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I’m going to court for a felony in about an hour and a half, and I’m still sipping. I woke up shaky and terrified. Please send best wishes, I’m really short on hope.


Good luck in court. Sending positive vibes your way!!


Thank you so much


I know exactly how you feel with the court stuff I'm sorry :/ i hope it goes well for you


Thanks! I feel maybe I should have run down to Mexico…lol. I’m trying to do things properly though, and it just feels beyond horrible


My user name is from when i pled first offender act ( in GA ) to a felony hit and run when i was drunk, and it got dropped after i completed probation.


Good luck. I got court Thursday. I’m innocent 😇; wish they’d just leave me alone.


Ouch! Oh my goodness — I hope things go okay? If you feel like sharing afterwards, please do let us know. Hopefully it'll be good news worth celebrating? I'm thinking of you this morning and trying to send you lotsa positive, cheerful, good-luck energy! <3


Thank you so much. I got through it, it’s done. I’m just trying to calm down this panic attack I’m having now


What did they tell you in court?


It was just a bunch of nonsense waiting around, then my lawyer plead not guilty, and now the next step is to be determined. I still don’t really know what’s going to happen.


That was an arraignment. Next your lawyer will start going through discovery, and then negotiate a plea deal which you can accept or not. Basically looking at the strength of the state’s case against you. The stronger the case —> the more you should consider the plea deal.


Yeah. I’m just going to do whatever he says I should do.


As a lawyer I love that, but it’s your right to take the deal or not when the time comes




As others have said, wish you luck and hope you aren't as shaky and terrified for the next court date. I've been to court and had similar feelings and ended up getting a little too smashed beforehand but luckily they didn't say anything about it. Good vibes, man!


Thanks so much! I think I got through it okay. I think maybe the next one won’t be so rough - at least I know where it is now and how it’s going to go a bit more. That eases some anxiety…maybe? Hopefully? This time feels like it nearly gave me a heart attack soo…lol. Just trying to keep one foot going in front of the other.


What’s the alleged felony? Best of luck to you.


I’m thinking of you, I hope it went well


Thank you so much!! 🙏🙏🙏


Best wishes to you!!


I drank too much this weekend. And today is the not only the beginning of week two at a new job, it's also an extra-long day where I'm expected to stay late and participate in an evening meeting. I'll get flex time and be able to leave early on Friday or something ... but right now, I'm struggling with a serious anxiety attack — recovering from overdrinking, stressing about being the ignorant newbie at work, and panicking about both a late night and a meeting where I'll be in way over my head.


Hiya DC! The new job is all new to you so it's perfectly fine to be feeling anxious. It'll get better once you get used to the place.


Sounds like that makes two of us DC. Went off the rails boozing this past weekend and paid dearly for it today. First day solo in my new job since the other guys last day was Friday to add to the stress. I felt lost all day and struggled my way through trying to figure shit out. My only saving grace was that most people in the office WFH on Mondays so the workload was light. I also met my mom for lunch and she gave me half a Xanax to help with my WDs so the latter half of the day was manageable. A 48-hour weekend binge fucking wrecks me these days(thanks kindling). Currently drinking some leftover weekend beers to hopefully relax for a bit before bed. Hopefully your evening work event is over with and you can go home and do the same.


You got this DC! Grats on the new gig.


Give yourself time to adjust. There's always a learning curve. First impressions at work are worthless gossip so anything you worry you did wrong or can't do, hold out because months from now it'll mean nothing. You can do this.


I hope it went well for, just reading this I could feel your anxiety


I'm on day seven of sobriety, but my depression won't let me get out of bed. Such is life, I suppose. Chairs.


At least you're on day seven. You've got six days on me!


That's how I felt when I dried out to relentlessly camp Indeed/Glassdoor for jobs after I got fired from my last gig. I'd fucking sleep until 4-5PM everyday, stay up all night depressed, drinking coffee, and doomscrolling for jobs. Go to bed around 8-10AM, rinse and repeat. I had about 7-8 different resumes tailored for different jobs I was applying to. It took me like 3 days just to write the first resume because the brain fog was so severe. I think I left the house once during that entire time to attend a Memorial Day family BBQ and I felt super out of my element being one of the only people not drinking, there were times I felt like I was gonna crawl out of my skin and I was sweating like a whore in church and shaky despite being 5+ days AF at the time. I was worried word had got around about me getting fired and was nervous uncomfortable questions were gonna come up, thankfully my parents didn't tell anyone about it.


That family BBQ sounded miserable, at least no one asked questions about your job


It wasn't all bad, just sucked being there while everyone else was knocking back beers having a good time. It was painful watching people nurse a beer every half-hour, I'd need a fresh one every 5-10 minutes and even that is pacing myself.


Got woken up by a garbage truck early so obviously that means I get a drink (tequila and tap water)


Ugh. That's me over the weekend with the stupid blower men.


I cannot even begin to express my deep and philosophical hatred for leaf blowers.


Lol those guys come over here and do their thing at my apartment complex every Tuesday morning, I already know to close my windows and turn up the music, I'm not trying to hear that shit.


I will work on drafting my anti leaf blower soliloquy (need more tequila). I think it really speaks to the futility of human effort.,. Like Sisyphus and the boulder


Interesting. What kind of tequila do you drink with that combo?


Cheap! lol. Let’s see- this is Sauza Hacienda. It’s gold and comes in a charming plastic bottle with a rooster on it


Can't shatter a plastic bottle. Smart move.


My ex-boyfriend dropped an uncapped plastic bottle of a Mickey's 40 and half of it just exploded in carbonation into a big spill. Can't have that issue with liquor though.


Sauza isn't the worst. I worked at a liquor store for years and the local Mexican restaurant make their house margaritas with this crap called Montezuma. It's like $9 a 1/5th. They pour it like water lol


LOL! I was going to mention montezuma. Back during the pandemic I got a bottle delivered cuz I was like whoa what a deal. I won’t even drink that swill. No idea what they do but that is NOT tequila


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Stuff is terrible.


Fucked up and drank too much at the ex’s, crashed on his couch. Waited for him to leave for work this morning before getting my beers before work, woke up so fkn sick. Really don’t wanna go in but tomorrows my day off. Can’t find my wallet and I’m hoping it’s at home because in all my years I’ve never been that careless. If it’s gone im fucked. Don’t have my charger and my phones gonna die. Happy Monday indeed >_<


I hate that feeling when you don't know where your wallet is. It makes you feel so vulnerable. Hope it's back at your house.






Shot wide awake in a panic about what I did/said last night. Fortunately you can unsend messages if they are unread on some platforms. They were unread. Disaster averted. 😵 Also spent about $400 in blackouts at various points over the last week, but at least it's mostly stuff I actually wanted. I must have thrown the extra vacuum filters in for good measure. 🤪


Those blackout shopping sprees always do me in. My worst fuckup with that was a few months ago when I impulsively ordered a $2000+ gaming PC off of Amazon while browned out, wound up coming to some hours later with no recollection and ordered the SAME exact gaming PC on another card. They wasted literally no time to ship it so I had to wait until the second one arrived to send it back and get the money credited back to that card. The unhinged/crazy texts to people I have no business talking to get to me as well. I usually delete them out of embarrassment when I'm sober or do myself a solid and take care of that when I'm still blacked out to erase the evidence, I won't remember anyways. Worst is when I get on dating apps and make a complete ass of myself, I'm certain most women who interact with blacked out TBC suspect I'm on drugs, mentally ill, schizophrenic, or all of the above and don't think its booze.


Yeah it was absolutely someone I had no business talking to, I have known them since they were a child, from the neighborhood, and she almost ran my husband off the road yesterday by passing on a double yellow into oncoming traffic, so I apparently decided to send a message about how they won't think they are so cool when they wreck that car. It was actually worded in an acceptable manner (tho that was indeed the gist of it), but I really regretted sending it when I panicked awake and unsent it, I don't need confrontation/drama, I'm crazy enough not even knowing anyone.. plus they are obviously crazy, too. No need to instigate. 😬 The pc thing is wild!!! Fortunately I don't have a credit card and I learned long ago not to keep money in my bank account, but I'd just gotten a refund and payments from some ebay sales and hadn't taken it out yet, so naturally blackout me bought a bunch of perfume, nail polish (I cannot paint nails, either. Hello, I'm a drunk lol, wtf did I buy nail.stuff for?) and.. vacuum filters. 🤪 The worst drunk double purchase I did was two $200 pairs of the exact same boots, I can't even imagine 2x $2000. 😶🫣😵‍💫


I tend to get very grandiose ideas when drunk/blacked out and then proceed to bother anyone and everyone with said ideas who will respond. Most people who know me realize I'm drunk and nothing comes of it, but if someone doesn't know me well it can come off pretty nutty and tends to end things rather quickly. I also have a habit of getting angry about little shit that doesn't matter and telling people at odd hours how I really feel. The big thing last year was for me to get blackout drunk and order a bunch of aquarium kits/supplies with no intent of actually setting them up. I have at least 5-6 unopened aquarium kits stacked in one of my spare rooms, I still have no idea what to do with them. I also bought a fancy $3k desk chair that I've never sat in(its at my kitchen table, I sit on the couch and my PC is hooked up to my TV). Maybe I should do what you do and start selling some of this shit I'll never use on eBay. I don't wanna throw it away/give it to people for free, I'd like to make at least a little money on all this junk.


Hello and happy miserable Monday y’all. I broke my only good pair of glasses by sleeping on them. Getting a new pair is an exercise in scammery lately and I am sure I will not come out of it for less then $500 as I need an exam on top of new frames and lenses. There’s a rule about that. In the mean time, I live in an impressionist painting. My Walmart is a super center so they have a vision place. We’ll see what they can do.


If you have your old prescription numbers, just log it into Zenni and it's way cheaper. My glasses are usually $300+ for the lenses alone b/c I'm nearly blind, but I recently got a pair off of Zenni for $80. This is the true drunk life hack for glass wearers.


It really is the most amazing hack. You just plug in your prescription info…I got a pair for the same price or less The eye doctor stuff really is kind of a money grab. I get they need to check here and there and eye health is important, but I’ve been surviving with my cheap internet-ordered glasses for a while now, and I seem to be okay




Yep, it went well. I showed up looking nice, did as good of a job as a could. I’m just falling apart now. At least I’m safe and at home, I’m just spinning in circles in my mind with it. Thanks for asking!!


Thank you so much. I will look into this. I’ll see if my old place in another state will tell me my prescription over the phone.


Yeah, they usually have cheap frames on sale for $100 but it always seems to run $500 by the end. It is a scam. I remember being in a market in South America where they were selling used prescription glasses for something like $5. You just tried them on until you found one that helped you see better. On a side note, I was also warned that they steal glasses like crazy.


Thanks and good day *faps. I wish we had markets like that here!


There’s gotta be a black market route for lenses. I know there is for contact lenses. The whole eye exam before you can get new lenses is hogwash.


I certainly hope so. I am sick of everything related to the medical field being one huge financial rape.


I’m working remotely from a bar. Which is to say: 1) I have a job 2) I’m working 3) I’m drinking 4) Can I make it to 5:30?


1. Cool. 2. Not so cool. 3. Yes. 4. Yes!!


My 80 year old dad called me drunk at 1pm because my POS excuse of a mother is an abusive pill addict. She says the most horrible things to him. He was crying about how he is worried no one will take care of his dogs when he offs himself. Jesus I was really slapped in the face with the root of my disfunction today. He sounded as bad as me off my last bender. I need to get him some edibles so he can lay flat. He tries too hard at life for his age. As for me Im on day 4 without the sauce. My withdrawals are becoming unbearable so Im trying really hard. I feel good but extremely manic when I quit. I need to make sure I don’t make some random rash decision or purchase. Already opened 2 businesses and a YouTube channel in my mind and mapped out my cross country move because Florida is collapsing into a heat fueled inferno.


Man, I feel bad for your dad. Makes me glad I never got married. Congrats on four days. There's a world outside of Florida just waiting for someone with an imagination and purpose like you!


Sorry to hear about your dad and his whole situation. Congrats on the 4 days dry. I'm in the same boat with the WDs being completely unbearable, even after 1-3 days of drinking regardless of consumption level. Even a 'light' weekend of 12-15 4.2% ABV beers per day will have me shaking like a leaf, sweating profusely, and looking like a paranoid lunatic come Monday morning. I probably had 15-16 Friday night, 20+ Saturday, and maybe 14-18 yesterday and felt like fucking death today. Went to bed so fucking drunk that I forgot to set my alarms. Shockingly woke up on time and dragged my ass to work regardless, wouldn't be a good look calling in on a Monday at the start of my second week at a new job, plus my boss is the president of the company with one of those high-energy type-A boomer personalities so it doesn't take a genius to figure out that he's got a low tolerance for bullshit.


Yeah it’s pretty much sucked the oblivion type joy out of drinking. I don’t even get that warm buzz or anything anymore, straight to crying or anxiety town after nodding off a few hours. Can’t even drink myself a night sleep.


First night of drinking is the only time its enjoyable for me, and I use that term very loosely. The following day is gonna be a complete write-off and my level of self-control is in the negatives so the probability of AM drinking/a trip to the store at 8AM is definitive. Its all misery from then on out, by day 3-4 I can barely keep booze down, can't outdrink the withdrawals, and realize I haven't eaten or drank water within the same timeframe.


I’m being pretty careful actually, had 3 beers in bed this morning because rain. Went out and got food and a haircut followed by more rain so sitting in shelter in an empty pub and have beers. I’m away on holiday and can’t figure out what to do so we’ll see. Pretty boring but bars are always there 👍 A friend got into a daytime buzz last week and decided to drive his kids to McDonald’s partly blacked out and the car broke down after which his father in law found him on the side of the road shitfaced with the kids in the car, not drinking anymore because the wife will leave him if he does. He is now sober and sad. This fucker has it worse than me after all 🤣


Note to self: Ignore kids when day drinking especially because I don't have any and they'd be figment of my imagination. Enjoy your holiday!!


Also, congrats on not having kids. I don’t either and I thank the universe every day for not having them. I have myself and that in itself is a handful, I could never handle 2-3 more dumb fucks…


Thanks fucker! I’m finally getting a small buzz going, might go to some environmental workshop thing because why not? With a buzz you can enjoy anything. 🤣


Woke up with the sweats after about 10 hours without anything had a few sips of wine. Ready to start my day when the family gets up lol.


Wine, the breakfast of champions!!!


Ugh the breakfast of CAs. 😂 I'll get something better here in a few. Liquor store is closed on Sundays here 😂


I just got out of the hospital for pancreatitis


Ouch! Glad you're out!


Guess what I’m doing..


Solving world hunger????


Lmao probably close


If the world is okay with eating yellow puke!


Damn man feel like the cranky panky is hitting so many folks lately. First time? What were symptoms?


Non stop puking and severe pain for three days. Finally went in on day 4. They kept me for two days. Valium and lots of other random drugs/vitamins.


Painful. Hope you’re feeling better.




Message me


Made it 416 days without drinking then 3 day bender in April for my birthday. Went another 45 and said fuckit yesterday and slammed two bottles of wine lol. Feel like absolute ass today so got 4 modelo tall boys to hold me over and I'm hoping I don't feel like absolute ass tomorrow and can hop off before I get going. Wish me luck fellas.


Made an idiot-proof template on how to make a dashboard and the new hire somehow fucked it up. Having my intern walk her through all of her mistakes, but I'm annoyed. How did she not align the background image with the background itself? It's not fucking rocket science. What crappy TV are you watching?


It seems whenever someone tries to make an idiot-proof anything, there comes along an idiot to prove them wrong. Yesterday I watched the Top 100 countdown of Paranormal Activities caught on tape.


I lost the last 4 days on a vacation. Tapered since yesterday, not on purpose, simply because I was too ill to do anything besides drink water and vomit said water back up. I just blasted $1k to lay in bed and maintain a safe level of booze.


Vacations are overrated anyway. At least you were in a different bed than usual!!


A bigger bed too! Also my second bed of the trip as I vomited straight up onto my face and pillow, thankfully I was into the “only vodka and water” phase, so cleanup was simply switching beds and let it dry, you’d never know, kinda surprised.


Been sober for four days, been extremely depressed. Impossible insomnia, even WITH Xanax (which admittedly helped with the initial taper from the end of the most recent bender), but man, for the past 4 days I have gotten a total of 6 hours of sleep and I swear, I wake up feeling just as hungover and shitty as I would if I'd been drinking. Only difference is if I were drinking? I'd laugh at some youtube videos and actually GET SOME FUCKING REST. Anyway, my birthday's on the 19th and I have work off starting tomorrow until then, I am getting some vodka when I get off work today and am going to GET SOME FUCKING REST. Chairs. Love ya'll.


Another miserable Monday for the books for sure. Withdrawal and anxiety was fierce this morning, met my mom for lunch on my break and she gave me half a Xanax to calm my ass down for the rest of the afternoon. I could barely eat so now I have leftovers for later, gonna have to get my buzz on to be able to eat first. Finally got home from work not too long ago and working on the leftover beers from the weekend to chill out. Sucks that Friday-Sunday drinking fucking ruins me these days(thanks kindling).


Kindling can be a bitch. Nice that you got to have lunch with your Mom.


I am once again here, hello everyone! Chairs from Europe (not sure if going through psychosis or not hehe) And eat lovely fuckers!


Welcome back! Stools from American! Eating is good!!


Mixtos is what their called. If its doesn't say 💯 agave it has some agave and grain alcohol.


Hey Faps! Sorry it's so dang hot where you are. Damn. I'm sitting here with a painful bladder - thinking it's a UTI. I did a screening online through my clinic. The doc reviewed my case and asked me to come in for a urine test. The earliest opening is 1:15 tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully it is what I think it is and I'll get antibiotics ASAP, because I want to feel well enough to work on Wednesday. In retrospect, I should have gone to urgent care to get this sorted out more quickly but the last time I did this online the provider just sent in a prescription to the pharmacy without the urine test. Ugh. Ouch. Chairs. <3


I keep drafting OTJ but I’ve been on a losing streak either flooding out or playing against decks with multiple bombs or ridiculous starts. Why the fuck do I keep playing … the tilt is so real. And started off the losing streak by throwing a game I had locked up. And it was like a LONG drawn out game where I played well and played to my outs. Then clicked the wrong thing and attacked without thinking. Fucked it all up. SIGHHHH


At last someone with REAL problems!!!


Accidentally passed out early last night and when I came to it was too late to get one last 6 pack. That said I'm coming up on 24 hours without a beer. I took one gabapentin in the morning and then half a Klonopin around 11:00 and so far I'm not feeling any withdrawal symptoms *knock on wood* Now if I could just find an an employer dumb enough to hire me things would really be looking up. I HATE the STAR interview method. I suck at those questions.


Switch the crappy TV to good TV and you’ll be good to go!


I always get the best advice here!!


Good morning Fap! I arrived at work 1/2 hour early & it's off to the races. Co-worker is already pissing me off. It must be nice to just sign commission checks based on MassMacro's knowledge and efforts, and only involve yourself (and the C-suite) when it's time to throw him under the bus. Yup, just sign those checks - in fact, don't even look at the quotes/orders, just assume everything is fine and when something goes wrong, kill the dude. Oh well. Recent raise puts a few extra hundred a month in my pocket so I guess it could be worse.


I'm drunk and high af, it's time for bed now. But the good thing is, no miserable monday for me. Like i said, need a new home and i already saw my new home that i can move to, probably in August. The new home is far away from the city, but well, that's how it is. My dog will love it, with all the nature, the forests and the river. And as i am still in the city perimeter, i can go on with substution, getting my drugs for free. Except the booze, it's ironical that i still have to pay for that. But man, when i move, i'll make a new bar there and i'll stock it up with some serious amounts of beer and liquor. Right now, it's almost 4pm and instead of getting some sleep, i play Hitler in Hearts of Iron IV, let's say if i can get the filthy pigs from Poland down or not, haha.


That sounds like a nice place, still near the city but out in the country.


Yeah, i'll just have to get used to the no 24/7 stores anymore. So i'll need to stock up with my stuff when everything is closed on sundays etc.


How far from the city


Depends on how you get through, maybe around an hour i guess.