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I sold my car because I knew a 2nd DUI (or worse) was on the horizon. One of the best decisions I’ve made


How're you getting around these days? I've been bike for over ten years. Got an ebike beginning of this year. Though I have been thoroughly pulled over riding my bike.


I walked, bicycled and Ubered mostly. Did it for a couple years before drying out. Still dry three years later


Fo you get a dui on an e-bike or just drink in public?


It’s happened twice, but they let me walk home once, and let me call my parents once. The first one was hilarious because I was also irrationally high on weed, and you technically can’t ride without lights, and I didn’t have any.. The same cops stopped me at least four times and told me I had to walk my bike home, I’d start walking, think they were gone and hop back on. The last time the simply spotlighted me and drove behind as I walked the final 1/4 mile home. When they let me call my dad it was sad and not a good time was had by anyone. But yeah, the alternative is a full DUI.


Oh yeah, screw that. I always have refused to drive if I’ve had more than 1 drink when I’m drinking in public. When I’m home, I make sure I have more than enough alcohol so I don’t ever have to leave. I have a friend who does not think with his brain and has had 5 DUIs in 3 years. His 4th he spent 30 days in jail, the 5th was 3 months. I’m not sure what his legal fees are, but I know he’ll be still paying for many years.


Wanna give you some props for being able to make that decision.


i sold my car in 2005 because 1. parking downtown was sky high and it's twice as bad now; 2. never got a DUI and didn't want to push my luck; 3. insurance was about double because of living downtown as it was, and i had had one speeding ticket and never had a wreck where i was driving my entire life. i use a russian car service. (not uber--i have a friend who owns one. i don't take limos everywhere either lol) everything was downtown, but since the pandemic, lost of places have closed or moved, it's filthy, and the 16th street mall has been excavated down to the sewers for the last three years. i wish they'd hurry and finish. cars are actually a headache unless you don't live in a city and have to drive 40 miles to a grocery store. or if you live in LA. but these days i guess people like having one because if push comes to shove, they can sleep in it.


Wow you saved money?


Saved money?


You haven't? It's all I do besides work. A fifth costs $8 here, divided by maybe two days and it's all I do in this wasted life.


Wow lucky bastard. Fifth will run me 31$ for the cheapest option here.


What kind of booze it that? Thr cheap gutter $31 bottle where you're from.


Polar ice or Smirnoff


Hell yeah. I used to get iceberg vodka a lot. It was liters for around $13-14. That was in Sarnia and Windsor close to 10 years ago, though.


Motherfuntimes, Canada?


lol unfortunately


Jesus, a handle barely lasts me that long.


I dropped back, trying to get clean. Thought New Orleans would be a good spot. THOUGHT.


Why on earth would you think that? For real…that’s like saying I’m going to Las Vegas to stop gambling….


What kind of booze? I've been liking ten high lately. I can get a bean burrito, a crunchy taco, a cup of water, and 750ml of ten high bourbon for a ten dollar bill. Not bad.


I can cop a handle for $12,, handles are hard to hide though. Edit, vodka


I've tried doing vodka a few times in the past, as some of it so damn affordable. I just can't get over the sanitizer flavor. I suppose I like my swill tainted with cheap back 40 oak.


I have a car but drive very rarely. I have to like plan to be sober which doesn't happen often. Luckily I work from home so I don't have to leave often.


1. Can't afford one 2. Suspended many years ago for five years because I was young and insane without a license or insurance 3. I have epilepsy 4. I like trains Read that whatever way you want ... chairs


Train rides are awesome. You ever do the sleeper cars?


I'm from a small country so we don't have sleeper train rides but fuck yeah I wish we did. Public transport is free here if a person has a disability, and epilepsy counts as one, so myself and my partner can go see the country free by train or bus anytime we like


You lucky fucks


I need a vehicle for my work commute amongst other things because I live in a rural area so walking around to convenient spots isn't really an option. I just make it a point to buy enough booze to last me the weekend or will sober up enough to go to the store first thing in the morning if I plan on day drinking. I can totally see why people choose not to have a car living this lifestyle. Too easy to justify driving to the store for more booze after you're half in the bag, getting fucked up at a cookout or bar and thinking you're good to drive home, or fighting with those late night thoughts of wanting 6-12 more to keep the party going even though the closest store that's still open is a 10 minute drive across town.


Who's more in control? That's the sad battle we have.


I had three cars at one time, and three motorbikes. now I barely drive this one, last time it was over a year before it needed an oil change. 


I have a car and it’s sad. I can’t drive it. I refuse to drink if I’m driving period and for some reason whenever I am sober in the last year I experience wild panic attacks if I’m behind the wheel. So I’m basically sinking money into an object I’ll drive only on my absolutely good days where I don’t feel anxious or have been drinking.


Tell them you're a homosexual alcoholic. Maybe one will negate the other.


Being in the South it'd be a funny argument. "You calling me queer, gay or drunk, cause I'll suck one of those down right here?"


That's hilarious.


.08 is BS, if you're on the road under that as a truly CA then you're more of a danger on the road than being over the limit.


This is very true. But if you're a true CA the line is no where. I shouldn't be anywhere near a steering wheel in regards to others safety.


True. I've have to drive for work and on more than one occasion needed to drink so I could stop shaking enough to safely operate a vehicle.




I honestly hate driving, but I live in bumfuck NJ and there isn’t really anyway to get anywhere. Almost no sidewalks and horrible drivers so biking is out. And absolutely nothing is within walking distance around me. Also I’m broke, so Uber and Lyft can suck it.


my license got revoked after a seizure and then yeah never really wanted to jump through the hoops and maybee throw ~$1-2k away when the drinking is a bit on and off and you got to test clean for a good while and so on. luckily live within walking distance for most things and the public transportation is pretty good. still want a car though and like driving so maybee since booze isnt working that good anymore with a very small window of pleasure.


Last time i drove a car, i crashed and ran. never again


Never had a DUI, but since I moved to a walkable city I just fucking hate driving now when I have to. And I used to be a car guy. A traffic jam reveals the very worst of humanity. Fuck off I5, just fuck right off.


I’m 23 and have only driven once as practice with my dad. Never again. And I don’t want to


When I drinks it’s always in my apartment. I never have any reason to drive I do public transit the days I have to be in office The only time I use my car is for hauling stuff like groceries or furniture. In that case I just drink afterwards


I need my car…for now


Well, decided to move to a place where I don’t need one. I mean that’s not the reason I moved here, but it’s awesome not needing one. No gas, insurance, parking tickets or passes, no repairs, etc… Haven’t had a car in 25 years. SF, CA.


Haven't drove drunk since 2016. Had my daughter in the car with me. Bought her a bike and a teddy bear but stopped at the liqour store and was taking swigs of black velvet. I don't remember driving home. Probably because i didn't. Stopped at my drug dealers house passed out on their couch and my dad picked up my daughter. I could've honestly cared less if I would've died but putting my daughter and everyone else in harms way was uncalled for.


It’s couldn’t have cared less. Could’ve cared less implies there’s a limitless amount of care left. But in this situation I’m guessing you were at the couldn’t care less level. Grammar issues aside, thank you for not driving drunk. It thrills and terrifies, the idea of me getting a car again.


Buy the car and just walk or get booze delivered if you run out. Or voluntarily get a breathalyzer installed in the car for compliance. Man I couldn't imagine not driving or having my truck. It's freedom.


I live in London, UK in a flat with no parking permit/space so even if I could drive, I'd not be able to get a car without moving. I did learn how to drive but failed my test twice then COVID happened and I didn't try again. To be fair, where I currently live is close enough to the tube and to about 6 or 7 different bus routes that I don't need to drive. It would actually be more expensive and possibly take longer for me to get to work by driving due to the insane parking costs in Canary Wharf and the traffic at rush hour. It has definitely crossed my mind that I'm safe from DUIs not being able to drive. I've already crossed some lines of things I thought I'd never do like get black out drunk at work in the office (which has happened twice, and more without the blackouts).




Maybe to prevent a possible DUI?


To prevent a DUI


You tried jail? It's not recommendable.