


They’re no joke, and your first one will be completely unexpected. So don’t risk it, if your sweats or shakes are getting difficult to endure, you probably need to drink something quickly, or get somewhere safe.


Shit the sweats are a major thing these days im hoping no one notices but i wonder if alc is evaporating from my pores and i stink?. Well just woke up 3 a.m. i guess i got time to get ready. I take a vit b complex, i think ill take a gaba today i have a bottle but never noticed any effects. Cant really drink at work, but id rather risk that than sieze, i did better last night, only 10-11 drinks, plus called my landlord and no longer getting lease cancelled. Had high anxiety before fixing that situation. Definetely trying to go 7-8 drinks today. I feel like by the time i taper its gonna be the weekend again and ill be like fuck it. Although just typing that out loud(?) Made me think wait wtf


You get deep enough, your first big drink of the day will be followed by the most intense costing of sweat until your body equalizes with the booze. Front and back drench sweat. No bueno, and it's not an easy explain away trying to not include that it's from booze.


Yes, it is coming out of your pores.


I had such a similar experience the one time (that I know of). I was trying cold turkey and was in absolute hell. I at first said nothing until after work but at 3 I couldn't take it anymore. Went to go across the street, bought my pints and woke up in my apartment building with the emts. I was on asphalt, how I didn't split my head open or bite my tongue off is a nothing short of a miracle. 3 days in the hospital and was back drinking 2 days later.


Why do we operate like this? We are better than this. 😆 


I tried and failed at sobriety a couple of times but going to be at 2 years in August. Main advantage is that I probably won't seize again.


Good for you! 






At first I was afraid I was petrified, I will survive


I’m sorry this happened, sounds scary :( Something about the way you wrote this story is sadly tragically beautiful, that last line hits hard, I haven’t had a seizure but I’ve been physically addicted and withdrawing way too many times to count, “day 3, I picked up a pint,” iykyk yay alcoholism chairs!


Fam/bro/sis, there are more than a few songs about finding comfort in a bottle. 




Why come here to be a dick?


Peace & love.