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It's heavily edited and sounds more like an audiodrama than an Actual Play so people that aren't used to those be wary. Personally I enjoy them and this seems interesting so I'll be listening for a while


It's also set after the Mighty Nein but before the Bells Hells. And maybe I'm just really bad at navigating the site, but...all the other stuff they posted on Beacon lets you control the playback speed of what you're listening to BUT the Re-Slayer's Take does not. That's weird right?


Maybe it's because it is a podcast? Maybe when putting the website together they focused on the videos and forgot to give similar functionality to audio only


If nothing else, if you hit "Subscribe to this podcast" on the episode's page, you can grab the RSS feed URL of the podcasts and play the audio off-site in whatever player you want.


As someone who hasn't listened yet, I think I'm only hesitant because it's "For all ages"


Based on the first three episodes it feels more tone wise something like Last Airbender not Bluey.


just means less orgies


Honestly every D&D product is the same thing, it's nice to hear them try something different for a change. It won't be for everyone but I actually enjoyed how cinematic it was.


Oh definitely! But I think it's pretty different to what most of us were expecting and many people will find it jarring so better to warn against the expectations


I'm gonna give it another go later because I wanna say I went in expecting something else so I immediately was put off and decided to stop after about 15 mins. At the moment I'm just not sure if I'm a fan with how (for lack of a better word) formal it feels. You immediately get the impression that NPCs are re-voiced after the fact, which is cool, but there was something even about the PC's that felt like it was rehearsed (which i'm not saying it was) it just FELT like it. It just hit me with how much the above the table atmosphere brings as well as the feeling of uncertainty it brings being a major draw for me in DnD live play. Hearing someone immediately read off what they do, say their lines without hesitation and then read off "I got a nat 1" so matter of fact, just felt... immediately off. That said, I'm probably gonna try again because I don't want my knee jerk reaction to the first 15 minutes potentially make me miss out on a great series. But that was just my honest reaction to when I first sat down to listen.


I think it's probably tailored to the audience. They want this to be accessible for kids and listening to folks speak naturally the way we're used to it's probably not engaging enough for a younger audience. The sound effects, the players speaking in third person and changing their voices for when they are in and out of character and the general clean audio feels designed for an audience that's not used to APs. It took me 3-4 episodes to get used to Midst and now I love it. So I'm going to give this a try for sure.


I get that, and hearing the Midst comparison makes me think even more so it's just not for me. At the same time, I LOVE DnD and Exandria is one of my favorite Fantasy worlds, so I wanna give it another shot. I just can't help but feel, based on other comments and my own read, that there's a happier medium that keeps a bit of the charm of live play without any risk to accessibility.


Just for the record, it's different than Midst. Midst breaks the 4th wall constantly. This is completely in character storytelling. The characters are super fun so far. I'm on episode 2.


I listened to the whole episode and felt the same way about the scripted part. Too much of it was just a little too perfect for my liking. It seems more like an audio drama than a actual play. I'm willing to give it a few more episodes but I don't think this podcast is for me.


I get the same feeling which is a big bummer because im a huge fan of Jasmine Bhullar and more recently Jasper William Cartwright since I saw him on Dimension 20


I wonder if they could release some less edit heavy versions with things left a little more loose as a trial run. I love the IDEA of amplifying the session with sounds, trimming and even dubbing over NPCs (in some instances). But It sounds like maybe theres a better balance to be found. Perhaps closer to D20s formula with SOME voices added. As much as I love the idea of adding voices , I think its a choice that needs to be used at the right time. Much like in editing film, splicing in a “better”performance will sometimes cost you the rhythm / chemistry of two performers which is often far more important. In live play, its kind if hard to NOT have that chemistry be affected in most interactions because its unscripted and chemistry is kind of the key ingredient to what makes it so engaging.


Question is there a transcript option or plans for transcripts? I am currently listening but there's something about the audio editing that gives me trouble at certain points and i miss words which weirdly doesn't happen with most of the other podcasts I listen to but idk.


Apple podcast has transcripts available.


Slay ok thank you!


Just checked, the transcript is there for the "free" version. Beacon Early Access version does not have the transcript. I already reported it to [https://bits.beacon.tv/](https://bits.beacon.tv/)


We love the speed and efficiency in the name of accessibility!!


Pretty sure this is a bug. Same happens with CC on Beacon.


Ive listened to the first 3 episodes and like the story. This might be an unpopular opinion but if they’re going to stick with the heavily edited, narrative focus, they should edit out the rolls too. If I didn’t know how D&D worked I would have no context for them.


It seems like they are using the same editing style/methods as Worlds Beyond Number, which is edited for a very narrative effect but they still do mention the rolls.


I mostly enjoyed it--the characters were fun, the story was fairly engaging, and Exandria is great as always. Also, Jasper's spell descriptions are amazing. I'm not a massive fan of how tightly-edited it is, and I really miss the table chatter, but I recognize that's a deliberate choice for the all-ages target. I'll definitely keep listening for a light, fun hour when I have time.


I listened and enjoyed it. I think I like a bit more out of character/above table discussion. There was actually very little discussion out of character. Maybe that'd be confusing to kids if the goal is to make a show accessible to all ages? It's easier to tell when someone is in and out of character on the live stream than it is just listening to them.


I've only heard the first episode so far but honestly this style of live play is completely different from Main Campaign and ExU that I'm totally for it. The editing makes things feel immersive and I'm liking the characters and how streamlined everything feels.


I haven't listened (slash subscribed) yet, so pardon me while I ask a stupid question: what's the deal with the title? I keep thinking it's supposed to be some sort of pun but I don't know what for. What the hell is a re-slayer? Show, you're making me feel dumb.


If I understood the pitch correctly: They’re slaying mostly undead. Re-slaying them, as it were.


The Slayer's Take is a guild of hunters that featured on Vox Machina adventures. This group gets rejected from joining so they form their own troupe. On top of that it seems that, as another person answered, the plot would be about "re-slaying" some creatures that were already killed some time ago (and for some reason are reappering...)


I tried to find it on Apple podcast and the Overcast app, but it’s not on the critical role podcast section, what am I missing?


I see it on Apple podcasts https://imgur.com/a/WWJ5Ksj


Ugh, I didn’t put the apostrophe in slayers, I’m a dumbass


Me neither!


It was kinda slow getting into it but this last episode (ep4) was gold, the cast is hilarious


I just listened to it on Spotify and enjoyed it, but understand that people who are coming from Critical Role might not. But I have watched/listened to a lot of edited liveplay podcasts and this is more in that format. Worlds Beyond Number, Fun City, Dark Dice, Crit Squad, etc. These are all shorter episodes that add effects, some will re-record some audio bits over to capture the play format. Personally, I love them for audio-only podcasts especially. I can't just listen to Critical Role, or even Dimension 20(which is also heavily edited). I have to be able to watch those shows, so I can see the player faces and above table interactions along with the battle maps. So, I love these audio only podcasts that add more atmospheric audio and sound design. I listen to them while driving, working out, working in the yard, etc. Or sometimes to fall asleep to. I am not subscribed to Beacon, so I have only heard the first ep which just released on Spotify, but I enjoyed it and will continue listening. I was already familiar with Jasmine Bhullar and Jasper William Cartwright, but have never heard of the GMs / Other players. I really enjoyed Frog and, looking over the Wiki, I think they have a pretty cool party. >!Elf-orc: Wizard (Chronurgy Magic)!< >!Half-elf: Blood hunter (Ghostslayer)!< >!Tiefling: Rogue (Inquisitive)!< >!Aeormaton: Monk (Way of the Cobalt Soul)!<


wait so I am confused, is it free or is it Beacon only? cause it is locked for me on Spotify


It's free, but Beacon gives you early access so you're 2 episodes ahead if you have a subcription. So today they released Episode 1 for free, but they dropped the first 3 episodes for Beacon members. The way to access them is that you can subscribe to a specific podcast from the Beacon website to any podcast app with a specific RSS feed.


yes, but what I am saying is that Ep 1 is locked for me just like the others (which I assumed it should not have been?).


If it has the "Early Access" label on the art, then you need a sub.